Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, March 11, 1916, Page 4, Image 4

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Many Friends Join Union Do
posit Girl in Celebration
of Her Birthday
Willkim Fliekinger, of Blooin
ington, 111., Visits Relatives
in Lower End Town
By Special Correspondence
I'liion Deposit. Pa.. March 11, A I
hirthday surprise party was held on'
Saturday evening at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Jacob Espensnade in honor
of Miss Mary Kambter, celebrating her
twenty-sixth birthday. After enjoy-;
ing games and music, refreshments
were served to the Misses Mary Mul- ;
lin, Rosa Swope, of Hummelstown;
Martha May. Dorothy May. Eucile
Rambler, of Harrisbmg; Carrie Smith, j
Bessie Witmer, of Hershey, Blanche
3'Onft Maud Stauffer, Grace StaulTer.
Kathryn Jones and Crum, of 1
I'nion Deposit; William Long. Arthur
Wagner, John Curry and Landis Currv
•>f town; Mr. and Mrs. Neal Miller, of
Palmyra. Mr. and Mrs. Rambler, and 1
Jlr. and Mrs. Jacob Espenshade. —j
Jlr. and Mrs. John Kaufman, of Mil- .
ion Grove, visited the former's brother
Klias Kaufman on Sunday. Mrs. i
Emma Forry spent Sunday near
Hummelstown visiting Mr. aid Mrs.
Jacob Staley. - Born: To J'r. and:
Mrs. Andrew Kreiser. Jr., a son. on
Tuesday. Mrs. Clara Brrwn. of .
Philadelphia, is spending some time
with lier sister. Mrs. Gt-jrge Miller.
Paul A. Miler spent Tuesday at Har
risburg. Preaching services will he
held in the United Rrelhren church {
on Sunday morning at 10:30 o'clock
by the pastor, the Rev. George W.
llallman. Miss Dorothy Mav of
Ilarrisburg, after spending a short
time with Mrs. I.izzie Rambler re
turned home on Sunday. William
Fliekinger of Bloomington, 111., who •'
came here to attend the funeral of 1
his grandmother, Mrs. Landis. and :
then spent a short time with his 1
mother. Mrs. Frank Reager has now '
returned to his home in the West. '
Mr. and Mrs. John Fackler. of Hoern- :
erstown. visited the latter's sister. »
Mrs. Klias Kaufman on Sunday. -
Joseph Etter and daughter, Sarah. 1
spent Sunday at Campbellstown visit - j 1
ine his daughter, Mrs. Samuel Pat- 1
rick. * ' 1
«————————— ; 1
Sore Throat Wisdom.
To relieve Sore Throat you must get at t
the seat of the disease, removing the <
cause. Nothing else does that so
quickly, safely and surely as TONSILINE. £
A dose of TONSILINE taken upon the
first appearance of Sore Throat may save
long days of sickness. Use a little Sore
Throat wisdom and buy a bottle of TONSI
LINE today. You may need it tomorrow.
TONSILINE is the standard Sore rfr
Throat remedy best known and {/»'<% I 1
most effective and most used. Look .'>j
for the long necked fellow on the rj :
bottle when you go to the drug store lijj )
to get it. 2oc. and 50c. Hospital 1
Size SI.OO. All Drugsists. (
Cumberland Valley Railroad 1
In Effect June 27, 1915. ,
TRAINS leave Harrisburg—
For Winchester and Martii,sburg at '
5:03. *7:52 a. m., *3:40 p. m. e
For Hagerstawn. Cliambersburg, Car
lisle. Mechanicsburg and intermediate
stations at *5:03, *7:52* *11:53 a. m..
•3:40. 5:37, *.:45. *ll:00lp. m.
Additional trains for Carlisle and
Mechanicsburg at 9:48 a. in.. 2:16. 3:26.
6:30, 9:35 p. m.
For Dillsburg at 5:03. *7:52 and
•11:53 a. m., 2:16. *3:40, 5:37 and G:3O
p. m.
•Daily. All other trains daily except I
Sunday. H. A. RIDDLE.
J. H. TONGE. G. P. A.
Never Mind Hew Strong Y«u Are—
What d'ye Know?
That's the point—"What d'ye KNOW?"
To-day it's a battle of wits—and brains win
Muscle and brawn don't count so much as they used to.
