Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, March 18, 1916, Image 1

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    Villa and His Bandits Flee Without Making Resistance Ahead of U. S. Troops
LXXXV— Xo. 61
Flying Squadron and Main Force Meet and Establish
Camp Outside of Casas Grandes, Dispelling Fears of
Disputes With Constitutional Authorities Over Oc
cupation of City
American Who Gets Through Lines Says That Troops in
Their Rapid Progress Southward Are Menaced by
Highwaymen Who Operate in Groups and Are Apt to
Strike at Lines of Communication
El Paso, Tex., March 18.—American cavalrymen pursuing
Francisco Villa were camped at dawn to-day at Colonia Dublan,
one of the environs of Casas Grandes. They arrived in the night.
Through Colonia Dublan runs the mad to the Galeana district,
twenty-five miles southeast, where Villa was last definitely report
The news of the encampment at Colonia Dnlilan dispelled
fears of any disputes with Constitutional authorities over what po
sition the American troops should occupy at Casas Grandes.
Mormon scouts dashed into Col- :
ouia Dublan last night with the news
t hat the Americans were near. The
column which was first into this im
portant American settlement was said
lo be the cavalry from Hachita.
Dispatches direct from Mexico, and
the official announcement from Major-
General Funston, made it evident to
day that the two American columns,
one from Columbus, X. M., under
General Pershing, and the other from j
Hachita, X. M.. under Colonel Dodd. ]
bad gotten into close communication
with each other and probably had j
formed an actual junction when a lit
tle more than half way on the route ]
to Casas Grandes.
Strategy of Dasli
Something of the strategy of the
<lash on Villa's trail also was revealed.;
The Hachita column made its start;
from San Bernardino ranch, which is j
about the size of a large county, where I
0 the State of Xew Mexico extends some
forty miles south of the general east j
and west line of the Ameican border, j
By using this American territory for i
the first part of their advance from j
Hachita, the flying cavalry command
of Colonel George Dodd, was able to i
strike into Mexico at the shortest _dis- j
tance from Casas Grandes, a little j
more than sixty miles of march.
The main column, under General
Pershing, ut Columbus, X. M., start
ing from a point considerably farther,
north of Casas Grandes, did not go due I
south, but apparently veered to the;
westward to get into touch with the \
cavalry commands from Hachita. j
Reports here that General Per
shing's army intended to establish a
base at Guzman were discounted in i
dispatches that Guzman was still held
by Carranza troops and the American
columns were marching about 25
miles to the westward. This would
put them very close to the route of
l he cavalry command of Colonel Dodd. j
Guzman is an important constitution- j
aiist garrison town about 30 miles
south of the point where General Per
shing entered Mexico, and by going
past it to the west no question of oc
cupation was raised.
Now South of Gu/.m: - ii
A young American, the son of J. F.J
Stanford, who arrived here to-day
from Guzman, said that early yester
day lie was informed that the Amort-;
can main column under General Per- i
shing already was well to the south |
and west of Guzman. Some Ameri
cans left Guzman for the west, he said, i
to see the American troops.
One of the real menaces which the I
Americans in their rapid progress'
southward are continually leaving be
hind them in increasing numbers
comes from the bandits of no party !
affiliation, who operate singly or in j
Several of these highwaymen were
located in the mountains in the vicin- j
ity of Guzman. When seen yesterday !
they did not offer to attack Ameri
cans who were traveling in small
groups, but as the lines of military
communication stretch out longer, j
watchfulness of the American pa-!
trols must be constant.
Water Plentiful
Water has been more plentiful than j
expected. There is at least SIOO.OOOI
now available in rewards for Pancho ;
Villa's capture, $50,000 through Col.
Herbert .1. Slocum, commander of the
Thirteenth Cavalry, whose command j
For Harris burg and vicinity* Fair
and warmer to-night uud Sun
day I lowest temperature to-night
jiliiiut 150 degree*.
For I'Jastern IViius> I vim In : Partly
cloudy and not HO cold to-night
mid Sunday: moderate, shifting
winds, becoming sntitlieust.
