Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, March 15, 1916, Page 17, Image 17

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    ] Hoosc-HnnUng Season Is ii-Ifs the Want Ad's EBSSICSS to Rent leases [
In Memoriam
In sad but loving remembrance of our
<3tar son. C. Edgar Seldel, who died so
verv suddenly on March 14, 1914.
Card of Thanks
wish to thank their friends for the
kindness extended to them durinsr the
long Illness and death of the husband
and father.
to extend to their friends and neigh
bors, their sincerest thanks for the
kindness extended to them through the
verv sudden death of their dearly be
l.ivcd daughter. Thelma R. Hess.
At a special meeting of The Royal |
I*<re Co., held Monday evening. March i
1". 1916. the following resolutions were
Resolutions of Respect
In Memory of
Brother Edwin C. Osm.m, who died
March 6. 1916. . _ i
Once Egrain the Great Divine hath j
summoned through death a brother of
our Company to a life in the land of ,
the Hereafter. He was a diligent ana |
faithful worker ror our Company and i
contributed to the aid of the Company |
by giving freely of his time and laboi. ;
As a recompense of his service he has
received the plaudit "well done from
Him who "doeth all things well, and.
Whereas. The all-wise and merciful
Father has called our beloved and re
spected brother noine; and he. having
been a true and faithful member of i
our Company: therefore, be it t
Resolved. That The Royal Fire Co..
No. 14. of Harrlsburg. in testimony of
our loss, tender to the family of our de- I
ceased Brother our sincere condolence
In their deep afflictions, that a copy
of these resolutions be sent to the fam- |
ily. spread upon the minutes of the
Company and be published in the daily
papers ' R. EARL GRAEFF,
Lost and Found
LOST Airedale pup; black back,
brown nose. Reward. 2428 North Sec
ond street. i
Help Wanted —Male
WANTED An experienced chauf
feur" to drive m\ delivery car. Apply
S. S. Pomeroy. 5 South Market Suuare.
WA X TED Several ex
perienced floor salesmen. 1 looser
Furniture Company. !
lathe. planer, drill-press and bench
hAiias, dav turn; best wages and slead>
work assured to competent workmen.
Vpply to Master Mechanic, Machine
Shop, Central Iron & Steel Co.
WANTED With reference, a man
for housework. Apply 104 South street.
WANTED Office boy. Address P.
O. Box O, Harrisburg, Pa. ;
WANTED Man to make himself
generally useful around cleaning and
*>e works; experience not
Apply Simms, SO2 North i hird street.
W \NTED —Two experienced waiters.!
Apply Manhattan Restaurant. j
W VNTED laborers wanted for :
. one'rete and pick and shovel work. Ap
».u to Robert Grace Contiacting Lo„
Hi lton, Pa. Wages, 20 cents per hour.
WANTED Colored boy. 16 or 17
\<-ars old, to deliver packages and make
Himself generally useful about
Apply at once. Ladles' Bazaar, 10-12
South Fourth street. j
vy vNTED A good, energetic man
to introduce our celebrated brands .
teas and coffees. Uood P ro . p . o .® i , 1 ° n T p" ,
the light purty. Apply Urand Lnlon Tea
Store. 20S North Second street.
MJJ.N WANTED Ablaboaied, umuar
rivd men between ages of 18 and So,
i iiizentj of United States, of good char*
uetcr and temperate habits, who can
sneak read aud write the English
language. For information »PPj>' t0
Recruiting Officer, Bergner L.uilding,
su & Market Sts.. Harrisburg. Pa.
WANTED A tailor wanted. Call
at once Apply 7 North Thirteenth
street. i
WANTED Boys over 16 years, to
ifain shoemaking. Apply Define &
Yungel Shoe Mfg. Co., sixteenth and
State streets.
WANTED Young man as clerk and
collector. Room 206 Bergner Building.
WANTED Several men having ex
perience In dealing with the consumer.
Excellent chance tor advancement. Ap
ply The Great Atlantic and Pacific lea
Co.. 1308 North Third street.
WANTED Experienced draftsman
for large manufacturing company
building heavy machinery; also a good
tracer. Applicants should give age and
past experience. Address W. 8.. care
of this paper.
WANTED 4O able-bodied
men between 21 and 40 years of
age for piece work. White or
colored. Apply in person to agent,
Harrisburg Transfer, Pennsyl
vania Railroad Company, Division
street, Harrisburg, Pa.
LEARN to become a practical chauf
feur and earn $l5O to S2OO per month.
We give you practical lessons at your
own home. We send you a $5,000
l.ozier with Instructions, to practice on
between working hours. Write for
particulars. Auto Transportation
raining. Corresponding Department,
25-27-29 North Cameron street, Harris
mill or lathe hands, who can work
from blue prints; also tool makers. Ad
dress, or apply. Employment Depart
ment. Westinghouse Electrio St Vlfg.
Co.. East Pittsburgh. Pa.
Help Wanted —Female
WANTED Lady for office work;
must have experience in typewriting
and stenography state age. salary ex
pected and experience. Address X.. 3873,
• are of Telegraph.
