Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, January 07, 1916, Page 15, Image 15

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    I 1 "Keep Yowr Eye on the Clock" I ™La°?E 1
Js|L Again-We Save You Money
vlr son ' Globe's
One Thousand Suit* and Overcoat Campaign
Profit-Sharing Sale and Clearaway
Our Second Semi-Annual One Thousand Suit and Overcoat
if- I Campaign began on Thursday morning and the hearty response
&:£ §k given to our opening announcements, proves conclusively that more men every
season realizethat this "Big, Live, Progressive Store*" is the Clothing Storethat really
■■ an d truly gives the greatest possible values.
H*'Jlrln addition to our extraordinary values we shall give to every suit and over-
Wm Mk coat purchaser a of FIVE PER CENT, if we succeed in selling 1000 Men's
P Igzßr- ' U and Boys' Suits and Overcoats by February 26th.
P . 1 &Ml..o^WOur merchandising policy does not allow any accumulation of goods to be
Mfo- J ing the season for which they were purchased.
M : -W&Br, sll •» SIA -SO w 1 $1 Q. 75 &gtx soo.so -WK
- T -' w MF- I I Suits and 0 " I *-m- Suits and ° ■ I Suits and O'- M X Suits and O'-
Wt coats worth AI 1 JL %/ coats that coats that
' K I 8 * 0U may come ex P ect * n * to c h° ose every new and stylish model that finds favor with particular men
If \|f : j ||v an< * youttg mtn ' as wc " as most ' a^r * cs and colors—no matter what price you chtose to pay.
I i »i ; J Teach Your Boy to Economize Now I Manhattan Shirts RpHiipoH II
(f ; §%f M and Make Him a Profit-Sharer in This Great Campaign . , , ~ c ? -T%CCIIJ.COQ.
if '« SS&f f ... ' ° much has been written about Manhattan Shirts that there is scarcely any
| 4 jprl/y I 'OVS Suits and Overcoats (t* O OJT Boys' Suits and Overcoats, person who does not recognize them as the best shirts money can buy.
1 ' r *H mri worth $5.00, are now y>o» OO Worth $8.50. are now «/>(/• OO $1.50 Manhattans are #1.15 I $3.00 Manhattans are #1.95
I ! >B SKr/' Hoys Suits and Overcoats, <£yf OC Boys" Suits and Overcoats, QC $2.00 Manhattans are $1.55 I 54.00 Manhattans are $2.85
.if * T iMWr' if flffPf j worth $6.50, are now \ worth SIO.OO, are now «Pr• OO $2.50 Manhattans are $1.95 | $5.00 Silk Manhattans ..... $3.85
vS p " c : j ; Best Dollar Shirts Are Now .. 7A
< IgHWvS'M ROYSTPAv rH?MrHi? eCI ? Boy*' Knee Pants Reduced Hundreds and hundreds to select from-well-known makes- ' / J/C
■ <&■•-* BOYS GKAY CHINLHIL- QO beautiful, new and attractive patterns in almost endless
"B WF LA OVERCOATS *r Boys' 50c Knee Pants are now 39? I variety—soft and Laundered cuffs —they're real bargains
Girls' Antfora Can -button close to neck-ages X— Boys' sl.oo Knee Pants are now 79<-
and Sca 6 °f Sets p Ld *** *Knee Pants«no„ »i. 2 » Note These Saving Possibilities
In Blue, White, Green Copenhagen ~ sale P rice onl >' Boys ' ?2 '°° Knee Pants are now $1.69 Men's M)c Work Shirts Men's 50c Suspenders 39*
and Old Rose—extra special value*at Men ' s slo ° S,?nal Shirts
0 o • i T ArkT* ixecKweai at Up Men s $3.50 Fur Caps at ... $2.b9
Men's Hats at $1.65 sweaters bpecial at... W IH H I 111 l< H Fleec e Lined Union Suits at $2.50 Suit Cases at $1.98
Men's Soft Hats and Derbies renre- With Shawl Collars and reinforced ... ... . m ... Hovs' 50c Shirts at 390
m™e"£-vir?o^' ar s,! ' lcs o a !" s i" ni°" teari " g - Xav -;' f ue ' ' lhe Bi S Friendly Store" l&Vw'ru «'L™
■■ in XdU "-" to a>—ru. Oxiord and Maroon exceptional values.
