11 Ni-IS'S?: your next meal" $ 3g Everything that goes into Moxley's *A r,i Special Oleomargarine is carefully se- nj g|j lected and is tested by scientific methods ■•j j i fyi ijwwMJjjjy.il p | wHffIIHHP | The name Moxley, has stood for highest qual- JrJ M A ity in oleomargarine for 35 years. En There are of necessity many grades Ijp _ /M~\ A of butter; there is only one grade IT pj Charatd by WB. J. Moxley, Inc. Chicago. ■»£. FACTORY f 120-122 Fir* Amu, ritbfcirth, P«. S'CT «ij J*® 7 BRANCHES: 1117 CaOtwHM Vrwt, PUhdclpki., P.. Wfjh Writ# for 64-Pag* book of FM»UI Roeipos—FßEE WjT Take Iron, Says Doctor, If You Want Plenty of "Stay There 99 Strength Like an Athlete! Ordinary Nutated Iron Will Make Deli cate, Bierruua Rundown People -00 Per Cent. Stronxer In Two Weeks' Time, In Many laara NEW YORK, N. Y. Most people j foolishly seem to think they are going | to get renewed health and strength I from some stimulating medicine, secret ' rostrum or narcotic drug, said Dr. Sauer, a specialist of this city, when, as a matter of fact, real and true strength can only come from the food you eat. But people often fail to get the strength out of their food becnuse they haven't enough Iron in their blood to enable it to change food into living matter. From their weakened, nervous condition they know something is ■wrong, but they can't tell what, so they generally commence doctoring for stomach, liver or kidney trouble or Symptoms of some other ailment caused by tne lack of iron in the blood. This tiling may go 011 for years, while the patient suffers untold agony. If vou are not strong or well you owe it to your self to make the following test. See how long you can work or how far you can walk without becoming tired Next take two Ave grain tablets of or dinary nuxated iron three times per day after meals for two weeks. Then test your strength again and see for yourself how much you have gained. I have seen dozens of nervous, run down people who were ailing all the while, double and even triple their strength and endurance and en-1 tirely get rid of all symptoms of dyspepsia. liver and other troubles in from ten to fourteen days' I -I ANURIC? The Newest Disc overy in Chemistry This is a recent discovery of Doctor Pierce, who is head of the Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Institute at Buf falo, N. Y. Experiments at Dr. Pierce's Hospital for several years proved that there is no other eliminator of uric acid that can be compared to it. For those easily recognized symptoms of Inflammation —as backache, scalding urine and frequent urination, as well as sediment In the urine, or if uric acid in the blood has caused rheu matism, it Is simply wonderful how ■urely "Anurlc" acts. The best of results are always obtained In cases of acute rheumatism In the joints, in gravel and gout, and invariably the pains and stiffness which so frequently and persistently accompany the dis ease rapidly disappear. Go to your nearest drug store and simply ask for a 80-cent package of "Anurlc" manufactured by Dr. K w «<<y» ii ii »<|^ir < 1 CLIP THIS COUPON FOR * , The American Government! '' < | AND The Panama Canal «f • By FREDERIC J. HASKIIT. , | J ■ The Books That Show Uncle Sam at Work. r 1 The Harrisburg Telegraph ; < * HOW TO GET THESE TWO BOOKS FOR 98 CENTS Cut 1 > ! thla coupon from this paper, present It at our office with 98 cents, to cover the coat of production and dlatrlbutlon. and tho ' J I aet ia yours. Fifteen centß extra by mall. SOME FACTS ABOUT THESE BOOKS Both are the same k alee and bound exactly alike In heavy cloth. Each has about • , , 400 pages printed on fine book paper. Both are profusely lllus- ' trated with official etchings, drawings and mars. < , TO OUR READERS - We are distributing* ihese patriotic & books solely because of their great educational merit and our belief that they should be in every American home. I > j Try Telegraph Want Ads Try Telegraph Want Ads 1 T<lDA\n?ram v G, ' HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH JANUARY 28, 1916 time simply by taking Iron in the proper form. And this after they had in some cases been doctoring for months without obtaining anv benefit. But don't take the old forms of reduced iron, iron acetate or tincture of iron simply to save a few cents. You must take iron in a form that can be easily absorbed and assimilated like nuxateil iron if you want it to do you any good, otherwise It may prove worse than useless. Many an athlete or prize fighter has won the day simply because he knew the secret or great strength and endurance and filled his blood with iron before lie went into the affray, while many another has gone down to inglorious