Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, February 25, 1916, Image 15
Students of Whole World Object of Present Day of Prayer John R. Mott, on of World's Student Chris tian Federatio\ Issues Call to Churches By THE RELIGIOUS RAMBLER Sunday, February 27, Is observed as r universal Day of Prayer for stu dents. This Is one of the world-wide netlvities of organized Christianity liublic print, yet Is profoundly perva sive, and apart from its distinctly spiritual aspect, is a propaganda of immeasurable magnitude. The call is Issued by John R. Mott, J general secretary of the World's Stu dent Christian Federation. It wasj issued long: ago and has gone to all ] < orners of the earth. The day is kept i with more seriousness in some small missionary communities in tropical Africa than it is in New York City. The Christians in Japan, who are | profoundly perturbed over the new national problems created by the swift! increase of education have a keen interest in this Day of Prayer. Chinese pastors, as well as missionary educa- ! tors of the great university centers In China, alike will stress the significance of the occasion. Throughout bottled- I up India, and in the depleted colleges: of Turkey and of Europe, the Day of Prayer for students will be kept In unity with the churches of America.; Even in the trenches this day, I which figures in no dispatches, will be remembered by thousands. The uni- j versifies of Europe have been emptied for military service, yet the soldiers' have taken their student conscious- ■ ness with them to a remarkable de-1 gree. The demand for literature by these university men in the trenches! has been one of the religions phenom-! DROPSY TREATED FREE If> Or. Mile*, the (irciit Specialist, Who Sruiis a $3.75 Trial Treatment Free. Jiaiiir Itcport Cured After Others Failed At first no disease is apparently more harmless than dropsy; a little swelling of the eyelids, hands, feet, ankles or abdomen. Finally there is great short ness of breath, cough, faint spells, sometimes nausea and vomiting, even bursting of the limbs and a lingering and wretched death if the dropsy is not removed. IJ'r. Miles has been known as a lead ins specialist in these diseases for ;!0 year*. His liberal offer of a $3.75 Treat ment free to all sufferers, is certainly worthy of serious consideration. You may never again have such an oppor tunity. The Grand Dropsy Treatment con- i sists of four dropsy remedies In one.! ulso Tonic Tablets and for removing the water. This treatment ; is specially prepared for each patient attid is much more successful than that of most physicians, it usually relieves Ihe lirst day, and removes swelling in >ix days in most cases. Delay is <lii ngerous. Send For IteninrknMe Testimonial*, .ill afflicted readers may have iiook. Examination Chart, Advice, and a Two- Pound Trial Treatment free. Write at "nee. Describe your ease. Address, 1 >r. Franklin Miles. Dept. DA., 525 to 535, Main Street, Elkhart, Ind. DANGEROUS VARICOSE VEINS CAN BE REDUCED If you or any relative or friend is worried because of varicose veins, or bunches, the best advice that anyone In this world can give Is to get a pre scription that many physicians are now prescribing. Ask your druggist for an original two-ounce bottle of Emerald Oil (full strength) and apply night and morn ing to the swollen, enlarged veins. Soon you will notice that they arc growing smaller and the treatment should be continued until the veins are of normal size. So penetrating and powerful is Emerald Oil that it dissolves goitre and wens and causes them to disappear. It can always be secured at all drug gists.—Advertisement. HMnUBMi AT THE MINES From sources of informa tion available it looks as if April 1 will come without a new agreement between operators and miners. Whether this will precipitate a strike is a difficult ques tion to answer. Perhaps an automatic cessation of work until an agreement is reached. In any event the cost of any concessions will have to be paid by the con sumer. Scarcity of labor owing to the war and shortage of cars to transport coal to the mar ket have made the situation bad enough, let alone threats of a strike. Buy coal now while there is plenty of It available. Thousands of tons now stored in our yards. H. M. KELLEY & CO. 1 North Third Street Tenth and State Streets RUSH!! Our Quick Delivery Anything, anywhere, any time. That's the way we deliver goods— with the greatest possible rapidity. Order anything by mail or tele phone or messenger and tell us when you want it and we will have it there when you say. No extra charge for this service. FORNEY'S DRUG STORE 31 N. Second St. - Non-greasy Toilet Cream Keeps the Skin Soft and Velvoty in Hough Weather. An Exquisite Toilet Prep aration. 25c. fiOltCAS' IHClir: STOKE!