Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, February 08, 1916, Page 3, Image 3

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    — ' " ' ' ■
A Sale that has been a part of every household for years and years wherever the name "Bowman's" is known. >
—Starts to-morrow and will continue until Saturday evening.
The coming four days promises to be a memorable period for economic Harrisburg and for the thousands in outlying districts who will wisely visit this city; in
view of this great bargain festival, and the extraordinary conditions which prevail elsewhere.
In itself, this familiar B. B. B. Sale will be more important than ever. The first to be held since the completion of rebuilding—and in a celebrative manner, our best
efforts are being put forth to make it the greatest of all these half-yearly events, both in merchandise and value. ' itmll'
Our own good stocks, certain of which have been given exceptionally low prices ; and in addition, are the many new lots of mer- §
chandise-honey which our busy bees have extracted from the manufacturing field, all at low-tide prices. j-J
Much has been left unsaid, most noticeably the former prices. Where the reader is left no cause to doubt, no artificial reckoning of values is created, and invariably " •
the merchandise itself will exceed your expectations. ' <rt
" Where There Are Bees, There*s Honey. "
f' x f av '" g Pretti..t of Boudoir 40-inch Silk Crepe De Chine; """" v "j
1 CWC rr h. Cap#, at 45c B. B. B. Sale Price, 89c yd. ! 7,000 Yards
v ., B « a « ifal shades «<*>>. ««■« *>**, rose,navy, while. of Embroideries
prST " mon ■ and allover lace, ribbon, (low- n . ,alse ' Labrador and black; good quality and lustrous. Full All fresh and new. enter this
Gold filled Waldemar chain; B. B. B. , , . . pieces 111 eacll shade. *W- _
r <loid liiied'pocket knives';' B. B. 'r r^^Vhiifan7 Dm-li Remnants—36 and 40-inch crepe de chines, taffetas, me- •B. B. Sale at "jWT
a"large varietv of styles. " r me^ a 'j"'-«h«mewe, noveltywlks, faney taffeta, and ay# and 15c yd.
Prite ' ' \Naii>t and skirt lengths. B. B. B. Prices are one-half ,
BOWMAN' S Floor ~~regular prices. knowing d flt scarcei[y °. est j. niate the value of these embroideries,
Men's Soring Weight Union Suits 79c Wool and Cotton Dreis Goods widths varying from 3to is inches! sse " cambriL and Io »g m
Men S Spring W eignt U mon Suits, /ac Graititc c|oth _ jn _ sliades the „ca, to beaatiM elaborate effects are designs in abund-
A part of a huge special purchase of underwear for men and women. Copenhagen ;56 inches. F, B. B. Ed printed crepes; 32 inches. B. B. B. An exceptional
Lisle and silk lisle; bleached and peeler; short sleeves; ankle length; Price. 49p yd. Price. 100 vd. ' °PP° rlun, ty.
an exceptional bargain. Worsted Suiting - club and shep- Zephyr Ginghams - stripes; 32
Save on. B. B. B. Price, 10f yd. inches. B. B. B. Price, .it yd. White Japanese Drawn Car
Women's Union Suits - bleached Women's Bleached Underwear Woo , San T _ - ; en d Flannelettes floral designs, and 1 Work Drf»cc<»r K,dl
and peeler color: long sleeves; ankle vests, pants and union suits; medium tan; 40 inches. B. B. B Price, 590 striped with floral designs; 28 in- OCaril, Oyc JW mentsClearingatsc
length. B. B. B. Price, 350 each, and heavy weight. B. D. B. rice. yd ' C I ICP . BB B p r i ce , 50 yd. | 54 inches long; this low price to | Women's Petticoats in blue and
or 3 for #I.OO. Hioh Rnrk Stanriarrt Iln Cardinal Suiting —52 inches. B. Silk Finish Poplins pink, navy, clear , out , At this price, also, arc white and pink and v V hi t e stripes;
Women s Bleached vests ana derwear tleece lined shirts andppr, rr ,i« >• i . j J i r> u TJ r>-:,.„ 10,/ A ..... mm
Pants plain and silk lisle: tape drawers; pure white fleecing; pearl blues Ijirlit «irine"-''rh* \ 3 'r '' c a n « ~ White Centerpieces with linen fhilrl *r>
neck and sleeves; plain and lace buttons: suspender tapes on draw- idn fkn l v : „ StripedDressFlannel—32 inches. lace edge; stamped for embroidery; Childrens Petticoats plain bh.t,
yokes. B. B. B. Price. *2sf. C rs. B. B B Price. 35?. vaJd* P T p - 3000 ' Price, 100 yd. 36 inches. B. B. B. Price, 390. 'A ith ruffle. « mbro.dercd and sc;.l-
L Women's Bleached Vests—plain Women's Thread Silk Hose —{ ' " J ' J ' Ilcc ' * yd * I BOWMAN'S— Main Floor BOWSIAN S— Second Floor tOI>CC "owa.^x-s—Thhi fToo l^'
▼tinle; tape neck and sleeves; also , plain black and plain white; double | '
wing sleeves. B. B. B. Price, 15e. soles; high spliced heels; lisle garter A Sample Line of I VaHOUi Make Corsets Women's Sample I
bowmax s Main Floor u ' ps " ' n " c \ o *' Wome^SLOWShoeS Going at SI.OO Neckwear 3000 Yards Hill Muslin
Women's Fine' Kerchief, Imperial English fj jg | B. B. B. Price
7<? each, 4 for (boxed) INainsooK „ . , j and high bust. Made of coutil; long 9c each I 6\c Vc/.