By Associated Press
London. Jan. 7. —The Manchester j
Guardian expresses regret that the \
first result of the project of eompul- '
sory military service is a breaking up j
of the union of parties, which, how- j
ever, checkered by some untoward I
©vents, nevertheless helped to keep a
united natioo concentrated on a single
object from the outbreak of the war to i
the present day.
Rubbing tlie swollen veins niglitlv i
for about two minutes with a gentle
upward stroke brings benefit to suf- j
ferers and is mighty good advice, savs
an authority.
After the rubbing, which should '
always be toward the heart, because i
the blood in the veins flows that way
apply Emerald Oil (full strength) with I
brush or hand.
Try this simple home treatment for a
few days and improvement will be no- I
tired, then continue until veins are re
duced to normal. It is verv concen
trated and penetrating and can be ob- !
talned at any modern drug store It Is
so powerful that it also reduces Goitre
1 V, 1 , d , AVe " s - All drugists have Emerald I
Oil in the original bottle and will be 1
glad to supply It.—Advertisement.
WATSON mHnin '
Semi-Annual Clearance of
Xo reservations—every garment goes into the clearance
blues and blacks included.
' Formerly Formerly
$15.00 $20.00 $25 00
sll= $1422 $1852
No charge for alterations-absolute satisfaction guaranteed.
Permanently located at 14 Xorth Third Street, next door to
<-orca% Drug sti>r,'
Decline in Issuance of Hunters*
Licenses Attributed to
That Cause Now
'"TT* l " l " — Hunters' licenses
\\\ 1 /77 issued in Pennsyl
vania during ISIS
are believed to have
been about 10 per !
l ent, less than the |
iklHSSnumber issued dur- 1
I CjCT|ftSnSßt»J ing 1914 because:
; m nymen w ho |
j cad.' - •»\ would have gone j
were too busy. Re- |
turns of the sales of hunters' licenses j
have not yet been received at the :
State Game Commission offices, but i
enough is known to warrant the state- !
nient that there will be from 25,000
to 30,000 fewer licenses in 1915 than'
.in the previous year. In 193 3, the first
j year of hunters' licenses, there were
305,000 licenses issued, and last year
| 298.000.
j The State Game Commission is now
| j considering petitions from several
I counties for orders closing them to
j hunting of various kinds under the
i recent acts. Fifteen counties are now
i j closed to deer, quail and other hunt
j ing and the time on some of them will
I expire this year and next. They may
j petition for reclosing to give game
i placed by the State a chance to in
! crease. Most of the counties which
want to close are in Western Penn
i sylvania.
| Dr. C. B. Penrose, who presided at
the meeting yesterday, was re-elected
| chairman, a place he lias held since
1911, and Dr. Joseph Kalbfus, the vet
eran secretary, was re-elected.
KxiHM-t 400 Schools. -Officials of the
j State Hureau of Vocational Education
] expect that 400 continuation schools
I will be opened in the State under the
' new child labor law within the next
I six weeks and that steps for others
i will be taken in school districts in
1 which attaches of the bureau are now
; discussing matters with the local
I school authorities.
j Reports are being received here
i slowly from cities and manufacturing
| and mining towns and no estimate can
j yet be made of the number of minors
I who will be retained at work and nent
jto continuation schools and the nun.-
I ber who will be dismissed.
Representatives of the bureau are
I 1 now visiting manufacturing centers in
an effort to ascertain plans of em
ployers under the new law and are
co-operating with representatives of
| the Department of I,abor and Industry.
State Fund Popular.—lt is expected
that State Insurance Fund policy Xo.
