Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, January 14, 1916, Page 21, Image 21

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    4 Telegraph fait Ad fill Quickly lent Hat Yacaat Room
CKAXE Mrs. LauVa C. Crane, on
•January 13, 1916, widow of the late
Irvin J. Crane, at her late home, 511
Muench street, in her 81st year.
Funeral services on Monday aftei
ltoon, at 2 o'clock, from her late resi
dence. Relatives and friends are in
vited to attend without further no
tice. Burial Harrisburg Cemetery.
UAGG Christian Kendlg Hage, on
January 12. 1916, at his home.
Funeral on .Saturday. January 10, at ,
- P. M„ from 605 North Front street, i
Burial Harrisburg Cemetery.
Wllliamsport papers, please copy^__
IN sad but loving remembrance of
our dear husband and father, l.liaries
B. Garman, who departed this life so
suddenly January 15. 1913.
THE undersigned takes this means to
thank their friends and neighbors for
the many favors and kind consldera
tion shown them during the Illness and |
dealh of their husDuinl and father.
Lemoyne, Pa.
MRS. LEO BOLDOSSER. also Mr. an<l
Mrs. David K. Boldosser, wish to extend
their sincere thanks to the employes
of the Adams Express Company for
their kindness and consideration in
their recent bereavement.
LOST Diamond ring. Liberal re
ward if returned to thiH office.
LOST Turtle-shaped fraternity
pin, set with rubies and pearls, In cen
tral part of city. C. M. Spangler, "1913,
engraved on hack oi same. Call lis?
North Summit street.
WILL parties that stole deer heads
from 2253 Jeiterson street return them,
as they are known, to avoid arrest.
FOUND A way lo end your clean
ing and dyeing worries by < ailing i
either phone for Eggert's Steam Dyeing ]
end French Cleaning Works, 124i> Mar- i
ket street. We call and deliver. 1
lit. I.l' Vv A A ibii —Male
WJS want a young man to train in ]
our business (nationally advertised ar
tide'. executive position awaits the!
man that produces. 32 North Court |
WANTED Boys over IB years of
age. Apply Devine it X'ungel Snoc Mfg.
Co., Hamsburg, Pa.
WANTED Automobile salesman
with plenty of goon experience. Salary
and commission, Goou line of touring
cars and trucks. Address X., 34"i I, care i
of Telegraph.
JlliN WANTED Ablebodied. unmar
ried men between ages of is and 35; !
citizens of United Slates, of good char- |
aetcr and temperate habits, who can |
speak, read and write the English |
language. For information apply to
Keeruiung Officer, Beigner .Building. I
3d ,v Market Sts., Harrisburg, Pa.
WANTED - - Solicitor and collector. !
Good compensation and future for re
liable man. Salary and commission.
Apply any day, 8 to 9 A. M.. 4 to 5 P. M.,
Manager, Room 206, 219 Walnut street.
BOYS to feed platen presses.
First-clans platen pressman.
Apply Air. Bernheisel, The Telegraph <
Printing Co., Harrisburg, Pa.
WANTED An expert mattress flu- j
islier. Good pay. Come ready for work.
Excellent opportunity for steady em
■jllloyment. U. S. Mattress Co., Twelfth |
and Herr streets.
elevator and do some janitor work. Ad
dress (With references! P. O. Box 897 ( I
mi 11 or lathe hands, who can work !
from blue prints; also tool makers. Ad- |
dress, or apply, Employment Depart- i
ment, Westmguouse Electric &. Mfg. I
Co., East Pittsburgh, Pa.
WANTED An experienced cook; !
reference required. Apply 1901 North !
Front street.
— l
v .TED, AT ONCE Experienced !
girl for general housework; must stay j
nights; no washing; references neces- '
sai'}-; good wages and home to right I
. party. Call at 2317 North Third street. 1
or Bell phone 614 M
WANTED Girl for gerieral house- i
work; good wages and place to right |
party, inquire Office, 429 Broad street, j
ANVED—We have openings j
for 12 more bright girls. Apply,]
Silk Mill, Cor. North and Second |
WAXTBD White girl for general '
housework; no cooking. Apply 19H4 '
North Third street.
WANTED Girls over 16 to
strip tobacco. Also experienced
Rollers, Bunchmakers, Packers,
J'iller and Binder Strippers. Wei
larc looked after by trained nurse.
Apply Harrisburg Cigar Coin- i
pan}', 500 Race street.
WANTED White girl for general I
housework. Apply 1930 North Third I
f i
Nouses For Rent
1800 Boas St., 2s. b., 6 r. ..... . «io ;
1330 Mayflower Ave., 2 s. f„ 6 r., <lo
1339 N. sth St., 2% s. f., 5 r. ... $lO
Enola, Adatns St., 2s. f., 6r. ... *l2 j
I'.nola, Howard St., 2>/ a s. f„ e r ._ g| 3
White Hill, 6 Hummel St juj
1510 Allison St., 2'A s. b sl4 i
*>ol6 Swatara St., 3s. b *l4
1327 N. 2nd St., 2 8. (~ 6 r sl4
Bella Vista, Ross Ave 511.r.0
1316 N. Front St.. 3 s. f., 7 r. . sls
li?l S. 13th St.. 3 s. b., 8 r. b. .'. $lO
2-story, 7 and Br. h.. SI4, si.% a nri pm
4 6 N. Ton tli St., 2 % s. b Hid
608 Emerald St.. 3s. b„ 9 r I|l7 |
«.">2 Schuylkill St., 2s. f„ 6 r. ...*l7 ;
20 n. Cameron St.. 3 s. b *is
1631 llegina St., 3 s. b., Sr. ... m-o
21 N. 17th St.. 3 s. b„ 8 r. b. ... a-j-J '•
133 N. iStb St., 3 s. b., 8 r Stan I
1207 N. J4tli St., 2% s. b„ Br. ... «2S !
•J327 N. 3d St., 3 s. b !
