Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, March 10, 1916, Page 9, Image 9

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    f The Stor « Tfcat 1/ \T\T T\ V * The Home
I Makes Them |\ Ell 11 JE 1/ I 3 of Real
I All Advertise ) SPECIALS FOR SATURDAY Cat-Prices
I Medicines Toilet Articles
'"sssr - > -sawr E vxr xsser
weill % c " u^ nu t t : s^°;' et r Water " c f* *•«»
34c Foley's Honey and Tar 280 Hudnut S Cold Cream 338 cLa Blache Face Powder 32<* 17c Carter's K. &B. Tea 150
17c Olive Tablets 150 21c Djer Kiss Talcum Powder 190 53c Pinauc's Lilac Water 48<r 27c Phenol Sodique 250
28c Limestone Phosphate 210 4 3c Djer Kiss Face Powder
|"c A«fph.og a «to, :::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 3* Daggett & Ra»»deu*. c«am...*i« wmlam? o woieT™cZ n Pnw r dT• • i\t '*• Hood ' s «*
17c Alexander's Lung Healer 1 if 13c Mennen's Talcum Powder ITC , 7c SnnitX' rr 1 arn Powder. 0< 26c Angler's Emulsion :llf
34c Booth's Hyomei Liq 290 lH r T\wh P,cf. t <-l ' amtol . *Lream |.f<* 71c Angier's Emulsion 610
38c Solvax ... 4 JS ? p , e ™ P ? ste 48c Pompeian Massage Cream 43<- SI . OO Fellows' Hypophosphites .. .
34c Pape's Diapepsin 29<fr ~ 4 yons Tooth Powder lOf 34c Pebeco Tooth Paste *>9<' $1.34 Eckman's Alterative $1.19
67c Listerme 570 d4c <~anthrox 29<* 12c Swansdown Powder 10<* 17c Musterole : 150
17c z 140 ______________________ ______________________ 37c Resinol Ointment 34*
& U Ths s "? ar Coatin § Doesn ' t Wake ths Pill-There's a Reason I
6Sc Wifir 91* - Let lt sink down dee P in y° ur mind that we are NOT advocates of high prices, masquerad- \\ c f loan ' sent i5 *
I 66c! :ll S for£u " prices ' ° ur prkes are ,he lowest in Hirrisbu " and aU £IKHW:::::::::::::::::::::::;;-
34c Williams' Pink Pills 300 \xr* * R i 2" • , 17c Beecham's Pills
17c Atwood's Bitters , We a J e not making these prices temporary, to kill competition and later raise on you, as 38c Rheuma ' 291.
17c Morse's Pills has been done. But as long as you give us your patronage, you are insuring yourself against 17c Tonsiline 150
I 15c Schenck's Pills 120 HIGH PRICES. Compare prices and see what our Saturday Specials will save you. 75c Enos ' Fruit Salts | 59*
34c Listerine 29< QWIl" •« Vl' n 'A' •« <A« EHfo"*' W/' mVU■"W' mVt >»> A" S9c Bliss^Native 1 Herb Tablets .. *490
til wampo?e- s'cod 5 'cod Uver'oii '.v.'.'.'.'.v.'.v.'.'.v.v.v. St J T 35c Bath Brash, 23c 1 T $1.50 Water Bottle, 98c | I'c^yMusterine';::::::::::::::::;::;:::;::?^
H 2^c Fletchers Castoria LNo bathroom is complete without a brush* i This Water Bottle is guaranteed for one year, 75c Margo Tablets
S r a l rs . C . atarrh Rf med y 450 ? this is the best bargain in the city for the money' 1 ? mad f of ?° od heavy rubber, and is bound to give , sl.lO S. S. S $1.05
18c Bensue bZ ', 2f I O" 1 )- • «»tad number, at .... 33 *» 1 B°°" Saturday price !>H ( . 34c Pinex
38c isengue Balm :{se | ' : 34c King's New Discovery yc t ,\
34c canthrox .> 9<k ,i i $1.25 Fountain Syringe, 78c J lonsiliI onsili r e n :
■ 11/ K/J , i • J . \ f 35c Alcohol StOV6S« 23c < * This s y" n e e is made of good, heavy, red rubber, < intment (,9^.
VV C Meet Any Advevtised I 1 One ISr Alcohnl Qfnw t ai T with extra large tubin g. and three hard rubber j AII D.-LJL f * JT C •II
Price« nf (Inr fh ? r ? sohd Alco " - 5 »***■ Xt was made u p to sell r «- «i-2s. Our J -A" Rubber Goods Specially
i tees or iJur Competitors | •'''•'' y • •• • •••••,'' L g price Saturday only Priced For Saturday
j Saturday Specials KENNED Y MARKET STREET |
viim WMUn u U .
| Panama Conference Delegates
Report Momentous Meetings j!
:! 1 wentv-Onc Countries Represented by 480 Delegates il
at Epochal Sessions |!
I !'
Unusually Rood summaries of the!
"findings' of the recent Panama Con- :
i. rente on Christian Work in Latin,
America were provided by the press!
associations and published in the,
newspapers; and now that every
steamer from the Carribean is brine-;
fng home the delegates, interesting de- !
tails are available concerning the |
Avork of the conference. Apparently, ■
the meetings even exceeded the high
expectations raised throughout the!
churches of North America by two j
years of preparation. For months to I
• •owe the delegates will be busy re- j
porting their experiences to conven-!
tions and congregations, while the j
Just Apply This Paste
and the Hairs Vanish
(Helps to Beauty)
A safe, reliable home-treatment for
the • uick removal of superfluous hairs
1 rum your tace or neck is as follows:
.Mix a stiff paste with some water and
powdered delatone. apply to objection
able hairs and after 2 or 3 minutes
rub off, wash the skin and the hairs
are gone. This simple treatment is
unfailing and no pain or inconve
nience attends its use, but to avoid
disappointment be certain you get
genuine delatone.Advertisement.
Bringing Up Father Q (jj> <g> « ® ®" By McM anus
'religious press will discuss the great
gathering; in its varied aspects.
i<■ T ' le^. e were 4 SO delegates present
| from 21 counties. The Latin-Amer
jean countries and the United States
'were about equaly divided in their
. representation, as events proved. All
;t he great denominations of North
America had delegates present. The
difficulties which were anticipated, ow
ing to the serious division which this
conference had caused in the ProUui
tant Episcopal Church did not appear
Nor way t hero the slightest trace of
hostility from the local Catholic
population. Neither were, anv attacKs
made upon that church by the peak
ers. The meeting was entirely irenlc.
The minister of education of the
Repub ic of Panama, himself a devout
<-atholic, made a notable address of
A Boost For the Isthmus
Promoters of Latin-American good
relations, including the Canal author-
Mies, seized upon the presence of this
I strong company of leading church
workers to arouse their interest in the
whole general case of Latin-America
In consequence, the entire company
have come home to boost the cause of
Pan-America, commercially, and
politically, as well as religiously
The entire delegation was taken
through the canal, as guests of the
They report, by the way
that the celebrated "slide" is so far
removed that ordinary vessels mav
now go through as did the ship that
carried them; but the Canal has not
| been opened to traffic. The two hills
| h which i ause the difficulty are now be
| ing sluiced into the Canal by heavy j
E | hydraulic pressure, and thence!
; j emptied out into the neighboring la- ;
j goons, where thousands of acres of
J | arable land are being made by the!
{ finest kind of soil. The sanitary i
[ achievements of the Canal officials
{ ; were especially stressed by John K. '
| j Pepper, of Memphis, Tenn., the noted
| i leader in world-wide Sunday school
» I work, who was the first delegate inter- j
| I viewed.
| Some Sidelights
| The businesslike way in which the!
» conference was handled by Robert E.
■ Speer of New York, the general chair
t) man, is a subject of general remark.
He had the help of John R. Mott,
[chairman of the Edinburg Missionary
t | Conference. All the speakers
-, throughout the discussions were
s limited to seven minutes each,
i' This meant that at every session
1 there were from fifteen to twenty-live
i speakers, and the sessions numbered
; three a day for ten days. There were
• some stated, formal addresses of'
? greater length.
The delegates spent about seven
. hours a day in solid consideration of
f the Conference themes.
: Great maps of all the South Amer
! ican countries, with all the mission!
