~'\*' ' ~ '' Series of Mysterious Fires in State Cause Heavy damage; Many Homeless HARRISBURG SfSBllI TELEGRAPH LXXXV— No. 11 SEVEN TROOPERS ARE CAPTURED BY VILLA BAND ON AMERICAN SOIL Mexicans Cross Border and Round Up Members of the Seventh U. S. Cavalry in New Mexico COWBOYS SCOURING COUNTRY FOR TRACE Cavalrymen Were at Doyle Wells, When Surprised by Guerillas; Full Details Anxiously Awaited Douglas, Ariz., Jan. 19. Seven soldiers of the Seventh United States Cavalry were captured early to-day by Mexican bandits at Doyle Wells, 14 miles south of Hachita, N. M., according to reports received here. The surrounding country was scoured by cowboys hunting the bandits. Woman Gets First Alimony, 3,500 Cents in Dirty Oil Can, Which Is Sent Collect Special to the Telegraph Scdalia, Mo.. Jan. J 9.—Mrs. George Arbuckle to-day received her first months alimony from Mr. Arbuckle. The alimony. 535, all in pennies, was packed in a can that had con tained lubricating oil. Before she could deposit the money in a bank Mrp. Arbuckle was forced to wash the cents. The can was sent collect and Mrs. Arbuckle paid 45 cents express charges. After Mrs. Arbuckle had washed the pennies, carried them to the bank and deposited them, she learned she need not have accepted them, as cents are not legal tender for amounts over 25 cents. Girl's Skull Fractured; Police Seek Companion Lena Brenner, aged 25 years, vrliosc liontc is believed to be in Altoona, is in the flarrishnrg Hospital with a fractuml skull. It is believed she will die. Tlic police are hunting for a male companion last seen nitlt the Brenner woman. Miss Brenner was tnUcn from 502 South alley to the llarrisburjr Hospital early yesterday morning. TRIED TO UKT KAR OF ARGUING OPPONENT "He try to pull my ear off. I have him arrested." was the charge made by Mike Pole, 1106 Florence street, against Garville Prico, who will be given a hearing this evening before Alderman Fritz Kramnie, accused of assault and battery. Poie explained yesterday to the Alderman that he and Prico had been arguing, when Prico grabbed him and tried to "pull his oar off." Prico was held under S2OO bail for a hearing. PORTLAND CEMENT EMPI.OYKS GET 10 PER CENT. RAISE Allentown, Pa., Jan. 10.—Effective February 1, the wages of the 2,000 em ployes of the Northampton plant of the Atlas Portland Cement Company vill be increased from 7 to 10 per cent. The company also operates mills at Hudson. X. Y., and Hannibal, Mo. THE WEATHER! For HnrrlNl>tirK anil viclultyi Fair, continued cold to-night, with lowest trmiirrnture nbout I.H «le nrff»: Thursday fair and warmer. For lOnstern l'eun».vlvnuln: l-'air to nlahl and TliiirxdUM warmer 'l'bnroday I moderate >vlnil», he coming NOllth. Itiver The Snn>iuehniina river mill all ll» hrunehen »111 fall klowlj, except lee may canxe local rlnen, \<• im liortnnt change* are likely |» ue cur In lee condltiitl»ly deerea.se Nomewhut lhur* under milder tempera ture condition*. A atniir or about 1.7 feet t* Indicated for llnrrln hm-g ThiirHdny morniug. <«cncrnl Condition* Hiali preiMiure prevails »ur (he caHtern half of the country, ex cept the extreme northeastern portion, and lon pressure over •he western halt'. The western storm Is now eeutral over Hull. It tins caused more rain nnd snmv In central nnil southern districts ne«t of the Kocky Mountains nnd in Oklahoma, Texas, \ew Mexico slid M estern l.ouslnnn. There has been a Keneral rise of 2 to III) deurees in temperature over near l> all the territory represented on the map. except In the Xortlt l*n elfle States, «bf re II is somewhat ■'older. The most decided rises In temperature. to :i«> dCKreei, oc curred In South Dakota. Tentpernlurei S a. in.. IN. Sun: Rises, 7:54 a. ni.j sets, ,%;tMI p. m. 'liioni Full moon. January "JO, a. m. River Staget 5 feet above low water mark. esterday's Weather 11 laliest temperature. 2-. l.oneHt temperature, U. Menti temperature, IJ, .Normal teinperuturi'V US, s NEWEST V. S. SUPERDREADSAVGHT ON SPEED TRIAL , II ■ ' y -r? —... ******* VWL ■ " . ££D TJVAAr "" This remarkable picture shows the V. S. S. Oklahoma, the latest addition to I'ncle Sam's sea-fighting force cleaving Ihe water on her speed trials off Rockland. Me. The Oklahoma is fitted with reciprocal engines, while her sister ship, the Nevada, is equipped with turbine engines. Naval men are watching- the tests with interest to decide which type of engine is best suited to the needs of our navy. OTTOMAN ARMIES j ! CLAIM THEY ARE I CHECKING RUSS | Grand Duke Nicholas Forces' in the Caucasus Have Suf fered Severely, They Say Further news to hand to-day of the campaign in the Caucasus where the Russians recently began an offensive over a wide front and ad mittedly have been making progress ; against the Turks. Constantinople now : announces that the Ottoman armies; resisting the Russian advance have been reinforced and have checked the ] Russians along the entire front. Grand Duke Nicholas' forces have \ suffered severely in the fighting during : the last eight days, according to the Turkish statement, which claims that the situation now is favorable to