Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, March 08, 1916, Page 15, Image 15

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    A Telegraph Waal Ad Will Quickly lent That Vacant Room
AHN-—On March 7, 1916, David F. Ahn,
Med 82 year*.
Funeral on Friday morning, at io
o'clock, from his late residence, 425
Muench street. Further services Sun
luirv, Pa., at 2 P. M. Body can be
Jfwvil Thursday afternoon. The
relatives and friends are invited to
attend without further notice.
HA Ki;il C. M. Baker, on March
1916. at his home, Enola, Pa., aged 3i
years. _ , r
I'uneral o«i Thursday, at 1:30 P. M.,
from his home. Burial Enola Ceme
tery. The relatives and friends are
invited to attend without further
GARDNER. March 8, 1916, Regina
F. Gardner, at her late home, 214
Forster street.
Funeral services will be held at the
above address Friday afternoon, at 2
o'clock, to which relatives and
friends are invited. Burial private,
at Camp Hill. Please omit flowers.
MURK Mrs. Lizzie C. Work, wife
of E. F. Work, died Tuesday evening
;rt her late residence. Enola. She was
« member of the Reformed Church
and is survvied by her husband and
two children. . ...
I'uneral services on Satunla.v after
will be In charge of the Rev. «. R.
1 l&rtzel. Burial will be made in the
Knola Cemetery.
HOIISTICK On Tuesday evening,
March 7. 1916, Miss Susie E. llorstlck.
at her home, in Paxtang . aged ul
years. _ _
Funeral sedvices on Saturday after
noon. at 2 o'clock, from her late resi
dence, the Rev. 11. B. King officiat
ing. Burial Shoop's Church Ceme
tery. Relatives and friends are in
vited to attend without further notice.
IIII'PLG On March 8, 1916, Viola
May, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lewis
i". Hippie, aged 23 years.
Funeral on Saturday afternoon, at -
o'clock, from her late home, 100 <
North Third street. Burial East Har
i Nliiu g Cemetery. The relatives and
friends are invited to attend without
further notice.
HORN March 7, 1916. Davis Horn.
Jr.. at his lato home, the Donaldson
Services will be lield at the liorne of
his son. Alex. D. Horn, 234 Kelker
street, on Thursday morning, at
11:30. Relatives and friends invited
to attend without further notice.
Burial at Philadelphia, Pa.
Itl'.ll.EV Frederick A. Reiiey. on J
March «. 1916, at Waterbury, Conn.,
son of Mr. and Mrs. J. McK. Reiiey, |
of Buffalo, N. Y„ aged 27 years.
Fullers I will be private on Wedties
dav afternoon on arrival of train.
Burial Fast Harrisburg Cemetery.
Please omit flowers.
HAPri.K On March 6. 1916, Charles
W. Happle, aged 63 years.
Funeral on Thursday, March 9. at 2
P. SI., from residence of his brother
in-law, Harry MeCombs, No. 409 Herr
street. The relatives and friends are
invited to attend without further no
tice. Burial East Harrisburg Ceme
Wife of William K. Verbeke,
DIED SIARCH 8. 1896.
LOST One 14-kt. double vest chain.
Vlth square charm having In it a photo,
between Strawberry and Highland,
Pmith Front street, Steelton. Finder
•w in be rewarded. Frank Leber, 517
{-ninth front street, Steelton. Pa.
LOST About noon, Tuesday, on
Ma* lav street, bunch of keys in leather
ease. Reward if returned to Room 22, j
I*. R. It. Union Station. )
LOST On Second street, between
Maclay and Union Trust Building, j
brown leather pocltetbook. Reward if |
returned "to 226 Maclay.
LOST Brlndle Bull puppy; short
ears and short tail. Answers to name 1
>f I scanty. Reward if returned to 1614
Ijegina street. Bell phone 916 R.
FOUND What you have been look
ing for In good work, at Eggert's Steam
Dyeing and French Cleaning Works, 1
1245 Market street. We call and de
li^Tj^^ —m I
TRUCK HELPER—Experienced man 1
1(1 help or. auto truck. Apply 8 A. M. |
Harrisburg Gas works.
WANTED Form builders and J
handy men accustomed to working !
around pile-driver. Apply to Robert l
Grace Contracting Co., Milton, Pa.
W ANTED Young man steno-|
m'apher. Slust be experienced. Be- j
ginners need not apply. Opportunity
for advancement. Permanent position. I
State references, age and salary. Appli- '
cations received until March 11. Ad- j
ilress J. I. Case Threshing Machine Co., |
Harrisburg, Pa.
WANTED Tailor on pants and 1
vests for out-of-town custom tailor. !
Address Box F., 3799, care of Tele
MEN WANTED Ablebodied, unmar- i
ried men between ages of 18 and 35; 1
citizens of United States, of good char- j
actor and temperate habits, who can >
speak, read and write the English I
language. For Information apply to
Recruiting Officer, Bergner Building, !
3d & Market Sts., Harrisburg. Pa.
the consumer; salary and commission: j
lewspapermen preferred. Apply 269 j
Broad street.
WANTED Carpetlaycr to take sec- :
jnd place for season, or regular. Apply j
Daily News, Lebanon, Pa.
j Houses For Rent
f 112 Linden St., 3 s. f„ 8 r *l2 1 |
? 2122 N. 7th St., 3 s. b., S r »13» !
