Your Photo in a Minute, 10cIf Ti777Z>\ L-i, M UNMAT £ HABLE . 1 SOMETHING NEW Silk Blouse Bargains 1 N a" minute for 10 c. P Have i •,. BkIMM gpf glUt Crepe flB Chine Blouses sl iPL *1 craphed to-morrow, P e«pe- " X \ "'JhF/m4 .Vi.oo, roi^ 01^'1 ... $3.95 worth $2.50' 51.93 ( I 1 < W» claJly baby- . . T n% "4- *"» « l/Kk""' • M K.v Beautiful new styles galore I All sizes; assorted colors. I V rn MM You'll never spend ten I (|| 1 lO| tH- *~l U 111! Il I 1 11 ■ /yi \Xst-- in nil the most desirable col- , ltlL . r , c ■ MM cents with more pleasing * * ▼ ▼ «-*■ * • // results, both for now end And here are more liberal price reductions on seasonable merchandise to make ( <f/f//// New silk Blouses, (to qr Worth $3.50, $9 29 # e e mbe°r n, and ?i?; this last day just as important as the first. Don't think of missing it. Everything W^ s ? 4 -^ d^-^ Jueld m Id" vkrieVy of differ- J t ™ in the way of apparel has been marked extremely low for the wind-up of the Clean Sweep Sale, so be on hand early crepe de chine, flesh, maiie ent models; ail new and ff nt to-morrow and surprise yourself with a big bargain. Store Opens BA. M., Closes Saturday at 9P. M." t a " d ruai?: a " • sizea ' J j >1 L ' % \ on All Women's and Misses' Newest BASEMENT m\ . i* • « r- HR I 4.Winter Suits and Coats: is Amazing Specials \ JL IO All vli \M tt lv , q . r\ i For the Last Day of the Big Clean Sweep Sale Take Your Choice of Men's d» /* *7 C j C \ ror oaturaay wniy and Young Men's SIO.OO to $12.50 SUITS and OVERCOATS, for «J>o •# Of S " iart ilu ' ' *7C Thla Seasons Newest m »7r ~ Muslin Sheets . 72x90 .OO offor '" c embraces every new style and material—not a "prune" In llie J J H? Coats for women f J Winter COATS for f«J whole "push." They're the same kind of Overcoats and Suits Ilarrlsburg men & misses, worth $7.50; Jm women and misses, H Ca have been glad to get all season at $lO and $12.50. Only difference Is they are { \ a» sizes; Last Day worUi $9.50; I.ast Day f !! cg c Muslin Sheets 81x90, O A ,6 ' 75 to " morr<> "- A wor «l «o the wise Is sufficient. Woolens have Jumped In T Jjft C \ \\ Clean Sweep Price... Clean Sweep Price... , ' jS Hf* price and there is a famine In dyes; get busy, buy now and save yourself a I \\\ > *- ) each bunch of dollars later on; all sizes. W x vl-A s?; m cnll yrr*..!'? 1 gi\ cn' I: f c Bed s P r " ds ' h " imed -49c Ihrte Remarkable Last Day Trousar Specials jmmsk I S" i"? mturi.'i" ' / win.™ Bull, VU""' I! '° r ; 500 Pair, of M<bn'« Newest Trouners at X A Price jffiiMai C /( U //V colors and models: all ■—— Coats; all sizes: I-ast af J| 15c 30-inch Plisse Crepe, _ Men's Trousers, <C Inn | Men's Trousers, 11 fin I Men's Trousers. Q e /JsjflS K M \ sizes: 14ist Day Clean ■ Clean Sweep \J ~ d / C Worth $2.00 ® A * UU I Worth $8.00.... ® *' 3U I Worth SI.OO, pi-. ® 1 u < j Blacks and fancy efi I Kancy worsteds and cas-1 All sizes; fine t f \ f \.. 15c Pajama Check, 36 inches, fects; all sizes. jslmeres; all sizes. Imeres and fancy worsteds.^/; J MuZ. w"r.V« 5 . f ;^ W a»d Q.OO l.a»t I>BJ Clean S«ee,. Sale Price, | Women and " ■ W Women and ■[l 12',4c Colored Figured Crepe, |- I OVERCOAT and MACKINAW. Read this list of Special IWISWt 1 3 59.50. sls and 519.50 I" ly -T yard Clean Sweep Offerings. ( I Swood Price Oleon Sweep ' ' '. | laH m «- v i v < ' 8c Full Standard Apron Ging- f* Polo Overcoats For Boys. Boys' I<on£ OVERCOATS, Boys' NORFOLK SI'ITS, \ IIH I / N / v i r r hp Worth $8.50. d»l AQ Worth $6.00, nn Worth $1.50, fl?0 QQ \ llflf S S, m rn For the finest «. B * «For handsonic a j . For beaiiUfull ! I ham, yard for 5» I.4S# for 3>0.D0 for .. ... ; 3»2.0» \ W| t $ J <1.50 Phi'sh S Coats t .00 Ph?sh° Coats; S \ O.OOpiush° Coa'lstl'' 15c Fine Dress Gingham, 32 I A Boys' Macklnaws. Worth Boys' NORFOLK SUITS, did new materials! SP \ B] \ ■ W for \Vomen I r B all sizes for B all sizes for I " inches vard If\ and Misses: all ■#l Women and 111 Women and \\ \ lnCneS ' yar ° f ®£.DU Worth $6.00, $3 89 * / •■■■■ "suar ssrsjsr v ""sar".:: w*«»« snipeperd... o#/,„ >»•* »"»•«'«*« * U ) 1 H I*l l'' inches, yard O /<• t ri P *-. 0 f new styles. ■wuw.vwsvMwywbsssvwwvwvwww.