Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, January 20, 1916, Page 10, Image 10

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CopsriKht by International >tni Service
Helen never lorgot the feeling that
cauie over her when she opened the
door and saw Ned Burns standing in
the doorway. A half embarrassed
smile crossed his face at her expres
sion of blank amazement and he
moved forward a little.
Helen held the door so that he
could not enter and then realizing
how futile such a thing was she
stepped back and Ned followed her
into the dining room.
"Why did yon do it, Ned?" she
said, turning on him suddenly.
"Because I was determined to see
you and saw no reason why I
"The reason that T didn't wish it
should have been sufficient," said
Helen in her most frigid tones.
"Not when I wanted to so much.
Put on your things and we'll take
in a show."
"Certainly not; do you think that
I would do a thing like that behind
Warren's back?"
"Would you do it if he were
"Yes, if he were willing to go
with us."
"Are you really so devoted, Helen,
or are you simply the wifely type
that would not admit to a feeling of
wickedness once in a while?"
"I don't know, Ned, but this is
certain. Tou forced your way up
here, and now that you see 1 am
really displeased the kindest thing
would be to leave me."
"I will, if you will come with me."
Heien did not know what to do.
She dreaded entertaining Ned in
her apartment, alone, and yet she
liated to go out with him.
Ned Is Vnmovert
Ned spread some bread with
preserves nonchalantly and pro
ceeded to eat it. The situation was
■unbearable and Helen felt her im
potence severely. Somehow, she
thought desperately, there must be
something to do in a situation of
the kind, but she didn't know what
it could be.
"Very well, Ned," she said Anally.
"I'll go out with you. But you are
not. playing the game."
"Oh, now, Helen, you don't mean
that." said Ned in his beguiling
tones. "I don't want you to feel
that way. I like you too much.
Why, I came to New York to try
1o find you. I have always cared.
Helen, you know that. I thought I
night have the chance to tell you,
and then I found T had lost you."
"Ned, please stop: you have no
right to speak this w r ay."
"Helen, I care for you—you know
"Stop, Ned: T want you to go,
please. Nothing that you can say
will change my mind. 1 didn't, be
lieve that you could do such a thing
in my own house and in Warren's
"Please. Helen, listen to me." But
Helen turned away. She was trem
bling and held 011 to the table 10
steady herself. Was this horrible
tiling actually happening to her?
And she was the woman who had
wished something out. of the ordi
nary to happen, the woman who had
tried to play off Ned Burns against
lier own husband.
"If you don't leave." said Helen,
a little white line showing about
her mouth. "T shall. T intend to tell
Louise everything. She will believe
Thousands have this
You may be afflicted with that in the convenient form of Senreco
dread disease of the teeth, pyorr- Tooth Paste,
hea, and not be aware of it. It is Senreco contains the best cor
the most general disease in the rective and preventive for pyor
world! The germ which causes it rhea known to dental science,
inhabits eoery human mouth— Used daily it will successfully pro
your mouth, and is constantly try- tect your teeth from this disease,
ing to start its work of destruction Senreco also contains the best
there. harmless agent for keeping the
Don't wait until the advanced teeth clean and white. It has a
stages of the disease appear in the refreshing flavor and leaves a
form of bleeding gums, tenderness wholesomely clean, cool and pleas
in chewing and loose teeth. You ant taste in the mouth,
can begin now to ward off these Start the Senreco treatment
terrible results. Accept the ad- tonight—full details in the folder
vice dentists everywhere ggfc wrapped around every tube,
are giving, and take special Symptoms described. A
precautions by using a local r""~~" 25c two oz. tube is sufficient
treatment in your daily »V for six or eight weeks of the
toilet- \0 pyorrhea treatment. Get
To meet this need for lo- MfP/M Senreco at your druggists
cal treatment and to enable V/ \ today, or send 4c in stamps
everyone to take the neces- \ or coin for sample tube and
sary precautions against \ folder. Address The Sen
this disease, a prominent 1 tanel Remedies Co., 504
dentist has put his own pre- Union Central Bldg., Cin
scription before the public Sampl* ■u* cinnati, Ohio.
Patent Medicines
Cut Prices
16 N. 3rd Street and Penna. Station
Try Telegraph Want Ads
"Oh, see here, Helen, I'm not such
a brute as you are trying to make
me out. I'll go. I'm sorry, aw
fully sorry. I never meant to make
you feel like this. Listen, Helen
please don't make a mountain out
of this. I'll go."
The clock in the hall struck nine,
and almost immediately the bell
rang. Helen started, and then
turned white. Ned looked uncom
fortable, and they stood gazing at
the door as if dumfounded. Then
Helen recovered her senses.