1/ ;«rh hr-m-heiiitifullv hemstitch- Heads the list of B. B. B. New Spring low skirt, heavy hose supporters. A fortunate purchase of collars I *
4-incniit-m.uc.il ■ Specials in White Fabrics at shoes to be worn Coutil Corsets low and medium and sets in organdie and lace; hich I The same well-known
ed. with embroidered corners in f}41.19 for 12 yards; 36 inches. | with spats. high bust; long skirt; two pairs and low styles; fresh and clean. ' Mjli ni nsl i n CSemoer
blue, pink, lavender and white. , $1 ..'55 for 12 yards; 36 inches, j sample line from hose supporters; aH sizes in the rowman'S Main Floor j ]loi ;; ew j l ves
- In Draperies Are these Il; . ivc . known for years.
n.nortm P nk Ar«nparincr wu-J • ,m £ ene , in . is . Black, white, gray and bronze; forced under arm; yokes of em- Interesting Bargains Limit, ten yards to cus-
Departments Appearing White phsse crepe 31 inches: re- ; turn soles; French heels. Sizes broidery, and embroidery trimmed; c„rt a ,n S tomer. (No" phone orders
m To-morrows Announce- quires no ironing. B. B. B. Price, 4 and 4,4. others have lace yokes, with lace Curtain Swiss - received!
ment en IS j Qiamoise finish longcloth, No. I Women's Shoes—button and tnmnnngs. bi7.es 3-1 to 46. B. B. B. effects; 36 inched Bed Ticking—feather proof:
Advance INeWS 1000; 12 yards; 36 inches. B. B. B. ; lace; various leathers; all sizes BrassierV* _ ~n £e 8.8.8. Price, 90 yd. JW\ blue and white, 111 wide and
Ahnut Snecials Price, #1.19. |to start. One of the sale's big- ed over back; reinforced under irm"; Curtain Voile - with lace edge; j narrow stripes. B. B. B. Price, ,
ADOUt opecwis Ivory white voile, tape selvedge; grest values. B. B. B. Price, trimmed with embroidery; sk.es 36 wh'te or ecru; 36 niches. B. B. B. * - v^-
' (On Sale To-morrow.) 40 inches. B. B. B. Price, 110 yd. SI.OO nr to 44. B. B B Price 506. Price, 12yd. Lockwood Sheeting,- bleach
_J Linen damask, in carnation, tulip, BowMAvs-M.in m n nr J * Plain Marquisette white, cream ed brand; 81 inches; cut
stripe and rose patterns: 70 inches. * ' ' ' 6 or and ecru; 38 inches wide; tape edge. from full pieces. 15. B. B.
_ , B. B. B. Price, yard. ———r. ]}_ B. Price, 100 yd. Price, *wT<! yd.
BoyS Overcoats, ' Shirting Madras, fancy stripes; TU Q Roc#fcmpnf "R. O 15 O_ 1 _ Marquisette with hemstitched Outing Flannel light pat-
Clearing at $2.95 to j 34 inches. B. B. B. Price,
i H yd ; 1 lie - I terns; striped and figured; cut I
an Qfr Organdie, lawn and longcloth /"> • TT 1 ikT P r ' ce > yd. from full pieces. B. B. B. Price,
remnants. B. B. B. Price, 70 yd. ijrIVCS ilOlllekCeDerS 3. JNOte* Curtain Fish Net white or 7* yd.
Chinchillas and fancy over- Longcloth, soft finish; 36 inches; « 9 green. B. B. B. Price, 90 yd. Eiderdown Flannel cut
coatings; blue grays, browns; 10 B. B. B. Price, 590. WOfthv Cl Hnnff II r\i f"ir CATTA Curtain Lace fancy all-over from full pieces; 27 inches
three or four of a style. —» Vl tiljf rr Wll.il i. \,y LU fillet pattern; 44 inches; white or wide; light blue or pink; fast
BOWMAN'S— Second Floor _ .. _ n ,. . , ecru. B. B. B. Price, 100 yd. color. B. B. B. Price, 0)40
Seven-rib Paragon Uunawares Kitchenwares Curtain Lace all-over fillet pat- yd.
Frame Umbrellas, 67c Yellow Earthenware Bowls Ekko Portable Cookers com- tern with figure woven m; 54 in- Sheets-double bed size
The Clothing Department -for women. _ decorated with white band P 'rl T, s f " pan a " d can ° f ch , es; eCru ° nlj ' B ' B ' U " Pncc ' sTieets; 81x90 inches; center
A nn«nr,,-oc. FnlloAvJnrr «..r ucloi aiea 11 n wnue oana. so J I( j alcohol; burns long. B. | yd. seam. B. B. B. Price, 530.
Announces close out fllTrih nmhrLllA 6 bowls to set - one each, 4, B. B. Price, 230. BowMAtrs-Fourih Floor Utica Sheets, 63x108 inches;
Wool Flannel Outing comes this'low price Oil stvles 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9-inch. 8.8.8. Floor Mops - heart shape. Save fully a half in this BB B I mill soiled. 8.8.8.
CL;. F „ JI IA {~, r „ c • Price *ei Each mop packed m tin box. oave iuuy a nan in tnis C. HS. TS. Price,
Shirts, sl.lO can tafFeta -taoe edp-e and Handle and 8-oz. can of oil in- Sale of 619 Yards of 4to 9-inch Pillow Cases—made of good
Collars attached. lor ta, tape c lge and last Yellow Earthenware Pastry eluded. B. B. B. Price, 230. D'UU e\A J quality muslin; 45x36 inches.
BOWMAN'S— second Floor Men's Umbrellas 9 8 inch Sets, consisting of one 10-inch Bath Tub Seats white KlDuOllS I 24c yCI. B. B. B. Price, 140 each.
Paragon frame umbrellas! bowl and one earthenware roll- enameled wood; supported by Min md jn desjrablc Bathrobe Blankets - large
tape edge and fast color. B. B ing pin. B. B. B. Price, 350 s f. ec Ipr.od 1 p r . ods ' "'^ kcl P ,ated ' lengths. A wonderful variety S ' ZC; Va 7° US , d f eS,gnS and n co 1 J-
Women's New Coats B. Price, 95,. _ set Wall Dryer has eieht of Jiain shades, fancies and
$3.98—55.98—57.50 Para^ot e franie" mSlas 'met Crockery Jardinieres-7-inch separate arms which are sanded favored weaves. ~B d V Ub '. C ' ,Cd
rvrollmt in rlntl, cerized sateen; tape edge; 24 size; assorted shapes; blended P r .- smooth, made of sc- BOWMAN'S- Main Floor Jaiivcs,/ \J inc, ' th ' * rd y
Lxcellent models in cloth • R 4, TL- , . . .. 1 ' lected hardwood, with sheet or white, with colored borders.
coats; plushes, corduroys and BO wsi AN"'S— -Mai n fi'OO r' co green. steel arm SU pp or t. 8.8.8. XT B. B. B. Price, $1.49 pr.
others. Silk lined. L B. L. B. Price, 410. Price, 390. NeW PrOCCSS Beacon Crib Blankets and
BOWMAN'S Third Floor TW«c« Ra y° Nickel Lamps, No. 2 Wash Tubs made of good | . B , ab y Ba S s - bl » e and white in
' rretty LIrCSSCS ror center draft burner; com- quality galvanized iron; 18 in- LinOlClllll , checks and floral patterns;
Children, at the plete with white shade and ches in diameter, with drop R R R Priro ?1r Sn YJ bound with silk. B. B. B. Price,
I __ _ l ow Prir, nf chimney B B B Price handles. B. B. B. Price, 430. TrlCe, CIC o q. Id. $1.49 each.
House Dresses; , y rice or JM.yo $1.23/ ' Standard Clothes Bars —36 Only one of the splendid of- no N's_ Baßeme nt
*T' RR Rp p i„. ii ep , TJ * * inches high; three folds; made ferings on the carpet floor.
D. D. D. 1 rice, wC checks, and Crockery Jardinieres l- of clear lumber; hinged by Shown in 'tile mosnir ind .
/-• i • serges in blue, inches size; beautiful ivory fin- means of heavy canvass tape. , ' . StUTCIv Shirts For
Ginghams in stripes and brown and Co- j s |, cB. B Price 09,'. BB B Price" *lO, parquetry patterns; two yards Oiuruy onirH ror
checks. penhagen ; Crockerv Fern Dish with Clothes Baskets - imported t wi . de * A big saving. Kindly Men Lowered tO 55c
BOWMAN'S—Third Floor plaited and " -t 1 • willow; 26 inches lone • strong bring room measurements. Every man will recognize
___________ plain skirts; wide belt effects; trim- '"att green. (>mcli size. an( j j ura jjj e g g g' p r j ce Axminster Rugs in floral, all-over them as having sold for con
___«——I med in plain materials, buttons and L>. B. n. rice, 1.10. ' and Oriental patterns; 9x12. B. B. siderably more; as the ma-
Waists bra,d ' Sizes 4 ' 8 ' 12 and 14 Decorated German China Step Ladders 5-ft., made B - Price . #15.98. To-day's market terials and workmanship arc
rt - - . salad dishes, cake plates, chop of clear, selected lumber; with price is considerably in advance. not usually found at this price.
Clearing at Jpl.by Infants White Flannelette Gowns plates, celcrv iravs, bread pail shelf. B. B. B. Price, 590. Table Oil Cloth; 1% yards wide, j J ercales and mercerized mad-
A varietv of higher erade open all the way down the front; trays,'sugar 'and cream sets, Folding Ironing Tables', in brown, red, green and light pat- ras; soft cuffs; sizes 14 to 16j/>.
lingerie waists: lace and em- E L r R Price ft.; tUfn footed comports, jugs, etc. B. with 54-inch top; stands per- terns. B. B B. Price 110 yd. Shirts _ percales, with stiff
broidery trimmed back cuffs B. B. B. 1 rice 80. B B Price fect j y firni B BB # Price) Tapestry Rugs 9xl2, seamless; cuffs: in a wide range of pat-
BOWMAVS— I Third Floor Infants Long Slips of fine nam- 830. floral, all-over and Oriental pat- terns; sizes 14 to 18. B. B. 8,.
so °k! round yokes with tucks, lace Decorated German China Mrs. Potts* Sad Irons high- terns. B. B. B. Price, #10.98. Price, 390.
and embroidery insertion; or Bishop marmalade jars, comb and ly polished: 3 irons, handle and 27x54-inch Rugs Axminster, Hansen's Work Gloves
styles, smocked, or embroidery trim- brush trays, condiment sets, stand. B. B. B. Price, 090 Velvet and Tapestry rugs, in all- lined and untitled cowhide
rurr, med. B. B .B. Price, 450. nut sets, spoon trays, cracker set. Dver, floral and gloves and mittens. B. B. B.
... ... Infants' White Flannelette Kimo- jars, olive trays, footed bowls, Clothes Hampers made of Oriental pat- Price, 500 pr.
deductions on all lurs aver- nos turn-back piece down front, cake plates and salad dishes. white and colored willow ">8 terns and solid Handkerchiefs barred
aging Half Price and Less. flat collar, turn-back cuff with but- B. B. B. Price. 09*. inches round. B. B. B. Pric~e colors. B. B. B. M cambric: unusually fine qtial-
BOWMANS-Third Floor ton hok edge. B. B. B. Price, BOWMAN-s— Basement #1.09. ' Price, #1.29. /WV ity at 100 each, or 3 for 250.
. l&M- BOWMAN'S—Third Floor ' BOWMAN'S-Fourth Floor HoWMAX's-Muii. riuur
FEBRUARY 8, 191 G.