Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, February 08, 1916, Page 7, Image 7

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    I Emulsion J
Patent Notice Toilet /"T"\
( cutic«ra \ Medicines ( phlogistine ) I ( Lung J Articlss Carter's A I
I ointment J ; \ I These special salas are V "«f r J I k. &b. Tea 1
V J iS?um"'fo^um.«ism::::::-lit notiatendedfor dealers, \/ 7 50c Dagge " and Ramsde " Cold \ i*t
- 50c E1 Rado Hair Remover 39c? '
tufc&a Tonsiline
50c Williams Pink Pi! 10* tfiCt 'OlllT CtISIOmOITS 111 25c Roger and Gallet Rice Powder, 33*
50c Cal. Syrup of Figs 39* / \ _... __ aL- „i_ X \ 50c Hinds' Honey and Almond Cream, X
/ \ $1.50 Feiiows syrup ~.. 93* / soc \ any way we think nec- / M erck'<* \ / tun \
■ / r» "o fol \ Sulfo-Sage Hair Color 34* I Canthrox \ P k SQ/31"V / I 25c Freeman's Face Powder 17* / -p ii , \
I >L ri I S IOO Bromo Seltzer 5T* I Shampoo I ' I Milk Sugar I Dorin's Rouge Brunette 19* I Fellows I
\ Cream I 25c Holmes Frostilla l.»* Y J \ in J SIOO Azurea Face Powder 71* \ Hypo
\ 99<* / 50c Resinol 34* \ 28<f J \ I9<* j 50c Java Rice Powder 28* \ phosphites /
m \ X S LO ° Nux-ated Iron Tablets (>7<* \. S \ / 50c 4711 Face Powder 23* \ 930 /
X. .X 50c Doan's Kidney Pills 33* \ 'n V 25c Crown Rice Powder 17* \. S
50c Pape s Diapepsin 39* JE!w x 5 JLJL jI> Cbs JLaJL F 50c Derma Viva Powder ■■
50c Dioxogen 39e 50c Charles' Face Powder 17*
SI.OO Enos Salts 59* We are never undersold. 25c Cuticura Soap JB^
X X 75c Hall's Catarrh Cure 45* X $1.75 \ X X 25c Aubrey Sisters' Goods 17* / \
/ SI.OO \ 50c DeWitt's Kidney Pills 35* / * \ We meet all advertised prices. / $1 Q() \ 75c Mary Garden Talcum Powder, 38* / 50c \ 1
I DD D \ S IOO Stearn s Wine Cod L. Oil 59* I S. \ No phone orders filled. / -p • 1 \ 15c Sanitol Face Cream 14* / \
I For Eczema I S Mcdiclnes I o SWI^ S ) No mail orders filled. . Ointment I 25c Jess Talcum Powder ~l4* [ Solvax ]
I I 75c Nujol I Specific / I Uintment I 15 C Mennens Talcum Powder 11 I /
\ .)9f / 50c Russian Mineral Oil 34* \ rt / No goods delivered. \ J 25c Sanitol Tooth Liquid 14tf V
■ \ J SI.OO Sargol 55* \ / - _ . \ X 25c Satin Skin Cream 15* \ /
V SI.OO Hood's Sarsaparilla 59* V. X At I flBSe "riCCS 50c Palm Olive Shampoo 39* V X
Olive Oil 180, 38*. TSO * 25c Sanitol Tooth Paste 14*
V ' \ *- 1
( Wampoles \ f Peruna | \ f \ f Foley's \ ( Nulfey \ f ( Eckman's |
g Liver Oil J X onic \ Jads Bell-ansy & Tar J fListerine \ \ g
1 Remember the Place f^TTVTTVT C 321 I
*| and Number <1 1 XZ^i—l » Market Street 1
1 5 — ——miiiiiiiiiii mill 11 iiiuinuiß^mfeMß mmmmumi mm iiiiiiiiiimiiiii—llll—■!— mmm\
[Continued I-'rom First Page.]
men in Harrisburg." he asked, "do
you suppose that the man who must
pay your city a certain amount for'
1 he privilege of operating will permit
someone else to conduct the same!
business and not pay for it'.' No bet-i
ter detectives could be employed tlian j
tlio licensed ,litney men."
