24 Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart Women's $15.00 to $20.00 Coats in Of Interest to All Who aL iPlh " a Clearance Tomorrow: Choose Anticipate Hosiery and I ft, %. I i U irwear Needs From IVlciny StvloS £it $4.50 Fcw con - iivc prices are given, but there arc many i > - i j valucH included in this announcement that will be apprc • N ( Several hundred garments from our Winter stock have ' "'"'^raTO, K&* I \\\ I/ \ \ ' > I \ 1 J r J» 1 I ■ , iiii . i „ Heavy cotton ribbed fleece lined 19c lisle hose, seamless, black / \\ 'V,\ w I / been grouped tor nnal clearance to-morrow at remarkably low prices. A small un ?", 8 , ult »• •••••••••• • »#<• «™v a T. • uiic ! \ V I A ' a».»a..n.«* Heavy cotton fleece lined shirts 50c black cotton and lislo hose, \j y\ assort ment ot women s coats have been reduced to SI.OO, but these will Grey ribbed cotton fleece lined r>oc silk hose, black and color's * j 1111 1 shir,s and drawers; each 39c 25c _ ; not last through the morning. ~1 10 nat " ,Hl wo °' shlr,s a n d V" , anfl slo ° si,k hOBe - b,a(k QVI 1 p-y\ fp f\f O T1 a drawers, taeh 15c and colors (I9e ' opring Hats Came ""?r?,""" ««•»' i "»« >» •»« sssfas?.!rr:. bl, .s . • . $16.00, $18.50 and $20.00 . oats in solid colors, over- 0P full lined fine quality yarn dyed satin, un sale suits . . ....... Mc MKX'S HOSIKRY m U Tmf<Tr r\ nT , \X / -111 JLv V t/I V 1 Jf\ V 1 1110 V V OCi\ 18. 36 to 40. On sale to-morrow at $4.50 $30.00 and $35.00 coats in Arte quality chiffon broad- wourv*'u iiv'iiri>wvVii * W WYV*V* ** L. , *J \ $25.00, $27.50 and $30.00 coats in navy blue, brown cloth and duvetyn; richly lined with pcau de cygne. On whit! ! ri?f i i i . -uc cotton and lisle hosiery, black CT • iTT O/ it r* C 1 / antl Breen, in duvetyne, velonr delaine and wool velour, sale to-morrow at .si 5.00 cotton libbed sleeveless and colors .... 1»e Trimmed Hats Sf>ort Hats , Straw Shades * e white i.Vie ™t s ; PREPAREDNESS for Spring is the message from the Milli- j W OmGOS HTld IVIISSCS' Stilts RpH 11 CpH la WhitT Hsie ' V-umfV ' cut'"union 12 S""w?*k N Cotton Seamless c . .... . , ... , T VJ unv-1 iwuvu v ~ /UUv} IYVyUUV>V>\a suits, sleeveless, knee length... 50c hosiery 9c ncrv . ection. I heie IS so much to tell about tile new c . . . . , - White lisle Cumfy cut vests, 25c black lisle hosiery with fash stvles that have come in this week that a whole page could be 1 wenty-five suits in navy blue. Copenhagen, grey and serge; sizes 16. 18. 38 and 42. L. \\ . Cook's sl^, P !f ss ; ; :;•••: - 3< - io r fl , r t et . /•' V ~ 9< 1 " p.:,.. cv> Our nrii'n us~ i Wliite lisle union suits, sleeve- 10c black cotton seamless hosiery filled with the talk about hat fashions. The best we can do is '* — P and $1 less, knee lengih 50c 7c to invite you all to come and see the beautiful display that is $15.00 and $16.50 navy blue serge and grey striped suits; in sizes 16 and 18. On sale to-morrow D £a T o • -r- rr ready. al and rattems or oatin btripe 1 aiieta .na m " yHsh rca ' y ™ hats at Final Clearance of Furs Z f New , Show ) n g For Spring XKW SPORT \M> oi'Tlxc ii \ts ultetas are hack to their one-time popularity and „ .... i $4.9g child's set of astakhan and white wool. On I $45.00 fox muff. On sale to-morrow S7 so i we are fortunate in having sensed the tendencies of stvle lons' 5»•- k -- ,na - ; -?„rss: §B ;; 1 S Kavc a " ,o,,s ' u " ,c "" ,c " als XKW TIMMMI H II \ r r« #IO.OO marabou muff, in silver grey. <Jn sale to- uuiiiu auopt l()i opiiiigr. • ii.iis $12.50 ponyskin muff. Un sale to-morrow $5.00 ' morrow • ii« ; < T.l . « i , . . . All the new ideas introduced this season are shown in this display i $12.50 coyote muff. On sale to-morrow #3.50 j SS.MB marabou muff, in brown.' 'tin'sale*to-morrow I ■ ' • •• • . , StaS . a,e no g rca ter demand jlist now than of dress and walking hats. Beautiful straws in combination with rib- $50.00 skunk set. On sale to-morrow $25.00 I s> s 98 the more individual satin stripes which arc now Oil View ill tile lions trimmed high, novelty sailors, smart turbans and numerous other I ' . ' silk section in nattorns II z:,:™'— * Children's Winter Coats at Large Savings it ui k. sailors, high turbans and now bonnet shapes in pink. rA .J- , light blue, pearl firey and white $0.50 $.i..»0, $4.50 coats in serge, chinchilla, boucle; sizes 2, 3 and 4. On sale to-morrow at $1 50 .♦>.) and rirff» b Mn k M ! la " sailors and turbans, at st.»r> $5.95 chinchilla coats in grey and oxford; sines 2, 3. 4 and 5. On sale to-morrow at s--n ! \ conservative weave in three colors carries altcrnatin!? llisere M,a" hats'in'small wm^medimn^h^pes"' blue n '«?len° sH ' s ° a " d ' s6 ' 7s " aVy ,)U ' e oorduroy 1,0,1 black |),ush coats: "■ 4 !,nil R - <->n sale to-morrow at!'.!'.'. Sl!nr, blocks of taffeta and satill. Yard $2.<H) brown, purple, tan and dark blue '.... ss.»s an'd si.»s sl2 - 50 ~lacik pll,Bh roa,s: slzes 12 and 14 - ° n sa,e to-morrow at S9 j Combination dresses for the Spring season will be made Black lisere turbans SO 05 $6.50 and si.so corduroy coats; sines 10 and 12. On sale to-morrow at ' ! m-. ~f ( „ Dives l'oniMov jt- stp«- a rt i i I l, p ot Licorgette crepe and taffeta. Ihe crepe at $1 ..10 a yard is to. <v » tewarl .Second Floor, tront. | Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart—Second Floor. | worth seeing. Dives, l'omroy & .Stewart, Street Floor. Men, Read This Announcement I Attractive Reductions jIA Remarkable Sale of Shirts for Men And Take Advantage of These Final Clearance In Washal:),e Weaves $l5O, $2.00 &,$2.50 Grades From Our Own 'TQ „ The Basement wash Stock to Go in a Clearance To-morrow at *■ Prices on Winter Overcoats Tomorrow scctio " l offers vaklcs that are Three For $2.25 not to be matched elsewhere in j . tl f Overcoats Worth Up <£ Q Overcoats Worth Up <TM A 7C 'J Pay 6Very man wH °l II I to SIB.OO Reduced to J)O./O to $25.00 Reduced to 4> IH ./O ,'T. reads this announcement to buy | 1 Wf> . . ... , .... , „ . r , , • , "*:&XSr;2SS;i , iE a half dozen of these shirts to- .'i ,jf f I Jfil Our clearance sale ot s\\ inter Overcoats at these final reductions closes to- 12 £ c ~r 1 c„ , , ~. I ' i ,■%!' h morrow night. With everything indicating higher-priced clothing next winter, at- ciai, yard '. u ' ecause uc c '° not believe there will | 1 tractivencss of these values becomes all the more apparent. It will be true economy 25 ° s °" d color ponKee - Special, y "s c 1)0 as S ood a bit of news from our men ' s store [>>/ \\\\\\M \\ J for you to buy next winter's overcoat to-morrow before the sale closes. 15c wash serge, in cream grounds, with for months to come. 1 jh/J//\ wL\ vi j wool finish, in black pin stripes. Special, • vf!!//I ? I MEN'S OVERCOATS ■■■ ;; ,0c I Ihe stock represented is our own; not one'//{II 9/T7, I Worth Up to $25.00 I Special, k yTt^ n °. C . rCPeS .. 3 °.. in . C . heS I°f them sold for less than $1.50, and upwardsJ I j //,'j Heavy grey pebble cheviot - JXSmf" sSai yaT'' v° f SCven dozen werc re g u l ar $2.00 and $2.50 Afc |\\\ Wl- SgQY/f- I / / / Heavy grey vicunti ... . •••• 26c woven gaiatea. special, yd.. ise grades. Sizes are complete from 13\A to 17. llluV . /1) J and green overplaid melton. , 2oc corduroy, in solid colors. Special, 0 1 x - - / o /(i 7 -ibeline I /t» -g i 8c seersucker ginghams. Special", yard CIIOOSC from tile finest woven strino m;idr;is //If y T / / Dark green mixed melton IlklJ I 6 ' / < c • i •. i i r n i- , xVvV/yTT Wrlnri'l A'll'ii \J6/ U / // Medium grey vicuna 2dc shuting madras, special, yd., isc in plaited and full negligee coat styles. S^7///- / J ' J J I Brown diagonal mixed cheviot ..I *j A chance of a lifetime you might say! / / J I'ancy plaid back blue melton ... t JIOUSe JL/reSSeS Dives, Pomeroy '& Stewart—Men's Store. I Oxford grey Irish frieze J A*T D" Wtith ~ ME w S k n V£ m?,' 4 Ts score, in"?nsL,. s It's Spring in the Men's Neckwear Store 1 \ J\ V W Worth Up to and percales are now on sale in And the atmosphere in the Men's Store is laden with rich new plaids and stripe weaves i_ \yj i \ P. lack diagonal vicuna "I the basement showroom, repre- of imported design. We don't remember a season where there was so diversified a showing j I ii 1 I \ | Seal brown kersey seilting new ideas for use in of neckwear for the man of individual taste. Broad-end shapes with the slip-easy band prc /_ / j 1 J 1 Brown overplaid cassimere \our home Despite the in- dominate and the qualities of silk arc better than those usually found in neckwear at .10<; to I I-— "| (irey basket weave worsted _ _ • .1 1.. 1 . c . j i r_J j™ - Boys' French and reversible four-in-hand ties Inplaid silks, stripes and solid colors 25c I 'j I; A t \ I \ (ireen club check cheviot ' | tcrials enteiing into the mak- r>l HPI T1 \\7* ii \\T £Jl\ Q oxford grey meiton ....- ing of house dresses, vou'ii find bhirts and Blouses 1 hat oovs Will Wear Medium grey Irish frieze ex cedent values at .>1.1'.) to gcrviceable negllsees with French cuffs and sepa- , neck band 50c- to Sl.oo (irev mixed melton •pl.<»). rate collar to match 50c ] Stripe madras tapeless blouses with attached col- Brown and blue mixed lJives, Pomeroy & Stewart —Basement. With French or stiff cuffs 75c and SI.OO [ lar 50c Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart—Men's ClothinK, Second Floor, Rear. White blouse waists with collar attached or with I Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart —Men's Store. Nearing the Close of the The Last of Women's Kid Gloves R u g Specials Spring's Loveliest Wash Furniture Sale: Odd Pieces Fr °™ L " W " 5r ook S in a TJZZXZ.*Dress Weaves Are Ready bale Showing LJnusiial Valtir sl2 f, ° flbre ,ÜBS * 9xl2 feet ' s, °* oo UfllC UIIU A 1 1& - A • q to Be Closed Out at Women's two-clasp kid gloves, in black, white and colors; *'root* at" 0 ' ' ' lOT dll OCW aetual values are $1.25 to $1.50. Special tio.oo' wool'and'fib'rV'rugs, 9x12 . t t | r t-v • Women's two-clasp kid gloves, in black, white and colors; feet at Ss.oo Ifirf Sp CIC/^'n M a t $1.65 value. Special $1.39 $35.00 Wilton rugs, 8.3x10.6 feet, ouaouil Women's 12 and 16-button length kid gloves, in black, at i c.i c • • i f , . . WI • white and colors. Broken sizes; $2.25 to $3.00 values. Special, »25.00 Axminster rugs, 8.3xi0.6 1 lie advance of the Spring season is made more This month has witnessed the greatest selling of furniture 'j.. ... feet, at 5.0.00 , , . , . , , . Jpl.dU $15.00 Brussels rugs, 8.3x10.6 feet, .1 and more apparent each day in the wash weaves see in the history of the department. With carloads arriving and W omen s • 16-button length kid gloves, in white; not« all at 512.50 L • 1 • j r . . . , . , ' • • sizes; $3.50 value. Special $1 .m $15.00 Brussels rugs, 6x9 ft., 5i0.50 tion, where hundreds of dainty fabrics, designed tor departing it is natural that there should be odd pieces remain- Women's 12 and 16-button length silk gloves, in black and $13.00 Brussels rugs, 4.6x7.6 feet, April to September service, have been gathered to ing on the floor. These must be hurried along, so prices have colors; "SI.OO value. Special , v . at * B -" 5 been halved to speed their exit during the closing days of the tw S T I '' reil ' real kid two-tlasp gloves, mP. K. and overseam; black, white and col- japan matting rugs— Crepes and marquisettes and delightful em '' „e... vanity r.b™„ y «. ph™ "1 w f a'nd coS S2T..S broidered voiles are now at their prettiest, so it will *4;> , Tlal , (irrcil „. ' ..... 0 , bclf antl contrasting embroidery. 1 air >o<! to $1.7,> $.i.50 matting rugs, 9x12 feet, s2.:s» be to your advantage to see them early. * . solid lnalioganj chairs. F6bru&ry Sale Dives, Pomeroy &■ Stewart, Street Floor " p r i,.p, • .... ... Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart —3d Fl. Satin stripe voile in white grounds with a wide satin stripe; in light ' , -——— blue, pink, nile and gold and colored grounds of light blue and pink, $29.50 fumed oak china closet. February Sale Price SI 1.75 ' * f~7 with self-colored satin stripes; 40 inches wide; yard 75c $48.50 two-piece fumed oak diningroom suite, buffet and china . .E Ol* clll! fCI (\ "V ■■ •" I" Embroidered voiles 1n white grounds with self-colored cluster and closet. February Sale Price $"l i-»U.OVribbon stripes and colored embroidered figures and dots; 38 inches $12.50 hall scat. February Sale Price *6.25 . 10 pounds of granulated Sllgar for 60c with SI.OO purchase of groceries, not iliclud- g„"k and cotton marquisette, in plain shades of rose, hello, tan. $22.50 mahogany chiffonier. February Sale Price $11.25 s °3p. liKht green, light blue and black; 36 inches wide; yard 50c $20.00 cedar chest. February Sale Price $lO 00 Whole ham, lb 20c Canned sweet potatoes, 3 for 25c 10 packs Grandma's washing ' Printed marquisette in white and tinted grounds, with colored floral $35.00 Circassian walnut bed. February Sale Price. ....... SI7 50 Shoulders, lb lie Flag brand ltosebud beets, can powder 31c Pointings and wide stripes; 38 inches wide; yard 2»o ... ~n c i ■ Half ham, lb 18c and 20c He o lbs liic Sunshinr. no- ham in.- Satin stripe printed voile in white and colored grounds, with self f ' 1 ebruary Sale 1 rice *>2.50 Sliced ham. lb ' 22c Flag brand tomatoes, can ...lie Pound of 26c and 30c Sunshine colored satin stripes and floral printings; 38 inches wide; yard 35c $158.00 font-piece mahoganj flininßroom suite. February Sale New mackerel, in 10-lb. pails, »8c 3 packs macaroni or spaghetti assorted cakn«i •>!<• i s " k an<l cotton wash silk, in white grounds antl self-colored fancy P.ice ,-qo,, New white fish 10-lb pails, s»c for 25c asßorteU fHkes - Il str |p e s; 36 inches wide; yard 50c v, »«».»» Fresh cream cheese, lb. .... 22c Not-a-Seed raisins, box t2c Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart— ... . , . . , $25.00 squart foot brass bed. February Sale Price ... . SI2 50 Pickled tripe, lb 10c Old Colony peas ... 18c and 20c -'Oc tissue in white grounds with colored woven stripes; 2, Inches ' m. wide; yard 1«'»o $193.00 10-piece Adam mahogany diningroom suite. February _ __ _ _ _ 39c embroidered voile In white and colored grounds, with neat em- Sale Price $90,50 I~\T \J I O X 1 1 1 \ / (*■ \ i-\ ' ■ \ broidered tlgures; 36 inches wide; yard 25c Dives, Pomeroy * Stewart-Third Floor. Lvl V L/O, I WiVICyKW Y O 1 CWAK 1 ' " C Si ' k S,r "' e P °"" n W " h " clf - tolored sMk stri,,e: yard ,5c FRIDAY EVENING, HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH FEBRUARY 25, 1016
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