The SiiKfiuehiiiina river mid nil it*
branches will fall nlouly or re
main nearly stntionnry with no
material change* In Ice condi
tions. V Ntntfc of about 4.5 feet
In Indicated for Hnrrlshtirg Sun
day morning.
t.eneral Condition*!
Fair weather liiim prevailed
throughout the territory repre
sented on the map during the la-st
twenty-four hourm, except In
Northern Pennsyl vnain, Xew
York. Wisconsin und Northern
Michigan, where light local su<ms
occurred. Pressure In highest
over the Middle \tlnntlc States
iind lowest over the Southwest.
Temperatures were 2 to 18 degrees
lower than on Friday morning In
the Middle Atlnntle and Xew Hng-
Innd States and hi the I pper St.
I.awrence Valley, with minimum
Meveral degrees below xero In the
I ppfr Susquehanna Valley.
Temperatures: 8 a. in., 8.
Sun: Rises, 6:00 a. m.; sets, 6:16
p. m.
Moont Full moon, March 10, 12:27
p. m.
River Stage: 4.6 feet above low
water mark.
Vesterday's Weatker
Highest tempera tare, 24.
l.owest temperature, 11,
Meaa temperature, 22.
Aormai temperature, k
repulsed the raid against Columbus.
Colonel Slocum's men led the van
guard of the main expedition from
Columbus into Mexico.
Mormons Safe
The arrival of the expeditionary
troops in tlie vicinity of Casas Grandes
was greeted along the border with a
sigh of relief insofar as the fate of
the 500 American Mormons at Colonia
Bubhin and i olonia Morales is con
cerned. The soldiers are already
south of these settlements and conse
quently all fears for the safety of the
colonists have been removed.
While the expedition has passed
peacefully thus far into Mexico and
the Carranza officials have shown
every indication of both their willing
ness and ability to avoid friction, the
tension along the Rio Grande has by
no means relaved. It is felt that
the real test will come when fighting
with the Villista bandits actually
starts. The lengthening lines of com
munication of the Americans, it is
pointed, out offer tempting bait for
raids, by guerillas. The refugees who
throng the border towns are espe
cially insistent that the tlrst bloodshed
will be the signal for serious trouble.
However, thus fat 1 the border is
very peaceful. Captain W. D. Green,
the night chief of police of El Paso,
stated to-day that he had never known
the city to be so quiet and free from
3,000 Men Offered to
Colors by Pennsylvania
Special to the Telegraph
Washington, D. C., March 18.
Representative L. C. Dyer, of Missouri
who was a commander-in-chief of the
Spanish War Veterans, offered the
services of men who served in the
Spanish-American War to President
Wilson for service in Mexico, received
a telegram from Commander William
P. Messinger, of the Pennsylvania
camp, saying that three thousand vet
erans are ready to join the American
forces in Mexico if the necessity
arises. < 'ommander Mcssinger's tele
gram said:
"Pennsylvania can furnish three
thousand veterans who are members
of 1 lie United Spanish War Veterans
for service in Mexico with the colors."
The commander of the Illinois de
partment informed Mr. Dyer that
Illinois can furnish ten thousand men
for Mexican service who served in the
Spanish War and in the Philippines.
California reported live thousand vet
erans are available and other States
reported as follows:
Oregon. 000; Oklahoma, 500; also
200 Indian scouts; Ohio, 3,000; Massa
chusetts, 3,000; New York, 3,500;
Michigan, 000; Washington, i2O.
Action Revives Doubt
of Full Co-operation by
De Facto Government
Sun Antonio, Texas. March 12.
General Gavira's reported refusal to
permit the American troops pursing
Francesco Villa to enter the Mexican
town of Casas Grandes revived doubt
at Fort Sam Houston to-day of the full
co-operation of the de facto govern
ment's forces.
The announcement of General Ga
vira, commandant, at Juarez, that
American troops had arrived almost at
the ouskirts of Casas Grandes and
planned to enter the town during the
night was the tlrst news received by
Major-General Funston that the puni
tive forces had reached that far south.
The speed with which the advance
[Continued on Page 13.]