JIOS N, Third St.. 3 s. b *35
222S N. 2nd St., 3 s. b.. 8 r., b„ #SO 1
2220 N. 2nd St., 3 s. b„ !» r.. tj . . *.-,0 1
Hainlyn (Aldlnger Cottage) ... *, l(( |
20!' S. Front St., 3 s. b.. 10 r. .. $75 ;
204 Loeust St., 3s. b., 10 r dt-jj |
312 Chestnut St., (furnished), '
Itmurmice Surety Unmix !
I.neuat anil Court Streets
*■ *|
WANTED An experienced waitress.
Apply at State Capital Hotel, 2.15 Wal
' nut.
WANTED Experienced, liilddle
aged white woman for light, general
housework; must be good cook and fur
! nisli satisfactory references; po wash
j ing; family of two. Apply Watt Elpli
! In.stone Apartments, Front and Forster
j streets.
' WANTED Half-grown white girl
jto assist, with housework. Apply 2041
> North Second street.
WANTED Girls experienced on
power sewing machines. Apply Har
-1 risburg Shoe Mfg. Co., Vernon street.
Harrisburg, Pa.
WANTED Experienced
sewing machine operators to work
011 women's and children's wear.
Harrisburg Apparel Co., over City
Star Laundry, 414-416 State
street, rear entrance.
, ————————————
WANTED Colored man desires
work of taking car of horse in pri
vate family or in private stable. 433
South street.
WANTED Position as stenog
rapher, with chance for advancement,
by young man; can furnish best of ret'- 1
erence. Address W. F. G., 1415 Liberty •
street. City.
WANTED Young man, 19 years of \
age, desires to connect with some busi
ness house where hard work will be
rewarded with advancement. Address
C. E.. P. O. Box 326. ]
WANTED Middle-aged man de- 1
sires position as clerk, or work In re
ceiving or shipping department for fac
tory or store, in or out of city; can
give good reference. Address "N.," 1900
Holly street, City.
WANTED A practical nurse
wishes to lake care oi an elderly lady. 1
I Apply 2026 Green street.
WANTED Colored woman desires '
I day s work of any kind. Apply 514 South
j street.
| WANTED Colored girl wishes ['
{ place to do general housework. Address j
141 Linden street. j
; WANTED Stenographer and book - i
keeper, thoroughly experienced, effici
ent worker, laminar with office detail, ,
desires position; good reference; mod-I
el ate salary. Aduress 0., 222;>, care of ] '
Telegraph. j
WANTED Experienced, middle- | j
aged white woman wants housework in | .
i small family; no'washing. Address r
M., 1844 Deny street, or call Hell phone]
I 813 W. j;
WANTED Woman and 16-year-old I '
boy want jobs in country. Apply 1300
North Cameron street.
j WANTED Middle-aged woman ;
! wishes position as housekeeper In j
j widower's home'or small lamii). .Call,'
lor address, evenings only, at 82i North I
! Third street, at 8 P. M.
WANTED Dressmaker desires en- I
gagement by the day—sl.2s a day. Ad-I,
dress W., 3475, care of Telegraph.
WANTED Young, white woman \
wants position, general housework. Ad- •
I dress C.. 3397, care ot Telegraph.
WANTED A high school girl ,
wan., position in an office for atter t
sclioo' nours and Saturdays. Call, or ;
writ 1132 Wallace street. City.
I Ell'l'V, No. 14. is on tile market. If In- .
| interested see me for particulars. H. (
jo. Pedlow, 110 South Thirteenth street. .
1 FOR SALE llO State; corner; lot, ,
I 60.7x170; fine location in heart of city; ,
! runs through to Liberty. ]
i 10 three-story bricks, all improve- j
iments, corner of Broad, Cowden and ,
1 Wallace. inquire 618 North Second
I FOR SALE.— A brick house, with -
jail improvements, porches. In a good
; eoioreu neignborhood. H. G. Pedlow,
] 110 South Tnirteenth street. 1
I FOR SALE Second street, No. 610, .
j frame house, lot, 24x79. Price right, i
fall me oetore you miss a rare bar
j sain. H. C. Branut, .36 North Third |
I street. Bell phone lUJ2M.
i FOR SALE Sixth street. No. 2462. J
j three-story brick house nearly new; 8 ;
I rooms and bath; large lot; drive alley. ,
'Price, $3,150. IT. C. Brandt, 36 Nortli '
I Third street.
' $3,300 WILL BUY a 3-story brick 1
I house equipped with all conveniences _
i—porch front lot, 20x100 drive al
; ley on rear 2104 Fourth street. Bell .
1 Realty Co., Bergner Building.
j-—Two-story brick house; bath; gas;
furnace; cemented cellar; porch; paved .
alley on rear: yielding over 8 per cent.
• net. Bell Realty Co.. Bergner Building. ,
j TWO suburban plots, size 106x251 and J
125x251, respectively, offered for sale
lor in exchange for city property. Both ,
S plots have 5c car fare. Bell Realty Co., .
j Bergner Building.
house 9 rooms bath —gas—steam
heat porch front. Large portion of !
purchase money supolied on first mort- ,
i gage. Bell Realty Co.. Bergner Build
i nl S
. FOR SALE No. 1323 State street
I 3-stor.v brick 9 room bath gas i.
