Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, March 10, 1916, Page 4, Image 4

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When a cold settles in the bronchial
rubes, with that weakening, tickling
rough, immediate treatment is very ;
'important. The breath seems shorter
oecause of mucovis obstructions; usu- 1
ally fever is present, your head jars with
rvery cough and your chest may ache.
This is no time for experimenting or
delay—you must get Scott's Emulsion
»t once to drive out the cold which
started the trouble, and it will check
the cough by aiding the healing pro
cess of the enfeebled membranes.
If you have any symptoms of bron
chitis. or even a stubborn cold, always
remember that Scott's Emulsion has
been relieving this trouble for forty
years. It is free from alcohol or drugs.
Refuse substitutes.
jit-.-** r. Tv»wne. Bldomfield, N. J. 15-U
Don't eat bite of breakfast until;
you drink glass of
hot water.
llapvy, bright, alert—vigorous and
vivacious—a good clear skin; a nat
ural. rosy complexion and freedom
from illness are assured only by
clean, healthy blood. If only every
woman and likewise every man could
realize the wonders of the morning
inside bath, what a gratifying change
would take place.
Instead of the thousands of sickly,
anaemic-looking men, women and
girls with pasty or muddy complex
ions; instead of the multitudes of
"nerve wrecks," "rundowns," "brain 1
fags'' and pessimists we should see a
virile, optimistic throng of rosy
cheeked people everywhere.
An inside bath is had by drinking,
each morning before breakfast, a
slass of real hot water with a tea
spoonful of limestone phosphate In It
to wash from the stomach, liver, kid
neys and ten yards of bowels the pre
vious day's IndigesUble waste, sour
fermentations and poisons, thus
cleansing, sweetening and freshening
the entire alimentary canal before
putting more food into the stomach.
Those subject to sick headache, bil
iousness. nasty breath, rheumatism,
colds; and particularly those who
have a pallid, sallow complexion and
who are constipated very often, are
urged to obtain a quarter pound of,
limestone phosphate at the drug store'
which will cost but a trifle but is
sufficient to demonstrate the quick
snd remarkable change in both health
and appearance awaiting those who
practice internal sanitation. We must
remember that inside cleanliness is
more Important than outside, be
cause the skin does not absorb im
purities to contaminate the blood,
while the pores in the thirty feet
of bowels do.—Advertisement.
Says Indigestion Results From
An Excess of Hydrochloric
Undigested food delayed in the i
stomach decays, or rather, ferments
.the same as food left in the open air,
says a noted authority. He also tells j
us that Indigestion is caused by Hyper
acidity, meaning, there is an excess of;
hydrochloric acid In the stomach
which prevents complete digestion
and starts food fermentation. Thus i
■everything eaten sours in the stomach
much like garbage sours in a can, ]
Torming acrid fluids and gases which ■
inflate the stomach like a toy balloon, j
Then we feel a heavy, lumpy misery;
in the chest, we belch up gas. we
eructate sour food or have heartburn,
flatulence, water-brash or natisea.
He tells us to lay aside all digestive
aids and Instead, get from any phar
•macy four ounces of Jad Salts and
.take a tablespoonful in a glass of
water before breakfast and drink
•while it is effervescing and further
more, to continue this for a week.
"While relief follows the first dose,, it
•is important to neutralize the acidity,
remove the gas-making mass, start 1
'the liver, stimulate the kidneys and
thus promote a free flow of pure di
gestive juices.
Jads Salts is inexpensive and is
made from the acid or grapes and
lemon juice, combined -with lithia and
sodium phosphate. This harmless
salts is used by thousands of people
for stomach trouble with excellent re
People Notice It. Drive Them
Off With Dr. Edwards'
Olive Tablets
A pimply face will not embarrass you
much longer If you get a package of
l.»r. Edwards' Olive Tablets. The skin
should begin to clear after you have
taken the tablets a few nights.
Cleanse the blood, the bowels and the
liver with Olive Tablets.
Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets are the
successful substitute for calomel
there's never any sickness or pain after
taking them.
Hr. Edward's Olive Tablets do that
which calomel does, and just" as effec
tively. but their action is gentle and
safe instead of severe and irritating.
No one who takes Olive Tablets Is
ever cursed with "a dark brown taste,"
a bad breath, a dull, listless, "no good"
feeling, constipation, torpid liver, bad
disposition or pimply face.
Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets are a
purely vegetable compound mixed with
olive oil; you will know them by their
olive color.
Dr. Edwards spent years among pa
tients afflicted with liver and bowel
complaints, and Olive Tablets are the
Immensely effective result.
Take one or two nightly for a week.
Fee bow much better you feel and look,
10c and 25c per box. All druggists.
The Olive Tablet Company, Colum
bus, O.
(InrrrMior to J. J Ogelsbr)
310 !S'ortli Srcoail Street
Try Telegraph Want Ads
Clearest Light in WorM War
Shed by the Bible; Studies
in Faith
Tlie International Sunday School l.es
swm For March 12 Is "Heroes and
Martyrs of Faith."—Hebrews 11:1;
(By William T. Ellis)
The timeliness of the present Sun
day School Lesson Is almost uncanny.
It could not be more appropriate If It
had been planned yesterday. The
clearest light on the world war is !
shed by this old book which is eter-1
nally contemporaneous. Xone of the
many utterances on the present Ar- ;
menian massacres can match this
passage from the Book of Hebrews.
In an hour when the church most
needs a tonic for faith we have this
sublime study, re-enforced by the daily
news from the churches in Asia.
Every nation In Europe Is at the
present moment giving the world a
lesson in faith, and in the reality and
supremacy of the Invisible things.
They live in faith, the faith of their
people In the spiritual qualities of
their country. This faith and vision,
which commonly passes by the name
of patriotism, is a vaster and more vi
tal thing than most of the world real
ises. It has made over the life of the
older nations of Europe. They are
being saved by faith. Millions of men
have dared death In the trenches be
cause of this larger vision. Economists
may sneer at sentiment as futile and
emotional —I read such an article an
hour ago—but it still rules the world.
In the largest meaning of the phrase
we are always being saved by faith.
That truth is written in all history,
and never more clearly so than to
day; but it Is pre-eminently the mes
sage of the experience of the Christian
church. "This is the victory that over
cometh the world, even your faith."
When the inspired writer of the let
ter to the Hebrews wanted a perfect
example of faith, he turned to the ex
perience of the church. Do you want
more faith'.' Then read the Bible
more; for the principle lias been
clearly stated: "Faith cometh by
I.earing, and hearing by the word of
God." There is no cure for faltering
faith like the old story of how the
faith of the fathers has enabled frail
Birls, little children and aged men to
bear witness to their Christ and His
The Greatest Victories
Mr. Materialist says to the young
lover. "You are only chasing a dream."
Yet that "dream," that intangible. In
explicable spiritual quality called love,
has glorified existence and wrought
more wonders than science. To the
statesmen Mr. Materialist says, "Be
practical: idealism is all well enough
to talk about at election time, but It Is
practical self-interest that rules the
world." To the patriot he says, "Gov
ernments are controlled onlv bv eco
nomic causes. All this talk about
the flag is sheer buncombe.'' And to
the sociologist lie says, "Altruism is
absurd. Human nature'is human na
ture and will he to the end."
