Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, January 03, 1916, Page 10, Image 10
10 W - £=■== -=■ Is a Member of the Audit Bureau of Circulations It submits all its circulation figures, We want our advertisers to pay us—- books and records of every nature not for the circulation we think we pertaining to circulation to the rigid have or hope we have or guess we scrutiny of the auditors of the Audit have —but for the circulation that Bureau of Circulations, and gives its the trained accountants of the Audit unqualified support to the Audit Bu- Bureau of Circulations FIND WE reau of Circulations. HA VE. \\r i .1- . .i a i-. n As a result of the rigid audits of news- We do th« because the Audit Bureau paper and periodical circulations made ! of Circulations.s the biggest forward b the Audi , Bureau of Circulati step that has been taken m years, m adverser in America can now e ' ther the newspaper or the adver- buy advertising space wilh defin _ ising te . ife and detailed knowledge of just what circulation he is getting. We want the advertisers who buy space in this paper to know exactly The buying of advertising space has how much circulation they are pay-^ een a ' se^a * one stroke to a plane ing for and where that circulation is. efficiency never known before. ( of the leading News- We want them to get this information papers, Periodicals, National Adver from an authoritative and unbiased tisers, Retail Store Advertisers and source—in such standardized form as Advertising Agents in America com will enable them to make fair com- prise the membership of the Audit parisons of this paper with other Bureau of Circulations, and this newspapers of the same class. newspaper is proud to be one of them. HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH Member Audit Bureau of Circulations We Will Furnish Detailed A. B. C. Reports on the Circulation of This Newspaper to Any Advertiser at Any Time. All Other Newspapers Which You Use Should Do the Same. MONDAY EVENING, HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH JANUARY 3, 1916!