Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, February 25, 1916, Page 7, Image 7

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The Sale That All Harrisburg Has Been Waiting For—Right at the Time
When All Rubber Goods Are Advancing Daily Owing to War Conditions
Fountain Smel SPECIAL fgfel $1.25 tot Water Bat 58c
/f> « r— r\ /-+ « • . . {pgSMKßsi Made of live, heavy rubber with reinforced
sp'eS.,7. d 'J h " O ne $ 1.50 Combination Fountain Syringe, lllfill se^t hand we" d Lr a „,ee «.* f . r . «„
Guaranteed For I Year * M
hard rubber pipes. Ek> * | years. ,
Sold under the same broad guar- I 4 * r / SSgl&JllFi® IlllftS en-, » •
an tee as though you pa.d H * £ 1 / 7 m % f \T^rP%l HHI Full size. Worth every
[ $1.25. Sale price, OoC * V-J I M
Ilegultr $1.60 Hot Water Bottle, 2 qts. ,78c
Syringes, $1.481 Baby Pacifiers I i Ear and Ulcer
q« , l
M.06H0t 4 i£;ue% 2 q q tl s ;»*£ Infants Syringe ? T \ bonf teeth i n * i Syringe IL°\"CJr laKe ''''''' :: ' ;
Regular SI.OO Fountain Syringe 48c rin *' B »> k cord, rubber nipple and bone 7- A Regular 50c Atomizers . 28c
S! ciL'USi -I'. Balloon spray. It's the syringe physicians sbield - 10c * rade - Sale price A soft, all rubber device whose uses Regular SI.T5 A ComWnatlon Fountain Syringed
r2E!E $1.76 iwtain Vti'2B recommend for use as a douche-no other to feSi the above *•»,?«?•. »' 28
compare with it for convenience, safety, com- 0 „ x j,- r, xs". 1-7 "iro 17c .
p £;n rnmKinofmn fort < efFectivcness - F ss Utility Kit, 17c The Hygeia Nurser
" ——————. .
Water Bag & Fountain I 1 j adjustable safety Ir'll" *4-in. adhesive plaster Johinson digestive t ib- I I and nipple.
Svrimre $l4B °""""' rri "' g d?rr St.:
v3\ riIJJiC, »pI.TO shavi crpam „ oan sma |i „ 1 . , This nipple can be used on either side, is readl-
T £ » small J& I th . *? 1 seamless rubber oag, for ]v cleaned and will notcollapse. OC-
An outfit that can be used both as a hot fl Infants SvnnOP be trc thetotal \aiue w<nild ——applying cracked ice to the s a w? priced. Z&C
H llliailio kjyillJVC tie iSc it sold separately. The kit complete 17„ head, soine abdomen or anv V'
water bag and as a fountain syringe. I b in neat box 17c other of theTodv. to Xv
The bag IS large—full two-quart capacity A Necessar>- for giving a rectal injection ___W%ksm inflammation and fever. An D 1U C
—and is made of white rubber with all the JgK to baby 10 produce prompt bowel move- aluminum screw cap permits of I I rSUID Syringe
necessary fittings. Packed in box. M ment. Jsc valu.. Sale price. NaSal Atomizer P X 34c m m I Exceptional quality rub-
Every outfit is guaranteed; ® 4 M Q | w "♦er bulb and tubing with
s2.so value. Sale price «p l»iO 14 C a Made with special fittings fr^ST^T 3 '^ va - einal and r ® c ' al hard
~ • *» m f ol . S p raj .j ng albolene and pipes. These Sv
——^——_«_ "-K. other oils in the treatment of r , ;fe x 3HffiSiB rt,l S es are worth 7£c, but '-'
Shower Bath Spray Nose and Throat Atomizer sTlsf47c nglisli Breast Halc pri<e ■•"•' 38c
faucet attachment, $1.25 value. Sale CQ,, This atomizer wtll ——————
i*<9l * ' Medicine Droppefs
I>rlCe jUi*. Extra hea\y rubber bulb and Alight or bent tube, worth sc._ Sal®
" -——— 78c value Sale price, C LiUp ||| strong glass, 35c value. Sale price, 8 f ° r
- HNJtN I*7 Our Rubber Goods are always f.-esh because
)Tr mZ,r«r material /•ff fortably and without danger of spilling -of 7 _ L 17 f , tJlp >' " pvor remain on the shelves long enough to
' course theer are no rough edges. Sale price, * i I L become old.