defeat simply for the lack of iron. NOTE—Nuxated Iron recommended above by Dr. Sauer, is one of the newer organic irqn compounds. Unlike the older inorganic iron products, it is easily assimilated, does not injure the teeth, make them black, nor upset the stomach; on the contrary, it is a most potent remedy. In nearly all forms of indigestion, as well as for nervous, run-down conditions. The Manufac turers have such great confidence in Nuxated Iron that thev offer to forfeit SIOO.OO to any charitable Institution if they cannot take any man or woman under 60 who lacks Iron and increase their strength 200 per cent, or over in four weeks' time provided they have no serious organic trouble. They also of fer to refund your money If it does not at least double your strength and en durance In ten days* time. It is dis pensed in this city by Croll Keller G A. Gorgas, and all other druggists. —Advertisement. Pierce, or even write Dr. Pierce for a large trial package (10 cents). If you suspect kidney or bladder trou ble, send him a sample of your water and describe symptoms. Dr. Pierce's chemist will examine it, then Dr Pierce will report to you without fee or charge. NOTE:—"Anuric." Is thirty-seven times more active than lithia in elimi- I liating uric acid, and is a harmless I but reliable chemical compound that may be safely given to children, but should be used only by grown-ups who actully wish to restore their kidneys to perfect health, by conscientiously using one box—no more in extreme cases—as "Anuric" (thanks to Doctor Pierce s .achievement) is by far the most perfect kidney and bladder cor rector. Dr. Pierce's reputation is back of this medicine.—Advertisement. PLANS SCHOOLS IN DURHAM, N. C. C. Howard Lloyd, City's Mod ern Designer, Preparing the Drawings WINS IN COMPETITION Harrisburg's Modern Institu tions to Serve as Models For Southern Structures Harrisburg's modern school build ings will be used as the models after which two of the proposed new school houses In Durham, N. C., will be pat terned. The preparation of the plans Is a matter of more than ordinary in terest in local architect and building circles in view of the fact that C. How ard Lloyd, the designer of Technical high school and practically all of this city's latest educational struuetures, will draw the plans for the North Carolina buildings. Both of the Durham schools will be for the grades, one to contain sixteen rooms and which will be erected at a cost of $100,000; the other of eight rooms, to cost approximately $50,000. Mr. Lloyd. who has made a thor ough study of school construction and is considered an expert on this ques tion, won out in a competition for the Durham contracts among at least a dozen crack designers of Richmond, Va.. Washington, D. C., and At lanta. Ga. To Use Ilarrishiirg Models Harrisburg's most modern buildings are the Shimmell and Steele schools and the best features of these two models will be used by Mr. Lloyd in preparing his plans for Durham's new institutions. The domestic science and manual training facilities will be given especial attention. In the North Carolina schools, too, Mr. Lloyd will work out the modern plan In school construction of utilizing every available bit of ground room upon which the building stands. Like the Steele school, for instance, the Durham buildings will not be con structed with cellars or basements. The heating apparatus and other equipment which ordinarily Is placed in the basements will be Installed on the first floor so that the entrance to the buildings will be at grade. In many of the old schools the unoccu pied space of the cellars or basements not taken up by furnaces, etc., is con sidered as "playground" space. As a rule, because it is below grade, Is dark and not readily ventilated, this space is not considered advisable for the chil dren to play in. Consequently all this room Is practically wasted. The plan of providing additional grouryj in which the children may play out of doors, such as is the case In many of the city's later schools, will be carried out in Durham, N. C. The Durham plans will be watched with unusual Interest by the local school board In view of future new high school possibilities. NEW STEELE SCHOOL TO BE READY IX)R PUPILS MAY 1 Work on the construction of the new W. S. Steele school building. Fifth and Mahantongo streets. Is being pushed ahead as rapidly as possible and by Slay 1 at the latest the structure will be ready for occupancy. The building should be under roof within another week and as soon as this is finished the interior work will be finished with all possible speed. April 1 had been the time set for the completion of the new