Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, February 23, 1916, Page 2, Image 2
2 CENTRAL PENNSYLVAN GOLD FOOTBALLS FOR STAR PLAYERS Dickinson Students Honored at Annual Banquet of Carlisle Educational Institution Special to the Telegraph Carlisle, Pa.. Feb. 23. The big gest event of the college year at Dick inson was the annual banquet held last evening in the college gymnasium. About 300 underclass men and alumni were present. Dr. J. H. Morgan, president of the college was toast master. Letters From Absent Friends Read at Society Meeting Special to the Telegraph Dauphin, Pa., Feb. 23. The Mite Society, of the Presbterian church, was entertained last evening by Air. and Mrs. D. M. Lewis and John Bricker at their home in High street. Several letters were read from the Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Fulton Stirling., who are spending the month ir. Bermuda. Refreshments were served to Mr. and Mrs. Charles Shaffer. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. M. Reed, Dr. and Mrs. William P. Clark, Mrs. Thomas Poffenberger, of Harrisburg; Mrs. J. W. Hawthorne, Mrs. Harvey C. Forney, Mrs. Blanch Robinson, Mrs. George Heck, Mrs. Harvey Reed, airs. Elizabeth Gerberich, Mrs. Jennie Hiekernell, Mrs. George Gilday, Mrs. William Fisher, Mrs. William F. Reed, Mis Margaret Brooks, Miss Ora Bickel, Miss Anna Houck, Miss Carrie E. Gerberich. Miss Ruth M. Shatter, Miss Esther Shaffer. Miss Alice Mlnsker, Miss Ethel R. Forney, Miss Margaret Hawthorne, Miss Sabra Clark, Free man C. Gerberich, Russel Iteed, John Bricker and Mr. and Mrs. Lewis. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey C. Forney on Tuesday evening, February 29. J 1 When you smoke 11 a RECRUIT I you smoke tobacco. 1 Think it over! i RECRUITS are 1| ? extra mild, pure and H j clean. You can smoke them ail day without || WEDNESDAY EVENING, HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH ' FEBRUARY 23, 1916 Mt. Joy Soldiers' Orphans Hold Twenty-Ninth Reunion Special to the Telegraph Mount Joy, Pa., Feb. 28. At the 1 wenty-third annual reunion of the Mount Joy Soldiers' Orphans School held In Mt. Joy Hall yesterday after noon, the following; officers were elected: President, W. H. Kern, Phila delphia; tlrst vice-president, Mrs. A. B. Myers, Philadelphia; second vice president, Mrs. Kate Dorwart, Lan caster; financial secretary, Thomas D. Hooper, Philadelphia; recording sec retary, Charles A. Gearhart, Phila delphia; chairman executive commit tee, C. Day Rudy, Harrisburg; chair man membership committee, Howard Jones, Boston. Frightened Horse Goes Over 30-Foot Embankment .Special to the Telegraph ait. Union, Pa., Feb. 23.—While H. L. Norris, was driving an automobile near Orbisonia on Monday night an axle broke and while he was trying to fix the car a team, driven by H. Ilommond. of Orbisonia, tried to pass the car. The horses became frighten ed at the lights and took the occu pants, air. and Mrs. Hommand, over a thirty-foot embankment, completely demolishing the carriage. Both Mr. and Mrs. Ilommond were internally injured, but will recover. The horse was only slightly hurt. COLUMBIA PHYSICIAN WEDS Special to the Telcgjaph Columbia, Pa., Feb. 23. Dr. J. P. Kennedy, well-known surgeon and Miss Lillian F. Wardell, former super intendent of the Columbia Hospital, and until recently superintendent of the Lancaster General Hospital. Lan caster, were married in St. Peter's Roman Catholic church here yester day. CARLISLE ELKS' BANQUET ■ Special to the Telegraph Carlisle. Pa.. Feb. 2,1. Members of the local lodge of Elks last evening held their annual banquet here. About 80 men were present. Horace Sieglebaum, of the Harrisburg lodge, No. 12, was the principal speaker. Explorers Hold Midwinter Reunion at Carlisle Special to the Telegraph Carlisle, Pa., Feb. 23. —* About 30 members of the famous Explorers Club of Harrisburg and Chambers burg sportsmen attended the annual midwinter reunion of the organiza- which was followed by a ban quet at the New Wellington Hotel yesterday. This gathering is usually held either in Chambersburg or Har risburg, but this year it was deolded to meet on "neutral ground" and Car lisle was chosen. B. M. Nead, Harrisburg, the presi dent, was toastmaster and many im promptu remarks were made. The officers are: J. H. Shank, Chambersburg, treas urer; C. C. Schriver, Harrisburg, sec retary, and M. R. Rhoads, Harrisburg, commissary. The following members attended: M. R. Rhoads, J. H. Shank, tra Ebersole, H. B. McNulty, Stanley Appenzeller, Edwin Blair, W. L. Min ntck, D. N. Minnick, the Rev. L. W. Lutz, Preston Cook, C. W. Derr, all of Chambersburg; H. P. Miller, B. >l. Nead, C. W. Archer, C. C. Sfebrlm, 11. D. Sollcnberger, Alfred Hoerner, George N. Barns, J. M. llemperly, W. B. Manstetler, W. E. Deitrich, William P. Miller. Edward Mariser, the Rev. George N. Lauffer, Dr. C. R- Philips, C. F. Hoover, B. E. Wickersham. the Rev. I. S. Rupp and J. H. Santo, of Harrisburg. WOMAN COMMITS SUICIDE Special to the Telegraph Waynesboro, Pa., Feb. 23. Swal lowing a quantity of arsenic, Mrs. Arthur Devilbiss ended her life at her home at Middleburg. One of her sis ters, Miss Lula Airing, committed suicide four years ago by swallowing laudanum. "PIPE DAY" PARADE Special to the Telegraph Carlisle, Pa., Feb. 23. Dickinson college freshmen yesterday formally observed "pipe day" with a fantastic parade through the town. This was the first day on which they were per mitted to use tobacco on the college campus. | WEST SHORE NEWS | West Shore Endeavorers . ; Hold Rousing Rally Endeavorers representing the C. E. 1 j societies of Lemoyne, Wormleysburg,,| j Enola, West Fairview, and other visit ; ing Endeavorers from MarysvlUe, and ! i this city, attended the best rally held j | in the series of the meetings during j j this month, which was held in the! | Grace United Brethren church, West j I Fairview, last evening. David Shettle, vice-president of the | West Shore district, presided. An in- 1 | teresting program which occupied ! 1 nearly two hours time was rendered. \ | The State convention and Christian I Endeavor week enthusiasm was shown ! ]by the many Endeavorers present. J j Among the speakers on the program I i were the Kev. Mr. Rice, and the Rev. ! Mr. Vance, West Fairview; the Rev. j P. R. Koontz, Lemoyne; Messrs. Wm. M. Mailey, A. C. Dean and E. C. Schilling of this city. Special music was rendered by the Enola Lutheran C. E. society, William Bretz, of West I Fairview; male quartet, of Worm-) leysburg, and instrumental duet by! Wm. Bretz and Harold Walsh, of the j Lutheran C. E. society. A rousing rally will be held in the I ! United Brethren church, Penbrook, j to-morrow evening, under the aus- 1 pices of the hill district C. E. so- ; | cietles. A good program including an I address on "Expert Endeavor." by I the Rev. H. E. Mailman, will be ' rendered. Many special musical fea- j tures will also be on the program. So- I cietles are urged to meet early and 1 j occupy reserved seats. Social and Personal News of Towns Along West Shore Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Abel and fam ily. of Columbia, spent several davs at Wormleysburg visiting Mr. Abel's sis ter. Mrs. Ralph Schrack. I The Prlscilla Club met. at the home 1 of Mrs. H. R. Boose on Monday even- 1 ing. Mrs. J. Snyder, of Hummelstown, | is visiting her sister, Mrs. Ambrose j Backenstoe. at Enola. Miss Florence Sharpe, of Newville, has returned home after spending sev eral days with Mr. and Mrs. James A. Huston at Enola. William H. Beers, of Enola, spent the day at Dunoannon with relatives. | Leslie Webster, of Philadelphia, is visiting his parents in Altoona avenue, Enola. MINSTRELS REHEARSING Wormleysburg, Pa., Feb. 23.—To morrow evening the Wormleysburg Minstrels will meet at the home of j Linwood Wanbaugli. A number of the ' new songs have been obtained and the best talent of, the town will take part. They are working hard to make this their best show. SELLING GROCERY STOCK Wormleysburg, Pa., Feb. 23. —Daniel Brown is selling the stock of his i grocery store with the intention of I living retired. He is one of the best i known residents of Wormleysburg and i has kept, a grocery store at the corner j of Front and Poplar streets for twenty years. MRS. SPEAKMAN RECOVERING New Cumberland, Pa., Feb. 23. Mrs. H. W. Speakman who had her back badly injured by falling on the Ice at her home In Geary avenue last Monday Is recovering. P. 0. S. of A. District Convention at Dauphin Special to the Telegraph Dauphin, Pa., Feb. 23. —The annual district convention of the Patriotic Order of the Sons of America, was held here yesterday afternoon and in I the hall at Camp 424 last evening. 1 Prominent speakers of the afternoon | were John M. SchafTner, Camp 716; , Ira Hoover, Camp 505; Frank Lind ' sey, Camp 8; J. S. Peifer, Camp 716. and I. F. Bogner, Camp 424. : About 5 0 were in attendance at the ' meeting and the following officers I were elected: President, Walter Alle- I man; vice-president, W. H. Miller; j master of forms, Robert Keim; secre tary, Ed. 11. Wcigel; treasurer, J. M. Schaffer; conductor, Russell Bt (man;; i inspector, Robert Shuler; guard, j I Charles Pugli. J. I. Peifer was ap pointed chaplin and Jesse Wells was appointed secretary. 1 At the meeting of the Past Presi dents* Association, held in the eve ning. the following officers were elect ed: President, Frank Lindsey; vice president, John L. Porter; secretary, | Jesse Wells; treasurer, Joseph W. Brlcker. Mechanicsburg Firemen Celebrate 58th Anniversary Special to the Telegraph Mechanicsburg. Pa., Feb. 23. evening the fifty-eighth anniversary of the Washington Fire Company No. 1 was celebrated with a banquet.. E. C. Gardner was toastmaster and the program Included music by the orchestra: addresses by the Rev. Charles F. Raach, the Itev. H. Hall Sharp, the Rev. George Fulton, D. S. Walter, of the Citizen Fire Company, No. 2, fire chief; R. Wilson Hurst, of the Rescue Hook and Ladder Com pany, No. 1, first assistant fire chief; and Cyrus N. Williams, of the Wash ington Company, second assistant. On the committee of arrangements were Amos Arnold, M. G. Fernhaugh, | Warren Gill, A. F. Bihl, W. B. Raver, I Huston Eckels, Charles Yoke, Frank jz Dull, William Beitzel, Parker Rider, Wilson Kapp, Roy Aughinbaugli, [George McLane, Walter Gronbeck, I Harry Martin and C. M. Cocklin. Physician's Ashes Placed in Huntingdon Bank Vault Special to the Telegraph Huntingdon, Pa., Feb. 23. Dr. D. P. Miller, who died here last week, made a request before his death that his body should be cremated and the ashes buried in the family plot here. He had a stone cut in which the urn was to be placed. The body was cre mated at Pittsburgh and the ashes are now in the vault of the First Na tional Bank awaiting removal to the Huntingdon cemetery. BANK PRESIDENT CHOSEN Special to the Telegraph Palmyra, Pa., Feb. 23. Christian C. Gingrich, of Lawn, was yesterday elected president of the Valley Trust Company, to fill the vacancy caused by the death of Samuel F. Engle. Mr. Gingrich has been vice-president of the institution and W. I. Hess was elected to that, positioh. FARMERS' CLUB MEETS Special to the Telegraph Hogestown, Pa., Feb. 23. A meet ing of the McCormick Estate Farm ers' Club was held at. the Star farm yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Eshel man entertained the visiting members and Vance C. McCormick presided. Prof. McDo\ .11, of Pennsylvania State College, spoke on "Soil Fertility" and Jackson Boyd, of Bonnymead Karm made an address on "Milk Pro duction." Edward Co. 443 MarkeSt. Edward Co. 4 DAY CLOSING OUT SALE Going Out of Business END OF THIS MONTH Every suit for man, woman and boy, also coats, will be priced for quick selling; noth ing held back. The prices will be remarkably low, as it is a case of get rid of the merchandise. 450 SUITS—2SO OVERCOATS—IOO BOYS' SUITS V / ' N / — x Men's Overcoats all- Ladies' Coats A few Men's Finest Overcoats wool fabrics good styles; ladies' coats, small sizes of best all-wool materials; „o„h up to'sis. $3 . 95 $1.95 h c r°. s2S ;s7.9o Spot Cash *- M v V Men's Work Pants All Men's Suits of all-wool' One lot of feathers and sizes, good patterns; worth materials; worth up to S2O. Fancies; worth up to 2 1/ZQ C °h spo. 79c Spot QA $2.00. Spot Cash .... . 3Sh Cash W.SNJ / Boys' All-wool Suits " M f n ' s Overcoats of all- One lot of plaid skirts; One lot of all-wool suits; wool materials; worth up to worth up to $lO. fIJO OQ sizes to 18 years; worth $20.00. Spot QA Spot Cash $g 50> Spot Cash Cash V ——- *- 1 / Ladies' $25.00 Pile Plush f ■ , ■ \ Girls' Coats One lot of Coats One lot of these Ladies' Waists One lot coats> good st k and t _ of waists; worth up OQ- J v elegant coats; worth $25.00. to $i oo Spot Cash terns; ages 6to 14; worth s r "» h $11.90 v ' 5. 1 " 0 - Spot $2.79 Cash * _ ~: 7* v*asn L Ladies Coats—One lot of ladies' coats, fine quality; One lot of Girls' Coats; * , ~ / values up to S3O. QC ages 6to 14; worth up to Men s Hose One lot of q nnf . p a<sh „ r „ ' , . „ b P ot Cash 88.50. Spot "7Q men s hose, in black and 1 M 1./ *7 fancv colors: worth CIU _ V L , c e r, , O'/ZC One lot of Children s > 15c. Spot Cash.... Sweaters; worth 49c. 1 Q —; 777- -\ Snot Cash One lot of Waists of white / \ v voile and crepe; worth One lot of Ladies' Silk N $1.95.. Spot 7Q Waists; black and whitA One lot of Boys' All-wool Cash /5/ C stripes; value $2.95. 59c Suits; ages to 18 years; *■ Spot Cash Ui?v ' value $6.50. d?| OQ v 1 ' Spot Cash One lot of Ladies' Shawls, r One lot of Men's Suits, all 1 )ZZZ=Z=ZZZZZZZI i" white, pink, blue and gar wool materials; values to One lot of Men's Work- net * va l ues 9c to $1.25. 5T:..r.;..5 3.95 i n 9 l s s^ : c w a°h' h ... 19c 15c °39c V v * ' \ "\ \ A few elegant Evening One lot of Men's Fleece One lot Ladies' Summer Wraps; worth up to $35.00. Lined Underwear; worth Dresses; values to $12.50 Cash $3.95 £ sh s?ot 29c •& $ 1.95 EDWARD CO., 443 Market St. ■ ROYAL W. MYERS BURIED Special to the Telegraph Di"sburg, Pa., Feb. 23. Funeral' services for Royal W. Myers, the j farmer and trucker who was acciden tally killed on Sunday morning while j returning fx-om Harrisburg market, j was held this morning. Services were conducted in the Franklin Church by the Rev. C E. I-leffleger, pastor of the Dillsburg Reformed charge, and burial was made in the cemetery adjoining. EX-POSTMASTER ROSS. OF DILLSBURG, BURIED Special to the Telegraph Dillsburg, Pa., Feb. 23. —Funeral j services Tor Lemuel Ross, ex-post master of Dillsburg, who died at his home in South Baltimore street on i Sunday night, were held yesterday afternoon, conducted in the home by the Rev. J. Harvey Wolf, pastor of the Monaghan Presbyterian Church. Burial j was made in the Warrington Friends Meetinghouse Cemetery In Warrington township. 1 To attend the //ARRISBURG MOT OK aShow and not thoroughly inspect the 5 ! TWIN* SIX j is to disregard the recognized stand- ■ ard of perfection in a motor car. 5 The performance of this car in the hands of users verifies every claim made for the twelve cylinder motor and emphasizes its superiority ■ in any service. { From whatever standpoint an automobile is to be judged—whether performance, design or • value —it represents an advance so important as to demand your personal and critical attention. ■ J ■ PACKARD MOTOR CAR COMPANY of PHILADELPHIA 107 Market Street, Harruburg, Pa. SHEESLEY BARN BURNED Special to the Telegraph * Penbrook, Pa., Feb. 23.—Fire last night destroyed a large bank barn on the farm of Baron Shcesley, at Farm lyn, one and a half miles east of Pen brook. The farm, is tenanted by Harry Houck and the loss is estimated at $4,000. A lot of hay, straw and oats was destroyed, as well as farm ma chinery and implements. PASTOR ENTERTAINS MEMBERS Special to the Telegraph Columbia, Pa., Feb. 23. Nearly one hundred members of Grace Unit ed Evangelical church crowded the parsonage last night, and held a Martha Washington Tea and Social. The guests were entertained by the pastor, the Rev. George li. and his wife. A number were at tired in Continental costumes, repre senting the Revolutionary characters, and Miss Mildred Crlswell recited a poem entitled "Our Country." NO WORK FOR DRINKERS Special to the Telegraph ! Lewistown, Pa., Feb. 23. —A. J. J Haws & Co.. who have started a big | job in the Narrows east of town get ting: out ganister rock, will allow neither booze nor the man who drinks it on the job. The firm realizes that only sober men are fit to work at such I occupation. Only American citizens | will be employed. ; XEWREHRY TEACHERS RANQUET Special to the Telegraph J Lewisberry, Pa., Feb. 23. School : teachers of Newberry township held a banquet at the Lewisberry Hotel. The following were present: The i Misses Elsie Nebinger, Dillia Bruah, Ethyl Ki titer, Messrs. William C. Crone, Bruce a. Nebinger, Karl Ra shore, Robert W. Shupp, J. W. Weigle, John E. Whisler, M. 11. Reckley, and Wayne D. Kelly. J. E. Whisler was toastmaster.