Mr. Rupley however, wanted the'
jitneymen's ideas as to a substitute,
for a bond adopted. The new rules 1
follow the old ordinance except with |
relation to the bond requirements.
The present measure fixes S2OOO. The
jitney men want this eliminated and i
suggest instead that each operator of
a jitney pay in SSO to the city treasury
until a fund of at least $2500 is
raised. This can be held as a nucleus;
against which any suits for damages'
I I.
So Decept
Many Harrisburg People Fail to
Realize the Seriousness
Backache is so deceptive.
It comes and goes keeps you
l,earn the cause—then cure it. ,
Possibly it's weak kidneys.
That's why Doan's Kidney Pills are j
so effective.
They're especially for weak or dis-1
ordered kidneys.
Mere's a Harrisburg case.
•Mrs. Wm. Shearer, "14 Nectarin St.,
Harrisburg, says: "Whenever I get a!
pain in my back. I take a few doses;
of Doan's Kidney Pills and they never
fail to give relief. Others of my fam
ily have also found them very bene
Price 50c. at all dealers. Don't
simply ask for a kidney remedy—get
Doan's Kidney Pills the same that
Sirs. Shearer had. Foster-Milburn
Co., Props., Buffalo, N. Y.
Bringing Up Father <s ###((s) # By McManus
i _ a. J ) I HWEHT A CENT- i l
Sn i wine «« — —l l rT « Juvr <i*vE me \[ &H f that jovr 1
°" J |
, may be filed. The deposit for the
next fifty licenses should be fixed at
j $25 and a like amount should then
( be returned to the first 50 licensees,
i This would actually mean that if there
i are 100 licenses, the amount de
posited would be $25 apiece.
Mayor Meals Issues Warning
Should the fund held by the city
treasurer at any time not be sufficient
to cover the amount of damages that
may be recovered by anyone for in
! juries, than an assessment sufficient ]
Ito make up the deficiency should be
i levied against each licensee. In the
! event of the individual's refusal to
, pay the assessment, the license should
be immediately revoked.
How the victim would have redress
[should all refuse to pay the assess-,
ment even though every jitney be put |
out of commission, Mr. Rupley didn't
The suggestion of "secret service" 1
was broached by the attorney as a
; "custom that has become ;neral
: throughout the land."
The System
"Just a minute," suddenly inter- j
rupted the mayor, "I want to say a ;
! word for the benefit of you jitney fel- j
j lows that are here. When you take a ,
man aboard under those circum- j
stances you'd better be sure that you j
know him. If you're not careful you
1 might take on some fellow who is 1
there for just that purpose. And then
look out if we get you. That's Just," j
added His Honor smilingly, " a little !
' word of warning."
Mr. Rupley explained the system,
i Someone who owns a small car may j
| arrange to transport % lot of his;
friends to and from their work at a
' nominal sum. In time," Mr. Rupley
said, "the driver may earn enough to
buy himself a Ford. Or," he sug- :
gested, "what's to prevent my friend
Jones, for instance, from driving up
to me on the street and suggest that
as I'm going his way, that I should
jump in. And who knows whether :
or not I pay him the nickel or the
Mr. Gorgas Changes Vote
The appearance of the jitney men i
and Mr. Gorgas' request to be record- 1
Ed as voting "no" on the confirmation i
of H. C. Townsend's appointment as
clerk to the assessor, were the only
ripples to disturb Council's otherwise
placid surface.
