8 Witmer, Bair.& Witmcr January Clearance Sale All Winter Garments must go. Informal Spring announcement. NEW SPRING SUITS AND DRESSES liOT OP COATS Mix- Lot Scotch Plaid Waist* tures. navy, green and plaid; for Saturday only; OC »i 2.60, $7.50 ,1-95, for Black zibeline, baited Children's an«l Girls' Fur model; $12.50, gg Sets— One-Third Olt Regular. Navy blue Wool Velour About 20 Fur Trimmed Coats; $17.50, f| |"|A Suits left to close at late sea for w * * son prices—all latest models Wool Plushes Green, —reduced prices are iiT-S: t£*. "*.#1375 SiS.OO, $17.50, $18.50, $25.00, for 75 $20.00 and $25.00 $35 and $28.50, OO TaUnnuarie SUITS, ln _ . .Y, terllned; $16.75, for $12.50; TU? n r^c Coa^! nOdelS ' , $23.75, for 517.50; $35.00 , ,*s° A T®T T ? 6 T>f 0< ? d for $35.00. kind. Black Seal Plush, Broadcloth. Zibeline, Im- 78 jfew Spring Silk Petti - ported Corduroy, Cheviot coats, regular and extra sizes Coats —all reduced In price. —colors and black Lot Jersey Top Petticoats $3.50, $3.95, with mercerised flounce; fit I TK j tit" iiA Gray. Rose, Tan, tfj 1 r|fl and etc.; $3.00, for ® l,uu ——— Special Striped New Silk 25 SKATING OR SCHOOL Waists, Blue, Rose, f|ft SETS; new since Christmas: etc.; $5.50, f0r.... W*J»vrvJ for Saturday only; 4*l OC $1.95. very special **> 1 New Sprinpr Dress Skirts— ———————— Mixtures, Plaids, Plain or 12 Skating or School Sets Novelty ... 75c $2.25 •» $15.00 ' Witmer, Bair & Witmer 202 Walnut Street Real Jumbo Peanuts 12c lb. Fresh daily; also the good old-fash ioned "Home Roasted" Coffee now tc he had at the Imperial Tea Company, £lB Chestnut street.—Advertisement. Special FOR Saturday Sweet Peas 49c BUNCH VIOLETS 49 C BUNCH Pin and Cord Free SCHMIDT FLORIST 313 Market Street You Get the Benefit of Belsinger Eye Service in This Special Optical Offer, Which Closes SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 5 The purpose of this special' of fer is to get you to come here and -acquaint yourself with the high standard of Belsinger Eye Serv ice and Efficiency. Hosts of good friends have already been won, but we want more hence this exceptional offer for a limit ed time only. Come and let us demonstrate what we mean when we say "Absolute Satisfaction Guaran teed." * SPECIAL OFFER L Our expert service and eye examination (no drops). 2. Toric Sphere Lenses, any size or shape. 3. Guaranteed 10-year gold filled finger piece eye glass mount ing or any style spectacle. 4. Leather covered steel case, vel vet lined, spring back, with your name in gold leaf on out side. 5. All of the above, complete with our guarantee of absolute sat isfaction for $2.00 205 Locust Street Opp. Orpheum Belsinger eye service (■ based on "one pleased patron brings two to be pleased." FRIDAY EVENING, 1 HARRESBURG t&Sfsfe TELEGRAPH JANUARY 28, 1916. Miss Casey Entertains at Her Duncannon Home Miss Ruth Casey of Duncannon happily entertained her Sunday school class on Wednesday evening. A buf fet supper followed games, music and contests. In attendance were the Misses Isa belle Rotz, Martha Smith, Ruth Wol pert, Helen Young, Kathryn Kline, Hazel Thayer, Mrs. Charles Johnson, Mrs. Harry Weaver and Mrs. Emanuel Casey. The Rev. and Mrs. Robert Fulton Sterling of Dauphin are both quite 111 with the grip. Mrs. Thomas Edward Munce of Cloverly Heights is home after a stay in Atlantic City. Clarence B. Bishop of 1631 North Second street, sails from Philadelphia to-morrow for Florida, to spend the remainder of the winter at Miami. Miss Marian McCormick was host ess last evening for the Thursday Five Hundred Club. This Will Remove Hair or Fuzzy Growths (Toilet Tips) A safe, certain method for ridding the skin of ugly, hairy growths is as follows: Mix a paste with some pow dered delatone and water, apply to hairy surface about 2 minutes, then rub off, wash the skin and the hairs are gone. This is entirely harmless