OF INTEREST T WHAT HAPPENED TO JANE By Virginia Terhune Van de Water CHAPTER IvVIII | (Copyright, lfl6, Star Co.) "One, two!" The clock down in the lower hall was striking two, and. Jane Reeves had not slept. She sighed and turned wearily upon ,her pillow. How still everything was—and yet there were noises that had kept her awake. Could she -have imagined some of them. But of course she had! She wondered how many times the had argued thus with herself since getting into bed to-night. In the first place she had heard Ihe old clock downstairs ticking. Odd that in all the nights she had slept in this house she had never noticed that the ticking could be heard up here with the door lead ing into the large room from the hall. But! She knew it was shut, Tor Augustus had closed it when he • ame upstairs. Perhaps the wind had blown it ■> pen—but no, it could not have .lone that, for the latch was very secure. Indeed the knob turned uiffly. The wind could not have >pened the door. Yet the wind was blowing hard enough to do almost anything, she foflected as she listened to the moaning of the chimney in the next loom and the dashing of the rain against the window panes. Of course, many of those queer noises were produced by the storm. There had not been such another storm as this for months. Ah— there was that regular tread ns of somebody walking: softly up and down! It sounded just as Mary's steps had sounded all last night r - and down, up and down her jvjm. Was it Mary now? Yes, that was undoubtedly she. She was walking up and down, up and down, up and—No! that must be the rain! Oh, dear! If she could only sleep! She kept her eyes closed tightly. ' she was a little girl she used this at night 'to keep from the dark," she said. That le reason she did it now to from seeing the dark, wanted to sit up in bed and and turn her pillow. After this she might feel drowsy, he dreaded lifting her head and |d sitting up here In this yet noisy darkness, v the wind howled, and how 'windows rattled! Now the was ticking loudly again, i now there were those same 'steps going up and down. Stops Coming Xoarer spite of her shrinking from Justus she was glad he was 3e at hand. While she hated him. ;vas a comfort to know that some - human being was near. She think of that. She would try ten to nothing but Augustus' ir snoring. She had never sed that one might quiet one's ? by listening to a man snor n she was wishing that he not snore so loudly, so regu- She would listen instead to eking of the clock. turned over cautiously, her still tight shut, and settled if more comfortably. 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Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription speedily causes all womanly troubles to disappear—compels the organs to properly perform their natural func : tions, corrects displacements, over comes irregularities, removes pain and ' misery at certain times and brings back health and strength to nervous, irrita ble and exhausted women. It is a wonderful prescription pre pared only from Nature's roots with glycerine. Get it now! In tablet or Uquid form. I If you are troubled with indigestion,' ; Constipation, Biliousness, Bilious Head aches, and a hundred and one ills which ! depend upon an inactive liver—use Dr. Pierce 'e Pleasant Pellets. DR. CHASE'S Blood and Nerve Tablets ; Fill the shriveled arterica with pure, rich Hood, increase the weight in aolid flesh avid imuscle that give you strength, the brain and nerves with fresh vital fluid that force new life and vigor into every part of the body. WEIGH YOURSELF BEFORE TAKING Price 50 cent*: Special Strength 75 cents. 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