—electric light steam heat porch
! front, lioth property and location most <
desirable. Bell Realty Co., Bergner ,
: Building.
' PLOT at Riverside. 53x125, with a i
I small bouse in good condition thereon, ]
i s ottered at a reasonable prlc6 for quick ,
j sale. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Build- i
I lng ' ,
LOTS Levi Brandt Est., Elkwood,
,ew Cumberland 5O ft. front up to
I acre plots sewer. — gas
; electricity. S2OO up. Easy payments, i
5c trolley. Eeeney & Simmons, Agents. .
FOR SALE Farm of 30 acres in '
Cumberland county—ll miles from Har
risburg new house and barn 5OO i
fruit trees running water. Price, i
SI.SOO. 11. G. Pedlow, 110 South Thir- i
I teenth street. 1
I ]
, FOR SALE —ls Acres; 1 mile south -
| of Shiremanstown; frame dwelling with
j9 rooms; frame barn; limestone soil; 2 J
| springs. ,
j 25 Acres; 2 miles west of New Cum- I
Iberland; frame buildings; sprint and i
| running water. Price, $3,350.00. Brin- -
| ton-Packer Co.. Second and Walnut
streets. I
' FOR SALE 4 houses for $4,000.00; '
' 1221-23 Wallace Street anil 1216-18 Cur- -
! rant Avenue; each 2',(• -story frame with
jC> rooms. Lot. 26x120. Rental income, i
$40.00 per month. Brinton-Packer Co., J
Second and Walnut streets. .
FOR SALE The home ot the late
| Mrs. J. B. Allen, located in Piketown.
consisting of 12 acres; especially adapt
led lo fruit and poultry raising. Apply 1
:E. E. Allen, 139 Columbia Road, Enola, *
l Pa. <
! FOR SALE 340 Crescent street has "
I been reduced to $3,250. Jnspect this
j property—it has 8 rooms and bath—in 1
fine condition. H. G. Pedlow, 110 South 1
Thirteenth street.
! FOR SALE 442 Hummel street is '
ofTered at $2,750. Consider 1223% 1
I Bailey street rental. $14.00. Price, -
l $1,600. H. G. Pedlow, 110 South Thir-.
| teenth street. i
1 A valuable North Second street real- !
I dence. Most desirable residential lo- -
I l allty in city. A bargain. Price and
I terms for the asking. Address "Home." t
I care of Hurrisburg Telegraph. l
North Second street; 3-story brick; 9
rooms; pantry; 2 baths; modern and
up-to-date. Apply E. R, Pierce, 108
North Second street, or 1715 North Sec
ond street.
FOR RENT Two-story frame
house, 248 Nectarine street; hot and
cold water, with bath; possession at
once; $12.00 per month. Inquire 320
Crescent street.
FOR RENT New 2-story stucco
houses, 2357 and 2359 Prospect street;
6 rooms and bath: front porch and all
improvements. Rent. sl4 per month.
Inquire Irvin Johnson. 2052 Swatara
street. Bell phone 2986 M.
FOR RENT Building located at
1526 Fulton street; suitable for repair
shop. garage or storage; will rent
cheap. Apply Troy laundry, 1620 Ful
ton street.
FOR RENT lB5 North Front street,
Steelton. Suitable for confectionery,
shoe-shining or barber shop, or any
other small business. In main business
block. Apply .1. P. Shelley, pext door.
FOR RENT 127 Sylvan Terrace; 3-
story brick house; 8 rooms and bath;
in good condition;'all modern Improve
ments. Apply at 127 Sylvan Terrace.
FOR RENT Store room, uptown,
well located. J. S. Sible, 256 Herr street.
Nine-room house, all improvements,
607 Maclay street, $20.00.
1924 North Seventh street, 8 rooms,
all improvements, front porch. $15.00.
Apply J. S. Sible, 256 Herr street.
FOR RENT Farm of from 80 to 120
acres. Apply Tade Malegoff, 261 Frank
lin street. Steelton,'Pa.
FOR RENT 3-story brick building,
centrally located. Camp Hill. Contains
large store room, seven living rooms j
and bath. Rent. $25. See Mr. Williams. 1
1916 Fulton street, Harrisburg.
NO. 2112 North Fourth St $21.00 |
House. Hainton. along Lingles
town trollev line 12.00
307 ICunkel Building. j
I FOR RENT No. 3013 North Fourth I
| street. Riverside. Rent. $lO per month. I
Apply M. I!. Met/.ger. 410 Bergner Butlu- I
I ing.
FOR REN'T 9-room house, hard
wood finish, vapor heat, porches, laun
dry on first floor, granolithic walk, iron
(fences. I'pper end of town. Rent rea
sonable. Mac Williams Construction Co..
12150 North Fifth street.
FOR RENT B-room house, all im
provements, corner, situated on Six
teenth street. Rent, S2O per month.
Mac Williams Construction Co.. 2150
North Fifth street.
FOR RENT 7-room houses, nicely
finished, all improvements. Rent, sls
to »18. Mac Williams Construction Co..
