Features Appearing Exclusively IN T— HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH ______ ) IF rN I pit EST TO / INTEREST TO Tl WHAT HAPPENED TO JANE /ffjV "THEIR MARRIED LIFE" J V. J Copyright by intentallounl News Service By Virginia Terhune Van de Water / $ J \ f) \ zzzziizz ===============• - J ~~ \ fcyrlght, 1916, International News "Where are you going?" CHAPTER U. Mary would tell his wif« / '0 'J J I (C ■ r- A *° you aee -" explained Warren in wo are getting anywhere in fConvritrht 111 fi Star Co 1 man's existence? Jane re< / 1 >) \ most engaging manner, "you can argument." J . ' ' ■ , , he had warned her not to / \ *f> two or three couples', we could "No, and a good reason for it, Mary flung her warning at her talk ( ree i y to her. Why n« / W f . /// \ ' a table of course." the minute I suggest askinf he recoiled, then recover- And hQw ha 't'/\ .v® had us there s° °tte n ." ♦♦7 h, £ a , Why 1 an ' leaving yo. feeling as if she were a Augustus Reeves would n of Iv and her tun had hud her here as his firs. . H r>S) ,4 M/ WVWsfA V> //.. / her brows a moment, seem to neeu my advice or pia> ana nor luin nau romnanion , v, Pin pi- theTl \\ Jk? f.#y kiW X///Xs¥\ .. I /A /// I ,out Bob and Louise?' I suppose you would rather .a* > 1 ■peak. She has t°ld me V » \\ J%! W I will come of course. We me ask your friend Ned Burns," h£,7iadbao —things would never be '\ /jy I ArV\ ) // I »rrle'" Helen turned with flair shall tell me. you or she. for j same again now that her suspicion I- \/"\ j / y Z/>, / "jn's heart fell. Already her cheeks, resolved not to stand « s something 1 ought to know were aroused. She would fight fir. \\ I ) \ ?/I * J 1 '/// I that the evennig would be added insult. But she contri that 1 mean to know. with her. Her husband was deceiv 1 .IN \ K -11. s nothing, Jane.' Reeves de- tng her about something. She wot' \— —I I V XI y / '/, / #nd. How could Warren be her way to her own room. Si' with an effort to assume his find out what it was, even thoug' \ \ w I 1 \ ± '/ / thoughtless. fell in the livingroom. ."ner. "Nothing, that is. that the only way to do this was to d' \ Z//////^~rri — 1 '/ / "Oh, Warren," \ ".'H«st walk/-" to the closet unable 7ht to hear. This woman ceive him in turn. V— —\ ( . //. ///////f//\ , . / w B don'S f ( TM that «; /d to help her and this is "Jane," Augustus Reeves cal \ //\ \ ") J ] \fy/ ' ///,////\ ////-too aiks I get. What she might from downstairs, "I've told Maw —II \ \ j/// '////////\ I / " v ave j A is something that no de- get ready for the next train, a U / \ * \ I/A/ // U / sist» 4 vnan would want to know." will drive her to tht, station it. \\ / I \ \ l/X// ///////\ t \ mothered exclamation from few minutes.- You'd better com, I ,1 I I \l//// / //////\ (9. f drew ylance to the down and see about putting din- mi \ \\///////////A »ns fa / iflH there Jmost fas- "*>e was moving on and shf | The Home of the New Idea By Frederic J. Haskin Ui "\AYTON, Ohio, might be called | city of Dayton. Under the E / /7 M J 1 the most original city in Ainer- ! sion manager a municipal g* - Kl K f Jr-J ica without starting an argu- ; been established. All cars at Ho K / /5r7/ O/// '/// W/y/////mffa I «t Bright ideas in city adminis-1 bered and labeled and kept flEs i\ J V tf<% y///W///////WJfa •on seem to sprout and grow in garage. When an employe ne« % . K4t2t (on like crocuses in April. It was automobile he signs a 'on. for example, that originated ; showing how long he had It and UmVM V/YMW/W^ islng of vacant lots for vegetable 'ho used it for. repairs and WW/ yM y/WZ/m/Mm. «ns- organized the housekeepers ; justments of the city's motor velii ftV//AV////,m//m/W^ . city into an inspection force to are made at the garage, at a savini , - ■ft W'/A'/// ■at the citv is kept clean; estab- several thousand dollars a year. 'rul'PF THF HNI V . W m///m//j "// \ '///MM'/VA free legal advice bureau, free Perhaps the crowning success Kt THE M a " ' : I DOti'T h /« fIM 'A t Y/MmWk 1 service for babies, and a mu- Dayton s new government is the great. HTLEMATS IM THIS ../ljct-t-.jr-r, % ' W/A W % v//M/M/m. pmnlnvmcnt bureau to take !y reduced death rate among - ANP> I V/r*N'T TAKF I WHETHER ' L B IW//A Zl \ Y//m///\/WK r vaeratlts babies. This is attributed to the Q crr/wX- . 1 : IVlWrvl r\R IMrtT - I T [WA WA % I "//M/M/m. Ie are only a few of the inno- .hat now the city has. for the R SEAT - I DON'T \ -J; p that art' making Dayton fa- 'ime, a health officer who gives ANT TO SIT C * \ l' WANT TO CIT OFF f \mAM%V/ I The force back of its original of his time to the service. He nnwN , \ 1 s THF fAD » I V/Wll WW, V/Mt W/W/AN MK r i„„ r rmiioy is X citv-manager repeatedly discovered threatened ( j m| V.r\rs. y \AAW/A/X/^A\////^V///AWAAxIMA of government. The commission demies and stopped them. Under 1 \J \^rnm"R, JrJ 'il f W/fk ////MUIT^ occasional meetings to decide 1 supervision health depart* O 7>|£ I JiU 3S€Htiß«s«"3gia J^&lW and efficiency that made him ] buy fresh diat mu, JjS but! Blouse, made of volle_ that is^ S 4= ceptionally good one. It is made in six • ' ~~ * ' "t(nuii«r gores and each gore forms a box-plait, consequently while it flares prettily and >w gracefully, it also gives long lines to the These Are Only a Few; The news columns of the Telegraph contain the Associated Press dispatches of the world and gleanings of the Central Pa. field I from 123 special correspondents. The Capitol Hill, State Pol ltical, Railroad, Sporting and Social Pages are models of their kind and are quoted by other newspapers throughout the State. And All This For the Price of— -6c a Week 2c For Single Copies By Telegraph Office Carrier HARRISBURG FCSSFE TELEGRAPH