Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, January 19, 1916, Page 10, Image 10
10 BALL DECORATION TO COST NOTHING Everything. Including Services, Donated For Big Charity Benefit NAME FLOOR COMMITTEE Parties Coming From Out of Town—Mrs. Tener Guest of Mrs. Reynders T-'our thousand bunches of wistaria. Six hundred Japanese iris. Kour hundred electric lights. ' Three hundred fir trees. Two hundred barrels of pine •leedles. etc. Smilax by the hundreds of yards. Flowers. Great curtain of old rose velvet for stage. Electric'current and services of the wiring corps of 'he Ilarrisburg l.ight ■t Power Company, and services of • Charles I'ttley. florist. Everything Donated AJI these essentials in the splendid leeorative scheme for the bis Charity Ball to-morrow evening have been donated to the committee for the .•ause for which the season's crown ing social event is being given—the general fund of the Associated Aid jocieties of Itarrisburg. Other things that will figure in the ■iecorations might be mentioned—the real temple bells for instance that nave been brought from faraway Japan and loaned to the committee for the occasion by Albert Keleey. the famous Philadelphia architect. Chest nut street auditorium by the way is o be converted into a Garden of Old Japaji and many of the quaint and lurious swords, daggers, and other mplements of warfare of the Sumurai have been loaned to help give the accessary touches of realism to the aall. Mean so Much in Dollars All these contributions mean just ■lo much in dollars end cents for the •ause. The expenses will be paid, •eally. by the proceeds derived from he sale of the sixteen boxes —all of which, by the way. have been dis posed of. and by the advertising. That -ncans that practically the entire huge jum that will be netted from the sale of the tickets will go to the Asso ciated Aids. Just remember that when you hesitate about sending your .•heck for jour tickets. Details for the Ball are practically complete. To-night the dresp re hearsal for the Pageant of Dancing will be held. All the gowns and uni forms which have been obtained for the purpose by the participants will arrive front Xew York to-day. Final rehearsals of the augmented Stauffer's Orchestra, of Carlisle, and Mira Leraer's Orchestra of this city which will play alternately for the dancing, will be held this afternoon. Floor Committee is Named The tloor committee has been ap pointed. It consists of John Fox "Weiss, chairman. J. S. Lowengard. Henderson Gilbert, Vance C. McCor-, inick. Edwin S. Herman. Joseph C. j •"Master, Carl B. F.ly, Dr. Harvey F. Smith. David Kaufman. Mercer B. Tate, Edgar Marks, Frank J. Brady, Morris E. Jacobson. O. P. Beekley. V. Hummel Berghaus. Simon Hirsch, Porter Hammond. Joseph Xachman. Believe Me I Eat Everything For I Know a Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablet Will Digest Any Meal At Any Time. skni> for a frkr tkial ilow often do we sec men who can not cat and how often do we heir *>ther men boasting: of their abilit'es to eat' »nj»|ifp»Uf Xo, I havru't bail a toiM-li uf It slnrr I l>cjgan lining Stu art's l)j*pepwla Tablets yearn ago." The secret of all health Is digestion. The secret of digestion Is the Juices ■which are supplied by the bodv to emulsify the food. . A Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablet aids Kature in Nature's own way. They ere filled with the very ingredients so needTui to normal digestion. Thousands would be glad to tell vou •what Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets have done for them. Get a 50c box from any druggist, or send below coupon right away. FREE TRIAL COUPON l'\ A. St dart Co., -17 Stuart Hiiiirf ins. tlarnlitill, Mich., send me at once a free trial package of Stu art's Dyspepsia Tablets. Name Street City State EDUCATIONAL School of Commerce Troup Building 15 So. Market S<|. Day and Night School 22d Year Commercial and Stenographic Courses Bell Phone 1946-J Harrisburg Business College Day and Night Bookkeeping, Shorthand, Civil Service Thirtieth Year 329 Market St. Ilarrlsbnrg, Pa. OFFICE TRAINING SCHOOL Kaufman Bldg. 4 ,S. Market Sa Training That Secures Salary Increasing Positions In the Office Call or send to-day for intorestinc booklet. -The Art of GetttoK Alone 111 the AAorld." Bell phone 694-R. WEDNESDAY EVENING, THE KEYSTONE STATE FAIR I ■ A WONDER WORLD FOR THE CHILDREN I A Great Stale "Convention" Which Will Better We Want the Parents of Every Child in This the Lives of Millions Now and In the Future. County to Share In the Ownership of This Xo event in Pennsylvania has worked The Keystone State Fair and Industrial Ex- Great Industrial and Educational Movement. for such universal good of the children as is position in going to fill a long felt want—a long assured by the approaching Keystone State felt NEED. Many of our sister Mates have con- Teach your children the importance of ownership. Instil Fair. In this unparalleled state gathering the ducted btate fairs, and every one has reported into their young minds the principles of business. You can welfare of the younger generation will receive astonishing good—and there has never been teach them a great lesson right now by your becoming per- \ s / ■ « consideration which is sure to revolutionize a state that has gone to such ends in prepara- sonally interested in the Keystone State Fair, by showing them \AT HASfiISBURG / Whatevef occupation 9 >lv«nU. that you are a part owner and a co-worker. A limited amount \ A / K Keystone State Fair is going to show that parent Buildings for all purposes are being erected at of capital stock at SIO.OO per share, par value, is offered to how Ills condition in life can be Improved, and a °°st ®' over $750,000.00, and a two-mile auto the cttlnens of your county. By taking advantage of this lim- \ ( jfflnk J how this Improvement is going to uplift the speedway which is conceded to he among the ited offer vou will not only be expressing your sentiment to- \ f \ /EBBBm / I7jr tit kreal'cathea-in J"t oT«i WOr " ""L, Bo . lt ?, hen ward the success of the Keystone State Fair, but you will he \ J '°/ iora u> aiiow ini* great gathering to pans with- all these wonderful factors get going in full blast, .. - . . . , - \ r MBwHil # out having his children see the interesting and this old world is going to see a State Fair that taking part in an enterprise which is certain to produce for 1 _ twQIQI B I EH / beneficial sights. will be REAL. you astonishing dividends. f I KEYSTONE STATE FAIR and INDUSTRIAL EXPOSITION vHS/ ! I KUNKLE BLDG., HARRISBURG. PA. * I ,500,000.00 I Charles IS. Covert, A. K. Buchanan, and C. M. Kaltwasser. Whole parties of guests are com ing from nearby towns. John hinder Lewis A. Sadler will bring down [ parties from Carlisle and Mrs. R. X. Thomas from Medianicsburg; ex- Governor and Mrs. Tenet - will be there as guests of Mrs. J. V. W. Reyn ders. E\-Goveinor and Mrs. Toner Coming And here are some names of well known people who have been added to the roll of the honorary committee: Cyrus K. Woods, Secretary of the Commonwealth; Additional Law Judge S. J. M. McCarrell; Samuel D. Rambo. E. J. Staekpole, Dr. Harvey I". Smith, 11. G. Gohlsborough, David K. Tracy, W. Walley Davis, K. Herbert Snow, <M. Ivaltwasser, George 15. Etter, John Hotter, Mrs. A. G. Knisely, IS. R. Sponslcr, William M. Donald son. Mrs. David Kaufman, Walter. S. Sehell, John 10. Fox. Austin Brandt, J. K. Bowman, 11. 11. Bowman, John Price Jackson, Samuel C. Todd, John 11. F rants, Dr. J. B. McAlister, Frank <'. Sites, the Misses •""lute and Walter I'. Maguire. I* ROT F.ST AGAINST SALOONS Special to the Telegraph Sunbnry, Pa., Jan. 19.—Remon strances containing more than 1,000 names, against all Watsontown hotels were filed in the office of the clerk of the courts of .Northumberland coun ty. to-day. it is alleged that there is no necessity for drinking places in ihe borough. Watsontown lias three licensed places, the Criffen and Mansion houses, and Cooner's Hotel. OFFER HALL TO UOROFGII Special to the Telegraph West Fairview, Pa., Jan. 19. —At a meeting of borough council next month the Good Will Fire company will offer the fire hall for meeting pur poses of council in the coming year. The borough will not be charged for the use of the hall. The company is taking this step in an effort to show its appreciation of the help council has given them. STRICKEN ON" WAV HOME Special to the Telegraph Waynesboro. Pa., Jan. 19. lra Snowberger died suddenly yesterday from tuberculosis. He had been to see his mother in North street and while on his way home he was stricken with ! a hemorrhage and expired a minute after ho had reached the house. He is survived by his wife and three small children. SCHOOJJIOI'SE BI'RN'S Special to the Telegraph Gettysburg. Pa., Jan. 19. —Fitter's schoolhouse, in Cumheriarid township, three miles from here, was destroyed by fire yesterday morning. SIMPLE WAY TO END DANDRUFF There is one sure way that has never failed to remove dandruff at once, and that is to dissolve it, then you destroy it entirely. To do this, just get about four ounces of plain, common liquid arvon from any drug store (this Is all you will need), apple It at night when retiring; use enough to moisten the scalp and rub it in gently with