school, .but it Is doubted whether this can be dohe. ADJUSTERS VISIT VERXON Insurance adjusters visited the Ver non school building yesterday after noon and went over the ruined por tions of the building. Members of the School Board accompanied the adjust ters and it is expected that a report on the subject will be ready for the next, meeting of the board. PALATIAL HOME TOR .ICDGE One of the handsomest residences in Pennsylvania is now in course of con struction at Huntingdon. Pa., for the use of Judge Thomas S. Bailey, of the Huntingdon - Mifflin - Bedford district. The house has been designed by Archi tect C. Howard Lloyd. Electrically Light and Heat the Whole Town Edwin W. Moore, president of the Electric Cable Company, in discuss ing the electrical wire industrial situ ation, said yesterday, "The gross in come in the past year of the electri cal industry and service must have .totaled more than two and one-half billion dollars. This Includes central stations, electric railways, telegraph and telephone service, electrical manufacturing and the like. The in come from the lighting industry alone last year was three hundred and sixty million dollars. The electric locomo tive in the mine, the motor in the fac tory, the electric heating iron, or your electric light—all reach to the source of power generation through insu lated wire. "Naturally, we have kept in touch with conditions throughout the coun try and we have found that the de mand for electricity wire, has proved a most accurate measure of the coun try's recent commercial expansion. "There are two phases in which we are interested—the industrial demand for electricity and the demand in the home. The latter is just as much a measure of prosperity as the former. When times are good, the housewife is in a receptive mood for the pur chase of electrical devices, as short- ST OLD REMEDY FOR SKIN DISEASES S. S. S. Drives Poison From the System. Get- it fixed in your mind that skin eruptions, .Scrofula, Eczema, burning itching skin, and all skin diseases are due entirely to impure blood. if the trouble was on the. outside of the skin, by simply washing and keeping its clean you could obtain relief— not even ointments and salves would be neces sary. Agree with us In this belief, and you can be restored to health. S S S Is a purely vegetable treatment that you can secure from your own drug ffist —it Is a blood tonic that will purify your blood and cause a decided abate ment of your trouble, and finally make you well. Fifty years ago g. S. S. was discovered and given to suffering man kind. During this period It has proven its remarkable curative properties as a blood purifier and tonic, as relieved thousands of cases of disease caused bv impure blood, and chronic or inherited hlood diseases. You can be relieved but you must take S. S. S.. Therefore be sure. Don't take chances, don't use lotions. Get S. S. S. from your drug gist. If yours is a special case, write I fur expert medical advice to Swift Hpe- I citic Co., Atlanta, Ga.—Advertisement. We need not elaborate facts you know we sell-—the very best you c-an buy in Harrisburg. If you are at all in doubt, just compare values be fore you buy anything any where. We invite comparisons —and thrive upon them. We JmWmSmR let the public be both judge and jury and we're perfectly willing to rest our case on the merits of our merchandise and prices, entirely confident of what the verdict will be. Ki January Reductions On All Suits <mr I&UV6tCOdtS All $15.00 SUITS $10.501) \ and OVERCOATS W All SIB.OO SUITS sl/1.50 and OVERCOATS I |g All $20.00 SUITS $1 £.50 iff BI and OVERCOATS 10= |ji JB|» f)«i All $25.00 SUITS $01.50 and OVERCOATS *l= c _„„ THE HOUSE OF KUPPENHEIMER I Overcoats [ ) Mackinaws | L^J cuts to a number of house operations, i To put it in a nutshell, the better the times, the greater amount of electri city used; the more electricity the more wiring. "This has a deeper significance than the gain to the industry itself. The demand for electricity is a sign of progress. While we may look upon conditions across the sea as an un fortunate misuse of science, let us not forget that the triumphs of our elec trical engineers." Barber Shaves Customer Under Rays of Auto Light Special to the Telegraph Clayton, Mo., Jan. 28. —Heroic] measures were resorted to in order | that Frank Tegethoff, a real estate dealer, could be shaved in, time to j catch a train. Tegethoff Wad but a short time in which to make the train and rushed into one of Clayton's bar ber shops and demanded a hasty "once over." While the barber was engaged in dobbing Tegethoff's face with lather the electric lights failed and the pro cess had to be stopped. It was up to Tegethoff's son, Leo, to supply the light. He drove his father's automobile on to the sidewalk in front of the shop and stopped in a position which threw the rays of the headlight on to the elder Tegethoff's face, and the shaving operation was completed. Tegethoff caught the train. He was going to Arkansas. Says Affinity Bought His Wife Gold Teeth Special to the Telegraph Altoona, Pa., Jan. 28.