2150 North Fifth street.
No. 1302 State St $25.00
No. 1628 Regina St. 25.00
Private fireproof garage 4.00
1018 Sylvan Terrace 22.50 |
2008 Forster St 11.00 j
2101 Greenood St 9.00 !
1251 Market St.
jOR RENT Second floor apart- '
ment of two rooms, furnished complete j
for light housekeeping, having all con- !
venienees, including steam heat, elec- j
trie Tight, gas and bath. Apply 7 North j
Thirteenth street or Bell phone 1149.
FOR RENT lf you desire an apart- j
ment in a beautiful location, inspect :
these twelve being completed at 1702
North Second. All llvingrooms are out
side rooms.
FOR RENT Housekeeping apart
ment. four rooms and bath, on Thir
teenth street. Modern in eery resnect.
Rent, $16.00. Immediate possession.
Applv t-enna. Realty &. Improvement
Co., 132 Locust street.
- OR RET Nicely furnished third
floor apartment of two rooms, with all
conveniences and use of bath. Terms
reasonable and no one with children.
Reference exchanged. Call any time
until 8 P. M. at 1549 Walnut street.
PRIVATE, furnished apartment, one,
two or three rooms and bath. State lo
cation and price, or no attention paid, j
Address M.. 3485, care of Telegraph.
FOR RENT Comfortable, homelike |
furnished front rooms, for gentlemen, I
second or third floor; use of bath; prl- j
vate family; reference required. Apply
931 North Third street.
FOR RENT Furnished room for
rent; city steam heat; use of phone
and bath. 20b Chestnut street.
FOR RENT Large, well-furnished
front room; all convenlenc.-s and use
of phone; for gentlemen only. Apply
813 North Second.
FOR RENT Nicely furnished
rooms, to single persons or married
couple; light, heat and use of bath:
terms reasonable; central location. 223
Brlggs street.
FOR RENT Furnished rooms, with
or without board, ali conveniences, at
222 North Third street. Apply 9 North
Front street. Bell phone 1029 M.
FOR RENT Suite of rooms on
second floor front, for one or two gen
tlemen. with use of bath, phone and
city heat; reference required. Apply
272 Brlggs street.
WANTED A lady desirfcs room,
with or without board, centrally locat
ed. Address "J.," care of Telegraph.
WAJJTED Young couple desire
three .furnished rooms for light house
keeping. with conveniences; can furnish
city references. Address W., 3463, care
of Telegraph.
WANTED High-class, used touring
car. Packard or Cadillac preferred.
Address 1745 North Sixth street. Bell
phone 2423.
WANTED Small family (man, wife
and one child) wish to rent house on
Park or Regina street, between Seven
teenth and Twentieth streets, any tlpie
between now and March 1. Address P.
H. 1!.. P. O. Box 468.
WANTED, AT ONCE - 1914 or 1915*
Ford Touring Car. Must be in good
condition and cheap. Give full descrip
tion and where can be seen. 1. s. Cra
mer. Pleasant Hall. Pa.
"WANTED A Ford or Maxwell tour
ing car; must be in good condition and
price reasonable. Address C. E. Bren
ner. Carlisle, Pa.", 1!. 1). 1.
WANTED To buy old Brussels or
ingrain carpets of fillers. Call 2064
Bell phone or 140W United.
FOR SALE At a bargain, soda
fountain, with show cases and wall
case. This will be offered for a few
days at a big bargain. Call 1307 Derry
FoW RENT Typewriters bought, 1
sold or rented. Harrisburg Typewriter ;
and Supply Co., 40 North Court street. ;
FOR SALE French Poodle puppies |
for sale cheap. Apply to 308 South i
Fifteenth street, City.
FOR SALE Army shoes, slightly
used. Best shoes for railroad men.
Also $3 army hats for 25c. Your money
back if not satisfied. Open evenings. S.
Meltzer, 513 Walnut street.
secured at the Telegraph Business
! FOR SALE One sleigh, one Pair
bank's counter scale, weighs one ox. to
261 lbs.; one oil tank, 60 gai.; one
cheese safe, one enamelled Perfection
oil stove. Apply Geo. W. Orth, 1831 ■
Sixth street.
FOR SALE 1 will sacrifice my j
Ford car to a quick buyer far cash. All |
new tires. Motor in. good condition. H.
L Snyder. 35 South Summit street. •
FOR SALE Pool room and cigar |
store, centrally located. Price reason- I
able. Call Bell phone 597J-1.
FOR SALE Shoemaker shop, equlp
ed with tools and supplies, ready for
immediate business. Old and profitable
stand. Apply to William 11. Sleekley,
mora' samples) positively at the lowest
prices in the city. Call and be con
vinced. A few soldiers' blue overcoats
on hand. Cohen and Son. Reliable
Pawnbrokers. 431 Market street, at sub
BLACK COCHINS. Bantams. Selling 1
out. One trio of Salmon strain year- \
lings, 9 cockerels, 9 pullets. Winners, i
Lebanon and Carlisle. From SI.OO up. i
Robert Conn, East Main street, Hum
inelstown. j
double bar, new paint, mud guards,
good tires, $13.00; Rambler cliainless,
new paint, etc., SIO.OO. Apply 814 North
FOR RENT Nicely furnished rooms
from $1.50 up. Also board if desired.
Apply 328 North street.
FOR SALE My Weatherstrips are
Guaranteed to keep out Rain, Snow,
Dust, Cold, and last as long as house
stands. Cheapest in city. Put on right..
I S. R. Horst, Jr., Penbrook. Pa.
FOR SALE CARDS on sale at the
: Telegraph Business Office.
FOR SALE Scratch Pads new
| supply—so for 25c while they last. Ap
ply Job Printing Department The Tele-
I graph Printing Company.
J FOR SALE Bedroom suile. double ]
heater and gas range', all in good eon- |
jdition. Apply 1533 Vernon street.
BUY Traveling Bags, Suitcases and
Trunks from Wholesale and Retail
Leather Merchants, Second and Chest
nut Repairing neaily and promptly at
tended to. Specialties made to order.
Harrisburg Harness and Supply Co.
FOR SALE At Gable's. 111-117 S.
Second St.. Neversllp and Rowe Screw
and Drive Calks, Green Bay and Giant
Grip Drive Calks. Can't Slip and Always
Sharp Calks.
FOR light manufacturing, storage or
shop purposes, a very desirable entire
j second floor, with private front en- |
| trance, city steam heat, electric lights ;
and water, in a new building located
j Just south of Chestnut Street on River
Street. Apply to Brinton-Packer Co.,
j Second and Walnut Sis.
FOR RENT A large office In the
i Telegraph Building. Inquire of Super
| intendent in Business Office of Tele
j graph.
KXCHANGE Will trade one-ton
truck closed top body for touring car
lof equal value. Must be In good con
dition. Just the truck for hauling ex
{ press orders, etc. Call 1745 North Sixth.
WANT a third partner to take ln
l terest in a big automobile establish- !
ment. Must have not less than $2,500 •
to invest. Business consists in buying i
second-hand cars, storage, machine shop I
for repairs; also agent for a standard
high-class car. Third man must act as
treasurer or general manager; second
man as sales manager, omer man as
repair man. Now doing good'business.
Investigate this at once and do not take
up our time unless you are ready to act
immediately. C. H., care of Telegraph.
enced. wishes to locate branch office
two days a week in nearby town. Will
recompense party for reliable informa
tion of desirable town and pay for aid
given in establishing office. Address ;
Osteopath. 3481, care of Telegraph.
THE National Iron & Metal Co.. cor
ner Twelfth and P. & R. Lebanon, Pa.,
are doing a large business and needs
a partner to help lilm. Apply with ref
WANT to go into' the Real Estate
business with an experienced party, or
will Invest a sum of money In any good
| business. Address J., 3480, care of Tele
BUSINESS, $7,000 equipment, doing a
$7,000 business without solicitation.
Big opportunity for development. Can
be purchased at bargain. Must sell In
order to devote entire time to other '
i business. For full particulars address !
nos 51.. 317'.'. i are of Telegraph.
ANY intelligent person can earn good
Income corresponding for newspapers; I
experience unnecessary. Send for par
ticulars. Press Syndicate, 798." Lock
port, N. Y.
I MADE $50,000 In five years In the
! mail order business, began with $5.
Send for free booklet. Tells how. Hea
cock. 355 LockporL N. Y.
FOR falling hair try 'Gross Quinine
Hair Tonic, prepared by Gross, the
Druggist and Apothecary, 119 Market
street. Harrisburg, Pa. Telephone
orders giv:n prompt attention. 801 l
11. A. HAIITMAN, Boarding Stable
nnil National TranNfer Co. Movers of:
pianos, safes, boilers and general haul
ing. H. W. Lather. Manager. Fifth and
Woodbine street. Bell phone No.
2503 R.
MONEY TO LOAN on Real Estate
Fecurlty in any amounts and upon any
terms to suit borrower. Address P. O.
Box 174. Harrisburg. Pa.
rooms for household goods, $2 per
month and up. We invite Inspection.
Low Insurance. 437-'445 South Second
street. Harrisburg Storage Company.!
IN" n-story brick building, rear 408 I
Market street. ~. j
Ilounehold gooda In clean, private I
rooitm. Reasonable rate*. Apply to I .
P. tJ. Dlener, Jeweler, 40S Market St.
STORAGE 419 Broad street, for ! !
household goods and merchandise Pri
vate rooms, $1 to $3. Wagons. 75 cents
per month A only D. Cooper Cf> 411 j
NOTICE is hereby given that Letters -
Testamentary on the Estate of John J
Nissl""- late of Hummelstown, Dauphin <
County, Pa., have been granted to the i
undersigned. All persons owing the 1
said Estate are requested to make lm- t
mediate settlement, and those having (
claims will present them without delay i
Harrisburg. Pa. i
611 Washington Street.
Reading, Pa.,
] Executors.
1 Estate of John K. Bricker, late of Har- S
risburg. Pa., deceased,
NOTICE is tiereoy given that Let- i
ters Testamentary upon the estate of 1
said ileecdent have been granted to the I
undersigned. All persons indebted to 1
said estate are requested to make pay- t
ment. and those having claims or de- I
mands against the same will make them i
known without delay, to
2100 North Sixth Street
j Mexican Shares Rise Several
Points; War Shares De
note Pressure
New York, Jan. 14. Recoveries
from yesterday's late decline were |
scored at the opening of to-day's mar
ket. American Smelting and Mexican
Petroleum soon rising IMs anil 2*i
points respectively from final prices
of that session. There were gains
also of 2 to 5 points in shares of the
special class, particularly American
Coal products, Industrial Alcohol. In
ternational Nickel and Agricultural
Chemical, Crucible Steel and Amer
ican Tobacco. Bethlehem Steel rose
10 to 440. but United Slates Steel
made only a small fractional gain.
Other recognized leaders showed
minor changes.
