Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, February 25, 1916, Page 23, Image 23

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    A Telegraph fart id Will Quickly lent Hat Yacant Room
KIS Mrs. Sara Irani', wife of Mar
tin J>. Neis, died on February 24, 1.10.
'rfmeral '.services will L>e held MOB- ■
iJav afternoon, February 28. lJt®, av
2 o'clock, at her lute i;P»idrnce -W
KIT Schuylkill street. The relatives
mill friends are invited to •.ttenu
without further notice. Burial * ax
lang Cemetery. i
l IJINfiER Mrs. Catherine Aldlnger, j
February 23. 191 G. aged 77 years. i
Funeral on Saturday. February 2». .
M _• I*. M., from the residence ol net ■
"on. John P. AUlinger. 429 Maclay
street. The relatives and friends ni>
invited to attend without further no
tice. Burial Harrisburg Cemetery.
FOUND What you have been look
ig for in good work, at s hteam ,
•yeing and French Cleaning Yf? jff'
■i 4r, Morket xtreet. V,» call and de
ver. Both phones. j
WA.N'TiiU Apprentice boy,, one,
an tai'-nt lor Mii;n_painti n jt-
> ,joB. •>. I'oulton, oU. Market stree i. t
u INTEU Boy. over 16 years of I
iii' I'ir ijeiierui work, at Central
■ ii'illl • uiid I'ubllsniuK House "Hie
tiitii'/ uook Store, - 329 Market street.
u'i i.-umrg, Pa.
\V ANTEIJ A rtrst-class presser.
11 oilier need apply, :
yelng and trench Cleaning WOl Ks,
l\o Market street. * i
ershey Chocolate Co. \oung ma |V* J
r !i0 with clerical experience, typist,
x or li» Stenography not neceaaary.
or either position address Hershey .
Imployinent tJureau, Herahey. 1 a.
WANTED Experienced edge setter
)1- women's, misses' and cnilaren n ;
ioes». Apply Harrisburg Shoe Mrs.
0., Vernon street, Harrlaburg. Pa.
orth Fourth street, have an opening
)r a bright, energetic young man a»
<l<-sman. _____
WANTED Male stenographer ill
nilroad oftlce. Apply in own hand
■ritlng, staling aKe.experienceand
alary wanted, M„ UiOS, care o£ Tele
WANTED Two boys, 16 or 17 years
Id, to learn the trade of hosiery ma
tilne fixing. Must be of mechanical
end, manly anil Industrious, and pa
ents must guaraniee to co-operate in
r aining Moorehead Knitting Co.
WANTED Exerlenced men to
rork in lunch room. Apply at Daven
ort'e, 325 Market.
WANTED Two good auto repair
len who are capable ot turning out
rst-class work. None others need ap
ly. siate reference. X., J6u2, care of
WANTED Good, reliable white
lan, sober and honest, to wash and
rease cars, etc., in a large garage,
ermanent position. State reference.
.. 0651, care of Telegraphy
IKN WANTED Ablebodied, unmar
ied men between ages of 18 and in:
itizens of United States, of good char
ter and temperate habits, who oan
peak, read and write the English
inguage. For Information apply to
Lecruitlng Officer, Bergner Building,
d & Market Sts.. llarrluburg. Pa.
WANTED An experienced male
teaographer. .Salary, SI,OOO per year,
iiv* references and experience. Address
[., 3693, care of Telegraph. j
WANTED Boy, not afraid of hard
rork, over 16 years of age, who wants
9 learn automobile, motorcycle and
icycle repairing. Keystone Garage,
12 North Third street.
WANTED White man to work on
arm bv month. Must be experienced
lan. who can milk and work team and
0 all kinds of farm work. Two miles
orth of Marrisburg at Wildwood Park.
\'m. H. Henford.
\% VNTED ■ — Trimmers and uphol
tcrers; steady work; pood wages. Ap
ly immediately. Pullman Motor Car
!u„ i'ork. Pa.
WA N TED Experienced
icnch and floor molders in steel
oundry. No strike or war nia
crial. * Apply to Treadwell En
gineering Company, Easton, I'a.
ulll or lathe hands, who can work
rom blue prints; also tool ma*ers. Ad-
Iress, or apply. Employment Depart
nent, Westlnghouse Electric & Mfg.
.'o.. East Pittsburgh, Pa.
WANTED The ladles of Harrls
uirg to wear "Spirella" Corsets. Do
lot Rust or Break. City Manager,
Catherine E. Staley, 815 North Sixth
treet. Bell phone 495 M.
WANTED Stenographer-typist for
eiieral office work. Permanent work.
Heady advancement for girl wiling to
tart on moderate salary. Give former
mployers and experience. Address
1 , 3702, care of Telegrah.
WANTED Toung girl for general
ousework. Apply 637 Boyd avenue.
eaclies all pattern cutting by measure,
ipfore sewing. The pupil cuts the pat
ern, cuts the goods, and makes the
ntire dress, making her own dresses
rhllo learning. Day and Evening
lasses. A $5 reduction o:t the tuition
s given all pupils who begin now.
Vorks Dressmaking School, 22 North
"ourth StrSfct.