; A Kerr Home Cure Tkat Anroae Can
t«« Without Discomfort or
Lou of Time
We have a New Method that cure*
j Asthma, and we want you to try it at
| our expense. No matter whether your
case is of long standing or recent de
j velopment, whether it is present as Hay I
i Fever or chronic Asthma, you should j
send for a free trial of our metnod. No ,
i matter in what climate you live, no i
I latter what your age or occupation. If
' you are troubloa with asthma, our
I method should relieve you promptly,
i We especially want to send it to those
; apparently hupetess cases, wnere all
j forms of inhalers, douches, opium
| preparations, fumes, "patent smokes"
1 etc., have failed. We want to show
I everyone at our own expense, that this
j new method is designed to end all dlf
| ficult breathing, all wheezing, and all
those terrible paroxysms at once and !
for all time.
| This free offer Is too Important to |
neglect a single day. Write now and
then begin the method at once. Send no '
money. Simply mail coupon oeiow. Do •
It To-day. I
T72M, Niagara and Hudson Sts.. Buf
falo, N. Y. I
.Send free trial of your method to: j
3,000 will be written by the end of this
week. Applications have been received
at the office of the State fund at the
rate of from 200 to 300 a day, accord
ing to officials in charge, and as soon
as the business now presented is han-
I died it is likely that the State will send
i a corps of men into the various coun-
I ties to solicit business for the fund.
Hush for Tags Keeps Up.—Although
licenses for operation of automobiles
have been issued by the State High
way Department at the rate of 500 to
700 a day for the last four days, there
| does not seem to be any cessation of
| the demand for tags. The weather
[ conditions are believed to have caused
I many owners who had calculated on
j laying tip machines for the winter to
! apply for licenses. The tags are being
j shipped from the Capitol by mail cart
; loads, as they go by parcel post.
Maltory Resigns.—otto T. Mallery,
jof the State Industrial Board, has re
signed as head of the Philadelphia
j Playground Association to devote his
I time to the industrial board. He suc
! ceeded the Governor r>9 head of the
i playground association.
I Young in Philadelphia. State
Treasurer Young is in Philadelphia
in connection with the State Insurance
| Fund.
i Keiser Gets Contract.—p. H. Keiser
& Co., of Pottstown, have been award
ed the contract for the new buildings
at Spring City State Hospital.
As to Baseball.—The State Com
pensation Board last night received
a letter from President W. F. Baker,
of the Philadelphia National baseball
club, questioning whether baseball
players are under compensation be
cause the contracts call for full pay
If injured while playing.
Meet in Philadelphia.—The Public
Service Commission is meeting in
Philadelphia to-day to hear com
plaints about elevated stations.
j 200,000 IX BELGIUM ARE
By Associated Press
N'ew Yorli, Jan. 7.—-In that portion
of Belgium which remains free from
German occupation and which appears
~p? n th<> ma P" there are
100,000 regular residents and about
as many more refugees from the rest
of that country.
All the refugees are dependent upon
charity, says Aloys van de Vyvere, Bel
. gian minister of finance, who is in this
country to inspect contracts given bv
Charles Young will be given a hear
ing before Alderman Hilton to-night
i on a charge of stealing transfers from
a conductor on a street car last Tues
day night.
By Associated Press
Savannah, Ga., Jan. 7.—Twelve car
loads of cigarets are here awaiting
shipment to England for British sol
diers at the front. They were shipped
from Kichinond, Va,
Boyd M. Ogelsby Gets Token;
i He Persuaded Tausig's
Sons to Advertise
[ J "He Persuaded Us to Advertise," Tri
bute to Telegraph's Adver
tising Manager.
It Is rather unusual for an adver
tising manager to be presented with a
loving cup in appreciation of his suc
cessful efforts in having a firm use
proper newspaper publicity in its busi
ness, but such an unusual compliment
has just been paid Boyd M. Ogelsby,
the advertising mtkmger of the Tele
graph. A beautiful loving cup has just
been presented to him by Jacob
Tausig's Sons, the Market street jew
elers. This token of esteem is en
graved thus:
Jacob Tausig's Sons
Boyd M. Ogelsby
He persuaded us to advertise.
Doubtless many advertisers appre-
Relief In Every Rub
To quickly sane tho strugle for
breath, stop the wlioezing and bring
blessed relief, ask your druggist for
an original yellow box of true Muatar-
Ine which costs about 23 cents.
Apply plentifully night and morning,
and remember to rub up and down
only, over the entire chest from the
throat to the stomach. True Mustarlne
is made by tho Begy Medicine Co., Ro
chester. N. Y. It is also fine for Rheu
matism. Ijtimbago and Neuralgia Get
the genuine. All druggists guarantee
i it.—Advertisement
Hate the helpfulness of the advertising
experts here and elsewhere, but the
Telegraph lias never heard of an ad
vertiser whose appreciation took ex
actly this form.