Mr. Gorgas said he discovered to
day that he had been recorded as
i having voted along with the others
in approving Mr. Townsend's appoint
ment. He doesn't have a very clear
| recollection of what occurred when
his name was called, he said; in fact,
he supposed he was talking to some
one else at the time. Anyway, he con
sidered the selection of Mr. Townsend
|as having been done in caucus for
political reasons and he therefore is
opposed to him. Then, too, he says
; he believes Horace A. Chayne is a
i more competent man.
| City Forester Mueller's request of
Mayor Meals for permission to order
some advertising printing paid for
from the general printing fund was
referred to Commissioner E. 55. Gross.
City Controller DeWitt A. Fry's first
monthly report of the completion of
the audit of the city treasury's books
j was filed.
To Attend Good Roads Congress
! The S2OO bond of Druggist Frank K.
Kitzniiller to furnish the city with
'drugs until August 1, 1916, was ap
; proved. Commissioner Lynch offered
| ordinances authorizing him to pur
chase another motor J.ruck and an ad
i ditional street sprinkler and sweeper
I for his department. S. Micklowitz's
! request to lease a piece of city ground
adjoining his property at Paxton
{street and the Pennsylvania Railroad
| siding was referred to the city solici
tor and Mr. Gorgas' resolution author
izing the payment of Messrs. Town
send and Chayne for work done dur
ing January was adopted.
; City Commissioner W. H. Lynch
and City Engineer M. B. Cowden will
represent Council at the annual Good
Roads Congress in Pittsburgh March
:!. Mayor Meals has also been invited
i and will likely attend. He has asked
Frank B. Bosch, president of the
; Motor Club of Harrisburg to help
| make up the delegation.
It look as If this merry crowd of youngsters ehould have any difficulty In iinging "Jingle, B»lls; Jingle
All the Day," with spirit, does it? You would hardly think, to look at their cheerful, chubby cheeks, that they
were all tuberculosis patients.
They are the children from the open-air school of the State Tuberculosis Sanatorium at Cresson, Pa., off tor
a sleigh ride on the summit of the Allegheny Mountains. Fresh air and snow have no more terror for them than for
a polar bear. Bundled up snugly, they can defy Jack Frost and enjoy it.
For two hours or more every day they work in the schoolroom, which is practically out of doors, and most of
the other hours of the twenty-four they spend in resting, sleeping or playing in the fresh air and sunshine. This Is
the treatment prescribed for them by Dr. Samuel G. Dixon, Commissioner of Health.
FEBRUARY 8, 1916.'
[Conlinucd From First Page.]
9 to 3 to report favorably Senator
! Tillman's bill to authorize the Secre
j tary of the Navy to provide either by
! erection or purchase of an armor
| plate factory, or both, with capacity
|of not lens than 20,000 tons of armor
j a year. The bill would appropriate
I $11,000,000. Senators Penrose,
land Smith of Michigan. Republicans,
| voted against reporting the bill.
Chairman Tillman and Senators
I Swanson, Bryan, Johnson, Maine;
j Chilton, Phelan and Pittman, Demo
prats, an dClapp and Poindexter, Re
publicans, voted for it.
"Stop the llobbers"
"The threat of the armor barons
to hold up the government will not.
affect Congress," said Senator Till -
| man. "We were given to understand
that the armor manufacturers would
increase their price because govern
ment manufacture of armor plate
would force them to KO out of that
business and they would charge this
enormous increase in order to provido
themselves with an amortization fund.
But 1 guess we can find a way to stop
the robbers. In time of trouble we
could seize their plants and operate
them by right of eminent domain."
After brief consideration the com
j mittee ordered favorably reported the
I bill authorizing expenditure of $500,-
000 to equip Mare Island navy yard
for battleship construction and SIOO,-
000 to enlarge faculties of the New
York navy yard and the bill to add
300 midshipmen to the entrance class
at Annapolis next July. These two
bills passed the House yesterday.
Senators figured that if the armor
plate manufacturers did raise the
| prices it would cost the government
$24,000,000 extra for armor plate to
complete the five year naval build
ing program. Senator Tillman said
Ihe proposed to ask Senator Penrose
to repeat the announcement of the
armor plate manufacturers to the Sen