WANTED Operators experienced
on power sewing machines, also five
experienced examiners, at Jennings'
Mfg. Company, 414 State street.
WANTED A bright, steady girl to
work in the laundry. Apply Troy
l.aundry, 1520-26 Fulton street.
j; To settle an estate we offer for sale: ;•
i| The Denny Property
1409 S. Cameron St.
•J The Mansion House and plot 160x13814 ft. j
Ji Plot 400x125 ft. on S. Thirteenth street. C
■J Two plots, each 400x125 ft. on S. Twelfth street. J"
!• Plot 50x138 ft., just north of dwelling house.
•J I<ocust »nd Court Mreetx J
' Help Wanted —Female
WANTED—GirIs to work In laundry, j
, Apply Keystone Laundry, Harris and
, Wallace street. City.
tablish active lady of good address and
ability in permanent, profitable bu«i
ne*s in her home town. ***o.oo to
SIOO.OO per month. Experience unnec
essary. All or spare time. Occupation
congenial to woman of refinement, ror
particulars address Parker CO- *<oo
North Twelfth street, Philadelphia, Pa.
WANTED Girls over 16 to
strip tobacco. Also experienced
Rollers, Bunchmakers, Packers,
Filler and Binder Strippers. Wel
fare looked after by trained nurse.
Apply Harrisburg Cigar Com
' pany, 500 Race street.
! |
WANTED Experienced
sewing machine operators to work
on women's and children's wear.
Harrisburg Apparel Co., over City
Star Laundry, 414-416 State
j street, rear entrance.
WANTED Man and wife for ser
vice in the suburbs. Call at No. IS
North Third street between 9 A. M. and
5 P. M.
Salesmen Wanted
{ ceptional bond proposition. One that ]
i will stand investigation. Must be men
| of maturity, ability and good standing
in community. Box 466, gcranton. Pa.
Help Wanted —
Male and Female
perienced litter for ladies' suits {
iand coats. Experienced sales-1
ladies for infants' wear and shirt- i
waists. Experienced saleslady
for women's and children's shoes.
Experienced young salesman for!
men's furnishings. Apply at once.)
Superintendent's Office, Second
! Floor.
j ■ ■
Situations Wanted —Male
WANTED Young man, IS years of i
age, desires wx>rk In tailor shop; one I
I year and a half experience. Address ;
1625 Fulton street.
WANTED Position as cliauueur In j
private family (city): two years' ex- I
i perlence; can do own repairing; 24
i years old, married and strictly sober.
Address Chauffeur, Box 135, Rheems, j
l.ar.caster county. Pa.
WANTED Positions by man and j
| wife, general housework; man to take,
care or and fire boilers, do general work
| about house and take care of autoino
! bile. Address 317 Clinton. Call be- |
: tween 6 and 7. j
WANTED Young, married man ;
wishes position as shipping clerk, or
at anything connected with railroads;
experienced. Address R., 3»78, care of
WANTED A young man desires
position of any kind; can furnish ref
erence. Call, or write, 11. N. Anderson,
; Umoyne, Pa.
WANTED Young man desires posl- !
i tion as stenographer; chance for ad- I
vancement; good references. Address j
| W. F. G., 1415 Liberty street.
WANTED Position as chauffeur
I lit private family; can do own repair !
I work and furnish good reference. Ap-
I ply 226 Adams street. Steelton.
Situations Wanted—Female
WANTED A colored woman de
-1 sires a place as cook. Address 60S
1 York avenue.
WANTED An experienced woman
desires work, cooking or general house- |
work. Call, or address, 1415 Fulton
r street.
WANTED Colored woman desires i
work for Thursdays and Fridays. Ad
dress M. E. J., 1003 Cowden street.
WANTED Middle-aged woman
wants housework In small family; no
washing. Address Box O, 3875, care of
WANTED Experienced colored
|cook wants position in hotel or private;
' family,
WANTED Housekeeper wants po- '
sltion. Apply 1152 Market street. Bell
I 219 R.
WANTED Position as pantry girl,
or managing housekeeper; experienced;
best of reference. Address Y., 3877,
care of Telegraph.
WANTED By colored woman, ;
washing or cleaning; first-class work, j
| Address 1112 Grape avenue.
WANTED By refined, young
, widow, position as housekeeper rot
widower; does not object to one child;
. can give reference. Address M., 3874,
1 care of Telegraph.
WANTED White woman wants
| general housework, or permanent place
to do day's work. Address C„ 387*,
care of Telegraph.
WANTED Washing and ironing to
do at home. Apply 1535 Logan street.
Real Estate For Sale
1911 PARK ST.; nine-room brick
house; all Improvements; all cheerful
(rooms; deep lot; rear drive alley; excel
-1 lent neighborhood. Owner wishes to
i leave city. Apply above. Real Bargain.