• stations marked, were before the dele- j
, gates during the discussions. The i
> mass of information that had been j
gathered was really astounding. A
' complete religious survey of each of
the countries involved had been made
in advance,
t 'Bishops grew to be very common !
mortals with us," said Mr. Pepper, 1
"because there were so many of them !
at the conference." This was but in- i
dicative of the extraordinary person
nel of the Conference. The cream
; of the Christian leadership of the two j
Americas was skimmed for the oeca-
J sion. The significance of this lies not
only in the quality of the conference
| sessions, but also in the power of those i
:; present to impress the message upon'
I the church in the months to come.
A Great Get-Togcthcr Plan
| There Was an impressive unanimity
about the sessions at Panama. With
. one mind the delegates agreed upon
I j
: propositions that arc really radical.
The findings of the conference were I
i absolutely unanimous, which, consid- j
! oring the official nature of the nieet
: ings, and the fact that they were pan- j
I denominational, as well as pan-Amer- I
| ican. is a signal advance in Christian I
1 comity.
i Stated in geueral terms, the recom
inendations of the Panama gathering: I
i to the churches of the Americas were i
1 four:
' 1. There should he a merging of the;
Christian press at work in behalf of I
j Latin-America. The various denomi- i
I national publishing- bouses co-operate
in the.issuance of text books, periodi
cals and general Christian literature.
The people of Latin-America care
only for the essentials which all com- i
j mimions hold ih common, so the du- >
'plication of literature because of sec
tarianism is needless.
2. A consolidation of miss ion i
schools should be effected. The task i
S Sore Throat S !
* Chest Pains *
H Tightness acrow the chest and ■
H lore throat can at once be relieved H
■ by applying Sloan's Liniment. It ■
)( goes right to the seat of pain— ■
tt warming and soothing the painful ■
M parts. The inflammation subside* 0
■ and the pain is gone. H
; Sloan's
i Liniment |
■ "Keep* bottle in your home " M
■ Price 25c. 50c. (1.00 *
j is too great, and urgent, to permit the i
| different denominations to maintain |
1 competing schools In some fields, while !
in others no educational work at all I
|is maintained. There really need be I
nothing distinctively sectarian about :
| Christian schools.
| 3. A fearless, clean-cut division of i
I territory among the various Christian i
| bodies at work in Latin-America was
j advocated. This will remedy "over- I
lapping and overlooking." It was dis- J
covered that in Mexica, for instance, I
' despite the extensive mission work '
I carried on there, only about one-tifth i
of the Held is occupied. This will'
Pretty Teeth Add to tke Natural ;;;
•;;; Beauty of All F aces II
' M yonr forth are tn want of any attention, call and have them !
| MWHWH amined, which Is FREE OF CHaWe. UMnn |
■ ! ' «n»rant«® my work to be of the yery best, both in material anil ' •
*" ' WwMM&gmEa workmanship, which it is possible to give my patients. My is vrarh o' ""
* " ' constant practice and stndy have given me the experience which each ami '
' 1 every dentist must have In order to do satisfactory work. Ido mv wr.rb !
!!! \ tz&Gv.' Wtt'WWmtW absoluteiy painless. My assistants are dentists, who Imve had n vaqf < >•>
. .. • amount of experience, and therefore are able to rendor the verv he«i or •
| equipped with all the modern appliances In order to £
' Office open Man., Wed. and f) ' T
'" ' | *' *"' r d on Sundays. Bell phone, 3322-R. ' T
!::: DR. PHILLIPS. Paml.w Dentist |j
| j 320 Market Street, '^jSSugg&g^ : if
I s a »i... a........ »»"'■ HIIMIIMIIII IMItII I If | fit
* "'iiii ittnitm 1 " " i ill iii ijt
mean withdrawal from some fields by
certain churches, and is a scheme that
will test to the utmost the liberality
and statesmanship of tlie mission
4. Even more radical is the pro
posal for the division of existing mem
bership in the course of the readjust
ment. That is to say, if the Method
ists leave a field where there is dupli
cation. they will turn over their mem
bers to the Presbyterians or Episca- i
palians or whatever other body has |
been assigned that territory.
Evidently courage and vision were '
present at Panama, in this meeting
which promises to be epochal.
Cheap substitutes cost YOU some price.