and seldom requires repeating, but to avoid disappointment It is advisable to see that you get genuine delatone. PERSONAL AND SOLITAIRES WORN ON LADY FINGERS [ Engagement of Miss Helen Mae Koons to Philip Aldinger Is Announced i Miss Helen Mae Koons of 120 Boas (street Invited members of a card club | which flourished several years ago, to ;lier home last evening, planning a lit j tie surprise for them. Games of five | hundred were followed by refresh j ments served with appointments of old I blue and Dutch suggestions. I Just before the guests started for I home Miss Koons passed a tray with ja farewell bite" which proved to be [ lady fingers banded with large solitaire | rings. Simultaneously, Mrs. Jerome . Koons, mother of the hostess announc ed the engagement of Miss Helen to | Philip Frederick Aldinger of York, j The marriage will be an event of the early summer. The guests, not to be outdone by the bride-elect, laughingly drew from their coat pockets, tea towels and gave her a real shower of them, for they had anticipated the announcement. Miss Koons has a wide circle of friends throughout the city, and Mr. Aldinger, a State College alumnus. Is a mechanical engineer with S. Morton Smith Co., of York. Last evening's party included: Mrs. John Laucks, of York: Mrs. Nester Bair. of New Cumberland; Mrs. George Fairail, of Steelton; Mrs. Paul Weaver, Mrs. Artenus H. Ellenberger, Mrs William Naugle, Miss Anna Berry, Miss Mabel Wallower, Miss Katharine Smee, Miss Edna Baldwin, Miss Kath arine Phillips, Miss Mary Koons, Mrs. Jerome Koons and Miss Helen Mae Koons. Mrs. Edgar A. Weimer of Lebanon will be a week-end guest of Miss M. i Emilie Patterson of the Donaldson t apartments. • Mr. and Mrs. Richard Alexander of I Baltimore are visiting their relatives, Mr. and Mrs. James F. Hudson of • Market street. • Miss Nora Adams and Miss Sara Adams of Buffalo, N. Y., are guests of . their aunt. Mrs. Philip Redding of I Penn street. Miss Alicia Duane and Miss Phyllis i Duane of Jersey City spent the past I week with relatives in suburban Har rlsburg. Miss Margaret Berry of 421 Peffer • street entertained the J. A. M. Club members last night at her home. i T. J. Vastine and his granddaugh . ter, Miss Ellen Ryan of Sunbury spent ! the past several days with Dr. Harry M. Yastlne of Locust street. Mrs. Harrison Wheeler of Detroit, Mich., is visiting relatives in this city and Steelton. 1 THE P. O. OF A. CAMPS HOLD A BUSINESS SESSION The members of Enhaut Camp, No. 96. Marysville Camp, No. 110, Steelton Camp, No. 10, and Camps Nos. 23 and 48. of Harrlsburg, Patri otic Order Sons of America, held a : business meeting at the Flatiron build i ing. Nineteenth and Derry streets, last evening. George Smith, of Plilladel > phia. national secretary of the organ i ization, presided at the meeting. j Mr. and Mrs. James Helglies and > Mrs. Jra Heighes, of Dillsburg, were > the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. . Knißely, of Fourteenth and Haehnien streets. Mrs. Mervln Myers, of Annvllle, has returned home after visiting friends In this city. THURSDAY SEWING CLUB MEETS WITH MRS. DITCHER Mrs. Julius Bucher. of 1414 Derry street, was hostess for the Thursdav afternoon Embroidery Club at her home yesterday. The guests spent a delightful afternoon and luncheon was served to the following members: Mrs. E. S. Tittle, Mrs. John L. Wohlfarth, Mrs. Herman Bucher. Mrs. Richard Bucher. Mrs. Edgar Spengler and Mrs. Jack Beck. Mr. and Mrs. E. .T. Lescure, of 517 South Fourteenth street, have removed to 232 South Fourteenth street to make their home with Mrs. Lescure's mother. Mrs. J. W. Knlsely. LOOK AT CHILD'S TONGUE IF SICK, CROSS, FEVERISH Hurry, Mother! Remove poisons from little stomach, liver, bowels. Give "California Syrup of Figs" at once if bilious or constipated. Look at 'the tongue, mother! If coated, it Is a