M e c arr > the largest line of Rubber Goods in the city—at cut prices. Buying from the manufacturers all of our goods being fresh and first class We do not buv anv iohs or «PrnnH« Tf I
any of the goods are not as what they are represented, bnng them back to us and we will gladly replace them, as everything is sold with a GUARANTEE. * . J sor seconds.. If |
*iii i l Of improved shape, designed especially for An improved Shape, Easily Emptied fifeM. C 1 n , .
the comfort of the patient. and Q eaned F OeaillleSS DOttOlU
~ The Originator of Cut-Prices
Kennedy s Cut-Rate Medicine Store, iISa S^SSTSS*
Bold Robbers Hold Up
Two Men and Steal SSO
Palmyra, Pa., Feb. 25. —Shortly be
fore 7 o'clock last evening two young
men, apparently about 20 years old,
held up and robbed J. Raymond Engle,
an attornel, and Charles Dietrich,
clerk in the Engle general store in
North Railroad stret. The men were
not masked and held the victims at
the point of a pistol while they rifled
the cash drawer of SSO and made their
Thin Men and Women Can
Put on Flesh by Getting 100%
Efficiency from Their Food
■ 'allure to Absorb Flesh Maklnu Mater
ials In Dally MenU Keep* \Vrlchl
Uotvu. lion to >lake the Food
Work mid Stick.
Most thin people cat from four to six
pounds of good solid fat-making food
every day and still do not increase in
weight one ounce, while on the other
hand many of the plump, chunky folks
eat very lightly and keep gaining all
the time. It seems all bosh to say that
11lls i* the nature of the individual. Jt
isn't Nature's way at all.
Mont thin people .stay thin because
their powers of assimilation are defec
tive. They absorb just enough of the
food they eat to maintain life and a
semblance of health and strength.
Stuffing won't help thein. A dozen
meals a day won't make them gain a
single "staythere" pound. A great part
of the fat-producing elements of their
food just stay there in the intestines
until tliey pass from the body as waste.
What such people seemingly need is
some thing that will so act upon
those fatty food elements that their
blood - ail absorb them and deposit them
all about the body—something too. that
will multiply their red blood corpuscles
and increase their blood's carrying
There is a preparation known to re
liable druggists almost everywhere
which wan designed to aid in supply
Special to the Telegraph
Dauphin, Pa., Feb. 25.—Mr. and j
] Mrs. Harry I. Gerberich entertained at
a card partylast evening in honor of
their son, Charles' twentieth birthday, '
at their home in South Erie street.
The house was tastefully decorated 1
, with flowers and the party included i
the Misses Hallie Matthews, of Har
risburg; Anna Hoffman, Ora Bickel. j
Anna Houck. Carrie Gerberich and
Salira Clark; Messrs. Russel Matthews 1
and Deloss Frank, both of Harrisburg, j
| Ray Hoffman, Edgar W. Forney, Bion i
C. Welker and Charles S. Gerberich. j
ing the missing elements needed by the ,
digestive organs to lieip thein convert'
food into rich, fat-laden blood. This
Modern treatment is called Sargol and
it aims through regenerative, recon-j
structive powers to coax the stomach
and intestines to literally soak up the
fattening elements of your food and
pass them into the blood, where they
arc carried to the starved, broken
down cells and tissues of your body.
You can readily picture what result this
amazing transformation should pro- 1
duce as with increased weight, the
cheeks fill out, hollows about neck, j
shoulders and bust disappear and from
10 to 20 pounds of solid, healthy flesh I
is added to the body. Sargol is ad- |
solutely harmless, inexpensive, effi- I
cient. G. A. Gorgas and other leading i
druggists of this vicinity have It and !
will refund your money if you are not 1
satisfied as per the guarantee found In
every large package.