the finger tips. By morning, most if not all, of vour dandruff will be gone, and three or four more applications will completely dissolve and entirely destroy every single sign and trace of It, no matter how much dandruff you may have. You will find all itching and digging of the scalp will stop instantly, and your hair will be Huffy, lustrous, glossy, silky and soft and look and feel a hundred times better. SCHOOL DEBATERS ! PLAN FOR FRAY "Preparation" Will Be Prob lem With Which Student Will Wrestle j "Resolved: That international peace I would be best promoted by extensive ! warlike preparation on the part of all j nations, is the subject of the debate I that Tech and Central speakers will |discuss in the annual debate between the two schools. The debate will like fly be held the second week of Febru ary, directly after the close of the lirst | semester at the two institutions, and will be part of the elimination plan of the School Debating League of Cen jtral Pennsylvania, to determine the high school championship of this part I of the State along oratorical lines. Over at Tech High the first call was i made yesterday for candidates for the [team that will represent that institu tion. Prof. Strawinski will direct the I work for the Tech lads, and will decide on the process of elimination. There i will likely be four members on the j team, including the alternate. While | the contest is open to all the classes jot the school, the upper classmen will ,no doubt be able to make the best i showing because of their previous I training. It is expected that the finals | will be concluded within ten days. Preparations at Central have been ;in progress for some time and are in I charge of Prof. Billow, a member of the faculty. The four best debaters in each section have been pitted against the four best of another section of the same class. Following these prelimin aries, it will likely resolve itself into a contest of the Morning Seniors vs. the Afternoon Seniors, and the Morning Juniors vs. the Afternoon Juniors. The winners will then contest against each other for the championship of the school. Must Meet Others in County Following the interschool debate in this city, tlie winner will have to meet •another winner in the county to deter mine the championship of the coun ty. It is probable that teams will rep resent the high schools of Steelton and Middletown, and the Harrisburg winner will be pitted against the bet \ ter ot the two lower end teams. Fol lowing the county meet, the next larg est unit is the district. Harrisburg I has been selected as the center of one district, so that whether the local teams survive or not, those interested in oratory will have the opportunity to hear the district addresses. The eliminations in the several dis tricts will have to be made before the last Friday in April, and those de baters fortunate enough to win in the I different districts go to State College the latter part of j May for the finals. In all jof the contests the general theme will Ibe "Preparedness." The winners of the final meet at State College will be awarded the championship for the year. Recent Deaths in Central Pennsylvania Special to the Telegraph Rliccms. John Landvarter, aged 82, a retired farmer, died yesterday. He is survived by four sons, living at Marietta and one daughter at Rheems. Tower City. Mr. ISliott died at his home on.Sunday after a short illness. He was Bt> years old and is survived by his wife and one daughter; also fifteen grandchildren and Ave great grandchildren. J HARRISBURG Z&fX&l TELEGRAPH D. L. AND W. MINES ! IDLE AS TRIBUTE Pay Respect to General Man ager Who Rose From Minor Position Scram on, Pa.. Jan. lit.—All the mines of Hie Delaware, Lackawanna and Western Railroad Company were idle recently as a last tribute to Ar thur ('. LaMonte. general manager of the Coal Mining department. Mr. LaMonte, who was iti years old. had been with the company since 1888. lie roue from a minor position in the mine engineering corps to be its head, and succeeded Col. R. A. Phillips as general manager only a lew weeks ago. Mr. LaMonte spent last Thursday in the mines. Early Friday morning he suffered a paraly tic stroke, and the end came at 10.i j j Sunday night. * He was justly popular with his sub STOMACH AOS FINE! NO HKESnON, GAS, SOURNESS OR KMY Eat Without Fear! Pape's Diapepsin Instantly Stops Sour Risings, Belchings, Stomach Misery You don't want a slow remedy when in your home —kee. it handy—get a i your stomach is bad—or an uncertain large ftfty-oent case from any drug one—or a harmful one—your stomach store and then if anyone should eat |is too