WANTED —■ Experienced dining
iioin girl. References required. Apply
•y letter. No Interviews granted. Cun
ingham's, Court and Walnut streets.
WANTED—We have openings
or 12 more bright girls. Apply,
iilk Mill, Corner North and Sec
nd streets.
WANTED Girls over 16 to
trip tobacco. Also experienced
Rollers, Bnnchmakers, Packers,
7 iller and Binder Strippers. Wel
are looked after by trained nurse.
Vpply Harrisburg Cigar Com
iany, 500 Race street.
List Your Property
—for sale now, so it can be adver
tised In the Spring edition of Facts
and Figures—some of the copy lias
already been turned over to the
printer. Telephone for a represen-'
tation, or call at our office.
For Sale, 1414 Naudain
A three-story brick house with
eight rooms—bath and furnace
—front and back porches—lot
14x88 ft. Now rented to a good
tenant at sl6 a month.
Insurance Surety Bonds
Locust and Caurt Streets
I WANTED. AT ONCE Girls in Her- I
shey Chocolate Factory. New depart- :
meut. Desirable positions now open, j
' Good pay. Apply, or address, Hershey ;
! Employment Bureau, Hershey, Pa.
1 WANTED 1 ,ailics to represent The j
1 Knspp Extract Co. Apply, with the
best of reference. Miss 1!. C. Elgin, 108 |
Locust street, after 5 P. M.
i !
WANTED White girl of neat anrl
I Cleanly habits for housework in small
1 adult family, near Post Office. No wash
! ing. ironing or sweeping. Good wages.
, Address Box T. 3709, care of Telegraph. ;
WANTED Experienced
j sewing machine operators to work
on women's and children's wear.
' Harrisburg Apparel Co., over City
Star Laundry, 414-416 State
street, rear entrance.
WANTED Position as j
i helper; five years' experience; good j
I workman. Address 8., 3706, care of
! Telefcraph.
WANTED Job driving delivery |
; car or team, younv man 19 years old; '
experienced in both. Address A.. 3697, j
care of Telegraph.
WANTED Young, white man de
sires position as night watchman or
firing holler; four years' experience;
can furm reference. Address 544 >
: North Third street, Steelton.
I WANTED Work wanted by colored
! woman. Apply 116 Vi Liberty street.
I WANTED Colored woman wants
general housework, or any other kind i
jof work. Address 1 246 Monroe street.
WANTED Young lady would like !
to do typewriting at home. Address Y.,
I 3707, care of Telegraph.
WANTED Colored girl wants day's I
work of any kind. Call, or write, 124 j
Liberty street.
WANTED Position at office work
by young girl: can furnish reference. 1
Address M„ 3700, care of Telegraph.
FOR SALE N. Seventeenth Street, j
No. 66, modern three-story brick house,
i porch, side entrance. A very desirable
home. Price, $3,450. J. E. Gipple,. No.
, ; 1251 Market street.
FOR SALE Howard Street. No.
| 1332. A 3-story frame house with all
. , modern Improvements. Central loca
! tion. Price reduced to s'.\6oo. J. E.
: i Gipple. No. 1251 Market street.
FOR SALE S. Eighteenth Street, ;
No. 319. new three-story brick house, :
i i steam heat, electric light, porch and
side entrance. Very light and roomy. |
Reduced to $3,100. J. E. Gipple, No.
j 1251 Market street.
FOR SALE N. Eighteenth Street—
No. 118. three-story brick, all modern
' improvements, porch and paved street, j
| Must be sold. Offer wanted. J. E. Glp
' pie, No. 1261 Market street.
LEMOYNE For Sale a two-storyi
, building sixty feet long and twenty- !
: eight feet wide, cellar under entire
1 i building, storeroom first floor, hall on •
second floor, corner property; along
. I Traction line and State Highway; a
money-maker. Two-acre truck farm,
i with two-story frame house and barn, j
also outhouse, located in Cumberland i
Valley two and one-half miles from ;
Harrisburg, five-minute walk to street .
liar and five-cent fare to Harrisburg; |
price, $3,100.00. Hummel Avenue, two
story single brick, all modern Improve
ments; will sell cheap. Three-story !
double brick, steam heat, electric lights I
i and gas; will sell one half. Bosler Ave- j
I nue, one single two-story frame, all
I conveniences, one double two-story
i brick with improvements; will sell one
i half. Herman Avenue, one two-story j
frame house with large stable, on cor
-4 ner lot; will sell cheap. West Shore
. Realty Co., Baer & Rice. Lemoyne Trust i
. i Building, Lemoyne, Pa. Bell phone
- ; 3188.1.
CAMP HILL For Sale three two
l story bricks, all modern improvements,
1 location Market street.
FOR RENT Large, new two-story
- single brick house with all improve
ments. with vegetable garden, privilege
- to build garage, located on Long street.
West Shore Realty Co., Baer & Rice,
• | Lemoyne Trust Building, Lemoyne, Pa.
♦ j Bell phone 3198J,
t OWNER. 1911 Park street, leaving
- I city reduced price for S-room brick
- | house; every convenience; cheerful
;. rooms; deep lot and rear drive alley;
Uealthy location, near park; excellent
, i neighborhood.
i FOR SALE Three suburban proper
- ! ties with all improvements; ten min
ute car service; large lawns and aplen
n I did view. Will sell at a bargain. Ad
, I dress B„ 3690, care of Telegraph.
' I FOR SALE Three-story brick
- house, 9 rooms, all Improvements,
r i Price. $2,500.00 to quick buyer. Apply
:. I within, 1602 Regina street.
u ——— —— »
r VERY desirable Lot 20x130—on west
s side of .iorth Sixth Street, near Mahan
tongo Street, and Lexington Street on
- rear. Brinton-Packer Co., Second and
1 Walnut Streets.
FOR SALE —Beautiful new two-and-
L, a-half-story brick residence In one of
!, the finest locations in the city 1001
- | Noi-lh Seventeenth street. Corner lot,
i? 60x120 feet. Eight rooms and attio.
s Hall through center. All Improvements.
'• Fine lawn and shrubbery. Sold on
n i easy terms. Inquire of J. A. Slngmas
r. ter, Gettysburg, Pa.
t! I —,
j LOTS Levi Brandt Est., Elkwood,
_ New Cumberland 5O ft. front up to
. one-half acre plots sewer gas
y electricity. S2OO up. Easy payments.
- 5c trolley. Keeney it Simmons, Agents.
FOR SALE —Desirable build
s 1 ing lots, located on Fourth, Fifth,
' Schuylkill and Atlas streets, in
blocks or the whole. A splendid
_ i opportunity for builder. Inquire
0 or address, F. R. Oyster, trustee,
j care of Harrisburg Telegraph,
s, j c »ty.
FOR SALE Corner property, suit
able for small store, $2,350.00. Fine
houses on South Thirteenth street, with
large yard running to wide alley. Mod
erate price. H. W. Swengel, 219 South
j Thirteenth.
i FOR SALE 1315 Vernon Street,
| brick, 9 rooms, bath, steam heat, gas
and electric light porches, drive alley
in rear. A. G. Pedlow, 110 South Thir
teenth street.
-442 Hummel Street $2,750
1723 Walnut Street 3,200
340 Crescent Street 3.250
24 N. Eighteenth Street :;,400
1625 Briggs Street 3,600
j H. G. PEDLOW, 110 S. Thirteenth St.
WOODBINE ST.i 548 and 652 Anxious
Ito sell, and therefore the prices are
I right. All improvements, including
steam heat. Particulars at Bell Realty
Co., Bergner Building.
YALE ST., 232 Corner property,
brick, 8 rooms, bath, gas, electric light,
steam heat, porch front and rear, lot
18x120. Price right. Bell Realty Co.,
Bergner Building.
MARKET ST. property for sale,
10 rooms, hath, gas, electric light, lot.
16x100, suitable for garage, 1223 Market
| St., Inspect It. Bell Realty Co., Bergner
j Building.
. NEW HOUSE that should Interest
i >\ou at $3,200, well built, desirable lo-
Icated. equipped most modernly. steam
heated, three porches. Bell Realty Co.,
Bergner Building.
214 Crescent street brick. 8 rooms \
bath gas furnace three porches i
;—side entrance large lot. Inspect
this property soon. Bell Realty Co.,
j Bergner Building.
' FOR RENT Storeroom, dwelling, j
| bake oven and stable. 300 East Main i
street, Mechanicsburg, Pa.
FOR RENT New brick house, No. j
j3O Balm street, now ready for occu- |
pancy, two stories, six rooms and bath,
all modern Improvements, electric |
lights, cabinet gas range, open stair- ,
way. side entrance, large back yard. I
One square from street car line. $20.00 j
per month. Inquire L. Minter, 19 South
Second street. Bell phone 590VV; United j
phone 56SW.
i Street, 1724, brick dwelling. 9 rooms,
i bath, steam heat, gas and electric .
lights. Rent, $23.00. Rohrer & Son, |
. Bergner Building.
FOR RENT One two-story six- |
: room house, all improvements, near j
i Nineteenth and Derry, $13.00; one |
| three-story brick, all improvements, j
| near Seventeenth and State, $30.00. J.
B. Mac Donald, ,1319 Market. j
FOR RENT Store room at 34 South
Thirteenth street; also, store room at
213 Crescent street, and private garage i
on Crooked avenue. Nice house at |
Paxtang. A. W. Swengel, 219 South
Thirteenth street.
FOR RENT 1313 Derry street, two- <
family house, with modern improve- |
ments. Rent, $27.00. J. E. Gipple, 1251
Market street.
FOR RENT No. 1850 Market street; J
brick, 9 rooms and bath, steam heat, :
electric light and side entrance. Pos- ;
I session March 1. Rent, $32.50. J. E. |
Gipple. 1261 Market street.
house, all Improvements, $14.0(t. Fine 5
location. A. S. Finger, Cumbler
Heights, Steelton, Pa. I
| FOR RENT Six and seven-room '
apartments. Every one complete and |
strictly private, with porch. Most open,
beautiful and cheerful surroundings in :
city. Open daily for inspection at 1702 \
North Second street. Bell phone 834. j
FOR RENT Third floor apartment,
five rooms and bath, steam heat, 1460
Market street. Rent, $28.00. J. fit. 4
: Gipple, 1251 Market street.