"You poor blind fool." answers the
man of faith, "can you not look
around you and behind you, and sea
that It is faith, and only faith, that
has given us alMhat is great'ln hu
man life." Or. as a better answer,
let us quote the wonderful analysis
and vindication of faith, with its ap
peal to history, which constitutes the
present lesson:
"Now faith is the substance
of things hoped for, the evidence
of things not seen. And what
shall I more say? for the time
would fail ma to tell of Gideon,
and of Barak, and of Sampson,
and of Jephthah; of David also,
and Samuel, and of the proph
ets: Who through faith sub
dued kingdoms, wrought right
eousness, obtained promises,
stopped the mouths of lions,
quenched the violence of fire,
escaped the edge of the sword,
out of weakness were made
strong, waxed valiant In fight,
turned to flight the armies of
the aliens. Women received their
dead raised to life again: and
others were tortured, not accept
ing deliverance; that they might
obtain a better resurrection; and
others had trial of cruel mockings
and scourgings, yea, moreover
of bonds and imprisonment; they
were stoned, they were sawn
asunder, were tempted, were slain
with the sword; they wandered
about In sheepskins and goat
skins; being destitute, afflicted,
tormented; of whom the world
was not worthy; they wandered
In deserts, and in mountains, and
in dens and caves of the earth.
And these all, having obtained
a good report through faith, re
ceived not the promise: God
having provided some better
things for us. that they without
us should not be made perfect.
Wherefore, seeing we also are
compassed about with so great
a cloud of witnesses, let us lay
aside every weight, and the sin
which doth so easily beset us,
and let us run with patience the
race that is set before us, look
ing unto Jesus the author and
finisher of our faith; who for
the Joy that was set before Him
endured the cross, dlsplslng the
shame, and is set down at the
right hand of the throne of
Vision and Victory
Faith is a force. This is clear, if
i anything is, from this great New
Testament passage. They who see
the invisible conquer the visible.
Spiritual qualities give a person "the
strength of ten." "Where there is
no vision the people perish." Is It
not manifest to all observing persons
that the "preparedness" most need
ed to-day by nations is the prepared
ness of the seeing heart? Once let
the spiritual impulses of the people
be stirred deeply, so that they mav
perceive the real nature of the na
tional problems which this new day
has brought* and they will inevit
ably do whatever else is necessary
to be done.. "Lord, increase our
faith," and our works will then take
care of themselves.
When the Christian Church has
been lowest In estate and highest in
faith she has had most power In the
world.* Her days of greatest weak
j neas have been when she has trust
ed most of her temporal power and
material wealth. The martyr church
has always been a mighty church-
Out of weakness she has been made
strong Uy faith. When filled with
faith and empty of goods the church
has gone everywhere conquering,
i Faith foils failure.
Like so much of the Bible, this
eleventh chapter of Hebrews is left
, unfinished. The roll of faith's
I heroes was called only down to the
'date of writing. It has been added to
Al> S S LESSON—MARCH 5-12 . . .
through ail the centuries since. This
'is a continued story, and the final
instalment will be Issued in heaven.
iTo "know fully" the stories o£ faith
5c Sen Sen 2%$ soc Phenol Sodique .... 25$
