Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, March 03, 1916, Page 9, Image 9
F 2 or KENNEDY'STpi 1 2-FOR-THE-PRICE-OF-l-SALE i 1 o i SATURDAY ONLY 1 Sale 321 Market Street Sale I ANY of the following articles, we will sell Saturday only, TWO for the price of one, or in any com- 1 bination you choose, such as any two 25c articles both for 25c; any two 50c articles, both for 1 50c; any two SI.OO articles both for SI.OO 1 These goods are from our regular stock and are direct from the manufacturer and guaranteed 1 fresh, new goods. We would advise you to make your purchase early, as we may be sold out, al- 1 though we have laid in a large stock for this sale. I Only two of any one article, allowed to each customer. No mail orders filled. 1 — H 250 50 250 250 250 250 100 ||j Sanitol Tooth Powder Ivory Soap Manoline Tubes Sassafola Alexander's Lung Healer Graves' Tooth Powder Sayman's Soap 2 for 25c 2 for sc 2 for 25c 2 for 2sc 2 for 2sc 2 for 2sc 2 for loc /, p 25<? 100 250 100 250 500 250 M Jayne's Sanative Pills Bromo Seltzer Pierce's Pellets Harlem Oil Mentholatum Mentholatum Red Cross Kidney Plasters c|jj 2 for 25c 2 for 10c 2 for 25c 2 for loc 2 for 2sc 2 for 50c 2 for 2sc | 200 250 150 100 250 100 350 || , Allccok's Porous Plasters Aspirin Tablets, 5-grain Acorn Salve Bronchial Lozenges Barker's H. &C. Powder Bromo Lithia Drake's Croup Remedy £ j 2 fot 20c 2 dozm for 25c 2 for 15c 2 ,0r 10c 2 for 2sc 2 for loc 2 for 3sc §j iS § if 250 J 00 250 25f- 100 250 200 Euthymol Tooth Paste Frog in the Throat Haarlem Oil Capsules Sodium Phosphate, 1 lb. National Corn Remover Neuralgine Tablets Pear's Unscented Soap W, 2 for 25c 2 £or 10c 2 £or 25c 2 for 25c 2 for loc 2 for 2sc 2 for 20c | 500 250 250 250 „ SI.OO 50 150 g] Beef, Wine and Iron Red Cross Belladonna Shac Headache Wafers Weeks' Break-Up-a-Cold Wampole's Tasteless Cod Luden's Menthol Cough Munyon's Witch Hazel (pint) Plasters (Stearns) Tablets Liver Extract Drops Soap 2 for 50c 2 for 25c 2 for 25c 2 for 2sc 2 for sl.oo 2 for 5c 2 for lsc |j P 250 200 250 250 500 100 350 || Palmer's Skin Success Tetlow's Swansdown Face J. &J. Baby Talcum Hill's Cascara Quinine Sage and- Sulphur Hair Orangeine Headache Prophylactic Tooth Ointment or Soap Powder (all colors) Powder Tablets Restorer Powders Brushes ||| 2 for 25c 2 for 20c 2 for 25c 2 for 2sc 2 for soc 2 for loc 2 for 3sc 1 — —————■—■— n 250 500 100 500 500 200 100 gj Pray's Rosaline Pray's Ongoline Phenol Sodique Phenol Sodique Robinson's Barley Babcock's Talcum Powder Sulphur Candles 2 for 25c 2 for 50c 2 for 10c 2 ft)l 50c 2 for soc 2 for 2oc 2 £or loc | i| 500 250 750 600 250 250 250 M Pompeian Massage Cream Mennen's Talcum Powder Pompeian Massage Cream Walnutta Hair Stain Squibb's Talcum Powder Hay's Hair Health Hay's Harfina Soap 2 tor 50c 2 tor 25c 2 ,0r 75c 2 to ' 60c 2 for 2sc 2 £or 2sc 2 for 2sc 1 , 1 I 100 100 250 SI.OO 500 SI.OO 500 g 18 Colgate's Shaving Soap Williams' Shaving Soap Spiro Powder Sargol Tablets 'Sargol Tablets McGill's Orange Blossoms Make Man Tablets g 2 for 10c 2 ,0r 10c 2 for 2sc 2 ,0r 51.00 2 tor soc 2 for sl.oo 2 for soc SI.OO 250 500 250 SI.OO 250 500 g Bliss Native Herb Tablets Kondon's Catarrh Jelly Bliss Native Herb Tablets Bliss Native Herb Tablets Phelp's Rheumatic Elixir Carter's Liver Pills DeWitt's Kidney Pills || 2 ,0r SI.OO 2 10 '25c 2 tor 50c 2 for 2sc 2 for sl.oo 2 tor 2sc 2 for 50c M • 250 150 20C; 250 100 100 250 g Arnica Tooth Soap Weber's Alpine Tea Belladonna Plasters 4711 Glycerine Soap Glycerine Soap James' Headache Powders Malena Stomach Pills 2 for 2sc 2 for 15c 2 for 2oc 2 tor 2sc 2 for loc 2 for loc 2 ,0r 25c | 250 100 350 . . 250 250 500 500 || 3-in-l Oil Malena Salve Rubberset Tooth Brushes Peterman's Roach Food Sayman's Salve Westphal's Auxiliator Stillman's Freckle Cream slj 2 for 25c 2 for 10c 2 for 35c 2 for 2sc 2 for 2sc 2 for 50c 2 for 50c | — —— U ■0 100 SI.OO 100 250 250 500 $1.50 Fish Food Westphal's Auxiliator Talcum Powder White Pine and Tar Capsicum Plasters Pinaud's Face Powder Syrup Hypophosphites &71 2 for 10c 2 tor sl.oo 2 for 10c 2 for 25c 2 for 2sc 2 ,or soc 2 f0t 51.50 I 4si "M( Borax, 1 lb. Hot Water Bottles, 2-qt. Boracic Acid, 1 lb. Ear and Ulcer Syringe English Breast Pumps Fountain Syringes C° m bination Fount a in ||j 1 2 tor 20c 2 f0r 51.50 2 10r 25c 2 tor 2sc 2 for 3sc 2 ,<>r 51.50 2'"51.50 P KENNEDTSCUT-RATEMEDICINE STORE, MMnsiran 1 FRIDAY EVENING. HAKRISBURG TELEGRAPH MARCH 3, 1916. 9