\%%swAvwA-/u•• 14c Muslin Pillow Cases, 1 A f N j* %%w ***wwww»ww»wwww%w»«»m<)mwm».wiW6i>w»M»y< % Ti.irrr rt _ ¥ _~ _ . _ » •" Attractive 75c and SI.OO „-„i, I IIC Girls' All Wool $2.50 to , S / WINTER COATS FOR GIRLS AT A ~RK SS shibto 49 each »•«» ;! Girl<s , rhflriTiino-Np'a7T>rp<a<a*»<a 1? TRFMFNHOIIS Rin SAVING > F,,r >,en 10c Outing Flannel, light and "J Bigvariety of styles and j[ Vila! 1111U}; 11C W i/i UOOCO J & 1 DIVa OM. V Splendid wlues; new pat- dark vard / C colors; sizes 28 to 34; good i| |J Plenty of real winter weather still ahead. A J terns; all sizes, with laun- ' ! warm sweaters. I. AT" plpo-f" See that vour girl gets one of these cold- Qw. !■ . derea c " ff> ' sl-25 Longcloth, 10-yard defying Coat Bargains. '• / n piece OJL Men's SI.OO White ;: Just received another S|>ecial lot of Serge and Wool Dresses ulilch || !' 50c sll K HOSF or* —_ . . Union /» a ]i (to on sale to-morrow at near maker's cost. Now's the time for parents < M Girls' Newest Winter Girls' Stylish Winter 'I For Men , 17c Plllow Tubln g. 45 lOJ ? f Q,,J+e t)hC i ; to buy their girls' dresses at a very unusual saving. Coats; Worth $3.50, Coats, Worth $4.50. (J]j) 5 All sizes; assorted colors, inches, yard A£* I C Wh „;" Vib'bed;" winter \\ Girls' Gingham Wash / V Girls' All-Wool $5 Serge I C $1.89 MM ■ Jr&k. i I includ,n * blackß " nd white ' $2.75 Woolnap Blankets, d» 1 Q weights; all sizes. | Dresses Wort h SI.OO, Dresses, |C 2to 6 year sizes. .//Sf\ S .. P^ids; pair *I.O 4 Men's 50 C d» Or- 111 Girls' Stylish Winter Qirls' Stylish Winter \LTLP ? m", 0 " 6/zC 65c Feather Pillows, good Q 7/ , Underwear... {j[) Q [jWtV 53.95 If Coats, Worth $6.00, Coats, Worth $7.50, \ 1 M ?All Slzep; good fast color. Size, each .5 / C Drawers; I New colors anil eombina- 7?, .W" These have sailor collars: Jl % $3.69 $4.69Y/\ 1 ——- J 1 # tions; sizes 6 to 14 years; all slzes ' 8 'o 14 years, in | C ' nei-k* and |j j|j | | all sizes! Btol4 ;! LIVELY CLOSE TO ! THE STATE BOARD! j Members Indulged in Somej Discussion of the Legality I of New Commission Pennsylvania's State Board of Agri culture, which has been considerably in the limelight since the last Legis lature created the State Commission of Agriculture, closed its thirty-ninth an- i nual convention here late yesterday I afternoon after a tilt over a resolution j aimed tp determine whether the board j or the commission was the legal body, j This resulted in the trouble-making i resolution being voted down. The board adopted numerous resolutions and recommendations and the outlook for its meeting at Reading is for some Interesting sessions. Secretary of Agriculture Patton, who was called to the front just before the meeting closed, made a speech in which he asked the co-operation of the members and their aid in building up the department, stating that there was no lock on his office door when jjf^|TenderTeeth-/sfe fast sign FvJL Y When you brash your teeth, does it feel as li* CZ 'houeh you were brushing against the quick? Do the gums sometimes bleed? This is because r pyorrhea has caused the gums to pull away s*€ your dentist twict yearly. from your teeth, leaving the unenamelled sur- Vn senruo Uut daily. faces unprotected. Your dentist will tell you, if you teeth against the attack or further ask him, that you have gum ruts- progress of pyorrhea. tun; and that gum recession it . „ . _ . caused by pyorrhea. . But Tt cleanses ">e teeth delightfully. It gives them Unchecked, pyorrhea will warp a whiteness distinctive of Senreco and shrink and deform the gums, alone. Its flavor is entirely pleasing, It will break down the bony strac- and it leaves in the mouth a won ture into which , the teeth are set derful sense of coolness and whole —and yiu will eventually Use them, someness. To save your teeth you will have c. art th _ . , . *- , _ . . j ... , start the Senreco treatment £Ek to begin to fight this dread disease before pyorrhea grips you for . at once. good. Details in folder with every tube. A two-ounce tube |JL A specific for pyorrhea has been 25c is sufficient for 6 week** ?" discovered recently by dental sci- d ? ily trc * tn >«Jt. Get Senreco Vjfi ence, and is now offeree for daily F/ treatment in Senreco Tooth Paste. tube and folder. Address TOe { Senreco combats the germ of the fSHIJ'cW BuiK disease. Its regular use insures your Cincinnati, Ohio. j FRIDAY EVENING. HAKRISBURG TELEGRAPH JANUARY 28, 1916 tlie members or the farmers were in town. The resolution was presented by Ed gar A. Weimer, of Lebanon, and called upon the Attorney General to deter mine whether the Board or the new State Commission of Agriculture is a legal body. He also asked that the matter be inquired into by the new Economy and Efficiency Commission. The resolution was tabled after