In the fight for good jobs and big salaries it's brains
—not brawn—that win "What d'ye KNOW?" is the
one great question that draws the line between defeat
and victory between "wages" and "salary" between
you and the Boss.
What do YOU know? Are YOU so expert in some
line of work that you can "make good" as a foreman,
•uperintendent, or manager? If not, why don't you mark
and mail the attached coupon and permit the Interna
tional Correspondence Schools to show you how you
CAN "make good" on a big job ?
For 2S years the I. C. S. have been showing men how to
do better work and earn bigger salaries. Every month over 40$
students write of promoUona or salary Increases through L C
8. training. What the I. C. 8. are doing for these men they can
do for YOU.
No matter where you Ilva, how old you are. what houra
rou work, or how limited your education—lf you can read and
write and axe ambitions to learn the I. C. 8. can train you In
your own lyme, during your spare Ume, for a mora Important
and better-paying position.
Mark and mall the attached coupon—lt won't obligate
you In the least—and the I. C. 8. will show you how you can
acquire this salary-raising ablUty by their imple and easy
It will coat you nothing to InvesUgate—lt may cost a llfe-
I time of remorse If you «on't Mark and Mall the Coimnn
NOW. "upon
5 Box 13SI. Scranton, Pa.
? Please explain without an* obligation to me how I can qual> >
Ify for the position before which I mark X. >
* 3
Electrical Engineer Mechanical Draft* Shovr Card Wrlfta.
< Eire. Lighting Supt. Refrigeration EnglMer Adv.rtl.lng * t
i Electric Wlreronu C*>tl Engineer Saieanisn.kl. «'
■; Tel. A Tel. Kngfneer surveyor Tr«"her !'
Architect K*oco. Fireman Jk Eag. Engllah Brupkn •'
? Architectural Draftaman llfll Service AgrlcultuiT^
> Structural Engineer Railway Mall Clerk Poultry Fannin* i
5 n.tiding Contractor Bookkeeping Plumb. A St«» tit. <
,« Concreta t'onatructlon Steno. A Typewriting Cheuitatrv ,
,■ Mechanical Engineer Window Trimming Anton...bile RunaS>. ■'
•) •:
Nam* . ,
St. and No. ... !•
City ••••• . State J,
J Preaent Occupation |«
Shtrflmanstown, Pa., March 11.—This is a picture of the crave <>r Daniel
Ihireman, founder of Shiremnnstown. Mr. Shireman, who died in 1540,, do
lated considerable ground to the borough and also a piece of ground' the
ehoolhouse now stands upon. Thomas Shireman. only surviving member of
he family, still lives at the old Shireman homestead!
Organizing Auxiliary
to P. 0. S. of A. Camp
Scliiis&i'ove, Pa.. March 11. E. S.
Stahl and Mrs. Anson S. Colby were
recent visitors at the home of Milton
Mengle at Middleburg. Mrs. W. 1,.
Fitzgerald, of Wilkesbarre, is visit
ing her mother, Mrs. Agnes Moyer,
on the Isle of Que, Selinsgrove.
Mrs. Anson Colby, at a recent meet
ing of the Snyder County Educational
Association was elected recording sec
retary for the year. Mrs. Colby teaches
what is known as Fisher's School,
near here, and lias the distinction of
being the only married woman teach
ing school in Snyder county. Jlr.
and Mrs. Charles Keller visited at the
home of Henry Keller at Pork Trevor
ton this week. An effort is being
made to organize a Eadies' Auxiliary
to the local P. O. S. of A. camp. State
Organizer Yeisley, who has been in
strumental in organizing three new
camps in the county, is on the ground.
The P. O. S. of A. camp here is in
flcurishing condition, having only re
cently purchased a new building.
Fiulers. Pa.. March 11. Jacob G.
Enders. a veteran of the Civil War, is
critically ill at his home. David
Koons and family of Lykens. spent
Saturday here. Clinton D. Fnders
is on a trip to Spring City and Phila
delphia. Chicken corn soup will be
served at the social held by the pupils
of the local school on Friday evening,
March IT. A handsome aluminum
individual communion service set
was purchased by the United Breth
ren congregation recently, Miss
Mary L. Enders spent a week at
Berrysburg. G. W. Enders is con
tined to his home by illness.
Absolutely Removes
Indigestion. One package
proves it. 25c at all druggists.