sure sign that your little one's stomach, liver and bowels need a gentle, thorough cleansing at once. When peevish, cross, listless, pale, doesn't sleep, doesn't eat or act natu rally, or Is feverish, stomach sour, breath bad; has stomach-ache, sore throat, diarrhoea, full of cold, give a teaspoonful of "California Syrup of Figs," and in a few hours all the foul, constipated waste, undigested food and sour bile gently moves out of the little bowels without griping, and you have a well, playful child again. You needn't coax sick children to ' take this harmless "fruit laxative;" I they love its delicious taste, and it al- I ways makes them feel splendid. J Ask your druggist for a 50-cent I bottle of "California Syrup of Figs," which has directions for babies, chij- I dren of all ages and for grown-ups plainly on the bottle. Beware of coun terfeits sold here. To be sure you get the genuine, ask to see that It Is made by "California Fig Syrup Company." Retuae any, other kind with contempt. Guests of Miss Stailey Enjoy Cards and Music Guests of Miss Maude I. Stally of Crescent and Swatara streets, last evening had the pleasure of meeting Miss Ruth B. Mentzer of Hagerstown, Md., who is visiting here. Cards, music and a late supper were enjoyed by Miss Anna Boiler, Miss Lilian Mason, Miss Elizabeth Bair, Miss Elsie Simpson, of Sunbury; Miss Ruth Mentzer, John B. Hoke, G. Weber Knight, Jr., John D. Fisher, Beauford Ambrose, Laurence Moyer, Donald Moyer and Gus C. Stailey. Shower For the Arnolds Who Were Recently Wed Friends of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Arnold who were recently married arranged a miscellaneous shower for them at their new home, 2018 Swat ara street, presenting them with many beautiful and useful gifts. _ Refreshments were served at the close of a pleasant evening, to the Misses Ethel Deltzler, Margaret Wil son. Mabel Book, Marie Frankberger, Pearl Floyd, Bertha Zerger, Rose Hess. Dorothy Frankeberger, Ruth Arnold, Margaret Arnold, Catherine Barringer and Jennie Sterrit; William Procasco, William Crow, William Hare. John Frankeberger, Francis Arnold, Mrs. Barnes, Mrs. Charles Shaeffer, Mrs. A. Frankeberger, Mrs. Sherlock, Mrs. Barringer. Mrs. E. M. Arnold, Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Lewis and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Arnold. SCHOOLGIRLS HERE Miss Elizabeth Mullen Brandt, of the Misses Shipley school, Br.vn Mawr, with her roommate. Miss Geraldine Williams, of Kentucky, arrived to-day to spend the week-end with Miss Brandt's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Aus tin Brandt, 603 North Front street. BIRTHDAY SURPRISE PARTY FOR MISS HELEN KXABY An enjoyable birthday surprise partv was held last evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William H. Knaby in honor of their daughter Helen, who was the recipient of beautiful presents. The evening was spent in playing games, vocal and instrumental music. Refreshments were served to the fol lowing guests: The Misses Dora Mor gan, Ada Morgan. Edna Wanbaugh, Eva McClaren, Margaret Knaub, Helen Knaby, Marguerite Sweeney and Carrie Knaby, Mrs. H. H. Clark, Mr. and Mrs. F. S. Roth, Mr. and Mrs. John Knaby and family, Roy Walters, Harrv Kahn Herbert Gormley, Albert Shaffner, Paul Harkinson. Boyd Knaby, John Campbell and Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Knaby. Wife of Heir to Austrian Throne Nurses Aged Emperor in Illness -if O&iMMCUSsS, iLZA- * EMPEROR FRANCIS JOSEPH AND ARCHDUCHESS ZITA Paris, Jan. 28. Press dispatches from Rome say that considerable anx iety is felt In Vienna in consequence of the illness of Emperor Francis Joseph, whose chronic bronchitis has assumed an acute form. They add that he is confined to bed, that all court recep tions and audiences have been sus pended and that he is not even receiv ing the military authorities. He is being nursed by the Arch duchess Zita. wife of Archduke Charles Francis Joseph, heir to the throne, ac cording to the same dispatch. Mr. and Mrs. William C. Zeiders, of Payette, Idaho, announce the birth of a daughter. Lois Cassel Zeiders, Thurs day. January 27, 1916, at the Poly clinic Hospital. Mr. «nd Mrs. Zeiders were former residents of this city, Mrs. Zeiders being Miss Maude Cassel, of Mount Joy, prior to her marriage. Mr. nnd Mrs. Martin Sweigert, of Riverside, announce the birth of a son, Sunday. January 16, 1916. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Zerbe, of Cleve land, Ohio, announce the birth of a daughter. Edith Jane Zerbe, Thurs day, January 27. Mrs. Zerbe was for merly Miss Ruth Fischler, of this city. Stauffer's Palm Beach Orchestra Alternating with Morgan's orchestra, Saturday evenings at Winterdale. The old dances and one-step.—Advertise ment. SOCIAL SESSION OF AID SOCIETY Women of Old Paxton Church Spend Afternoon With Mrs. Arthur Bailey Members of the Ladles' Aid Society of old Pavton Presbyterian Church, held the first of a series of social en tertainments yesterday afternoon at ! the home of Mrs. Arthur Hamilton Bailey, at Paxtang. A delightful afternoon was spent. An informal program Including ar tists' numbers on an Edison talking machine and readings by Mrs. Karl D. Fogg, who gave in charming fash ion a group of dialects: Italian. "Rosa"; Irish, "Mrs. Muldooney"; Ne gro, "Little Brown Baby," by Dunbar; an original monologue, "The Village Dressmakers," and a dramatic number, "The Midnight Express." Mrs. Harry B. King, wife of the pas tor, presided at the tea table, assisted by Mrs. Arthur H. Bailey. Candlelight Supper in Real Old-Time Style One hundred and fifty members of the Mrs. Clayton Albert Smucker Sun day school class of the Stevens Me morial Methodist Episcopal church, of Thirteenth and Vernon streets, attend ed the old-time candlelight supper given by the class. Hostesses at Cards With a Tea Following Mrs. Ross A. Hickok and her mother, Mrs. Daniel Hartman Hast ings of Bellefonte entertained in formally at cards this afternoon at Mrs. Hlckok's home, 119 West State street. Tea followed the games with a num ber of guests coming in especially for this. Mrs. Francis Jordan Hall pour ed tea and Mrs. Walter P. Maguire presided over the chocolate service. Pink roses prevailed in the decora tions and forty guests attended. COLONIAL CLUB TEA The usual Saturday afternoon tea at the Colonial Country Club w'll be held to-morrow afternoon. Mln Carrie Orth will preside at the tea table, as sisted by the ladies of the advisory committee. CARDS WITH MRS. KUNKEL Mrs. George B. Kunkel, of Locust street, has Invited a number of her friends to a bridge party at her home Tuesday afternoon, February 1, at 2.30 o'clock. A buffet supper will follow the play. Miss Marian Leib, of New Cumber land, Is the guest of Mrs. Heber Harris Thompson, Tamaqua. Miss Gertrude Olmsted, 105 North Front street, a student at Foxcroft, Middleburgr, Va., is spending a few days with her mother, Mrs. Marlin E. Olmsted. J. Draper Cooper, who was em ployed during the winter in Allentown, is on a visit with his parents In Camp Hill. BIRTHDAY STAG PARTY FOR GEORGE E. WHARTON A birthday surprise stag party was tendered George E. Wharton, of 554 Woodbine street, by members of Har mony Castle, Knights of the Golden Eagle. The evening was spent in cards and music. George Shope played sev eral selections on the piano and the famous K. G. E. quartet sang. The quartet includes G. W. Miller, John lx>sh, Joseph Pilkey and John Hoff man. Ralph Snyder gave a reading. Refreshments were served to Joseph Pilkey, G. W. Miller, John Losh, Ralph Snyder, John Hoffman, George Shope, Mrs. W. H. Wharton and Mr. and Mrs. George E. Wharton. Henry Nagle, Oldest Odd Fellow in Lancaster Co., Dies at New Holland Home HENRY NAGLE New Holland, Pa.. Jan. 28.—Henry Nagle, the oldest OcUl Fellow in Lan caster county, and who for fifty years was treasurer of the Earl Ix)dpfe, No, 413, died last night from a stroke sustained several months ago. He was 85 years old and served in the Civil War. He was assessor, • tax collector and school director and held other offices of trust In the borough. He was a tinsmith by occupation, but re tired a number of years ago. He was the last of the original trustees of the New Holland Lutheran Church. Five children, twenty grandchildren and six great-grandchildren survive. Among the children is G. Grant Nagle, of GENTLE RUBBING HELPS VARICOSE VEINS Rubbing the swollen veins nightly for about two minutes with a gentle up ward stroke bring benefits to suffer ers and is mighty good advice, says an authority. ... ~ After the rubbing, which should always be toward tne heart, because the blood in the veins flows that way, apply Emerald Oil (full strength) with brush or hand. Try the simple home treatment for a few "days and improvement will be no ticed then continue until veins are re duced to norms!. It Is very concen trated and penetrating and can be ob tained at anv modern drug store. It is so powerful that it also reduces Goitre and Wens. All druggists have Emerald Oil In the original bottle and will be glad to supply it- —Advertisement. T.ADIES' BAZAAR DOITT FORGET fAI9 C J f L C f DOITT FORGE! THE NUMBER IV-1* OU THE NUMBER "W# AckrcrtiM &• Trtfk—Hie TroA Advert*.. U» M N^__—___________ WTTTXT t Smart 1916 Models 11 Ej W • in Serge Dresses We are showing some smart new garments in all wo serge dresses, suitable for present day and early Sprir wear, worth $6.98 and $9.98. $4.98 and $6.98 Saturday Special Saturday Special $1.25 Brassieres, H. & W. and Deßevolse bras- New serge skirts Just received sieres, open front and back, a brand new model, with yoke regular SI.OO and $1.25 values; regular $3.00 value; special Sat special Saturday #%Qs« urday, <fcf *yr *. ... ogc «Pl. > » Coats—Suits—Dresses—at Final Price Reductions Mrs. Hetrick Entertains at Her Home in Paxtang Mrs. William E. Hetrick entertained the members of the J. S. Embroidery Club at her home at Paxtang yester day afternoon. At 6 o'clock supper was served. Spring flowers formed the table decorations. Mrs. Hetrick's guests were Mrs. J. B. Fast, Mrs. George Criswell, Mrs. G. 11. Wldder. Mrs. M. R. Laucks, Mrs. William Bolton, Mrs. William Moore, of Harrisburg and Mrs. Geo. Shaffer of Paxtang. MOORHEAD-RJEIGIIERT BRIDAL The marriage of Miss Elizabeth Reighert of 112 North Eighteenth street and Carl Arthur Moorhead, of New Kensington was solemnized last evening at 7:30 o'clock at the Manse of the Market Square Presbyterian church by the pastor, the Rev. George Edward Hawes. A few personal friends were in attendance. Mr. and Mrs. Moorhead will make their home with the bride's mother after a brief wedding trip. MARRY IX MARYLAND Miss Emma F. Sheets of 1710 Briggs street and William T. Heaps of Col umbia, both employes of the silk mill went quietly away to Hagerstown on Monday where they were married by the Rev. W. L. Lyn, paßtor of the Washington Avenue Methodist church of that city. They will make their home here. Mrs. Daniel Marks of Camp Hill was the guest of Mrs. J. W. Knisely of 232 South Fourteenth street. Mrs. Emma Fetterlioff of 1815 North Cameron street, is home after a little visit with Mechanlcsburg rela tives. Mrs. John Crull Herman of North Second street gave a little luncheon yesterday afternoon to a few of the younger set. Mrs. Thomas Bradley of 811 Norm Eighteenth street, was hostess yester day afternoon to the Thursday Card Club of which she is a member. Miss Leah Robinson of Columbus, Ohio, is a guest of Miss Rachel Rob inson of Derry street. Miss Kathleen Ross and Miss Sarah F. Ross of Germantown will be guests for next