15c Alpine Tea 7 1 /t$ f M B 10c Phenol Sodique 5$
10c Eye Brow Pencils .. 5e M M JL 25c Prof. Field's Worm
10c Z. O. Adhesive 5$ m f Powder 1 2%$
50c Odorless Chlorides .. f m A 25c Talcolette 12%$
SI.OO Dr. Shoop's Rheumatic. M W S£ 25c J css Talcum 12y 2 e
50$ 25c Steam's Shac 12%$
5c Nipples 2yis MS - 50c Robinson Patent Barley,
25c Plexo Greaseless Cream, . MT f M 25$
J 0 25c A. D. S. Digestive Tablets,
50c Pompeian Massage Cream, m 1 2y 2 $
2S$ fl 10c Tryalax 5$
25c Standard Peroxide Cream, ' S S C Tooth Paste,
SI.OO .Liquid .Antiseptic, 50* £ 25c Lilly's Tooth Paste, 12 , 1$
50c Liquid Antiseptic .. 25$ _ s _ 25c Superlative Peroxide Tooth
SI.OO Phelp's Rheumatic Elix., *> >£. / Paste 12%$
50C <ZZ%Oc£<G> 25c Ar ° m S P ts Ammonia, 3
25c Smelling Salt \2%s >** ozs ISj^
50c Bulb Syringe 23£ _ —. f* ry /\ rf 25c Spts. Camphor, 3 ozs.,
E ar and Ulcer Syringe, 3oo MAHKET Si. - 306 BROAD Si. 25c Tr Arnica 3 „ 2S Jl^
25c Infants' Syringe .. 12}/$$ -m 25c Sweet Spits. Nitre, 3 ozs.,
$1.50 Water Bottle, 2-qt., red, T T Mi ■ U £ ■ 12% 2 $
?5f I I A I +■ m-** y» -f I 10c Moth Balls, 4 ozs. ... 5*
$3.00 Ladies' Favorite Douche ■ I I I mm I I IS I 20c Moth Balls. 8 ozs. .. 10£
Syringe ....' $1.50 JL JL JL JL JL JL Ja JL 10c Stick Licorice, 2 ozs., 5*
5c Saginaw Tooth Picks, 2%5 25 c J. & J. Red Cross Cough
10c Soda Mint and Charcoal 9 j -« Plaster 12y 2 $
Specialr orSaturdavOnlv Kntsai?Ju-::8
SI.OO Atomizer 50e VA V «/ J Sc J. & J. Mustard Plaster,
$i C oo^Fountain Syringe, No.''X All seasonable and fresh medicines, toilet articles and druggists' sundries di- 5c Diamond inks 2y&
red ..'. 50c red from the manufacturers, insuring their genuineness at half price. 5c Diamond Paste 2]As
25 To A nic haUlt Schaeffer w*!? This sale is not intended tor dealers. 5c Dlamon d Writing Fluid,
10c Crutch Tips ......... sc* On account of the tremendous cut in prices we advise early purchases; our 5c Carter's Black Letter ink,^
35c Fountain Syringe Tubing, stocks in most cases, however, are ample. To early shoppers a bag containing six 2 1 / 3 $
$1 S M irS Combination 1 Ho' ]>»««* «> m PhtwUht&f. No mail order, OUi. No goods No C. 50c Mennens Li i uid Soa |' sff
Water Bottle and Fountain 0. D. orders hlled. Vie reserve the right to limit quantities. We meet all advertised 35c Drakes Croup ... 17 y 2 $
Syringe, No. 2, red .. 75c an j fl j| special sale prices of our competitors. You cannot buy cheaper than at 5c Anticoiic Nippies .. 2y 2 $
SI.OO Iris Water Bottle. No. 2, r] ~ 50c Mentholatum 25^
red 50f Ctorft 5. 25c Mentholatum .... 12 l / 2$
35c Rubberset Tooth Brush. jq c K c n o gg' s Grape Juice, qt., 5c Ivory Soap 2}4s 50c Kiss Me Face Powder, 2»><i l"*}/ 2 $
35 Brurh°" Phy " laC " tiC T \Vc lOcKellogg's Grape Juice. 4 oz. 10c Palm and Olive Soap.. 5 J 20c Tetlow . s Swans Down 25c Alexander,s Lun S H «jer
•*« / 2 * 10c Sulphur Candles tf.,.- p nw .|. r i n#i . _ _ , „ i*/2$
Brusif" erSet .. Bh "\S& 8 ~f\»•» Woodbury's Hair Tonic 10c Birmingham' S.yie' Nasal SSS£T. T./.V il®,
Droppers .. 15c Welch's Grape Juice, 8 oz.. 25c Woodbury's Hair Tonic, .ef* Hazei 1 V '*> SIOO Pophams Asthma Rem
10c Menthal Inhaler ,>C c 12' .C witcn nazei. .r i'/ 2 $ e( jy 50^
10c Nursing Fitting 5C 10c Boric Acid< Merck-> 2 ozs< 10c Diamond D yes 5$ SJSO Fountain Syringe, 75J 25c Spiro Powder ..... 12 yft
\° n c Cup .»C 25c Laxative Quinine Cold Jsc Dioxygen i7'4s 25c Munyon s Remedies,
?n C 2 u% ' 20c Boric Acid ' Merck ' 4 ozs - Tablet 3 12 ** n ! n XygC " \?ut 12 &*
oc k Glue 5C , 0( , SIOO Madam Dean . s Female 25c: Dioxygen ........