Plenty of Wildcats in
Mifflin Co. Mountains
By Special Correspondence
l.t'wiMoxvii, Pa., March 11. Miss
Helen Gottschalk operated upon for
appendicitis at tlia Lewtstown Hos
pital is recovering. Mrs. Leland
Shull and son are at Philadelphia.
\ enlon Long employed in the railroad
service in Chicago is calling on friends
here. ike Berney has been at Phila
delphia. J, w. GalTiiey has left for
a trip to the West. Mrs. Thomas
Reed has returned home from a trip
to New York City. councilman G.
Max Wertz has recovered from an at
tack of illness. The Henderson Hose
Company will give a chicken and
waffle supper in the Market House on
the evening of March 23. Mrs.
Carrie Ingram and Miss Amelia Hogle
of Philadelphia, are spending several
days with their brother. Charles Hogle.
P. A. Zook is making good in his
course in agriculture at State College.
"Wild cats are reported plenty in
ihe wooded districts of Mifflin coun
ty- • Forty quail from the State Game
Commission have been liberated in
this county. Mrs. Joseph Bawn has
been taken to the German l-lospitai
Philadelphia, to undergo an opera
tion for internal troubles. Clarence
Long, taxidermist, is mounting a lot
of wild game.
By Special Correspondence
Herrysburg. Pa., March ll.—Revival
services were begun in the United
Brethren Church on Sunday evening
and will continue for some time.—
The Rev. S. J. Uerr announces com
munion services in the Lutheran
Church on the evening of March 26.
at which time he will also preach his
farew»ll sermon. The high school
held a banquet in the school gym
nasium on Friday evening.—Mrs. M. S.
Daniel is visiting friends at Hershey
and Harrisburg.—Miss Maud Bowman
spent several days with her sister at
Harrisburg.—Miss Florence Wehr, of
Flizabethville, spent Sunday with Miss
Naomi Derr.—Miss Ola Weaver, of
Gratz, spent Sunday at the home of
her parents.—Harry Lyter, of liarris-
burs. is visiting: his parents and chil
dren here.—On Wednesday morning:
while Mrs. Harry Deibler was turning
away from the milk wagon she slipped
anil fell on the ice, severely bruising:
her left hip.
How's This?
We offer One Hundred Dollars Kenanl for anj
case of Catarrh that cannot be cured l>r Hall i
Catarrh Cure.
F. J. CHENEY & CO.. Toledo. 0.
We. the undersigned, hare known F. J.
Cheney for the last 15 years, and bellev*- hlui
perfectly honorable In all business traduction*
and financially able to carry out any obligating
made by his firm.
Toledo. Ohio.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting
directly upon the blood and uiucus surfaces of
tbo system. Testimonials sent free. Price 75
cents per bottle. .Sold by all Druggists.
Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation.
Sufferer* with Rheumatism, Neuralgia*
Neuritis, Lumbago. Sciatica, Rheumatoid
ArthrltlsorOoat.no matter how severe
your case la, write for my FREE book.
Frederick Dagdale. M. D., 87 2 Boylston
St., Boston, Mass., Dept.
Blood and Nerve Tablets
, Fill the shriveled arteries with pure, rich
rl-»d. increase the weight in solid flesh and
l .jscla that nive you strength, the brain and
rerves with fresh vital fluid that force new
life and vigor into every part of the body.
Price SO cent.; Special Strength 73 rent..
Dr. Chase Co.. &!4 N. 10th St., Philadelphia, i'a.
" New Invention "
Our specialty, gentlemen, is Tou
pees and Wigs, which wo make and
send on approval with privilege of
24 hours' examination. Satisfaction
guaranteed or money refunded.
Our new Invention is a Toupee that
will not lift up off the head in front
where the part is as all other toupees
will do after being worn a month or
two. The foundation of this toupee Is
so fine It gives a reproduction of the
natural scalp. Manufactured only by
us. Write for our price list of these
toupees and others.
Welles Mistratar & Co.
Forty-two Businessmen of Bor
ough Guarantee S3OO For
Winter Chautauqua
New York Officials of Aetna
Explosives Company Pay
Visit to Plant
By Special Correspondence
>it. Union, ra.. March n. Dr.