FOR RENT 1823 Wallace street, !
! corner cozy apartment, three rooms; I
handy to market and works; newly
built; running water, cabinet at. range |
in kitchen; economical and desirable; ;
bay window -front. Inquire Janltress,
1323 , first flat.
j Second street 7-room ..partment; :
bath; electric light; city steam heat;
linen closets: all modern conveniences.
Inquire 217 North Second street.
FOR RENT 225 North Second
street, from April 1; third floor apart-I
| ment, five light rooms, pantry and I
tiled bath; hardwood floors throughout;
large closets; city steam heat; hot |
i water furnished. Apply 218 Pine street.
' FOR RENT Apartment. 1419 Ver
non street, first boor, electric lights. ;
gas and steam heat, stationary laundry. 1
Apply Baptlsti, 1208 Chestnut, or Third
and Chestnut. Bell phone 624.
: THE ROYAL, 204 Locust street.
[ Rooms and Boarding. Meal Tickets, 12
| Meals, $3.00—21 Meals, $5.00.
FOR RENT Neatly furnished
j rooms; all conveniences. Apply 118
j South street, near Front street.
| FOR RENT Large second-story
front room, nicely furnished with con-
I venlences, in small, strictly private
i family; very reasonable; gentlemen
; only. Apply at 209 Harris street.
i FOR RENT Pleasant room on sec
ond 11001-; heat, electric light and use
iof bath. 819 Third street.
FOR RENT Three large rooms for
light housekeeping. Including steam
heat and stationary range and use of
bath. Rent reasonable. Call 1417 Ver
! FOR RENT From March or April
1, furnished front suite of large living
room, with bay windows, bedroom and
private bath; modern in every way;
reference required. 218 Pine street.
FOR RENT Second floor front
room, facing Capitol Park; stationary
washstand (hot and cold running
water); electric light; city steam; use
of Bell phone and large bath. Apply
410 North street.
FOR RENT Large, well furnished,
front room, second floor; electric lights;
use of bath and phone. Call at 1510
Green street.
FOR RENT Well-furnished rooms;
city steam heat; Sell phone. 719 North
Sixth streets.
FOR RENT Two attractive second
floor rooms', all conveniences and use
of phone; gentlemen only. 813 North
Second street.
WANTED A refined, young man,
unmarried, wants livingrooni with
communicating sleeping porch and priv
ilege of two meals daliy, in private
home only. Location must be on Hill.
Best of references furnished. Give price
1 and fullest details. Addres.-; 0.. 3699,
I care of Telegraph.
' FOR SALE Fifty head horses and
fifty Virginia turkeys at public sale to
| morrow at our Stable, 312 Blackberry
! street. Farver & Witmer.
j FOR SALE One modern gas range
I and quartered oak buffet, practically
new. Apply morning, before 12 o'clock,
| No. 2211 North Fourth street.
1 ' FOR SALE Stock of the Dillsburg
1 | National Bank. Apply 1316 Vernon
! FOR SALE Stock of groceries and
> 1 fixtures. Good locatiori and clean
1 stock. Address K., 3677, care of Tele
'l graph.
I FOR SALE Pair beautiful solid
: orange Angora Cats, very fine coats;
' also pair beautiful solid orange Persian
''Cats; also, a beautful ringtail Monkey.
| Call at 413 Broad street. City.
1 ! KOR SALE Four-burner gas
range, good baker, good as new; baby
coach, mahogany parlor table. All In
; I fine condition. Will sell at sacrifice.
! Call 650 Schuyliklll street.
' ! FOR SALE Grocery fixtures
1 Walker patented bins and shelving
" i scales cash register electric coffee
. mill McCankey system (cabinet
j style). Inquire S. H. Houseman, 1412
, | North Third street.
! FOR SALE —S. C. W. Leghorn chicks,
Sleeger, Wyeltoff and Cyphers strain,
from trap nested stock, from March 13
, i to April 12, at 12 cents and later at 10
» cents. George L. Engle, 450 East Main
street, Middletown, Pa.
FOR RENT Typewriters bought
sold or rented. Harrisburg Typewriter
, j and Supply Co., 40 North Court street
i j FOR BALE Army shoes, slightly
, used. Best shoes for railroad men.
; Also $8 army hats for 25c. Your money
back If not satisfied. Open evenings, a
, I Meltzer, 513 Walnut street
i I FOR SALE Locomobile. Four
r ! passenger body. All modern equip
i ment. In first-class condition. Bargain
- i price. Post Office Box 452.
t j
- 1 FOR SALE One oak sideboard
1 ! and one sewing machine In good run
, I ning order, $5.00 each. Inquire 133
FOR SALE Roadster. standard ' |
make, in tlrit-clM> condition, no re
j pairs being necossary. Two new tires. |
Good bargain at $425.00. Bell phone I
I POULTRY Two pens American ;
| Dominique*, IS hens and 1 male each; |
SO White Leghorns, 1 male; several
| nearly new incubators. A. Spofford. \
Bressler, Pa. (Near Steeltonj. 1
' PUBLIC SALE At the residence
418 South Thirteenth street, »t t:3O F'.
i M., Saturday, February 26, entire house
| full of furniture. C. Fry, Auctioneer.
! FOR SALE Liquid carbonic acid |
i fountain, marble counter, wall foun
-1 tain with ten reservoirs, chairs, table*,
spoons and dishes, all complete. In j
good condition. $l6O cash. Address X., K
| 3647, care of Telegraph. j n
FOR SALE Brand-new Whitman c
Player Piano, scarf, bench, cover and two •'
dozen rolls. Will sell at great sacrifice g
Ito quick buyer. Apply 424 Kelly street.
| Bell plione 2281 W. ®
BUY Traveling bags. Suitcases and ?
1 Trunks from Wholesale and Retail I "
i Leather Merchants, Second and Chest- ti
nut Repairing neatly and promptly at- , v
tended to.. Specialties made to order, °
Harrlsburg Harness and Supply Co.
FOR SALE At GABLE'S. 111-117
South Second street, 6,000 sets new
.sash. Bxlo, 12 L, primed and glazed, at
j $1.30 per set. Also other sizes.
FOR SALE 1916 model 48. Chal- d
j mere touring car, six-cylinder, seven- f
; passengers. Tires and machinery prac
j tleally good as new. Yach'. body. Will
sell at a great sacrifice to quick buyer. .
Apply 424 Relly. Bell phone 2281 W. j^j
! FOR SALE —An Eastman Kodak j /
I With leather case, about four years old. J
\ Cost about $26.00 when new. Used only ' >
\ a couple times. Good as new. Call 18 ,
North Market Square. t
FOR SALE S. C. Brown or White -f
Leghorn chicks, 10c each. Our record, J
|SO dozen eggs in one month from 28 f
| hens. B. Rock, 16c. All thoroughbred, i
I Custom hatching, $2.00 per 100 eggs. T
iA. S. Finger, 2629 Third street, Steelton, :
| Pa. t '
secured at the Telegraph Business i
j Office. C
l FOR SALE Coal stove brooder and : J.
j house, 12 ft., by 12 feet; 6 hoovers and IJ;
brooders; oil; 3 incubators; 100 Whitu'C
j Leghorn pullets. J. A. Drake, Church t C
; street, Camp Hill, Pa. |C
FOR SALE CARDS on sale at the J
Telegraph Business Office. | j.
f FOR SALE—A Columbia electric au- ; I
I tomobile, line appearance, price $60.00, I
j must be sold at once. Apply 814 North 1 <
| Third street. (
J and scecond-hand, SIO.OO up—L C. j 1
: Smith's, Remington and Underwoods, 1
etc. Geo. P. Tlllotson, 211 Locust street. I
| Opposite "The Orplieum."
FOR SALE Scratch Pads new !
supply—6o for 26c while they last. Ap- ,
ply Job Printing Department The Tele
j graph Printing Company.
FOR RENT—Offices suitable;:
for a doctor or dentist or general 11
' purposes. Light, heat and at- j
I tendance. Dr. John Oenslager, i
1711 North Third street.
FOR RENT Storeroom No. 19 North '}
Tiiird street; third floor apartment 20 |'
North Fourth street; oflice rooms. In- S
quire Second Floor No. 20 North Fourth I t
uv. eet. ! ,
FOR RENT A Furnished Office,
14x16, second floor, office building, with- <
in one block of I'ost Office. State kind j 1
lof business. Address 8., 3710, Harris- I)
j burg Telegraph. j j
| GARAGE FOR RENT in Orange ave- ■ '
nun, below Maclay street; roomy and , x
well lighted; has repair pit; size, 30x28 >
feet; rent reasonable. Apply 317 Maclay ■
! WANTED A horse in exchange for ! I
his feed, for two months by responsible j t
• party. Address H., 3711, care of Tele- I
: graph. |"
, WANTED—Several patchwprk quilts I
I and coverlids for old-fashioned beds.
Address M. Anderson, P. O. Box 210,
I City.
HOME WANTED for colored baby girl |
one month old. Full surrender will be
given. Address all communication to :
X., 3653, Harrisburg Telegraph.
'. WANTED Plain sewing to do at
; home, Indies' aprons, children's school j ,
dresses and small boys' suits and
rompers preferred. Small fees. Good
work. 501 Muench street, City.
j WAITED Seven or eight-roomed I
house with all conveniences, located
within fifteen-minute walk of Nlne
' teentli and Derry streets. S. L. Eber- I'
; sole. 349 South Fifteenth street.
WANTED Manufacturing
I concern would like to purchase, or j
1 j arrange to manufacture under i
- royalty, patents, or ideas of nov- j
. I ties, toys, or the like. Prepared to \
• ! manufacture in all metals. Give i
- description first letter Address;
s Box D 3698, care Telegraph.
j with business ability to invest Five
- j Thousand Dollars in a reliable manu-
I ! facturing business. Salary connected
- with it. Aduress J., 3706, care of Tele
f 1 graph.
e good stand, low rental, first-class fix- j
S' Hires. Excellent opportunity for a live
, s man. H. G. Pedlow, 110 South Thir- |
! teenth street. i
s WILL EXCHANGE a live retail store,
i doing a cash business of SIO,OOO per
year, on improved real estate. Stock
• and fixtures will inventory about i
i 52.500.00. Address "Exchange," care of
ii Dally Telegraph.
