Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, February 15, 1916, Page 6, Image 6
Features Appearing Exclusively IN THE —- HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH if inisurest tu /i interest to ti WHAT HAPPENED TO JANE I from - "THEIR l^IFE' / v J \ Copyright by Inleruatloniil \cn> Service By Virginia Terhune Van de Water / « ~ \ ~ / * \ b.vrtght, 1916, International News "Where are you going?" fTTAPTTR t,i I \f»pv vamih toil v»i« \ ( I ✓V'x ~\ Service.) Into my room. I don't see . ~ I*L ~ v mftV« Tfln, r f, / T Vx ' "\ ~ == — r-—*° you aie *" explained Warren in we are getting: anywhere in (Copyright. 1916, Star Co.) h« kJ/iarn^H'),»? t„ / JV GrOvc) \ • most engaging manner, "you can argument." Mary Hung her warning at her ~k f re »iv tn h.r w£,. ,?« / St i — : ' <• \ *" two or three couples; we could "No, and a good reason for It, he recoiled, then recover- tal * rr«e'> toner, why ni J . /// \ • a table of course." tUe minute I suggest askln* \ And how had he darei f • I L // / I ////A l ow lovely." said Helen en- sister and her husband you p \> another lie!" he exclaim- i 'hings he had just said to I (Sjf k f t r-L / '//// A 'astically, "whom shall we ask, to make yourself so disagrt,. j man if she was as decent ' , K> (tfLsifo. V '/, ////f\ Z - Uat there is nothing more for not a lie! " Jane spoke now I had always seemed to be? tyS?J\ ' //. //////• fcy, I thought of the Bells; to say about the subject." .e first time. She had a de- \ VBr ® not a good woman. AW / V9i(//\ /AX CVwtf / //, //'/ Ve had us there so often." "That's why Tam leaving yoi 1 feeling as If she were a * u ? u * ,u * Beeves would not "Hy / J*), ysv . // ,w*ill be fine," and Helen settle it for yourself. You f of play and her turn had had her here as his drat n Jfatf c•. j mm B / MJc) (/ //. / her brows a moment, seem to need my advice." t ipeak. "She has told me companion and helper. theti \\ yf/ HI W t .- ItT '— - i '/, f/'t *° ,,t .®°h and Louise?" "I suppose you would rather . ,#e (.ng 1 not & thing except that housekeeper, and now as the u /%■ f X- vt'/xKirZ 17 vf JC/VV //. will come of course. We me ask your friend Ned Burns." has had bad news, that some- woman In the house with his youi l\ n I / |I v ( ("T " 7/ ' unt them in." shouted Warren sarcastically. "That is very ill and that she must wi.e. He would not have done tha* U I v_^»- \ - // =; . who else?" would make the evening pleasant •o this person. But I mean that ; No—things would never b* '\ /f V_/l '// 1 ' ' wou l dn ' t want to ask Fred for us all." shall tell me. you or she. for same again now that her V t x /'. 'l j J y/ I «rrie?" j Helen turned with flarr e's something T ought to know, were aroused. She would fight fi»- \ \~* / ) 1/ / V/fr I * i ns heart fell. Already her; cheeks, resolved not to stand that T mean to know." with her. Her husband was decei* \ i) \I H \r\ Jl I / 1~~ /Zf I at tl)e ev ennig would be: added insult. But she contn fc's nothing. Jane." Reeves de-' ing her about something. She wor \— j! .[ I \y> l/*) / // / ' /t>r ' un were dashed to the herself in time and proceeded Jt with an effort to assume his find out what it was, even thoug' \ / \ \ I -JI // / * nd ' How could Warren be [ her way to her own room. SJ' ■manner. "Nothing, that Is. that the only way to do this was to d» \ )" V | -• / / thoughtless. fell in the livingroom. to hear. This woman reive him in turn. \ — *V».