Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, February 24, 1916, Page 16, Image 16
16 Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart \ ( i, Friday Brings Its Usual Quota of Money-Saving Offerings ■ I II ■—■ ■■■ ■ i ■—— —— i .. p. , I Women's Rubbers Skating Sets Shaker Flannel Women's Hosiery Hair Switches Toilet Goods INO 1 riClfly opG- I (^ c rubbers, storm and Eiderdown skating sets of 5c unbleached shaker cotton outside hose, IJair switches in a variety 50c size bottles beef, iron _ I low cut styles. Friday only, cap and scarf in white and flannel. Friday only, yd., 30 black and white. Friday only, of shades, 22 and 24 inches and wine. Friday only, 330 cials Sent C. O. ' 250 fancy plaids; $1.25 values. Dlves pomeroy & stc ' wart _ 80 long single and triple 10c Hartshorn ammonia. at«w»r* Friday only 590 Basement. 25c tan colored lisle hose. strands. Regular price $1.4). Friday only 7* D. or Mail or , Dlv ; s , p ; steWßrt . Friday only 110 Friday only 690 WiJeh wazel and almond l Street llooi. -» Dives, Pomcrov & Stewart, Dives. Pomeroy & Stewart, cream. Friday Only ...170 'Phone Orders ; * , sheets street 1 |UIH - > Stloet ' 20c Hush. Friday only,' BedSpreads Embroideries 59c unbleached sheets; ir,^ Pilled V (,^c crocl,et spreads, . 80xX) inches. mk a\ 011\y , fKildrpn'ii Hosicrv Women's Storm Rubbers . ! ,a,u ' mirrors, iniita -1 llltJLl X x* 7? v 81 inches• all oerfect Cambric corset covei cm- Children S llOSiery t lon cbonv back. Friday Two to a customer. Friday broidery; 17 inches .wide; Dlv «, Pomeroy * stewart. Cotton hose; seamless; Jerauld's 75c storm rub- 0n1y....! 150 onlv 37J40 assorted patterns. Friday uaaement. black and white; 10c and bcrs . for women. Lriday Sarah Bernhardt facc I.inpprip Snecials only, yd 100 , 12V£c values. Friday only, specia . 0 oowder. Fridav onlv .liOt- Lilllgciic ayptvua.o , Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, / \ ' ... _ ,„. . v . _ „ , \ 1 Broken sizes and counter street l-ioor. ■ j Embroidered voile flounc- Pillow Cases • st?eet fi^ i*ont? wa ' ,! 5c E-Z-Kill for insects. soiled crowns, envelope ing; 45 inches wide; values . Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart. V . / briday only 90 • chemise, combinations and / up to 59c. Friday only, yd., Bleached pillow <-a.se>., Imol ' / f v Crystal transparent soap. corset covers. None ex- Towel Specials I „ ' mgSM? ££, . . Women's Shoes ] I Friday only 90 cha "S ed - 7c buck towels, plain white Batiste embroidery gal- each " " " 77 100 pairs Jerauld's $3.00 59c five-piece celluloid in- Gown« SSOO to $5.95 and red borders. Fridav onlv, loons; 2to 4 inches wide; •> Jewelry Specials to $4.50 high "and low shoes fantssets. l'riday only valued Fridav onlv. $2.95 ' •»> £ uesup to 59c. Friday Dive, gomjjrg* stew.rt. for women* Friday special __ ~ , _ ~ 1/c guest towels, pink and °" l >' > d *"* 'bucklea Friday only ..85« *«•«> J* ™bl,er glove. In, ay (lOVVns, .Sl.jmJ to o-. Kln#» hnrH#»r* Fridav onlv Dive®, Pomeroy & Stewart, / \ T »« t-» * values. Friday only, «3y j 25> Children's Union Suits 25c and 50c ear rings. Fri- MC'"- 25c milk of magnesia. Fri- Gowns, I>l.oo value. Fri- .- -i- ,- l , owe i s p r i_ . \ SI.OO white cotton ribbed day only i.V* day on!v' k : Sh .! M ..:.!,!« Goods lieavv weights "pHday onlv' ' Women's Shoes ' s^^nlv!': o^ BSS«.