Why not make this test. First weigh
yourself. Then take Sargol just one
tablet at every meal and before you no i
to bed for two weeks—then weigh
again and note the difference. :
the scales tell the story.
The tablets are small, easily swal-1
lowed, produce no disagreeable effects,
contain no habit drugs, and arc not at i
all expensive as compared with re-i
suits obtained.
Assisting Mrs. Gerberich was Mrs.
Freeman C. Gerberich.
"Yes, sir," said the kindly looking
gentleman during a discussion in the
railway car, "I firmly believe that it. is
a man's duty to share any good luck
he may have with his wife. For in
stance, when he makes a little extra
profit he ought to buy her a new
"A good idea," agreed the man in
the corner. "Kr—are you a social
philosopher, sir?"
"No." replied the other, "I'm a
wholesale dress manufacturer."—New
York Globe.
"Fellow dropt into the office the
other day and ordered the paper and
we were pleased. Said it was a good
paper, and we were glad. Said it was
more than worth the money to any
man of intelligence, and we were
tickled. Said it was the mainstay of
the town, and we were supertickled
Said it was the greatest booster and
the most reliable town builder and de
veloper in this whole community and
we yelled with joy. Paid for his pa
per, and—we slid gently to the floor In
blissful unconsciousness. Nature had
reached its limit."—Altoona Tribune.
"Did you hear about the defacement
of Mr. Skinner's tombstone?" asked
Mr. Brown a few days after the funeral
of that eminent captain of industry
"No. what was it?" inquired his
neighbor, curiously.
"Someone added the word 'friends'
to the epitaph."
"What was the epitaph?" ,
" 'He did his best'." London
Special to the Telegraph
Dauphin, Pa.. Feb. 25.—A banquet
will be held this evening bv the
Patriotic Order Sons of America,
camp No. 424. in the basement of the
Methodist Episcopal Church, in cele
bration of the fifteenth anniversary of
the camp.
Real Estate Men Watch De
velopment of District South
of Market Street
Real estate men view with much
interest the recent big changes in the
city's business places and regard the
moves with considerable significance.
One big operator has called atten
tion to the growth of a new wholesale
district south of Market street in the
vicinity of Second street.
Here the Pennsylvania railroad is
building its new freight station which
will give unexcelled advantages to
wholesale and distributing agencies for
shipoing, and tne recent completion
of the Front and Second street sub
ways give facilities for motor truck
As predicted by prominent business
men before the various improvements
In this locality are undertaken, a
flourishing distributing center is now
growing up in this section. The most
recent deal was that of Joseph Clas
ter. wholesale notions. Whltman-
Schwarz, the various meat packing
companies and other distributers have
been located here for some time.
Good Roads Help to
Boost Realty Values
Thatthe construction and maintenance
of good roads not only affect the travel
ing public but that directly help to in
crease realty values generally, was in
terestlngly pointed out by State High
way Commissioner Ft. j. Cunningham
yesterday in lils address to the super
visors of Dauphin county.
"Benefits of good roads." pointed out
Mr. Cunningham, "materialize not only
to the traveling public, hut enhance
greatly the value of real estate."
To-day's realty transfers included the
K. W. Graupner to Mary L. Graup
ner. Market near Eighteenth. $1; I. W
George to Emma M. Doolittle, 1610
Chestnut. $1; 11. B. Robinson to I<\ H.
Downey. 100 L' South Cameron, $10; W
W. Steckley to A. D. Iloutz, 104 Ver
heke. SI: Alice Boder to Warren G.
Schantz Paxlonia, sl.
One evening the young minister,
who had seemed rather attracted by
"Big Sister" Grace, was dining with
the family. Little Sister was talking
rapidly when Ihe visitor was about to
ask the blessing. Turning to the child,
he said, in a tone of mild reproof:
"Laura, 1 am going to ask grace."