? 1508 Allison St.. 2% S>. b |l4' ;
>1316 N. Front St., 3 s. f., 7 r jlsi '
> ::S0 Boyd Ave., 2 s. f„ 5 r sls?
i 2-story 7 & 8 r. h #l4. sl3 and #lß*
i IS. 13th St.. 3 s. b., 7 r. b fl7i
i 65s Emerald St.. 3 s. b„ 9 r #JT?
1 2327 X. 3d St., 3 sb„ 8 r. b »no i
4 1109 N. 2d St.. 3 s. b„ 10 r. b «aui I
i 1209 N. 14th St.. 2% s. b., 8 r. b., $25. i
i 2220 N- Second St.. 3 s. b„ 9 r., b„ spr,o' 1
i 209 S. Front St.. 3 s. b.. 10 r *751 !
• 312 Chestnut St.. (furnished)... .#1254
• 911 N. 2d St.. 3 s. h., 14 r.. 2 b„ *IOO. i
4 1205 and 1207 Capital St., 3-story
• brick carriage works (38xS0), Ssoi :
• Centrally located (furnished) apart- 11
t ment six rooms bath cityt
steam heat.
i Hell,, t lato. ROSS Ave 914.50 >
• < amp Hill—Myer3 Ave sar>»
• f'oic Station—bungalow SIS"
• Hnlnlyu (Aldinger Cottage), ... s<io
• Enola. Adams St., 2 s. f., 6 r., ....sl2 :
•Lnniiton a delightful suburban
f home—2'4-story frame—lo rooms j
f —bath—hot water heat —stable " I
t lot 100x220 ft $35
I 2 Curtin fet., Penbrook $lO
• 20;.t Swatara St., 3 s. b., 8 r sl4 •
J Leiiioyne, 291 Slarket St s!*•
f lOt li A- state Sts., storage bldg., s2o*
J2OIII N. 3d St., 3 a. b., 9 r., 2 b., S4O
i 221S N. 2d St.. 214 s., 8 r„ b $45
j 113 Chestnut St., 3 s. b $47.50 1
7 2118 N. 3d St.. 3 s. b., 12 r., 2 b„ sss*
| Vccnnt ground, Susquehanna twp. ?,
? loMirnner Surely Bonds |
i l oeimt nnd Court Slrceta
WANTED First-class Drop Ham
mermen and Die linkers, on all around
work. Highest wages, best of condi
tions, no trouble. Apply Driggs-Sea
l bury Ordnance Company, Sharon, Pa.
WANTED First-class salesman to
| represent reliable Automobile Tire
| manufacturer. Must be local man; ex
perience not necessary; excellent propo
rtion. Apply Rutherford Rubber Co.,
13 South Fifth street, Reading, Pa.
mill or lathe hands, who can work
(rom blue prints; alto tool makers. Ad
dress, or apply. Employment Depart
ment. Wsstlngnouae Eleotrlo & Allg
Co., East Pittsburgh, Pa
LEARN to become a practical chauf
feur and earn *l6O to S2OO per month.
We give you practical lessons at your
own home. We send you it su,si.O
Dossier with Instructions, to practice on
j between working hours. write for
i particulars. Auto Transportation
Training, Corresponding Department,
25-27-29 North Cameron street, Harris
i burg,
WANTED Man and family for on
l a farm, about 115 acres. Address G.,
3703, care of Telegrah.
WANTED Young' men, between 17
and l'J years of ago, for general work.
Apply Jackson Mtg. Co., Fourth and
Hoyd streets.
WANTED Four machinists and
helpers. Apply l>y letter only. Co-
Operative Heating Co.. Harris burg, Pa.
WANTED White cook and bar
tender at Pine Grove Hotel, Pine Grove,
WANTED Good man to do general
work In garage; must be sober and
honest; permanent position; state ref
erence. Address 8., 3801, care of Tele
WANTED Man to work on farm
by month or year—three-quarters of a
mile lrorn Harrisburg. Phone lieli
995-3-R-3—or write Box A, 3825, care
of Telegraph.
WANTED A few good men who
understand working in scrap yard. Ap
ply at once to Wm. Friedman, Tenth
street, below Mulberry Street Bridge.
WANTED Experienced gent's fur
nishings salesman wanted. Steelton
Store Co., Steelton, Pa.
WANTED* 4O able-bodied
men between 21 and 40 years of
age for piece work. W iiite or
colored. Apply in person to agent,
Harrisburg Transfer, .Pennsyl
vania Railroad Company, Division
street, Harrisburg, Pa.
WANTED Experienced young lady
to sell women's apparel. Good place
for the light party. References re
quired. Call at Bloom's, 810 North
Third street.
WANTED By refined widower,
with baby boy two years, a young wo
man to takecare ol' baby and do the
housework; state salary wanted; refer
ence. Box 3798. care of Telegraph.
WANTED Office girl, typewriting
and shorthand unnecessary, capable ot
using phone intelligently. Apply In per
son. Keystone Rug Co., 1115 Mont
WANTED An elderly woman
wishes position as housekeeper in
small family. Trustworthy and compe
tent of taking full charge. 823 Sus
WANTED White woman wants
general housework; references. Address
808 East street.
WANTED Young girl desires to
learn clerking in store or any kind or
general office work. Address 1213 Ful
ton street. City.
WANTED Girl 1 6 years old wisnes
general housework or child's nurse;
must sleep at home, in city. Call, or
address, 1215 Fulton street, Harrisburg,
WANTED Young, white woman for
general housework; small family; good
wages. Apply 420 Spruce street. Steel
ton, Pa.
folding. Inquire Blough Mfg. Co., Reily
and Fulton streets.