\v // ///////Z/A. | / / "Oh. Warren," *• - '[_ walk.' ' to the closet unable id to help her and this is "Jane," Augustus Reeves \ |_ll \ \ ) ' I&// //////'//\ //// f SSS yJ7\s/ \ / ■*«? We don'<t t I r» that k aiks I get. What she might from downstairs, "I've told Mar' —II \ \ /yS\ r//y ////////A. ///A\ v > too is something that no de- get ready for the next train, k i! / \ \ \ ftV/ ///f////\ J) / L . / l ' av ® > ft *n«n would want to know." will drive her to th* station n« \\ / ] I \ •mothered exclamation from few minutes. You'd better coir. / 1 \ /////'///////\ Ib. / ** *&t drew Jat)»i» vlanc.e to the down and • see about putting din- L I 'fyj 1 l///////////jA *"'s she ner on. I * 1 I////. '////y///\ V ol ,i<Vl / dlmost fas- e play was and sljf | J' MANAGING THE CITY 1 The Home of the New Idea Jim Ww \ I J SfcSt sS \ By Frederic J. Haskin I )AYTON. Ohio, might be called I dty of Dayton. Under the -j- ■ K / L-U §%%% the most original city in Amer-jsion manager a municipal gA IHE HF f 7 7 ica without starting an argu- : been established. All cars a. . /VO* Kn « W'A m v/jv///// /VMt. «»t. Bright ideas in city adminis- ; bered and labeled and kept VAI-6.MTIME t l« yf /ir~J/ WftA '///, yMy/////wJ& jllon seem to sprout and grow in garage. When an employe ne> v yfo'A '// a , v *on like crocuses in April. It was aii uinobile he signs a ' n//A <W vmvjfflyMWi Vn. for example, that originated * "'ng how long he had it and * 1 Uw\ V// VW/7/w//v3lh Using of vacant,lots for vegetable § I it for. All repairs and »ns; organised .the housekeep f > 's of the city's motor vein • tw//AW, p ritv into an iispection force 'tu e at the garage, at a savin f, \m//JA '/A 0/St¥Z/MwffiiA Ist the city is y.ept cif-an: •: -1-- 'housand dollars a year. -01 I'DP tup n/ I "Vi / 1 1 f tt a free legal advice bureau. ,c P.-rhups the crowning success v oul<t 'HC OriL\ I •„&... «VL , ftrtNMr -. __ B IM'//. Ufa, service for babies, an l a ritvi- Dayton's new government is the gi eat* itleman ih THIS 'i w;;» 1 " —*~-r —rr ; » \ 1 uun T carc f / 1 employment bureau to take l.v reduced death rate among - awrv • \./r\IM«T TAVrc -'/W .!„'*»]. ** ■ 'M_ WHETHFR VOL) SIT i rWWK' A WH. //■w//MMA f vagrants. babies. This is attributed to the tJe J-L. (. 1 •. • fri. . . rs-. * bw/'Alt/'// '/)!lk'///W///H/]nK j» are onlv a few of the inno- that now the city has, for the R SEAT - I DON'T J • -* ' - "i_—6-\——_ I DOWN NOT " I i rWfflwW// VMK ' f I • that are making Dayton fa- time, a health officer who gives 'ANT TO StT /■ ~"" \ WANT Tn nT nrr iWA W/'A vM ('/// %,/I' M The force back of lis original of his time to thi» service. He inzsv i C \ L ' OFF ®l vigorous policy is a clty-mahager repeatedly discovered threatened / UOyvN . ) 1 'HE / r cf government. The commission demies and stopped them. Undo. T~~I ■- - - ✓ ' occasional meetings to decide supervision health depart" f I v y A listration, and the manager car- milk stations have been estabi \ I pspi ITF " ) 111 1 |«m out get' Nt others good use V r J 1 >SR n <Tf B Dnvton with the same dis- people in Paytfln could not afford j j/f J \v__A —a \\ 87-0 (With Rmtino tin* n» A AM.A snd efficiency that made him buy fresh vegetables and that mil \ \ US \ iff >4 \\ Will In 'p* former profes* 1 ""-operty U>« city was n< I >yir/V I S BWJ vf bu,t fcolr , 4m "»m \ Jp fc/ > 8755 Box Plaited Skirt, 24t030 waist. any material! The skirt is an ex ' "• _ gores and each gore forms a box-plait, —-J—< ' . gracefully, it also gives lons- lines to th« These Are Only a Few; \ Tke news columns of tlie TelegrapK contain tlie Associated Press aispatcliee of tke world and gleanings of tke Central Pa., field from 123 special correspondents. Tke Capitol Hill, State, Pol itical, Railroad, Sporting and Social Pages are models of tkeir kind and are quoted ky otker newspapers tkrougkout tke State. And All This For the Price of— -6c a Week 2c For Single Copies By Telegraph Carrier TUESDAY EVENING, HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH FEBRUARY 15, 1916. 6