Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, January 19, 1916, Page 5, Image 5
More Dangerous §P§i| Than A Tiger! J|ip| > The filthy, disease carrying Rats of America kill more live-stock than all the beasts of prey of the world combined. Every epidemic of chol era is spread by Rats. * Rpif cam \ Trad* Mark R»<j US. P«. Oft. The one certain, sanitary exterminator. Kills without fail and dries them up with- | j CnSKts out decav or "dor. Deadly to Rats and Mice but harmless to humans. Tn 25c., SOc. and SI.OO packages at Seed, It ft IY i Hardware, Drug and General Stores. IN v I Valuable booklet. " How to Kill Rats and Mice," in every can. RUB RHEUMATIC, ACHING JOINTS AND STOP PAIN Instant relief with a small trial bottle of old "St. Jacob's Oil." Rheumatism is "pain" only. Xot one case in fifty requires inter nal treatment. Stop drugging;! Rub •soothing, penetrating "St. Jacobs Oil" right into your sore, stiff, aching joints, and relief comes instantly. "St. j Jacobs Oil is a harmless rheumatism j liniment which never disappoints and can not burn the skin. i Umber up! Quit complaining! Get j :i small trial bottle of old. honest' "St. Jacobs Oil" at any drug store, and j in just a moment you'll be free from ' rheumatic pain, soreness and stiffness. : Don't suffer! Relief awaits you. "St. ! Jacobs Oil" is just as good tor sciatica, j neuralgia, lumbago, backache, sprains. ! —Adv. a . ZERO AT I.EWISTOWN Special to the Telegraplt " " I.ewistown, Pa., Jan. 19.—This place! had the first zero weather of the season yesterday and plumbers found many jobs repairing frozen and burst j pipes. SHOE FACTORY RESUMES WORK Special to the Telegraph Hummelstown, Pa., Jan. 19. —On Monday morning the shoe factory opened for work after being closed down since before Christmas. It is how in charge of a new manager, XV. | 1.. Pike, of Hanover. ■ War upon Pain! 5 M M Pain is a visitor to every home and * usually it comei quite unexpectedly. But W * you are prepared for every emergency if M J[| you keep a small bottle of Sloan'* S Liniment handy. It is the greatest IjflK M tfll'l'li'ilHiil i jililiiliiii pain killer ever diacovered. Kill w I**' 'i rliir ii i: l : !' Simply laid on the akin— no rubbing required—lt drives * the pain away instantly. It ii * ; 1 really wonderful. MklMiUB 111 Sloan's I sj||| Liniment J||| 1 / * SORE MUSCLES* -V-B J 1 CLIP THIS COUPON FOR t The American Government i ' AM) The Panama Canal * * ' By FHEDEUUG J. IIA SKIN. i j » The Books That Show Uncle Sam at Work. The Harrisburg Telegraph i> ~ HOW TO GET THESE TWO BOOKS FOR 9S CENTS Cut i ► | this coupon from this paper, present It at our office with S)8 , cents, lo cover the cost of production and distribution, and tho ' < I set Is yours. Flfteer. cents extra by mall. * SOME FACTS ABOUT THESE BOOKS Both are the same A slr.e and bound exactly alike In heavy cloth. Each has about ' » , 400 pages printed on fine book paper. Both are profusely Illus trated with official etchings, drawings and maps. ! , 1 TO OUK READERS We are distributing these patriotic j B books solely because of their great educational merit and our belief that ihey aliould be in every American home. I I W F-DN KSvDAT EVENIKO, Prominent Speakers For Grantham Bible Conference Special to the Telegraph j Mechanicsburg, Pa., June 19.—Be ginning to-morrow morning and con ! tinuing until Sunday, a Bible confer ence and evangelistic meeting will be | conducted at Grantham, in the chapel of the Messiah Bible school ancl Mis i slonary Training: Home, and a pro jgram full of interest has been ar j ranged. Sessions will be held every morning ancl afternoon. The evening (meetings will be devoted to evangelis tic services in charge of J. X. Hoover, West Milton, Ohio, and L. Shoalts, of Marshville, Ont. Other speakers in clude: Asa W. Climenhaga, S. R. Smith, J. A. Climenhaga. J. A. Smith, |E. 11. Hess, S. B. Stoner, Mary K. ' Hoffman, all of Grantham; J. IV. [Heisey, C. X. Hostelter, of Washins jtonboro: D. W. Brehm, of Hummels town; Abner Martin and J. X. Martin. ( of Elizabethtown: J. R. Charleston, of Mechanicsburg; H. K. Kreider. of Campbelltown: S. G. Engle, of Phila j delphia: Solomon Sollenberger and IM. H. Oberliolser, of Cliambersburg; 11. B. Stout, of Silverdale; Noah Z. j Hess, of Lancaster; J. B. Funk, of j Annviile; Eli M. Engle, Irvin O. Mus | ser and Abram Z. Hess, of Mt. Joy; | J. K. Bowers, of Trappe; L. O. Musser. lof Florin: Abram O. Brubaker, of Elizabethtown: Jonathan Wert, of I Carlisle; Isaac Stern, of Roaring Springs: H. C. Shank, of Waynesboro; jH. B. Hoffer, of Manheini: Allen B. Brubaker, of Mt. Hope: J. D. Brooks and H. G. Light of Cleona; J. D. Win ; gert, of Fayetteville. ENTERTAINED MIMSTERH'M Special to the Telegraph Hummelstown, Pa.. Jan. 19. —The Rev. Robert A. Bausch. of the Re formed church, although being hous ed with grip entertained the Harris burg Minlstertum of the Reformed church on Monday. On account of the illness of the Rev. Mr. Bausch | his pulpit was occupied by Mr. Stray ! er. a student of Franklin and Mar- I shall, on Sunday. Bringing (Jp Father : By McManus I'M TIRED OF THE f HOW OLD OOES A WAY YOU LOOK "\ MAN 'N SOOETY AROUND THE HOOSE HAVE TO BE BEFORE BO RVE EN<J/S<IEO A J AOLE " TO I VALET TO PRESS J *** H'MSELF! J 1 HAVE COME * I OT BACK BEFORE. TO DRESS YOU *J I BREAK A PERFECT* IFF ! II I LY <IOOD CHAIR 4-M <X "'OUR OOME [ W J|FF 1 HOW RUDE!! 6ENEFIT OF M T>N YOUR OWN R 9 •$ DLL I ( HEALTH-YOU'D R I" 1 " / V— WHAT YOU SAY . I TO ME -<iOES IN 1 TH OU<HT ONE EAR AND COMES OUT '—V THE OTHER! J /F' ' '•' ■ 1 THERE'S P L NOTHIN' THERE j To STOP IT! HAN BUCHANAN'S CHAIRS While Janies Buchanan was living in Franklin county, long before he became President of the United States, he presented an old Franklin county couple with four splendid rough-hewn chairs. The names of the recipients are lost In the dust of the years. In CASTORIA For lirf-jntß amf CHlrtrep. Bears the //$~/> . <■ "* The Kird You Have Always Bought eisn « tur ® HXItRISBTJRa bSSk TELEGRAPH time the old couple became close friends with a Mrs. William Starlipper. When Mrs. Starlipper died she be queathed the chairs to her daughter Gertrude. When Miss Gertrude Star lipper died she gave the chairs to Airs. William JJeldlitiKer. 1209 North Third street. J&Xißwn m CIGARS^f 1 You couldn't get tobacco II R you wouldn't want g tobacco —than in RECRUITS. 1 1 They're so good they outsell all l other brands of little cigars— IS if and won the Panama Exposition || J| Gold Medal. Package is plain, || H but quality ft the finest. || H. Ellis & Co., Branch In I (5k jgg w^mmmmmmmm—m^mmmm^mmm EVER SEE THIS PHOTO BEFORE? If *You Can Identify This Man You May Assist Widow to Obtain Pension * - , "H. W. SCHMIDT" Does any old resident of Harrisburg or of Daupliln county recognize this man ? George B. Smith, of 951 East Sixty •First street, Chicago, is trying to establish a pension claim for the wife of the man whose picture Is shown above. According to Mr. Smith, the picture shown is one of "H. W. Schmidt," horn In Dauphin county, near Harrisburg, in 1843. , According to G. A. It. records "Schmidt" en listed in Company C. One Hundred and Fifth Regiment', Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry. The pension rec ords of Washington, however, do not i confirm this and it is bellevfcd that JANUARY' 10, 1916. "Mr. Schmidt" may have been known by another name while in this State. Mr. Smith has requested that any one who recognize the above picture to communicate with him in Chicago. ONLY ONE "HROMO ftUIMSB" To get the genuine, call for full name. LAXATIVE BROMO QUININE. Ijook for signature of E. W. GROVE. Cures a Cold in One Day. 25c. —Adver- tisement. CLASS ELECTS OFFICERS Officers to serve for the ensuing year were elected last evening by Ramsey Black Sunday school class of Pine Street Presbyterian Church as follows: *• President. Wilbur Meek; vice president, Howard McFadden; secre tary. William Jenkins: treasurer. Les ter Earpi The meeting was held in the John Y. Boyd memorial build ing. Refreshments w#re served in the diningroom. Improves your skin while cleansing it Almost any soap will clean the skin and hair. Many toilet soaps are pure enough to do so without injuring these delicate textures. But those who want a soap which not only cleanses but actually helps the complexion and hair are wise to choose Resinol Soap. The soothing, healing properties ' of Resinol enable it to protect the skin and scalp from annoying erup tions, keep the complexion clear, and the hair rich and lustrous. This, soaps which are merely pure and cleansing cannot be expected to do. When the skin it in bad condition, through neglect or an unwise use of cosmetics, spread on just ft little Resinol Ointment for ten or fifteen minutes before using Resinol Soap. Resinol Soap and Olnttnefit are sold by all druggists. For a trial size of each, free, writ* to Dept. 15-P, Resiuol, Baltimore, Md. MIDYEAR'S AT ACADEMY Midyear examinations begin to-mor row at the Harrisburg Academy. The tests will last throughout to-morrow, Friday and Monday. FEEL YDUHG! It's Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets For You! Beware of the habit of constipation. It develops from just a few constipated days, unless you take yourself In hand. Coax the jaded bowel muscles back Ito normal action with Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets, the substitute for calo mel. Don't force them to unnatural ac ' tlon with severe medicines or by merely flushing out the intestines with nasty, sickening cathartics. Dr. Edwards believes In gentleness, persistency and Nature's assistance. Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets open the ' bowels; their action is gentle, yet posi tive. There Is never any pain or grip ing when Dr. Edwards Olive Tablets are used. Just the kind of treatment old persons should have. Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets are a veg etable compound mixed with olive oil. you will know them by their olive color. Take one or two occasionally and have no trouble with your liver, bowels or stomach. 10c and 25c per box. All druggists. The Olive Tablet Company, Colum bus,, O.—Advertisement. ' > Lumber * Values The demand for high grade lumber is increas ing each year. Lumber buyers are be coming educated to the fact that it does not pay to use "cheap" lumber in a job, that is expected to en dure. Sound, good quality will many years outwear the inferior grades. United Icc & Coal Co. Koratrr and Cowdon *tp. V , , d 5