10 Uptown Merchants Present Interesting Midseason Store News fLD FATHER TIME HESITATES AT BALL 4 [Continued From First I'age.] Amsted. Miss Anne McCormlck, E. S. Merman. Carl B. Ely and Frank J. S|rady have been planning for the big lent. This committee acted as a neral committee of arrangements. It was Sirs. Olmsted who practically anned the ball however, including e very splendid pageant of dancing, in was ably assisted by Miss Kath ine Noland, of Baltimore, i Mrs. Francis J. Hall. Mrs. Ross 'A. ■ickok, Henderson Gilbert, Vance C. ■cCormlck assisted by a score of best dancing youths and fi-ettlest maids helped to make the Affair memorable in the city's social Bstory. Albert Kelsey, the noted Philadelphia architect, personally Big Reduction Sale OF Spalding Hygienic and Treinis Bros. SWEATERS AND JERSEYS -> Heagy Bros. 1209 N. 3rd St. Open Evenings i new White Goods—Muslin Underwear, Embroideries and Bed Linens. Uptown prices are astonishingly low for such wonderful offerings as these. Bed Linens and Domestics g US y Saturday Thrifty Housekeepers Can Save 20 to 30 Per cent. ~ 50c Sheets; largest size 29c 10c Absorbent Toweling *Vje f I Of n 75c Sheets; largest size s»c 10c Fearless Bleached Muslin 8c (1 lILlj .'II[jLI ?? ~i i 2,c 10c Outing Flannels 6'Ac $15.00 to $25.00 Vclour Coats $19.00 " u ng, o nc eg . 15c Dress Ginghams; attractive patterns, 10c The end of January marks the lowest price level on all Winter Coats—even s. "** "T 1 . • store over 60 days; Sale Price ... SIO.OO ,:A n I Inrl j. ! .T.T. 1 I $7.50 to $9.00 Coals $3.50 j~j.il.siins $$! x * * . or _ w , $3.00 to SI.OO Shoes $1.95 /\l CD C /l/l Wj JO /jW F| JO I I.' O 100 pairs more have been put in this sale Gonna slip-over model, yokes i-< I¥A £jl\ VJ MMJ M *i\ I M ! I same time clever and very attractive In style, will do well to look Into ] i <' the irterlts of STECKLEY'S SHOES. _ J | «I As to style, you can rest assured of FASHION'S O. K. In comfort, you have only the experience of your two feet to consult. ] | !> If you try them, they'll endorse Steckley's Shoes. < | L