Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, January 28, 1916, Page 3, Image 3
JSjtxtrmatfX fiocomaia \ Gamaitt yr | j CHAPTER IV. On the Home Stretch. | TIV TT 7" ■ T KKN IN V h l\l II lr\Y Cleaning Sale. I I I I yf ■ I J. 1\ JL Buying has been of the rapid-fire sort and only about half the first day's items are yet on sale. But to-morrow will be a day of new interest; of fresh lots, and of new savings. [ This is a customary House Cleaning Event to dispose of merchandise not to be duplicated; but greatly unlike I I 11C Ck ■ I O 1 Cy the time-worn rummage sale of shelf-warmers, plugs and what-nots, that are so familiar—even to-dpy. 1 IIJ LLoV> V>/IV/CilllliAl The merchandise is seasonable, and new but a short time ago. Now broken in size range, or in quantity, THEY MUST GO—AND THEY ARE O n 1 GOING AT A SEVERE PRICE REDUCTION. I C ~ We've made no mention of the former prices; because after all it's not last week's prices, but to-morrow's low prices, and the good merchandise to be had at these new low prices, that will instantly appeal to the purchaser! Be First: • r , r . , I I . These Are Saving Days in I and Wookn Goods Gomg. Gemg. Fashionable Waists Now Clearing - i o- Winter Suits And at $2.00 and $3.00 „ Goln « at Llttle Prlces Natural pongee, faille and crinkle Silk faille, in black only; 46 in- Overcoats For Men L.ces-Georgettes-Crepe de Chines Taffetas Seasonable models in a variety of pretty and dainty effects Novelty taffetas and messalines, tan; 52 inches. Clearing, out price, And with each one goes a saving of several dollars not that will give every woman an agreeable surprise to-morrow. All in stripes and checks; also black JtOfyd. ... apparent, but absolute; for all are our own good suits and over- Avere recently new". !£ a " dc t soie - Clearing out price, Site and wool tussah, m gray and coats, in which the skill of master clothes makers is embod- " B o\v MAN*S —Third Floor. •. - vd - . liiiVvd" ,nches - clearing out prce, •J t repe de chines, in Copen, brown. *,r , • , , i ,ed - ir u ivr I C ~ pink and rose; 36 inches. Clearing , . Al ' w "°! V P I,C )" na . v - v ' bl " c a,ul Men who wait until January to buy a new suit or overcoat Fresh News Save On out price, SOe yd. 3S?-d Ueanng out pncc ' will come to know about these savings by inspection or by About Shoes Clean-Up Gloves ) Vhite J™5 ad . e silks - Clearing ~ Wool'striped wash suitings; 32 in comparison. - „, , . . out P nce > > d - clies. Clearing out price, vd. . it'c tn- Women's Shoes ll-inch ebony » all lot of women s woolen and Imported silk embroidered voiles; Mohair, site finish, black onlv; In purchasing clothes, as 111 stock in\estments, it . t kid lace boots: a new lot just re- hmere gloves. Clearing out price, 40 inches wide. Clearing out price, 36 inches. Clearing out price, 25<* dav's prices that attract the attention of the buyer. ceived. Clearing out price, *3 pr. •>•»<'• pair. . y arc i. v j Like this; Women's Soats -in chamoaene in ° f ki ? g,OVCS Black satin de luxe; 42 inches. ' Ramie Linen, in gray, lilac and <rm M,d S' e£ht Zttons* 1 nriS vsftt • " C'eanng out Clearing out price, #1.50 yd. Copenhagen; 46 inches. Clearing \ to $7 00 » Ifeducea to */.UU Clearing out pnee,sl.oO pr. Ch.ldr.n-,; woolen golf glove. green. navy and black; 36 inches! Prated and check voile: JO in- Suits and overcoats for men and young Mens Button and Lace Shoes out price, 10e pair. Clearing out pricfc, 88? yd. dies. Clearing out price, 5? vd. f men; well tailored garments in various russets and black calfskin. Clear- Bcm MAN ' s_Maln '' ' oor BOWMAN-S— Main Floor. models and patterns. Suits, 32 to 42. Over- ing out price. $1.49 pr. ——— —————— ______________ — coats. 