She walked to the door and
opened it determinedly. Mr. and
Mrs. Thurston stood on the
"We thought we'd take advantage
of this evening and see if you
didn't want to play a rubber of
bridge," said Mrs. Thurston breez
Mrs. Thurston Speaks Out
"Of course we can," said Helen
gayly. "Warren has gone to Nor
folk, but Mr. Burns, a friend of the
family, is here, and he is a grreat
bridge player."
The Thurstons must not suspect
anything and the game would have
to be played for all it was worth.
"Wait a minute, dear," she called to
Mrs. Thurston, "and I will be with
you. I want you to meet Mr.
Thurston, Ned," she proceeded
"Mr. Thurston, this is Mr. Burns,
an old friend of Warren's and mine."
The two men shook hands and
Helen went back to her room and
kept up a running conversation
with Mrs. Thurston, who took off
her coat and hat and powdered her
"We are going to take a new
apartment next week," she an
nounced calmly, and then, "My dear,
who is this man that you are en
tertaining while poor Warren is
out of the way? Looks strange to
Mrs. Thurston said this lightly,
but Helen knew that if she once
suspected anything out of the or
dinary she would never rest until
she had sifted things to the bot-,
"He's an old friend of ours, dear.
You see Warren left unexpectedly
and we had an engagement with
Ned for dinner, so he came anyway."
As she finished this information
Helen remembered the untidy table.
Well, she could easily say that they
had all had coffee together. There
was nothing incriminating in that.
Ned and Mr. Thurston had opened
the bridge table and were getting
out the cards and the scores. Ned
as though to make up for what had
gone before, was his own charming
self, and Helen admitted that he
could be attractive, especially to
women. He was attentive to Mrs.
Thurston, and although he treated
Helen courteously he never tried to
overstep the bounds. The evening
passed very pleasantly.
Ned left with the Thurstons and
Helen, weak and fcrembling, went
to bed with a raging headache. She
hoped that Warren would never
hear of it. If he did he might put
any construction he liked on the
Incident and she would have no de
fense at all.
Another incident In this entertain
ing series will appear here soon.
Bringing (jp Father : By McManus
I HOPE SHE 1 f * XNOV "YOU C*N'T 51N4-
BETTER ok \ V/ITH OUT ***£ MOblC bO _=»
T F °* ou
• ' \ / 'S y—
°<> NT > UvEETi /I C *"^" ALU! *5-\ '
STOP TH NT S,^ L,STfN "9 - J H T
F« gp® THE SlM<ilN' ■***
Columbia Moose Lodge
Ends Membership Campaign
Special to the Telegraph
Columbia, Pa., Jan. 20. —Chlckles
Rook Lodge, No. 307, Ivoyal Order of
Moose, held the last of the boom ses
sions in the nine weeks' campaign,
which has ,lust closed, and admitted
81 new members, which makes the
total membership In Columbia 702,
with sixteen more candidates await
ing invitation. This is the result of a
campaign conducted by Supreme
Deputy Organizer R. S. Tucker. The
members signalized the close of this
campaign by a street parade from the
Home to Keystone Hall, where the
ceremonies were held. The column
was headed by the Metropolitan
Baud - . ........
ffr|ft a "Until some good friend told me of
IQU wall W 111 Atlantic Rayolight Oil, washing win
_ V*| A IT dows just discouraged me, for try as I
flOW£ i. >1 iFjA N might, rub and polish for all I was
ww worth, the windows would get streaky.
"But now I know that if I wash them
with Atlantic Rayolight Oil (a half cup
//ff. to a pail of hot soapy water), my windows
■sn will glisten and shine like plate glass
*i y 1 ./ and, what's more, they'll keep clean
// ' ots ' on 2 er -" So writes one busy, keen
/r LL/X housewife.
/ ysfl /' JY Other wise housekeepers have found
/ n V Atlantic Rayolight Oil the very best
Ifi iTs thing to keep away moths, to polish
JI / OY furniture, to get rid of bugs and cock
mt£ 4 1 I roaches, to cut grease, to take off rust
—■ an( j j Qr a hundred an( j one o ther pur
Mind you, it is Atlantic Rayolight Oil,
not ordinary kerosene, that these thou
_sands of women have found indispen
sable in their housework, for there's a
vast difference. Atlantic Rayolight Oil
ATLANTIC is refined by slow, careful processes
/r7i I * -AI- A. from the very finest crude petroleum.
iHT = 4 ! (|y miQXIX It is always of even quality.
MSBO&W And so it burns without smoke or smell,
\I. J burns slowly and economically; makes
r J a better lamp of any lamp, and a more
effective heater of any heater. But best
x vffijg results—the most heat for the least
— jgy money—come when Atlantic Rayolight
Oil is burned in a Perfection Smokeless
Ask your dealer for
Winter Niblits l a ßffW
Spent in Comfort
by name. It costs no more than ordinary
maHMt^rlw.£i y dkerosene and it is considerably better.
no matter what room you want to sit in. a
„ , The dealer who displays the sign
Smokeless Heater rySSfflria*
will economically keep that very room
genially warm. Best results when
Atlantic Rayolight Oil is burned. Ask
your dealer.
can always supply you.
ATLANTIC REFINING COMPANY, Philadelphia and Pittsburgh
Washable Materials May Be
Used Although Soft Woolens
Arc Often Preferred
8878 (With Basting Line and Added
Scam Allowance) House Gown, 36 to
46 bust.
Here is an exceedingly simple and ab
solutely practical ana really attractive
house gown. It is made in real one-piece
style, bodice and skirt being cut in one
and confined at the waist line by means
of the belt. There are pockets that
contribute largely to comfort and the
sleeves are just wide enough to allow
freedom of exercise, and the gown is
altogether a desirable one. Here, it is
made of a simple cotton material and the
washable ones are of course the best for
the purpose, but challis leally btfcmgs
under that head and challis makes very
pretty morning dresses of this kind.
For the medium size will be needed,
6% yds. of material 36 in. wide, 5)4 yds.
44, with H yd. 36 in. wide for the trim
The pattern No. 8878 is cut in sines
from 36 to 46 inches bust. It will be
mailedi to any address by the Fashion
Department of this paper, on receipt of
ten cents
There la more Citarrli In th!« section of tb«
country than all other diseusen put together, and
uutll the last few years was supposed to be
Incurable. For a great uiany years doctors
pronounced it a local disease aud prescribed local
remedies, and by coustantly falling to cure with
local treatment, pronounced It incurable. Science
has proven Catarrh to be a constitutional disease,
•ud therefore requires constitutional treatment.
Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F. J.
Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio, Is tbe only Constitu
tional cure on the market. It is taken Internally
In doses from 10 dropa to a teaspoonful. It acts
directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of
tbe system. They offer one hundred dollars for
sny case It fails to cure. Send for circulars and
• testimonials.
Address: F. J. CHENEY & CO.. Toledo, Ohlow
Sold by Druggists. 75c.
Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation.
Try Telegraph Want Ads
Special to the Telegraph
Columbia, Pa.. Jan. 19. A musi
cale will be held by the Columbia
chautauqua in the H. M. North Me
morial Parish House on Tnursday eve
ning, January 27. Mrs. William L.
Bucher will be pianist and Mrs. An
drew T. Kehoe, accompanist. The
soloists will be Mrs. George A. Shil
low. Miss Anna Witmer, John F.
Sload, Dr. A. H. Baxter and Colonel
E. S. Shannon, Miss Isabelle Jamel
son will be violinist and Mrs. David
IJ. Glatfelter reader.
Don't Suffer
and allow yourself to become grouchy, upset, nervous
and depressed. These conditions usually indicate a dis
ordered digestive system, which, if neglected, may be
hard to remedy. Remove the disturbing element and put
your digestive organs in good working order by taking
They gently stimulate the liver, act on the bowels, tone
the stomach—purify the blood and regulate the system.
These benefits are particularly marked by women at
such times when nature makes special demands upon
their vitality. They act promptly and safely.
The next time you feel low-spirited and out of sorts, take
Beecham's Pills. Their sure, mild, thorough action will
Give Quick
Special Direction* of Value to Women are with Every Box
Sold by druggist* throughout the world. In boxes, 10c, 25c.
Buy GOOD Coal
The better the coal you buy—the lea* you have to buy—and the
less you have to buy, the lower becomes your aggregate coal expendi
Since all coal—good, better and ka*t—coats the nam* per ton, dont
you think It the part of wisdom to get the best for your money, and
keep the total expenditure down?
Buy Montgomery Coal—lts quality ha* been kiiown for yeare—
there la none better.
Both Phones Third and Chestnut Streets
The American Government
The Panama Canal
I The Books That Show Uncle Sam at Work.
—————-———— ———______——_
The Harrisburg Telegraph
this coupon from this paper, present It at our office with 98
. cents, to cover the cost of production and distribution, and the
■ set Is yours. Fifteen cents extra by mall.
i size and bound exactly alike In heavy cloth. Each has about
I 400 page* printed on line book paper. Both are profusely illus
trated with official etchings, drawings and maps.
TO OUR HEADERS We are distributing these patriotic
■ books solely because of their great educational merit and our
belief that they ahould be In every American home.
Sunday Trains Between New
Bloomfield and Duncannon
Special to the Telegraph
New Bloomfield, Pa., Jan. 20. Be
ginning January 30 New Bloomfield
will have Sunday trains over the
Susquehanna River Southwestern
Railroad to Duncannon. The morn
ing train will leave New Bloomfield for
Duncannon at 8 o'clock and return
will leave Duncannon at 9:20. The
afternoon train will leave here at
4:15 and arrive at Duncannon at 4:45.
Returning it will leave Duncannon at
5:35 arriving at New Bloomfield at
6:05 o'clock.