Turner, representing the Pierce Chau
tauqua Association, was here recently
! for the purpose of organising a win-,
1 tar Chautauqua and the Parent-Tcach
] ers Association agreed to co-operate
: with Dr. Turner in organizing the
1 festival in the Twenty guaran
tors among the businessmen are re
quired to back the movement to the
i extent of S3OO and in a day's time the
promoters had secured forty-two
guarantors instead of twenty. The
public schools have started plans for
a great festival which wil include over
700 school children Tor May 1.
Businessmen are working 1 up interest
in a proposed ball club for Jit. Union.
Members of the Baptist church are
working on a magazine proposition
and expect to place subscriptions for
500 copies during tlie month. Miss
Errna Rosensteel and Sarah dinger
entertained a number of young people
at a party on Tuesday evening. —A.
J. Barber has purchased a new auto
ambulance necessitated by the rapid
increase of business. Colonel Horn
ing, with other officials of the Aetna
Explosive Works, front New York
City, made an inspection of the local
plant on Wednesday.
Birthday Surprise Party
For Mrs. B. Stiles Duncan
Duncannon, Pa., March 11. Mr.
and Mrs. N. 11. Trout spent the week
end at Philadelphia. - John E. Eby,
of Newport was a caller in town on
Monday. Mrs. H. D. Reuttic was
was a week-end guest of relatives at
Harrisburg. Mrs. Earie Phillips of
Kennet Square is visiting her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. James E. Wilson. Mr.
and Mrs. William H. Hamilton of
Carvers' Hill, announce the engament
of their son, Harry S. Hamilton, to
Miss JeJnnie Zimmerman of South
Bethlehem. The wedding will be an
early April event. Mrs. John Kirk
patrick and Mrs. Chalmer Clugston
were week-end guests of friends at
Mifflin town. -- Mrs. Hugh P. Leak
hah returned to her home in Greens
boro, X. <'., aftor a several weeks'
visit to her mother. Mrs. Katharine
Righter. Miss Carrie Dressier,' of
Altoona, is visiting her grandparents,
Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Johnston. Mrs.
B. Stiles Duncan was tendered a birth
day surprise party at her home on
Market street Monday evening. W.
W. Koades of Harrisburg spent part
of last week as the guest of Mr. and
Mrs. G. W. Reeder. —Mr. and Mrs.
Alex Lindsey of Harrisburg. were
week-end guests of Dr. and Mrs. H.
W. MeKenzie. —Mrs. H. C. Cless of
Harrisburg was a week-end guest of
Mrs. E. S. Glass. Miss Esther Ruth
of Harrisburg was the guest of Mrs.
E. C. Smith. Misses Anna and Mary
Wills, accompanied by their guest.
Miss Virginia Ely spent Wednesday
at Harrisburg. Mr. and Mrs. Willis
Klnes have removed here front Her
shey. —Mrs. Howard Miller of Har
risburg spent Wednesday with her
mother. Mrs. Margaret Clugston.
Mr. and Mrs. William M. Holland, who
spent several months at Harrisburg,
have returned to their home here.
Mrs. George Holland of Harrisburg,
snent Monday with her parents. Mr.
and Mrs. John T. Glass. Mrs. Harry
Sonnner and son Charles spent Satur
day with relatives at Harrisburg.
Miss Katliryn Hamilton has been ap
pointed teacher of the borough pub
lic school in the West end of town, till
ing the position made vacant by the
resignation of Miss Lena Holland.—
Miss Minnie Gelbaugh of Harrisburg
was the guest of relatives over Sun
day. Jacob Johnston spent Monday
with relatives at Harrisburg and En
ola. Mrs. William L. Black was the
guest of Airs. James S. Magee at New
Bloomtleld on i.onday.
1 Benefit Entertainment For
Linglestown Athletic Club
liiiiglcstowii. Pa.. March 11.
Church services will be held in the
; United Brethren Church to-morrow
: evening and ietaohrdlouettoantaonta
i evening by the Rev. Clyde
Lynch, and in the Churcli of God
; Kev. Whitaker, also in Wenrich's
church to-morrow afternoon by the
Reformed pastor, the Rev. Lewis Rel
ter. Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Cassel of
Hershey were guests of Mrs. Mayme
Cassel on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs.
Harry Ricker and daughter Mildred,
of Hummelstown. spent Sunday as
I guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Clay.—
The Linglestown Athletic Club will
give an entertainment in the Union
1 chapel this evening at eight o'clock,
j The program will consist of the Im
! perial quartet of Harrisburg and an
' illustrated lecture on California by
1 Prof. Leßoy Sehriner. H. Shadel of
Lykens, was the guest of Mr. and Mrs.