Mrs. Harriet A. Penney
Dies Suddenly in Front
of Home at Hummelstown
Special to the Telegraph
Hummelstown, Pa., March IS.—
Stricken with heart trouble at 11.80
o'clock last night while she was re
turning home after having spent the
evening with the family of County
Engineer Clinton M. Hershey, nclgh'-
or, Mrs. Harriet A. Penney, mother of
Mrs. William H. Earnest, died before
she could be gotten into the house.
Mrs. Penney was being accompanied
to her home by Mr. Hershey and his
daughter and she made no outcry as
she sank to the pavement.
Mrs. Penney was the widow of the
late Ernest A. Penney, a Civil War
veteran. She was born at Brewer,
Maine, September 15. 1851, and came
to Hummelstown about twenty-six
years ago. For a number of years
she had made her home with her
only daughter, Mrs. Earnest. Kesides
the daughter, she Is survived by one
sister, Mrs. Elizabeth Oakes, of Hun
cock, Maine. Funeral services will he
held at the Earnest home on Tuesday
afternoon, with the tlev. 11. S. Games,
pastor of the Hummelstown Lutheran
church, officiating. Burial will be
made in HummeltitvwUi
The picture shows three Mexicans arrested at Columbus, X. M., being questioned by the military autliorit
shortly after this picture was taken and after the Mexicans had been released, two of them were found, shot dead
the outskirts of the town.
Both Sides Eager to Know if
Measure Carries Out His
I" > '
By Associated Press
1 Washington, March IS.—The House
military bill is President Wilson's own
bill. Chairman Hay,' or the Military I
Committee informed the House to-day!
1 when debate on the measure was re- 1
isumed under the ten-hour rule.
"I may say," he said in reply to n
question, "in broad language that this
is the President's bill; that he thor
i oughly approves of it."
Representative Moore, of Pennsyl- I
(Continued on Page 11 Second Section) (Continued on Page 11—2nd Section) ' (Continued on Page 11 —2nd Section)
Forms Company and Will
Bodyguard Wants to Serve
Under American Flag
Led by Dushan Jurich, 419 Christian
street, a former officer in Kins Peter
of Serbia's bodyguard, forty Serbians
in Steelton have organized a company
and will volunteer in a body for serv
ice under the American flag in Mexico
if the President should find it. neces
sary to call for troops.
Jurich, formerly sergeant in King
Peter's Seventh Regiment, stationed at
Belgrade, Serbia, is in command of
the company which has already been
formed. Practically all the volunteers
formerly saw service in the Balkans
i and all have had military training. !,
| Just at present the volunteers are j
! drilling in a ha't in Myers street, but j
as soon as the weather permits Cap
tain Jurieh will put. his soldiers i
through their paces on the commons j
between the borough and Harrlsburg. :
Tbe men will bold themselves in readi- j
ness for the first call for volunteers. |
"While we are all horn Serbians, we i
are now for America," declared Cap- |
tain Jurieh this morning.
"Vou are hearing a lot about |
'hyphenated Americans' these days, but i
we want it understood that we came
to the Cnited States because we be
lieved it to he the land of the free—
the land of real opportunity. •
"Wo find it .all that and more, and
if necessary to prove our patriotism
we are willing to die for our adonted ,
!and. Tbis big oountrv can lick Mex- j
icn. all right," he continued, "but it '
will be a pretty rood scrap whilA it I
\ lasto. We want to help. I
"Prettv near nil my men fought fori
i King Peter when lie needed us and ]
now we want to figbt for America." I
PiW«i>iirorK fVlpbrates
lOOtV An"'vers»*-v With
Parade and Speeches
By Associated Press
■ Pittsburgh, March IS. —Pittsburgh!
I celebrated the one hundredth anni- I
versary °f hs incomoration here to-'
j day. A parade in which all branches j
of the Pennsylvania National Guard, |
as well as various civil and semi- i
i military organizations Participated,
I was reviewed by Governor TJrumbaugh,
! United States Senators Penrose and
Oliver. Mayor Armstrong and other!
I cltv officials.
Tn conneetion with the anniversary j
the cornerstone was laid for the joint |
| citv hall and count v building which is
; beinir erected oil joining the present !
! courthouse. A banquet will lie given
i to-nitrht by tlio Wester" Pennsylvania
i Historical SncWv jt» which Governor
"'iiinlmuu'' "n«T "m two Pit-"Svlvanta
will be the KUesls o I iionot. ' J
Placed on Same Plane as Rail
road, Trolley Line or Other
Common Carrier
Individuals, firms or corporations I
operating automobiles or other ve
hicles' on '"jitney" .serviot must obtain i
certificates of public convenience from ;
the State Public. Service OoYnmisKl,,,. '
before they can engage In any public
service according to a decision of the
commission made public to-day. Com
missioner John Monaghan, of Phila- :
delphia. who wrote the opinion upon
which the order is based, goes into the
subject exhaustively. He places the
Strife Across the Sea Causes
Wheels to Hum in Cum
berland Valley
WANTED—Men and women
skilled in almost any line of in
dustry. Good pay and pleasant
working conditions in one of the
most progressive towns in Penn
sylvania. Applications for employ
ment received at almost every fac
tory. mill or shop office In Cham
bersburg, the Queen City of the
Cumberland Valley.
Chainbersburg, Pa., March 18.-—'
In the beginning, it must be said that
the above advertisement was not au-:
thorized by the manufacturers of
Chainbersburg. It is printed, however,
with the idea of showing just how
busy the Queen City's industries really
are and how willing the manufactur
ers are to employ skilled labor. Every
plant is working to capacity and thou
sands of dollars are being paid out
weekly In wages. Chainbersburg at j
present is in the midst of a great pros- i
perity boom, partly due to the war,
but the various manufacturers are not
afraid that peace will mean a falling
off of business. Domestic orders on.
hand would keep every industry busy
for some time to come and when for
eign shipments can be made with less!
fear of seizure than at present, busi
ness in this Old town will be consider-'
ably batter. Then, again, in the case
of one Mg industry here, the war has
proven a handicap, because of the In
ability to safely transport products to
neutral countries.
Industries' Sternly Growth
Chainbersburg has a population of i
about 1,1,000 livewire citizens and each ;
is doing all he can to boost the town, i
The various businesses show improve-'
ment year after year and fine com-:
parisons can be drawn between the!
time each industry was established j
and the present. There are knitting
mills, woolen mills, silk mills and iron
mills aside from the big shops of the
Cumberland Valley Railroad com
Rapid growth has been noted in
(Continued on Page 1 Second Section) j
Revolutionaries Joined by
5,000 Regulars Planning
to Attack Canton, Report
Tokio,- March 18. Advices from |
Chinese revolutionary sources State j
that five thousand government troops;
In Walchow-Fu, province of Kwang-
Tung have revolted and joined the!
revolutionaries who are planning a !
concerted attack on Canton.
Should Canton fall it is expected
that Dr. Sun Vat Sen will proceed!
there and endeavor to establish an!
independent government t
Military Activity in Balkans
Indicates New Develop
B.v Associated Press
March IS.—Movements of
troops on a large scale in Bulgaria are
reported by the 1 lavas correspondent
at Bucharest, Rumania, in a dispatch
tiled on Wednesday. It is said these
operations are so extensive that both
passenger and freight traffic have been
In Rumania, the correspondent says
passenger travel has been stopped for
ten days on the railroad running north
Organize "Ashmen's Club"
and Demand 30. Per Cent.
Increase and 8 Hours
Taking advantage of the City Health
Bureau's determination to have gar
bage and ash collections made regular
ily by the Pennsylvania Reduction
! Company, contractor for the work,
! seventy-six employes f the company
: served notice this morning that they
are on a strike for an increase in
i wages.
Only forty of the men reported for
work this morning, and declared that
to-day will be the last they will work
until an increase of about ,10 per
cent, is given, together with an eight
hour day.
A formal announcement was signed
, by twenty-eight of the men who have
' organized what they call an "Ashmen's
''Cluli," with headquarters in North
■ Seventh street. Increases are de
• manded for the foreman, drivers and
• helpers on all of the wagons.
A meeting of the directors of the
tj Reduction Company has been called
■ | by Samuel Gardner, president, to dis
, cuss the situation. The demands will
! not be granted, it is believed. Mr.
: Gardner declared this morning that
11 every effort will be made to get other
r men, and keep some of the wagons in
. the streets.
11 Th City Health Department is aid-I
. ing in the fight to keep the city clean, i
. ! and Dr. J. M. J. Raunick said to-day,
• that he has the promise of the Re-1
i ducllon Company that everything pos
. sible will be done to have the collec- i
I j tlons continued without interruption.
Mr. Gardner has already started a
search for new men and said that
[ any applicants should apply at 1309 !
, North Third street.
, I Salt Lake City, Utah, March 18.— j
II Mrs. Anna A. Adams Kiskadden,
r mother of Maud Adams, the actress,
| died here last night. Mrs. Kiskadden a
, was born in a log cabin near Salt Lake"
in 184 8. She was an amateur actress
while a girl and made her professional
, debut in the Salt Theater r.toek
company in 18»I5. Mrs. Kiskadden re
| tired from the stage eight years ago.
Roanoke. Va., March IS. Jack!
Allen, brother of Sldna and Floyd
Allen, leaders of ihe gang that assassi
nated officials of the Carroll eountv j
■ court at 1 Jillsville, was killed last night
at the home of Mrs. Birt Martin, seven
11 miles from Mount Airy. N. C. Will
i, McCraw, who was with Allen, and who i
! j disappeared immediately after the;
. i shot was heard, is being sought.
The regular monthly meeting of!
lithe citizens of Riverside will be held 1
I next Tuesday evening at 8.30 in the
i! M. K. church. Several matters of in
t (ercst to ull citizens will be lakei* uj>. k
Foreastcr Domain Predicts
Tomorrow Will End Long
est March Gold Wave
Even Down in Florida Frosts
Causes Big Losses; Below
Zero in New York
One of the longest cold waves in
March jn the history of the city will
probably end to-morrow, according to
the forecast.
Last night the temperature was six
and one-half degrees—or about one
degree above the record for the cold
est day in the month for 28 years.
March 18, 1900, the mercury dropped
to 5.4 degrees, the record for the
month, since the United States weath
er bureau was established in the city.
Following the storm early in the
week, cold weather set in forcing the
mercury far below freezing, and mak
(Continued on Page SI Second Section)
Five Reported Hurt, One
Fatally in Powder Blast
By .Associated Press
Wilmington, Del., March IS.—One
of the mixing houses at the Carney's
Point, N. J., plant of the Du Font
Powder Company was blown up early
to-day. Eleven men were at work in
the mill at the time and according to
oflieials of the company all escaped
injury except one, who was knocked
down and slightly hurt in the rush for
safety doors.
Workmen at tlie plant, however, de
clared that live men had been burned,
one so seriously that it is feared he
will die. The explosion was caused by
a spark from a hot bearing on some of
the machinery. The mill was only
partly destroyed. Four hundred
pounds of smokeless powder went up
in the blast.
Special to the Telegraph
Seaside Park, X. J., March 18.
Mrs. Samuel Tollins won a prize of
ten shaves at the pinnochle eucher
and dance of the Board of Trade,
The prize was given by Charles A.
Stults, a barber.
• Harrisburg, March 18. —When he ran over a dog at Cam-T
eron and Hemlock streets, this morning, G. A. McMechen, j
driving an auto delivery wagon for Meyer Gross, a butcher, i
( was turned into the path of a rapidly approaching automobile, < ►
and a meat wagon. Swinging out of the way to prevent a !
collision with the car, McMechen crashed into a telegraph
pole, smashing the front of the machine and slightly injuring! *
El Paso, March 18.—General Gavira, Carranza commander »
,at Juarez, in a statement given to the Associated Press, de-?
clared that the crisis in the relations between the United f
States and Mexico is past and that there is no further need to J
fear trouble. <2
El Paso, Tex., March 18.—Francisco Villa is in the neigh- g
borhood of Las Cruces, 110 miles south of Casas Grandes ac-&
icording to information received to-day by General Gavira, Car-f
ranza commander at Juarez. c
Mogales, Ariz., March 18. Trouble in the Constitution- 1 *
'alist garrison at Hermesillo, Mexico, was reported here to-day. |
Its nature could not be verified. Among other reports that |
was said to be a mutiny.
London, March 18, 5 P. M.—The steamship Palemban°
has been torpedoed. All the members of the crew were saved •*,
Chambersburg, Pa., March 18.—General William Warrer*J
I Stewart died at his home here this morning, aged 80 years.*
He was a supervising engineer with the Cumberland Valley I
Railroad. He served with the Pennsylvania reserves
( the Rebellion and led a charge under Meade's own personal?
direction at Gettysburg where he was wounded. He wa;; p
Brevetted Adj. General in 1864. He was never married.
I Easton, Pa., March 18.—Harold Connolly, aged 9, was in- j
stantly killed at the home of his chum, Raymond Seas, aged <1
11, at Martins Creek, near here, yesterday afternoon when
( repeating rifle under the covers of a cuch on which the boys £
were looking at a comic paper, discharged, the bullet entering J
young Connolly's brain. ° i
Philadelphia, March 18.—The Philadelphia Methodist h
Conference to-day voted down a proposed amend-i
ment to the church constitution which elevated a negro to thcT
episcopacy. It is generally known as the "hyphenated bishop" 0
measure. It provides for the election of bishops for particular i
races and languages, a negro bishop for the negro race for ex
ample. ft
New York, March 18. —To-day was the coldest March lf,\
in New York since the local weather bureau was established f
in 1871. The temperature at sa. m. stood at 6.6 degrees above ?
zero. I
Torreon, Mex., March 18.—Fighting has been in progress 5
since early yesterday between Constitutionalists and Villistas
at Canon Chorritos near Noe, on the Torreon district. Reliables 1
reports received here to-day stated that twenty-six men had' '
been killed and thirty-two captured in a battle between Con- '
stitutionalists and so-called "pacificists" somewhere in the »
region of Rurango, Mexico,
Joseph Ktlonej* and Florence Crlrtila Caf hernias, gtMlim.
John Robert Harding *n<l ICnimn Moore, rHy. ;
William IHnnnuel Clark, Hockerm lllc, and Minnie Maude Sy, Berry
(iliiaepix- Verrovla and Conkaniia Cere*a, Steelton, a
Hollo AiikiiMiin Fnlmer, rlly, and Alice Mabel Meyer*, Ilonnianadalc. »
Kalph K. Intcrnm. city, and Mary K. Kandera, Steelton.
»i W« i N W'' M W'' in| |
t »•
\ •
'About to Be Cast Off She
! Writes "You Must Answer to
God For Your Crime"
Hopes Word "Murderer" Will
Appear to Him Everytime lie
Embraces a Woman
Special to the Telegraph
j New York, March 18.—A romance
\ that began three years ago with a
< flirtation closed Thursday when Miss
I Addie Richardson, of Brooklyn,
I realizing that the man was going to
I leave her, wrote a letter accusing him
iof her destroying her life, and then
j committed suicide with poison.
Frank Baxter, the man of whom
[ she wrote, "I loved you better than
i any other woman will ever love you,"
had just returned to the house, lg-
I norant of what she had done, to
i pack his clothes, when her body was
1 found.
Miss Richardson, thirty-six, was a
(Continued on Page K. Second Section)
Memory of Butch McDefitt
Is Found to Be Very Short
•I Special to Ihe Telegraph
Wiikes-Barre, Pa.. March 18. —John
; "Butch" McDevitt, who has success
fully dodged process servers for sev
! erul days, turned up at the courthouse
i yesterday and went before the grand
! jury that is investigating alleged poli
tical corruptions. McDevitt said be
had a good memory, but declared it
was awfully short.
lie admitted to the jury that ho had
received $2,500 lo get off the Demo
cratic ticket in 1911 as a nominee for
! treasurer, but lie could not tell who
gave him the money that he used to
; play "millionaire for a day." "Butch"
said he went to the courthouse ono
i day and that some one handed him a
! package. This was a bundle of bills
j amounting to $2,500. ITe thought for
1 a long time, but could not remember
! who gave it to him.
"When District ' Attorney Slattery
I asked "Butch" what his occupation
1 was he declared that he was unablo
to answer.