WANTED Experienced rollers and' I
bunehmakers. Steady work guaran- j
teed. Apply Central Cigar Company,
125 South Cameron street.
WANTED Girls for laur.dry work; j
no experience necessary; must be over j
16 years of age. Sanitary Family j
Washing Co., Sixteenth and Elm j
ROBINSON & CO., Third and Broad I
streets, require the services of a first- I
class saleslady in Millinery Department. I
Apply at Store.
WORK at Hershey In modern factory; ]
good pay while learning; steady em- I
ploy merit; desirable positions now open, j
Hershey Is the healthiest industrial town ;
in America Delightful living conditions. !
Apply at once, Hershey Employment !
Bureau, Hershey, Pa
tabllsh active lady of good address and j
ability In permanent, profitable busi- ]
ness in her home town. « r 'o.oo to
SIOO.OO per month. Experience unnec
essary. All or spare time. Occupation
congenial to woman of refinement. For |
particulars address Parker Co., 2750
North Twelfth street, Philadelphia, Pa. !
WANTED Capable white woman !
for general housework. In family ot
four; one who will appreciate a good
home; good wages. Apply 12 South |
Nineteenth street, between 6 and 9 !
P. M. 7
WANTED Operators experienced i
on power sewing machines, also five j
experienced examiners, at Jennings'
Mfg. Company. 414 State street.
WANTED—We have openings
for 12 more bright girls. Apply,
Silk Mill, Corner North and Sec
ond streets.
teaqhes all pattern cutting by measure, i
before sewing. The pupil cuts the pat- i
torn, cuts the goods, and makes the 1
entire dress, making her own dresses !
while learning. Day and Evening!
classes. Ass reduction o:< the tuition
is given all pupils who begin now.
Works Dressmaking School, 22 North ,
Fourth Street
WANTED Girls over 16 to
strip tobacco. Also experienced
Rollers, Bunehmakers, Packers,
Filler and Binder Strippers. Wel
fare looked after by trained nurse.
Apply Harrisburg Cigar Com
pany. 500 Race street.
WANTED Experienced j
sewing machine operators to work
on women's and children's wear.
Harrisburg Apparel Co., over City j
Star Laundry, 414-416 State
street, rear entrance.
WANTED Position as cake baker
by young man; willing to leave city.
Address No. 1625 Fulton street.
WANTED Chauffeur, young man,
27 years, wlrlies position driving .tour
ing ear or truck; seven years' driving
experience in Harrisburg; al3o first
class repairman; can give very best ref
erences. Address M„ 3755, care ot Tele
WANTED Farm work by the
month; can grlve good reference; age,
about 32 years. Address 1625 Fulton
street. - ,
WANTED Situation by competent
young \\oman; thoroughly understands
handling of pattern department and de
partment store work; reference furnish
ed. Address M., 3824, care of Tele
WANTED Situation wanted at gen
eral housework; good home in prefer
ence to high wages. Call, or address,
412 Herr street.
WANTED White woman desires
Sosltlon at general housework. Ad
ress C., 3700, care of Telegraph.
WANTED White woman desires
day's work of any kind. Call, or ad
dress, 38 North Tenth street, Harris
WANTED Sewing by the day or
week. Alteration a specialty. Refer
ence furnished regarding ability and
character. Address Seamstress, 3759,
care of Telegraph.
HOUSEWORK Two colored South
ern girls desire positions at general
housework. Call, or address, 108 Mary
WANTED Cook and pastry maker
of experience desires a position in pri
vate family. Address K., 3800, care of
WANTED Middle-aged woman,
with seven-year-old boy, desires posi
tion as housekeeper. Address T., 3749,
care of Telegraph.
i FOR SALE Houses centrally lo
| cated. Camp Hill, three miles from
i Harrisburg, brick and frame, well built.
: Also splendid building lots sold on easy
terms. lx>w interest on money. W. J.
Meily. Mechanlcsburg, Pa.
FOR SALE Frame houses, located
in Shiremanstown, Pa.. Main street.
Steam and trolley car service. Easy
terms. Money standing in at low In
terest. Come and be convinced. Ad
dress M„ 3726, care of Telegraph.
2134 GREEN STREET 3-story
brick dwelling, 10 rooms, bath and
i steam heat, front and rear porches, side
| entrance.
| Co., Second and Walnut streets.
WEST FAIRVII2W On trolley line,
corner property on Euola Road and
Pennsylvania Ave., 2'/4-story frame
dwelling. 7 rooms, bath and furnace,
lot. 60x110. Would make a good loca
tion for grocery business. Brinton-
Packer Co.. Second and Walnut streets.
WOODBINE ST.. 548 and 652—Anxi
ous to sell, and therefore the prices are
right. All improvements, including
steam heat. Particulars at Beii Realty
Co., isergner Building.
NEW HOUSE that should interest you
at $3,200, well built, desirably located,
equipped most modernly, steam heated,
i three porches. Bell Realty Co., Berg
ner Building.
a greatly reduced price lot, 17x125 —
frame house stable on rear prop
erty now yielding S2O per month. Price,
$2,100. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Bulld
$1,500 WILL BUY frame house No.
1940 Seventh streeet 7 rooms bath
gas furnace. Also other similar
properties in city and suburbs. Bell
Realty Co., Bergner Building.
FOR SALE 1 to 10 acres of the
choicest land - 1 — well located for all
purposes and where every dollar plant
ed will produce like the soil. Multiply
according to its judicious investment.
Easy terms. F. S. Murnma & Son, Real '
Estate and Insurance Agents, Mechan
lcsburg, Pa.
LOTS—Levi Brandt Est., Efk
wood, New Cumberland 5O ft.
front up to one-half acre plots
sewer water gas —electricity.
S2OO up. Easy payments. 5c
trolley. Keeney & Simmons,
FOR SALE 2V4-story brick, facing i
Jonestown Road, north of Reservoir j
Park. All improvements. Built one j
year. Now vacant. This week, $2,800. i
Edgar B. Lerew, 4 North Fifth street. I
FARM 9B acres, three-fourths mile I
west of Enola; stone house; bank barn;
all outbuildings; fine apple orchard;!
will be sold at reasinable price. Also I
small farms ranging from 5 to 16 acres. I
Good locations. Houses In nearly every I
part of city and suburban villages. Fine
building lots East and West Hi rrls
burg, Penbrook, Earlington and Pax- I
tang. For further Information call, or
write, Samuel Plough, Real Estate
Agent, 256 Crescent Street. Harrisburg, '
FOR SAL 4£ —Beautiful new two-and- ]
a-half-story brick residenco In one of !
the finest locations in the city 1001
North Seventeenth street. Corner lot,
60x120 feet. Eight rooms and attiu.
Hall through center. All improvements.
Fine lawn and shrubbery. Sold on !
easy terms. Inquire of J. A Singmas- |
ter, Gettysburg, Pa.
FOR SALE at a real bargain,!
properties on Capital street, 40!
feet front, extending to James
street, a brick and two frame
dwellings thereon, Nos. 802, 804
and 806 Capital street. Harris-!
burg Trust Company.
LEMOYNE Hummel Avenue, two- '
story single brick, all modern improve- I
nieiu.s; will sell cheap. Three-stpry
double brick, steam heat, electric lights
and gas; will sell one half. Boslcr Ave
nue, one single two-story frame, all
conveniences, one double two-story
brick with improvements; will sell one i
half. Herman Avenue, one two-story
frame house with large stable, on cor
ner lot; will sell cheap. West Shore
Realty Co.. Baer & Rice, Lemoyne Trust
Building, Lemoyne, Pa. Bell phone
3198. T.
FOR SALE Houses in 2000 block
Swatara street; steam heat; all im- j
provements; side entrance. Prices from I
$2,200 to $3,500 on easy terms. Irvin
Johnson. 2052 Swatara street. Bell
2986 M.
FOR SALE—Desirable build
ing lots, located on Fourth, Fifth,
Schuylkill and Atlas streets, in
blocks or the whole. A splendid
opportunity for builder. Inquire
or address, F. R. Oyster, trustee,
care of Harrisburg Telegragji,
and third floor front office rooms, in
cluding steam heat and light. Apply
to Brlnton-Packer Co., Second and Wal
nut streets.
Fori RENT No. ISIS Green street;
house Ir newly papered and ill llrst
class condition; all Improvements; rent
reasonable. Apply 1816 Green.
FOR RENT Two-and-one-half
story frame dwelling for colored pco
ple_only, 1130 North Front street. Ap
ply 226 Chestnut street.
I FOR RENT lOO9 North Second
street, 3-story brick; all improvements;
■ front porch; front and side entrances;
j very desirable location. Apply C. L
Long, Kunkel Building.
FOR RENT Large, new two-story
single brick house with all improve
ments, with vegetable garden, privilege
to build garage,.located on Long street.
West .Shore Realty Co., Baer & Rice,
Lemoyne Trust Building, lyemoyne. Pa
Bell phone SI9BJ.
FOR RENT — ; 320 Sayford avenue, to
small, white family, centrally located,
2V4-story frame; water in kitchen;
handy to market and works. Rent, $9.50.
Inquire 429 Broqd street or 1631 North
Second street.
FOR RENT Small frame house,
No. 1526 Thompson street. Suitable for
a small family of adults. Cheap rent.
Reference required. George L ICepner,
1141s Liberty street.
FOR RENT 426 North street, April
1, corner brick house. 8 rooms, bath
and city steam heat, fronting new Capi
tol Park. Inquire 400 North street.
FOR RENT Two-story warehouse,
3 Cowden street, near Market. Eleva
tor. P. R. R. siding. Possession at
once. Bell phone 899 M. C. F. Gohl.
1003 North Second street.
FOR RENT A modern corner home,
all improvements, 920 North Sixteenth
street. Possession at once. Apply on
premises or Bell phone 2089 J. •
Street, 1724, brick dwelling. 9 rooms,
bath, steam heat, gas and electric
lights. Rent. $23.00. Rohrer & Son,
Bergner Building.
• FOR RENT OR SALE Farm prop
erty near West Fairview, about 120
acres; possession April 1. Harrisburg
Trust Company.
WANTED To purchase, a 7 or 8-
room residential jiroperty. Price to be
about $3,5ti0.00. Any good location con
sidered. Address J. E., care of Tele
WANTED. TO BUY Business prop
erty on Market between. Eleventh and
Thirteenth. Must be not less than 20x9i»
lot. Anybody who wants to make quick
sale, investigate. Must know by last
of March. Address M„ 3796, cure of
ond tloor housekeeping apartments,
containing 2 or 3 rooms with baths
nnd kitchens. Possession April 1. Ap
ply to Brlnton-Packer Co., second and
Walnut streets.
FOR RENT Furnished Housekeep
ing - Apartment Four rooms and bath,
Including kitchen. Location central on
Locust street. Phone 1260 M. Peniia.
Realty & Improvement Co., 132 Locust
WALNUT ST.. 204 An apartment
with six rooms and bathroom, balcony
in the rear with dumb waiter and
clothes drier. Terms reasonable. City
steam. E. Mather.
FOR RENT Apartment, 1419 Ver
non street, first boor, electric lights,
gas and steam heat, stationary laundry.
Apply Baptistl, 1208 Chestnut, or Third
and Chestnut. Bell phone 624.
WANTED Apartment on second
floor for business and living, with all
improvements, on Second street, be
tween Market and State streets. Can
furnish best of reference. Address 0.,
3859, care of Telegraph.
WANTED Young, married couple
wants two furnished rooms, with bath
or convenient bath facilities, with pri
vate family, on or near North Second
street. Board for one if possible. To
take possession April 1 or 15. Address
W., 3i'56, care of Telegraph.
WANTED Gentleman and wife de
sire small, furnlslid housekeeping
apartment. Must be modern and near
business district. Would share llome
with widow if satsifactory. References.
Address A., 3758, care of Telegraph.
FOR RENT—Two single office
rooms in Union Trust Building.
FOR RENT Two attractive second
floor rooms; all conveniences and use
of phone; gentlemen only. 813 North
Second street.
FOR RENT Furnished front room;
all conveniences; use of lione; pleasant
location; moderate rent; lady or gen
tleman. Inquire 30 Evergreen street.
FOR KENT Two completely fur
nished rooms for light housekeeping;
also one nicely furnished room, suitable
for lady of gentleman. Call 4 South
FOR RENT Finely furnished front
room, three large windows and all con
veniences, Including phone; central and
desirable location. Apply 324 North
Second street.
FOR RENT—Storeroom, 252
Hamilton street. Rent, $12.00.
Chas. Adler, Real Estate and In
surance, 1002 North Third street.
FOR RENT Nicely furnished sec
ond and third iloor rooms, with board.
In small, private family. Apply 45
North Sixteenth street.
FOR RENT Large, newly furnish
ed room, with three windows and bal
cony. second floor, suitable for two
gentlemen; steam heat, electric light
and use of phone. Apply 125 Pine
FOR RENT Furnished rooms,
single or ensuite; city steam; Bell
phone. Apply 719 North Sixth street.
large room,/231 North Seond street. In
quire 217 North Second.
FOR RENT Two nicely unfurnish
ed communicating second tloor front
rooms: steam heat; electric lights; use
of bath; no children. 618 Camp street.
FOR RENT Furnished and unfur
nished rooms for rent, second and third
floors. Call 1210 Walnut street.
FOR RENT Attractively furnished
room, also one unfurnished room, at
222 North Third street. Apply 'J North
Front street, or call Bell phone 1029 M.
FOR RENT Furnished second tloor
front room for rent; steam heat; use of
bath; within three minutes' walk of
Market Square. Address 0., 3792, care
of Telegraph.
FOR RENT Neatly furnished
rooms; all modern conveniences. Ap
ply 118 South street, near Front street.
FOR RENT Rooms completely fur
nished for light housekeeping; hot and
rold water; steam heat and bath; good
location. Apply to No. 20 North Sev
enteenth street, City.
BUILT exclusively for light house
keeping. strictly private, ail outside,
with or without kitchenettes. Stoves
furnished free. Laundry, phone and
bathroom privileges. Weekly pay
ments. Janltress service. Inquire 429
Broad street. Daily inspection invited.
WANTED Three or four nicely
furnished rooms for*l Ight housekeeping.
1111 l district preferred. To take posses
sion about March 15 or April 1. Ad
dress S., 3791, care of Telegraph.
BOARDING Excellent home-cook
ed meals. Reasonable rates. 235 Boa®
PIANO 5375.00 piano for sale for
less than half price. No reasonable of
fer refused for cash. Full size ma-i
hogany ease. Used two months. Ad
dress Ruth Kline, care of Telegraph.
FOR RENT Typewriters bought,
sold or rented. Harrisburg Typewriter
and Supply Co., 40 North Court street.
FOR SALE Blacksmith shop and
tools; small country town; good rea
sons for selling. Address 0., 3795, caro
of Telegraph.
FOR SALE lndian motorcycle;
single cylinder; free engine; tine condi
tion: new tires; $55 cash. Apply 28
South Third street, Harrisburg.
FOR SALE—Extra fine pair
mated black horses, five years
old. Sound and gentle. Accli
mated. Make splendid dray or
general purpose team. C. D.
Stewart, 706 Kunkel Bldg., or H.
M. Stees, 127 South Cameron
FOR SALE An art, embroidery and
fancy goods store. Owner retiring.
Reansonable price if taken soon. Apply
at store, Sixth and Granite avenue.
FOR SALE—By party about to leave
city, Haynes upright piano. Used less
than six weeks. Price, $125. Cost, SIOO.
1617 Penn.
FOR SALE S. C. W. Leghorn and
White Wyandotte Eggs for hatching;
Tom Barron and Young strains; also,
six slightly used Cyphers and Buffalo
Incubators, at a bargain. Address
Locust Grove Farm, Marysville, Pa.
FOR SALE One concrete mixer,
one-fourth yard, in good condition; one
1914 Ford runabout. In good condition.
Price, $215.00. West Falrview Garage.
Bell phone 3069 M.
FOR SALE!—OId Stainer violin, and
several other old violins, in excellent
condition. Cheap to quick, cash buyer.