FOR SALE Desirable corner resi
dence. few minutes' walk from Market
Square. Excellent location. Seven
| light, pleasant rooms and bath, all Im
j provements. Price right to quick
buyer. Address M„ 3828, care of Tele
| graph.
j brick dwelling. 9 rooms, bath and steam
j heat, front and rear porches. Lot, 26x
, 90. Brinton-Packer Co., Second and
1 Walnut streets.
Real Estate For Sale
FOR SAUK Three-story brick
house; gas. electricity. Instantaneous
water lu-aier, two baths, lavatory,
pantry, front and back porches, steam
neat. Apply 1703 North Second street.
559 CAMP STREET Corner prop
erty. 3-story frame dwelling, S rooms,
bath and furnace. Lot, 15x130. Bar
gain price. Brinton-Packer Co., Second
and walnut streets.
two-story brick, 7 rooms, bath; cement
ed cellar; laundry: lot. 18x120; terrace;
franollthic walks; built 111 pairs. Price,
2.800.00. Baekenstoss Bros., Kuss
CAMP HILL Hamilton and Logan
Streets. 2%a-story frame; 8 rooms;
pantry; improvements; lot, 108x147;
fruit trees; chicken houses. Price,
fa,000.00. Baekenstoss Bros., Russ
LOTS —Levi Brandt Est., Elk
wood, New Cumberland 5O ft.
front up to one-half acre plots
sewer water gas—electricity.
S2OO up. Easy payments. 5c
trolley. Keeney & Simmons,
FOR SALE 2-story single frame,
price $3,600; two-story frame, all im
provements, price $3,100; 2-story one
half double brick, 12,750; 2-story slnglo
brick, price $4,200: 2-story single brick,
price $3,100; 3-storv one-half double
brick, price $3,700; 3-story one-halt
double brick, price $2,850. West Shore
Realty Co., Baer A Rice. Lemoyne Trust
Building, Lemoyne, Pa. Bell phone
FOR SALE—Beautiful new two-and
a-half-story brick residence In one of
the finest locations in the city 1001
North Seventeenth street. Corner lot,
60x120 feet. Eight rooms and attio.
Hall through center. All improvements.
Fine lawn and shrubbery. Sold on
easy terms. Inquire of J. A. Slngmas
ter. Gettysburg. Pa.
Seneca; plot of ground fronting on Seo
street 80x107, including a dwelling
thereon. A bargain at 16,000.00. Back
enstoss Bros., Russ Building.
FOR SALE—Desirable build
ing lots, located on Fourth, Fifth,
Schuylkill and Atlas streets, in
blocks or the whole. A splendid
opportunity for builder. Inquire
or address, F. R. Oyster, trustee,
care of Harrisburg Telegraph,
a reduced price all Improvements
nine rooms suitable for business lo
cation—easily altered. Buy It while the
price is right. Bell Realty Co., Bergner
New houses steam heat gas
electric lights brick construction
all other improvements. Prices only
$2.500 to $3,300. Bell Realty Co., Berg
ner Building.
FOR SALE l3B North Thirteenth
street. Three-story brick house, is now
offered at a greatlv reduced price. This
Firoperty lias all conveniences. Inspect
t. Bell Realty Co.. Bergner Building.
FOR SALE 2311-13-15-17 North
Fifth street 2H-story brick houses —
all improvements; hardwood floors.
Open for inspection. Easy terms. Prices
upon Inquiry. For information see
Fred C. Miller. 113 Walnut.
Real Estate For Rent
FOR RENT No. 1816 Green street;
house is newly papered and in lirst
class condition; all Improvements; rent
reasonable. Apply 1816 Green.
1109 N. Second St.—3-story
brick lO rooms bath fur
nace s3O. Miller Brother &
103 LOCUST STREET; 10 rooms; all
modern improvements; city steam; cen~
tral location; suitable for rooming
house. Apply S. W. Fitzgerald, 317
! Walnut street.
FOR RENT 1609 North Second
street, 3-story brick; all Improvements;
steam heat; electricity; front porch;
! front and side entrances; excellent 10~
cation. Apply C. L Kunkel
FOR RENT 207 South Front
street, from April 1; also three rooms
on third floor of No. 9 South Market
Square. Apply to 232 North Second
j street.
Street. 1724, brick dwelling, 9 rooms,
bath, steam heat, gas and electric
lights. Rent, |23.00. Rohrer & Son,
Bergner Building.
single brick house with all Improve
ments, with vegetable garden, privilege
to build garage, located on Long street.
Wesi Shore Realty Co., Baer & Rice,
Lemoyne Trust Building, Lemoyne, Pa.
Bell phone 3198 J.
FOR RENT 320 Sayftrd avenue, to
small, white family, centrally located,
214-story frame; water in kitchen;
handy to market and works. Rent, $9.50.
Inquire 4-9 Broad street or 1631 North
Second street.
FOR RENT Two-story warehouse,
3 Cowden street, near Market. Eleva
tor. P. R. R. siding'. Possession at
once. Bell phone 899& I. C. P. Gohl,
1003 North Second street.
Apartments For Rent
FOR RENT Rooms completely fur
nished for light housekeeping; hot and
< olil water; bath and steum heat; good
location. Apply No. 20 North Seven
teenth street, City.
