Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, February 23, 1916, Image 18
Features Appearing Exclusively -IN THE HARRISBURG l|lffßll TELEGRAPH *N~mAEST [Oi WHAT HAPPENED TO JANE I FROM M vVl= —-nMV "THEIR MARRIED UFE" ——————» / (MARY ? JeOi / J \ Cofyrlght by International \cm Service By Virginia Terhune Van de Water / 5 ~ \ ' ================== - ' I ■■ j ) r \ k>yri«ht. 1916, International News "Where are you going?" „ man's *slrt»oe? 1 Janeiro' / I CvVk = ~" rT~~~ *° y f" Bee, | expla^ ned Warren In wo are any where "in" (Copyright, 1916, Star Co.) v- / X CtOV e ' \ most engaging manner, "you can argument." Mary nung her warning at her lk f ree her Whv ni / ' I i : ' ./ * \ two or three couples; we could "No, and a good reason for it, he recoiled, then recover- r , r , ® ,\. . • / I / / '// A ' a table of course." the minute I suggest asklnr And how had he darei f J\A . I I A / ////A low lovely, • said Helen en- sister and her husband you p another lie!" he exclaim- things he had just said to ~ <KY U f i //V / ///// 1 VStlcaUy, "whom shall we ask, to make yourself so dtsagr*, man if she was as decent K> / V y /////. that there is nothing: more for not a lie!" Jane spoke now **ad always seemed to be? , '// //////' K% * thought of the Bells; to say about the subject." first time. She had a de- ere not * & ood womaa ' '// '/'/ »ve had UB there so often." ''That's why I am leaving yo» feeling as if she were a Augustus Reeves would n '// • t/ .will be fine," and Helen settle it for yourself. You * of play and her turn had had her here as his firs* M JuZa r* <4 n / i' '// //.» / er brows a moment, seem to need my advice." i t speak. "She has told me companion and helper, then \\ <•/ )IVI /y / v . —i*/ 1 v> '/' lout Bob and Louise?" "I suppose you would rather . y<« in g not a thing except that| housekeeper, and now as the * \\ fft I has had bad news, that some- w ° m an In the house with his youi \\ rv 1 / I UCvl) '~~ V/ nint them In." shouted Warren sarcastically. "Thai is very 111 and that she must wi ™- would not have done that U I \ '// * who else?" would make the evening pleasant *> this person. But I mean that No-—things would never be »\ /yf ?v/' (/iS. ( Is /W v-/| Vx wouldn't want to ask Fred for us all." shall tell me, you or she, for same again now that her suspicion J }/ J // iTF Helen turned with flanr e's something I ought to know, were aroused. She would light rtr» —\ >yi \ \ ~jT\\\ 1/ x /vx I * heart • Already her cheeks, resolved not to stand that I mean to know." with her. Her husband was decelv \ i \ I \ \ r *ll j) / v/ I that the evennig would be added insult. But she contn "s nothing, Jane," Reeves de- j ing her about something. She wor \— / —.( I / // / U tt were dashed to the herself In time and proceeded with an effort to assume his And out what it was, even though \ \ i 1 I J // / How could Warren be her way to her own room. 3\ p jiner. "Nothing, that Is, that the only way to do this was to d' \ | j A / ..^?w U frr ss# m fell iu tlie Hvlngroom. Iht to hear. This woman —ceive him in turn. »// //////////\ / o Va f re| V v Lwalkr to the closet unable ' ;d to help her and this Is "Jane." Augustus Reeves cal \ —A \ \ J I//// '//////'//\ ////f s*y///SsSSSj<'Z. \ / ' 6 1 that t Hks I get. What she might from downstairs, "I've told Matf' II \ \ I/// /// /////A /// A [ --'• - * v *i / c * » too is something that no de- get ready for the next train. \l / \ \ 1 r/// // //////A // L / av ? > A jaan would want to know." will drive her to th* station it* Willi U///* ///////\ \4 ftiothered exclamation from few minutes. You'd better com . I A ] 1 \////y '///////\ JpT y / -Wr I / drew *lance to the down and see about putting din- I J/J 1 /////////f///\ "** / fan's facr resslon 6he ner on. I 1 Z//// // //y//// \ «l \jS" / smML*. Jniost fan- play was on and MANAGING THE CITY The Home of the New Idea W/ \ / \ By Frederic J. Haskin j»/ j|'' IJ f \ )ATTON, Ohio, might be called I city of i Dayton. Under the fln E trJ the most original city in Amer- slon manager a municipal g* ■?! K X £"7 lea without starting an argu-1 been established. All cars af . HBf B* l W%w//W/y/w///Wk »t. Bright ideas in city adminls- bered and labeled and kept V/ 188 yf, /r~)/ 'on seem to sprout and grow in I garage. When an employe ne» -- ton like crocuses in April. It was I automobile he signs a h. flfflw/yj Mw/W/Kj/fd). ,on, for example, that originated 1 showing how long he had It and' \JT Wmw// A /Mmf/MBK tsing of vacant lots for vegetable ho used it for. All repairs and afa.iiJß'iV'.S OMTMSu//, A y^nWN/mri >ns; organized the housekeepers Justments of the city's motor vehl '// 'A7//iJ/ff(/w\ « city into an Inspection force to are made at the garage, at a saving Im///Jw//i '// W//m//n/il(\ et the city Is kept clean; estab- several thousand dollars a year. , ~ 0 _ __ _ I, 1 1 W , ' nx . • !'■•[/ t| \w///W//A (//. W///^/Xl/fjA a free legal advice bureau, free Perhaps the crowning success OU KC. 1 rIC ONL.>( ['. ■■ \\ .• Rwiiw® 1 f\AN>r /• » W/iMUM, WiV/'Mfm/mOi J service for babies, and a mu- Dayton's new government is the great. IN THI& T~<£ "" 1 - 1 ■'■.■ i: • I CWC r Iff mm y/.\'/W/^KIJWi employment bureau to take ly reduced death rate among - & N r\ 1 TAWF / ' WHETHFR "WOIJ "WT R \w/AW/A ///1 wjffl/Vk';W f vagrants. babies. This is attributed to the - J. WON T LL; ; -ii. i . M W/A WA%\ V/Mv/\^k *e are only a few of the lnno- that now the city has, for the R oEAT - I DON'T ll , ''i DOWN OR NOT" I M IS \\v/// 'f/i\l' a that aro making Dajton fa- time, a health officer who glvea 'ANT TO SIT —' \ WANT Tfl /",nr acc 1 / f !Si W/i\V//Ab 1 WA The force back of its original of his time to the service. He r\ov y«Ti \ I \ ' OFF I It <A d fr^j rigorous policy is a olty-manager repeatedly discovered threatened ( UOyN. J "*> THE CAR.! 1 //////W/)mlillll^ of government. The commission demies a_nd stopped them. Under 1 V\ - - S v////fmrMllj \ occasional meetings to decide supervision of the health F#J >*4 I -r».ic I I V H.-/•] the general policies of the city 1 three baby clinics and four cer* I ' »'t s jistration, and the manager car- milk stations have been establi| < \ I RRIITF" 1 II 7l lem out. The commissioners get Mothers have made good use of t /~X\ m I t?rsv *-' 1 J \ '// AY ' a year, and. the mayor Free clinics for the treatment ol V / y 'manager, and he conducts the that a large numbet J ) >OQS )ss of Dayton with the same dis- people in Dayton could not afford v!V/ jf\ ,/ W / / /W^ —\\. \YJk?/Wp/ 8779 {With Bastinp Line and Added and efficiency that made him, buy fresh vegetables and that miA \\ JM \ I 'Af « \/} ! V IT 7 * Allowance) Tucked Blouse, Vful In ~ r °oerty 1a Ika city was ni « I \T/V V AT JB W VW Y 34 to 40 bust. 4py S Jyi \ )\ja SJ ll / }| V* 8755 Box Pitted Skirt, 24 to 30 waist. j h man y one J* is a new and smart one that appropriately N / /• * a Lr t can of the jcotton voile that is so / m 1 \ », L gette or soft finished taffeta orindeed * * \j. any similar material. The skirt is an ex -■Jmc gracefully, it also gives lonsr lines to the These Are Only a Few; There Are Many Others The news columns of the Telegraph contain the Associated Press dispatches of the world and gleanings of the Central Pa. field from 123 special correspondents. The Capitol Hill, State Pol itical, Railroad, Sporting and Social Pages are models of their kind and are quoted hy other newspapers throughout the State. And All This For the Price of— -6c a Week 2c For Single Copies By Telegraph Office Carrier From Newsboys or News Dealers HAKRISBURG ClSßftg TELEGRAPH