Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, February 08, 1916, Page 4, Image 4

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No one with perfectly healthy
mucous membrane can contract
la grippe. The use of PERUNA
makes diseased mucous mem
brane healthy. This not only rids
the patient of catarrh but fortifies
the system against the reverses
of all climates, epidemics and all
contagious diseases.
La grippe is not a ' very fatal
disease, although many die of it
during the course of an epidemic.
The chief danger that is to be
feared is the low and weakened
state it produces, giving a chance
for other diseases to set in and
finish the work
Pneumonia, catarrh of the
chest and congestion of the brain,
acute rheumatism, typhoid fever
and typhoid malaria are all fre
quent followers of la grippe.
In order to protect yourselves
against such diseases, do not fail to
secure a bottle of Peruna and get the
mucous membranes of your body In a
healthy condition to avoid such epi
demics as la grippe.
Or If you prefer, Peruna Tablet* ar«
Increases strength
of delicate, nervous,
lit fITI TITII rundown people 200
I L'l'i per cent. In ten days
I E«3 In many instances.
I SIOO forfeit if It
planation In larg*
I■»J il ■ article toon to ap-
I pear in this paper.
Ask your doctor or
druggist about It. Croll Keller, O. A.
Uorgas always carry it in stock.
Are You Weak, Nervous
Exhausted ?
Don't fed like working, everything go
ing wrong? DigesUon poor, blood tm
£overlshed, cannot sleep?
>r. Eraerick's Body Builder
a Reconstructive Tonlo, is prescribed i
liy the famous Dr. EMERICK for tliese
conditions. Valuable after a severe
sickness. Price 81.00, prepared by the
Dr. M. L. Emerick Co., Rldgway, Pa.
Sold in Harrlsburg at Gorgas' Drug
To Cure Catarrhal
Deafness and
Head Noises
Persons suffering from catarrhal
deafness and head noises will be glad
to know that this distressing affliction
■ •an bo successfully treated at home by
an internal remedy that in many in
stances has effected a coinplete cure
after all else has failed. Sufferers who
could scarcely hear a watch tick have
had their hearing restored to such an
extent that the tick of a watch was
plainly audible seven or eight inches
away from either ear.
Therefore, if you know someone who
is troubled with head noises or catarrh,
or catarrhal deafness, cut out this
formula and hand to them, and you
will have been the means of saving
some poor sufferer perhaps from total
deafness. The prescription can be pre
pared at home, and is made as follows:
Secure from your druggist 1 oz. Par
mint (Double Strengt. , about 75c
worth. Take this home and add to it
• 4 pint of hot water and 4 oz. o£ granu
lated sugar: stir until dissolved. Take
one tablespoonful four times a day.
The first dose should begin to relieve
the distressing head noises, headache,
dullness, cloudy thinking, etc.. while
the hearing rapidly returns as the sys
tem is invigorated by the tonic action
of the treatment. Loss of smell and
mucus dropping in the back of the
throat, are other symptoms that show
the presence of catarrhal poison, and
which are often entirely overcome bv
this efficacious treatment. Nearly
ninety per cent, of all ear troubles are
said to be directly caused bv catarrh
therefore, there must be many people
whose hearing can he restored by this
simple home treatment.
Every person who is troubled with
head noises, catarrhal deafness or ca
tarrh in any form, should give this pre
scription a trial.—Advertisement.
Throw Away Your
A Free Prescription
lon tan Have Filled and t»e at Home
Do you wear glasses? Are you a
victim of eye-strain or other eye-weak
nesses? If so. you will be glad to know
that there is real hope for you. Many
whose eyea were failing, say they have
had l their eyes restored through the
principle of this wonderful free pre
scription. One man says, after trying
it: "I was almost blind; could not see
lo read at all. Now I 'an read every
thing without any glasses and my eyes
do not water any more. At night thev
would pain dreadfully; now tliey feel
fine all the time. It was like a miracle
to me." A lady who used It says:
"The atmosphere seemed hazv with or
without glasses, but after using this
prescription for fifteen days everything
seems clear. I can even read fine print
without glasses." It Is believed that
thousands who wear glasses can now
discard them in a reasonable time
and multitudes more will be able to
strengthen their eyes so far as to be
spared the trouble and expense of ever
setting glasses. Eye troubles of many
descriptions may be wonderfully bene
fited by following the simple rules.
Here is the prescription: Go to H. C.