ANY Intelligent person can earn good
- I Income corresponding for newspapers;
il l experience unnecessary. Send for par
; I tlculars. Pross Syndicate. 7»s, Lock
n | port. N. Y.
1 MADE $60,000 in five years In the
- mall order business, began with $6.
s Send for free booklet. Tells how. Haa
jr cock. 365 Lockport.' N. Y.
ti —————
- PACKING —A. H.lThrenk, 1906 North
~ Sixth street, flrst-clasg packer of fur
" nlture, china and bric-a-brac. Bell
phone 399 W.
- FOR falling hair try Gross Quinine
Hair Tonic, prepared by Gross, the
~ Druggist and Apothecary, 11$ Market
'• street. Harrlsburg, Pa. Telephone
'j orders prompt attention. Bell
jj 1««0.
R. A. IIARTMAX, Boarding Stable
~ I lull National Transfer Co. Movers of
pianos, safes, boilers and general haul
r ing. H. W. Lather, Manager, Fifth and
1- : Woodbine street. Bell phone No,
I 2503 R.
• feiey to loan
n To Housekeepers and Worklngmen. We
will treat you fairly.
- Room 21 Spooner Building.. Licensed
3 bonded, Incorporated. Take elevator.
.. Telephone Bell 1617 R,
Morning Gains Obliterate He- j
cent Losses; Entire List
Rises Spiritedly
By Associated Press
New York, Feb. 25. Additional ,
trains were made during the dull first .
hour on buying of lending rails, notably
the coalers, Union Pacific, Canadian Pa
cific and St. Paul, while various spec
ialties and coppers made upward pro
Trading was light on the rise, how- ,
ever, and rails lost some of their ad
vance. the entire list rose in
spirited fashion. Before midday vari
ous gains, which fully obliterated yes
terday's losses, were established. Bonds
were steady with a marked reduction
of dealings in Anglo French ss.
Chandler Bros. & Co., members New
York and Philadelphia Stock Ex- !
changes, 3 North Market Square, Har- :
risburg; 1 338 Chestnut street, Phila
delphia; 34 Pine street, New York,
furnish the following quotations: ,
New York, Feb. 25.
Open. Clos. I
Alaska Gold Mines 22% 22 %
Allls-Ohalmers 29 % 29% j
American Beet Sugar ... 68>4 69%
American Can 62% 62%
American C& F 68% «8 %
American Ice Securities . 29% 28% 1
American Locomotive .. 68 68 »4
American Smelt x d 1... 89 89% '
Anaconda 87% 88%
Atchison 103 >4 103 %
Baldwin Locomotive ... 107 107%
Baltimore &• Ohio 86% 87
B F Goodrich 71 71V4
California Petroleum .. 29% 30
Canadian Pacific 169 168%
Central Leather 53% 53% |
Chesapeake and Ohio .. 61 61%'
Chicago, Mil and St Paul 84% 84% I
Chicago, R 1 and Pacific 18% 19
Chino Consolidated Cop. 5G% 57%
Collorado Fuel and Iron. 43% 4 4
Com Products 22%
Crucible Steel 78% 79%
Crucible Steel pfd. ...... 113% 113%!
Distilling Securities .... 45% 46 Vi
Bh'ie 35% 36%
Erie, Ist. pfd 52% 52%
General Motors 478 478
Gt. North, pfd 120 120%
Gt. North. Ore, ss 43% 43%
Ins. Copper 45% 45% !
Interboro-Met 16% 16% ;
Interboro-Met. pfd 73% 73%:
Kas. City Southern .... 26 26 I
Lack. Steel 78 78 j
Lehigh Valley 78 77% j
Maxwell Motors 64% 65%
Merc. Mr. ctfs 16% 16%
Merc. Mar. ctfs. pfd. ... 68% 69%
Mex. Pel 103% 104%;
Miami Copper 36% 36% I
New York Central 104 104%
Northern Pacific 112% 113
Pacific Mail 19 23 %
Pennsylvania Railroad.. 57% 57%'
Pittsburgh Coal 31% 31% I
Press Steel Car 53% 55% j
Ra.v Con' Copper ........ 25 25%
Reading 77% 79% j
Rep Iron &■ Steel 51 % 52
Southern Pacific 89% 99%.
Southern Railway 20 20%
Southern Rwy pfd .... 58 58
Studebaker 144% 144%
Tennessee Copper 57% 57
Union Pacific lIW% 134%
U S I Alcohol 1#7% 148%
U S Rubber 51% 51%
U S Steel ' 82% 83%
Utah Copper 84% 85
Va Caro Chem 46% 4 6 j
Wcstiiighonso Mfg 65 65% '
MONEY TO LOAN on Real Estato
security In any amounts and upon any
terms to suit borrower. Addreus P. o. I
Box 174. Harrlsb_urg I _Pa : \
rooms for household foods, $2 per
month and up. We invite inspection.
Low insurance. 437-445 South Second
street. Harrlsburg Storage Company.
I.\ 3-story brick building, rear 108
Market atreet
Household goods In clean, private
rooms. Reasonable rates. Apply to
P. U. Illener. Jeweler. 40 s Market St.
STORAGE 419 Broaa street, for
household goods and merchandise. Pri
vate rooms, $1 to $3. Wagons. ?S cents :
per month Apply D. Cooper & Co 411
NOTICE Letters of Administration
on the Estate of Christian K. Hage,
late of Harrlsburg, Pa., Dauphin Coun
ty, Pa., deceased, having been granted
to the undersigned residing at 605 North
Front street, Harrlsburg. Pa., all per
i sons indebted to said Estate are re-
I quested to make immediate payment,
i and those having claims will present
' them for settlement.
In the Matter of the Estate of Eugene
M. Ensminger, late of the City of
Harriaburg, Dauphin County, Penn
sylvania, deceased.
THE undersigned, appointed Auditor
by the Orphans' Court of Dauphin
County, to make distribution of the
funds in the hands of the Common
| wealth Trust Company and John M.
I Ensminger, Executors of the last will
land testament of Eugene M. Ensminger,
I late of the City of Harrisburg, Penn
! sylvania, deceased, as shown by their
! "Second Account," to and among those
legally entitled thereto, will sit for
; the purpose of his appointment in the
I Dauphin County Law Library, Court
i House, Harrlsburg, Pennsylvania, on
Monday, February 28, 1916, at 2 o'clock
P. M., when and where all persons in
terested may attend If they see proper
so to do.
Harrisburg, Pa.. February 11, 1916.
been dulv granted by the Register of
| Wills upun the Estate of Anna N. Croft,
late of Harrisburg, Dauphin County,
I Pennsylvania, deceased, to Clayton (5.
Miller, residing in Penbrook, Dauphin
Countv, Pennsylvania, to whom all per
sons who arc indebted to said estate
are requested to make payment, and
all persons having any legal claim
against or demand uoon said estate
shall make the same known without
• Executor,
Citizens Bank.
Thirteenth and Derry Streets,
Harrisburg, Pa.
i NOTICE Is hereby given that the fol
lowing accounts have been filed In the
Court of Common Pleas of Dauphin
Countv, Pa., and will be confirmed by
said Court on the 23d day of March,
1916, unless cause be shown to the con
First and final account of Harrisburg
Trust Company, committee of Kate Mil
ler. a lunatic.
First and final account of John H.
Gordon, guardian of Mary Gordon, of
Derry township, Dauphin county. Pa.,
a weak-minded person.
Annual account of principal and trus
tees of the Emaus Orphan House.
By Associated Press
Philadelphia, Feb. 25.—Stocks closed ,
firm. ;
American Railways 30 I i
Cambria Steel 81 j
General Asphalt 35 I 1
General Asphalt. Pfd 72 t
Lake Superior Corporation 10*% i
Lehigh Navigation 76*»i i«
Lehigh Valley 7S .
Pennsylvania Railroad 57
Pennsylvania Steel. Pfd 98"4
Philadelphia Electric 27%
Philadelphia Company 41 ; ! ii,
Philadelphia Company, Pfd 37 ,
Philadelphia Rapid Transit 19 & ,
Reading 79 ft' 1
Reading, 2d Pfd I 42 1
Reading, Gen. Mtgs 95V 1
Storage Battery 64 Vfe : t
Union Traction 43 !
United Gas Improvement ". 90 j t
United States Steel 83>
By Associated I'rtss
Chicago, 111., Feb. 25.—Board of Trade ;
Wheat—May, 1.18%; July. 1.15T*.
Corn —May, 77%; July, 77',4.
Pork—May, 20.70; July, 20.67.
Lard—May, 10.35; July, 10.52.
Ribs—May, 11.42; July, 11.50.
By Associated I'ress
Philadelphia, Feb. 25. Wheat
Steady; No. 2, red, spot, and February,
$1.26@1.28; No. 2, Southern, red, $1.24®
Corn Steady; No. 2, yellow, local, j
81 V 2 ®S2 , /4c; steamer. No. 2, yellow, lo
cal. SO4CBIC.
Oats Market lower: No. i, white. |
54©54Hc; No. 3 white. 51@52c.
Bran The market is firm; >
city mills, winter, per ton, $25.00: west
ern, winter, per ton, $25.00; Spring, per
ton, $23.50 rg> 24.00.
Refined Sugars Market firm; |
refined powdered, 6.35 c; line granulat
ed. 1i.25c; confectioners' A, 6.15 c.
Butter Market higher; western, j
creamery, extras, 3614 c; nearby prints, I
fancy, 40c.
Eggß The market is higher; |
Pennsylvania and other nearby firsts,
free cases, $7.35 per case; do., current
receipts, free cases. $7.20 per case;
western, extras, firsts, free cases, $7.35 |
per case; western, firsts, free cases,
$7.20 per case.
Live Poultry Dull; fowls, 16%®
17c; roosters, 12@13c; Spring
chickens, 14@20c; ducks, 18®20c; geese,
|l7@l9c; turkeys, 20@220.
Dressed Poultry Market steady; |
' turkeys, fancy, 30c; do., good to
| choice, 27@28c; do., fair to good, 25# 1
26c; do., old toms, 25c; fowls, fancy, ,
!19%@20C; do.,good to choice, 17V6®18c;:
do., small sizes, 15@17c; old roosters,
i 15c; broiling chickens. nearby. 22®
26c; do., western, 24@26c; roasting
chickens, western, choice to fancy. 19® j
22c; do., fair to good, 15@18c; Spring
ducks, nearby, JB®2oc; do., western, 12
@18c; geese, nearby, 16® 18c; do., west
ern, ll® 16c.
Potatoes Market steady: Penn- |
| sylvania, white, per bushel $1.15®1.20; |
New York, per bushel, $1.10; Maine, per j
I bushel, $1.15®1.20; western, per bushel.
] $1.0001.10; Jersey, No. 1. per oasket, I
I 60®70c Jersey. No. 2, per basket, 30®
1 Flour The market is dull; winter, j
straiglrts, $6.00@6.30; do., patents, $6.35
@6.60; Kansas straights, $4.85@5.85; j
Spring firsts, clear. $5.75<fi)6.00; do.,
straights, $5.9006.15; do., patents, $6.15
®ti.6s; do., favorite brands, $7.0u(f®7.50.
Hay The market Is firm
I with a fair demand: No. 1, large
bales, $21.50® 22.00; No. 1, medium!
1 bales, $21.50®22.00; No. 2. do.. $19.50®
, 20.00; No. 3, do., $ 16.00® 18.00; no grade, 1
slo.oo® 14.00.
i Clover mixed, light mixed, $19.00®
19.50; No. 1, do.„ $18.50019.00; No. 2.!
[do., $15.50®16.E0.
| Congressman A. S. Kreider, Ernest
J. Poole and William P. Messinger, 1
were the principal speakers last night |
at a patriotic mass meeting held in 1
the Technical High School. All were
in favor of preparedness. James I
Evans gave a stereopticon lecture |
1 showing views of a number of big
' battles. Music was furnished by the
Rutherford Y. M. C. A. Glee club and j
lhe Gibson Mandolin club.
To the|Holders of
$4,500,000 Notes of
The United Gas Electric
Due April 1, 1918 f
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that all the out
standing issue |ps been called for redemption as ol
April 1, 191fi. On presentation to the Fidelity Trust
Co., Trustee, 325 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa., on
that day, holders will receive 100 and interest.
11. J. PRITCHARD, Treasurer
In connection with the above notice, we have pur
The United Gas & Electric
6% Thirty-Year Collateral Trust
Sinking Fund Gold Bonds
Due April 1, 1945
which we offer to holders of the above-mentioned
Notes at 97 and interest in exchange for the Notes at
101 Yi and interest, difference to be adjusted in cash.
Noteholders desiring to avail themselves of this offer
should present their Notes at the office of the under
Having told ootr $3,000,000 of thU ittae, the abovo
offer it tubiect to withdrawal without notice.
Bertron, Griscom & Co. Reilly, Brock & Co.
Bankera Banker*
40 Wall St., Land Title Bldg. 306 Chestnut St.
New York Philadelphia Philadelphia
An exceptional opportunity to buy for little cash
No. 826 N. Third street for a business stand.
Apply to S.FRIEDMAN, HeaI Estate*lnsurance
Kunkel Bldg. or 217 Peffer St.
Word was received late this after
loon from Philadelphia that "Terry"
Martin, scheduled to meet ".Tackle"
""lurke, of Fall River, Mass., had taken
li, and would not spear to-night on
he lioxins program, at the Orpheum
heater. "Jack" Reck, who has met
Clarke before, will be substituted.
TO divide cost of repairs
Lancaster county's board of com
missioners conferred to-day with the
commissioners of Dauphin county
relative to dividing the costs of re
pairing, painting, etc., of the seven
bridges that span the waterways be
tween the two counties.
Camp Hill
The Suburb of Natural Beauty:
go out with us and inspect our new
adfljtion, "Cooper Heights," with
its concrete walk, electric lights,
water and gas with its line build
ings and bungalow sites. We will
help you select a lot and build you
a home. One hundred bungalow
designs and plans to select from.
West Shore Realty Co.
Hacr & Rice
Lemoyne Trust Co. Building
Lcirtoyne, Pa. 801 l Phone 3198-J
Safe 7% Stock
$200,000 (offering)
United Cigar Stores, Ltd.
7% Preferred Stock selling at
$5.00 (par value), with a
bonus of 25% of
Common Stock
No Prior I.lcn* or WortgngCN
This investment is open to large
or small investors on the same
Member* Toronto Stock KxHiniijse
for individuals pressed by lack
of funds to meet immediate
necessities, at legal rates, pay
able in weekly or monthly instal
ments. No publicity.
l.onii A- InveMtineiit Co.
L'llt CIIHST.M'r ST.
I.lrrnMPd, Bonded. Incorporated
Cumberland loral Co.,
New Cumberland* l'u.
V, J
We lend money in amounts from
$5.00 to $300.00,, and arrange pay
ments to suit borrowers' con
venience. Business confidential.
Lowest rate in city. Licensed, bond
ed and incorporated.
131! Waluut St.
*■ I