the Turks, only slight changes in position having been effected by the Russian operations, j On the other hand, a Petrograd (Continued on Page 7.) Thrice He Pays $4 For Running Shop Sunday Members of the barbers' union in i this city in their efforts to keep all j shops closed on Sunday for three con | secutive weeks have brought charges I against Charles Williams, proprietor of j the. shop in the Pennsylvania Railroad ! Station. Each time that the charges were ! preferred Williams appeared before j Alderman George A. Hoverter, of the Ninth ward, and was fined $4 and I costs. The first two times a plea of [ guilty was entered, but yesterday when I Williams appeared no defense was I offered. Shake-up in Detective Force Following Murder By Associated Press ! Cleveland. Ohio. Jan. 19.—Follow ing publication of statements by j Mayor Harry 1.. Davis that the Cleve ; land police detective department bun jgled in handling the murder of Do ilores Evans, 19-year-old actress, j.strangled in a downtown hotel last I week. Captain Alfred Walker, head of | the detective bureau, resigned to i day. Polite Chief \V. S. Rowe denied, | however, that Walker quit under fire. Mayor Davis has promised a shake •up in the detective force. He has is- Jsued a criticism of the bureau for per jmitting the slaver of the Evans girl !10 get out of town before captured, j Louis Bianchetti is now under arrest in New York and has been indicted there for murdering the actress. Belgian Children Send ! Simple Presents to Wilson By Associated Press I Washington, Jan. 19. —P. H. Chad ; bourne, representing the Belgian Ite lief Commission, brought to the White ! House to-day a trunkful of simple 'presents sent tot lie President and Mrs. ; Wilson by Belgian children. | They included dolls, pictures, busts of the Belgian royal family and em broidery work. All were laid out on the cabinet table for the President's j inspection. He read accompanying | messages personally and said he was | deeply affected by the sentiments. ill NS MI MB ix BARB FEET Special to the Telegraph Hackensack. N. J., Jan. 19.—The ; fact that the thermometer was at zero ; last night did not deter Jean Avenego, ilO years old. from jumping out of Ills ibedroom window at Montvale and | running barefooted a mile along the i rough road to Park Ridge to alarm j1 he firemen there that the Duleur j farmhouse was on fire. (■IVES COIXKGK $500,000 Special to the Telegraph Newark, Del., Jan. 19.—Announce jment has been made by Dr. Samuel C. j Mitchell, president of Delaware Col lege. of the receipt of two checks amounting to 5500.000. a gift to the icollege. The donor, whose name at his' ! request has not been publicly an-j nounced, promised the contributions] Uouie months ago. J HARRISBURG, PA., WEDNESDAY EVENING, JANUARY 19, 1916. AUTHORESS FEARS ANOTHER STROKE; KILLS HERSELF "God Will Not Be Angry With Me," She Pens Before Death By Associated Press New York, Jan. 19. Mrs. Dora Knowlton Ranous, authoress, widely known as a translator of French and Italian literature, committed suicide at her home here to-day by inhaling gas. Dread of a repetition of two paralytic strokes from which she had suffered and continued ill health were ascribed by her friends as the motive for end- j ins her life. Mrs. Ranous was a widow and lived I alone with a housekeeper, who found ! her dead in bed. To her friend and literary coworker. Dr. Rossiter John-] son. she left money for funeral ex penses and a note in which she satd she was "so weary of my broken life with a prospect of worse to come that I cannot bear it any longer. "(«o1 lllor. llratllnK. mul (irnrr Klir.Hlirth l.niH'k*. city. J I OrorKP uril I'nr ■,<>■>« ami liln lllnncbc Haulaway, both of Raltluiurr. % CITY EDITION 200 FALL INTO SUSQUEHANNA AT STEELTON WHEN ICE GIVES WAY Men and Women Swarm Over Each Other in Mad Scram ble For Shore WATER 2 FT. DEEP; NOBODY IS DROWNED Big Crowd Gathers to See Son of Balkans Rescue Cross From Icy Stream Two hundred men and women fell j into the freezing waters of the Sus quehanna at Steelton this morning j when ice upon which the crowd was I standing crumbled in the midst of the j ceremonies incident to the celebration jof Epiphany by the Bulgarian Or j thotlox <,'hurch. Although men and women swarmed over each other in a mad scramble for tho shore, no one was drowned or seri ously injured. The water is onl? about two feet deep where the accident occurred. The ice. gave way without warning shortly before the Rev. Father Nakoff, (Continued on Page 7.) Special Traffic Rules For Big Charity Ball Arrangements were made to-day with Joseph P. Thompson, captain of police, for special traffic regulations during tho charity bull to-morrow night. All cars must enter Chestnut street from Second. No parking of cars will be permitted on the south side of Chestnut street, between Second and third streets, from S.ao to 10 p. m. No parking of cars will be permitted during the evening between Court and Third streets. An announcer will be in charge oC tickets and will call numbers. Three traffic officers will be on duty to enforce the regulations.