Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, March 04, 1916, Page 16, Image 16
16 | REFl^|||^ t \ - These Artistic M«es are located in tie restricted resStotfiai section, miKk of Brings I street, oa Seventeenth st. ©pea for inspection at an time. See them at your convenience, ! GEORGE Ao SHREIffEIL SEVENTEENTH aid FORSTER STREETS I y - - - _= I 1 " " 101 INDICTMENTS AGAINST BREWERS [Continued i'roiii First Pago] timated, can be collected if convic tions fire obtained. No individuals are mentioned in the indictments. Immediately after returning the in dictments, the grand Jury, which is the one which indicted Josiah V. Thompson, the Uniontown banker and lias been In steady session for about I six weeks, was discharged. The indictments came up in four presentments attacking the different browing companies separately, as they were members either of the United States or the Pennsylvania Brewers' Association, the two which 1 he grand jury has been probing. An indictment was returned against Camp Hill The Suburb of Natural Beauty; go out with us and inspect our new addition, "Cooper Heights,' with its concrete walk, electric lights, water and gas with its fine build ings and bungalow sites. We will help you select a lot and build you | a home. One hundred bungalow j designs and plans to select from. ! West Shore Realty Co. Baer & Rice Lemoyne Trust Co. Building Lemoyne, Pa. Bell Phouc 3198-J For Sale No. 206 Walnut Street Fronting 32 feet 9 inches, ex tending through the same width to - I ocust street. Applications For Renting first floor and basement may be ' considered. Floor area about 5,272 square feet, including show win dows. APPLY TO Commonwealth Trust Co. 222 Market Street N Act Promptly ioo will have n chnnrr In Mcourr one of the following propertleM: lfltH Green St. 3-story brick house, 9 rooms and bath, nil im provements. fide entrance, front porch, splendid condition, excellent location. Can be seen by appoint ment. to:M> Green St. .l-story brick house. 9 rooms and bath, steam heat, side entrance, front porch; good as a new house. 1031 Green St. 3-story brick dwelling house, 9 rooms and bath, front porch, steam boat, side en trance, all improvements. You will not be disappointed If you buy this one. 714 Capital St. .l-story hri'k bouse. 9 rooms and bath, liot and cold water, furnace, bay window, good location, newly papered. 224 Mnelny St. 3-story brick dwelling. 4 rooms first floor, :l looms third floor, steam heat, all improvements, lot 26x90, house IS ft. front, Ift feet between adjoining property. See ine about price. 248 Mnelny {t«. 2'£-story brick dwelling, gas and electric light, hot water heat, front porch, corner property. 8 rooms and both, size of lot 19.2x97 feet. See me about price. 235 Maria y St. 3-story brick house, 9 rooms and bath, outkitchen. electricity, gas, cemented cellar with laundry and hot and cold water, front porch, balcony, side and front bay windows, gas range, size of lot 21x93 ft., corner property. Price, 94.800. IS South loth St. Cor. Zarker St. B-story brick dwelling. 9 j rooms ami hath, all Improvements. If yott want one of this Rood kind see me about this one. 1433 Wnluiit St. 3-storv brick anil frame bouse. 9 rooms and bath, steam heat, front porch. Corner property. See me about price. 23 South Klicliteeiith St. 3- story brick bouse. 9 rooms and bath, steam heat, front porch. All con veniences. M. A. Fought 272 NORTH ST. SATURDAY "EVENING, HARRIBBURG Q6WQO. TELEGRAPH MARCH 4, 1016 I he I'nited States Brewers' Association but not the Pennsylvania Brewers* As sociation, because the first is a cor poration and the other is not. Fifty-eight brewing companies, members of the Pennsylvania Brew era' Association, and forty-two brew ing companies, members of I he United States Brewers' Association, with (lie brewery association itself, are indicted. Three big brewing companies of Pittsburgh, the Pittsburgh, the In dependent (Jim Mulvihiil's concern) and the Fort Pitt Brewing Company, are Indincted. Others are distributed among the larger centers throughout the com monwealth, as follows: Philadelphia: American Brewing Company, J. & P. Halt'/. Brewing