During the dull first hour the mar
ket was diverted by further activity
in manipulative specialties, hut heavi
ness again ensued when selling of
Mexican stocks, notably Smelting and
Petroleum, was resumed. War shares
like Crucible Steel and Baldwin Loco
motive also denoted pressure of
liquidation and United States Steel
fell back half a point from its rise to
55%. The only constructive feature
of the morning was the further ac
tivity in Mercantile .Marine issues,,
preferred shares rising 'J 1 * to 80% i
and the 4% per cent, certificates 1 Vi j
to 99 94, oth new records. Pricesi
hardened again at midday. Bonds
were irregular.
Chandler Bros. & Co., members New |
York and Philadelphia Stock Ex
changes, 3 North Market Square, Har- j
risburg; 1 338 Chestnut street. Phila
delphia; 34 Pine street, New York, I
furnish the following quotations:
New York, Jan. 14. j
Open. Clos. >
Alaska Gold Mines 2525',4
Allis-Chaliners ........ 26 Si 29 Vi !
American Beet Sugar ... 6H : U 67 Vi
i American Can 02 L 63
American C& F 67 '/I 09%
American Cotton 0i1.... 55 55
American Ice Securities . 25 1 ,<t 25 I
American Locomotive .. S3 66 r, sj
American Smelting .... 105 106 " 8 |
American Sugar 116 115 J
American T & T 127 Va 127 94 j
Anaconda 89 Sf>94
Atchison 106% 106%
Baldwin Locomotive ... lOT'/i 113
Baltimore tt Ohio 94% 94%
Bethlehem Steel 440 452
California Petroleum ... 35% 3"
Canadian Pacific l'S'/a 179Va
Central Leather 52' a 52%
jt'liesapeake and Ohio .. 65»i 65%
Chicago, Mil and St Paul 100 \ a 101
Chicago. R 1 and Pacific 18% 19%
Chino Consolidated Cop. 54% 54%
PI'RSUANT to a Statute of the Slate 1
I of Pennsylvania, in such eases made j
and provided, the undersigned will sell
j at Public Auction, at the front door of
I Its General Office Building, 1612-1620
i South Cameron Street, in the City of I
Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, on the 29th !
day of January. 1916. at 10 ..o'clock In
the forenoon, the following described I
pieces, parcels, packages and their eon
tents of personal property, to wit:
Fifteen (15) cases and their contents.
The foregoing personal property, be
ing the property of Business Engineer
ing Company of Chicago, Illinois, and
is to be sold under a lien for costs, ex- !
penses, carriage, storage and labor be- I
stowed upon such goods, wares. I
merchandise and personal property, on
account of a failure of the said Busi
ness Engineering Company to pay
within sixty days after personal de
mand on one of its officers for pay
ment of such costs, expenses, carriage,
storage and labor.
Dated at Harrisburg, Pa., January 6.
By W. J. Evert, Purchasing Agent.
Attorney for Lienor.
Office and P. O. Address
1612-1620 S. Cameron Street,
Harrisburg, Pa.
NOTICE is hereby given that an ap
plication will be made to the Court of
! Common Pleas of Dauphin County, up
on Monday. January 31. 1916. at 10
o'clock A. M.. at the Court House, in
the City of Harrisburg, to the Court if
1 then in session, or if not, then at the
next session thereof, for the charter of
an intended corporation to be called
the character and object of which is
the maintenance of a society for bene
ficial or protective purposes to its mem
bers from funds collected therein, and I
for these purposes to have, possess and |
enjoy all of the rights, benefits and
privileges of the said Act of Assembly
and Its supplements.
The proposed charter is now on file i
in the office of the Prothonotary of that!
court to No. 742 January Terni. 1916
Solicitors. !
In the Court of Common Pleas of Dan- I
phin County No. 95 Commonwealth I
Docket. 1900 Commonwealth of I
Pennsylvania. Ex Rel. John P. Elkin, I
j Attorney General, vs. Electric Mutual i
! Casualty Association of Philadelphia.
I NOTICE is hereby given that the un
dersigned auditors appointed by the
Court of Common Pleas of Dauphin
County. Pennsylvania, to distribute the
fund In the hands of Theodore W. Stone
Receiver of the Electric Mutual Casu
alty Association of Philadelphia, as
shown by his First and Partial Ac
count. among those legally entitled
thereto, will sit for the purpose of their I
appointment In the offices of W. Ilarrv
Musser, Esq., 213 Walnut Street, liar-I
risburg. Pa., on Tuesday. February I.
1916, at 2:30 o'clock P. M., when anil
where all persons interested may at
tend if they see proper so to do.
Auditors. '
Harrisburg, Pa.. January 14, 1916,
In the Court of Common Pleas of Dau
phin County, Pa. No. 567 January
Term 1915 Divorce Edward Blx
ler vs. Martha E. Blxler.
To Martha E. Bixler:
ing In the above stated case will he
held in the Court of Common Pleas at
Harrisburg, on Monday. January 31
1916, at 10 A. M., at which time you
may appear and make a defense if vou
so desire.
Attorney for Libellant. j
NOTICE letters of Administration j
c. t. a. on the Estate of Ada H. McAlar- '
ney. late of Harrisburg Dauphin couu-|
ty, Pa., deceased, having been granted I
to the undersigned residing In the City'l
of Harrisburg. all persons indebted to M
said Estate are requested to make im
mediate payment, and those having 1
claims will present them for settlement ,
Administrator c. t. a., !
222 Market Street.
NOTICE is hereby given that appll-!
cation will be made by Benjamin A.
Striplin, licensee, to the Court of Quar
ter Sessions of Uauphln County, on
Wednesday, the 26th day of Januarv, A.