—James A. i Price has entered suit against W. M. I Kline for $2,000 damages for allena- | tion of the affections of his wife. Price alleges in his complaint that! in November last and at other times j while he and his wife were residing j in Juniata the defendant paid marked ! attention to his wife, took her to and j from dances and purchased gold teeth i for her. Price declares that he had j lost the love, companionship and at- I fection of his wife since the suit. I BANDITS ROM CONDUCTOR I'awrnfm (In Allegheny Roail'n Cur Bent limit} Hetrent Special to the Telegraph Pittsburgh, Pa.. Jan. 28. "Do what we tell you and don't make an outcry, or we'll blow your brains out," said one ' of two bandits who boarded a car of ' the Allegheny Valley Railways Com-i pany shortly before midnight last night, j the conductor being the man addressed He obeyed and walked to the end of the car. where he and the motorman ; were made to hold up their hands while one of the robbers took all the money the conductor had. The half dozen passengers jumped 1 oft and ran away. 4 MANY MEASURES AIMED AT RUM ARE NOW IN CONGRESS One Seelcs to Bar All Liquor j Advertisements From the Mails Washington, D. C., Jan. 28.—While the constitutional amendment for na- j tional prohibition is attracting the most attention, there are several other bills pending In Congress which have the backing of the antisaloon forces of the country. Among these are the bills Intro E Pretty Teeth Add to the Natural E Beauty of All Faces E If your teeth are in want of *nj attention, call and have them n f amined, vihich la FREE OF CHARGE. r * I guarantee my work to be of the Tcry beat, both In material and r - 4workmanship, which it U possible to give my patients. My 18 years of L J ' constant practice and study have given me the experience which each and [ every dentist must have In order to do satisfactory work. Ido my work :• a Bgyi: absolutely painless. My assistants are dentists, who have had a vast r amount of experience, and therefore are able to render the very best of ■EfiOD' services. My office Is equipped with all the modern appliances In order to l do painless dentistry. |l| Office open dally S:SO a. m. to 0 p. m.; Men., Wed. and Bat. till • Eit ' * n ' CloS ° n Sunda > s '. P honc < 5322-R. I Dfe.. PHILLIPS. Painl«69 Dentist c 320 Market Street, HARRISmmG" b pA. ! IIIIIIIM in 1 IMI I 11 ♦III II »♦ IHI I I 1111 1111 M Iff 11 >» j I I I »♦♦♦»♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦»>»»lllllMMlMllWHUW »♦♦♦♦♦« HIIIIUHIHMIIH ——o(/i OF THE HIGH RENT DlSTßlCTmammmmmmmmm LESTER PIANOS mmmmmmmmm—Hi C. DAY t 1319 DerrX Strceet. [loth Phone* m mm—mmmmm \ duced by Senators Jones and Shep pard to prohibit saloons In the Dis trict of Columbia. Of great import ance also are the Abercrombie-Ran ! dall bills to prohibit the use of the 1 mails for advertising liquor. The Gronna bill provides for prohi bition in the Hawaiian Islands, and a bill introduced by Senator Kern, of ! Indiana and Congressman Butler, of Pennsylvania, would prohibit the use of the name "Quaker" in advertising liquor and other commodities. Congressman Sabath, a wet leader from Illinois, has introduced a bill to prohibit the sale of liqyor to minors In the admiralty. Among the liquor bills which the antisaloon forces will fight Is a bill introduced by Congressman Kahn to reimburse the liquor dealers for the revenue paid on liquors destroyed in the San Francisco earthquake. Presi dent Taft recommended this legisla tion several years ago, but the propo- nit ion to reimburse the liquor dealers and none of the other sufferers In the earthquake met with such a protest that the effort was dropped then. Liquor interests are also back of a bill introduced by (Congressman Steele of Pennsylvania, requiring that a constitutional amendment must be ratified within four years from the time that Congress submits it. Get a 25-cent bottle of Danderine at any drug store, pour a little into your hand and rub well into the scalp with the finger tips. By morning most, if not all, of this awful scurf will have disappeared. Two or three applica tions will destroy every bit of dan druff; stop scalp itching and falling hair.—Advertisement. 15
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