Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, February 11, 1916, Page 22, Image 22

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| SEE ADDITIONAL NEWS OF THE P <£; SteWOTt [ ExCept ' Q 7^ n \t Ue S S a !:: f h :hfc!,o a k n s t oc a k tory )
Sale of the L. W. Cook Stock Is Establishing New Records For Daily
Sales: Only Extraordinary Values Could Accomplish Such .Results
TheLogicalTirnetoßuySpringDressCottons IL. W.Cook's Corsets) Cook's LaCeS Embroideries
Is Now in the Sale of the L. W. Cook Stock ACWSfcriS 1 _ .
Values that will not be duplicated at any other time this year invite you to 36. OXICI J. TIITIITII tl \ ill (T IFI (TS
memorable savings. L \V. Cook's price, were 50c & &
Dress cinehams. L. W. Cook's price. \2/iC. Our price, yard 10f to S3.JO. 0 _ COOK S IIACES COOK'S KMBROIIJERIES
Scotch ginghams. 32 inches wide, in plaids and neat checks. L. W. Cook's price, yard. 23c. pr,CCS ra " ge fr ° m 2 °* t0 Valenciennes lace edges and insertions?"" £^ ln,ertloß "- Our Prt,
Our price, yard J t> pnfrr) n n e t r nr c P t Wm- Cooks price, yard, 8c I a yds. for 25c i2".c v.
Crepe kimono suiting. 1.. W . Cooks price. 18c. Our price, yard 8c onstration will be continued to- Valenciennes lace edges and insertions; 18c V.V.V.V.V.V..V. 8c
• . . r , - . ~ „ „ _ > . L.ace edges and insertions in white and n „.
/ good shades for house inches Wide, stripes and Dives. Pomeroy & Stewart, Bern' Cnnk'. nrice vard 2Bc , Our I'rico
VarH • Hi/ib «nlirl ohaHoc Varrl I l Second Moor. ct ™- Cook s price, yard, 46c ... ,>C Edgings, insertions and galloons; Cook's
y jmk dresses. xard ..... 0/2$ solid snaaes. 1 ara .. V T.,ace edges and insertions in white and price, values to 50c l'*»'c
r \ 10c percales, 36 inches 15c dress ginghams; 32 o 1 • \r * - ecru; Cook's price, yard, 50c 10c Flouncing. 12 and 17 inches and corset
/ \ wlde ' l! ff ht and dark inches wide. Yard. 12'/,# OUnSlline Valentine Vcnise and f&ncy ,at:e bands - 3 to 6 cover embroidery, 17 inches wide; Cook's
1 , X \ grounds Yard .... t , , inches; Cook's price, values to $2.50 25c price 30c |»,.
v, \ \ h -)/-> t_ -x- -}/: • I-72C lancy plaids tor A . . r 1 Venise lace allovers in white and ecru; Embroidery edging, Bto 12 inches 4 Cook's
\ \ 20c nub suiting; 36 in- children ' s dresses, crepe Assortment Ot CakeS Cook, price value-to »2.00 ! 50c price 30c 15 c
'/ 1 \ ches wide; in solid shades. I, v»-,l ~ Allover shadow lace in white and ecru; Organdie and Swiss embroidery flouncing
f J Y arc i Hydrox Citrus Philopena Cooks price, values to $1.25 25c IIS and 27 inches; Cook's price, values to 75c 25c
15c wash serge in wool Bates gingham. Orbit Vancho Tea Bobby Burns Embroidered voile flouncing, 40 inches; Cook's price, values to $1.25, 4»c,
/ finish ; cream grounds, neat ard **. Regular 40c variety. Special, lb., i Swiss, voile and crepe flouncing. 45 inches; Cook's price, values to $3.00 F*7
\ 4"/ colored stripes. Yard. 1 0f pique in pink, blue, Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Basement. COOK'S DRESS TRIMMINGS 98C
\ 25c fancy crepes in solid y« )imNn and - Fancy and plain braids—
\ sh 'iy,c flnlieiie to B nlt *>4 fHE Birth of a Nation is 552 |SS .v.:.v.r.v.:;v.'.:.v.v.:.v.v.v.'.v.-.v.-.v.v.'.'.v. Z
s tvles. Yard wide, 111 light grounds and ' A founded on the book, Fancy guimpes and braids— j—
\ 'l2(ic crepe "in" good stripes. Yard, "The Clansman," by Dixon] 50 »
Styles. Yard 8f '*'• | Price 500! it'
We'd Save Money to Put These Cook Linens in Hosiery Underwear Bargains Were Never More
Our Reserve Stock For Regular Sales in the Future Convincing: Items For Men, Women Children
, But that would be contrary to our long-established policy of distributing to our patrons the T,le sa,e tlle L ' : Cook . stock of hosier y ancl underwear makes for savings of a kind
, , ~ . " . " 1 : that may not be matched in Harrisburg for many a dav. There are hundreds of attractive bar
advantages that come to us from time to time. ' gains, among them these:
The sale of the L. W. Cook stock means a 111 io-litv p-ond onnortnnitv tn pvcrv to MEN'S UNDERWEAR
' d 'fe 1 ' I .' t-> ouu opportunity to e\ci\
, , , , Price, each 790 88c
CnjO} sa\ ings that won t soon be lepeated. Heavy grey cotton ribbed shirts and drawers. Cook's price MEN'S SOCKS
! 50c. Our Price 39c Cook's 50c silk black and colored socks. Our Price 39c
All Linen and Mercerized Damask Ak Huck and-Turkish Towels cook s heavy fleece lined shirts and drawers, our price, Pr Vce° k s 37 ' /ic lisle anU cotton socks; black and colored, our
Mc a" line., table damask 70 Inchea wide, ,75c W and Crashes ""t'ook's 'si.so heavy 'natural''wool' shir'ts' and dowers.'' oJr Price 014 ' 8 *"* COUO " faVh ' fe;,V '
J/!? /'' am ' es ' 89 *' Regular 8c huck towels, with red border; si»e- | Price SI.OO Cook's 19c iisie seamless socks "Our' Price t
M.2.> all linen tabic damask. 70 inches >vide, SI Ml .Jftlk dally in this sale, each 5c Cooks $3.00 heavy natural wool union suits. Our Price, 52.50 Cook's 12 tie lisle and cotton <sork«i Our T>rW a..
Sl.s# new patterns of extra quality table Unen. iiMtk Regular 15c Tuikish towels wnvpv , g rtumrpiiii, »n I , 1 " lce
72 inches wu.e ....... .. .... . . $ ,. 3 » !?o S uU,r 17c Turkish towels lie r„„ k Sl °?"' D^_ S "P™®* Women's lisle hose, seamless, black
50c mei-ceriml table damnsk. 61 inches wide; Mt&T) \ ' i Hc«ular I»«• Turkish towels 17c ... wllJht iiS Women s silk hose, plain and fancy; and tun; Cook's prices 19c and 25c. Our
yard 35e WTM i 25c Turkish towels !...21c ? U . r f r,ce ' s price $1.60. Our Price. ... SI.OO Price 12V,c
T, . C , rMM j3yi| 39c extra heavy Turkish towels 28c r tn- onri ir. i' Vo "'® n 8 L 1 J n colors ; Cook's Women's cotton hose, in black and tan
BedSpreads WlUte towcllnK «lUi red borders: limit, 10 yards ! Our Prieib prl i|f 75c and SI.OO. Our Price 08c and white; Cook's price 12 '/ 2 c. Our
"•"TfiSSfiwjSLjtiSjPij |,» to a customer: per yard 2c „ i t vv omen s silk hose in colors; Cook's Price 9e
«ttc crochet spreads. 72x81 inches; limit, 2to a BfflßnJßF"ft ™ Regular 7c crash: special, vard 5c v- me^!> u ?i
customer. 47c ( Z**™ Rcpular 15c all linen crash; special, yard, 12 %c ~ 00 o. r Priri P * 4?. r- W lr omen t 8 r b ' ack co "°. n lisle h 08 ": 1 »c. Our Price 12«4c
81.25 miehet spreads SI.OO 1 Regular 18c all linen crash: special, yard, 15c Cook'a 11 00 whitV * wAAI' 'v~t« C °w ® Pr ce s °« Our Price ..... 39c Children's black cotton hose; Cook's
SI..U crochet spreads „. M \ rav „, Pom , ro) . t slew „ rl _ st „ et Floo , , Out pjC". .T°. .. "! . "Sj «»!4«!oSe Ss&,'*K &SSZn^M'yiJ?.
Every Woman Will Want a Undermuslins and Negligees Reduced White Weaves For Spring
Half Dozen Pair of These To Pnces Whlch lnvite Active B^in S Dresses Have Been Given
Reduced Cook Gloves The L.W.Cook Stock Shows Great Bargains New Low Prices
Notable glove savings for to-morrow include: GowM ' ' ,Ce w ' mbroidery triu,mcd ' L ' w - Cook ' s '**>> »•» t0 « 1000 '
\\ omen s two-clasp kid gloves; in black, white and colors. oo@ to s«>.oo s«ic i rirr
L. W. Cook's prices, $1.25 to $1.65. Our price $1.19 Envelope chemise. L. W. Cook's prices, SI.OO to $6.95. Our prices ,~A)e to 10 >' a,cls of Longcloth; regularly 59c a piece 4J)<*
Women's one-clasp kid gloves with P. K. stitching, in Combinations. L. W. Cook's prie'es, SI.OO to $4.50. Our prices 50<! to $3.95 15c Stri P c antl Check Lawns lOe
black, white. L. W. Cook's price, $1.."»0. Our price, $1.29 Silk jersey combinations, light blue or pink. L. W. Cook's price. $3.00. Our price, $3.50 12^c Lawn ' P lain - 36 inches wide
\\ omen s two-clasp kid gloves in black, white and colors. White aprons with bib or small fancy aprons. L. W. Cook's prices, 50c to $1.50 Our prices 15c India Linon lO<i
L. \V\ Cook's price $1.(55. Our price $1.50 " 39* and
colors 1 W Cook's
Women's 12 and llbuiton'lenph 'lid 'of'
doeskin and Glace kid; in broken sizes. L. W. Cook's prices, '^ c Plain Twin Weave Voile for curtains, 27 inches wide, 1
$2.2.i to s3.no. Our price $1.98 P7 \>f
\\ omen s 16-button length silk and leatherette gloves, in I I*OlXl iVl3.riy VV QlSl wTyiCS# 29c Crepe Stripe Voile, 38 inches wide 1
natural. tan, grey and black. L. \\ . Cocks prices, SI.OO and 50 styles of waists of voile, madras, novelty, check or striped voile, or all-over embroidery; 15c Nainsook, 36 inches wide 10<-
<Jur price (lOc* •
v semi-tailored or trimmed with lace or embroidery insertion or panels. Special SI.OO 36-inch extra heavy Crepe Skirting; regularly 50c 39tf
Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart. Street Floor. '
Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Second Floor. Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart. Street Floor.
Mill and Factory Sale Specials $1.50 fountain pens. 14-K sold, self-tiller type. ) Women's and Misses* Silk Cloth Dresses
v X Reduced to SI.OO
from the Shoe Section Reduced: Garments From the L.W. Cook
Vlll lllv/ UlIUv/ kJVu'V/ IX vJI. I. UOc P' ,wto albums; sizes 10x12 Inches. Special
Men's $1.50 black kidskin Romeo slippers. | Women's 50c rubbers, two styles toe and 73 ° plwto StOCk UlldCr Regular PnC6
Mill and Factory Sale Price 49« | heel shapes. Mill and Factory Sale Price,3Bo n * Ular 30C
Men's SI.OO rubbers for high toe shoes. Children's $1.25 rubber boots, sizes 6 to Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart-Street Floor. '»g a mark of individuality customarily found in frocks of much higher price; several of
Mill and Factorv Sale Price 10tX \Till . th e styles made with plaid silk and solid color serges with trimming of Hercules silk braid.
... , . / - tactory saie rnce Reduced to SIO.OO
Women: s $1.50 black kldskm lace shoes Children's 55c storm cut rubber; sizes 6to ,| $ , 500 $ , g , 0 p , aid taf)feta an( , scrge conlsination dresses with coUar o( , aille
" 1 1 hning, sizes 3 and 3 1 /. Mill 10. Mill and Factory Sale Price ' n w^'te » l ror, t panel of skirt trimmed with covered buttons. Reduced to ... SIO.OO
and. Factor Price •••••• j Women s shopping rubbers, no heels, Vlj fn* Women's and- Misses' Coats and Suits at Extraordinary Savings
Girls $2.00 black kidskin lace shoes with . small enough to slip in shopping bag; sizes ' ,e announce *Or women's and Mines' covert, .tripe and aoiid «
low flat heels; sizes 2*. 3 and 3/ 2 . Mill and | 2/, to 6. Mill and Factory Sale Price.. 25* tn-moriW and IMni = M frU° ZlboTo Jgk
Factory Sale Price 95<ft Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart—Street Floor, Rear. / /l $12.50. Extra special SI.OO
' / / Women's and Misses' winter coats tn navy ■■ *♦ M. —"
— -r,to blue boucle, checked and striped, all wool fA( / / ,
i Oa-yS a/l C weaves; three-quarter lengrth styles; sizes 16 ✓/
The Greatest Curtain Bargains in the j?J- 7 U */!
O 2Tlt6Fi?St'l?7.£> dlSpJd.\S O/ "th.6 Full lensth fine quality ponyskin coats: sizes \ ■N JaWr /
_ a r , VN /// 36 and 38; L. W. Cook's prices $69.00 and c -f / /
IT T ,/l/ , // $85.00. Our Prices 815.00 and $30.00 < WmiJ /
S nisrorv O t y/^iS 1 $20.00, $26.00 and $30.00 coats in duvetyn, V\ r / \
/ velour delaine, chifton broadcloth, zlbeline and I / lSf,V\ f J v\
1,000 curtain strips, in white and ecru. L. W. Cook's prices, SI.OO to $4.00. gA J n f lnX'Tair. 6 : 50 $°io!ooto
Our price, pair n \ t f A " Woo ' Krey ' tan ' mahogany and navy blue / 1 I
l'ancy cretonne and chintz, 36 inches wide. L. W. Cook's prices, 25c and 29c. A DP/flo If j If/ /? / uw. cock's' pVice8 ei Vi 7!s o",' Z $ 18 * \ //, / yi\
Our price, ) f ard IHr 1 11 J 11/1111<CI y an<] $19.50. our Price $3.50 r L, 1/ \\ \
r „ . . r ... ~ , ' /' /) / / // Nav >' blue an(l black suits of fine quality / \ \ \\ \
1 lam and fancy silkoline tor comforts and drapery; 36 inches wide L W Cook's O / / / // serge, poplin, gabardine; in sizes 14 to 42, in- // E / v \
prior. 12/.C. Our price, yard ' OC to V>hkh you are COrdiJy &/) «£> / , .XA V>-
Fancy net and scrim. 1.. W. Cook's prices, ,25c and 29c. Our price, Ig, , . // / i«i» iVatt«hW.'i'oljiV'c'K? h "Ji IT - '
jl «| 1 >f7V/TF*C2 chilla, solid colored kersey and serge coats; /r 1£ •*-"¥ iv
Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Third Floor. / Prices . C ° ok .' B . SfcM £* V