D. 1916, at 10 o'clock A. M., for a trans
fer of the Hotel license known us the
Hotel, now located at No. 52:!
State Street, Harrisburg, Pa., to No. 945
North Seventh Street, and that the
papers for that purpose are on file in
the p'rothonotary's Office at Harris- ;
burg. Pa.
• Colorado Fuel and Iron 48 49%
Consolidated Gas 142% 143
'Crucible Steel 61% 68%
(Distilling Securities .... 46% 46%
Erie 41% 41%
Erie Ist pt'd 57 57%
j General Electric Co .... 171 172%
i General Motors 473 475
Goodrich B. F 71% 72%
Ot. North pfd 124% 124%
Gt. North. Ore, as. ..... 48% 49%
Gug. Exp 23% 23%
Ins. Copper 47% 47%
Inlerboro-Met 19 % 19 %
Interboro-Met. pfd 76% 76%
ICas. City South 30% 30%
Lehigh Valley 80% 80%
Maxwell Mot 66 69 .
Mex. Petroleum 112% 115%
| Miami Copper 37% 38%
Missouri Pacific 6 6 %
National L?ad 68 % 69%
New York Central 110 110%
N Y N H H 76 75%
Norfolk and Western .. 119% 120
Northern Pacific 115% 116%
Pennsylvania Railroad.. 58% 59
Pittsburgh Coal 36% 36%
Pittsburgh Coal pd xdll* 111 111
Press Steel Car 58% 60%
Railway Steel Spg 39% 40%
Ray Con Copper 24 % 24%
Reading 81% 82%
Republic Iron and Steel 51% 52%
Southern Pacific 102% 102%
Studehaker 154 158%
Tennessee Copper 59 59%
Union Pacific 138 138
IJ.S Rubber 55% 65%
U S Steel 85% 86%
U S Stel pfd 117% 117%
Utah Copper 79% 79%
Va Caro Chem 47% 48%
Western Union Tel ... 88'j 89%
Westinghouse Mfg 66 67%
i'iiii,ADEi,piii.% fßonrric
j By Associated Press
I Philadelphia, Jan. 11. Wheat
ISteady; No. 2, red, spot, alul January,
i SI.2S 1.30; No. 2, Southern, red.
I Corn Steady; No. 2. yellow, local,
|B4@Bfic; new steamer, No. 2, yellow.
I loca I. 82 Vi ®S3 %c.
I Oats Steady; No. 2, while. 53®
|53%c; No. 3. white, 60V»®51c.
Bran The market is quiet; city
\ mills. winter, per ton. s2u.ou,
i western, winter, per ton none here;
(Spring, per ton, $23.00ffi>23.50.
I 1 Refilled Sugars Market steady;
powdered. 5.85 c; fine granulated, 5.75 c;
confectioners' A. 5.60 c.
Butter >»- Market steady; western,
| creamery, extras, 34c; nearby prints,
fancy, 37c.
Eggs The market. Is firm;
Pennsylvania and other nearby fiist-v
free cases, $9.60 per case: do., current
receipts, free cases, $9.30 per ease;
western, extras, firsts, free cases, S').6o
I per case; do., firsts, free cases, $9.30
per case.
[ Live Poultry —• Market firm; fowls,
16ti 18c; roosters ,12(§>12%c; Spring
chickens, 16®18e; ducks, lC<iil7e; geese.
|ls(f®l7c; turkeys. 20®22c.
! Dressed Poultry Market firmer;
fresh killed fowls, fancy. 18@18%c; do.,
average, 10%®17%c; do.. unattrac
tive.. 1316 c; ice packed fowls, 13
@l6e; old roosters. 13% c; broiling
chickens, nearby, 22f<5*26c; do., western,
20® 24c; roasting chickens, western,
choice to fancy, 19®21c; do., fair to
good, 14®18c; Spring ducks, nearby, IS
©2O-: do., western. 12@18c; geese,
nearby, 16®18c; do., western, 14wide,
turkeys, Delaware and Maryland, fancy,
2S®3oc; do.. Virginia, 26®27c: do., near
by. choice to fancy. 27@28e; do., nearby
choice. 23®26c; do., fair to good, 23©
26c; western, choice to fancy, 25® 26c;
do., fair to good, 22®23c; culis, 16®20c;
old toms, 21c..
Potatoes Market steady; Penn
sylvania white, per bushel, $1.10®120;
do., fair to good. 95c©1.u0 per bushel;
! Jersey, No. 1. per basket, 60®70c; do.,
No. 2. per basket, 30©40 c.
Flour Quiet, but steady; winter,
straights, $5.90®6.1 5; do., patent. $6.25
®6.50; Kansas straights, $4.85®5.85;
Spring straights. $6.00®6.25; do., pat
ent, $6.25®6.60; do., favorite brands.
$6.75® 7.15.
| Hay The market is steady
i with a fair demand; No. 1, large
! bales, $21.00®21.50; No. 1, medium
(bales, $20.50® 21.00; No. 2. $ 19.00® la.iO,
No. 3, do.. $15.50® 17.50.
I Clover mixed, light mixed, $18.50®
119.00: No. 1. do.. 518.00®IS.50; No. i
'do.. $15.00® 16.00.
Chicago. 111., Jan. 14. Hogs Re
ceipts, 29,000; slow, 10c to 15e under
yesterday's average. Hulk of sales,
$7.00 ©7.40; light. $7.00®7.40; mixed,
$7.00®7.55: heavy. $7.00®7.55; rough.