* Hi X. Tliirtl St., nnd P. it. •«. Station FRIDAY EVENING, HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH FEBRUARY 25, 1916 ena of the war. One of John R. j Mott's books for students has been | circulated in the trenches of Germany j to the extent of forty-three thousand : copies. Soldiers of Civilization The sobered thought of humanity | is more inclined to-day to heed all calls to prayer than it was five years ago. It sees the effect of the present; cataclysm upon civilization. The need 1 for new national and international leadership, and for the Inflow of new ! ideals and forces into society is rnani- ; fest. Christian students must. In i large part meet theso needs. If the Ideals of civilization are to be pre-: served, Christianity must have a large part in preserving them. Within j educational realms the state of mind , is more serious to-day than for a generation past. Religious rivals In educational cen-j tcrs, ai-e reported from all parts of | the land. Special campaigns have been conducted In the big Kastern j universities, as well as in the small i Western colleges..Nor are these meet- ! ings confined to America alone, i George Sherwood Eddy has just re- j turned from India, where his amazing series of evangelistic meetings among Chinese and Japanese students have ; been duplicated. The "Billy" Sunday campaigns in certain great cities are j quite matched by the less notorious: revivals in educational centers. Campaigning In Colleges A concentration of effort in behalf of the Christianization of the college | life of America is under way at the present time. The effeet that both I the churches and the Young Men's; Christian Associations are united in 1 observing this as a Day of Prayer is i merely symptomatic. Some denomina tions. notably the Presbyterian, have been having a week of college visita- i tlon in their denominational institu-1 tions during the past six days. The whole country is covered with | a net work of special effort for higher I institutions of learning. Most of the, leading denominations now have a department of student work. They l employ a staff of "Student Pastors" experts who give themselves wholly to the spiritual care ol' the students in the great universities. Various plans of the university churches have been adopted by the denominations, and in some cases denominational houses akin to the fraternities have been opened. Delegations of the strongest minis- ' ters in certain denominations have been set apart for weeks at a time to do work in the colleges. The aim is to keep the students in vital touch with Christianity and with church work. It is a well-known fact that the average student during his absence from home at college loses contact with church activities, and Is com monly lost to church work. A V. M. C. A. Army Whilo less known to the public than the great city Y. M. C. A.'s, the college work of the Association is of unmeasured significance. There are student Y. M. C. A.'s In seven hun dred and seventy institutions, and a proportionately large number of Y. W. C. A.'s in women's colleges and co educational institutions. Seventy-five thousand men are enrolled in these associations, and thirty-eight thou sand are members of Bible classes. Nine thousand men are working in college communities in practical so cial service. A veritable military staff of gen eral secretaries direct the Y. M. C. A. work in the colleges of the land. It has been said that the leaders of these men, like A. J. Eliot, I l *. P. Turner and John R. Mott, have a better grasp of the basic moral and religious phases of present-day education in America than do the famous college presidents themselves. This does not imply any lack of sympathy or co operation between the educators and 1 lie Y. M. C. A. men. On the contrary there is a new and close co-operation, so that educational institutions lend hearty support to the observance of the Day of Prayer for colleges. All alert churches in the land will I make recognition of this special ob servance of February 27 as a Day of Prayer; for the cause is one that has the special sympathy of parents whose children are at college. The general keeping of the day betokens the widespread interest of the whole Church in the Christian leadership of to-morrow. THE RELIGIOUS RAMBLER. Endorsed by Westfield Pure Food School. EDUCATIONAL. School of Commerce Troiip Building 15 So. Market Sq. Day and Night School 22d Year Commercial and Stenographic Course* Hell l'hono 11MS-J Harrisburg Business College Day and Night Bookkeeping. Shorthand, Civil Scr?tc« Thirtieth Year S2U Market St. Harrisburg, Pa. The OFFICE TRAINING SCHOOL i Kaufman Bid*. 4 S. Market Sq. Training That Secures Salary Increasing Positions In the Office 1 Call or •.•md to-day for Interesting nooklet. "Tie Art of Gettlnir Alone la ! the World." Bell phone 694-R. Try Telegraph Want Ads Doutrich's Suits and Overcoats —are worn by more men than ever before—the quantities that have gone from this "Live Store", in the past few weeks, are the strongest evidence, that our loyal customers are bringing and sending their friends to the store that has gripped their confidence, with square dealing —honest represen tation and the greater value giving. Good clothes are not always to be had at the prices this "Live Store" is offering its best merchandise BKjkllßß for, this is a good time te get the most for your money and the safest and surest place is Doutrich's. All $15.00 and SIB.OO Heavy Mixed t K Fancy Suits > O^ All $15.00 and SIB.OO Heavy gj Weight Overcoats *3 i 7 All $20.00 Heavy Mixed Suits and | A jjj \\ yf J Overcoats * . . * I• * k t All $25.0# Heavy Mixed Suits and J 5 Overcoats •••••..•••• I copyright ibis THE HOUiS OF KUPPENHEIMKH STATE WORK HAS TO BE CURTAILED Notice Given by Stale Depart ment of Agriculture About Vaccination Plans Announcement of curtailment of one branch of State work because of the hundreds of thousands of dollars spent because of the foot and mouth disease, has just been made by the Department of Agriculture. For a number of years through the State livestock sanitary board it has carried out a Spring vaccination against an thrax and blackleg and State Veterin arian C. J. Marshall has notified all the veterinarians of the State and all stock owners upon whose premises cither anthrax or blackleg has existed in recent years, that the vaccination cannot be carried on by the State agents this year. The department, however, will supply the materials for vaccination to qualified veterinarians. Vaccination is strongly urged by the State livestock sanitary board, and stock owners who desire protection are urged to get into touch with a qualified veterinarian who in turn must notify the State livestock board of the names and addresses of owners of stock wishing protection and the num ber of cattle to be vaccinated. Veter inarians receiving supplies must sub mit reports of ail work and the re sults obtained. The vaccinations carried on by the State In former years have saved the stock owners thousands of dollars. Were it not for the vaccinations, par AS WE GROW OLDER our minds are quite as active as in former years but our strength does not respond when we need it most; perhaps the kidneys are weak, the liver torpid, rheumatic pains or stiffened joints beset us, and we cannot easily throw off the colds that winter brings. What we need is the rich cod liver oil in Scott's Emulsion to renew the blood and carry strength to every organ of the body, while its glycerine soothes the res piratory tract, and its hypophosphites strengthen the excitable nerves. Scott's Emulsion is a scientific oil food, of unusual benefit to those past fifty years —particularly during the colder seasons, it imparts warmth and creates strength. One bottle will prove its worth. No alcohol or harmful drugs. «colt & Howne. BloouilitlU.N. J. IS-36 ticularly those against anthrax, it would be impossible to use many good pastures in this State that are per manently infected. State Veterinarian Marshall says: "There is no doubt but these two di seases can be prevented by vaccination if the vaccine is given properly at the j right time. On premises where the i disease has existed in previous years it is best that the vaccination should be made before the stock is turned out in the Spring, for the reason that it i can be done much more conveniently while the animals are in the stable. Jt is not safe for the vaccinated animals to be exposed to either of these di seases for from ten days to two weeks j after the vaccine is given. The im munity produced by the vaccine in j either disease lasts for about one year, j hence the necessity of making annual, vaccinations. You should arrange to j havo this done at least three weeks be fore you plan to turn your stock to pasture." MILKMAN'S CHARIOT COMES TO GRIEF ON SECOND ST. I A bit of deserted wreckage at Sec- j ond and Harris streets at an early i | hour yesterday gave evidence of j the fact that a milkman had somehow ' come to grief. Lying on its side on j the west side of the street, absolutely j forsaken, and with one wheel off and , the spokes shattered, horseless shafts, . perforated floor where a milk can had 1 apparently done damage, was a milk- ] man's chariot which bore the name of j the Pennsylvania Milk Products Com- ' \ pany. This company this morning l disclaimed any gnowledge of an acci- j 1 dent. i WESTMINSTER CHURCH PLANS 1 TO REMOVE $12,000 DEIST Plans were started at a meeting of j the congregation of the Westminster j Presbyterian church, Reily and Green streets, to liquidate the en- j debtedness of the church within the j next three years. The present debt is about $12,000. | The campaign will be started early j in March. According to the Rev. E.! E. Curtis, pastor, it is planned to burn the last bond on or before March 1, j 1919. The congregation elected C. W. I Kunkle elder and the following dea cons: James B. Bates, James G. How ard and W. B. Weistling. INCOME RETURNS MUST BE IN Collector Davis of the Ninth In- ; ternal Revenue District of Pennsyl vania to-day called attention to the fact that Wednesday, March 1, is the day upon which Income tax returns are required by law to be in his hands. Failure to make returns within the! prescribed time makes the delinquent j party subject, to a penalty of from, SI,OOO to SIO,OOO. TO ELECT A TRUSTEE I At a meeting of the credilors of, Morris E. Smiley to be held March 3 j in the offices of Kederal Referee John i T. Olmsted a trustee in bankruptcy] i will be selected. <. LAYMEN'S BOOSTER LUNCHEON Pastors and committees at work on the Laymen's Missionary Conven tion to be held in Grace Methodist Episcopal Church on March 12-14 will lunch and confer together this evening at 6.15 o'clock in the j First Eaptist Church. Laymen from i Reading will speak of the good of the convention in that city. Waynesboro Trade League Protests on Freight Service on Cumberland Valley R. R. ! Waynesboro, Pa., Feb. 25.—Purstt ; ant to a resolution on the Trade-in j Waynesboro League, at a recent meet ing, directing the secretary to com | municate the very unsatisfactory freight service here, by tlio Cumber land Valley railroad to the Chamber of Commerce of Philadelphia, and to | advise that body that by reason of these conditions the local trade was | being rapidly diverted from Philadel phia to Baltimore, secretary I, G. [ Balrd forwarded to the Philadelphia organization a letter covering all the details of the matter. "HOME HAKE" FOR BIBLE CLASS Dauphin, Pa., Feb. 25. —A "ilonie Bake" will be held by Mrs. Blanche Robinson, at her home in Erie street, to-morrow afternoon and evening, be ginning at 2 o'clock. Ice cream, cake, coffee, sandwiches and salads will also he for sale and the proceeds will be for the benefit of the Bible class of the Presbyterian Sunday school, which is taught by Charles Shaffer. Pretty Teeth Add to tLe Natural jAH 111 Beauty of All F aces W y°nr teeth are In want of any attention, call and hare them tn lefc amlned, which la FREE OF CHARGE. V I guarantee my work to be of the very best, botb In material and workmanship, which it is possible to give my patients. My 18 years of Z constant practice and study have given me the experience whioh each and every dentist must have In order to do satisfactory work. Ido my work absolutely painless. My assistants are dentists, who have bad m vast amount of experience, and therefore are able to render the rery best of services. My office is equipped with all the modern appUnnoes in order to Office open daily 8:30 a. m. to 6 p. m.; Man., Wad. and Bat. till • p. m. Closed on Sundays. Bell phone, 5322-R. DR. PHILLIPS. Painless Dentist 320 Market Street, HA HuTsimrS>° b pA. ' MINSTREL SHOW POSTPONED | j The annual minstrel show given by I members of St. Mary's Church was' m< | postponed from Wednesday to Tucs- ! day evening, February 29, on account \ of the death of Bishop Shanahan. at CLEANSE THE KIDNEYS AND ENJOY LIVING Backaches, Headaches, Lumbago and Rheumatic Pains Disappear Before New Remedy.—A Great Success Did you ever stop to consider that ninety per cent, of the diseases that human flesh is heir to are preventable? Do you realize that most of the pain ful and comfort destroying diseases such as lumbago, rheumatism, pains, backaches, headaches, etc., may be caused by acid crystals in the kidneys? Eminent medical authorities agree that the kidneys must always be kept clean fn order to maintain life and health. The best advice for this is to drink plenty of good water, eat lots of fresh vegetables and always keep the filter ing walls of the kidneys free from clogging impurities. You cannot force water through rubber, neither can the kidneys strain the poisonous impuri ties from the blood if they are coated with waterproof acid crystals. A new discovery for keeping the kid neys free from uric acid is meeting With remarkable success. It Is called MARRIAGE ANNOUNCEMENT Dauphin, Pa., Feb. 25.—Announce lent has been made of the marriage f Raymond Bowman, son of M*. and trs. Henry Bowman, of Speeceville, to liss Alice Bertem, of Williamsport, t Sunbury, on Friday, February 18. ISolvax. Solvax aims to dissolve the clogging matter on the kidney mem branes, passing it out of the body in the urine. Then the pur& healthy blood can pump through the body washing all poisonous waste before It. You'll be surprised how quick the uncomfortable pains and aches van ish; how the eyes brighten, the back straightens up and life once more looks sweet and rosy. Try Solvax to-day. You are cheat ing yourself out of your full enjoy ment of life if you don't help your kidneys do thHr work properly. H. C. Kennedy or any other reliable druggist have Solvax. It is Inexpen sive, harmless and very easy to take. Always sold on a guarantee of satis factory results or money cheerfully refunded. Just give your kidneys a chance and see the difference.—Ad vertisement.