I Jonas Cassel on Sunday. Miss Lydia
I Hill of Harrisburg spent Sunday with
her sister, Mrs. Fannie Care. —Mr. I
and Mrs. Clyde Lynch and daughter.;
of Harrisburg, visited Mrs, Fannie
j Backenstoe on Sunday. Mrs. Harry
: Schools and son of Lebanon were
| week-end guests of Mrs. Savilla Shirk.
; —Mrs. Annie Smith spent Thursday
with relatives at Harrisburg.—Mr.
jand Mrs. Amos Buck visited friends
! at Harrisburg Thursday. Mrs. John
Early of Paxtang, Mrs. William Fees
jer and son John of Hainton, visited
friends here on Thursday. Miss
Ruth Hain spent Sunday as the guest
of Mr. and Mrs. Shelton Walker at
Harrisburg. C. 11. Lyter of Pleas
| antvlew was a visitor here on Thurs
| day. Mr. and Mrs. Simon Baker and
j Ross Look spent Sunday as the guests
;of Mr. ana Mrs. Earl Look at liana
da Hill.
I Sliippeiisburg, Pa., March 11.
j Mrs. Elizabeth Mowery and grand
) daughter. Miss Gladys Fleming spent
Sunday at Newburg. Mrs. Samuel
Burtsfield of Enola. is spending sev
eral weeks here. lrene Duhbs spent
' Sunday at Chatnbersburg. An
| epdiemic of mumps prevails in town,
j— Mrs. Barker of Path Valley, is
spending a week with Mrs. Russell
Jaeoby in North Penn wrreet. Rus
sell Jacoby spent a day near Cham
bersburg. Repairs have begun on
the building recently gutted out by
i lire in King street. Mrs. Coove'r
: and Mrs. Reese were erected legates
j to the county conventit-n at Ncwville
i from the Messiah United Brethren
I church. •
Columbia. Pa., March 11.—-The Woman's Club gave a preEenten enter
tainment in the H. M, North Memorial parish house, presenting "The Mer
chant of Venice" and "Taming of the Shrew." The characters were repre
sented by of the club and interpreted in most commendable stvlc
In "The Merchant of Venice," the characters here represented are from left
to right: "Narissa," Miss Mary Russell: "Antonio," Miss Marguerite Weaver
"Portia." Miss Helen Best; "Bussanio." Mrs. William 1,. Bucher. The presen
tation attracted a largo and select audience. Ail the participants were cos
tumed and they performed their parts in a most creditable manner
Postmaster Miller Takes
Charge at Elizabethville
By Special Correspondence v
lUiiHlHUhvlllr, Pa., March 11. —M.
A. Miller, the newly appointed post
master took charge of his office this
morning. c. E. Forney will be re
tained as assistant and Miss Ruth
Miller as clerk. Miss Irene Dressier
spent Tuesday with the family ofi
John Barry near Loyalton. The
largest sale for years, in this valley
was held on Tuesday, when Frank (!.
Boyer sold his farming stock, etc. Mr.
Boyer will move to Slillersburg where
he is in business. James B. Moyer.
iv brother of Mrs. Anna Hoke, suffered
a stroke of paralysis on Sunday eve- ;
ning and is in an unconscious condi
tion. Merchant George M. Ker- i
stetter was suddenly taken ill on
Tuesday night. Mark L. Swab spent I
several days at Lancaster. Dr. C.I
S. Martyn. of Millmont, spent Sunday i
here. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Snyder
of Pillow, spent Tuesday with their
daughter. Mrs. J. H. Fauber. B. 1).
Stroup is home from a Philadelphia .
hospital where he had undergone an
operation. Miss Sars Kessler spent
several days with her parents at Mill-:
lieim. Siimuel F. Hosterman spent
Sunday with his parents at Rising
Springs. Miss Sarah Kessler enter-!
tained a number of her friends at j
the Hotel Snyder on Tuesday eve-!
ning. Howard B. Weaver spent the j
week in Schuylkill and Berfts coun
Contract Awarded For Light
Plant at Lutheran Church
By Special Correspondence
Thompson (own. Pa.. March It.—'
Mr. and Mrs. William Seiber of Minot.
