22 Dives, Pomerop & —___ —— Final Clearance of Women's Winter Suits To-morrow A Line of Men's and Young Men's The Greatest Values We Have Offered in Many Months CIO PA tro rkCT Promise to Create Uncommon Buying Enthusiasm *plcs.ovJ UVOrCO£ItS CjO L/OWII tO JpO.yO Not many garments of a kind and in some instances only one of a style will be found. A T*WO considerations emphasize the impor sl2.so green pebble cheviot suit; size 14 years, trimmed tfJO i $25.00 new fur trimmed broadcloth suits in brown, blue (tlfi CH ~~~1 \ 4r tnnrp r>f tliic <sn#>rial nflWincr fnr Sntnrrliv with Persian silk collar. Clearance Price iDA.OU and black; circular and plaited skirts. Clearance Price. ... 1 ' I f . lance OI tniS Special Oliering lOr Saturday. SIO.OO and $12.50 navy and black serge and poplin suits, in sizes i $42.60 dark green whipcord suit, trimmed with tQft OH r Ui ■ ■ ' I ' T 7> , ,i , . i i .• • 34, 36 and 38; plain tailored models that will be good Sfl braid. Clearance Price ] ) v 1 I'il'St, tile Substantial reduction in pi iceSeC in anv season. Clearance Price «J> I .OVf . $55.00 black broadcloth suits, in lovely individual style, trimmed *'[£-• !l • i . , , , ... ~. $25.00 shepherd check and navy blue serge suits, in tlft fill with Marten on collar and cuffs; size 40. Ofl N. Si) .• ifl«l I 1 I Olid, t lie gOOU Style and quality Ot the OV'er tailored styles with gored skirt. Clearance Price U> 1 | clearance Price 114-J.V/U J(J . || Ik ,j. < cr/yl M. My coats involved. The garments illustrate the A Great Sale of Children's Dresses To-morrow most popular prevailing styles and judges of I «oG dressen In sizes for children and girl. will be offered to-morrow | 69c dresses will go for | i|.. / \ I / b good clot lling \ allies will appl C'ci.ltC tIICSC Of *"^ o ?rs,'^'r n K..- . : * r . US ■ Liu S ferin « s ' 49c dresses win go for 33* I "« ure„„ w„, „ for fc»* 'fv\ WH Tailored in the smart Balmaroon style. Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart—Second Floor. • \ \ —' i/ B . ■« *. 4 /""M "1 J C x.l T 1 j n , 1 r T Grey Scotch mixtures with green overplaid. bhoes ror Misses and rrom the Jerauld otocK / \ Brown mixed storm doth with velvet coiur. I \ Grey and white check velours. The savings to be enjoyed in misses' and children's shoes during this sale of the Jerauld stock are larger than we will be able / I \ Brown and green mixed Cravanetted cloth, to offer at any other time this year. I 1 Children's $2.25 tan Russian calf lace shoes; Goodyear welt, ex- I Misses' $2.50 patent colt, gun metal calf und tan ca'r button shoes. | J A hcxt" lirr*Hn HT I I\7 ArrTtdfc C» t tended soles. Special SI.7S j Special 31.85 V \ 11 It? 1 V>IUUp UJ KJ V C7l l/Ud lO di l,aird & Sehober $2.75 children's shoes in patent eolt, tan calf and j CW/IFC E7IP I ITTI F HHVQ MV 1 Vok gun metal calf. Special $2.15 OllK/LiJ fUA Lit ILC DUIJ mmm ■■ Ct*'l 1 T") 1 J TT "I CT f\(~\ Children's $1.75 and $1.50 gun metal calf and patent colt shoes. $1.65 black kldskin, tan calf and dull calf shoes. Speciat $1.15 MM MM /K 1 I Sr\ f\ FiCl 11 PlOtTl IllJ Goodyear stitched oak leather soles. Special $1.15 $2.00 gun metal calf and patent coltskin shoes; button or lace; solid JH SM V' A 1 * Children's $2.00 patent colt and black kidskin button shoes. Special leather soles. Special $1.65 ' HI $1.65 $2.50 patent colt and sun metal calf shoes; button or lace. Special ■■ HI Balmaroon and Balmoral one and two-piece back overcoats with Laird &' Scliober $3.50 misses' gun metal calf and tan Russia calf $1.85 ■■ coif /..^llnr button shoes. Special $2.85 i Alden's $3.00 shoes for little boys, in patent colt, gun metal calf and VH \Cl\Ct coliai or sell collar. JJisses' 53.00 patent colt, gun metal calf and tan Russia calf button tan Russia calf. Special $2.30 nA _ shoes. Special $2.35 Infants' 50c soft sole shoes and slippers. Special 25c WIP Oxford grey velour. oCOtCh mixtures. Brown overplaid. * Fancy mixed storm cloth. 25 Styles Low Neck Gowns in New Arrivals in Shirts $20 . 00 and $22.50 Overcoats at $16.50 Nainsook, Batiste &J Crepe at SI.OO p \yf en $25.00 and $28.00 Overcoats at SIB.OO and $20.00 With 25 dainty styles to select from it should not be very * iVidl i nft n 4. 4. d?o~ difficult to pick a pleasing collection of gowns. These are all Men's silk srripe madras shirts with French cuffs. New ' $38.00 and $40.00 Overcoats at .the latest low neck designs in round and square cuts trimmed . at neck and sleeves with picot edge, embroidery, insertion and arrivals 111s week 91.00 ICT Af\ in Fnr dTtri edge or lacc insertion and lace. Choice of any gown in this Men's SI.OO Panama Rep negligee shirts in black and col- lO«UU OIXXIO HA WI V lCu X U1 IVXOXI dHLI l°t at SHI.(H) ored stripes; soft cuffs. Specially priced 74^ Flesh color batiste gowns, at SI.OO and $1.50 .* 1 < • , ..... 7~ ,1 , CT*" 1 4~\ f" High neck gowns with cambric yokes, at 50c. 75c. Si.oo ami $2.»5 i\lcn s tine grade percale shirts in novelty and hairline X/ nc QT t\ 111 / Long white skirts, in cambric, nainsook and pique, sl, $1.50, $1.95 stripes; sizes 13'4 to 18. Special <>9? I wUHIO UI <4-/ I\J • / «JF&Sr. "r.r.\ Emp 'r e UI ' OVKS Rra »' c,n » A good to, m.IM for Saturday of broken lines throughout the clothing stock. Si.es 33 to 42. Albatross kimonos, at $2.»5 Men's and women's lined and unlined automobile and motor gloves Corduroy Mn\orios* shawl"coilar, ioose aid sivoo reduced for immediate clearance- Black and whitc check worsteds. Black worsteds with neat stripes. WAISTS, at SI.OO S . - 5 " ""T*?* $i n5 Blue cassimeres with stripes. Grey and brown Carlton checks. Mercerized waists with colored stripes in rose, green and tan. Women's $2 00 and S' "0 unlinpd rlov« «/ > -!. ' Fine blue serges. Brown cassimeres. lavender and black, cerise and Copenhagen SI.OO « omen s $2.00 and $2.00 unlmed gloves $1.50 6 Sixty styles cotton waists in lingerie and seini-tailored effects—ma- Women's $1.60 lined gloves SI.OO tfior* /w\ „,] (Jiklfr nfk finite o+ rtA an/1 'fel ft "tH terials are voile, batiste, striped dimity organdie and madras SI.OO Men's SI.OO lined and unlined gloves 7»c tpZU.UU aiiU ?pZt).UU OUIIS dl rpl J.Uu dlßl rpIO.JU IXI'AXTS' SUPS Men's $1.50 and $1.25 lined and unlined gloves SI.OO* <h oc nn _ ~,1 sOf| it OO Ten styles infants' Nainsook Slips, at 50 C Men's $2.00 lined and unlined gloves $1.50 fpio.UU ailU tfOII.UU OUItS d.L tpZU. UU Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart—Second Floor. Men's $2.50 lined and unlined gloves $1.1(8 i Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart. Men's Clothing, Second Floor, Hear. DaintyFloralPrintings | Spring Hats at $1.95 Give Seasonable Color and $2.95 Charm to Many of the BMP j, More than a hundred attractive styles for im prlntings in clusters and single flower designs/ nx a is t#een-seasons wear. They are designed along Ric« stripe Voile, white and tinted grounds with '£ «' 7 c/ 'IA l, P cf l la ts to hp hoiiiriit at such inovnonsivc woven rice stripes and floral printing, j MKL BBj nest nais to oe oougni ai sucn inexpcnsnt Printed Voile, and tinted grounds, fine sheer V ddjjy " Rlac ' J trlcorne of folds of mallne and brim of cluster designs, including border effects, 44 inches; SS|||||r\ . J Turban of brown maline and straw braid... .'52.95 yard 09,. ipj|n I*., ' . 1 il**JJ| Turban of black satin with folded tnaline crown Embroidered Voile, white ribbon stripe grounds rCTjLZ. '•wsif*\l ii ft ixAJ/ - ) . t . . . „ . ~ sl.oo with colored embroidered figures and dotted designs; ' j ! rßr" ! I Round turban of old rose messaline, braid brUn^_ nor"? designs. sYa'nd 1 ya^d''. 01 ??.-.*?- :JuL . f '• 11 Rolling brim sailor of messallne $1.05 wi^.S^n^ hl ii/ nd . col °, red . groinids Jill HI | ' 1 \ ■ (fflflll Sirtc k K'Sfen" meS^Une h turtSn ™*.*.* IllSs inches? yard ! colored stripes, 8 I 1] :i Small turban of black jet with plaiting of maline Silk plaid Voile, tan ground with self-colored silk nJCa^>. n 1 BPPH m Navy blue turban of straw braid and maline, $2.05 and e^j ,ro ' in ue ' e " 0 » rown J/ 1 yTi V ■VhV'P ™ 111 wa l Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart —Second Floor. ; Good Values inTable Plain and Fancy Silk "gt ijmaß^CT}[» Linen and Napkins fI > ff Ji Ivl H M I(/ GOc mercerized table damask, 64 inches; yard, S9c 1 aiictas I Ol* Taffetas are prominently mentioned by style j lffl , I I 1 ILi I Hi authorities an<l a new shipment o[ these silks | |V VVHITTALV LXFITmTIOX LOXJM i&l IS of timely interest. 1 tHJTTIX • ' * l * 69 value; yard sl.3# Satin stripe Taffeta Suitings, SB inches wide, wide JISAtII Beginning To-morrow and Continuing For One Week Iffi/J jus value ; 860 and narrow stripes, all new and «clurtv. patterns; Llnetl napklnSi & D £eh£ £ua?e --sßra $1.2,1, sl.oo and $2.00 W" ' »•> on vnlup- <•' n» Plain Taffeta and Gros de I.ondres, street and 'I M J_\ \T\ 'JJ 11 T7 1 "1 *j * F\ T * 3 - r, ° value; dozen evening shades, 36 inches: yd.. $1.25, $1.35 and $1.50 j XrjQ I hpl irPfll VV hlrrQ H Vhlhltl Afl W"i■% ft I r\r\m Unen napkins, hemmed, 19%x20 inches, $2.25 Plain Pussy Willow weaves, in navy, black, white *) A llv> V-/' J. V/Cl I V V 1111 ICXI I- Al JL/11 AvJi JL X\- I /I II IT I I <1 value; dozen sl.B# and flesh, 40 inches; yard $2 00 I Qit|[|| 1 g~> . HllllJ) silver bleached napkins, 20 inches square, New ribbon stripe Crepe de Chines. 40 inches; yard Sj| |c| T , A LI. IS' 1 • C * fflM s2 °° D?ves°; Floor. * lo ° New Tub Bilks with satin stripes, 32 and 39 inches; l\M A " e ItS Rlfld 111 LXIStCnCe ffiji f n,o Children's Saturday Afternoon Embroidery } «J .#i "w '" V'" 'i 1 4WO I Class will not meet until further notlee. Society Satin in flesh color for underwear, 36 C/JTV \ A 7*ll O TV 11" 1 /~\ 1 A r> 3fi s inche^ u ar a d !".**'*.P Be Publicly Operated in the Store Puritv and Onalitv Crepe de Chine in flesh and white for underwear, TO A *ll , TO\ 40 piaiS\na rd friVied m'essaiine fiouncings,' b' cot" |Stß| Practically every well informed man and woman of to- Are Factors That Have Made Our 1 nC " I "nifep 11 "pom eroy"?^ewar^—street' fioor *'' <lo J knows that the finest rugs and carpets prctluccd in America come from the looms of the >t~2l Grocery Section So Popular J- \\ hittall-mills, but not manv persons are familiar with the actual process of rug weav- lIiMIII With Particular Housewives Water Washino ( .. , . K W. For the very purpose, then, of showing the tremendous educational value surrounding jtf M ' Wi ' h Machines rV-Qi t,ie weav ' n 8' °f fine quality rugs the Whittall Mills constructed, at great cost, an exhibition QJM I r , The American Washing Machine is oper- V&L loom of special size, which shows every detail of rug making. gfl 6 ..) M Vo d W"': ' v .! ra iß ated by water and does its work satisfactorily uSh This interesting machine is Sent Onlv tO the store in each rtSm 1 'co^n Malne ..} Sugrar currd bacon ' lb «sc on a very low pressure. The motor is the ji P latest piston type with few working parts. f*. community in which the greatest number of Whittall rugs y*| ß tubs are made of Virginia cedar. These atlH TflmpU i«J «nIH Eariy" June '' I c-o, to., swiff, prize soap, id" machines are fitted complete with two sections ollvl Ocll JJdo IS SOICI. \\~ oh peas r 3 cans, bars -®c Prirp bbCr h ° Se Wlth standard co «P 1 The educational value of the exhibit will make a strong appeal not only to those who ° r &w» tr £" \ S ! 1 Pk«.„ New Pattern c♦ pi T in buying floor coverings of the finest quality, but to teachers and their M N^iS! k %2^ b^ Patterns Cut Glass S QW} classes and especially to the young men who arc now taking up the study of mechanics at the Tun * flsh for » a > ade -' T i,m skinned frnnf r fV^t c The latest cuttings in spoon trays, olive Jit Technical High School. jgf Fancy he.*'ri£ "" Ra „ pU et corfe* 7 '^ glass S ' P ieceß°at' napp,cs and ot %Z BfL You owe to yourself to see this Whittall Jacquard loom in operation. ft 1& « » ass F ,c, - c - rtl vJJ kidney beans J " nc our favorite tea, lb., 450 Oil Heaters VI Be 1 s > sc »f de k ralsln *' pkK " Senate toa, ih. esc ~.. . .... ..... u\ll w _ ' w—m /a. >A\ ■—«_ T —vl r-L j-i /A. 4. . If® Best citron, lb INc Yellow Callfor- 1 Oil Heaters equipped with the Miller smoke- Mt 11(T Santa ciara , nia peaches ..1 s ih*. Icis burner «'>•>» *j(: m gwA. m a SigLa,*PT / Am a s^-4.^k w 1 9fjg=S B # 1 % a llu prunes 1 a n»«., Small sweet f for s.v It. s uumcr Jumbo Callfor- f 23c prunes J Dive*. Pomeroy * Stewurt, Basement. I LOI —' t-O-* '—— ——t J Li nla peaches ...J Dives, Pomeroy & ZS Smoked shoulders, lb., I4e Stewart, Basement. FRIDAY EVENING, HARftISBURG TELEGRAPH JANUARY 28, 1916.
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