34 to 40. BOWMAN'S Main Floor LOWER I LOWER I LOWERI I Reduced to $9.00 Men—Save On , I~3\ f ,h^:^ v a^S^ rials: I underwear Grows the Remaining Stock Of nHk 'I Shirts and Drawers heavy cot- Reduced to $12.00 ""*• Fashionable Winter Suits II I Hand tailored suits and overcoats, shorts. Union Suits white wool, rib l/l 11 fk stouts and slims arc included; sizes to 44 bed; medium and heavy weight; 111 \l 1 \ regular. ' » 40 - a " rin s «»< price, Pre-Inventory Prices Have Started Them l\ \ Reduced to $14.00 SSdV SS ' Going Unusually Swift; because of the M| } 1 « Hand-tailored suits and overcoats; sizes 36 to Fto"' * S " 25 ' f) Tl] Savings They Represent to 42 regular, and 46 stouts. *" / I «—3' t /y |\ j j On serviceable models, plainly tailored, and others of the Reduced to $16.00 Bedwear In a // j] \ smart fur trimmed sort, found in broadcloths, fine gabardines, Blues, grays, browns and mixtures. Over- Pre-Inventory k / f i and other popular fabrics. coats in single or double breasted models; fT /i\\ \! \ i • form-fitting or loose bos backs. Clearing Out fl M Clearing out prices are Baby Blankets in white cotton, jWp / r A u Men's Trousers, hats and caps; also bovs' with pink and blue borders; 30x36 (J7 1 \ p~-A d* *1 /\ "A "1 Q **7 hats and caps at Clearing On, Price,. Clearing on, price, 13/,e Ylk\ M>/.OU U>lU «t>lo 4>iO./0 BOWMAN'S Second Floor. p illow Cases - unbleached: 3- . f / |\ ) inch h em at to p : 45 x 36 inches. y i The Clearing Out Prices on Cloth Coats are .%>.()(), $7.50, A Good Time To Look C H a ii?MSn r -Hra?Mo v.rd> ,o *'° and $ lB - 50 ' amon s which are raixtures . and men ' s wear TT r , VT j a customer. Clearing out price, #»V fabrics—the season's most favored models. Up r lOOr lNeedS W BOWMAN'S—^Third Floor Pillow Cases embroidered scal- Here are substantial savings in fine grade rugs that we are loped cases; 42 or 45 inches. Clear- ————- desirous of clearing out before Inventory. Baby 1 Crib Blankets various Blankets, Towels and Import Sweaters Are In the Basement Wilton Rugs, in rich Ori- 36x63 Bundhar Wilton Rugs. designs, on blue, clearing out | White Goods Are Down In Price These Savings V ' Ca ' ! ol,t P ncc » W. 98. Double Bed Sheets medium Reduced Novelty styles and shades —an .P« Boards 12x16 inches..Cfcar -8.3x10.6 Wilton Rugs, good pat- ! Bundhar Wilton Rugs. weight sheeting: 3-inch hem at top; > , exceptional feature is the thorough .vitf out price, 15f. terns and excellent quality. Clear- Clearing out pticc, 81x90 inches. Clearing out price, Woolen Blankets-gray, tan and work „,anship. Parnffn, W»«h RoarH. „v,r. ing out price. 5'27.."i0. 9x12 Velvet Rugs slightly mis- Pillow Cases to match. Clear- blue plaids and plain gra>, with pmk Carolina Wash Boards re\eis -6xo Wilton Rugs, in patterns to matched; some without borders. mg out price, 3 for 25*. al ,d blue borders. Clearing out Plain models; V-neck or con- ' } eari "g ou P rice » m atch larger sizes. Clearing out Clearing out price, *12.50. price, *4.50 pair. . vertible collars; some belted styles; Varnished Lap Boards with price, jp .. . BOWMAN'S— Fourth Floor r\ i- WT - Turkish Towels—bleached; hem- and other clever touches as cro- yard measure marked on same; j Quality Furs in a med; 20x40 inches. Clearing oat „ heted i, uttons novel noc k e ts etc boards imperfect. Clearing out price, Boys' Suits and Overcoats at Pre Inventory Prices steady out-go,because price. 3 for 50*. " P ° ' tc ' 4^- Norfolk Suits - fancy mixtures Overcoats - fancy mixtures and P r / C€S Were dropped Ivory White Voile - combed Shades are tango, olive, Oxford _ and cassimeres; patch pockets and checks; plain and belted backs; : close to half in this yarn; 38 inches wide; mill hurts. navy, Jight blue, Copen, gray and ca eir flour coffee °ea and su-ar adjustable belts: sizes 6to 18 vcars. siz . cs 4 out Pre - Inventory Sale. C learing out price, 1< 0 yd. white. canister. Clearing out price, n „' nnt -„ B «•>-", » prices, *3.05 to *.>.25. c . , ,/. . Chiffon Voile tape selvedge; *•'••'0. p, a " aC^i a Th^d a CaL. eluded! n ' £ inCheS ' P"«. • sOcari„s $ Ocari„ s on, prices, S4, and - Bd 3 H^,l y in,p.rf.«. BOWMAN's —second Floor out prices. *2.75 to *5.00. eann to ok price., . f. —————————BOWMAN S—Second Floor BOWMAN S —Third Floor BOWMAN S—Basement Up Father # # # # # # By A f HX-VHAtI 6"* 40LLY ]Ai -1 ■ . ■ I 1 L 1 I THOUGHT -A ARJNMH WOULD *! SSL -.J ANOVHAT O , F ICAN M . KE IT I FX, / WCT> CALK F C O„ E Going ! All FRIDAY EVENING, HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH JANUARY 28, 1916 3