X. D., and Sliss Mary Seiber of near
Fast Salem, were guests of Mrs. J. G.
Haldenian and Sir. and Sirs. A. G. ;
Haldeman on Saturday. Sirs. Irvin |
Lants* spent Saturday at Harrisburg.— 1
Sir. and Sirs. Clark Bong of Lewis- j
town, Srrs. Samuel Warner, of Al
- Sirs. Robert Wadswortli and
two sons, of Harrisburg, spent Sun
day, with their mother. Sirs. Mariali
Bong. David Speece of Harrisburg
was a guest of Mr. and Sirs. George
Branthoffer on Tuesday. He was ac
companied home by his father, Jacob !
Speece. of Delaware township. Sliss'
Edna Packer of Sli'l Hall, is the guest I
of Sir. and Sirs. B. R. Shuman. —i
Frank Shuman. a student at Conway
Hall, Carlisle, was home over Sunday.
Mrs. David H. Spotts. Sirs, L. R.
Shuman, Misses Maud Hoopes, Pearl
Haldeman and Mary Herr attended a
party given by Sirs. J. Frank Patter
son in Slifflintown. Sliss Dora
Dyer of Harrisburg was the guest of
Mrs. W. R. Bong Tuesday. The |
contract for the city line light plant
for the Lutheran church was award
ed to T. Fenton Cox of Slillerstown.
Mrs. W. 11. Brubaker spent the
week-end with Sir. and Mrs. William
Pennell at Harrisburg. Sirs. Cum-1
mings of Philadelphia, is visiting her :
sister. Sirs. Edwin S. Thompson.
Sirs. Isaac Haines. Mrs. George Hibbs, i
Sirs. W. H. Smith, and Sirs. W. H.
Haines of Thonipsontown were enter
tained by Sirs. Emma Smith of Locust!
Run on Thursday. Sirs. David H.
Spotts is visiting friends at Harris- ;
burg and Duncannon.
J. H. Wilson Appointed
Newton Hamilton Burgess
By Special Correspondence
Xowton Hamilton, Pa., March 11. —
Boyd Daniels, of Altoona, was a re
cent visitor at the ho::tr of his par
ents here. Miss Mary rseclirlst spent
several (lays at Altoona. J. H. Wil
son has been appointed chief burgess
of Xewton Hamilton, to succeed Jas.
Price, who resinned. H. W. Boll
inger was a visitor at v..ewistown on
Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. James
Harshbarger of Yeagertown, spent
Sunday at' the iiome of C!. W. Watts.
Charles Wharton of Yeagertown,
spent Saturday here. Miss Alice
Norton and Airs. J. M. Graham, Jr., I
were visitors to Ml. Union Saturday. ;
Mrs. Charles Iviser has opened aj
restaurant at her home hero. Miss j
Marion E. Wenrick is suffering from
an attack of measles. Mr. and Mrs.!
R. B. Fields and daughter, Margaret, j
were recent visitors at the home of I
H. S. Gearhart at Beiwood.
Grand Prize, Panama-Pacific Exposition, San Francisco, 1915
Grand Prize, Panama-California Exposition, San Diego, 1915
For its Delicious Flavor, its Excellent Quality
and its High Food Value.
age has the trade-mark of the chocolate girl on the
wrapper and is made only by
Established 1780 DORCHESTER, MASS.
MARCH 11, 1016.
Mrs. J. Frank Patterson
Entertains Guests at Home
By Special Correspondence
Milllimown. Pa., March 11. Mrs.
! .1. Frank Patterson entertained at her
homo the following guests: From
Newport: Mrs, Kmor.v Fletsher, Mrs.
.1. Frank. Mrs. L. Shuman, Mrs. W.
Donvart, Mrs. K. Whltmer; from Dun
cannon: Mrs. .). Wilson and Mrs. H.
1 Wilson: from l.ewistown: Mrs. Rtee,
Mrs. Harvey Burkett, Mrs. Irwin i
Dlmm, and Miss Cora McClellam;
j from Thorapsontown: Mrs. D. H. ,
Spotts, Miss Pearl Haldeman and Miss
Maime Herr; and from the twin-1
towns: Mrs. J. ,1. Patterson, Miss Sara
! Parker, .Miss ICatherine .Mathers, Mrs.