Kennedy or to any active drug store
and get a bottle of Optona. Fill a two
ounce bottle with warm water, drop In
one Optona tablet and allow to dis
solve. With this liquid, bathe the eyes
two to four times daily. Tou should
notice your eyes clear up perceptibly
right from the start and inflammation
will quickly disappear. If your eyes
are bothering you, even a little, take
steps to save them now before it is too
late. Many hopelessly blind might have
been saved If they *<l/1 cared for their
eyes In time.—Advertisement.
Drlak Plenty of I.emoaade and Water
aad Avoid Alcoholic Diiilii
All this talk that rheumatism can't
be cured, that people must suffer ter
rible agony, gnawing pain and swollen
joints until the disease has run its
course, is all humbug.
Modern physicians know this, and
many of them are prescribing a doc
tor's prescription known as Rheuma.
which all good druggists keep In stock.
To end rheumatism or sciatica and
banish it forever, you must fight it and
conquer it with something more power
ful than the poisonous secretions that
cause It.
Rheuma Is a powerful yet harmless
remedy, and the very flrat half-tea
;*poonful dose you take will indicate to
you that the poisons are leaving your
system. H. C. Kennedy or any drug
cist from whom you pur'-hase ltheuina
will gladly hand you back your money
if two f>o-cont bottles do not stop the
snawlng pain, the sharp twinges, and
reduce the swollen, twisted joints.
Try Telegraph Want Ads
/ '
This Is just a new step in the Wllma waltz, shown by Miss Wilma Wytin
and John Clay. Their dance is a combination of the old hesitation and the
waltz. The new steps they have shown have been adopted by many dancing
teachers all over the country and are now being shown to pupils.
Commercial Preparedness and
Export Co-opei-ation the
Dominant Note
E. D. Hilleary and R. W.
Moorehead, of This City,
Local Representatives
"Greater Prosperity Through Great
: er Foreign Trade."—That was the slo
gan which prompted the recent great
assemblage at New Orleans, Louisiana,
on January 27, 28 and 29 of the dele
j gates to the Third National Foreign
j Trade Convention.
i E. D Hiileary, representing the Har
risburg Chamber of Commerce and the
Philadelphia and Reading Railway,
and R. W. Moorhead, general mana
-1 ger of the Moorehead Knitting Com
| pany, were the two Harrisburg men
I who attended the convention. Both
| were strongly impressed with the im
mense importance of the series of
meetings, especially to the small ex
porter, who was given the opportunity
of coming in contact with the big
minds and representatives of big or
, ganizations and of getting an insight
j such as he never had before into the
' ramifiations of export trade and the
ins and outs of international com
On the "Foreign Trade Special"
which ran from New York to New
Orleans and return, taking a little over
j two days for the trip each way, were
j some 150 men from the east and north,
representing about one-third of the
entire aggregation which was present
for the convention. It was a splendid
opportunity for the exchange of ideas
preliminary to the discussions which
; took place at New Orleans, and for a
rehashing of the principles involved,
during the return trip. On the train
were men representing the foreign
i connections of this country's banking
! and commercial interests in every
I conceivable product; the representa
ltives-of many chambers of commerce,
; newspaper men, editors, railroad men,
! etc.
! The dominant note in the addresses
'and discussions was the inevitable
! condition of trade after the war, the
certain invasion of our domestic mar
ket® by foreign competition, rehabili
• tatlon of foreign trade, and the cap
ture of our foreign markets, unless
we prepare now to meet that condi
i tlon by export co-operation and com
mercial preparedness.
The rehabilitation of the American
merchant marine, the utilization of the
tariff to encourage foreign trade and
protect it from discrimination, and
ways and means for the smaller
manufacturers and merchants to en
gage in and share the benefits of for
eign trade, were all matters that were
taken up and given careful considera
Arguments for investment in South
and Central America were put for
ward, the relation of the tariff to
world trade conditions after the war,
as well as credits and the banking
act, were discussed and given promi
nence in the addresses of such men
as A. J. Findley. editor of The Iron
Age; James A. Farrell, president of
the United States Steel Corporation;
Alba B. Johnson, president of the
Baldwin LocomotU'e Works, of Phil-
I adelphia; Professor Henry C Emery,
1 former chairman of the United States
; tariff board under Taft, and Frank A.