Com pany, Louts Bergdoll Brewing Com pany; Bergner & Engel Brewing Com pany, Class Nachod Brewing Com pany, Consumers' Brewing Company, Fred Feil Brewing Company, Theodor Finkenauer Brewing Company, Leib ert A- Obert Brewing Company, Phila delphia Brewing Company, Premier Brewing Company, Rieger &- Gretz Brewing Company, Peter Scliemm & Son. branch brewing company, C. Schmidt & Sons Brewing Company. Robert Smith Ale Brewing Company, Weissbrod A Hess Brewing Company. F. A. Poth & Sons, Inc., Prospect Brewing Company. Altoonn Brewing Company, Altoona. Anchor Brewing Company, Brack en ridge. Bartels Brewing Company, Ed wardsville. Brownsville Brewing Company, Brownsville. Clearfield Brewing Company, Clear field. Columbia Brewing Company, Shen andoah. Crescent Brewing Company, Irwin. Emmerling Brewing Company, Johnstown. Erie Brewing Company, Erie. Fayette Brewing Company, Union town. Fink Brewing Company, Harris burg. Flock Brewing Company, Williams port. Fuhrman & Schmidt Brewing Com pany, Inc., Shamoktn. Keystone Brewing Company, Dun more. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Kensington Street—Nos. 2020 ami 2022: 2 Vi-story frame. 6 rooms, wa ter. porch, side entrance. Rent, $ 10.50 each. Price. $1,350 each. Disbrow Street—No. 75; corner; two-story brick dwelling with 7 rooms and bath. An attractive little home for $2,400. Boas Street—No. 1822: new two story brick dwelling, 7 rooms and bath, furnace, electric light, first floor finished in chestnut. A cozy home for $2,350. Payments to suit you. Howard Street—No. 1332: 3-story frame, 8 rooms and bath, porch, wide paved strret. Near the business dis trict of Thirteenth and Market. A well-located horn® for $2,800. Eighteenth Street—No. lis N: 3- story brick with all modern improve ments, porch and paved street. A very desirable home, well located. Re duced to $3,000. Market Street—No. 1620: modern 3-story, 9-room brick house, modern in every respect. In first class condi tion. open for inspection to prospec tive buyers. Price, $4,000. Market Street—No. 1(138: new, modern brick business property: now occupied as dwelling and retail meat shop. This is a rare opportunity for the right party. Inspection arrangod for by appointment. Price, $0,500. J. E. Gipple Bell Phone 1251 MARKET ST. SMALL FARM FOR SALE one mile south of Grantham Sta tion on the I*. & R. Railway. 100 grape vines, 1«0 pear, 60 sour cherry, 30 sweet cherry, 50 quince, 200 plum, 50 peach, 160 apple trees; gooseberries, currants, red and black raspberry patch, straw berry patch, flowers and fine lawn. Good buildings and never-failing well of water. Would make an ideal summer home. For particu lars, see J. B. Mac Donald Real Esta;c Broker 1319 Market St. 1 Prospect Hill Cemetery { SMARKRT AMI 28T1I STREETS 1 This cemetery is soon to be en-» !larged and bcautitied under plans} prepared by Warren 11. Manning. f Lots will be sold with the per- f petual care provision. J [Prospect Hill Cemetery Co.t | Heriiinii I*. Miller, I'rrolilrnt * T LOCUST AND COURT STREETS ! | BEIiL PHONE 1505 Kittanning Brewing Company, Kit tan ning. Koch Brewing Company, Williams port. Masontown Brewing Company, Ma son town. Meadville Brewing Company, Mead vine. Mercer Brewing Company, South Sharon. I. & A. Moeschlin. Inc., Sunbury. New Lebanon Brewing Company, Lebanon. H. Ortlieb Brewing Company, Maucli chunk. Pennsylvania Central Brewing Com pany, Scranton. Phillipsburg Brewing Company, Pliillipsburg. Pilsener Brewing Company, Ilazle ton. Beading Brewing Company, Read j '*»£• F. A. Rieker Brewing Company, Lancaster. Adam Scheldt Brewing Company, '■ Norristown. Schwarzenbach Brewing Company, Galeton. Standard Brewing Company, Scran lon. Star Brewing Company. Greens burg. Stegmaier Brewing Company, Wil kes-Bar re. Susquehanna Brewing Company, j Nanticoke. Fnion Brewing Company. Sharon. Victor Brewing Company, Jean nette. Windber Brewing Company, Wind be r. Yough Brewing Company, Con | nellsvillc. Indicted in V. S. Association As members of the United States Brewers' Association, the following Pennsylvania brewing companies are indicted. Pittsburgh Brewing Company, Tn , dependent Brewing