; B. F. Burchtield, .Mrs. E. C. Doty, |
Miss Joe Wilson and Miss Rebecca)
I Doty, Mrs. J. 11. Neely, Miss Rebecca'
Trimble. Mrs. M. P. Crawford, Mrs. F. !
IM. M. PenncFl, Mrs. H. K. Watters,'
1 Misses Clara and Belle Rothrock, Mrs.
| Ralph McMeen, Miss Sara KautYman,
.Miss Sara Murray, Mrs. S. E. Wright,
| Misses Bertha and Anna Scott, Mrs. |
J. E. Hollobaush, and Mrs. W. 11. j
, Zeiders. Southard Parker, who has
been attending the Harrisburg Aca-1
demy, is at his home in Wilson
Heights on account of sickness.
\\ illiam Neely who lias been home on \
i account of sickness returned Sunday;
evening to Princeton College. Mrs. i
j B. Groninger and Mrs. J. B. Parsons,
of Port Royal spent a day here.
Miss Emily McNeal spent several days
at Altoona and Hollidaysburg.
5 John Grayblll, Jr.. Guy Auker and
i Jay Auker. spent Sunday at Tyrone.
Miss Elizabeth Sehweyer left Mon
day for a visit of several months at'
Philadelphia and Washington, D. C. —
i Thomas Jenkins of Pittsburgh spent
Sunday with his parents. Mr. and Mrs.
John R. Jenkins. Mr-, nnd Mrs. 11.
T. Kulp spent a couple of days with
their daughter. Mrs. Paul M. Heimach
in Philadelphia. Mrs. Luther Ben
der and children of Harrisburg are :
; visiting her mother, Mrs. Jennie Horn-1
I ing.
Millersburg Boy in France
With Canadian Regiment
By Special Correspondence
Millersburg, Pa., March 11. Or
ville Wenner. a son of Airs. Ellen
| Wenner of East Union street, who
j was employed here about two years
i ago, enlisted with a Canadian regi
ment and is now with the allied
armies in France. Mr. Wenner fre
quently writes to his mother. Mrs.
j Wenner has another son, Orlail Wen
ner who is a soldier in the United
i States army; The Rev. W. C. S.
> Keath, who will round out three years
1 as pastor of the Methodist Episcopal
i church next week, will go to the con- I
| Terence. It is expected that he will
be returned to Millersburg for the
next conference year. The fair held !
by the citizens' band in the old High j
school building this week was a great
i attraction. In Tuesday evening the;
! Dalmatia Band furnished music. —i
; George B. Wertz has moved his fam
ily to W'i 11 iamsport, where he is em- j
j ployed in a shoe factory. Mr. and
! Mrs. C. K. Dutch announce the birth
of a daughter February 29. Hop-j
J kins Davis whose wife died several !
i weeks ago, moved his family to Mt.
Carmel. George W. Noll, a resident
of Rife for many years, has moved to!
Millersburg, occupying the Novinger
property in North street. Miss
1 Pearl Weaver has returned from
Philadelphia where she had been for
several weeks taking a course in 1
By Special Correspondence
Jonestown, Pa.. March 11. —Michael
S. Rank, of Bethlehem, spent several
days with his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
David F. Rank. Miss Mary Ruth
spent Sunday at Lickdale with her j
aunt, Mrs. Edwin T. Gerberich, who is;
ill. Samuel J. Buick who was con
fined to the house for several days
is again able to be about. Adam B. 1
Webbert, postmaster, is again at his i
post after spending two weeks at the!
German Hospital, Philadelphia, un-1
dergomg treatment. The play "The j
Homemade Chair" will be repeated!
Friday night. —. The public sale ofj
Henry W. Kern's household effects 1
was well attended and fair prices j
realized. Philip Mease, of Leb-1
anon, a former resident of Jonestown !
will have a musical entertainment to-1
night in the hall.
Freshmen and Sophomores of
Lykens Nigh Have Spirited
Borough Plans Big Improve
ment in School Building
From Proposed Loan
By Special Correspondence
Lykens, Pa., March 11. A de
clamation contest between the Fresh
man and Sophomore classes was held
in the auditorium of the Lykens High
School on Wednesday evening. A well
arranged program was given as fol
lows: Music, High School orchestra;
declamation, "The Raven," Martha
Miler 'l9; declamation, "Barbara
Fritchie," Lillian Werner, '18: de
clamation. "Lincoln's Gettysburg
Speech." Luther Daniels, 'l9: music,
"The Water Lily," High School Girls'
chorus: declamation, "Tommy's
Prayer." Henrietta Thompson, "18; de
clamation, "Brutus' Speech," Naomi
Shampor. '18: declamation, "Tin;
Nifrlit After Shiloh,' Leroy Shadel,'lß;
declamation, "The Wreck of the Hes
perus," Lucy Ctaaundy, 19: declama
tion, "Nell," Diwothy Schreiner, '18:
declamation, "The First Settler's
Story." Walter Myers, '18: music, "The
Picnic," High School Girls' chorus:
declamation, "The Face on the Floor,"
Margaret Ske'ton, 'l9; declamation,
Marco Bozzaris," Morgan Moore, 'l9:
declamation, "The Last Hymn." Alfred
Stanley, 19: music. High School or
chestra. The Judges were Prof. J. K.
Shambaugh, a graduate of the Uni
versity of Michigan, wno is principle
of the Wiconisco High School: Leßov
Keen, a graduate of Columbia Uni
versity and Robert Swab, a mining en
gineer. First prize of $5, was award
ed to Henrietta Thompson, and sec
ond prize, $2.r.0. to Martha Miller.
.T. F. Row of Hershey spent some time
in town witli friends. Mr. and Mrs.
Paul Hess who spent several weeks
here, have sone to Richmond, Va.
Frank Hand lias secured emplov
ment at South Bethlehem. Prof. W.J.
llenninger, who was confined to his
room for several weeks with measles
is about again. A loan which lias
been proposed for the purpose of re
modeling the front section of the Lv
kens borough school building is creat
ing much interest, if the loan is
granted and the work done the school
will present a handsome appearance.
Lewis Hoffman, Jr.. has installed
a beautiful soda fountain in his candy
Perry County Hunter
Bitten by Gray Fox
By Special Correspondence
New German!own. Pa., March 11.
The degree team of camp No. 49"A
P. O. R. of A., has reorganized by*
electing the following officers: Past
president, Orlando Trostle; president.
Marshall 11. Clouser; vice-president.
Edward L. Finkenblnder; master < f
forms, Charles W. Otto: condueto-,
.Milo N. Willhlde; right sentinel.
Daniel 15. Mumper: left, sentinel, An
drew Trostte. Mrs. Frank College
| and daughter, lluth, visited tlie for
mer's brother. Wiibert Koontz. of Al
t ooiifi. Lumberman J. K. Houck
and William Bistiinc were at Blairs
i Mills, Huntingdon county. Vernon
Oring \ isited at. Harrisburg. Mrs.
Ira C. Morrison and Miss Mary Gnl
shall visited friends at Lancaster.
■ George Barclay of Lancaster county
is the guest of her daughter, Mrs.
David I J. Mumper and her cousin,
Mrs. James Baltozer. George A.
Collins, while hunting foxes ran a gray
fox under some rocks and when pull
ing it out, the fox too< hold of Mr.
Collins" hand and peeled the skin
from severni of (he fingers, but he
held on to the fox.. The Rev. T. R.
Gibson preached his lust sermon for
this conference year in the Fairview
M. K. church on Sunday afternoon and
took supper with Mr. and Mrs. Philip
Sheaffer. Mr. and Mrs. Friedley
and child of New York, visited Mrs.
Friedley's sister. Mrs. B. S. Gring.
Miss Carrie Bryner, of Cisna Run,
visited Her brother. Forester H. K.
Bryner. ll. \V. Hart went to Phila
delphia on Monday where his wife is
under treatment in a hospital.
Inventor Has
Device For Auto Wheels
By Special Correspondence
Mocliaidcsburir, Pa., March 11.
Charles E. Hershey, of Meclianicsburg
has applied for a patent for an anti
skidding device for automobile wheels
which he has invented, and which
promises to be the most effective of
any similar invention. The Object
being to provide an improved devi<-.>
of this character whieh is adapted so
as to be readiiv secured on the inner
side of an automobile wheel and
which is controlled by n lever ar
ranged conveniently for the use of
the chauffeur so that the heads of tlie
nntiskidding device can be readily ex
tended when renuired, and to cans; l
the spurs thereof to engage the road
surface and thereby prevent skidding.