an in terchange between Mr. Weimer and George G. Hutchison, of Huntingdon county, in which Mr. Weimer con tended that the legal standing of the commission should be established. Earlier in the day the board adopted a resolution for a committee to draft a bill for presentation to the next Legis lature to define the status of the board. Recommendations were made that the next Legislature should enact laws making new classification of seeds, for fertilizer license on a tonnage basis, for statement of origin of nitrogen in fertilizers to be put on each container and for "a stringent law for control of noxious weeds," while resolutions were adopted regretting reductions in appropriations for the Department of Agriculture and State College and urg ing liberality next session; commend the State police and endorsing increase of force; favoring laws prohibiting killing of quail, for a deer season from November 1 to November 15 and a three-year closed season on ruffed grouse. X. B. Critchfield, former sec retary, and A. L. Martin, former deputy, were praised for their work and Secretary Charles E. Patton wel comed. A resolution favoring transfer of agricultural adtication work from the i department to State College was pre sented. but withdrawn. After ad dresses by E. B. Dorsett, Mansfield, on co-operation and marketing, and by Franklin Menses, York, on soils, the] board invited Governor Brumbaugh to make his tour of the farms of the j State between August 15 and Septem-!< ber 15. President Wilson Asked to Pardon Arthur Hoverter Special to the Telegraph Lebanon, Pa., Jan. 28. —Major M. H. Taggart, a Sunbury attorney, left here THE STRANGER (REVISED AND EXPURGATED) : : : : : : : : : By BRIGGS * WK6S that ,F«W dear w •' HusK my own, doot talk 60 wild my MotKci; no such "pother didn't die you dub " Lo«K,she krvovJi U5. ami iKc <juecr? She's your Esther, dearest child." "/\otKer d»ed dw<sy last # s|>rin<£ Joined a bridge wtorclub, "Per-lice closed "the club, so she "No bl&ce left gannc H |\iss her she \MOrit bite youchtld "Has no to for Washington to present a petition to President Wilson for the pardon of Arthur J. Hoverter, of this city, who is serving Ave years' sentence at Sunbury as a Federal prisoner. Hoverter, was charged with aiding the later Alvin Binner, cashier of the First National Bank of Schaefferstown, in the misapplication of more than SIB,OOO of the bank's money. The dis closures came last February, following Binner's suicide, and Hoverter's cou viction and sentence followed. M. S. Hershey Interested in Cocoa Importing Company Special to the Telegraph Hershey, Pa., Jan. 28. —lt is re ported here that M. S. Hershey, the "Chocolate King," is in New York this week Interested in the formation of a cocoa and sugar importing company in connection with his chocolate business. The new company will be operated as an independent concern, but is said to have been organized to supply the Hershey company with raw materials. Mr. Childs, of Xew York, will be the President, and Albert Hill, employed at the plant here, has been selected by Mr. Hershey as treasurer. The Broad Street Market ad on page 13 is for YOU! Read it. and then remember.'the Market is only a 5 cent carfare away. You'll save that much on most any purchase.— Advertisement. I Recent Deaths in Central Pennsylvania Duncannon. —J -J. Spease, aged 64 j years, died, at his home on North High street, Tuesday night. He is sur vived by his wife, and several chil dren. Funeral service will be held in the United Brethren Church to-mor row afternoon. Waynesboro. Funeral services of Miss Alice Horn, who died at the home of E. J. Gearhart, will be held to-morrow morning in the Broad Fording Church at Broad Fording, t Md. Kllzabothtow n. Jackson Shaff ner, 53 years old, died Wednesday af ter a lingering illness. The funeral was held to-day with burial at Manheaim. | j DRINK HOT TEA JFOR A BAD COLD j uet a small package of Hamburg Breast Tea, or as the German folks call it, "Hamburger Brust Thee," at any pharmacy. Take a tablespoon ful of the tea, put a cup of boiling water upon it, pour through a sieve and drink a teacup full at any time. It is the most effective way to brea le a cold and cure grip, as It opens tlia pores, relieving congestion. Also loosens the bowels, thus breaking a. cold at once. It is inexpensive and entirely vege table. therefore harmless. Adver tisement. 5
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers