Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, March 06, 1916, Page 9, Image 9

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Copyright t>r Interactional Jtmi Service
Helen was still a little pale when
slie and Babble and Louise .lolnecl the
men outside the dressingroom. Tills
affair at the hotel had promised to be
such fun after she had persuaded
Warren not to ask Carrie and Fred,
and now the chance remark of a catty
woman threatened to make her entire
evening unpleasant.
Warren noticed her preoccupation
"Anything gone wrong?" he asked
"Why, no, dear." Helen stam
mered. flushing with surprise at the
"I thought you looked grumpy
about something. You don't want
anything to spoil this dinner. Re
member, half your attraction lies in
your expression, and I want you to
make a hit with some of the people
here to-night."
Helen forgot the slight of a few
minutes before in the anticipation of
the evening. The rooms were crowded
with people, all talking and laughing
merrtly. Several men noticed Helen
and looked after her admiringly. For j
once Warren njade no comment on I
this fact. It was sweet flattery to him !
to have his business friends admire 1
his wife, and he showed the fact that ;
lie was pleased by saying to Helen in
an aside:
Good Advice
"That dreps is certainly becoming.
Aren't you Triad you paid the price 11
told you to? It's always better to
buy good things; then you have ex- S
elusive models."
Helen could not help thinking to
herself that more peoplo would be
luiying exclusive models if they had
the price. She seldom felt that she
ought to afford so much for one gown.
They all crowded into the dining
room and made their way to the dif
ferent tables. Warren's table was
quite near the speaker's table, and the
exhilaration of pleasant conversation
and light and warmth and soft mu
sic was already having its effect on
The dinner progressed with the
general supply of perfectly cooked
food and light wines; a quartet had
been added to the festivities and sang
catchy melodies from a gallery that
ran around the room.
Helen liked gay Dr. Dennis and liis
blonde wife. The Dennis family had
for ages been the topic of conversa
tion where lionise was concerned. As
soon as Helen began to praise the
Bells lionise was sure to retaliate with
inentionings of the gay times she and
Bob had with Dr. and Mrs. Dennis.
Helen Caught
The doctor was rather short and
very fascinating. Helen, who studied
his face between courses decided that
Vie was not eiaetly good looking, but
that there was something very attrac
tive about his spontaneity. She liked
him but she was nevertheless very
much embarrassed when he turned to
her suddenly and nsked her what she
thought of him.
"Why, T didn't mean to be rude,"
she defended.
"Of course, you didn't. I know
that T was supposed to he under ob
servation to-night. I'm just curious,
that's all."
"Well, the verdict Is not guilty of
anything wrong," said Helen laugh
"Really! Well, then, we sliall be
friends. What, a load that has taken
from my mind."
"Don't let my husband tease yon,
Mrs. Curtis," laughed Mrs. Dennis
from her seat beside Warren.
Helen responded lightly and the
dinner slowly drew to a close. Helen
was a little glad when they finally
lose from their seats and made their
J Get Acquainted With j
11 Our Club Plan y
■ ' V ou U to C H a ub p,an m , ak < s k simp,e and * a *y f° r aM
£ LI to have one of these high class instru- I
1 In '" y ° Ur h ? mC and B ive y° ur family all
S the enjoyment thereof while it is being paid E
IDn a small initial payment | SB J
$113.1*0, $153.90 to J B
«—| untmi
Workman's Compensation
Act Blanks
| We are prepared to ship promptly any or all of the blanks
| made necessary by the Workmen's Compensation Act which took !
J effect January 1. Let us hear from you promptly as the law re- !
f quires that you should now hav« these blanks in your possession. !
| The Telegraph Printing Co. j
Printing—Binding—Designing—Photo Engraving
' way into the anteroom. In spite of
11 the fact that she had enjoyed herself
i i the speeches were long and a little
1 bit tiresome, and she was anxious to
dance, just as anxious as the younger
people who were Impatiently waiting
j for the rooms to be cleared.
Coming out of the dreasingroom a
few minutes later, she encountered
"Come on," he said, "I have been
waiting for you. liet's stroll through
the rooms. I want you to meet some
j of my friends."
The Davenports
Helen was quite willing to be Intro
duced, and walked along beside War
ren, her eyes wide with expectation. ■
"There's Kd Davenport and his wife.
1 Ton must meet them. Helen."
"Where?" Interrogated Helen.
"Coming toward us. Hello, Ed, I
; want you to meet my wife."
"Glad to know you. Mrs. Curtis."
said a short, well pot-up man with
glasses. "Warren, 1 'don't believe you
have met my wife, have you? Ger
trude. Mr. and Mrs. Curtis."
The introduction was managed so
j informally that Helen had no chance
to observe Mrs. Davenport before she
I came up. Now she turned and looked
; Into the eyes of the catty woman of
; her dressingroom experience.
Helen recognized her instantly and
she saw the woman also recognized
j her. Now was Helen's time to tri
j umph.
"Charming dinner, wasn't it?" she
! said graciously, "and so many stun
ning-looking women. I have Just
been telling my 'husband that the
men are hardly up to the mark to
• night, the women are so very gor
Mrs. Davenport looked at Helen a
moment, then her thin lips curved
into a smile.
"That's what I have been telling
Mr. Davenport," she said. • "I come
from Charleston myself, and the peo
ple there are so different and enter
tain so differently. You don't hap
: pen to know any one from the South,
| do you. Mrs. Curtis"
"I believe not," said Helen sweetly.
"Didn't T see you In Ihe dressingroom
| to-night? I thought you stood right;
j next to me. There is always such a i
j crush around the mirrors."
Helen made this remark quite un
consciously, but Mrs. Davenport looked
at lier suspiciously.
"I really don't remember," she
said, flushing- a little. "although I
don't see how* I could have forgot
ten that sown: it's simply stunning;
on you. my dear."
Helen smiled her thanks and. then
slipped her arm into Warren's. I
"So glad to lia\ e met you. she
said sweetly, and she and Warren
passed on.
"How did you like the Davenports?"
Warren queried.
Helen smiled.
"What are you laughing at ? By
the way. you don't net a bit natural
to Mrs. Pavenport. I hope she didn't
notice It."
"f meant her to notice it." said
Helen, excitedly. "I hope her friend
ship doesn't mean anything to you
In a business way. Warren, for T was
terribly upset by a remark of hers
In the dressingruom. Slip was heed
lessly rude, and T meant her to know
that T recognized her."
"You women are always making
mountains out of molehills," said War
ren disgustedly. "This business or
talking about each other is a thing a
man can never understand."
(Another instalment in this series
of everyday life will appear shortly
on this page.)
Now Is Just the Time to Make
l'p Cotton Goods For Sum
mer Wear
SqSo (With Bastine Line and Added
Seam Allowance) Boy,s Suit, 4 to 8
This is one of the prettiest and most
attractive suits that the season has to
offer. The blouse gives just the suggest*
lon of the favorite Norfolk idea and may
be finished with or without the pocket
over the left front. In the picture, the
material is blue linen with trimming of
white. The model is a good one for may
materials. It is really perfect for linen,
cotton gabardine and the like
is charming made from light weight
French serge, shepherds check or any
similar wool material.
For the 6 year size will be needed, 3
yards of material 36 inches wide, 2%
yards 44 or 2} g yards 54, with of a
yard 36 inches wide for the collar, cuffs
and belt.
The pattern 8980 is cut in sizes for
boys from 4to 8 years. It wilt be mailed
to any address by the Fashion Depart
ment of this paper, on receipt of tea cents.
Final Number of Lecture
Course at Tecti Thursday
Tlio final number of the ninth an
nual course of lectures under the aus
pices of tlie Harristuirp Teachers' As
sociation will be lielil next Thursday
night, when Mrs. William Calvin Chil
ton will render "Southern Stories from
Southern Writers."
Mrs. Chilton is from Mississippi and
is the first woman who ever appeared
on the teachers' course of lectures.
She is a monodramist, who lias recited
from the Atlantic to the Pacific, and
lias received many recommendations
from England, where she appeared
five years ago in Shakespearean ren
Ringling Bros. Circus
Tents to Be Pitched
in East End June 13
Ringling Brothers' circus will be In
Harrisburg Tuesday, June 1.1. The tents
i will bo pitched this year at Twenty-first
and Greenwood streets. This is the
j first time In veers a circus of this mag
nitude has located in East Harrisburg.
W.s# Pliilnilrlplilii and Return >2.50
A Charming Sunday Outing;
Special low rate excursion next Sun
day. Pennsylvania Railroad. A rare
chance to see the battleships at league
Island Navy Yard. Visit Independence
Hall or Fairmount Park. Special train
leaves Harrisburg 7 a. m.—Advertise
Skin Troubles
May Find in
/ Soap
'/) j / and Ointment
J S f/P In/ Speedy, Grateful
I \ /i\l and Permanent
y Xfi) Relief '
/ lily Besides, anyone ■
Jj; f anywhere may
[/ &/' try them before
A he buys them.
Free Sample Each
With 32-page Skin Book by return •
mail to any sufferer from skin
troubles or scalp troubles with loss
'1 of hair, who has failed to obtain per
| manent relief from other remedies.
+'or Free Samples address postal-card
"i'lilicuri, l)ppt. XX. Boston, Maaa.* 1
Bold in ever; town and village In U. S.
When Itching Stops
j J
Thero Is one safe, dependable treat
ment that relieves itching torture In
stantly and that cleanses and soothes
| the skin.
Ask any druggist for a 25c bottle of
l/.emo and apply it as directed. Soon
I you will find that pimples, black heads,
eczema, ringworm and similar skin
troubles will disappear.
A little zemo, the pentrating, satis
| tying liquid, Is all that Is needed, for
it banishes all skin eruptions and
makes the skin soft, smooth and
Zemo, Cleveland.
' Try Telegraph Want Ads
(iEOROE agnevm^BMAlN
copYniGmiJsr TOE c&av*Buxi.
CHAPTER I—Alan Wayne Is sent
away from Red Hill, his home, by his
! uncle, J. Y.. as a moral failure. Clem
runs after him In a tangle of short
skirts to bid him good-by.
CHAPTER ll—Captain Wayne tells
Alan of the failing of the Waynes.
Clem drinks Alan's health on his
CHAPTER lll—Judge liealey buys
a picture f*r Alix Lansing. The judge
defends Alan iii his business with his
CHAPTER IV—Alan and Alix meet
at sea. homeward bound, and start a
flirtation, which becomes serious.
CHAPTER V—At home, Nance Ster
ling asks Alan to go away from Alix.
Alix is taken to task by Gerry, her
husband, for her conduct with Alan
and defies him.
CHAPTER Vl—Gerry, as he thinks,
sees Alix and Alan eloping, drops
everything, and goes to Pernambuoo.
CHAPTER Vll—Alix leaves Alan
on the train and goes home to find
that Gerry has disappeared.
CHAPTER Vlll—Gerry leaves Per
nambuco and goes to Piranhas. On
a canoe trip he meets a native girl.
CHAPTER IN—The judge fails to
trace Gerry. A baby is born to Alix.
CHAPTER N—The native girl takes
Gerry to her home and shows him
the ruined plantation she is mistress
of. Gerry marries her.
CHAPTER NI At Maple house
Collingeford tells how he met Alan—
"Ten Per Cent. Wayne"—building a
bridge in Africa.
CHAPTER Nil—Collingeford meets
Alix and her baby and he gives her
encouragement about Gerry.
CHAPTER Nlll—Alan comes back
to town but does not go home. lie
makes several calls in the city.
CHAPTER NlV—Gerry begins to
improve Margarita's plantation and
builds an irrigating ditch.
CHAPTER XV—ln Africa Alan
reads Clem's letters and dreams of
CHAPTER XVI—-Gerry pastures
Lieber's cattle during the drought. A
baby coines to Gerry and Margarita.
CHAPTER XVlT—Collingeford meets
Alix in the city and finds her changed.
CHAPTER XVIII—AIan meets Alix, 3.
Y. and Clem, grown to beautiful woman
hood, in the*.lty and realizes that he has
sold his birthright for a mess of pottage.
"What are you looking so dismayed
about?" cried Alls with a smile and
holding out her hand. "Has a short
ameer*, truthful and al! the other ad
jectives that fit straight riding."
"Speaking of riding. Mr. Collinge
ford. you're riding for a fall." Alix
glanced at him meaningly.
"How did you know?" he stammered
and then went on rather sullenly,
"Anyway, you're wroug. I'm not. But
I was just going to." He prodded vi
ciously at the cracks in the pavement
with his stick.
"Don't," said Alix. "Don't do that
I I mean. You'll break your stick and
' It's the one I like."
Collingeford turned a flushed fare
to her. "Look here. Alix," he said,
' "you are honest and sincere and all
those things I said. Don't let's hedge
—not just now. If your bad luck
, vVI
Gerry Went in and Knelt Beside tha
doesn't let up—lf you ieam anything—
anything you don't want to know—l
can't say it right out—would you—
d'you think you ever would—"
Alix did not smile. He was too
much In earnest and she liked him too
much—was too much at one with him
—not to feel what he was going
through. "I like your Honest Alix,"
she said, after a pause, "and I'm go
ing to let her do the talking for a mo
ment. If I learned absolutely that—
that Gerry can never come back to me,
there is no man that I would turn to
quicker than to you." Collingeford
gave her a grateful look and the flush
under hia tan deepened. "Don't mis
understand me," she went on. "I like
you a whole lot, but I have never
thought of marrying anyone but Ger
ry. I'd like to marry Gerry. I've nev
er married him yet. Not really."
They walked on for some time In si
lence. Collingeford's thoughts had
raced away southwards and Alix'
followed them unerringly. "Don't
make one horrible mistake, Percy."
she said when she was sure. "Don't
imagine that I conld ever love the
bearer of 111 tidings."
Collingeford flushed, till* time with
year changed uie so ntuJi? Am I so
thin or so fat?"
Collingeford recovered himself. "Nei
ther too thlu nor too fat. It is per
fection. not imperfection, that dis
mays a man. You call it a short year?"
he added gravely. "It's beeu an eter
nity—not a year!"
But Alix was uot to be diverted
from her tone of badinage. She looked
him over critically. "Well," she said,
"I congratulate you. I didn't know be
fore that bronze could bronze. What
a lot of health you carry about with
Collingeford smiled. "Clem said 1
looked as though i had been living on
They sat and stared at each other.
Each found the other good to look up
on. Seen alone. Collingeford's tall,
tense figure or the fragile quality of
Alix' pale beauty, would have seened
hard to match. Seen together, they
were wonderfully in tone. Alix grew
grave under inspection, Collingsford
nervous. "There Is no news?" he
"None," said Alix and a far-away
look came into her eyes as if her mind
were off, thousands of miles, intent
on a search of its own.
Collingeford broke the spell. He
Jumped up and said he had come for
just one thing—to take her out for a
walk. It was one of those nippy ear
ly winter afternoons cut out to fit a
walk. Alix must put on her things.
She did and together they walked the
long length of the avenue and out into
the park.
By that time they had decided it wag
quite a warm afternoon after all—al
most warm enough to sit down. They
tried it. Collingeford sat half turned
on the bench ,and devoured Alix with
his eyes. Ana j usi as he was going to
say a word Alix gave him a full, meas
uring look and said, almost hastily, "It
is too cold, after all. Quite chilly. It
was our walking so fast deceived us."
She rose and started tentatively to
ward the gate. "Come ou. Honorable
Percy." she said playfully.
Collingeford caught up with her and
said moodily. "If vou call me Honor
able Percy again 1 shall dub yon Hon
est Alix."
They were walking down the ave
nue. "Honest Alix Isn't half bad,"
he continued thoughtfully. "The race
has got Into the habit of yoking the
word honest to our attitude toward
other people's pennies but It's a good
old word that stands for trustworthy,
shame. "No, of course not," he stam
"You see—or can't you see?" she
went on, "that all this new life of
mine I've huug ou to a single hook of
faith. I could not break out from this
probation for any other man. I do
not mean that a woman can love but
once—not necessarily. But I do think
that one's life must spring from a new
chrysalis to meet a new love fairly.
Second loves at first sight have a tang
of the bargain counter and the ready
made. Ijove is not a chance tenant.
He must build or grow into a new
They walked on In a full silence.
Collingeford's shoulders drooped. For
the first time in his life he felt old.
"You are right—you are always right."
he said at last. "I shall go away—
somewhere where It's easy to sweat."
"Spmewhere where it's easy to
sweat!" exclaimed Alix. "What an
ugly thought."
"It's only Bodsky " said Collingeford
reminlgcently. "Bodsky says you can
drown any woman's memory in sweat.
Good old Bod! I wonder where I shall
find him." •
"Oh," said Alix, "if it's Bodsky's,
one musn't quarrel with it simply be
cause it is ugly. But—"
"But what?" said Collingeford.
"I was goiiig to say, what naked
language!' Perhaps it is one of those
truths one shrinks from because it
starts in by slapping one's face. Any
way, even if it is a truth, it's horrid.
It hurts a woman to be forgotten."
Collingeford smiled. "Just so," he
said and stopped before au up-town
ticket agency. "Do you mind?" he
asked, with a wave of his hand. They
went in and he bought a passage for
England. He was to sail the following
afternoon. He looked so glum over It
that Alix consented to lunch with him
and see him off.
He came for her the next day a lit
tle late but, when she saw bis face,
she felt a shock and forgot to chide
him. Her eyes mirrored the tronble in
his but somehow she felt that it was
not the parting from her that bad
turned him pale In a night. He helped
her into the waiting cab and then
sank back into his corner. ,
Alix laid her gloved hand on his
knee. "What is It?" She asked.
Collingeford's face twitched. He
fixed his eyes through the cab window
on nothing. "Bodsky," he said, "is
dend. He has been dead for months."
"Oh," cried Alix, "I'm sorry. I'm
•orry for you." She did not try to
say any more. She had put all her
heart into those few words.
Collingeford drew out his pocket
book and took from It a soiled sheet
of paper—a leaf torn from a field note
book. He held It out to her with trem
bling hand. "I wouldn't show it to
anyone else. Trouble has mad* you
great-hearted. Br-ud it."
(To be continued.) <
MARCH 6, 1916.
Telegraph Aims lo Stimulate
Interest in Study of Great
In view of Ihe magnitude and im
portance of the coming grand opera
event at the Chestnut Street Auditor
ium, and with the object of stimulat
ing interest in operatic study, the
Telegraph has evolved a unique con
tent which should prove attractive to
all who love grandeur and beauty
in musical art. Grand opera, well
done, is a form of entertainment heard
all too seldom in Harrisburg, and
when tile opportunity to hear It does
occur, the city's artistic contingent
should take advantage of it.
The contest involves some twenty
different questions pertaining to the
standard operas of the day, and those
desiring to compete for the priaes will
derive much educational enjoyment
in seeking out the replies and send
ing them to the Opera Contest Kdl
tor. Telegraph, not later than Satur
day, March 25.
To the contestant sending in the
nearest correct set of answers the
Telegraph will present one pair of
first class two dollar seats to each of
the three performances to be given by
the San Carlo Grand Opera Com
pany, at the Chestnut Street Auditor
ium. Tuesday and Wednesday, March
28 and 29. To tho second best set
will go two seats to two of the per
formances. to be selected by the con
testant, and for the third nearest cor
rect set of answers the sender will re
ceive one pair of first class opera
tickets, with the option of choosing
which of the three productions he or
she desires to hear.
Tho Questions
The replies will be compared to
and judged as to their correctness,
according to a schedule prepared by
the San Carlo opera managers and the
Grand Opera Editor of the Tele
graph, and the winning contestants
will receive their seats on Monday,
March 27th, by calling at the office
of this paper; or they will be mailed
to the winners if desired. The ques
tions are as follows:
1. Name two operas that had their
premiere in Paris.
2. What opera has scenes laid in,
3. Which opera has scenes laid in
4. Name an opera with scenes laid
in Boston.
5. Name an opera with scenes laid
in Berlin, Alunich and Venice.
6. Name an opera with scene laid
under water.
7. Name an opera with scene laid
in Madagascar.
8. Name two operas presenting the
best pictures of Parisian life.
9. Name an opera presenting pic
ture of Neapolitan life.
10. Name one opera based on book
of Dickens.
11. Name two operas based on
books of Hugo.
12. Name two operas based on
books of Goethe.
15. Name three operas that have
scenes laid on shipboard.
14. Name three operas that had
their premiere in New York.
1.. Name seven operas based on
Shakespeare's plays.
16. Name an opera in which the
heroine does-not appear until the last
17 Name three operaa written about
the same character.
18. Name two operas given fre
quently as oratorios.
19. Name on opera by a composer
of Scotch descent.
20. Name two operas in which a
large building callopses.
Gray Hair Restored
to its Natural Color
In a low application* to its original dark, r lossy
•abade. no matter how long It haa been gray or
laded, and dandruff removed by
It u n»t a iyt— no one will know yon are nsiotr
It. 25c. 90c. »1. all dealers or direct upon receipt
of price. Send for booklet "Beautitul Hair."
Philo Hay Specialties Company, Newark, N. 3.
} i
f Hopes Women Will
| Adopt This Habit j
As Well As Men j
1 !
• Glass of hot water each morn- i
| ing helps us look and feet j
clean, sweet, fresh.
i i
i i
Happy, bright, alert—vigorous and
vivacious—a good dear skin; a nat
ural, rosy complexion and freedom
from illness are assured only by
clean, healthy blood. If only every
woman and likewise every man could
realize the wonders of the morning
inside bath, what a gratifying change
would take place.
Instead of the thousands of sickly,
anaem\c-looking men, women and
girls with pasty or muddy complex
ions; instead of the multitudes of
"nerve wrecks."' "rundowns," "brain
ftigs" and pessimists we should see a
virile, optimistic throng of rosy
cheeked people everywhere.
An inside bath is had by drinking,
each morning before breakfast, a
glass of real hot water with a tea
spoonful of limestone phosphate in it
to wash from the stomach, liver, kid
neys and ten yards of bowels the pre
vious day's indigestible waate, sour
fermentations and poisons, thus
cleansing, sweetening and freshening
the entire alimentary canal before
putting more food into the stomach.
Those subject to sick headache,
bilousness, nasty breath, rheumatism,
colds; and particularly those who have
a pallid, sallow complexion and who
are constipated very often, are
urged to obtain a quarter pound of
limestone phosphate at the drug store
which will cost but a trifle but is i
sufficient to demonstrate the quick I
and remarkable change in both health
and appearance awaiting those who
practice internal sanitation. We must
remember that inside cleanliness is
more important than outside, be
cause the skin does not absorb impur
ities to contaminate the blood, while
the pores in the thirty feet of bowels
K h. GHOSS, IIS Market St.,
Harristiure, Pa.
S. S. S. Drives Poison From
the System.
Get it flxed in your mind that skin
eruptions. Scrofula. Eczenm, burning,
itching: skin, and all skin discuses ai»
due entirely to impure blood. It tho
trouble was on the outside of the skin,
by simply washing and keeping it
clean you could obtain relief—not even
ointments and salves would be neces
sary. Agree with us In this belief, anil
you can be restored to health. S. S. S.
is a purely vegetable treatment that
you can secure from your own drug
gist—lt is a blood tonic that will purify
your blood and cause a decided abate
ment of your trouble, and finally make
you well. Klfty years ago S. S." S. was
discovered and given to suffering man
kind. During this period It haa proven
its remarkable curative properties as
a blood purifier and tonic. Has relieved
thousands of cases of disease caused by
impure blood, and chronic or Inherited
blood diseases. You can be relieve,
but you must take S. S. S.. Therefore
be sure. Don't take chances, don't use
lotions. Get 1. S. P. from vour dru^t
?:lst. If your Is a special case, writ*
or expert medical advice to Swift Spe
cific Co., Atlanta, Ga.—Advertisement.