Dental Board Gives
Names of Licenses
Results of the examinations held in
Philadelphia and Pittsburgh Decem
ber 15 by the State Dental Examining
Hoard were announced last night by
the State board. The names of those
passing were:
Benjamin Mitchell Axeirad, Phila
delphia; Kavork Axnavoor, Wilming
ton, Del.: Frank Ambrose Banks,
Sharpsburg; Isaac Harg, Emilio M. |
Barreior and Edwin W. Barton, Plilla- I
delphia; Arthur T. Burchill, Towanda;
Lionel James Burston and Robert
Ward Carroll, Jr., Philadelphia; Wil
son Youngs Christian, Ocean City,
X. .1.; Carl Antoine Cliristiani, John
Hivard Curry, Ernest Colman DaCosta,
Robert Stevens Davis, John Joseph
Koran and Caroline Edythe Hauer, i
Philadelphia: Ralph Hayes Husted,
Wilkes- Ja ines Kersliner Loewen,
Tamaqua; Pedro A. Lopez, Philadel
phia: George Wray McCauslen. N. S.,
Pittsburgh; Robert Dean Miller, Nor-1
ristown; William Joseph Morris, Scran- j
ton: James Joseph Nelson, Philadel
phia; Harry David Newton, Athens:
J. A. Orwig, Sunbury; Ernest Clifford
Phillips, Philadelphia; Lester
Preiss. Pittsburgh; Harvey LuMont
Sanderson. Butler: Stays Sapranas,
Chicago; Victor Manuel Sarti, Phila
delphia; Frederick Ellsworth Sloan,
Worcester, N. Y.; Wayne Bowers
Smith, East End, Punxsutawney;
Ralph Cramer Stevens, Rockhiil Fur
nace; John Grolius Stewart, James
Stuart Tait and Simon Francisco Tec
son, Philadelphia; Frank L. Wertz,
Lewlstown; F. Roland Wessels, Phila
delphia; Warren Abel Wood. Ham
monton, N. J., and Frederick Walter
Zacher, Philadelphia.
|| For Sale at Bargain Prices jj
|jj Fixtures of Jerauld Shoe Co., 310 Market St., consist- ij
11 ing of show cases, floor shoe cases, window fixtures, elec- jj
j; trie lamps, new cash register, adding machine, Underwood jl
i j typewriter, desks, chairs, button machine, window reflectors, !'
|j air line cash and package carriers, electric sign, office railing, j;
jj; letter scale, desk and ceiling fans, clocks, check protector, jl
<| tools and a. lot of things used in an up-to-date shoe store. !'
j! Delivery Monday, January 10th, 1916. \<
310 Market Street
A lot of oak paneling suitable for offices.
By Associated Press
New York, Jan. 7.—Andrew Car
negie is on his way to-day to Miami,
Fla., to spend the winter cruising in a
houseboat on the inland waterways of
the Florida, coast.
The condition of Mr. Carnegie's
health at times during the last year
has caused his friends sotne anxiety
and his sojourn in the South is taken
upon the advice Qf his physicians.
I People Notice It. Drive Them
Off With Dr. Edwards'
Olive Tablets
A pimply face will not embarrass you
much longer if you get a package of
Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets. The skin
should begin to clear after you have
taken the tablets a few nights.
Cleanse the blood, the bowels and the
liver with Olive Tablets.
Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets are the
successful substitute for calomel
there's never any sickness or pain after
| taking them.
Dr. Edward's Olive Tablets do that
I which calomel does, and just as effec
i tively, but their action is gentle and
! saf«' instead of severe and irritating,
j No one who takes Olive Tablets Is
ever cursed with "a dark brown taste,"
a bad breath, a dull, listless, "no good"
I feeling, constipation, torpid liver, bad
disposition or pimply face.
Dr. Kdwards' Olive Tablets are a
purely vegetable compound mixed wittt
olive oil: you will know them by their
olive color.
Dr. Edwarda spent years among pa
tients afflicted with liver and bowel
complaints, and Olive Tablets are the
Immensely effective result.
Take one or two nightly for a week.
See how much better you feel and look.
10c and 25c per box. All druggists.
The Olive Tablet Company, Colum
bus, O.