Company. Erie 1 Brewing Company, Daeufer Brewing ; Company, Horlacher Brewing Com ! pany, Lieberman Brewing Company, South Bethlehem Brewing Company, I'hl Brewing Company, Anchor Brew ing Company, Brownsville Brewing Company. Keystone Brewing Com pany, Seitz Brewing Company, Arn old-Sclionegg-Harmony Brewing Com pany, Kchwarzenbach Brewing Com pany, Fink Brewing Company, Sus quehanna Brewing Company, Adam j Scheldt Brewing Company. North ampton Brewing Company. American Brewing Company, J. and P. Baltz Brewing Company, Louis Bergdoll 1 Brewing Company. Bergner and Engel Brewing Company, Class and Nachod Brewing Company, Consumers Brew ing Company, Continental Brewing j Company, Fred Feil Brewing Com i pany, Liebert and Obert Brewing Company, Philadelfiliia Brewing Com pany, Premier Brewing Company, Prospect Brewing Company, Proto , Brewing Company. Rising Sun Brew ing Company, C. Schmidt AL- Sons Brewing Company, Robert Smith Ale Brewing Company, Reading Brewing I Company, Rockwood Brewing Com pany. Sayre Brewing Company, West moreland Brewing Company, Bartels Brewing Company, Stegmaier Brewing Company, Flock Brewery Company , and Koch Brewing Company. Charges Against Brewers In the charge against brewing com panies, these specific offenses are set out: That the brewing companies con spired to make money contributions ; to the election of November 3, 1914, : a State election. i That the Independent Brewing i Company, of Pittsburgh, on May 7, 1914 paid $7,331.82 in a check drawn !on the German National Bank of Pittsburgh, and paid to the United , States Brewers' Association, for politi cal use; (hat this check was indorsed over to the Northwestern National Bank, of Philadelphia, by Treasurer G. W. Lembeck of the United States j Brewers' Association. That the Independent Brewing j Company of Pittsburgh, on March 20. 1914, paid $5,101.30 to the United 1 States Brewers' Association, to the order of Hugh F. Fox, secretary, which amount, a check, later was indorsed over to the Lincoln National Bank by ! Fox, and, it is alleged the money put to political use. That the Independent Brewing Company paid $6,564.61 to the Penn sylvania Brewers' Association, on a check made payable to Edwin A. Schmidt, treasurer, and drawn on the First-Second National Bank, of i Pittsburgh, dated August 2. 1914; the amount, it is alleged, constituting a political contribution. That the Pittsburgh Browing Com pany on September 21, 1914, paid s(>,- 774.75 to the Pennsylvania Brewers' i Association, on a check drawn on the ; Lincoln National Bank, of Pittsburgh. |an amount declared subsequently to have been diverted to political uses. Evidence of Conspiracy These were all the specific offenses set out. but the government is declared ! to liave massed evidence of a com- j ! plete case of conspiracy, at least as j lit affect* the brewing companies. REAL ESTATE FEBRUARY 1916 ! BREAKS RECORD Nearly $5,000,000 Increase in Building and Engineering Operations Building anil engineering contracts awarded during the month just pass-1 ed for Eastern Pennsylvania, Southern jXew Jersey. Maryland. Delaware, Dis-: 'trict of Columbia and Virginia !amounted to nearly $5,000,000 more] | than the business authorized during the same month of 19X5, according to j the comparative statistics compiled by I the F. W. Dodge company. February, 1916, in fact was the biggest month j since the short of 1912. I During the past month the con tracts awarded totaled $11,869,000; in February. 1915, they amounted to $6,950,000; in 1914, $7,245,000; in 1913, $6,685,000; 1912. $10,454,000; 1911, $7,172,500; 1910, $6,275,500. What is true of this section was equally true on a larger scale in prac tically the whole northern half of the | United States. The Dodge company t comparisons show an increase in con-j | tracts for February, 1916, over Feb ruary of 1915 of nearly $20,000,000 in j the section comprising the New Eng , land States, New York. New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Maryland, Delaware, S2IOO to SB9OO I The following is a list of a few of the many desirable prop- , erties which we have on our books. If you do not find what you, want among them come and see us, or telephone. We surely can suit you. And this is certainly the time to buy: 1537 Berryhlll St. —3-story brick 1884 Iteglna St. 3-story brlok 8 rooms bath furnace gas. Lot 14x104 ft. Price, $3,100 electricity cemented cellar. 1030 Boa* St. 2^-story frame Price $4,000 i 7 rooms 2O ft. rear alley. Plot 074 Schuylkill St. —2-story frame ! 80x110 ft. Price $3,000 house 6 rooms bath 17.8x75 1104 South Cameron St. 2H- ft \.«J! r,C £ ' V i" iti o story brick 7 rooms bath l3 ®' Second St. furnace gas and electricity. brick b rooms—water In kitchen Price $2,700 —gas. Lot 12.6x75 ft. 540 Camp St. f-«tory brick 1917 v . second St. 3-story 9 rooms—bath. Lot 16x180. Price, brlck _ n roo ms bath steam $3,300 heat cemented cellar. Price, 111 Chestnut St. 3-story brick su,Boo nnd frame house—lo rooms bath "SIS X Second St 2'4-story 77 city steam vapor heat. .Lot 20x brlck an 'd 'stucco 9 rooms 1 5.9. Price $7,500 bath pantry—steam heat. Price, 2300 Derry St. —2%-story frame $7,200 6 rooms hath steam heat 703 X. Sixth St. 3-story brick gas and electricity. Price, lO rooms bath furnace $3,104) gas and electric lights s7,r>oo 23 X. Eighteenth St. 3-story 1010 X. Sixth St. 3-story brick brick 9 rooms bath st.eain lO rooms bath outkitchen heat. Lot 18x81.6. Price, $4,000 gas furnace coal and gas 1007 Forater St. — brick ranges cemented cellar side and stucco 8 rooms bath anrl hack porches. Lot 39',4x106 ft. furnace gas cemented ceilar. Price $0,500 Lot 25x120 ft. Price $3,000 01S X. Sixteenth St. —2 % -story 2144 (ireen St. 3-story brick— brick ll rooms - bath—steam i 8 rooms bath steam heat heat gas and electricity. Lot ' gas and electricity cemented 25x100 ft. Price $3,300 cellar front porch. Lot 21x86. 1719 State St. 3-story brick— Price $1,200 8 rooms lmth furnace gas 1100 Green St. 3-story brick and electricity. Price $4,300 stono trimmings Colonial 1730 SuMquchunnn St. 3-story brlek gas and electricity S brick 9 rooms bath fur rooms bath steam heat—ce- nace gas. Lot 15x65 ft. Price, mented cellar. Price $4,030 $2,250 403 Herr St. 3-storv bric.k 2OlO IV. Third St —3-story brick 9 rooms gas and electricity. 9 rooms 2 haths —steam heat Lot 13x90 ft. Price $3,200 —gas and electricity. Price, $7,000 222 Mnelay St. 3-story brick 2108 X. Third St. 3-story brick lO rooms bath steam heat 9 rooms bath reception gas and electricity cemented hall gas and electricity steam cellar with hot and cold water. heat. Price SO,OOO Lot 26%x90 ft. Price $7,000 2014 X. Third St. —3-story brick 142 a Market St. —3-storv brown- 9 rooms bath furnace—ce stone and brick—9 rooms—bath— mented ceilar front porch bay furnace gas and cemented eel- window on second floor. Lot 17x I lar. Price $3,330 162 ft. Price $4,800 Market and Trrenty-aeeond Sts. 40 X. Twelfth St. 2 H -story 2V4-story stone and shingle concrete house 9 rooms bath house 9 rooms 2 baths —com- pantry gas and electricity blnation rang.v electric lights— steam heat. Lot 37x108 ft. Price, delightful breakfast room sec- $5,000 ond floor woodwork in white 283 Union Are. 8 rooms enamel finish bathroom In white house in good condition. Lot 14.5 x enamel, floor and sides of tile 66 ft. Price $2,100 laundry lit cellar porches. Lot 1425 Walnat St. 3-story brick ft. Price SB,OOO 8 rooms bath coal range 1414 Xniiduln St. 3-story cemented cellar with hot and brick 8 rooms bath fur- cold water -r- front porch fur nace gas cemented cellar. nace gas. Lot 15x112 ft. to Price $2,400 Sthoop street. Price $3,000 Miller Brothers & Co. Locust and Court Sts. Bell Phone, 1595 District of Columbia, Virginia, Ohio, j West Virginia, Illinois, Indiana. lowa, \ Wisconsin, Michigan, Minnesota, North and South Dakota, and sections of Missouri and Eastern Kansas. The comparison shows that in February. 1916, the total was $66,280,500, while February, 1915, showed an outlay of $48,827,400. In 1913, however, the (total went considerably above $70,- 11 064,500 being the sum expended. First Two Months Realty Business Is Record in 5 Years "More deeds, mortgages, transfers | I and other business pertaining to the ! recorder'*, ottice have been handled 1 i for the first two months of 1916 than j the same period during any of the live I years of my connection, at least, with j office." declared Deputy Recorder | Nissley t'. Mumma to-day. "This ! week was especially heavy." Among to-day's realty transactions i was the recent transfer of the Cum . berland Valley Telephone company's trustees of the company's property to the newly re-organized company for $750,000. Other transfers included: W. J. Davidson to John T. Shirley, 2120 Chestnut street, $1; George J. 1 Orth to Florence Stambaugh, 1322 ' Green street, $1; J. H. Riest to W. H. Musser, Steelton. $1; Philip Nate to P. XV. Goodley, Upper Paxton, $1,600; Rebecca M. Holmes to Mary F. Ro shon, sl. SVI.A'AX HBK4IITS PERMIT (tf.'.OOO The first building permit to be is sued this month was granted yesterday I afternoon by Building Inspector .1. H. Grove for the remodeling of Sylvan | Heights Orphanage which was badly : destroyed by tire several months ago, j i The floors of the Institution will be relald in concrete and the whole struc ture will be made modern and fire proof. The cost of the changes will; total $35,000. Morgan E. Gable, Noted Newspaperman, Dead Many liarrisburgerg were grieved to-day to learn of the sudden death of Morgan K. (Sable, Pittsburgh's fore most newspaperman and well known ' to men in business ml polities throughout Pennsylvania. Mr. Cable ! i was a frequent visitor to llarrisburg and bad a grasp of State affairs pos-| I sensed by few men. Ho had been ill ] only a few weeks and bis death fol- 1 j lowed an effort to resume his work. j Mr. Gable was born on Cood Friday. ; ! April 13, 1 s-!2, at Strasburg, J I county. He was the son of Professor! j William Henry and Sarah Morgan j Cable, both bis parents being edu- ' cators. At 'he age of 14 he quit school to learn the printing trade in the office of the Courier, in Tamaqua. Pa., to which town bis parents had re moved. He learned his trade thor-| [ oughly, including job work and steam i j press running. When only 19 years ot" j age. without previous experience in I daily newspaper work, he was made j managing editor of the Reading (Pa.) Herald, which place he retained until November 12, 1887, when he went to j Pittsburgh and became connected with : - J WWLHL- J'B ■ 111. SUBURBAN CITY llome in Camp Hill and when A beautiful Colonial house, in we sa> llome, we mean every 11 arris burg; remodeled, modern word of it. Reception hall, open stairway, parlor, fireplace, din- and roomy. Steam heat, open inKioom, kitchen, three bed- fireplace; in delightful location, rooms, bathroom, attic, hot wa ter heat, poultryhou.se, fruit. Inquire for appointment. Lot 50x150, one minute walk to ... . ear line. We have a number of new Canip Hill Investment houses for sale at very attrac tive prices, also several proper- Double house, two and one- .. ... ... , half story frame, in good condi- wh,eh ar « A ~ No ' 1 invos '- tion. Rents, S2B per month. ments. A few new houses lor Price $8,200 rent. RETTEW & BUSHNELL 1000 X. TIIIKD ST. Bell I'lione 2590; United 555-X lnsurance Real Estate Steamship Tickets Two ol' the Best l*>eiited Lots in Hellevue Park. REAL 1916 HOMES la Heart of Residential Section, i6th and Forster Streets r"• ~ • i. - ••• ■ • . JL**. ■., >. IB ■ 3 * mm bh -|| n JPH mm Exclusive design; perfect workmanship; best grade of ma terials ; hardwood floors, and every feature that you would anticipate in a modern home. Twenty-foot driveway in rear; space for garage. Sample j house open for inspection, day or evening. BURTON VAN DYKE BUILDER and OWNER 900 North Sixteenth Street the Pittsburgh Commercial Gazetti Connections with other papers fol lowed and at one time he directed th two papers of the late Senator C. 1 .Magee, winning a national reputatio by his journalistic feats. When Sen ator Oliver consolidated as Gazett and Tinier he became chief editorii writer, in which place he added to hi laurels. Mr. Gable was a member of variou committees and boards and was on of the Panama-Pacific Expositio Commission. His laM visit here wu several months ago. SOON TIRED. VrA back from tha fOp> J Yes, she could frr-i not anybody \RU foresting or —I mantle to nurse.