—« heavy weights. Frtday ,mK. watchfobs . Fr.day 0,.y rs )o ruudv u vH J 00 ' „ , , $5.00 button and lace shoes Friday only 200 »>"f yo »i.fc Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, cold olated bracelets. c *rr ' i i -n n i -j i , i _ OX); . , fl-1 rn ... . rn street Floor. _.. . 1 iVv. for women. Friday only ,->oc celluloid back hair Corset covers, to / SI.OO red crepe; 50 inches Friday only 100 «.>•{« h r „=i lP c Fridav nnlv $3.95 values. Friday only. White Goods wide. Friday only, yd., 390 _ ' • . .> 95<* . $1 00 silk and wool crene • R* > lir I r» • "* SB.OO to SIO.OO brass and Dives, Pomeroy &. Stewart, Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart. Envelope chemise. 50c Jo rice. cloth; 27 inches 4 2 inchc ; v . idc> Fridav on P lv ; Men 8 Wool Drawers enamel smoking stands. Fn- S """ ' - $1.50 value. Friday only, wide. 1 nda> only, y d - day only Jh.^.oO - ,■ • <«,. n, a ;„ wl,it, vnJle- 40 ' SI.OO wool worsted; 42 ers; medium weight; broken $1 Q0 Ruarante ed nickel Cotton DreSS Goods n T~ 1 Combinations. $1.2.-» to plain 1 e %oi e4O lines None exchanged. Fn- alarm clocks. Friday only, 25c f in solid DreSS Trimmings $1.50 value. 1M ,day only inches wide. Fr,day only Friday only ,'yd 480 day only 7.>0 " ,'9O sh fde, "o'nly yd L " W - Cook ' s .. .. cto - T SI.OO granite cloth; 4-1 Dives. Pomeroy & Stewart. SI.OO silver plated child's ' 'o i/ A< . guimpes and braids 111 a alue Friday J %»<* 1 "°SSS -ersckcr gingham, 9.» c _\u 1 nud ) u "v v llcat stripes, rnday only, 4 'ic 75c shepherd checks; 44 M*n'« Union .Suite 50c German silver coin v d Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, . inches wide Fridav onlv union OU IS nurses Fridav onlv lOt* ' m- ,• , L. W. Cooks plain and Rubber. Stair Treads inches wide. rula> n $2.50 natural wool union purses * 3 ' r dress ginghams; 30 fancy braids; values up U. Made from best rubber } \ suits; not all sizes. None D.ves, Pomeroy ASiewart, inches wide; neat stripes, 10 c Fridav onlv. vd.. 10 f— . lir , . mattinir B.x wool santoy, 39 inch- exchanged. Friday only, = h ecks and fancy plaids; v . . Counter Soiled White ' fv e . s Wide; best shades, b^ 1 ; - SI. 19 Friday only, yd L. W. Cooks plain and k Size 6 in. by 18 in., 13c day only, yd 190 , . . l'ancv chiffons and all-over A P rons value. Friday "only ...100 SI.OO navy serge; all Ulves - e e r t °^o I ? tewart ' Silk Specials 12 /2 c percales; 36 inches l ace s; values up to $1.50. 50c white aprons. Fri- .. _ . . wool; 50 inches wide. Fri- V -J SI <*atin majestic 40 in T h , ° rt . »- to Friday only, vd !350 I».vonly v> Sr / FrtS,v b Uv" , -|»f day only, yd ?»« f— . \SIL FriC-l,' *** 75c to $1.50 white aprons. ' ' ' _ S'JO.rilk and wool pop- Women s Union Suits yard 20c poplins, solid shades. < J Friday only 500 '^ IZC 1 "' b >' ] ' m [j",' ' e ' Cotton ribbed union suits; :?1.00 black messaline; 36 Friday only, yard 0y 4 ? value, briday onlv . . .100 onlv, yd an ,\ n„i.u , •, t- •, ' , J J ' J /4 /■ \ Dive« Pomerov & stewart. * * * . .. .. sleeveless, knee ana ankle inches wide. Friday only, , _ . , i iir » m 1 Second Floor. Dives. Pomerov & stewart, $-.00 mixed suiting; .' , 4 length. None exchanged. vard 8.30 satine, figures and Women S INeckwear v 9 y Third Floor. j nc l ies w i de . Friday only, $1.25 to 5 ?.39 values. Fri- " P lain shades. Friday only, r w Cook's laundered f . )'d 98 <* day only 690 $2.50 rose moire Francais; yard stiff collars in plain and em- Waist Specials ~ ~ v $1.50 navy serge; 50 inch- Divea! Pomeroy 4 stewart, 42 inches wide. iMKlav onlv, e nea( broidered effects, assorted Waists in semitailored Ra S R»»» »' lde - Fnda - V "->• 1 rosebud designs, lull pieces. sUes; 12>4c values. Friday stvles. white, black and a few 18 in. by 36 in. rag rugs, „ b erdine •44 inches $1.50 old rose all silk voile, Friday only, yard only 10 colors; broken sizes. None 45c value. Friday only, 230 wide '7bit shades. Friday Men's Shirts 40 inches wide. Friday only, IQc flanne]etle> dark Marabou capes and muffs c-Vfnuec. •"> c "> 18 in. bv 36 in. linen rugs, only, yd SI.(K) - n ,oi ...u:,,. i a „ n " ' grounds and neat figures. > n natural and black; values waists. I-ridav only - $1.25 black all silk jersey; Friday only, yard .10 up to $3.98. Friday only Dlve3 ' Se°cond°Floor BteWart ' Divea. Pomeroy & Stewart, and faille's J4O inches Wide som shirts; large and small 42 inches wide. Friday only, Dives. Pomeroy & Stewart. ~ . V Third Floor. Friday' Only, yd... »1.00 si2es . small lot Fridav onlv. >' ard v Baaement. L W. Cooks fancy silk r r Z x wool. Friday only, yd., street Floor. \ assorted. Values up to • Corset Specials Oil r.lnth SI.OO Divea, pomer°y ( & stewart, Men's Suspenders $1.25. Friday only 150 Coutil corsets; medium $2.00 navy serge; 54 inch- ' ~ . "ZT~. Men's 19c police suspend- Dives, Pomeroy & stewart. bust, all sizes. Regular Oil cloth, one and two es wide. Friday only, yd.. v Uuting Cloth ers. Fridav onlv 12Ui* „ street Floor, j prices 50c to 75c. Friday vards wide; 30c value. Fri- $1.4.> Men' and Boys' Collars 5c light outing cloth; 22 1m- rlav nnlv 1 -. - . uives, Pomeroy Sr. Stewart, oni > • Ut v Ul, v • v Dives, Pomeroy & stewart. Men's and boys' soft col- inches wide. Friday only, Men's Store. / Dive ß , - > ' lars and small lot of good >' ard 4 > ) { Black Dress Goods day only J7O style linen collars. Friday Dives, pomeroy & stewart, CL„„U„„ , Dives, Pomeroy & stewar, Art Needlework | only, ; 6 for 250 . bhoulder BraceS ] SI.OO black wool brocade; • .. , TI * Third Floor. „ , T ,, „ 7? c shoulder braces, small 4? inches wide Fridav onlv. Mens Shoes > * 2oc to 50c stamped centers { lot from Cook's stock. Fri- ' ->.l> $3.00 and $3.50 shoes in and pillow tops on oyster Grocery Specials day only 90 SI Women's Handkerchiefs " h " e IS&A&i Neckwear and Mufflers 1 I^s^ sizes. Fridav only, $1.75 Hemstitched cotton, hand- 25c fancy braid; 8 and 10 Men's lawn stran Reading nork sansnJo- V y ar(l 2 '>* kerchiefs, large size; 4c yards to bolt. Friday only, hnwc FriHaw milv 11, Dives, Pomeroy Stewart, , nl,w. TTrirlnv nnlv ft fnr I 1 lif DOWS. J I ldd} Olliy 10 1«J0 U..L Honrll/oK.liinfc 50c black Cl'epe ,36 inches Street Floor, Rear. value. 1 riday only, 6 for, bolt ..100 Whole ham; lb 170 mens nandkerchiets .. p r j dav onlv, vd., 250 Dives. Pomeroy & stewart, white and black knit- Sliced ham; lb 230 All linen handkerchiefs. ' * . / v White silk handkerchiefs L nurd Floor. ted neck mufflers. Friday Reading frankforts: lb. Fridav onlv. Dtf: 3 for 25<ft 50c black serge; 36 inches Boys' Shoes with colored borders in pink, on '. v ....90 ... wide. Friday only, yd., 390 . . „ u - blue, maize, lavender and r Divea, pomeroy & stewart Fresh cream cheese; lb. Small lot of Cook's 25c i; atmivl i- V, $2.00 shoes in dull calf, nilc - 15c value. Friday only. Uraperies and Lurtams Men's store. mens linen initial handker- 50c black diagonal, oo black and kid and patent colt 3 fp'r ' ...250 12#c fancy silkoline for ' Fresh crcamerv butter 'lb chicfs ' only, 2 for inches wide. Friday only, skin, made on good litting nivp , Pomerov* stewart cushions and comfortables. 1 D , , e , . . "* ;{4a 250 yard 0 lasts; not all sizes. Fridav Divea. Pomeroy^«. Stewart, inches wide Fridav onlv Boys Night Shirts 1 1 1 1,*;,.. qn 1 oiitei loor. iiicnes \\ icie. i oni\, j » l eas corn, soui> 1 Dives, pomeroy & stewart, 7?c black moliau; r»U ° nly * yard 50c muslin and flannelette pumpkin, string [Scans inches wide. Friday only. $2.50 shoes in tan calf and v Remnants of 29a and 39c S- ( 'Vl'(ii l)eans f y£U ' d gun metal calf, made on Umbrellas drapery materials, pet, scrim " One box new currants, or Lining Specials SI.OO black wool crepe; 40 - .nd mialin. Friday only, . raisins. I Of; .! for 20c blaek satine; 36 inehes inches wide, l'riday only, Sir, las with slight imperfections yard 10? j 3 lbs> sugar, 1 4 0, with widc . Fridav onlv. vd.. 14rt yard «•»<* ~ r. , . "1 the weaving; sty es for $2.00 to $3.00 cross strip- M » wLx CL" * purchase of one pound cof- ' . k henrietta* 42 Dives. Pomeroy ft Stewart. men and women; 7.ic and , ~n rf a i n« cream Men S Night Shirts fee. 3oc black satine; 36 inches . ".'f nenneua, street i*iooi, iichi. ui-i no i.. f ■ 1 i co maoias i.iColli © .j r' ■ 1 1 « .)/« , wklo rridav cjiilv. / V ' ' green stripes. Friday only. sizes 15 to 17. Friday only, 50c flowered satin; 40 , Women's Shoes and Dlves ' streetTioor Stewart ' I>air SI.OO to $1.50 350; 3 for ....SI.OO wagner s catsup, bottle inches wide. Friday onlv. $1.2.i black wooSantoy; »»uuicii a uiiuca <»iiu street Floor. 1 , j # 90 , 3 inches wide Friday only, Slippers Divea. D.vea, | V ■* 330 DiveS, PomerOV &■ Stewart. SI.M 3 black kid shoes and Cotton Goods Remnants / \ 5 lbs. rolled oats 270 ' '"'' ' $1.50 black serge ;r4 inch dafiV' 2eS .. br . oken '. .»* Remnants yoiles, ging- Men's Hosiery Children's Pajamas Lima kidney and sou,, , « s »ide. Friday only^ard. hams, poplins, crepes, linens 10c cotton hose, assorted Boys' and girls' SI.OO ' " Veilings i 0 black wool crepe; 42 $2.50 tan calf skin button and silk muslin in lengths colors; embroidered and "Kewpie" and Teddy Bear Fels Naptha soap 1 1Q barg Dotted and figured veil- inches wide. Friday only, 4 shoes; all sizes. Friday only, from 2to 6 yards, at special fancy stripes. Friday only. pajamas; sizes 2to 8. Fri- Ivory soap j or ings, 25c and 50c values. v ird .".$1.25 $1.50 reductions Friday. 00 day only «90 P. & G. soap ...1 *' Fridav onlv. vd sc> J J J 1 Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart. Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart Dives Pomerov Ktew.irt Street Floor. Street Floor, ltear. Street Floor. Street Floor. Men's Store. Basement. Street Floor (j V * Vmi V——————*- *■ ' ' 1 , a ' ' V? ~ A OAKLAND SIX WITH REDMOND Exhibiting Sturdy Little Five- Passenger Car Selling at .$795 The Oakland Six at (hp l:edmnnd I exhibit marks the entry of thin con cern into the low-priced lield at $ 7a5, J s " v TITTTRSD A V FVENTNG FEBRUARY 24, 1916. IHUKSUAI LVUMiNU, HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH 11 his being its first njodel listed under i SI,OOO. The Northway motor has i cylinders 2 1 3-16 by \*4 and incor- I i porates detachable heads. Tncorporat- ! ed with the motor is a three-speed \ gearset connecting by propeller shaft; with double joints to the Weston-Mott | axle. In the motor the upper part of I the erankcase is in one with the cylin- 1 dors, this making a compact and sub stantial arrangement. To illustrate! an assembly feature that is also con-I dueive to simplicity of design, the ! combination of the water pump im | peller, fan and fan bearings is con- I spiciioUH. The fan and water pump jure really one unit, and the pump case j is part of the casting of the cylinder I block and part in the mounting of the fan. Thus the belt that drives the ; fan also works the pump, doing away I with a special pump shaft and Its 1 driving mechanism. T. W. Simpson, representing the j Oakland Company of Philadelphia, isi at the Redmond exhibit, introducing j , the Oakland Six, selling at $795. The | Oakland factory is subsidiary to the ItJeneral Motor Company, and tills model six was designed especially to; fill the requirements of those Iri the rural districts and others who have need for an efficient motorcar below j the one thousand dollar ligure. MAXWELL ENTERS DELIVERY FIELD Supplies Chassis to Which Many Types of Body Arc Adaptible Announcement comes from Detroit j that tlic Maxwell Motor Co., Inc., lias! i decided lo enter the fleld of light de- . livery, using for the purpose the| standard Maxwell chassis which is furnished complete, including cowl, ( instrument board anil electrical equip-J ment, but lacking body, which the I buyer rtin have designed and built! locally to tit his individual needs. With the car the Maxwell Com pany furnishes a scale of dimensions j which enable any body builder to fit exactly the standard arrangement for, attaching this part to the frame. Tho work of attaching is free from j any complication of wiring or piping. The chassis comes ready to drive. "The Maxwell Company lias found I the one satisfactory solution of tlie j \ light delivery problem," deduces E.: I W. Shank, local Maxwell distributor. I "Light delivery is a problem of spe- J cial body equipment. While it is possible for the laundryman and the j dry cleaner to use the same type of j body, each can greatly facilitate his I problem by having a body built to | carry the especial type of merchan ! dlse that he. handles. The same holds ;true with the butcher, the baker, the | milliner, the grocer and every other j | line of business which uses or should use motor-driven delivery equipment. "There are Rood delivery body j I builders in every city. To his own de sign any merchant can have built the type of body best adapted to hi needs. "We price the chassis at S9O les than our touring car. This will mori than offset the cost of the finest typi of delivery body, mounted, paintci and gold-lettered. "More and more the light deliver; car is becoming the leading factor ii reducing the costs of merchants. De partment stores all over the countr; nre standardizing their delivery prob lenis by reducing the number o horse-drawn vehicles and beav trucks, and substituting light de i livery cars carrying up to 750 pound!