Professionals, take a look at these bar
gains. Call 228 Charles street, between
Cumberland and Broad.
secured at the Tttlegraph Business
BUY Traveling Bags, Suitcases and
Trunks from Wholesale and Retail
Leather Merchants, Second and Chest
nut. Repairing neatly and promptly at
tended to. Specialties made to order,
Harrisburg Harness and Supply Co.
AT GABLES. 111-117 South Second
street, 5,000 sets new sash, Bxlo, 12 L.
primed and glazed, at $1.30 per set.
Also other sizes.
*FOR SALE—The Rodgers Pool Room,
Cigar Store and Restaurant, doing good
business, situate In Realty Building,
end of trolley line, MidUlelown, Pa. J.
P. Rodgers, Owner.
FOR SALE 46 shares First Na
tional (Newport) Bank Stock. Bank
statement mailed on request. H. W.
Wert, Executor, Newport, Pa.
FOR SALE 1915 model 48, Chal
mers touring car, six-cylinder, seven
passengers. Tires and machinery prac
tically good as new. Yach body. Will
sell at a great sacrifice to quick buyer.
Apply 424 Reily. Bell phone 2281 W.
AT GABLE'S, 113, 115 and 117 South
Second street, 5,000 gallons New Era
ready-mixed paint. Acme quality. All
the full line of the Acme make.
FOR SALE Cash register, foun
tain, bar. marble-top tables, chairs and
outfit of dishes and silverware. Would
sell separately or altogether very cheap.
Apply L. Capln, 1731 North Third street,
Harrisburg, Pa.
FOR SALE CARDS on sale at tha
Telegraph Business Office.
FOR SALE ~ Scratch Pads new
supply—6o for 26c while they last. Ap
ply Job Printing Department The Tele
graph Printing Company.
burban home, 2 V6-story frame, 8 rooms
and bath, pantry and laundry, all mod
ern improvements, large front, side and
rear porches. Lot, 80x150 ft. Beauti
ful lawn and shrubbery. Auto garage.
One square from trolley, one fare. Must
be seen to be appreciated. Will sell
cheap. If interested address K. M„ 2360,
this office.
FOR RENT Fireproof, up-to-date
private garages, $•! and $5 per month.
Apply Geo. W. Updegrove, 1200 Penn
street. Bell phone 3860.
WILL rent out a first-class piano on
easy terms. Address Box J, 3757, care
of Telegraph.
FOR RENT—Offices suitable
for a doctor or dentist or general
purposes. Light, heat and at
tendance. Dr. John Oenslager,
711 North Third street.
WANTED We.have a purchaser
for a well-located Grocery Store. Get
In touch with us If you have a proposi
tion of this kind to offer. Brinton-
Packer Co.. Second and Walnut streets.
WANTED By refined widower,
board for two-year-old son. Address
Box 3797, care of Telegraph.
WANTED —Lady or gentleman, with
small capital, to rent space In dry goods
store. Good proposition. Do not reply
unless you mean business. Address Box
S., 3826, care of Telegraph.
at inventory and fixtures at a discount
—modern equipment corner property.
Rent for dwelling and store, S3O. Bell
Realty Co.. Bergner Building.
ANY Intelligent person can earn good
income corresponding for uewspapers.
experience unnecessary. Send for par
ticulars. Press Syndicate, 798, Lock
port. N. T.
WILL EXCHANGE a live retail store,
doing a casli business of SIO,OOO per
year, on improved real estate. Stock
and fixtures will inventory about
$2,500.00. Address "Exchange, care of
Daily Telegraph.
I MADE $60,000 In live years In tha
mall order business, began with SS.
Send for free booklet Tells how. Haa
cock. 255 Lockport. N. T. '
WE move pianos carefully. Bell
116. Winter Piano Co., 23 North Fourth
$1.50 Bell 146
Winter Piano Co., 23 N. Fourth St.
FOR falling hair try Oross Quinine
Hair Tonic, prepared by Gross, ttas
Druggist and Apothecary. 119 Market
street. Harrisburg, Pa Telephone
orders glvtn prompt attention. Ball
H. A. HARTMAN, Boardlnc Stable
nnd National Transfer Co. Movers of
pianos, safes, boilers and general haul
ing. H. W. Lather, Manager. Fifth and
Woodbine street. Bell phone No.
Irregularity Is Pronounced;
Professional Dealings De
prives Stocks of Interest
By Associated Press
New York, March 8. Dealings dur
ing the forenoon were so obviously
professional as to deprive the market
of other than local interest. Irregu
larity became more pronounced, but the
decline was partly checked by a demand
for Reading, which rose two points on
large transactions.
This was offset, however, by recur
rent heaviness in Crucible. Studebaker
and Mexican Petroleum, while less ac
tive shares, Including California Pe
troleum and People's Gas were appreci
ably better. United States Steel and
Kennecott were subject to intermittent
1 pressure. Further weakness in German
exchange featured the international
i money market.
Bonds were irregular.
Chandler Bros. & Co., members New
York and Philadelphia Stock Ex
changes, 3 North Market Square, Har
risburg; 1338 Chestnut street, Phila
delphia; 34 Pine street. New York,
furnish the following quotations:
New York. March 8.
Open. Clos.
Alaska Gold Mines 17% 21%
Allis-Chalmers 30% 30
American Beet Sugar ... 68 68%
American Can 59 59%
American C & F 67% 67%
American Cotton. Oil ... 52 52 1 14
American Ice Securities . 29 29
American Locomotive .. 70 70%
American Smelting .... 99% 99%
American Sugar 110 109%
American T & T 127% 127%
Anaconda 86% 80%
Atchison 103% 102%
Baldwin Locomotive ... 105% 104%
Baltimore & Ohio 87% 87%
Bethlehem Steel 477 4^7
B F Goodrich 71 71%
Brooklyn Kapid Transit B(i% 87
California Petroleum .. 22 22%
Canadian Pacific 166% 160
Central Leather 53 52%
Chesapeake Vnd Ohio .. 61 % 61
Chicago, Mil and St Paul 93% 92%
Chicago, R 1 and Pacific 16% 16%
Cliino Consolidated Cop. 57 % 57%
Colorado Fuel and Iron. 42 41%
Consolidated Gas 133 133%
Corn Products 22% 23
Crucible Steel 80% 80%
Crucible Steel pfd 115 113%
Distilling Securities .... 47% 47
Erie 36% 36%
Erie, Ist pfd 52% 52
Gen. Electric Co 169 169
General Motors 460 465
Ot North, pfd 120% 181
Gt. North. Ore, ss 42% 42%
Gug. Exp 21% 21%
Ins. Copper 46% 46%
Interboro-Met 17 16%
Kennecott 57% 57
Interboro-Met. pfd 73% 74
Kas. City South 25 25%
L.tck. Steel 76% 75%
Lehigh Valley 78% 77%
Maxwell Motors 60% 60
Merc. Mar. ctfs. 16% 16%
Merc. Mar. ctfs. pfd. ... 66% 68%
I«Iox. Pet 102% 102
Miami Copper 35% 36%
Missouri Pacific 4% 4%
National Lead 68 67%
New York Central 104% 104%
NYN H H 66% «6%
New York Ont and West 28 28%
Norfolk and Western .. 115% 115%
Northern Pacific 112% 112%
Pacific Mail 26% 25
Pennsylvania Railroad.. 56% 56%
Pittsburgh Coal 28% 28%
Pittsburgh Coal pfd.... 102 102%
Pi ess Steel Car 51% 52
Railway Steel Spg 38% 38%
Ray Con Copper 24% 24%
Reading 83 R4%
Republic Iron & Steel .. 51% 51%
Southern Pacific 97 97
Southern Railway 20 20%
Studebaker 138% 140
Tennessee Copper 57 56%
Union Pacific 131% 132
U S I Alcohol 151 % 150%
U S Rubber 60% 49%
U S Steel 82% 83
U S Steel pfd 116% 116%
Utah Copper 85% 85%
Va Caro Chem 43% 43
West Union Tel 89 89
Westlnghouse Mfg .... 64 64
By Associated Press
Chicago. 111., March 8. Hogs Re
ceipts. 36,000; active. 15c above yes
terday's average. Bulk of sales, $9.30
(&/9.50; light, $8.954i)39.15; mixed, $9.10
($9.50; heavy, $!).00@9.55; rough, $9.00@
9.15; pigs, $7.50®8.50.
Cattle Receipts, 13,000; firm. Na
tive beef steers. $7.40@9.85; stockers
and feeders, $5.75®7.90; cows and heif
ers, $3.50@8.50; calves. $8.25@11.00.
Sheep Receipts, 16,000; firm.
Wethers, $8.00@8.80; lambs, $9.50®
By Associated Press
Chicago, 111., March B.—Board of
Trade dosing:
Wheat—May. 1.10%; July, 1.08%.
Corn—May. 74%: July, 74%.
Oats—May. 43; July. 41%.
Pork—May, 22.17; July, 22.07.
Lard—May, 10.82; July, 11.02.
Ribs—May. 11.87; July, 11.97.
rooms for household goods, $3 per
month and up. We Invite Inspection.
Low insurance. 437-445 South Seoond
street. Harrlsburg Storage Company, i
IN 11-story brick building, rear <M9
Market street
Ho*Mhr.ld goods In clean, private
rooms. Rensonable rates. Apply te
P. G. Dlener. Jeweler, 408 Market St.
6TORAGE 419 Bioau street, (or
household goods and merchandise. Pri
vate rooms. $1 to $3. Wagons. 76 cents
per month. Apply D. Cooper & Co 411
MONEY TO LOAN on Real Estate
security In any amounts and upon any
terms to suit borrower. Address P. O.
Box 174. Harrlsburg. Pe.
SI,OOO TO LOAN on first mortgage.
Address "C," Post Office Box 775, Har
risburg, Pa.
Money to Lois
To Housekeepers and Worklngmea. We
will treat you fairly.
Room 21 Spooner Building,. Licensed
bonded. Incorporated. Take elevator.
Telephone Bell 1647 R.
f A!
We money in amounts from
$6.00 to $300.00 and arrange pay
ments to suit borrowers' con
venience. Business confidential.
Lowest rate In city. Lloensed, bond
ed and Incorporated.
IX: Walnut St.
| Rider Awarded Nearly Thrice
Original Sum in York
Haven Case
dam across the
SS d for ( th f sec °nd time by a
wh™ t. . Jury this morning
when it returned a verdict in Rider'*
favor for nearly three times the
The?! u f t l , he oripinal allowance,
jlhe verdict totaled $6,492
'of x ? 7nn 3 tt n j / I^, BaVo Rlver a verdit,t
J."' 7 . 00 - °, f this amount SI,OOO was
allowed for damages to the crops cov
ering a period of four years and the
remaining $2,700 was given as puni
h,rel>.£!lm^Ke?-.1 The case was appealed
by. Rider s Attorneys Fox and Geyer,
and the Supreme court ordered a re
trial with directions that the case
should be argued on the difference In
actual valuation of the land before
al \n, er ,he construction of the dam.
I he sum was allowed on three sepa
rate items—s4.280 for the damage to
the farm at the rate of S4O per acre:
sooo punitive damages, and $1,712 for
damages incident to delay in settle
ment of the case.
To I'lint Lykcns Special Ballots.—
Ihe county commissioners to-day or
dered a special form of ballot print
ed for Lykens borough to be used at
the special election March 21 when the
people will vote on the question of in
creasing the school's bonded indebt
edness $20,000 to make additions, al
terations and improvements to the
By Associated Press
Philadelphia, March 8. Wheat
« io . w £'' ; No. 2, red, sot and March, $1.17
118 ' tsouthern > red, $1.15®
„ A Corn Steady; No. 2, yellow, local
"OJkSIc; steamer. No. 2, yellow, local,
78 lSs ®79%c.
-,.9, als ~ Steady; No. 2, white, 52®
62%e: No. 3, white, 49®00c.
Bran Market quiet but steady; •
city mills, winter, per ton. $25.00; west
ern, winter, per ton, $25.00; Spring. per
ton. $22.50#23.00.
Refined Sugars Market tlrm;
refined powdered. 6.60 c; fine granulat
ed, 6.50 c; confectioners' A, 6.40 c.
! Butter Market firm; western
j creamery, extras, 38c; nearby prints!
fancy, 41c.
Eggs The market is steady;
Pennsylvania and other nearby tlrsts.
free cases, $7.20 per case; do., current
receipts, free cases, $7.05 per case;
| western, extras, llrsts, free cases. $7.20
! per i ase; western, tlrsts, free cases. ,
$7.05 por case. 1
i . Live Poultry The market is firm;
i fowls, 17H@l8V4c; roosters, 12®13c;
| Spring chickens. 14®20c; ducks, 18®
20c; geese, 17@19c; turkeys, 2G@22c
Dressed Poultry—Firm, fowls higher;
turkeys, fancy, 30c; do., good to
choice, 27 ©2Bc; do., fair to good. 25®
26c; do., old toms. 25c; fowls, fancy.
19}6@20c; do., good to choice, 18@19c;
do., small sizes* 15(9) 17c; old roosters,
16c; broiling chickens, nearby. 22©
26c; do., western, 22®24c; roasting
j chickens, western, choice to fancv. la tip
22c; do., fair to good, 15®18c; Spring
ducks, nearby, 18@20c; do., western. 12
® 18c; geese, nearby, 16® 18c; do., west
ern, ii®i6c.
I Potatoes The market is steady
with a moderate demand; Pennsylva
nia. white, per bushel, $1.15© 1.26; New
I York, per bushel, sl.lo© 1.15; Maine, pet
bushel, $1.15®1.20; western, per bushel.
$1.00@1.10; Jersey, No. 1, per casket. «.
60®70c Jersey, No. 2. per basket, 30®
Flour Dull and nominal; winter,
straights, $5.50®5.70; do., patents. $5.80
@6.10; Kansas straights, $4.85@5.86;
Spring llrsts, clear, $5.00@5.40; do.,
straights. $a.30@6.50; do., atents, $5.75
@6.00; do., favorite brands. $7.G0@7.50;
Hay The market is firm with
a fair demand; No. 1, large
bales. $21.50® 22.00; No. 1, medium
bales, $21.50@22.00; No. 2. do.. $19.50®
20.00; No. 3, do., $16.00® 18.00; no grade,
slo.oo® 14.00.
Clover mixed, light mixed, $19.00®
19.60; No. 1. do., $18.50® 19-00; No. 2.
j do.. $15.50® 16.50.
By Associated Press
j Philadelphia, March 8. Stocks
I closed steady.
I Cambria Steel si
General Asphalt 34
General Asphalt, Pfd 70%
Dake Superior Corporation 10%
Dehlgli Navigation 75V.
Lehigh Valley 78
Pennsylvania Railroad 56
Pennsylvania Steel, Pfd 98 Vz
Philadelphia Electric 27
Philadelphia Company 40 V,
Philadelphia Company, Pfd 36%
Philadelphia Rapid Transit IX"-.
Philadelphia. Traction 79%
Reading 84%
Storage Battery «!;
Union Traction 43
United Gas Improvement S!»U
| United States Steel 82%
Medical Society May
Form Red Cross Unit
Following an interesting pappr as
read by Dr. Lewis A.. LeGard, one of
the advisers of Surgeon-General Blue
of the United States Army, on the
relation of the physician to military
preparedness, the Dauphin County
Medical Society last evening unani
mously decided to ascertain cost, fea
sibility and method of providing a
hospital unit for a Red Cross field hos
pital In this city. A resolution auth
orizing President Kllgore to investi
gate these problems was adopted with
out opposition.
"Preparedness" was the theme of
a debate last evening at the regular
meeting of Mt. Vernon Council. No.
333, Independent Order of Americans,
Fackler's Hall. That Congress should
adopt extensive war preparations at
any price, was the subject. The nega
tive side won. The winning team con
sisted of O. M. Bowers and J. C. Kel
lum. The affirmative side was unhekl
by R. P.. Miller and George W. Straw.
The judges were Dr. J. L. Good, New
Cumberland; E. C. Shope, Penbrook,
and Albert A. Miller, city.
s f LL