"Reliable Hams" V Have Been the Standard \\V of Quality For Over I VV Only reliable products can be continuously advertised Kingan Provision arrisburg, MOTOR-PROPELLED VIXISHKK FOR CONCRETE ROADS For saving labor in the construction of concrete roads and basts for street pavements, a motor-driven template has been Invented which is capable of working approximately 500 feet of 16- ft. roadway a day. The apparatus, which is shown in the Popular Me chanics Magazine, is carried on ear wheels- which roll along the tops of steel forms used to hold the mixture in n our no Win "MSB OIL" jet a Small Trial Bottle-Rub Pain, Soreness, Stiff ness Right Out of Joints and Musclis-lnstant Relief! Best Liniment, Doesn't Blister I'.lieumatism is "pain only." Not tine case in fifty requires internal treatment. Stop drugging. Rub sooth ing, penetrating "St. Jacobs Oil" right Into your sore, stiff, aching joints and muscles, and relief comes Instantly. "St. Jacobs Oil" is a harmless rheu matism and backache liniment which never disappoints. Limber up! Quit complaining! Get a small trial bottle of old, honest Doctor Says Nuxated Iron Will Increase Strength of Delicate People 200% Ten Days In many Instances—Prnou have «uf fered untold agony inr year* diiotorlng for nervous ivraku«ki, stomach, liver nr kidney iliNfiine or Nomr other nil mrnt nlirn their real trouble w«» lack jf Iron In the blood.— Huw to tell. New York. N. Y.—ln a recent dis course Dr. K. sailer. Specialist, of this jitv said: If you were to make an a. tual blood test on all people who are ,1! \ . time and commence i save while he is \lj* Jr young a man would t-m habits of econ- S* II omy that would lead |m on to fortune. Your first step towais this end Is to I st Natioml Bank H 224 MARK.T ST. FRIDAY EVENING, HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH JANUARY 21, 191'6 place. At one -ide is mounted a gaso line engine which provides the propel ling power and also imparts to the template a reciprocating motion which expedites its work. At the rear the contrivance is designed to serve as a smoothing tool. Only two persons are required in operating it. One rides the machine, watching the template plank and also filling in low places, while the other follows up the work, mend ing small defects in the surface of the concrete. "St. Jacobs Oil" at any drug store, and In just a moment you'll be free from rheuriatic pain, soreness, stiff ness and svelling. Don't suffer! Re lief awaits you. "St. Jacobs Oil" has cured milli3o Mennen's Talcum Canthrox 290 Amolin Powder 150 Eckman's Alterative • 590 Palmolive Shampoo Resinol Ointment 750 and 38* Pyorrhocide Tooth Powder 750 Atwood's Bitters Hokara Skin Food I<* Cuticura Ointment 38c Jergen's Violet Glycerine Soap 00 Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur 290 and 590 Othine 650 Castoria ' 210 Pond's Vanishing Cream 140 Baume Analgesique 370 Woodbury Face Powder I