Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, March 11, 1916, Page 17, Image 17

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    |l«BS£°Hnßtmg Season Is on—lt's the Want Ad's Business to tent lenses ||
KISWHDV—Mrs. N. J. Kennedy died '
March 10, 11)10. in her 83d year, at |
In r late home, 224 Cuniberlantl street.
Funeral services will be lielii from 1
above address, Monday afternoon. 2
o'clock, to which relatives and friends
wr invited to attend without further
iltice. Burlai private in Harrisburg 1
CWmctery. Please omit flowers.
Mil AMD On Friday. March 10, 1016.
.Susan H.. wife of Hiram »>. Weand,
at her late home. 257 North street.
Services will be held Monday after
noon at the above address. Funeral
strictly private on account of quaran
IIM.IOt —On March !>. 1 f»lt>. Mrs.
Bridget Flnloy, at the resilience of
licr daughter. Airs. K. J. Kreldlor, 1203
chestnut street.
Funeral on Monday morning, at S ;
o'clock. Requiem nigh mass in st. '
Francis' Roman Catholic Church. I
Burial Holy Cross Cemetery, Phila- (
delphia. The relatives and friends
are invited to attend without further f
lINSN—On March 9, 1910, Thelma Re
liecca Hess, aged 18 years, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Erven S. Mess.
Relatives and friends are invited to j
attend the services on Monday after- j
noon, at 1:30 o'clock, at Iter home,
1551 Walnut street. Burial Harris
burg Cemetery.
SGLLHY—On Thursday. March 9, 1916,
Ellen Nelley, widow of the late Mich
ael Nelley, at lier residence, 133 North
Fourth street, aged 71 ye- rs.
Funeral on Monday, at !) A. M., from
the Cathedral. Burial Ml. Calvary
Cemetery. The relatives and friends
are invited to attend without further ,
notice. j
LOST Small brindle female I
terrier, answers to name of Peggy.
Return to 111 South Front street and
receive reward.
IjOST A small bunch of keys on 1
Front street, between Walnut street and
Harrisburg Academy. Return to Ilet
l-iek and Geistwhitc. 19 South Fourth
street, and receive reward.
LOST Tuesday, March 7, on Market
or Second street, between Board ol i
Trade and Delaware avenue, or on Sec
ond street trolley ear, crescent diamond
pin. having seven Initials engraved in- ;
nide. Reward if returned to this of- I
FOUND ln Kaufman's Underselling '
stores during November, 1915, a sum ot |
money. Owner can have same it prop
erly identified. Address, stating j
amount and kind of money lost, Box K, j
«;<O3, cure of Telegraph.
FOUND What you have been look
ing lor in good work, at Eggerts Steam !
Dyeing and French Cleaning Works, j
3J'lo Market street. We call and de- j
liver. Both phones. j
WANTED Stock salesmen, either i
ladies or gentlemen; experience not ab- I
sulutely necessary; exceptional oppor- |
tunity. For interview audress B„ USO9, ;
care of Telegraph.
WANTED A man who has some ad- j
vertlslng experience in handling adver- |
tising novelties. For Interview address
A., a B7O, care of Telegraph,
WANTED Salesman to sell stock j
In live company. Apply Charles E. |
Jiard & Co., 921 Hemlock.
WANTED For clerical work, intel- j
Jigent boy about 18 years old; opportu- |
juty for advancement. Send applica
tion in own handwriting and give ref
erence. P. O. Box No. 467, Hai'risburg,
WANTED A baker, second hand, j
to work on cakes only. State age and
experience. Address P., 3803, care of
Telegraph. I
WANTED Experienced draftsman I
for large manufacturing company
building heavy machinery; also a good i
t racer. Applicants should give age and
past experience. Address W. 8., care j
of this paper. |
home; free instructive booklet. G. I<\ |
Redmond, Dept. 268, Boston, Mass.
WANTED First-class Drop Ham- j
merman and Die Sinkers, on all around!
■work. Highest wages, best of condi- j
i ions, no trouble. Apply Driggs-Sea- j
bury Ordnance Company, Sharon, Pa. i
A FEW YEARS AGO I started a small J
mail order business at home in spare
time with a few dollars capital. I want
ed to make S3O or S4O a month, even
ings. The net proiits the first year j
a vei aged S2OO a week. Five years' \
work netted me *50,000. 1 will show \
you how to start a small mail order j
business. Send to-day for my propo- ,
pitlon. It's interesting. No canvassing, i
Ileacock, Box 792. Lockport, N. Y.
WANTED White chauffeur. Must |
be thoroughly competent to operate ■
and care for IS-H.-x. car. No appllca- I
tion considered unless accompanied j
with references. State wages expected.
Address M.. 3802, care of Telegraph.
WANTED Form builders and
handy men accustomed to working i
around pile-driver. Apply to Robert;
i irace Contracting Co., Aiilton, Pa.
WANTED Layer out for
general steel plate and structural
work. Apply to The Union lioil-!
er & Mfg. Co., Lebanon, Pa.
LEARN to become a practical cliauf- j
f"iir anil earn $l5O to S2OO j»er month. !
We givtt you practical lessons at your
own home. Wo send you u $5,500 I
jioaicr with instructions, to practice on!
between working hours. Write for
particulars. Auto Transportation
Training* Correspond lug Department,]
L'."» -27--U North Cameron street, Harris- i
WANTED 4O able-bodied
men between 21 and 40 years of'
age for piece work. White or
colored. Apply in person to agent, |
Harrisburg Transfer, Pennsyl- 1
vania Railroad Company, Division
street, Harrisburg, Pa.
mill or lathe hands, who can work
from blue prints; also tool maJiers. Ad- j
dress, or apply. Employment Depart
ment, Westinghouse Electric & Mfg
Co., East Pittsburgh, Pa.
Postal Clerks and Carriers; examina- i
tion October 7; excellent correspon-j
deuce course conducted by experts; pre
pare now. Address The Chief School,;
El Temple Court, New York.
=- 1
1911 N. Second Street?
? Reception Ilall
i 1 I ltnoins
• Two Italics ; 1
• Klcclflcltj anil Gas i
• City Stetun Heat •
? lot 20x102 ft. •
| 20-ft. rear alley
I A line, large, substantially cun-I
| structed house in a desirable neigh-1
• borhood. i
Price upon inquiry
T Insurance Surety Uoiklk!
| Lmii*t and Court Streets ;
SALESMEN Salary and expenses.
I Experience unnecessary. Permanent,
i General Agency opening, Falrview I
Nurseries, Rochester, N. Y.
! MEN-WOMEN, $25 weekly collecting
names. Send 10c for instructions. Re
turned If dissatisfied. Superba Co.,
j .S:!9, Baltimore, Md.
our latest patented Automobile Acces
sory. Unconditionally guaranteed, lib
eral profit. Address Dept. "H," Tri
angle Merchandising Co., Elmira, N. Y. j
WANTED Ford car owners or dls- !
triliutors—each county for United I
Starters. Price, $12.09. 1016 Model.
Latest Ford starter on market, abso- !
; lutely guaranteed. Write quickly,
terms, samples. United Starter Co., De
j troit.
j WANTED Ford car owners or dls- |
I tributors—each county, latest 1010 |
'model Dandy Starter, price $1", abso
i lutely guaranteed. A\ rite or wire quick |
for territory and terms. Union Supply
i Co., Detroit, Mich.
1 WILL PAY any honest man up to '
; SSO monthly for part of spare time. No
| canvassing. No capital. Write to-day. I
1 Voorhies. Oeslt 155. Omaha, Neb.
IIKLP WA.Vl'i.l)—l c-male
WANTED A colored girl for gen
eral housework. Apply licit) Hellevue
I Road.
WANTED Housekeeper in widow
er's, home. Call 111:; Plum street. City. I
WOMEN WANTED Full time, sal- i
ary $15.00, selling Guaranteed Hosiery |
. to wearer; -5c an hour spare time; per
manent; experience unnecessary. Wear-
I proof Hosiery, Norristown, Pa.
. WANTED Persons to color art
l pictures at home; easy work; no ex
perience; good pay; sample free,
j Wheeler Co., 337 Madison, Chicago.
| WANTED White cook. Address j
Eagle Hotel, Annvllle, Pa.
WANTED White, experienced maid
for apartment forenoon daily; refer- '
jenees; onlj competent need apply. Au-1
dress B„ 3805, care of Telegraph.
WANTED Girls experienced on '
| power machines to make baby shoes;
i also learners. The Dauphin Shoe C 0.,:
; :',20 Market street —Fourth Floor —over'
! Hub.
Experienced weavers wanted;
I also girls over sixteen years to'
| learn broad silk weaving. Wages, l
! paid while learning. Apply, Mr. I
j Huber, Harrisburg Silk Mill.
I FIVE bright, capable ladles to travel,
j demonstrate and sell dealers. $25 to
SSO per week. Railroad fare paid.
Goodrich Drug Company, Dept. 520,!
I Omaha. Neb.
WANTED A woman for general I
I housework, with knowledge of cook- |
| ing. Apply St. James Hotel. 105 Mar- i
j ket street.
I WANTED Students to Know B. IS.
; Hoke, A. M., will soon be a teacher in i
|my school. More and better teaching ,
I always counts, Harrisburg Shorthand
j School, 31 North Second.
| WANTED Thoroughly experienced j
(young) saleslady, who can make al
terations; permanent position and good
salary; state age and experience; all
■ answers held confidential. Address [
Saleslady, caro of Telegraph.
WANTED Competent colored girl
I for general housework and plain cook
ing; must come well recommended. Ap
ply 110 Boas street.
WANTED —• Experienced rollers and
bunchmakers. Steady work guaran
teed. Apply Central Cigar Company,
I 425 South Cameron street.
| WANTED Operators experienced
'on power sewing machines, aiso five
experienced examiners, at Jennings'
Mfg. Company, 414 State street.
i teaches all pattern cutting by measure,
j before sewing. The puoll cutis the pat-
I tern, cuts the goods, and makes the
entire dress, making her own dresses
while learning. Day and Evening
'classes. A $5 reduction »:■ the tuition
;is given all pupils who begin now. j
I Works Dressmaking School, 22 North i
! Fourth Street.
; I
WANTED Girls over 16 to
strip tobacco. Also experienced
Rollers, Bunchmakers, Packers,
j Filler and Binder Strippers. Wel
fare looked after by trained nurse.
Apply Harrisburg Cigar Com
pany, 500 Race street.
W ANTED Experienced!
j sewing machine operators to work !
,on women's and children's wear, i
Harrisburg Apparel Co., over City
Star Laundry, 414-416 State
street, rear entrance.
WA jD By young colored man,
work in private family; can furnish
references. Address G\, 38V1, care or
t Telegraph.
PATTERN MAKERS Several tlrst- j
j class wood and metal pattern makers.
Steady work. Wages from 17Vi to 55
cents an hour, open shop. For full
I T'nrtic.ulars write to Eastern Pattern &•
I Construction Co., 2Jf Wight street, De- I
j troit, Mich.
WANTED first-class chef and
1 cook wishes position at hotel; strictly j
I sober, and can give'good reference. I
jlOOo Elm street.
. WANTED Young, strong man de
sires work around restaurant; can fur
] nisli best of references. Address 021
| Cumberland street.
WANTED By young, married man, i
strictly sober and willing to work, po- :
I sitlon in grocery store best references,
and can run an automobile. Address
' 1253 Derry street.
j WANTED A Southern colored girl j
would like general housework. Ap
, ply 418 Herr street.
: WANTED A colored woman wants !
bundle washes or day's work. 931
Grand street.
WANTED Work as cook. Address
: 1814 Marion.
WANTED Young colored woman
would like position as ironor in landry, :
|or dishwasher in hotel. Call, or ad- !
dress, 1227 North Seventh street.
WORK Assisting in general hoOse- j
| work. Address 1125 North Seventh.
j FREE SAMPLE—No-Splash Water
Strainers sell themselves, no talking,
| experience unnecessary. Profits big.
Send 2c (mailing cost). D. Y., Union
! Filter pp.. N. Y.
! AGENT WANTED for article which
jno housewife can resist. Sells at al
| most every home. O. Stewart Dis
tributing Agency, 210 South 47th, Phil
| adelphia. Pa.
i Demonstrators Coin Money introduc
i ing Perfect "Baksavher" Dust Pans.
; Makes sweeping easy. Bending over
' unnecessary. Housewives delighted.
| Household Specialties Co., 512 Bartnore
St., Grove City, Pa.
AGENTS—Men and women, to sell
new line of household specialties; fast
sellers. Particulars free. Write The
iM-K Co., box 4110, Nicutown Sta., Phi
ladelphia, Pa.
I AGENTS—CaII on best people. Fast
seller netting $1.25 on every sale. Send
for particulars. Aramis Martinet, Riv
erside, N. J.
AGENTS—Fine new proposition net
ting you .$1.25 each sale. Fast and 1
easily made sales. Particulars free.
Tldd-Hill Co.. Trenton, N. J.
AGENTS WANTED —Earn sls daily
calling on automobile owners. Get our
| proposition to-day. Universal Novelty
Co., 42 West StSth street. New York,
X. Y.
AGENTS—SeII raincoats. New prop
osition.. We deliver and collect. Cooper
| now earning #OS weekly. Sample coat
free. Coiner Mfg. Co.. 340 Royal St.,
Dayton, O.
! AGENTS—Do not delay, send to-day
i for free sample and large catalog of
| ijuick selling articles. The Hood Co.,]
I 72 Huntington Ave., Boston, Mass.
j Big Kansas Company will start am
| bilious people In fast growing mall or
der business; any locality; make $3,000
yearly; spare time; no canvassing; no
' experience; we furnish everything;
! new, unique selling methods free. Eyes
j stone, president, 41 W. 7tli, Pittsburgh,
| Kansas.
Agents make $5 to $25 daily. No ex
| perlence. Free catalog and samples.
■ New goods. Quick sales. Big proiits.
] World's beaters. Cruver Co., Jackson
I & Campbell, Chicago. 111.
I honest to goodness, sells itself line;
! over 250 light weight, popular priced
i necessities. We pay 100 per cent com-
I mission. $0 a day can be made at the
' start. No capital, no experience requir
ed. Enormous demand, sells fast, big
repeaters. Valuable territory open, alt
or spare time. Elegant Agents' Outtlt
furnished free. Write to-day. postal
] will do. American Products Co., 4258
i American Bldg., Cincinatti, O.
NEW AUTO FUEL. One-third
cheaper; unlike any other; exclusive
county and district agencies open; lo-
I year contracts. Write lnajifti Fuel Co.,
' Akron. Ohio.
I IF you are a member of any lodge or
social organization, and can give us two
business' references, you can sell our
line exclusively in your City—earning
I a handsome profit.
Some of our representatives make
, considerably more than $75 a week.
The line is one that can be sold to de
| partment store, stationery stores, fra-
I ternal organizations, schools, colleges,
I big manufacturers. In fact, everywhere
you turn there is a market for some
I of our many products.
I To be independent and have a prolit
ablc,. dignified business of your own,
I write to us to-day, giving us particu
, lars about yourself, and enclose stump- I
ed, self-addressed envelope for full par- i
| ticulars.
I Lang rock Bros. Co. Established 15
! years. Capital. $250,000, 35 Ormond Pi.,
! Brooklyn, N. Y.
j unnecessary, easy work, big pay. Write i
I ior large list of openings offering op- I
portunities to earn from SIOO to SSOO
j a month while you learn. Address I
I nearest Office, Dept. 244, National
Salesmen's Training Association, Ciii
| cago. New York, San Francisco.
| 1 " j
m:\ii ESTATE i on SALE
; FOR SALE SIXTH ST.. 2450-2458-
, 2402—These are three-story brick |
houses with all improvements. Porches,
large lots, twenty feet rear drive. Prices
from $3,000 to $3,100 for a quick sale.
H. C. Brandt, 36 North Third street.
hundred block. About O'J feet of ground I
fronting on Sixth street. At a bargain
price of $3,250. H. C. Brandt, 36 North
Third street.
FOR SALE 2-story single frame,
price $3,000; two-story frame, all im
provements, price $3,100; 2-story one
half double brick, $2,750; 2-story single
brick, price $4,200; 2-story single brick,
price $3,100; 3-story one-half double
brick, price $3,700; 3-story one-halt
double brick, price $2,85(1. West Shore
Realty Co., Baer & Rice, Lemoyne Trust I
I Building, Lemoyne, Pa. Bell phone i
] 31U8J.
good property; inspect it; occupied by
owner, if it pleases you we can agree
:on price. H. G. Pedlow, 110 South Tliir- '
teenth street.
FOR SALE 1937 Penn street; two
story brick; 8 rooms and bath; all im
j provements; side entrance; front and i
! back porches; splendid condition.
| FOR SALE —N. Eighteenth Street, !
No. 118, a !'-room brick bouse, \ritii I
modern improvements, porch and side !
entrance. Good car services. Price re
duced to $3,000. J. E. Gipple, 1251 Mar- '
ket street.
I FOR SALE N. Eighteenth street, |
! No. 35. a modern It-room brick house,
with steam heat and electric light,
porch and side entrance. Must be sold
by April 1. Special price upon inquiry.
I J. E. Gipple, 1251 Market street.
FOR SALE Penbrook, West Curtin |
'< street. No. 50; modern frame dwelling. '
I furnace, bath, gas, porcli. ot, 30xl!)0
ft. Price, $2,800. J. E. Gipple, 1251 <
Market street.
FOR SALE Boas street. No. 1822,
a 7-room brick house, bath, furnace,
I gas and electric light, porch, side en
; trance, granolithic walks, drive alley in
| rear. Price. $2,35 aif sold during March. ;
Payments to suit purchaser. J. K. I
Gipple, 1251 Market street.
two-story brick nouse, with all modern i
ini'iiovemcnts; both streets paved;
j rented at $17.00. Price reduced S2OO.
; Don't inquire unless you want a bar- |
! gain. J. E. Gipple, 1251 Market street. I
1315 VERNON STREET Owner out ;
of town, want to sell; modern im
j provements; steam heat. What will you
i give for it? 11. G. Pedlow. 110 South i
I Thirteenth street.
ELIZABETH VILLE—IU miles from. '
Farm; 53 acres; known as "Pottieher" I
! farm; two-stor.v dwelling; new. largo
bank barn; fruit trees in abundance;
I ideal fruit and poultry farm. Price, !
1 $1,650.00. Backenstoss Bros,, Russ
I Building.
• WE have a client who wants a Ford i
ear, and will exchange his new liunga
, low, valued at $2,800.00, located in a
i suburb of Harrisburg. Backenstoss !
i Bros., Russ Building.
j semibungalow; 6 rooms; bath; all im- 1
provements; lot. 60x120. Easy terms. !
Price, $2,400.00. Backenstoss Bros.,
! Russ Building.
! RUDY STREET, near Nineteenth; '
plot of ground 100x100; three open I
sides; excellent view of Bellevite and
i Reservoir Parks. Price. $1,500.00.
Backenstoss Bros., Russ Building.
! RACE STREET—S66. Three-story
| brick: improvements; 10 rooms; bath;
lot. 18x80; good condition. See us about
• | price. Backenstoss Bros., Russ Build-I
, j Ing.
If interested in Florida, before visiting
or settling in this wonderful State of
fragrant iiowers and sunshine, write!
. 1 Lake County Land Owners' Association,
. I No. 102 Lloyd St.. Fruitland Park.
Florida, for free book of actual photo
graphs and real conservative facts con
cerning this State. There Is poor, good,
: bettor and best land In Florida. This
book will leach you what IS BEST and
;l WHY. The members of the Association
;are not land agents; they simply wish
• to tell actual facts to those really in
'■ : lerested in the State. They have no
] time to waste in curiosity seekers, ehit
; dren or people who expect to grow rich
' without effort, but to those of charac
ter. energy, some capital, with a desire
' !o lenrn more of the opportunities in
• this most prosperous State we would bo
iulaU to give fullest information.
LEMOYNE—Semlbungalow house |
brick 6 rooms balh gas elec
tric lights steam beat large
porches lot, 3(i.\150. Bell Realty Co., |
Bergner Building.
TOR SALE l6O-acre farm; 30 acres
good timber joins the tarm; large stone
house and stone burn; Kood location.
For further reference apply "3 West
Main street, Mechanlcsburg, Pa.
FOR SALE l3B North Thirteenth
street. Three-story brick house, is now
offered at a greatly reduced price. This
property has all conveniences. Inspect
it. 801 l Realty Co., Bergner Building.
or. ACRES 3 miles from Bow
mansdale, 9-room stone and frame
dwelling, frame bank barn, running
water. Price. $3,500.00. Possession at :
once. Brinton-Packer Co.. Second and
Walnut streets.
1925-27-29-31 STATE STREET —Will
I sell together or separate. Price, $2,-
] 900.00 to $.".,300,00, Brinton-Packer Co.,
Second and Walnut streets.
220 HARKIB STREET 3-story
brick dwelling. 8 rooms, bath and fur
nace, bay window on each floor. Brin
ton-Packer Co., Second and Walnut
FOR SALE at a real bargain,
properties on Capital street, 40
feet front, extending to James
street, a brick and two frame
dwellings thereon, Nos. 802, 804
and 806 Capital street. Harris-
I Durg Trust Company.
I FOR SAT,E Bcllevue Park, on
Twenty-first near Market, corner
Twenty-tlrst street and Park-Hill lane,
elngle property, two-and-a-half-story,
brick and stucco; s rooms and bath;
all hardwood finish with hardwood
floors In every room. Tile bath, with
showerbath separate. Elegant fixtures;
steam heat; cemented cellar. Strictly
modern built Jiouse In every respect,
hot, 50x125, more or less. I-I. C. Brandt,
36 North Third street.
New houses steam heat gas
electric lights brick construction
all other improvements. Prices only
$2,800 to $3,300. Bell Realty Co., Berg
ner Building.
LOTS—Levi Brandt Est., Elk
wood, New Cumberland 5O ft. |
front up to one-half acre plots
sewer water gas —electricity.
S2OO up. Easy payments. 5c
trolley. Keeney & Simmons,
FOR SALE—Beautiful new two-anu
a-half-story brick residence in one of
the finest locations in the city 1001
1 North Seventeenth street. Corner lot,
00x120 feet. Eight rooms and attfe.
j Hall through center. All improvements.
I Fine lawn and shrubbery. Sold on
easy terms. Inquire of J. A. Singmas
ter, Gettysburg, Pa.
FOR SALE —Desirable build
ing lots, located on Fourth, Fifth, i
Schuylkill and Atlas streets, in
blocks or the whole. A splendid
] opportunity for builder. Inquire
i or address, F. R. Oyster, trustee,
care of Harrisburg Telegraph,
city. I
I FOR RENT Three-story brick
I house, all Improvements, first-class con
! dition, 622 Pefter street. Inquire Mrs.
Lizzie Boinberger, 1945 North Sixth
FOR RENT Three-story brick
house; 9 rooms and bath: all improve
ments. Call Bell phone No. 3102 R.
FOR RENT 1609 North Second
street, 3-story brick; all improvements;
steam heat; electricity; front porch;
front and side entrances; excellent lo
cation. Apply C. L. ijung, Kunlcel
FOR REiVr House No. 2C6 Herr
street; 9 rooms and bath; stationary
wash stands in several rooms; suitable
! for rooming or boardinghouse; new hot
air furnace; coal and gas ranges; large
1 yard. Inquire 129 Pine street, or write
Mrs. J. McK. Reiley, Apartment 5, The
: Kenilworth, Buffalo, N. Y.
I FOlt RENT 207 South Front
I street, from April 1; also three rooms
ion third floor of No. 9 South Market
i Square. Apply to 232 North Second
j street. \
I FOR RENT 126 North street, April
| 1, corner brick house, 8 rooms, bath |
and city steam heat, fronting new Capi
j tol Park. Inquire 400 North street.
I FOR RENT A three-story brick
house, with all latest improvements,
front and rear porches, in first-class
I condition. Inquire 2133 Jefferson street.
Street, 1724, brick dwelling, 9 rooms, |
bath, steam heat, gas and electric
lights. Rent, $23.00. Rohrer & Son, I
Bergner Building.
5 110 N. SECOND STREET Second'
I and third floor front office rooms, in
cluding steam heat and light. Apply
to Brinton-Packer Co., Second and Wal
i nut streets.
single brick house with all Improve
ments, with vegetable garden, privilege
| to build garage, located on Long street.
I West Shore Realty Co., Baer & Rice,
Lemoytie Trust Building, Lemoyne, Pa.
I Bell phono 3198 J.
j FOR RENT 320 Sayfcrd avenue, to
I small, white family, centrally located,
2Vi-story frame; water in kitchen;
handy to market and works. Rent, $9.50.
I Inquire 429 Broad street or 1631 North
j Second street.
FOR RENT Two-story warehouse.
I 3 Cowden street, near Market. Eleva
tor. P. R. R. siding. Possession at
| once. Bell phone 899 M. C. F. Uohl,
j H)O^Nortl^!econdstrcet^^ |>|>iiii^^^|^
I six rooms and bath; large closets and
i pantry; all the modern improvements.
Apply on the premises, 608 North Third
street, of Dr. James, Second Floor.
! ond floor housekeeping apartments,
containing 2 or 3 rooms with baths
| iind kitchens. Possession April 1. Ap
piy to Brinton-Packer Co., Second and
Walnut streets.
j WALNUT ST.. 204 An apartment
with six rooms and bathroom, balcony
in tlio rear with dumb waiter and
\ clothes drier. Terms reasonable. City
steam. E. Mather.
FOR RENT Apartment, 1419 Ver
| non street, first boor, electric lights,
gas and steam heat, stationary laundry.
Apply Baptistl, 1208 Chestnut, or Third
j FOR RENT Three rooms, suitable
for light housekeeping, on second
iloor, unfurnished; must give reference.
I Call Bell phone 810 J.
I FOR RENT Elegantly furnished
rooms for refined /people; use of bath
; and phone; gentlemen preferred. 1332
North Second street.
FOR RENT l.arge, newly furnish
ed room, with three windows and bal
cony.-second iloor, suitable for two
gentiemen; steam heat, electric light
and use of phone. Apply 12J Pino
FOR 'RENT Nicely furnished sec
ond Iloor front loom, with conveniences,
in small, private family, fine location,
$2.00 per week singly, «.r $3.00 fir two
i gentlemen; gentlemen Only. Apply 209
1 Harris street.
| V JTED Business man and wife
desire a furnished house or apartment,
centrally located. Would share homo
i with congenial person. Will pay good
; rental. No light housekeeping rooms
wanted. Best references furnished and
required. Address 0., 3866, care of Tele
FOR RENT Large, modern, attrac
tive room, furnished, second floor. Ap
ply 121 State street.
FOR RENT Nicely furnished sec- i
ond and third floor rooms, with board, j
:In small, private family. Apply 45
j North Sixteenth street.
! FOR RENT Furnished rooms
I single or ensuite; city steam; Bell
phone. Apply 719 North Sixth street.'
FOR RENT—Two bright, airy rooms. !
furnished for light housekeeping; all
Improvements; gas range; kitchen cabi
net; refrigerator; gas on separate
meter; immediate possession; references
exchanged; no children. Apply 342
South Sixteenth street.
BUILT exclusively for light house
keeping, strictly private, all outside,
with or without kitchenettes. Stoves
furnished free. Laundry, phone and
bathroom privileges. Weekly pay
ments. Janltress service. Inquire 429
Broad street. Dally inspection invited.
FOR RENT A room suitable for
repair shop, storage or garage. Apply
Troy Laundry, 1520 Fulton street.
FOR RENT Unfurnished vacant
third floor, consisting of two rooms,
two closets, hall, heat, gas, privilege of
bath adults only considered; ten dollars
per month. Apply 1420 Walnut street.
large room, 231 North Seond street. In
quire 217 North Second.
FOR SALE Sanitary refrigerator,
good as new; one electric portable
iainn, one three-burner gas plate, one
large window shade. Call Monday, 2341
Logan street.
FOR SALE : 1914 Ford car, in good
condition, new tires, $275.00. Call Bell
i phone 1597J-4.
FOR SALE One Columbus electric
automobile. Fine appearance. Good
tires. First $50.00 gets it. Keystone
Garage, 912 North Third street.
FOR SALE—Barred Plymouth Rocks,
Pittszeld strain. Hatching eggs, every
egg guaranteed fertile. C. A. Eckbert, 1
Fourth street, New Cumberland, Pa.
Beii phone;
FOR SALE Cadillac, 1913, 5-pas
senger touring car; excellent condition;
electric self-starter and lights, fully
equipped. Apply Harrisburg Cigar Co.,
500 Race street, Harrisburg.
FOR SALE A Stelnway & Sons
upright piano, only slightly used. Will
sell at a sacrifice. Address E., 3867,
j care i>f Telegraph.
| FOR SALE A cow, with calf by her
side, part Alderney and part Guernsey;
I also a horse, weight 800 pounds—good
saddle and driving horse. Address B.
M. Rogers, 2517 Boas street, Penbrook,
BICYCLES and parts of wheels
bought for highest cash prices. Rebuilt
wheels, $5.00 and upwarus. Guaranteed
repairing, quick service, reasonable
prices. Phone us. Save money. Key
stone Garage, 912 North Third street.
FOR SALE 6 pups, three months
old; crossed English Beagle and * ox
hound. E. E. Sheesley, 13 South Six
teenth street. City.
FOR SALE Pair of Velvet shock
absorbers, slightly used. Will sell
cheap. Is. Eggert, 1245 Market.
FOR SALE Complete outfit of ma
chinery for repairing shoes, including
one two-horse-power motor. Apply I
Hoffman House. 441 Market street. City. |
secured at the Telegraph Business
BUY Traveling Bags, Suitcases and
Trunks from Wholesale and Retail
Leather Merchants, Second and Chest
nut. Repairing neatly and promptly at
tended to. Specialties made to order.
Harrisburg Harness and Supply Co. |
AT GABLES. 111-117 South Second
street, 5,000 sets new sash, Bxlo, 12 L.
primed and glazed, at $1.30 per set.
Also other sizes.*
AT GABLE'S, 113, 115 and 117 South
| Second street, 5,000 gallons Now Era
ready-mixed paint, Acme quality. All
the full line of the Acme make.
FOR SALE CARDS on sale at the
Telegraph Business Office.
FOR SALE Scratch Pads new 1
supply —so for 260 while they last. Ap
ply Job Printing Department The Tele
graph Printing Company.
| burban home, 2 t / fe-story frame, 8 rooms
i and bath, pantry and laundry, all mod
ern improvements, large front, side and
rear porches. Lot, 80x150 ft. Beauti
ful lawn and shrubbery. Auto garage.
One square from trolley, one fare. Must
be seen to be appreciated. Will sell
cheap. If interested address K. M., 2360,
this office.
Stall space in brick stable for one or
two horses at 39 North Ninth street.
Apply, Donaldson Paper Company.
FOR RENT Stable, roar Metropoli
an Annex. Strawberry and Cowden
streets. Will accommodate 20 horses
with extra sheds for wagons. Largo
lot, 90x100 feet, close to P. R. R. Apply
Claster's Jewelry Store, 302 Market
FOR RENT—Offices suitable
for a doctor or dentist or general
purposes. Light, heat and at
tendance. Dr. John Oenslager,
711 North Third street.
Old False Teeth
And old gold and silver; $1 to $lO paid
for old broken sets of false teeth; high
est cash prices for old jewelry, such as
rings, watches, chains, spectacles, etc.,
any condition; also gold crowns and
bridge work; this week only; drop pos
tal, will call. Address D., 3868, care of
CLIENT wants to buy Shirt Factory;
give location, particulars as to labor
conditions, inventory of machinery and
lowest cash price. Address Dr. Theo.
Kliarae. Efficiency Engineer. 202-203
Trustee Building, Harrisburg, Pa.
WANTED By couple with no chil
dren, house, with all improvements pre
ferred. Permanent. State terms and
give full particulars. Address M., 3865,
care of Telegraph.
FAMILY of two will give half-grown
; girl good home for the summer and
i maybe longer. Good home for right
j party. Call 117 Royal Terrace.
rooms for household goods. $2 per
month and up. We Invite inspection,
l.ow Insurance. 437-445 South Second
street. Harrisburg Storage Company.
STORAGE 4lB Broao street, for
> household goods and merchandise, pri
vate rooms, $1 to $3. Wagons. 75 cent*
i per mouth. Apply D. Cooper Co ill
MARCH 11, 1916.
— |
| FOR SALE Meat Market In subur
i ban town doiiiK a good business. Fix
tures practically new. Address 0., 3861,
care,ol Telegraph.
—Get warranty deed, alßo interest in
co-operative well to be drilled near big
gusher oil field. Terms J1 cash, $i
monthly. Four lot combination $46.
Particulars free. Triangle Oil Co., 492
Carter Bldg., Houston, Texas.
AN IT Intelligent-person can earn good
income corresponding tor newspaper*,
experience unnecessary. Send for par
ticulars. Press Syndicate. 7Vf. Lock
port, N. Y.
! WILL. EXCHANGE a Uve reiaU store,
i doing a cash business of $lO/JOO per
year, on Improved real estate. Stock
and fixtures will inventory about
$2,500.00. Address "Exchange," care o(
Dally Telegraph.
I MADE $50,000 In five years In the
mall order business, began with SS.
Send for free booklet. Tells how. Hw
cock. 25a Lockport. N. Y.
Business personals
WE move pianos carefully. Bell
146. Winter Piano Co., 23 North Fourth
$1.50 Bell 146
Winter Piano Co., 23 N. Fourth St,
FOR falling hair try orosa Quinine
Hair Tonic, prepared by Gross, the
Druggist and Apothecary, 110 Market
street. Harrisburg. Pa. Telephone
orders glv.u prompt attention. Bell
R. A. HARTMAN, Hoarding Stable
and National Transfer Co. Movors of
filunos, safes, boilers and general hadi
ng. 11. W. Lather, Manager, Fifth and
Woodbine street. Bell pbona No
2502 R.
SI,OOO TO LOAN on first mortgage.
Address "C." Post Office Box 775, Har
risburg, Pa.
In the District Court of the United
States for the Middle District of
Pennsylvania ln Bankruptcy, No.
3096 ln the Matter of HARRY 11.
; FREEBUIIN, Bankrupt.
THE undersigned Trustee will expose
at public sale, in front of the Court
House. Harrisburg, Pa., on MONDAY,
MARCH 27. 1916, at 2 O'CLOCK P. M„
the following described real estate:
No. 1. —AH that certain lot or piece of
land, situate in the Sixth Ward, of the
City of Harrisburg, bounded and de
scribed as follows, viz: Beginning at a
point on the western line of Second
Street, about 100 feet distant in a
northerly direction from the northwest
corner of Second and Calder Streets.,
and at the center of the division wall
between the building on the land here
in described and the building erected
upon the land of 11. Vance adjoining
j the same on the north, and running
j from said point in a westerly direction,
j at right angles with Second Street and
I through the center of said wall, about :
S2 feet to a 4 feet wide alley; thence I
in a southerly direction along the east
ern line of said alley about 18 feet to a |
point opposite tile center of the division
wall between the building erected up
on the land herein described and the
building erected upon the land adjoin
ing the same on the south; thence in
an easterly direction at right iuigles .
with Second Street anil through the
center of said last mentioned wall,
about 82 feet to Second Street; thence
in a northerly direction along the west
ern line of Second Street about 18 feet
to the place of beginning. Having
thereon erected a three-story brick
dwelling house, No. 1408 North Second
No. 2.—A1l that certain piece or par
cel of land, situate in the Sixth Ward,
of the City of Harrisburg, bounded and
described as follows, to wit: Begin
ning on the southeast corner of Sus
quehanna and Calder Streets; thence
along Calder Street towards Third
Street 13.84 feet to a point the center
of the partition wall of this and ad
joining house; thence along a line
I through the center of said partition
I wall 45 feet to line of property of Wil
liam L. Van Camp; thence along the line
of lot of said Wm. L. Van Camp 13.84
feet to Susquehanna Street; thence
along Susquehanna -Street 45 feet to
Calder Street, the place of beginning.
Having thereon erected a three-story
frame building known as No. 269 Cal
| der Street.
| No. 3.- —All that certain piece or par
cel of land, situate in the City of Har
risburg. known as Lots Nos. 36 and 37,
described as follows: Beginning on the
north side of Kensington Street, 83 feet
west of the western line of Twentieth
Street; thence northwardly, parallel
with Twentieth Street, 100 ft. 9 in. to
McCleaster Alley; thence westwardly
along the southern side of McCleaster
Alley 40 feet to a point; thence In a
southerly direction and parallel with
Twentieth Street, 100 ft. 9 in. to Ken
sington Street; thence in an easterly
direction along Kensington Street 40
feet to the place of beginning. Having
thereon erected two 2%-story frame
dwelling houses, numbered 1912 and
1944 Kensington Street.
No. 4.—A1l that certain lot or piece
of land, situate in the Sixth Ward, of
the City of Harrisburg, Pa,, bounded
and described as follows: Beginning I
at a point, on the northwest corner of
Third and Calder Streets in the said
city; thence westwardly along said
Calder Street 68 feet, more or less, to
Linden Alley; thence northwardly along
the eastern side of Linden Alley 18 feet
4 in. to the line of the property, now or
late, of John W. Hay; thence eastward
ly along the line of property of John
W. Hay 68 fett, more or less, to Third
Street; thence southwardly along said
Third Street 18 feet 4 in. to Calder
Street, the place of beginning. Having
thereon erected a 8-story hrick dwell
ing house. No. 1400 North Third Street,
with brick building in the rear.
No. 5.—A1l that certain lot of ground,
situate in the County of Cumberland,
State of Pennsylvania, bounded and de
scribed as follows: Being lot No. 6,
Block "A," Plan "A," of the plan of
lots known as Plan No. 1, of Rlverton,
Cumberland County, Pennsylvania the
said lot fronting 35 feet on the south
side of Hummel Avenue and extending
back the same width 150 feet to Peach
Allay. *
No. 6.—A1l that certain tract of land,
situato in the Township of Wheatfield,
in the County of Perry and State of
Pennsylvania, bounded and described as
follows, to wit: Beginning at a point
on the eastern line of the Pennsylvania
Canal, said point being the dividing
line of the property of Joshua W. Gross
and the said 11. H. Freeburn; thence In
;a northwardly direction along the line
of the Pennsylvania Canal 165 feet,
more or less, to a point; thence in an
eastwardly direction 325 feet, more or
! less, to low water mark of the Juniata
River; thence southwardly along the
line of said Juniata River, 165 feet,
more or less, to property of Joshua W.
Gross: tlience westwardly along said
last mentioned property 325 feet, more
or less, to the Pennsylvania Canal, the
place of beginning. Having thereon
erected a frame dwelling house, with
porches and additions.
It Is proposed to sell Tract No. 1 free
and clear of all encumbrances except
n first mortgage In the amount of $4,-
000. All the other tracts are to be sold
free and clear of all encumbrances.
Together with tract No. 6, whereon is
erected a summer cottage, it Is pro
posed to offer also the household fur
niture contained in the said cottage.
TERMS—IO per cent, on day of sale,
and balance thereof on confirmation by
the Court.
T>. W. SOHN,
NOTICE Letters Testementary in
j the Estate of Sarah S. Graydon, late of
Harrisburg, Dauphin Co., Pa., deceased,
I having been granted to the undersign
! ed,* all persons indebted to the said Es-
I tato are requested to make payment,
, and those having claims will present
them without delay to
16 South Market Square,
Or to Harrisburg, Pa.
i Attorney,
If. North Second St.
t Harrisburg, Pa.
Tomorrow Is the Birthday
I Anniversary of—
1806 North Third street. He is a na
tive of Beavertown, York county, and
one of Harrisburg's mild dealers. Mr.
Smith onjoys a wide acquaintance anil
is a successful and enterprising busi
ness man.
WHEREAS, the Hon. George Kunkel,
President Judge, and lion. Samuel J M
McCarrell, Additional Law Judge of
Oyer and Terminer and Quarter Ses
sions of the Peace of the Twelfth Ju
dicial District, composed of the County
of Dauphin, having issued their precept
bearing date the 17th day of February'
1916, to me directed for holding a Court
of Oyer and Terminer and General Jail
Delivery and Quarter Sessions of the
Peace of Harrisburg for the Countv of
Dauphin, and to commence the third
Monday of March, 1916, being the 20th
day of March, 1916, and to continue one
Notice is therefore hereby given to
tho Coroner, Justices of the Peace Al
dermen and Constables of said Countv
of Dauphin that they may bo then anil
there In their proper persons at 10
o'clock in the forenoon of K aid dav
with their records, inquisitions, exami
nations and their own remembrances
to do those things which to their office
appertain to he done, and those who are
bound in recognizances to prosecute
against the prisoners that or shall be
In the jail of Dauphin County be then
and there to prosecute against them as
shall be just.
Given under tny hand at Harrisburg the
j 17 th day of February, 1916 being
I the one hundred and fortieth year of
! Independence of the United States
Sheriff's Office, Harrisburg, Pa.,"'
February 19, 1916.
I THE annual meeting of the Stock
holders of the Investors' Uompany will
be held at the General Office of the
Company, Seventh and Curtin Street!-
in the City of Harrisburg, Pennsylva
nia. Tuesday, March 21, 1916, at 9-30
o'clock A. M„ for the election of Six Di
rectors and the transaction of such
other business as may properly come
before It.
Estate of Charles VV. Talley, late of
Dauphin, Pa., deceased.
NOTICE is hereby given that letters
testamentary on the above estate have
been granted to the undersigned. All
persons indebted to said estate will
make payment, and those having claims
and demands against the same will
make them known, without delay, to
Dauphin, Dauphin Co., Pa.
rar:w« i* KV i jwrvii«Krr»rjrr*
In the Matter of the Estate of M. Eliza
beth Uhler, Late of the City of Har
risburg, Dauphin County. Pennsylva
nia. deceased.
ALL persons indebted to said Estate
are rcuested to make immediate pay
ment, and those having legal claims
against the same, will present theni
without delay in proper order for set
tlement, to
223 State Street.
Harrisburg, Pa.
Or Her Attorney,
William M. IIAIN, ESQ.,
333 Market Street,
Harrisburg, Pa.
NOTICE is hereby given that the
partnership lately subsisting between
Frank L. Cook, George D. Cook ami
Edward L. Cowden, of Harrisburg, Pa.,
| under the firm name of L. W. Cook,
was dissolved on the lltli day of March,
1916, by mutual consent. All debts
owing the partnership are to be receiv
ed by Frank L Cook at Room 211, Berg
ner Building, Harrisburg, Pa., and all
demands, if any, on said partnership,
are to be presented to him for payment.
Funeral sprayq]
New Climb lornl Co*
New Cumberland* l'a.
sls to S3OO LOANS
at legal rates on personal prop
erty, real estate or approved en
dorsement. Weekly or monthly
payments. No eompany will
1 make yon a loan at lower rates
' or on easier terms.
Loan and Investment Co.
; Chartered by tho Suite of Peiuia.
Dec. 7, 1900
Old Floors Rescraped. Workman
ship nnd Quality Guaranteed
Bell Phone 1391-31
: '
✓ \
We lend money in amounts from
15.00 to $300.00 and arrange pay
' ments to suit borrowers' con
venience. Business confidential.
Lowest rate In city. Licensed, bond
ed and Incorporated.
132 Walnut St.
V..,. •
|!l 130 LQC UST ST. HB G, PA. II