$7.005c7.10; pigs. $5.85®6.90.
Cattle Receipts, 2,000; strong. Na
tive beef steers, $6.50tf|)9.80; cows and
heifers, $3.35®8.50; calves, $7.25® 10.75.
I Sheep Receipts, 7.000; weak.
[Wethers, $7.10©7.85; lambs, $8.10010.85.
By Associated Press
Chicago, 111,, Jan. 14.—Board of Trade
Wheat—May. 1.27%: July. 1.20%.
Corn—-May. 79%; July. 89 \i.
Oats—May, 50« i: July, 18%.
Pork—January, 19.00; May, 19.52.
Lard—January, 10.47; May. 10.77.
Ribs—January. 10.40; May. io.Bo.
The North Wind spoke to three sturdy
And, "Now you are dead!" said he;
I"I have blown a blast, till the snow
whirled past.
And withered your leaves, and see:
You are brown and old and your
boughs are cold!"
j And lie sneered at the elm trees
iThe first elm spoke in a hollow tone
(For the snow lay deep and white);
"You think we are dead. North Wind?"
he said,
i "Why we sleep—as you sleep at
i Beneath the suow lie my sturdy roots,
They grip on the friendly earth,
And I rest —till another year!" said he,
And lie shook with a noisy mirth.
The second elm laughed a hearty
I And 1 sleep till another year!"
| The third elm spoke and his voice was
And kind as the -summer sea;
"Oh', Wind," he said, "we are far from
dead —
| The God in whose hand we be
i Looks down with love, from the winter
And sends us his sun to cheer;
If we had no suow there would be no
We rest till another year!"
The three elms rocked in the stinging
And under the heavy snow
j Their roots were warm from the raging
| And safe from the winds that blow.
jThey smiled in their hearts and their
INo. 2
We hereby wisli to Rive eaeli aiul every patron, or Pledge
Tlckel Holder Notice tliat they nlwll comr and redeem the
pledges this montli. as we are GK>IXG OUT OF BUSINESS
and if pledges will not be redeemed by January SI, 1916. we
will be compelled to sell same: If yon have aiiv Jewelry, etc.,
here, fonif at once.
225 Market Street Second Floor, Front
I i
j Public Service Will Endeavor
i to Reach an Agreement
About Car Service
j Shippers of bituminous coal In the
western and central parts of the State
[have tiled complaints with the Public.
I Service Commission againsr an order
issued by the Pennsylvania Railroad
that no cars will be furnished after
January 17 for loading of coal from
wagons The complaints charge that
the operation of the rule will operate
I against small shippers who do not
liave sidings or tipples and hftve been
] hauling from their mines to cars. The
i commission will endeavor to reach
j some agreement with the company
| regarding a modiiication of the order
| according to a statement made from
| the Capitol to-day.
; Among visitors to tlie Capitol to
day were C. K. Sober, Lewisburg, and
ex-Senator John S. Fisher, of In
Chairman Ainey of the Public Serv
ice Commission, is in Philadelphia on
Iho Philadelphia elevated railroad
j A. B. Smith, of Steelton, has been
recommissioned as a notary public.
The Panama-Pacific Exposition is
commission is in session at Phila
-1 delphia to-day to close up the busi
, | ness of the commission.
I , The Bell Floral Company, of
I Franklin, was chartered to-day. All
I I of the incorporators are named Bell,
'j Announcement was made at. Na
tional Guard headquarters to-day of
| the appointment of Herman L. Mack
i as captain to command company Si,
1 Fourth infantry, Bethlehem, and John
iI. Shenk as lirst lieutenant of the
; same company and of the appoint
; | liient of Dr. Charles P. Stahr, Lan
! caster, to be a first lieutenant and as
jsistant surgeon, medical corps, as
•. signed to the Fourth infantry. Major
. j Waller Davis, surgeon. Ninth infantry,
' j Wilkes-Barre, has resigned.
j i leafless boughs
11 Spread over the frosty way;
I For they knew that the God of forest
; trees
I Would watch through each winter
| And "North Wind," he cried in glee,
| "Beneath my bark glows a living
j The sap of a healthy tree.
| My boughs are bare and my leaves are
| But —what have I got to fear?
j For the winter time is my time of rest
j The North Wind uttered a frosty sigh,
j As the snow blew far and free;
| And his weary eyes sought the winter
i skies, ,
I And "Mighty is God!" said he.
"To die or live are His gifts to give!"
And he smiled at the elm trees three,
j — Mahgari:t 13. Sakgbteh, Jk.,
In The Christian Herald.
Efficiency jj
INCREASE the profits B
■ of your business by 3
aiding your skilled help- ■
ers to make the be»t use
of their tJmc. Use the V
proper blanks, blank
! books, stationery and ad- a
▼erasing matter. Get the
right kind of designing, B
engraving, printing and ■
binding at tiie right price* M
The Telegraph
Printing Co.
v Federal Square
4 \
Auction Sale |
At My Stables, 1420 Ful
i ton St., Harrisburg, Pa.,
at 1 O'clock, Saturday,
January 15,1916
Wo have 125 head of horse* m
1 ! and mules. We have them
j weighing from 1,400 to 1,600,
and some good driving horses.
• I The HORSES must be sound,
| and right in this lot wa have •
some Kentucky brood mares
I with foal. These horses must be
' j like I say they are or bring them
back and got your money. We
j also sell horses at private sale
I every day.
: | M. BLATT, Proprietor
Try Telegraph Want Ads
— : — _ ... . .... wmm