It's Easy lf You Know Dr.
Edwards' Olive Tablets
The secret of keeping young is to
feel young—to do this you must watch
your liver and bowels—there's no need
of having a sallow complexion dark
rings under your eyes—pimples—a bil
lious look In your face—dull eyes with
no sparkle.
Your doctor will tell you ninety per
cent, of all sickness comes from inactive
bowels and liver.
Dr. Edwards, a well-known phvslclan
In Ohio, perfected a vegetable com
pound mixed with olive oil to act on
the liver and bowels, which he gave to
his patients for years.
Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets, the sub
stitute for calomel, are gentle In their
action, yet always effective.
They bring about that exuberance of
spirit, that natural buoyancy which
should be enjoyed by everyone, by ton
ing up the liver and clearing the sys
tem of Impurities.
You will know Dr. Edwards' Olive
Tablets by their olive color. 10c and
25c per box. All druggists.
Tho Olive Tablet Company, Colum
bus, Ohio.
$31.80 Tim" $31.80
Krorn Philadelphia every Wednesday
and Saturday.
Including meals and choice of state
room accommodations. All outside
rooms. Fine steamers. Best service.
Tickets limited to May SI.
Merchants A Miners Trans. Co.
City Ticket Office, 105 S. 9th St..
Phlla., Pa. '
Consult any ticket or touriat agent.
School of Commerce
Troop Building J 5 So. Market Sq.
Day and Night School
22d Year
Commercial ami Stenographic Courses
Bell Phone 1010-.I
Harrisburg Business College
Day and Night
Bookkeeping, Shorthand, CivU Service
Thirtieth Year
529 Market St. Harrisburg, Pa.
Kaufman Bids. 4 S. Market Ba.
Trainlng That Sccurea-
Salary Increasing Positions
In tho' Office
Call or itnd to-«fay for Interesting
booklet. "Tfcr Art of Gettlns Alone 1*
the World." Bell phone 694-R.
Cumberland Valley Railroad
In Effect June 27, 1915.
TRAINS leave Harrisburg—
For Winchester and Martlnsbure at
5:03, *1:52 a. m„ *3:40 p. m.
For Hagerstown, Chambersburg, Car
lisle, Mechanicsburg and Intermediate
stations at *5:03, *7:52. *11:53 a m
•3:40. 5:37, *7:45. *11:00 p. m.
Additional trains for Carlisle and
Mechanicsburg at 9:48 a. m., 2:16, 3-26
6:30, 9:35 p. m.
For Dillsburg at 6:03. *7:52 and
•11:63 a. m.. 2:16, *3:40, 6:37 and 6:30
p. m.
•Daily. All other trains dailv except
Sunday. H. A. RIDDLE,
J. H. TONGB. O. P. A.
(Successor to J. J Ogelsbr)
310 North Secojtd Street
Slxlli and Kelker Streets
Largest establishment. Best facilities.
Near to you as your phone. Will go
anywhere at your call. Motor service.
No funeral too small. None too expen
sive. Chapels, rooms, vault, etc., uaed
without charge.
Non-greasy Tollut Crwam Keeps
the Skin Soft and Velvety In Rough
Weather. An Exquisite Toilet Prep
aration, 25c.
16 N. Third St.. find P. R. H. Station
l Stock Transfer
\ Ledger j:
% The Pennsylvania Stack
? Tranafer Tax (act of June !'
% 4, 1*15) which la now In effect, \
j requires all corporations In the
5 Btat*, no matter how large or %
J how small they may he, te keep 3"
J a Stock Tranafer Ledger. We %
j are prepared to supply these /
Ji ledgers promptly at a very i
£ nominal price. J
\ The Telegraph
! Printing Co.
i Printing—Binding—Designing j'
J Pbofo Kngravlng "J
} I ARB I6BDRG . - PA. '!