Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, February 04, 1916, Page 15, Image 15

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    "The DOUTRICHS "Always Reliab l
Semi-Annual Mark-Down Sale
Means a Big Saving to You. Everything (Except Arrow Collars ) Reduced
And right here is a great, big, im- Its an indisputable fact that our
portant fact that you don't want to overlook— regular prices throughout the season have been,
Not all the money saving is represented by the difference as usual, from $3 to $5 less than those asked for equal mer
between our regular and mark-down prices, for while other chandise in any other store in Harrisburg. So just bear in
stores often see fit to imitate our methods, advertising and even mind that duplicates of our price reductions fall _ar short of
copy our prices, none has ever yet equalled our value-giving affording duplicates of the actual money-savings you can
saletime or anytime. make here now.
" And, in addition to that, everything here is brand new---all this season's merchandise ' ~ " 7"
Honest '—all the best of its kind that the maker affords. Nothing of uncertain age, of doubt- St&nd&Fu
ful quality is ever found in this store—-saletime or anytim2---and you get the same
Reductions careful attention and the same guarantee of complete satisfaction, as if you paid the Merchandise
, _ J regular price. I
p*reely at These Pviccs •
I Ail $15.00 Suits & (Din \ ALL 25c HOSIERY 19c\ ALL 50c A ".^' oo B T Smts $3 89 I
I Overcoats ... $10.75 VALL SOo UNDER WE Alt 39c\Neckwe,r J, QC |
All SIB.OO Suits & d»1 07C ALL\ ALL SI.OO SHIRTS 79c\ and Overcoats .. . $4. if J
Overcoats.... 25c \AI L $1.50 SHIRTS "JQ/. All $7.50 Boys' Suits frr QC
Alls2o.ooSuit.& ALL $2.50 KNIT MUFFLERS *1 Rq \
I "k? ! sweatees T. $6.95 I
| . $18.'5 19c \ALL $5.00 SWEATERS .J 9 \ All, Sl« Boy.j Suit. |
I Goods [ I f
I Exchanged 304 Market St Harrisburg, Pa. |
Curator of Bronx Gardens
Doesn't Know What to Do
With Animals He Borrowed
New York. Feb. 4.—Does anybody
want a good, tame specimen of the
Mephitis mephitica? Raymond L.
Ditmars, curator of the Bronx Zoo,
has one he wants, oh so badly, to get
rid of.
The curator decided some time ago
that his exploits in nature study were
incomplete. He had finger printed
the orang-outangs, and milked the
venom from a lancehead viper, and
his neighbors had once threatened to
go to law unless he gave up the colony
of katydids that he kept in his studio.
But he had never taken a motion pic
ture of a genuine, wood bred skunk
sit. close range. The queerest part of
it was that he wanted to do just that
The wood pussies at the zoo would
Bilious SClteffßlCS
That bad taste in the Wk Jm* MKfm/ML ML JHL XL*
that furred tongue; JK "TWK W"/«T Vl|
headache; drow.
rt&ess; that disturbed By IB estM BJP SWET JBw. Brm
sleep; depression; JB Wkmr
that yellowish skin—all
tel! the story of bilious- TTx
and your immediate need
— are fundamental in their action, they
go down to the root of the trouble, restoring liver,
stomach and bowels to a healthy condition; giving
quick relief from bilious attacks, indigestion, headache,
heartburn, flatulency,depression of spirits—and afford
ing absolute freedom from these disorders. Schenck's
Mandrake Pills are tonic, therefore they form no habit.
DR« J. H» SCHENCK. Sc. SON, Philadelphia
not do. They are old and lazy. He
searched for a real, lively pussy with
a mean disposition. At last about two
weeks ago he heard that a farmer in
Valhalla had caught one alive in a
trap. Up he went to Valhalla with
a specially constructed, airproof as
bestos box and he borrowed. the
Back to his studio at his home in
Scarsdale he took it. He let it out in
the studio and then he buried the
box. He spent three days getting on
friendly terms with little Mephitis and
the creature got to know him so well
that at last he brought his camera
and a supply of formaldehyde into the
room and left with a unique lilm of
a genuine rip-roaring wood pussy in
war manoeuvers.
Then came the problem of getting
the skunk back. Mr. Ditmars built a
bombproof trap and set it in the
studio. Mr. Skunk consented to enter
it and yesterday morning oft for Val
halla went Mr. Ditmars.
"Here's your skunk back, and I
can't say how deeply grateful I am
for the loan," he told the farmer.
The farmer reached for a rake. "If
you let that unholy beast loose within
ISO miles of Valhalla station I'll sue
you''' he shouted.
Mr. Ditmars, dumbfounded, took
little Mephitis back to Scarsdale. He
can't give it to the zoo. He admits
that there wouldn't be a man, woman
or child within ten miles of the park
if he did. And when this story comes
out he fears that his neighbors at
Scarsdale will organize a Klu Klux 1
Klan or else cancel their leases.
Anybody who will give little Meph- !
itis a good home can have him on ap- j
plication at the curator's office.
Better Postal Service
as Business Increases
An increase of more than $7,000 in
| the amount of business done at the
{ Harrisburg post office in January, (
1916, over the total of 19X5, j,
was reported by Postmaster (
| Frank C. Sites to-day. Despite the'
fact that the postal employes are
I working in temporary quarters, every]
effort is made to maintain the efficien- j
cy and service of the post office in this |
| city.
With this in view a new box was
placed at Twenty-First street and Hill
side road, Bellevue park, and nightly j
collections are made there as well as,
the regular daily trips in that dis- 1
trict. February, IG, post office* sub- ]
station No. 22 will be opened at the:
Logan drug Btore, North Second
During the last year additional men
have been employed and all of the
regular deliveries are being maintaJn
! Ed in the business and residential dis
tricts and in the outer parts of the
Want to Help Belgian
Prisoner of War Pass
Away Time in Camp?
i F. Baudsom, formerly of the,
: Twelfth Belgian regiment and now ji !
i prisoner of war in the detention camps |
of Holland, is a curio stamp collector. !
For weeks he has been trying to j
while away his weary hours by care
fully gathering postage stamps. Some- j
where he got hold of a newspaper
directory and he has written to the
editors of some of the more important
i papers of this country including the 1
i Herald and the Times of New York,
asking their co-operation in securing;
contributions of stamps. To-day the 1
I Telegraph got a formidable, censored,
j franked letter from Baudson asking
this newspaper's help in securing con
tributions to his collection.
Stamps will readily reach Baudson
if mailed to "R. de Ligne, Camp 11,
Zeist, Holland."
Plans for the annual banquet of the ;
j Harrisburg Mummers' Association to
j be held next month will be completed j
iat a special meeting of that organiza- j
j lion to be held within a few weeks.
An illustrated bird lecture will be
'given by W. 8. Essick'under the aus
pices of ihe .John Westley Boys' club in
Fifth Street Methodist Episcopal
I Church this evening. t
Says Panama Canal Is in
Great Danger From Foe
Special to the TelegrapTi
Washington, D. C., Feb. 4.—Make
every postmaster in the United States
a recruiting agent for the army and
This was the suggestion made to
; the Senate military affairs committee |
j by General Clarence It. Edwards, who ,
was summoned from the Panama
' Canal Zone to appear before the com- I
i inittee. General Kdwards is now or-1
• ganizlng the mobile army for the de- j
t fenso of the canal, where a depart
ment will be created if the recom-1
| mendations of the general staff are j
i approved by Secretary of War I>. M.
! Garrison.
Greater defenses for the Panama j
Canal wc.ro' advocated by General Ed- ;
i wards in a comprehensive statement i
| wherein ho Indicated the eaue with I
which an enemy under present conii- !
tions might either capture or destroy'
the "vitals" of the p;reat waterway.
Twenty-five thousand men, or more.
| than one-fourth the present totul,
| strength of the standing army, are I
needed to lnsuro adequate protection
loi the canal, he said. Fixed fortitlca- i
; tions. no matter how strong, cannot
| guard the zone, he declared, and with
! out a mobile army to back them up i
the guns already there are a source of
i weakness, not strength.
Banquet Prize in Bible
Class Membeship Contest
Special to the Telegrafli
i Annville, Pa., Feb. 4.—The Brother
' hood Bible class of St. Paul's Evan
gelical Church will conduct a mem
bership contest to begin on February
16 and continue until March 12. The
' class will be divided into two sections,
j the Red captained by Joseph Boltz and
the Blue lead by Charles Parker. A
| system of points will determine which
side will banquet the losers at the
• close of the contest.
$300,000 WA«E INCREASE
Special to the Telegraph
Philadelphia, Feb. 4.—lncreases in
'wages amounting to more than $300,-
j 000 a year and applying to between
| 4,000 and 5,000 workers were volun
tarily granted yesterday to the em
ployes of the William Cramp & Sons
Ship and Engine Building Company
! and the T. P. Morris Cmpany. The
new wage scale will become effective
on February 28. The advance is equal
to ten per cent, in the hourly wage
I rates.
Thl>lols. Druggists refund money if it
fails to cure. 10. W. GROVE'S signature
4is on each box. 25c.—Advertisement,
Maxim For Preparedness;
to Hide at Devil's Hole
Special to the Telegraph
Philadelphia,Feb.4.—Hudson Maxim,
inventor of "maximite," the first high ,
explosive to penetrate heavy armor
i plate, and a member of the Naval Con
sulting Board of Civil Scientists, is a ;
j believer in a twofold preparedness.
Mr. Maxim not only is advocating a
navy that is second to none and a
[standing army of at least 1,000,000
I trained men. hut he is preparing a
| place of refuge in the West to which,
'lie says, ho end his family will go so
I soon a" pence is declared in Europe.
; The end of the war, he explained, will
; mean the invasion of the eastern pari
I of thi3 country by one or more of the
i present, belligerents to recoup their
i wasted fortunes with the riches of
' th's territory.
Popular Preaching at
St. Stephen's Mission
I The Rev. Dr. J. O. S. Huntington.
'■ West Park, N. Y., father superior of
j the Protestant Episcopal Order of the
' Holy Cross has opened a "popular
preaching mission" at St. Stephen's
i Church which will be continued until
a week from Sunday. The services are
j entirely absent of liturgy except at
| communion services. Opening services
were conducted yesterday by Father
Huntington. The mission is the first
to be held in this city for
years. Dr. Huntington spoke here in
St. Stephen's Church In 1903. Brother
Abishai, his assistant, arrived here
last evening.
"Must I Be a Christian?" was the
subject of Dr. Huntington's talk. The
■ daily schedule follows: Holy com
.munlon, S a. m.; intercession, 12 m.;
] young people's service, 4.30 p. m.;
II preaching mission. 8 p. m.
Preparatory services will be held
1 this evening at Paxton Presbyterian
Church by the Rev. C. B. Segelken.
, of Steelton.
» ________________________
1 No Trouble to Keep
1 Skin Free From Hairs
The Modern Beauty)
There is no need for any woman to
; countenance superfluous hairs, because
! with a paste made by mixing some
' : powdered delatone with water It is
easy to get rid of them. The paste is
lapplied for 2 to 3 minutes, then rub
bed off and the skin washed. This
j treatment will rid the skin of hair
without leaving n blemish, but care
i should be taken to see that you get
[real delatone.
The Audubon Society of Pennsylva
nia, an organization for the protec
tion of birds will hold its annual con
vention in this city the first week in
April. The convention will come to
this city at the invitation of the Har
risburg Natural History Society. The
■■J .. .. „ ——— ——
"Try it with
yv your next meaL"
Always The Same!
Moxley's Special is Pure, Delicious, Wholesome Food.
, yifiH 33
id %
A saving of about 15 cents a pound—as compared
■ J with good butter—amounts to many * M
dollars a year.
Moxley's Special is not just oleomargarine!
A it is the best that can be made; call for it
(k, * yftf by name and you'll be satisfied
try Churned By
WCJi f? WM. J. MOXLEY, Inc., Chicago
—Factory Branches— jTjjVr
**£) 121-112 Fin* AT... PKUWNK. FTU
ly Writ* for (4 pax* book of Fun-
MBH ■] j Racipaa—FßEE.
l! The Telegraph Bindery
;j Will Rebind Yiur Bible Satisfactorily
I , i ,
local society will give a banquet to tlio
delegates, and furnish Technical High
school auditorium and the flagroom
of the State museum for the meetings.
A special feature to be held during tho
week will bo an illustrated talk to tjjo
school children of the city during ono
of the afternoons.