'Vanderllp, president of the National
City Bank of New York City. Sessions
: were held in the Hot4l Grunewald,
: New Orleans, for three consecutive
, days, and A. B. Johnson was elected
i chairman of the National Foreign
1 Trade Council for the ensuing year.
On the last day of the convention
the entire aggregation of over 500
men were the guests of the city of
j New Orleans and were taken on a
Hteamer through the harbor and
shown all the docks and waterfront
fucllitles which extend over forty-one
■ miles in length, and are owned and
ojh rtM by the State of Louisiana.
Special to the Telegraph
Wrightsville, Va.. Feb. 8. —C. B.
Kline was badly injured here yesterday
i when ho was tossed over a stone wall
by a vicious bull which had broken
i out of a barnyard. Mr. Kline had sev
! eral ribs broken and is injured inter
j nally. George llaugh was attacked
j last week by the same animal, but took
i refuge in a street car standing close
| by. The animal belongs to Air. Kline
i and Mrs. Haugh, who conduct a dairy.
Special to the Telegraph
Waynesboro, Pa., Feb. 8. Miss
I Maude Kirkpatrick, a graduate nurse
of the Chambersburg Hospital, became
; a patient at that- hospital yesterday.
She suffers from typhoid fever and is
| very ill. Miss Kirkpatrick had been
nursing typhoid fever eases at Ship
! pensburg and in the country for sev
' eral months.
PETITIONS for Retail. Wholesale,
Bdttlers', Brewers', Distillers' and
'Agents' liquor licenses, with names of
applicants, their respective residences
1 and the places for which applications
made, in Dauphin County, Pennsylva
' nia. To be presented to the Court of
Quarter Sessions of Dauphin County,
j Pennsylvania, February 18th, 1916:
Friederike L. Heist. Residence Harris
burg, Penna. Place applied for, 625
Race street.
Harry W. Haas. Residence, Harrisburg,
Pa. Place applied for, 529 Race street.
Albert M. Keane. Residence, Harris
burg, Pa. Place applied for, 167 Pax
-1 ton street. I
j Anna Rakovsky. Residence and place
I applied for. 527 Race street.
| B. Leslie Potter. Residence. Harrisburg,
Pa. Place applied for, N. W. corner
of Second and Washington streets.
William H. Byerly, Lochiel cafe. Resl
! deuce and place applied for, 227 Mar
-1 ket street.
George Rovai. Residence and place"
applied for. No. 20 North Third street.
J. H. Butterworth and M. S. Butter
worth. Doing business as J. H. and
M. S. Butterworth, Bolton Hotel. Res
idence and place applied for, corner
of Second street and Strawberry ave
Jane McCabe. Residence, Harrisburg
Pa. Place applied for, 125 Chestnut
I Ellis P. Gourley. Residence, Nos. 2 and
! 4 N. Market Square. Place applied
i for, No. 2 North Market Square.
Joseph J. Armento. Residence and place
i applied for. 215 Walnut street.
; William H. Rife. Residence and place
applied for, 325 Walnut street.
David U. Hershey. Residence and place
applied for, 327 Market street,
j Frank O. Horting and S. Bruce Mingle.
Residence and place applied for, 309
Market street.
Harry Miller and James B. Foose, The
Central. Residence, Harrisburg, Pa.
! Place applied for. 311 Market street.
| Louis W. Kay, known as Metropolitan
Hotel Residence, 1802 Green street,
I Harrisburg, Pa. Place applied for, 330
: and 337 Market street.
| John Russ. Residence, Harrisburg, Pa.
, Place applied for, 212 Strawberry
IW. S. McKay. Residence, Harrisburg,
' Pa. Place applied for. 306 Strawberry
i street.
Jay N. Hursh. Residence and place ap
plied for, 218 Cherry street, corner
Court avenue and Cherry street.
Charles A. Snyder. Residence and place
! applied for. 207 Chestnut street.
George L. Doehne and Charles A.
Doehne. Residence of George L.
Doehne. 129 South Thirteenth street;
residence of Charles A. Doehne, 322
| Chestnut street. Place applied for,
i Dewberry street, between Chestnut
I and Blackberry streets.
James A. Kelly. Residence, Harrisburg,
Pa. Place applied for, 231 Strawberry
I street.
| John E. Smith and Andrew J. Farrell.
i Residence, Harrisburg, Pa. Place
applied for. 214 Chestnut street.
1 James J. McClellan. Residence, Harris
l burg. Pa. Place applied for. Savoy
Hotel, Nos. 143 and 145 South Third
I street, N. E. corner South Third and
| Mulberry streets.
Daniel F. Hursh. Residence and place
applied f0r,'123 South Third street.
Maurice Er'Russ. Residence. Harris
burg. Pa. Place applied for, Nos. 229,
231, 233 Walnut street.
Albert J. White. Residence, Harris
burg, Pa. Place applied for, 313 Ver
beke street.
Alexander Maurer. Residence and place
applied for. N. E. corner Capital and
Forster streets.
John L. Morganthaler. Fifth Ward
House. Residence, Harrisburg. Pa.
Place applied for, 937 North Third
Jacob Simonetti. Residence and place
applied for, 401-403 Verheke street.
I George Kobler. Residence and place
I applied for. 1232 North Sixth street.
| Thomas J. Sullivan. Residence, Harrls-
I burg. Pa. Place applied for, Nos. 325
and 327 Vcrbcke street.
G. M. Crozler. Residence, Harrisburg,
Pa. Place applied for, 1303 North
Third street.
Frederick Lauster. Residence. 300 Ver
beke street, Harrisburg, Pa. Place
applied for. N. E. corner Third and
Broad streets. 1
K Humming-bird's tongues on toast!
■ Some dish!
What do they taste like? You'll
I never know till you try 'em.
9 Same with Favorites. You'll never
I know how good they are till you try
fl 'em.
p But their taste can't be described ■
in words. It's JUST BECAUSE I
Favorites ar. mad# of
■ pare, natural tobacco of
a kind that 700 can't *S|lj
Get them. You'll b.
Rose Kapphan. Residence and place ap
plied for, 324 Broad street.
John L. Wohlfarth. Residence and place
Applied for 323-325 Relly street.
Otto R. Graupner. Residence and place
applied for. 1415 North Third street.
David Katzman. Residence and place
applied for, 314 Broad street.
Charles E. Cunimings. Eagle House.
Residence, Harrisburg, Pa. Place ap
plied for. southwest corner of N. Sev
enth and Boas streets, 946 N. Seventh
Lawrence Wilsbach. Residence, Har
risburg, Pa. Place applied for, 1021
and 1023 North Seventh street.
Ferdinand Moesleiti. Residence and
place applied for, known as the
"Fletcher House," corner Sixth and
Verbeke streets.
Peter Kohlman. Residence. 1306 North
Seventh street. Place applied for, 1304
and 1306 North Seventh street.
Harry F. Eckinger. Residence and place
applied for, 1200 Wallace street, cor
ner Cumberland and Wallace streets.
A. L. Taylor. Residence. 601 Climber
land street. Place applied for, 601,607
Cumberland street.
Robert E. Hamilton. Residence and
place applied for, 1237 North Seventh
Benjamin A. Strlplin. Residence, 523
State street. Place applied for, 945
North Seventh street.
Fred W. Ebel. Residence, Harrisburg,
Pa. Place applied for. corner Fourth
and State streets, known as the "Na
tional Hotel."
Patrick T. Sullivan. Residence and
place applied for, 727 and 729 East
State street.
Theodore S. Frye. Residence and place
applied for. 501 State street.
Harry T. Smith. Residence and place
applied for, 451 East State street.
Igtiatz Furber. Residence and place ap
plied for. 542 North street.
George E. Winger. Residence, 137 North
Fourth street. Place applied for. 137-
139 North Fourth street.
Benjamin A. Strlplin. Residence and
place applied for, 523 State street.
John R. Residence and place
applied for. S. E. corner Fifth street
and Strawberry avenue.
John A. Brouglier. Residence and place
applied for, 517 Walnut street.
Henry M. Hare. Residence and place
applied for. 421 Walnut street.
William J. Cozzoli. Residence and place
applied for, S. E. corner Market and
Cameron streets.
Marino Acrl. Residence and place ap
plied for, 404 Chestnut street.
John W. Schroth and Walter T. Kelner,
trading as Plaza Hotel Company. Res
idence and place applied for, 423-427
Market street.
David C. Mingle. Residence. Harris
burg. PH. Place applied for, 1108 Mar
ket street.
Charles Martin. Residence. Harrisburg,
Pa. Place applied for, 433 Market
Edward G. Hoffman. Residence and
place applied for, 441 and 443 Market
Edwin S. Miller. Residence and place
applied for 435 Market street.
Joseph Giusti. Residence and place ap
plied for, 24 Grace street.
Charles E. Coppedge. Residence and
place applied for, 1001 Market Btreet,
corner of Tenth street.
Samuel Fisliman. Residence, 111 Ever
green street. Place applied for, 426,
428 Market street.
Albert Koenig. Residence and place ap
plied for. N. E. corner Sixth and Ma
clay streets.
Fred W. Ebel. Residence, Harrisburg,
Pa. Place applied for, 1802 North
Fourth street.
John H. Snyder. Residence and place
applied for. First ward, corner Union
street and Mud Pike Road.
Albert Wilson, First ward. Residence,
156 Market street. Place applied for,
S. E. corner Market and Wood streets.
Christ C. Etnoyer. Residence and place
applied for. Second ward. N. W. corner
union and Ann streets, Washington
John A. Dupes. Residence. Mlddletown.
Place applied for, Windsor House, lo
cated in Wilson street.
William W. Conklln. Residence and
place applied for. Second ward, 108
Union street.
Amos Kupp. Residence and place ap
plied for. 11 Mill street. Second ward.
W. W. McCreary. Residence. Middle
town, Pa. Place applied for, 214 S.
Union street.
Martin Snyder. Residence, Mlddletown,
Pa. Place applied for. N. E. corner of
Pine and Main streets. Third ward.
Thomas J. Nelley. Residence, Steelton
Pa. Place applied for, 947 South Front
I street. First ward.
Gertrude W. Brandt. Residence and
place applied for. 373 and 375 South
Front street. First ward.
Alfred Fletcher, Second ward. Resi
dence and place applied for, 117 and
I 119 South Front street.
: Kirk Shelley. Residence and place ap
j plied for. Second ward. 129-135 South
Front street.
IL C. Keim, Third ward. Residence and
j place applied for, 169 and 171 North
Front street.
I Joseph H. Genles. Fourth ward. Resi
! dence and place applied for, 347 and
349 North Front street.
Michael A. Obercash. Fifth ward. Res
idence and place applied for. 243 and
245 Main street.
I Preston V. Low. Fifth ward. Residence
and place applied for, 383 Main street,
■ Florence House.
Fred B. Graupner. Residence and place
applied for. Keystone Hotel.
Milton G. Mensch and Howard Herbeln.
Residence and place applied for, N.
W. corner Railroad and Second Sts.
J. R. ShenU. Residence and place ap
| plied for, Central Hotel.
! Charles W. Sellers. Residence and place
applied for. Dauphin House, corner
Erie and Race streets.
Halifax lloronjcH
IC. SI. Richeter. Residence and place
applied for, Keystone Hotel.
! Mary R. Koppenhaver. Residence and
place applied for. Hotel Koppenhaver,
| S. W. corner Market street and Mar-
I ket Square.
j Joseph A. Gernert. Residence and place
applied for. Hotel Charles.
Berr j sliurg
] William H. Bowman. Residence and
place applied for, St. Lawrence Hotel.
I W. O. Rogers. Residence and place ap
j plied for. Union House.
O. C. Paul. Residence and place applied
for. National Hotel, corner Market
and Union streets.
l.yUens l!«roA«h
William Ileehler. Residence and place
applied for, S. E. corner Main and
! Market streets. East Ward, Union
I House.
! Lewis Hoffman. Residence and place
applied for, East ward, East side Mar
ket street, Lykens Valley House,
iI. D. Shafnmo. Resilience and place ap
plied for. West ward, S. E. corner
I Main and Pine streets.
! Charles J. Witmer. Residence and place
; applied for. West ward, Valley House,
I N. F.. corner Maine and Pine streets.
Samuel E. Blyler. Residence and place
applied for, N. W. corner of Slarket
i and South streets. West ward.
A.'C. Arnold. Residence i-nd place ap-
I plied for. Commercial Hotel. North
! side of Main street. West ward.
Albert Fritz. Residence, Lykens, Pa.
Place applied for. Odd Fellows' Hall,
south side of Main street. East ward.
I Peter J. Adamlak. Residence, Lykens,
! Pa. Place applied for. Palace res
j taurant, on south side of Main street,
West ward.
,A. P. Schaftstall. Residence and place
applied for, Smith building, Market
| street. West ward.
I John Krobath. Residence, Lykens. Pa.
1 Place applied for, Lafayette restau
j rant, S. W. corner of Main and Market
! streets, West ward.
l.ykens Tormablp
Oscar Kessler. Residence and place ap
! plied fon, Kidman Hotel, Erdtnan.
i Idrison Edwards. Residence and place
applied for. East ward, north side
\ Slarket street. Slanslon House.
, John Stadnar. Residence and place ap
plied for, Williams town House, north
; side Slarket street. East ward.
William T. Hall. Residence and place
applied for, north side Market street,
I East ward. Fountain Springs Hotel.
John E. Gelst. Resilience and place ap
plied for. corner West and Slarket
street?', West ward.
John Griffiths. Residence and place ap
plied for, south side Market street,
West ward, Eagle Hotel.
Allen Ralph. Residence and place ap
plied for. Washington House, north
side of Market street. West ward.
Charles Pahlra. Residence and place
applied for. Keystone House. East
ward, north side Market street.
James L Meelian. Residence and place
applied for. north side Market street,
West ward. Glen House.
Jaines A. Darby. Residence and place
applied for. Mountain House, N. E.
corner Spruce and Tunnel streets,
FEBRUARY 8. 1915. "
J East ward.
\\ leonlweo Township
J. H. Pontius. Residence and place ap
plied for, Pottsvllle street, south side.
Hotel Pontius.
Benjamin Welker. Residence and place
applied for, Jones House, on south
side of Pottsville street.
Andrew Hoffman. Residence and place
applied for. West End Hotel, south
side of Pottsvllle street.
John J. Murphy. Residence and place
applied for. Center street. Central
Edmund Umholtz. Residence and place
j applied for. south side of Pottsville
1 street, St. Elmo restaurant.
: Charles Keaffer. Residence and place
applied for, Washington House.
| Charles.T. Snyder. Residence and place
applied for. Hotel Snyder.
Washington TowiwHlD
Jonathan Zerbe. Residence and place
applied for, Eoyalton Hotel.
Perry Shade. Residence and place ap
; plied for, Big Run Hotel.
SiiNi|)K'linniin Tom nxlilp
Anthony B. Harlacher. Residence and
| place applied for, Hotel Progress,
; Progress.
J. Garfield Fackler, trustee of Walter
J O. Baskins, a bankrupt. Residence,
Harrisburg. Pa. Place applied for.
The Fort Hunter Hotel. Rockville.
IC. E. Hoover. Residence, Fort Hunter,
! Dauphin county. Pa. Place applied
1 For. Fort Hunter Hotel.
| Frederick Bossinger. Residence and
place applied for, Coxestown Hotel,
j Coxestown.
.Inrkson Township
| Abraham James. Residence and place
applied for, Mountain House, on pub
-1 lie road leading from Fisherville to
Elizabsthville. Pa.
Curtis A. Marsh. Residence and place
applied for, Fisherville, Victor House.
I.owcr I'nxmn ToMnshlp
Carl Rcith. Residence and place ap
! plied for, Einglestown, Eagle Hotel.
| David Eazzarine. Residence and place
; applied for. The Homestead Hotel,
j Einglestown.
1 Orville P. Green. Residence and place
I applied for, Second street.
I Edward Bodmer. Residence and place
j applied for. Second and Eufnber Sts.
Merry 'l'onmiilp
! Angelo Buchignani. Residence and
1 place applied for, Swatara House, sit
uate on N. E. corner of Union De
! posit Road and The Harrisburg and
Reading Turnpike Road, Swatara Sta
Jacob Page. Residence and place ap-
I plied for, Derry Church, the Haefner
j House.
Soutli Hnnover Township
I Harry Kaylor. Residence and place ap
i plied for. Union Deposit Hotel, Union
| Deposit.
Gnat Hanover Township
I. D. T..tngle. Residence and place ap
plied for, Grantville Hotel, Grant
Chester S. Boyer. Residence and place
applied for, Shell's Tavern.
Snntnra Township
Thomas Dunn. Residence and place
applied for, Oberlln Hotel, Oberlin.
Stanley G. Jean, trading and doing bus
iness as Hanlen Bros. Place applied
for, 331 Market street. Residence,
Harrisburg, Pa.
William E. Seel, trading as Waller &
;?eel. Place applied for, 319 Market
street. Residence. Paxtang, Pa.
John G. Wall. Place applied for. 1200-
1202 North Sixth street. Residence,
Harrisburg, Pa.
Hugo Sehutrenbach. Place applied for,
416 Broad or Verbeke street; N. W.
corner Fulton and Verbeke streets.
Residence, 1122 North Third street,
Harrisburg, Pa.
Samuel Katzman. Place applied for,
1205-1207 North Seventh street. Res
idence. 1831 Market street. Harris
burg, Pa.
Wilhelm J. Mehring. Jr.. trading and
doing business—"Mehring's Liquor
Store." Residence. 410 Boas street.
Place applied for. 1901, 1903 1905 N.
Sixth street.
Frederick IJ. lvoenig. Place applied for,
Nos. Sl3, 815 and 817 North Seventh
street. Residence, 913 North Sixth
street, Harrisburg, Pa.
Andrew Schutzenbach. Place applied
for, 400 Walnut street. Harrisburg.
Residence, Harrisburg, Pa.
Eewi» Baturln. Place applied for, 60<l
State street. Residence, Harrisburg,
John P. Finn. Place applied for, 421
Market street. Residence, -121 Market
street, Harrisburg, Pa.
Harry Keister. Place applied for, Son
Market street. Residence, 201 North
Second street, Harrisburg. Pa.
Charles S. Bux. Place applied for, 81$
and 820 Market street. Residence,
Harrisburg. Pa.
Frank F. Seiss. Place applied for, 900
and 902 Mark" . street. Residence,
Harrisburg. Pa.
M. P. Johnson. Place applied for, 2B
Grace avenue. Residence, Paxtoniu,
j lower Paxton Township, Dauphin
| County, Pa.
I Kendig R. McCord. Place applied for,
, 44 Ann street. First ward. Residence,
i Mlddletown. Pa.
John F. Snyder. Place applied for. No.
\ 232 South Union street. Second ward.
Residence, Mlddletown. Pa.
Morris Yoffe and Tobias Yoffe, trading
as Yofte Brothers. Place applied for,
Third ward, 51 Ja South Front street.
Residence, Steelton, Pa.
Frederick E. Smith. Place applied for,
237 North Front street, Third ward.
Residence. 237 North Front street,
Steelton, Pa.
Jacob S. Koda. Place applied for, Me
chanics' Hall, south side of Main
1 street, West ward. Residence, E.v
--| kens. Pa.
Elixabet hvlllr
I 11. H. Weaver, trading as Weaver Sc
Son. Residence, Ellzabethville, Pa.
I Place applied for, Ellzabethville.
W llllaaamtown
1 Edward H. Maher. Place applied for,
south side Market street, near East
' street. West ward. Residence, Wil
! liamstown, Pa.
| Reuben W. Eercli. Place applied for, at
I Eerch's Store, the north west corner
of Eusk alley and Railroad street,
I near Pennsylvania Railroad tracks.
I Residence. Highspire. Pa.
Upper I'oxton Township
Harrv C. Eonker. Place applied for.
Eenkerville, N. W. corner Market and
Centre streets. Residence, Lenker
vllle. Pa.
Elmer G. Jrvin. Place applied for. 5*
South Front street. Third ward. Res
idence, 326 North Front street.
Eugene C. Steiner. Place applied for,
310 South Union street. First ward.
Residence, 311 South Catherine street,
| Mlddletown, Pa.
M. A. Schnieder. Place applied for. To
kens Bottling Works, Pine street.
West ward. Residence, Eykens Bor
ough, Pa.
Cyrus Donley. Place applied for.
'liamstown Bottling Works, south side
Market street, West ward. Residence,
Williamstown Borough, Pa.
George E. Doehne and Chaflea A.
Doehne. Place applied for. Third
ward. Dewberry street between
Chestnut and Blackberry streets. Res
idence of George U Doehne. 129 South
Thirteenth street, Harrisburg, Pa.,
and Charles A Doehne, 322 Chestnut
street. Harrisburg. Pa.
Fink Brewing Company. Fifth ward,
312 to 320 Forster streets.
Marie L. Graupner. Residence. No. 9
South Tenth street; and place applied
for S. W. corner Tenth and Market
streets. Ninth ward.
Steelton ,
National Brewing Company. Residence
and place applied for. corner Freder
ick and Conestoga atreets, Fifth ward,
Eouis Wentzler. trading as "Th» T.v.
kens Brewing Company. Residence,
Eykens, Pa., and place applied for,
Eykens Brewery, on south street, East