Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, March 18, 1916, Page 7, Image 21

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through TtlTXtnre t\l°macMnr b ilow
"Barrett Specifications"
Roofing Material Used
on New Baking Plant
If it came to a showdown as to who
played the most important part in
the construction of the new Standard
Baking Company's plant, chances
are the Worden Paint and Roofing
Company would come in for a bis
Fidelity and Deposit Co.
Of Maryland
Resources, $12,282,427.16
Guaranteed the Standard Baking Company i
management against loss through accidents to
workmen and the public. j
Surety on all classes of Fidelity, Judicial, Contract, OfTi- i
cial, Government and Miscellaneous Bonds. «
Representatives in all parts of the world.
Undertakings promptly executed and fully completed at
this office. . !
G. L. CULMERRY, General Agent
Commonwealth Trust Bldg.
I Ji
The Boiler That Heats
the Big Bakery
i n
The Bernhard
Water Tube Boilers
Burns cheapest grades of coal and less of it than any
other boiler made.
Made in 500 different sizes.
All buildings of the better class are heated with Bern
hard boilers.
The peculiar construction of the boiler takes all the heat
out of the smoke, which means that every heat unit in the
coal is absorbed by the water.
The fact that these boilers stand very low adds another
distinct feature of convenience.
L. H. Thomas Bell Phone 3889 Harrisburg, Pa.
share of the honors. They are re-1
sponsible for the "Barrett Specifica-1
tions" Felt, Pitch, and Slag Roofing,
laid over a concrete base, as called
for in the architect's specifications.
The process used in the construc
tion of this roofing material has been
known for upwards to sixty years,
having been discovered shortly before !
the outbreak of the groat Civil War.
From time to time, of course, this
formula has been improved upon but
is fundamentally the same as when j
first put into practical commercial
Dauphin Electrical Supplies |
Company Which Did It Has I
Many Big Contracts
In the completion of the massive
home of the Standard Baking Com
pany, no contractor played a more
prominent part in finishing the build
ing than did the Dauphin Electrical
Supplies Company, of which John S. |
Musser is president. The company |
did all of the wiring in the building
and installed the motors and various \
other necessary electrical equipment, j
The Dauphin Electrical Supplies
Company, located at 434 Market I
street, is one of the largest concerns j
of its kind in the East and not only j
caters to trade in Harrieburg, but also j
does business all over Pennsylvania. |
in selecting a contractor to do the
electrical work in the new bakery, it j
was necessary that those familiar with !
electrical construction in big build-!
ings be considered and from this
group Mr. Musser's company was se
lected. The Dauphin concern also
did the work in the Emerson-Brant
ingham building, the Colonial Theater,
the Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart store,
I lie Y. W. C. A. building, the Harris- i
burg Storage Company, Schmidt's I
bakery, the Boyd Memorial building,
the Harris burg Academy, Bowman &
<"o.'s store and in practically all of
the big buildings In the city. The
company also caters to the lesser trade
II nd the thirty skilled electricians em
ployed are kept busy wiring the big
buildings and residences.
The company's store is one of the
best stocked in the? eastern part of
the United States and any kind of
fixtures, appliances or supplies are to
be found there. In the store a dozen j
clerks are employed. During the past l
few years the electrical business has I
| made rapid strides and the Dauphin
company has been going the pace, too. !
In 1898 the Arrowsmith Electrical;
Company opened a store in Market]
Square and in 1901 Mr. Musser became I
; its manager. In 1901 the business was
: moved to -134 Market street and three
| years later the company was reor
ganized as the Dauphin Electrical Suo
j lilies Company. Mr. Musser was made
j its president. The business at that
time was comparatively small but it
s grew steadily until it compares fa-
I vorably with any concern of its kind
in the country.
No Accidents During
Process of Building
Standard's New Plant
The Fidelity and Deposit Com- I
pany's more than twelve million dol
lars of assets and an underwriting ex- I
, perience of 2(» years were back I
of the public and employer's liability!
i policies held by the Standard Baking j
Company during its building opera-'
tions and speaks well for the man- 1
i'.gement of the latter that not a single 1
i accident occurred.
The Fidelity Company, represented
in Harrisburg and throughout a large
Pennsylvania territory by G. h. Cull-1
merry, as general agent, has likewise
grown to be a landmark and one of
the leading institutions not only of
its home city—Baltimore—but of the
whole country, with agencies in every
Stale, in every important city and
town, in Canada, Great Britain,
France, Germany, Austria and Rus
: sia.
The company writes, as surety, every
class of fidelity, judicial, contract, of
ficial, government and miscellaneous
bonds; and also accident, health, au
tomobile, burglary, plate glass, liabil
ity and workmen's compensation in
It is frequently spoken of as the
largest and strongest surety and cas
ualty company in the world.
Mr. Cullmerry has represented the
concern in Harrisburg for upwards to i
ten years.
Bogar Lumber Co. Plays
a Part in Standard Baking
Company's New Plant
Into the construction of the Stand
ard Baking Company's new building
has been incorporated a vast amount
of rough lumber and mill work, a great
portion of which was supplied by the
Bogar Lumber Company, of this city.
The Bogar Lumber Company, one
of the largest lumber concerns in Cen
tral Pennsylvania, was organized about
seven years ago and from its early
stages of inconsequental size it has
been developed to Its present huge
proportions, through the persistent ef
forts of its founder and present man
ager, Thomas H. Bogar.
A great number of Harrisburg's
most prominent business buildings and
private dwellings have had all of the
lumber in their construction supplied
by this concern, among (hem being the
immense Harrisburg Storage Ware
houses, the Vernon street school build
ing, Highspire school building, and the
handsome Slavonic Home at Jednota.
Equipment Includes Modern
Ovens of 40,000 Loaves
Daily Capacity
Undoubtedly one of the most im- | 5
portant factors of the modern bakery g
such as the Standard Bakery, is the 5
ovens in which the bread is baked. 5
The equipment of the Standard Baking ' o
Company's new plant includes seven 2
monster ovens, furnished by the 5
Standard Oven Company, of Pitts- 5
burgh, Pa., one of the largest con- 5
cerns of its kind in the country. These i {■
ovens are finished on the extenlor in 2
a highly glazed Ule and presents an I v
altogether handsome appearance. | 5
These ovens have a capacity for bak- | 5
lng 40,000 loaves daily. ?
A. F. Ilartzell, genoral manager of i c
the Standard Oven Company, while in j £
Harrisburg the other day to personal- I S
ly inspect the new ovens. In discussing ] 5
the product of his concern, said to a ?
Telegraph representative: "Aside j £
from those used by the Standard Bak- ?
lng Company, upward to a thousand I J
of our ovens are in use in the East- | 5
ern section of the country alone. These [ ?
were not selected because of their! i
moderate price, but rather, because \ <
of their daily performances for some i J
of the larger bakeries. Standard ovens £
are of the arch-top (continuous) type,!?
of massive construction, the very best c
grade of special tirebrlck being used <H
Standard Baking Company's New Building
was installed by the
Dauphin - Electrical - Supplies - Co.
JOHN S. MUSSER, President
-434 Market St., Harrisburg, Penna.
Electrical Lighting Fixtures and Supplies
.. C A A ' Huil < lin »' Harrisburg, Pa. Prof. Dennis, residence. Camp Hill, Pa.
Harrisburg Storage Company, Harrisburg, Pa. The (i ~ , . . .. .. _
Kiiicrsoii-Brantingham Building, Harrisburg, Pa. The Ave Bretz residences, Camp Hill, Pa.
Colonial Theater, Harrisburg, Pa. Mrs. Hale's residence. Camp Hill, Pa.
Victoria Theater, Harrisburg, Pa. James McCullougb, residence, Harrisburg, Pa.
Regent Theater, Harrisburg, Pa. Fred Tritle, residence Harrisburir Pa
I*< o>d Memorial Building, Harrisburg, Pa. Majestic Theater Harrishuri? PA
New Dormitory, Harrisburg Academy, Ilurrlsburg, Pa. - Bowman & Co., Harrisiwirgf'Pa '
„ _ Daman Cottage, Klizabetlitown, Pa. JYY Theater Steeiton p«
I. B-R. Passenger Station, Elizabcthtown, Pa. Odd Fellows Hail Harrisburc-' Pa
Manhelm High School, Manhelm, I'a. Zion Ch«"h hS£rHarrisbSrc Pa.
Mount Carinel High School, Mt. Carmel, T'a. U, 1$ church Mt .Tov i»»
Towanda m£h s C !!°°!' *!' a,n °V n ' £»• Krcsge Five an.l Ten, Harrtabuw, Pa.
towanda High School, Towanda. Pa. D.. P. & S. Store. Harrisbur"- Pa
HiuhsD?i^' l, HiL l h h S^h^! 0l '»n n i l ' O V' l i'> ' School of Mines Building, State College, Pa.
Hlghsp re, Pa. Oliver Chilled Plow Co.. HaiTisburgf Pa.
Canii> Hllf Hiffh «£hm!' f nnl un Sylvan Heights Orphanage, Harrisburg, Pa.
___ '' lllj-,11 n( hOOI. C amp Hill, la. Robert Packard Hnmiitnl CnviY> l>«»
Mm .ft™* Harrisburg, Pu. Pa
Cadill£> ( ™ n ' V,' 1 Vernon School Building, Harrisburg, Pa.
-■ SAts. 'issssgi a
M „ yt sxsrsst srwssgw
art™ «' Wright, Harrisburg, Pa. A. S. Kreider Shoe Co., Middlctown, Pa.
r 1 T dc , n , co - Ha , r , rifib " r "' r «- W. Li. Kreider Shoe Co., Palmyra, Pa
E - Rutherford, residence, Harrisburg, Pa. Contracts 011 hand for about :i0 residences
ti j hi > it i»m hi ti % hii>">l >i ti mtui >i >"iimninii<ininn>i »ntiiiininmii>mi imm niitiitiitiitiitii§iit'itii§iiti'>»«ii»i§m'tiit'H'H"tn>'i«m"tmi tn>im mm n tummi
Manufacturing Co.
Supplied All of the
Face Brick *>< i Trimming Stone
of the New Standard Baking Company Building
For years this company has been successful in securing the contracts for the trim
med stone and face brick for many of the leading buildings in Pennsylvania and other
In addition to the Standard Baking Company's new building, are such as School
houses, churches, colleges, office buildings and fine dwellings.
Bell Phone
exclusively. Extra heavy steel tie
rods and buckstays are employed as
additional reinforcements. Our per
fected furnaces enables the Standard
oven to burn any kind of fuel—coal,
Supplied All Lumber For the New
Standard Baking Co. Building
We carry the largest stock in the city of all kinds of
Lumber, Mill Work, Stucco Board, Wall Board and Roof
ing. Estimates furnished on request.
North Sixth Street Both Phones
gas or wood—and the furnace may be
built in the front or rear of the oven
or in the basement of the building. A
thermometer is provided, giving at
all times the exact temperature of the
baking chamber. Every particle of
heat la employed directly In baking
—absolutely none 1b wasted, and a new
insulating; material is used which in
sures this result."