"Well, it's about time." answered
Little Sister in an equally reproving
tone. "We've been expecting you ta
do it for a year, and she has, too."—
Chicago Journal.
Do people and they will be done
with you.
It's a poor elevator that won't work
both ways.
One good turn is apt to make us
expect another.
The way of the transgressor makes
11 soft for the lawyers.—Boston Tran
William Dean Howells, at. a dinner
in Boston, said of modern American
"The average .popular novel shows
•>n the novelist's part an ignorance of
his trade which reminds me of a New
Kngland clerk.
"In a New England village T entered
(he main street department store one
afternoon and said to the clerk at the
book counter:
" 'Let me have, please, the letters
of Charles Lamb."'
"Post office right across the street,
Mr. Lamb.' said the clerk, with a
naive, brisk smile." —Detroit Journal.
"Well, if that Watson isn't the most
conceited, self-satisfied self"— ; —
"Yes. I've hoard you say something
of that kind before. What's started
you off this lime?"
"He .iust sent a telegram of con
gratulations to his mother."
"To-day's his birthday." Every
body's Magazine.
Desirous of buying a camera, a cer
tain fair young woman inspected the
stock of a local shopkeeper.
"Is this a good one?" she asked as
A Message of Joy to Catarrh Sufferers. Wonderful Results Front
Breathing Marvelous Germicidal Air. Money Back If
It Don't Help You.
Catarrh is a germ (Unease and the
germs thrive,far up in the recesses of
your nose, throat and lungs where no
medicine, sprays, or ointments can
ever reach them. Before you can gei
rid of catarrh you must get rid of
the germs which cause it.
Breathing the air of Hyomei is the
only method known to us for killing
catarrh germs and driving them from
your system. Simply put a few drops
of Hyomei in the inhaler that comes
with every complete package and then
breathe its air for'a few' minutes,
four times a day.
Tt seems remarkable that so simple
a way of treating catarrh will effect
such marvelous results, but the most
important discoveries of science have
always been the simplest. By breath
ing Hyomei In this way every particle
of air that enters the air passages of
the nose, head and throat and goes
into the lungs, is charged with a pow
erful, antiseptic, healing balsam that
is carrlfed into the remotest air
killing all the germs and bacilli of ca
tarrh, and soothing and healing the
sore, inflamed membranes.
The action of Hyomei is quick and
lusting. The first day's use will show
she picked up a little machine. "What
is It called?"
' "That's the Belvedere," said the
: I handsome young shopman politely.
There was a chilly silence. Then
i the young woman drew herself coldly
erect, fixed him with an Icy stare, and
asked again:
"Er—-and can you recommend the
Bclva?"—Kansas City Star.
Dauber —What do you think was the
most striking picture at the exhibition ?
Brushe—The picture of "Innocence"
in a gilt frame. —Judge.
i improvement and in a shori time there
' should be no further trouble from ca
> tarrli or any symptom of catarrh,
i Regarding Hyomei, Mrs. Ma-ttie
L Wisemiller, a nurse, residing 1628 9th
' j St., N. W., Washington, t). C., writes:
"I suffered with catarrh of the nose
; and throat which also affected tho
; eyes and after using Hyomei have re
t ceived great benefit. 1 think it a
i wonderful medicine. If the use of
i my name will benefit anyone, you are
i welcome to use it. Through me sey
, eral of my friends are now ÜBlng Hyo
The complete Hyomei Outfit is in
expensive. It makes a pleasant, eon
. I venient treatment as the inhaler can
■ be carried in the vest pocket or a
handbag. The inhaler lasts a life time
■ and If one bottle of Hyomei dfln't give
'' permament relief an extra bottle can
i be obtained at any time for a trifling
via H. C. Kennedy and leading driig
i gists everywhere sell Hyomei under a
positive guarantee of successsful re
: suits or money back, surely no ca
tarrh sufferer should go long before
1 trying this simple home treatment. —•