FOR RENT From April 1, apart
ment in the Sixth Street Bank Building.
Apply at Baijk, Sixth and Maclay
FOR RENT Apartment. 1419 Ver
non street, ilrst floor, electric lights,
gas and steam heat, stationary laundry.
Apply Baptisti, 1208 Chestnut, or Third
and Chestnut. Bell phone 624.
FOR RENT First floor apartment,
at 2020 North Fifth street, five rooms
and bath: all conveniences. Call 1632
North Sixth street. Bel! phone 2147 M.
ond floor housekeeping apartments,
containing 2 or 3 rooms with baths
and kitchens. Possession April 1. Ap
ply to Brinton-Packer Co., Second and
Walnut streets.
WALNUT ST.. 204 An apartment
with six rooms and bathroom, balcony
in thi rear with dumb waiter and
clothe drier. Term* reasonable. City
steam & Mather.
W anted —Miscellaneous
WANTED The use of black male
Pomeranian, as stud. Call, or write, 40
Linden street.
WANTED By two gentlemen, two
adjoining rooms, in territory bounded
bv State, Front. Chestnut and Fourth
streets. State location and price. Ad
dress A., 3879, care of Ilarrlsburg Tele
, graph.
WANTED Bv two business women,
two or three unfurnished rooms, with
b»th. for light housekeeping; must be
in good neighborhood. Hill or uptown;
home only at nicht. Address V.. "fifiS,
rare of Telegraph, stating location and
i rental.
Wanted —Miscellaneous
some sewlnr. but would like a few more
engagements. Work guaranteed satis
factory. Mehrlng Apartments, Sixth ;
and Cumberland.
—— |
WANTED Two unfurnished rooms j
for light housekeeping, preferably up-,
town. Must have sink and gas range.
Apply D„ 3876, care of Harrlsburg Tele
rooms, kitchenette and bath, on first
or second tloor; rent not to exceed
120.00: centrally located. Address 0.,
3655, care of Telegraph.
WANTED Married man, experienc
ed in farm work, would like to rent
tenant house in country or move on
stocked farm. Address P. O. Box 197,
Lemoyne. Pa.
Rooms For Rent
FOR RENT One largo front room;
well lighted; near Reservoir-Park; fur
nished or unfurnished. 1932 State street.
FOR RENT—Two pleasant furnished
rooms for rent; seven minutes' walk
from Market Square; gentlemen pre
ferred. 912 North Third street.
FOR RENT Rooms completely fur
nished for light housekeeping; hot and
fold water; steam heat and hath; good
location. Apply to 20 North Seven
teenth street. City.
floor front; splendid for refined gentle
man. who appreciates a quiet and clean
i home: hot water at all times; use of
I phone. 117 Pine.
I =
Rooms For Rent
FOR RENT Furnished rooms, suit
able for light housekeeping, or a lone
gentleman. Apply 29 South Cameron
UNFURNISHED Single or com
municating. with kitchenettes, for light
housekeeping. Strictly private. All
conveniences. Stoves furnished free.
Laundry, phone and bathroom privil
eges. Easy payments. Janitress ser
vice. Inquire 429 Broad street. Dally
Inspection invited.
FOR RENT Furnished rooms for
light housekeeping; also parlor and
parlod bedroom; city steam; Bell phone.
<l9 North Sixth street.
FOR RENT Furnished front suite
i of rooms for li>»ht housekeeping; also
desirable single rooms: private resi
j ilence; all modern. 114 Chestnut street.
; Bell phone 1725 R.
| FOR RENT Apartment of two
rooms completely furnished for light
housekeeping: also nice furnished
I rooms for ladies or gentlemen; rent rea-
I sonable. 4 South Fourth street.
i PINE ST.. 218 Furnished suite of
i large livingroom with bay window, beo
j room and private bath; also separate
1 room with stationary waslistand: city
steam heat; electric lighting; hardwood
| floors; reference required.
FOR RENT Large, modern, attrac
tive room, furnished, second floor. Ap
j plv 121 State street.
I FOR RENT Three furnished rooms,
j with all conveniences and use of phone.
Apply 14 North Eighteenth street.
I FOR RENT—Two bright, airy rooms.
| furnished for light housekeeping; all
improvements; gas range; kitchen cabl-
Inet; refrigerator; gas on separate
I meter; immediate possession; references
exchanged; no children. Apply 342
South Sixteenth street.
large room. 231 North Seond street In
quire 217 North Second.
FOR RENT Third floor furnished j
room, with ell conveniences and use of i
telephone; suitable for gentleman only.
Board and Rooms
FOR RENT Would like two young
ladies for room and board. Reasonable.
Address 8., 3657. care of Telegraph.
private family by family of three, be
tween North and Broad streets. Great
Atlantic and Pacific Tea Co., 1308 North
Third street. ,
FOR RENT—Nicely furnished rooms,
centrally located, in private family; all
conveniences with use of phone. Board
if desired. 1411 Market street.
VACANCY for one or two gentlemen
in refined family; pleasant, cozily fur
nished front room; all conveniences;
SIO.OO per month. Breakfast served.
Address Box H. 3827. care of Telegraph.
For Sale—Miscellaneous
FOR SALE Pool Room and Cigar
Store. I'an be bought cheap. Address
Box O, 38S0, care of Telegraph.
FOR SAL.E Two milk wagons in
good condition. Apply to J. B. . -tick,
Oberlin, Pa.
FOR SALE Good, serviceable
horse, work anywhere; set good single
harness, spring wagon, Guernsey cow,
fresh in July, good one; eight Chester
White shoats, -10 to 70 lbs.; some corn,
about 25 chickens. John Young (Knobby
Place), near Pyne's Corner, Enola.
FOR SALE s3so piano; small bal
ance on purchase; first SSO takes it.
Apply afternoons, 404 Forster street.
FOR SALE Beautiful mahogany
plaver-piano. Standard make —in first
class condition—cost new $650. Will
sacrifice tor low price. Good reason
for selling. Call at No. 207 North Fif
teenth street. City.
FOR RENT Typewriters bought,
sold or rented. Harrisburg Typewriter
and Supply Co., 40 North Court street.
secured at the Telegraph Business
BUY Traveling Bags, Suitcases and
Trunks from Wholesale and Retail
• Leather Merchants, Second and Chest
nut. Repairing neatly and promptly at
| tended to. Specialties made to order.
Harrisburg Harness and Supply Co.
FOR SALE Cash register, foun
tain, bar, marble-top tables, chairs and
j outfit of dishes and silverware. Would
j sell separately or altogether very
'•■ heap. Apply L. Capin, 1731 North Third
j street, Harrisburg.
| AT GABLE'S, 111-117 South Second
street, 5,000 sets new sash, Bxlo, 12 u
I primed and glazed, at $1.30 per set
Also other sizes.
FOR SALE Sanitary refrigerator,
good as new; one electric portable
j limn, one three-burner gas plate, one
' large window shade. Call Monday, 2341
I Liigan street.
FOR SALE Delicious Extracted
! Honey, direct from bee-keeper, $1.85
per gallon (12 lt»s.); $1 per one-half
| gallon, delivered by parcel post. Satis
faction guaranteed or money refunded.
; L K. Hostetter, R. F. !)., No. 5, Lan
caster, Pa.
FOR SALE Upright piano, used
less than four months; will sell on easy
payments; will sacrifice for cash. Ad
| dress P. O. Box 74. Harrisburg, Pa. '
| AT GABLE'S, 113, 115 and 117 South
| Second street, 5,000 gallons New Era
ready-mixed paint. Acme quality. All
| the full line of the Acme make.
FOR SALE CARDS on sale at the
Telegraph Business Office.'
FOR SALE Scratch Pads new
supply—so for 23c while they last. Ap
ply Job Printing Department The Tele
graph Printing Company.
FOR SALE 1914 Ford touring car,
in fine condition. Will sell for $325.00.
Apply lo Miss Mary Rutherford, Royal
ton, Pa.
Jumps as Rumor Is Spread
That Rockefeller Is Ruv
ing Control
By Associated rress
New York, March 15.—Reading as- J
sumed first place soon after the open- I
ins, leading: the active trading of the j
forenoon. The stock rose 2% to 89%, j
Its advance being: accompanied by vari- j
oils rumors, among others that Rocke
feller interests were buying control.
Color was given to this report by the j
strength of Western Maryland, aj
Rockefeller property, which rose 3'» »
to 32%. Other strong features In-I
eluded Lehigh Valley, Norfolk and
Western. United Fruit and Zinc, the
latter adding 2 points to its Initial
gain. Bethlehem Steel, selling minus
its first quarterly dividend of 7%, fell
to 520, an overnight loss of 21 %
points. Cuban-American Sugar rose
21% to 235. Bonds were steady.
Chandler Bros. & Co., members New
York and Philadelphia Stock Ex
changes, 3 North Market Square, Har
risburg; 1338 Chestnut street, Phila
delphia; 34 Pine street, New York,
furnish the following quotations:
New York, March 15.
Open. Clos.
Alaska Gold Mines 20% 20%
Allis-Chaliners 32% 32%
American Beet Sugar ... 71% 72%
American Can 63%, 62%
American C& F 74% 72%
American Cotton Oil ... 54% 55%
American Ice Securities . 29% 29%
American Locomotive .. 82% 81%
American Smelting .... 101 % 102%
American Sugar 108% 109%
American T & T 129% 129%
Anaconda 88% 87%
Atchison 104 103%
Baldwin Locomotive ... 111% 111%
Baltimore & Ohio 89% 89
1 Bethlehem Steel x d 7%. 520 517%
IB F Goodrich 73% 75
Brooklyn Rapid Transit 85 % 85%
California Petroleum .. 24 % 25%
Canadian Pacific 168% 168%
Central Leather 44% 44%
Chesapeake and Ohio . . 63 62%
Chicago, Mil and St Paul 95 95%
Chicago, R I and Pacific 17% 18 %
Cliino Consolidated Cop. 56% 55%
Colorado Fuel and Iron. 46% 46%
Consolidated Gas 136% 136%
Corn Products 22% 22%
Crucible Steel 94 93%
Crucible Steel pfd 117 118
Distilling Securities .... 47 47
Krie 38% 37%
Erie, Ist pfd 53% 53%
General Klectric Co .... 171% 170%
Gt. North, pfd 122% 122%
Gt. North. Ore, ss 4 6 45%
Gug. Exp 20 % 21
Ins. Copper 47% 48%
Intcrboro-Met 17% 17%
! Kennecott 56% 56%
I Tnterboro-Met. pfd. ... 73 73%
KansasSCity South 27% 27%
I Lackawanna Steel 80% 80%
Lehigh Valley 79% 79%
I Maxwell Motors 62% 62%
• Merc. Mar. ctfs 17% 16%
I Merc. Mar. ctfs. pfd. ... 71% 70%
j Mex. Pet 104 109%
j Miami Copper 36% 37
| Missouri Pacific 5% 5%
(National Lead 67% 67%
For Rent
FOR RENT Fireproof, up-to-date
i private garages. 14 and $5 per month.
! Apply Geo. W. Updegrove, 1200 Penn
! street. Bell phone 3860.
FOR RENT—Offices suitable
for a doctor or dentist or general
purposes. Light, heat and at- ;
tendance. Dr. John Oenslager, j
711 North Third street.
Business Opportunities
best etiuipped factory in our county,
running 34 machines and turning out
320 dozen shirts per week. An excep
tional good chance to make money
from the start. Kent low. Call, or ad
dress, Kreamer Shirt Co., W. A. Swartz,
Manager. Kreamer, Pa.
ANT intelligent person can earn good
incomv corresponding for newspapers;
experience unnecessary. Send for par
ticulars. Press Syndicate, 798, Lock
port. N. Y.
I MADE $50,000 in five years in the
mail order business, began with J5.
Send for free booklet. Tells how. Hea
cock, "55 Lockport, N. Y.
Business Personals
WE move pianos carefully. Bell
146. Winter Piano Co., 23 North Fourth
FOUND What you have been look
ing for in good work, at Eggert's Steam
Dyeing and French Cleaning Works,
1245 Market street. We call and de
liver. Both phones.
FOR falling hair try Gross Quinine
Hair Tonic, prepared by Gross. the
Druggist and Apothecary, lift Market
street, Harrlsburg, Pa. Telephone
orders given prompt attention. Bell
$1.50 Bell 146
Winter Piano Co., 23 N. Fourth St.
n. A. HAHTMAN. Ilnnrdinic Stnl.lr
HIHI National Transfer Co. Movers of
pianos, safes, boilers and general haul
ing. H. W. loathe. Manager, Fifth and
Woodbine streets. Bell phone No.
2503 R.
rooms for household goods. $2 per
month and up. We invite inspection.
Low insurance. 437-445 South Second
street. Ilarrisburg Storage Company.
IN 3-Ktory brick building, rear 408
Market afreet.
1 Household Roods In. clean, private
riHiniH. Reasonable ratex. Apply to
I*. G. Dlener, Jeweler, 408 Market St.
STORAGE 419 Broad street, for
household goods and merchandise. Pri
vate rooms. )1 to $3. Wagons, 76 cents
per month. Apply D. Cooper & Co., 411
Biey to loan
To Housekeepers and Workingmen. Wc
will treat you fairly.
Room 21 Spooner Building. Licensed,
bonded. Incorporated. Take elevator.
Telephone Bell 1647 R.
MONEY TO LOAN on Real Estate
security In any amounts and upon any
terms lo suit borrower. Address P. O.
Box 174, Harrlsburg. Pa.
11.000 TO IXSAN nn first mortgage.
Address "C." Post Offlce Box 775. Har-
IriSDUrK. I'a.
MARCH IS, 1916.
New York Central 106 Vi 106% I
NYN H H 67% 67
New York Ont anil West 29 % 21'
Norfolk and Western... 119% 120' i
Northern Pacific 114 114%
Pacific Mail 25Vi -7
Pennsylvania Railroad.. 67% 67%
Pittsburgh Coal 29 Vi 2»
Pittsburgh Coal pfd.... 104 Vi 104
Press Steel Car 67 Vi 7 % j
Railway Steel Spg 42% 42%
Ray Con Copper 24% 24%
Reading: 87 V* 18
Republic Iron & Steel .. 64 % 63%
Southern Pacific 99 % 99%
Southern Railway 21% 21%
Studebaker 148 147
Tennesse Copper 67% 67%
Texas Oil 199 201
Union Pacific 134% 134%
U S I Alcohol 162 Vi 166%
U S Rubber 63Vi 63%
U S Steel 86% 88 Vi
IT S Steel pfd 117 117 Vi
Utah Copper 83% 83 j
Va Caro Chem 46% 47 Vi
Western Union Tel .... 90% 90%
Westinghouse Mfg .... 70% 70% j
riiu.tOEt.riiiA I'nouttß
By .■lstociattd Press
Philadelphia. March 15. Wheat
| Unchanged; No. 2, red, spot, and March.
I1.16W1.19; No. 2, Southern, red, $1.14
Corn Firm; No. 2, yellow, local,
80% 4#Bl Vic; steamer,, No. 2, yellow,
local, 79@80e.
Oats Firm; No. 2, white, 51Vi@
52c; No. 3, white, 48%®'49%c.
Bran The market is steady;
city mills, wlnier. per ton. $25.00; west
ern, winter, per ton, $25.00; Spring, per
ton, $22.504#23.00.
Refined Sugars Market firm;
powdered, 6.75J16.85; fine granulated,
6.75 c; confectioners' A, 6.65 c.
Butter Market higher; western,
creamery, extras, 38c; nearby prints,
fancy, 41c.
Eggs The market is higher;
Pennsylvania and other nearby tirxts.
free cases, $6.45 per case; do., current
receipts, free cases. $6.30 per case;
western, extras, firsts, free cases, $6.45
per ise; western, firsts, free cases,
! $6.30 per case.
i L«ive Poultry Market firm;
I fowls, 18® 19c; roosters, 12® 13c;
| Spring chickens, 14@20c; ducks, 18®
:20c: geese, 17® 19c; turkeys. 20@22e.
Dressed Poultry Market firm;
turkeys, fancy, 30c; do., good to
j choice, 27@28c; do., fair to good. 25®
26c; do., old toms, 25c; fowls, fancy.
20@20%c; do., good to choice, 19®19%c;
do., small sizes, 16® 18c; old roosters,
15c; broiling chickens, nearby, 22®
26c; do., western, 22@24c; roasting
chickens, western, choice to fancy. 19®
22c; do., fair to (rood. 15@1Rc; Fprlng
ducks, nearby, 16®18c; do., western. 14
I ®l6e; geese, nearby, 16@18c; do., west
ern. t4ifPlttc.
Potatoes —Quiet, firm; Pennsylva
nia, white, per bushel. $1.20@1.25; New
I York, per bushel, sl.lo® 1.15; Maine, per
I bushel, $1.15@1.20; western, per bushel,
$1.00®1.10; Jersey, No. 1, per uasket,
i 60@70c Jersey, No. 2, per basket. 30®
1 40c.
Flour The market is dull; winter,
straights, $5.35®5.60; do., patents, $5.65
@5.90; Kansas straights, $4.85@5.85;
Spring firsts, clear, $5.00 @5.40; do.,
straights, $5.50@5.75; do., patonts, $5.85
@6.15; do., favorite brands, $6.25@6.75>.
Hay The market is steady
with a fair demand; No. 1, large
I bales, $21.50@22.00: No. 1, medium
hales, $21.50@22.00; No. 2. do.. $19.60®
20.00; No. 3, do., $16.00®18.00; no
slo.oo® 14.00.
Clover mixed, light mixed, $19.00®
19.60; No. 1. do.. $18.50@19.00; No. 2.
j do.. $ 15.50® 16.50.
By Associated Press
Chicago. 111.. March 15.—Hogs—Re
ceipts, 36,000; dull. Bulk of sales, $;».70
fr 9.85; lisht, $9.30(09.85; mixed, s9.sofff
9.90; heavy, sn.-tsf<i>9.9o; rough, $9.15®
9.60; pigs, $5.00®9.00.
Cattle Receipts, 15,000; weak. Na
tive beef steers, $7.60@9.95; stoekers
and feeders. ss.9os< 8.25; cows and heif
ers. $3.80@8.70; calves, $5.20@11.00.
Sheep Receipts. 17,000; steady.
Wethers, $8.2o@8.8o; lambs, $9.75®
! 11.50.
By Associated Press
Chicago, II!., Marcli 16.—Board of
Trade closing:
Wheat—May, I.lo'i : July, 1.08*4.
Corn —May, 77: July. 77 6 «.
Oats .May, 4514: July, 44 1 ».
Folk—May, 22.97; July. 22.75.
Lard—May, 10.97; July, 11.02.
Ribs—May, 12.10: July, 12.20.
Mueller Gets Last
Check as Forester;
Ends Service Today
Up until a late hour this afternoon
Harry J. Mueller, the city forester,
had not tendered a formal resigna
tion to City Commissioner E. Z. Gross,
superintendent of parks and public
property, although his connection with
the city forestry bureau will end at
midnight according to the commis
"Several weeks ago," said Mr. Gross
"I notified Mr. Mueller that I would
expect his resignation by the fifteenth
of this month and a day or two ago
when I signed his warrant for his
salary for the first half of March, I
told him that the check would be the
last he would receive at my hands as
city forestter."
Mr. Mueller has Intimated right
along that he will not resign, but will
carry his fight into City Council with
the hope that- he can retain the
place. In o'/scial circles, how
ever, this is rather smiled at, as it is
generally understood that all the
counciimen of course, will support
Mr. Gross should the latter ask for
Mueller's dismissal.
Laconia, N. H.. March 15.—The Re
publicans to-day elected George P.
Munsey, mayor, by a majority of 743,
the largest ever given a candidate for
that office. Five of the six counciimen
chosen are Republicans.
Has Been Appointed X
of the 5
United States Fidelity and
Guaranty Company
with offices in
Harrisburg, Pa.
Prompt and Efficient Service Rendered in Matters
g Pertaining to 5
5 Judicial Accident —Health
X / Contract Burglary A
X Fidelity Plate Glass 5
X Fraternal General Inability A
X Hank Klevators—Teams O
X Internal Automobiles 5-
Revenue Workmen's Compensation
Lieutenant - Governor Lays
Down Law on Continuances
in Pardon Board
I.leutenant-Governor Frank B. Mc-
Clain, chairman of the State Hoard of
Pardons, to-day gave orders that cases
which were continued to-day must lie
argued at the April meeting or be
stricken from the list. The cases
were those of Harry Goodman, Phila
delphia, second degree murder, con
tinued since December, Antonio Viola,
second degree murder, Lackawanna;
James Baker, assault and battery,
Philadelphia. The hoard heard a plea
for pardon for Robert Moody, second
degree murder, Philadelphia, sen
tenced In 1914 to from seven to ten
years. Pleas for rehearings of Beaver
and Cambria county murderers re
fused commutation last month, were
also made. J. Harry Messersmith.
of this city, submitted the case of
Charles Rodgers, felonious entry.
Dauphin county, Judge McCarreli
sending a recommending pardon.
The Public Service commission ad
journed its sitting for the week to
day and decisions will be announced
within a few days on the Philadel
phia Electric rate and other cases.
CaU'in S. Brown was to-day ap
pointed special policeman for the
Central Iron and Steel company.
James Foust, dairy and food com
missioner, was given the surprise of
his life last night when he was de
coyed from his office. It was his
birthday and when he returned from
a mythical telephone call he found a
fine portrait of himself placed on the
wall. It was a gift from his col
Adjutant General Stewart is still in
Washington on militia affairs.
Governor Brumbaugh to-day ap
pointed L. Albert Gray justice for
Montgomery township, Montgomery
county; Roy E. Butler for Eliwood
City, and Thomas E. People for l.igo
nier township, Westmoreland county.
Senator C. C. Sensenicli, of West
moreland county, to-day tiled a peti
tion to be a candidate for Republican,
renomination. Nominating petitions
were also filed by Representative J.
B. Goldsmith, Mt. Pleasant, Republi
can, and John A. Immel, Youngstown,
Republican, First, Westmoreland: F.
N. Moore, Windham, Republican,
Bradford; James M. Collough, Fair
view township. Republican. Butler;
Lewis Treglow, Renovo, Democrat,
Clinton; Robert A. Stofl'lct, Easton,
Democrat, Northampton. Petitions
for Republican State committee were
Hied by Arthur H. Roberts, Lower
Burrell, Westmoreland: J. Frank
Barton. McCoysville, Juniata.
The State of Pennsylvania is not re
quired to insure its employers' lia
bility, but may pay compensation for
any employes injured or killed direct
ly from the appropriation ol' $15,000
made for the purpose by the last
j Legislature. This statement. was
made to-day in an opinion to tho au
ditor general by Deputy Attorney Gen
eral W. M. Hargest.
Walter C. Shaw, Rldgway, was to
day appointed an assistant surgeon
and first lieutenant in the National
Guard medical corps and assigned to
the Sixteenth infantry.
The attorney general has fixed a
hearing for to-morrow in the quo
warranto proceedings against the Lan
caster and Berks railway company.
The Superior court will adjourn to
morrow. To-day wus devoted to hear
ing appeals from Philadelphia quar
ter sessions and municipal court.
Senator C. C. Sensenich, of West
moreland county, was at the Capitol
to-day to file his papers.
Lieutenant Governor McClain and
Deputy Attorney General Hargest
spoke at the banquet of the Elks at
Reading last evening.
J. H. Longnecker, former deputy
secretary of the commonwealth, was
among visitors to the Capitol. He
had a board of pardons case.
Edison Suggests Method of
Building U-Boat in 15 Days
Washington, March 15. Thomas
A. Edison told the House Naval Com
mittee to-day that with a fully equip
ped Federal Research Laboratory and
standardization of machine parts a,
submarine could be built in 15 days.
He said the United States should ap
propriate liberally for such a labora
j tory, as recommended by the naval
I advisory board of civilian,experts;
Such a laboratory preferably under
the administration of the Navy De
partment, Mr. Edison said, would
make experiments to standardize
parts for submarines or aeroplanes.
The government would distribute
these standardized parts to manu
facturers. The inventor said that In
distribution he would favor the small
factory in the small town because in
larger city factories, he t lought,
there was too much waste of time in
red tape. A federal laboratory, he
said, could be put in full working
operation for $1,500,000.
Secretary Daniels, a number of rear
admirals, other officers and some in
ventors formed an interested group
that heard Mr. Edison.