! C "?u 5 1U * ;• 12 t :-C $2.00 Madam Dean's Female 50c Ponds Extract ••••• 25c Orangeine 12^0
10c Absorbent Cotton. J. & J., 10c Soda Mint Xablets . s<> Pills 25c Ponds Extract ... 12 y 2 $ 10c Orangeine 06
oz ......... • • .»C 25c 100 Bland's Iron Pills, 5 gr. 50c Howard Specific .... 25 $ %\ C ? U " s ,° 1 1 ,' 'j ' 1 50c Abbott s Saline Lax., 2oC
50c Absorbent Cotton, J. & J, 12',25c Harlem Oil Capsules. Gottschall s Liniment, 25c Jayne s Sanative Pills,
••••••••• ••••••••• SOp 100 Ass foctifi a Pills S cri* 1M i '#♦ / - 1
25c Hood's Tooth Powder, ' jq c Harlem Oil ."s<' I ® c ® u^P'lur Cream Tartar 25c Pierce's Pellets ... 12/ 2 $
«. «« oil .11 35c 100 Cascara Sagrada 5 gr. 25c Neuralgine 12\' 2 $ m +•" 'u'l't' u''' 20c Allcock s Porous Plasters,
u? r ' Shoops tablets, Chocolate coated, 10c James' Headache Powder, $ Native Herb Tab IOC
Tablets 50C 3C 15 c Acorn Salve !*/>$
10c Acker's English Cough 25c Pratt's Liniment .. 12U? 50c Make Man Tablets, 25C 50c BUss Nativc Herb T ® b ;' 10c Bronchial Lozenges ..5$
25c^* m Gienney's ' Listerated »•« 10c Malena Ointment ' '*& 25c Bliss Native Herb Tab,^
Tooth Powder .... 13<M SOc EKcvtmngPhosphate 10c Ma ena Omtment J2/j< , 10c Brom<> Lithia
50c Nervita Pills 3.><» ° a ' A. '*" j rt ' "' m c T..ntliai he 10c Frog in Throat 25c Sodium Phosphate, 1 lb.,
50c Zmexo Eczema Remedy. 25c Rose Water and Glycerine lOc.Shaker s Toothache Pellets, 25c Sanito , T|Jcum powder ' l*ji»
25$ ° zs ' '• „ viz-L-'c- p,,k »>-« 12 y 2 $ 10c National Corn Remover,sC
25c Albert's Bromo Salts. 25c Camphorated Oil, 3 ozs 50c Vicks Vapo Riah „>$ 2 5c Bathasweet Rice Powder. 25c Red Cross Belladonna
12 y 2 $ v 1^) < ;C ' :; ' c ucan s ft-ianey Piaster, 12y 2 $ Plaster 12}4$
10c Elite Cloth Cleaning Pad. ■«= '"'' 2 5c J. ft J. Kidney Plaster,'"* 20c Babc « k '» Corybp* Talc. Break-Up.a.Cold
10c Albert's Headach Powders, Syr. Hypophosphites Co., p » i r.!", 2 ' 20c Babcock's Cut Rose Talc., 15c Munyon's Witch Hazel
5c I** 25c Raymond Pectoral P aster, , , o< . S oap V/ 2$
25c Anticor Corn Razor, 12y 2 $ 50c Milk Magnesia 15$ w ., , - . - f ' 5c Luden's Cough Drops. 2y 2 $ 25c J. &J. Baby Powder,
50c Cranitonic Hair Food, 25c Milk Magnesia .
25$ 5 1 - 00 Fulton s Renal Comp., 2 y 2 $ 2y 2 $ 2 Sc Hill's Cascara Tablets.
25c House Thermometers, , ti nn n!wi»' v : a 40c Hydrogen Peroxide, 20$ J2>2^
12%$ 50 c Pinaud's Face Powder, 25C sl-00 DeWitt s Kidney P,Us 3Qc H ; dro | cn Peroxide ', 15 J
25c Pray's Rosaline ... 12%$
25c Electra Hair Wash, 12%$ sl-00 Hays Hair Health, oO£ o\rs jg c Hydrogen Peroxide, Hy 2 $ 50c Pray's Ongaline .... 25$
10c Sewing Machine Oil, 5$ 50c Hay's Hair Health .. - • sou lix., c g ee £ ) wine and Iron, 25$ 25c Mennen's Talcum Powder,
25c Cook's Dance Floor Wax, 25c Hay's Hair Health, 12j4f p . . 75c Nujol XV/ 2 $ 12%$
12%$ 50 c Coke's Dandruff Cure, 2,»C 25c Piso s Tooth Powder, 50c Usaline Oil 250 25c Squibb's Talcum i2%s
10c McNeil's Cold Tablets, 5$ 10c Jergen's Peroxide Soap, o$ , 2$ 25c Pisos Cough Remedy, 25c Hay's Harfina Soap, \2y.s
25c McNeil's Kidney Pills, 10c Jergen's Violet Glycerine fr l -™ sterns Wine Cod Liver \2%s SI.OO McGill's Orange Bloss.,
12%$ Soap 5$ •• •• ;• ■••• ■•••• 25c Polar Star Cough Syrup, 50<;
5c Chic Chic Easter Egg Dyes, 25c Palmer's Skin Success ir *~%s 12%$ SI.OO Phelp Pheumatic Elix.,
V/A Ointment .......... 18>4* \ " "< Whit. Pine and SOf
10c Hair Insoles 5C 25c Palmer's Skin Success 50c Lithia Tablets, 5 gr., 25C 12%5 25 c Carter's Liver Pills, 12>4<!
10c Tufto Bottle Brush .. 5$ Soap : p ® 'jr ~\- e 25c McNeil Liver Pills, 12%5 25 c Arnica Tooth Soap, 12>^^
SI.OO Wavenlock Hair Tonic, 10c William's Shaving Soap L J race Powder, IQc Brown Mix and Mur Am . 2 5c 4711 Glycerine Soap,
50C 50 s monia Loz 5C 12%>$
50c Wavenlock Hair Tonic, 10c Colgate's Shaving Soap, 5$ aunaer s face Powder, IQc Brown Mix Lqz 25c 3in 1 Oil 12^0
250 f j ~' t( ' ————2sc Peterman's Roach Food,
10c Chloride Lime 5C f\» . , _ ~ 12^0
25c Hard Rubber Ladies' Ol2ffl.lTS SoflA rniinf#HTl 50c Westphal's Auxilator, 250
Comb 12%$ O Ladv E , vn on* " 10c Fish Food 50
50c Liquid Vineer 250 v - „_ - ( T Ml |, 0 t- i . t SI.OO Westphal's Auxilator,
SI.OO Tromner's Malt and Cod King ° SCar ' 7 for •• • • lb - •• • Seven Tlckets for .... 250 ' v
Liver Oil 500 General Hartranft, 7 for 250 °^, a n l ov cre ara- The most delicious Sodas 25c Capsicum Plaster, 12j^0
5c Jergen's Hand and Pumice „ . rharlM Tr lh ill , „ . 20c Borax, Ilb IOC
Soap 2%$ Counsellor, 7 for 2os Cllarlies. Jr., lb. I,ls an d Sundaes in the city at 25c Boric Acid, lb. ... 12^0
25c Aspirin Tablets, 1 doz„ At Market street store omy. artinique ruits and uts, Maret Street Store only 35c English Breast Pumps,
V *-Z*s - > \ 1. __J 17^0
will be one of the joys of the glory
Before our eyes, althouzh we have
been sinfully indifferent to it, has
been enacted one of the great experi
ences of witness-bearing and martyr
dom. Armenia's sufferings for the
sake of the Name deserve to be writ
ten as a supplement to the present
lesson. All the forms of persecution
enumerated in the Book of the He
brews, and then others still more
dreadful, have been endured by the
whole Armenian nation, with more
than half a million martyrdoms to its
credit within the past year.
Accepting the Evidence
A familiar and oft misunderstood
passage occurs in this Sunday school
lesson. In our Bibles it begins a
new chapter; but very wisely the
lesson committee incorporates it in
the same paragraph with the preced
ing chapter. After reciting the long
roll of heroes of faith and their
achievements and characteristics the
writer draws this conclusion:
"Wherefore, seeing we also are
compassed about with so great a
cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside
every weight and the sin which doth
so easily beset us"—the sin of unbe
lief —"and let us run with patience
the race that is set before us, looking
unto Jesus, the author and finisher
of our faith."
Millions of readers have assumed
that the "witnesses" are the persons
who are looking at us, those among
whom we live. On the contrary. The
word is used in its legal sense of
those who bear testimony. The wit
ness* who are to be taken into account
are not our neighbors, but this long
j line of testifiers enumerated in the
> i preceding chapter. These are the per
i j sons whose testimony we are asked to
accept. They bear witness to the su
premacy and power of faith. The ap
! peal Is to the reasonable mind that
• ! is willing to accept proof. Here are
a notable company of men and wo
i men. historical characters, who found
It victorious.
The idea will bear amplification.
There is all the contrast in the world
i between the real meaning of this
i j familiar passage and th« way it Is
| often misunderstood. We take too
; greatly into consideration the opin
i , ions of those nearest us. W« are
afraid of "what they say." Mrs.
. Grundy is queen of the world. Fear
11 of popular ridicule and disfavor is
i the anUnatlng motive of many. We
may be sure that the Bible would
; never appeal to so ignorable a prin
• ciple. Faith is not to be grounded
: on any popular verdict. Instead, the
Book of Hebrews turns the reader's
i j thoughts back to the oldest Scrip
• tures. "Faith comes • • • by
i the Word of God." A primary lesson
: of the present study is that faith Is to
be found and fortified in the Scrip
i! tures themselves.
With the Goal in Right
The story was told recently to a
friend of how the longest run on the
Princeton football field was made;
and the narrator was the player him
self. "X could hear the other man
coming behind me—thump, thump,
thump. I cannot tell you how great
the temptation was to look back over
A my shoulder to see how uear the njan
was to me. But I knew that if I
should look back I would be lost.
My only hope lay in keeping my eyes
steadfastly «on the goal In front of
me and doing my utmost to reach
That football player did not know
it, but he was putting into the words
of a modern experience the principle
laid down in this great treatise on
Faith: "Looking onto Jeius, the au
thor and finisher of our faith; who
for the Joy that was set before him"
—note that here again the same prin
ciple operates—"endured the Cross,
despising the shame, and is set down
at the right hand of the Throne of
It Is the eye of vision that gives
power to the feet of faith. They who
A New York medical practitioner
says: "I prescribe Histirated Magnesia
in preference to anything else for all
forms of stomach trouble tliat are due
to hyperacidity." Kor sour, acid, Htom
acli belching, indigestion, etc., take a
teaspoonful fn a quarter glass of water
after eating: INSTANT RELIEF. Sola
by all rirugglxls in either powder or ;
tablet form at 00 cents a bottle.—Ad- j
vertisement. » I
greatly see, greatly dare, and great
ly do. The Christian life, often liken
ed to a race, is to be won only by keep
ing in view the Christ who is the be
ginner and the perfccter of faith.
They to whom Christ is most real
And faith most easy. Contemplation
The New Labor Law
The new Workmen's Compensation Act is now in ef
fect. If yoa are an employer of labor you should be
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Single copies 25c with very special prices on larger quan*
The Telegraph Printing Co.
of Him and of His call and character,
creates the faith that conquers. In
the fullest significance of the phrase,
all men of faith are, like Abraham,
"friends of God." Out of that inti
macy grows tlie faith that "over
comes the world."