valuable; you mustn't injure it something which doesn't agree with with drastic drugs. ; thcm; if what they eat lays like lead, l Pape s Diapepsin is noted for its ferments and sours and forms gas; [speed in giving relief; its harmless- causes; eructations of acid and undi iness; its certain unfailing action in gested food—remember as soon as Isra&rs wrwass srskyssvs- » dyspepsia, gastritis and other stomach vanishes It!Tnrornnlnem stomach disorders is a revelation to Keep this perfect stomach doctor those who try it. FL DIAPEPSIN I mm l EAT THEM LIKE CANDY LARGE 50 CENT CASE-ANY DRUG STORE ordinates and the officers of the com ■ pany, was president for 20 years of.the Railroad Young Men's Christian Asso ciation. an elder in the First Presby- I terian Church, and a leader in Sun- I day school work. He was past presi- I dent of the Engineers' Society of Northeastern Pennsylvania, and a member of the Peter Williamson Lodge, No. 32:1. of the Masonic Order, and the Modern Woodmen of America. He is survived by his wife and one son. MIDYEAR'S AT TECH .IAN. 28 j Midyear examinations at. the Tech i nical High school will begin Friday I afternoon. January 28, will extend throughout the first week of February. Several innovations will go into effect at this time, the most important of which is the adoption of the unit sys tem of promotion. It will also mark j the close of tlie •>."> per cent, grade of promotion. Beginning with the June ! examinations, TO will bo the passing SEEK PASTOR IY>R REDEEMER j George Lebo, Ernest Wolf and E. I E. Eshenower have been appointed 1 by the congregation of the Lutheran | Church of the Redeemer to seek a! minister to fill the vacancy caused by | the departure of the Rev. E. Victor i j Roland, to take over his new charge at Butler. Pa. Tlie Rev. Mr. Roland j left for Butler to-day. JANUARY 19, lyih. THE NEWEST REMEDY FOR Backache, Rheumatism and Dropsy Kidney, Bladder and Uric Acid troubles bring nvlsery to many. When the kidneys are weak or diseased, these natural filters do not cleanse the blood sufficiently, and the poisons are carried to all parts of the body. There follow depression, aches and pains, heaviness, drowsiness, irrita bility, headaches, chilliness and rheu matism. In some people there are sharp pains in the back and loins, distressing bladder disorders and sometimes obstinate dropsy. The uric jacid sometimes forms into gravel or kidney stones. When the uric acid affects the muscles and joints, it causes lumbago, rheumatism, gout or sciatica. Write Dr. Pierce at once, send 10 cents lor large trial pack jage, or 50 cents for full treatment of I "Anuric" or ask your druggist for it. ] During digestion uric acid is ab- I sorbed into the system from meat ! eaten, and even from some vegetables, j The poor kidneys get tired and back j ache begins. This is a good time to -w ARE YOU MAKING -V-\v J| OF YOURSELF? t —( Every man is the artist of his own for tune and as C'assius says, "Our Fate, dear / j Brutus, lies not In our stars, but in our ' - - 'Jjf / j selves." If he would only realise this in y ' J L r time and commence to save while he is 'S \lr Jr young a man would form habits of econ / / r omy that would lead him on to fortune. ~ Your first step towards this end is to open an account in a good savings batik National Bank w n 224 MARKEX ST. There are smokers who must have King Oscar 5c Cigars They' ve smoked them for near a quarter of a century and they look to them for satisfaction with the same assurance that the veteran en gineer looks for a clear track when he sees the white light ahead. KING OSCARS clear the track for a quality smoke. Regularly Good For 24 Years 1 take "Anuric," the new discovery of i Dr. Pierce for Kidney trouble and , Backache. Neglected kidney trouble ! Is responsible for many deaths, and j Insurance Company examining doc . tors always test the water of an ap- I pllcant before a policy will be issued. ■ Have you ever set aside a bottle of water for twenty-four hours? A heavy s sediment or settling sometimes indi , eates kidney trouble. The true na- I ture and character of diseases, espe s cially those of the kidneys, and urin ■ ary organs, can often be determined I by a careful chemical analysis ami ; microscopical examination—this is t done by expert chemists of the Medi , cal Staff of tho Invalids' Hotel. If ■ you wish to know your condition send J a sample of your wate» to Doctor . Pierce's Invalids' Hotel, Buffalo, N. Y., • and describe your symptoms. It will t be examined without any expense to . you, and Doctor Pierce or his Staff • of Assisting Physicians will inform i you truthfully.—Advertisement.