AMI'SKM KNTS AMI'SKMKXTS FREE! | j| A moving picture exhibition of the jj i| complete processes involved in the mining, ]| \\ manufacturing, handling and transporta- j| ij tion of anthracite coal, from the time it i; jj is loosened from its bed in the mine until |j 11 ready for delivery to the consumer. jj Tech. High School i| Auditorium j| Tuesday Evening, Fourteenth j ij ] The exhibition will be accompanied by an explana- | !j tory lecture, by Mr. Robert H. Seip, an expert of the | ;i United States Bureau of Mines. <; Besides the regular processes of mining, the films | j| include many pictures, giving sidelights on mining $ !j operations, the life of the miners, etc. It is highly interesting to all consumers of coal | !j and gives accurate information concerning one of | j [ the State's great industries that could not other- | !j wise be obtained, except by a long visit to and an S !j extended study of the mines and their surroundings. | NO CHARGE WHATEVER FOR ADMISSION I * The entire public is invited. Children, unaccom- | panied by parents or adults, not admitted. J. E. DARE H. M. KELLEY & CO. | FRY COAL CO. JOHN H. GATES & CO. I WALLIS COAL CO. UNITED ICE & COAL $ W. SCOTT STROH CO. I S RUTHERFORD BROS. PAXTON FLOUR & | i M'CREATH BROS. FEED CO. I J. M. LEHR HARRY J. HAND | B. F. HOFFMAN SHAW i | G. F. MILLEISEN MOCK & HARTMAN J J. B. MONTGOMERY SILBERMAN BROS. ORPHEUM TO-TVIGIIT OMT TO-UOItItOW MtillT MVHHTH. Miii ln* rt Oll'er ou*ll Itevneml»er Me M MR. LOUIS The Aborn Opera Co.'s ..I THE BUBBLE THE Tlint Delisrlitfill Piny of Mingled llv Smiles nuil Team. sentN 38c to $2.00 Fri. E o„"i° g Mar. 17 BOfIEMIAN SEATS WEDKBSDAY First \ tiiHMiraiit'e Here of f-f R W Albert Spalding tIIKL America's (irralmt Violinist * . , ,„ .. . Assisted Bv "Pli'nilio I nst —Troupe «» * i M % "Wvmvv\%vtwvmvvvmwvwv,viAw,^vw>vw%vvmwv7. ji To-day COLONIAL To-morrow f ij Big Double Feature BiII—DOROTHY GISH, in * "BETTY OF GREYSTONE" | Triangle's most lovable lillle star in a splendid live-reel love drama 5 )i Return engagement of Charlie Chaplin's brother, Cyd, in *• "A SUBMARINE PIRA TE" ;[ A wonderful four-reel comedy taken on ln»ard a United States ,i Submarine, with special iiermission of Secretary Daniels, I*. s. X | colonial ! w>/vvwv" 'WWVWMWVVWWWWWWWMHmwWVWTOUWWWnwwv, j BOXING I ORPHEUM THEATER 'SETM* FIRST BOUT CALLED AT 8.30 SHARP Five First Class Six-Round Bouts $ WIND-UP—Frankie Maguire, Williamsport, and Tim Drcney, f I Lancaster. ' | | PRICES 25c, 50c, 75c and SI.OO 5 Seat Sale Opens Monday, March 15, 1916, 9 A. M. FAMILY THEATER ( Grand Theater 1 THIRD AND HARRIS STS. 1 IS« DEItIIY ST. THE BBLIG COMI'AK V presents 1 <> - \ I «. H T MTL. r< r D J IHK.XK EE.NWICK In The Carpet of Bagdad » The Woman Next Door" hj Harold MacGrntli* ji ilrnuin of \ 5-net Drama of pathim anil piikmloh tlie deter!• In r» parts. 10-ilaj «nl>. \ Ino re K olm |»ro K rani. ' J MONDAY EVENING, HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH MARCH 13, 1916. i - -- - —r iAK)u. \V. GriffHh has again come forth with a new Fine Arts Triangle called "Betty of Greystone." Dorotliv (ilwli and has selected sweet at Ilie Colonial Dorothy C.ish as the heroine. The plav will be presented at the Colonial Theater to-dav and to-morrow. * The comedy feature of the bill Is "X Submarine Pirate." with Syd. Chaplin, which will be returned by special request. This ! comedy was so very popular during its recent engagement at the Colonial that the management made every effort to | have it returned at the earliest pos sible date. Aside from introducing* the popular Syd. Chaplin, brother of Charlie ! Chaplin, the screeching comedy is as: i much educational as if is funny, for it ! shows I'neb* Sam's dea«.Hv submarines! in action. But the beautiful love story j i called "Betty of c.reystone," with sweet; Dorotbv c.ish, will likelv please even | more than the comedy. This will be the | first opportunity Colonial patrons have j AMUSEMENTS I > In-liny nnil to-morrow .!«•**«» I„ l,a*ky prcNcniN (lie popular plioto pln.> Kfnrn, CI.KO ItIIMJKI.Y ami \\ VII. \('K It Mil), In "THE GOLDEN CHANCE" A uioileru soelety drama l»y Jennie Mxcl'lier.Hiin. I'AItAHOIINT, PAHAMOI ST-B1 KTON HOLMES Til %VKI. I»l« Tl It ION WCDinll} »■>•< 'ri'iirc.ln.v Itnnlel !•'roll mil n |iri'f.enlK IIA/.1-M. HA\\.\ In "MY LADY INCOG" PA IIA MO L ST. Friday .ll I II 8 S'l'GG-BR IN "The Fifth Commandment" %•l*nl.sKl«iri: \' mhi c fnr vsih rate. IDEAL Boilers and AMERICAN Radiators are the best lure values tor you that money can buy, pay for themselves! Fully guaranteed. Those who build hope for .■ t ®fllV iffil the neighborhood to improve Architects know how this heating pays! V ' ' f and value to increase. The """ • < r 1-j ||| architect helps you to study The IDEAL Heating outfit is the only equipment put / ■•*»- fffflPW] '' keenly the future of the into a building that will never be worth less than you pay for " \ ytT I \ locality. He will prove to it, and will repeatedly repay by 100 years of service its origi v ' iv .... .. ... you that property modernized nal cost, through fuel and labor savings and absence of foundation of comfort is AMERICAN- with IDEAL Boilers and repairs. Can you possibly invest money better or more IDEAL heating. AMERICAN Radiators will safely than this? No one accepting such largs responsibilities charges so little as does the architect —for his is largely a profession of public service. You should therefore take advantage of his 4 'clearing house" of ideas and . experiences by consulting him and let him show you at any of our public showrooms the pattern and size of IDEAL Boiler and AMERICAN Radiators that will exactly fit your building needs and which will burn the kind of fuel most abundantly and cheaply available in your locality. _ _ Write Department H-15 —■ AMERICAN RADIATOR COMPANY B,M22 c£Sr A "- Sold by all dealers JL M. ■ \ JL \ V i) Public Showrooms ot Chicago, New York, Boston, Worcester, Providence, Philadelphia, Washington, Baltimore. Rochester, Buffalo, Pittsburgh, Cleveland, Cincinnati, Detroit Atlanta, Birmingham, New Orleans, Indianapolis, Milwaukee, Des Moines, Omaha, Minneapolis, St. Paul. St. Louis, Kansas City, Denver, Seattle Portland, Spokane, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Toronto, Brantford (Ont), London, Paris, Brussels, Berlin, Cologne, Milan, Vienna had to see Miss Gish since she was here in "Jordon Is a Hard Road." Easily the most unusual vaudeville attraction of the Majestlc's current sea son, and what will be Novelty nt for many the most in tlie Miijmtip interesting, is that of For First Half Josefsson, the cham pion all around athlete of Iceland, who, with itis cotnpany of Glima marvels, will be at the Majestic Theater for tlie first three days of the week. It is said that Mr. Josefsson is the favorite of kiiiKs, the terror of the apaches of Paris, vanquisher of the huligans of London, victor over .Japan ese .liu Jitsu experts, most feared man by the gangsters and gunmen of New York, and they who followed the Olym pic games will recall that he was a sen sation In that contest. His vaudeville offering, however, shows h<> and his companv of Icelanders, fjolnsr through a series of methods of self-defense, call ed "glim" " which has been in voßtie in thf land of ice and snow, since the eleventh century. A comedy sketch of merit entitled "Handkerchief No. 15," will be presented by Fremont lienton and company on the same offering, and the other Keith acts of the hill for the lirst half of the week will include Car bett, Sbeppard and Donavan, three clever youths in a lively singing and comedy skit; Lillian Ashley, an Or pheum favorite, who will have a new AMISEMKNTS raL,H°nnsEoaa pictures ksi #ir ARE BOOKED THROUGH SS COMPANY OF PHILA ./PA. li ■ MM HEARTHE 525000 Sj I M MM HOPE-JONES UNIT PIPE ORGAN MM EQUAL 0 F 50 PI ECE ORCHESTRA ETIJ MM i:i))H.M) HItIORSB 1^—■gff The eminent ilramntlt* |B • J AwM a t'l isi in ii .'-part pho topla.v of tli«» Kr< nt \«»rth%vc*Mt. ppSgr "The Lure of Mi Heart's Desire" B«hJ| To-morrow i ••The Devll'n Toy." ' | s Wonders and Perils of American Deserts UhiKtratcMl l.cotur« k l»y Frederick Monsen Noleil \rtiNt, Fxpurer, l.eeturer At NPIt'KSt HA Kit I Silt'ltt« \ AT- I ItAl, HISTUKV jHtCIBTV Wednesday, March 15th at 8,15 I*. M., M'llOOl, ll)IIISSIII\: r.Oe; \ oil lifts: Peijile of Mehool nise, 2?ie. ! repertoire of songs, and the Retter I Brothers, of sensational thrillers. f Cleo Rldgely and AVallace Reid will . make their debut as co-stars in the ; Jesse IJ. Lasky produc- C'lesi Rldgely tion of Jeanie' Mac- 1 ill the IteKcnt Pherson's "The Golden Chance," the attraction at tlie Regent to-day and to-morrtnv. j The story of "The Golden Chance" tells of Mary Denby. the beautiful wife ! j of the drunken, thieviner Steve Denby, ! living in the slums of New York. Steve spends all the money he can get on drink, and finally forces Mary, when the funds are exhausted, to seek em- ! ployment. In answer to a newspaper I a Ivertisement, Mary secures a position us seamstress in the home of a wealthy society woman, Mrs. Hillary. Mr. Hil lary is a promoter and wishes to inter , est the wealthy young bachelor, Kobert Manning, in a scheme which he is pro liuitinK. He Invites him to a dinner , party to meet a beautiful young wo man. The beauty fails to appear. As a • last resort, Mrs. Hillary dresses Mary in a stunning gown and has her take the place of the absent gues Man ning promptly falls nead-over-heels in , love with Mary. Her husband breaks into the Hillary house and steals all of tlie valuables. Mary returns to her tenement home and Steve plans to blackmail the wealthy bachelor. He . sends him a'note —which he forces Mary to sign—to come to the tenement. When 1 Manning arrives, Steve and another ' crook attempt to force him to give them money. In a fight which ensues Steve is killed and Mary, realizing her ! love for Manning, goes to his waiting arms. I Wednesday and Thursday—"My T,ady Incog," in which Hazel Dawn is j starred. j "The l.ure of Heart's Desire," a five- AMUSKMKNTS jw kMri b Mg«B JI H Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday j JOSEFESSON'S ICELANDERS 111 Hu ll* ih'inoiiNt 111 lion of GLIMA Tlie Self llcfenxe Mcthoiln In tlie Kronen \orth. I Other lOxeellent PeiitiireK. Kit tire ehnnite or bill Thllrsilny, I IneludlnK THE FORTUNE SEEKLRS A iiiiiml—eontlniioiiM, I Or. ir»<% . 1 1 act Metro picture, is the headliner at tMe Victoria ; Film llii.siMl On Theater 10-ciay. Hubert Service PoeM Eldmund Breese, i the popular dramatic star, takes the part of Jim Carew, a sturdy llghthousekeeper, who saves tlie life of a young society woman whose boat crashes upon the rocks near iiis post. Unrequited love causes him to gtv: e up his lighthouse, ami lie develops the sold fever. In the Yukon he is successful from the start and eventually returns to the Great White Way. A rather sad ending brings in elements of pathos, which produce a. ! splendidly balanced story. It is based upon Robert W. Service's poem, "The Spell of the Yukon." LAVRA. WALKER Aliss Walker is leading lady with Louis Mann, who appears at the Orpheuiu this eveninc ia "The Bubble." •''(» OJ'KN \ MOIiASSKS 'ui. a Cold in One Day. 25c.—Advertise ment. 5