week of their aunt, Mrs. Luther Flairley of Green street. Mrs. Marchand Honor Guest of the Misses Pearson The Misses Pearson were hostesses at a luncheon yesterday afternoon at their home, 503 North Front street, complimentary to Mrs. John March and of Greensburg. The table ap pointments were of pink roses and smiiax. The guests included Mrs. March and, Mrs. George E. Hawes, Mrs. D. M. Hastings, Mrs. W. O. Hickok I, Mrs. Henry B. McCormlck, Mrs. Fan nie Torrlngton, Mrs. William Jen nings, Mrs. C. H. Bergner, Mrs. Anna H. Blgler, Mrs. H. D. Boas, and Mrs. Spencer C. Gilbert. PATE WIVES AND MOTHERS" Many women who had a good color in their girlhood grow pale and colorless •when they become wives and mothers. When the fading color in cheeks and lips is accompanied by a loss of bright ness in the eyes and an increasing heavi ness in the step, the cause is to be sought in the state of the blood. A hundred causes may contribute to the condition of thin blood thatis known as anemia. Overwork, lack of out-door exercise, insufficient rest and sleep, im proper diet, these are a few of them. The important thing is to restore the blood to normal, to build it up so that the color will return to cheeks and lips, the brightness to the eyes and lightness to the step. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are the great blood builder and invigorator. They be gin at once to increase the red corpuscles in the blood and the new blood carries strength and health to every part of the body. Appetite increases, digestion be comes more perfect, energy and ambition return. A pamphlet, "Building TTptheßlood," •will be sent free on request by the I)r. "Williams Medicine Co., Schenectady, N. Y. if you mention this paper. Yourown druggist sells Dr. Williams' Pink Pills or they will be sent by mail on receipt of price, 50 cents per box, six boxes, $2.50, Nsw Victor Records Out To-day A list of unusual scope and desirability. Ask about our new Victor Service. . Siller, Inc. Pianos V<ct«olas SO N. St MtnniSBURO PCMMA Mrs. C. A. Stager has returned to Philadelphia after visiting Harry Leonard in this city. RID STOMACH 0 ACIDS, SOURNES GAS, INDIGESTI "Pape's Diapepsin" makes stomachs feel fine at once. Acidity, heartburn, belching, and dyspepsia just vanish. Time It! In five minutes all ach distress will go. No Indige heartburn, sourness or belchi gas, acid, or eructations of undl( food, no dizziness, bloating, breath or headache. Pape's Diapepsin is noted f( speed in regulating upset ston It is the surest, quickest and certain indigestion remedy in whole world, and besides it is 1 less. Millions of men and women no their favorite foods without 1 they know Pape's Diapepsin wil them from any stomach misery. Please, for your sake, get a fifty-cent case of Pape's Diai from any drug store and put stomach right. Don't keep on miserable—life is too short—yo not hero long, so make your agreeable. Eat what you like at gest it; enjoy it, without drei rebellion in the stomach. Pape's Diapepsin belongs in home anyway. Should one of the ily eat something which don't with them, or in case of an atta indigestion, dyspepsia, gastriti stomach derangement at dayUn during the night, it iB bandy to the quickest, surest relief known.- vertisement. OUR BIG FOR TEX DAYS ONIiY Ending Saturday Evening Februury sth, 0 p. m. This Nose Piece d We bought forty-one do« of the above mountings. Each one of the nose pie( are warranted for ten yea guaranteed against any def in material, or workmansh we will replace or repair a one of these mountings witl one year's time FREE ( CHARGE. We can put your own leni in this mounting. The regular value of this n< piece is $3.00. Tour Eyes Examined Free. No Drops Used. Rubin & Rubir EYESIGHT SPECIALISTS 320 Market St,, 2d Floor Open Wednesday and Saturd Evenings
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers