Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, January 01, 1916, Page 4, Image 4

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Students Home From Various
Colleges During Holiday
Glen Rhinesmith, of. Cedar
Falls, la.. Visiting His
Former Home
By Special Correspondence
Blain. Pa., Jan. I.—Miss Nell Pryor
a trained nurse of New York City is
liomc on a vacation with her mother,
Mrs. Margaret Pryor. Glen Rhine
smith, of Cedar Falls, lowa, is visit
ing his old home here. Students
homo for the holiday vacation are:
Miss Margaret Spotts, Dickinson Col
lege; Misses Mae and Leslie Wentzel,
Boston Conservatory of Music; Miss
I-.ee Smith, Miss Mary Relgliard, Miss
Klizabeth Hall and John F. Harkins,
of Susquehanna University: William
F. Hall and C. J. Kell of State Col
lege. Mrs. Garih Snyder of Shiloh,
0., is the guest of her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Emmett Trostle. Calvin
Hess caught a white squirrel. Clar
ence Wilt of Florin, spent Christmas
at the home of hts parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Joseph Wilt. William Harkins
of Kansas is the guest of his brother, .
Prof. S. E. Harkins. James Hock- I
enberry is home from Lancaster!
county. G. F. Stine and his mother, '
Mrs. Catherine Stine, visited in North- j
To all knowing sufferers of rheumatism,
whether muscular or of the joints, sciatica,
lumbagos, backache, pains in the kidneys or
neuralgia pains, to write to her for a home
treatment which has repeatedly cured all of
'.hese tortures. She feels it her duty to send
it to all sufferers FREE. You cure yourself
at home as thousands will testify—no change
of climate being necessary. This simple I
discovery banishes uric aciil from the blood,
loosens the stiffened joints, purifies the blood
and brightens the eyes, giving elasticity and
tone to the whole system. If the above
interests you, for proof address Mrs. H.
Bummers, Box K, Notre Dame, lad.
Does your sales plan include
form letters to your mailing list?
Our specialty Is reproducing
letters in any quantity like your
original typewritten letter.
Names filled in if desired. Ad
dressing, folding, inserting, seal
ing and all mailing work a spe
cialty. Phone for specimen or
Phone 4038-J Bell
Are You Weak, Nervous,
Exhausted ?
Don't feci like working, everything go
ing wrong? Digestion poor, blood im-
Bjverlshed, cannot sleep?
r. Emerick's Body Builder
a Reconstructive Tonic, is prescribed
by the famous Dr. EMERICK for these
conditions. Valuable after a severe
sickness. Price SI.OO, prepared by the
Dr. M. L. Emerick Co., Ridgwny, Pa.
Mold in Harrisburg at Gorgas' Drug
Never Mind Hv>w Strong You Are—
What d'ye Know?
That's the point—"What d'ye KNOW?"
To-day it's a battle of wits—and brains win
Muscle and brawn don't count so much as they used to.
In the fight for good jobs and big salaries it's brains
—not brawn—that win "What d'ye KNOW?." is the
one great question that draws the line between defeat
and victory between "wages" and "salary" between
you and the Boss.
What do YOU know? Are YOU so expert In some
line of work that you can "make good" as a foreman,
superintendent, or manager? If not, why don't you mark
and mail the attached coupon and permit the Interna
tional Correspondence Schools to show you how you
CAN "make good" on a big job ?
For 28 years the I. C. S. have been showing men how to
do better work and earn bigger salaries. Every month over 400
students write of promoUona or salary increases through I. C.
ft. training. What the I. C. 8. are doing for these men they can
do for YOU.
No matter where you live, how old you are, what hour*
you work, or how limited your education—if you can read and
write and ar* ambitions to learn the X. C. ft can train you In
your own lyme, during your spare time, for a more Important
and better-paying position.
I Mark and mail the attached coupon—lt won't obligate
| you In the least—and the I. C. S. wUI show you how you can
J acquire this salary-raising ability by their ;mple and easy
It will cost you nothing to InvesUgate—it may cost a life
time of remorse if you don't Mark and Mall the Counan
NOW. v
< Box 1331, Scranton, Pa.
Please explain without any obligation to me how Z can qual- '
£ Ify for the poslUon before which I mark X
i. Electrical Engineer Mechanical Draft a Show Card Wrltlnv f
\ Elec. Mfbtlng Supt. Refrigeration Engineer AdT«rtlalna /
% Electric Wlreinan Civil Engineer Saleemanahln I
J Tel. A Tel. Engineer Surveyor Tench""
C Architect loco. Fireman Jb Eng. Engllah Branches ■'
f Architectural Draftamaa Ilvtl Service Agriculture i*
/ Structural En* In err Railway Mall Clerk Poultry Parmlaa <
i Bull din* Contractor Bookkeeping Plumb * St«m F«. <
Concrete Construction Steno. A Typewriting C'hemlatry ?
/ Mechanical Engineer Window Trimming Automobile Running ■*
£ Name ... 5
St. and We. . ?
City state J
j» Present Occupation J
WdVww . <|Vv . ofw . iViA J
Both Are Over 70 Years of Age and Are Oldest Native
Born Citizens of Town
M illersburgr, Pa.. Jan. I.—The cut shows Mr. and Mrs. John T. Miller. Pln<
and Race streets, two of Millersburg's oldest native born citizens, each ovei
seventy years of age. They recently celebrated their fiftieth wedding annl
R. A. Kuhns Is Elected
to Serve Fifth Term
By special Correspondence
Shepherdstown, Pa., Jan. 1. —Nor-
man Buchcr, a student, of Lebanon
Valley College, is spending his vaca
tion with his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
John Bu'cher. Earl B. Mower and
Miss Eva Mower, of York, spent
Christmas with their parents, the Rev.
and Airs. A. B. Mower. John Sut
ton and daughter, Helen Sutton, are
confined to the house on account of
sickness. Miss Alma Weber, of
Millwood, spent several days with her
parents. Mr. and Mrs. David Kllne
dinst, son and Miss Pauline Kline
dinst, all of York, were guests of E.
Crone and family. Parker Kuhns,
of New Holland, spent the holidays at
his home. The United Brethren
Sunday School reorganized for the
year 1916 and elected R. A. Kuhns
superintendent the fifth year.
IVormleysburg, Pa., Jan. 1. Mr.
and Mrs. W. S. Robinson, of Harris
burg, were guests at the United Breth
ren parsonage for supper on Sunday
evening. Arthur Miller and Miss
Mary Wright, of Wormleysburg, were
quietlj><married at the United Breth
ren parsonage on Christmas Eve.
They are spending their honeymoon
in Pittsburgh and will be at home to
their many friends after January I.
Mr. and Mrs. Winter Baker enter
tained their brother Charles and fam
ily at dinner on Christmas. —The La
dies' Aid Society of the United Breth
ren Church held its regular meeting at
the home of Mrs. W. Baker. These
officers were elected: Mrs. Rollo Spar
row, president; Mrs. A. J. Wright,
vice-president; Miss A. E Eckert, sec
retary and treasurer.
Absolutely Removes
Indigestion. One package
proves it. 25c at all druggists.
Dillsburg Minister
Is Given Bookcase
By Special Correspondence
Oil!ul>iirg. Pa., Jan. I.—Harry Arnold
left on Thursday for Florida where he
will remain for the winter. Mr. Arnold
has been spending' the winters In
Florida for the last three years.
John A. Smith, Jr., returned to his home
in South Baltimore street, on Saturday
after spending several months In Cali
fornia. The condition of Myriam
Shultz, who has been ill with typhoid
fever for the past three weeks, has im
proved. Wayne Spath, of Hoboken,
N. J., is visiting his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Peter Spath. of East York ave
nue. James Trostle. a student in
Princeton University, is visiting his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. WiJiiani Trostle,
of South Second street. Mr. and Mrs.
Samuel Wagner, of South Baltimore
v ' s 'ted friends in Harrisburg,
Sunday. Clark Mayberry, of Martlns
burß. W. Va„ visited his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. J. Jf. Mayberry, over Sunday.
—At the close of the Christmas exer
cises of the Lutheran Sunday School,
on Saturday night, the Itev. G. H.
Lveler, the pastor, was presented with
a sectional bookcase as the gift from
the congregation. Many cases of
grip have developed in the borough
during the last week.
By Special Correspondence
Piketowii, Pa., Jan. I.—lsaac Shep
ler, of Burlington, N. J., is the guest
of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Early.—Miss
Tiilie Cassel is spending some time
with Mr. and Mrs. Heffletinger in Har
risburg.— The Rev. and Mrs. Jonas
Martin and children. Mary and Willis,
Miss Priscilla Ramsey and W. H.
Brown spent Christmas with Mr. and
Mrs. Kinsey at Hoernerstown.—Mr.
and Mrs. Joseph Mumma and chil
dren, Mary and Marlin, spent Saturday
with Irvin Moyer and family, of
Linglestown. Mrs. John Weiss and
three children are the guests of friends
in Steeiton.—Mrs. George Wade and
daughter Goldie attended the silver
wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs.
John Nye at Progress on Saturday.—
Harry Wickenheiser, of Paxtonia, vis
ited here on Tuesday.—Mr. and Mrs.
Jacog Hetrick, of Beaver Creek, spent
Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. C. H.
Megonnel.—John Gibney, of Hanover
dale, spent several days last week with
Mr. and Mrs. John Gibney, Jr.—Mr.
and Mrs. John Rhoads and children,
Sara and fecii, were the guests of Mr.
md Mrs. Frank Runkle, near Manada
There Is more Catarrti In thl« section of the
country than ail other diseases put together, and
until the last few rears was supposed to be
Incurable. For a great many years doctors
pronounced it a local disease and prescribed local
remedies, and by constantly (ailing to cure with
-local treatment, pronounced It lucurable. Science
bas proven Catarrh to be a constitutional disease,
and therefore requires constitutional treatment.
Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F. J.
Cheney St Co., Toledo. Ohio. Is the only Constitu
tional cure on the market. It Is taken Internally
In doses from 10 drops to a teaspoouful. It acts
directly on the blood and mucons surfaces of
the system. They offer one hundred dollars for
any case it falls to cure. Send for circulars and
Address: F. J. CHENEY A CO., Toledo, Ohio.
Sold by Druggists, 75c.
Taks Hall's Family rills for constipation.
E. 35. GROSS, 119 Market St.,
Harrisburg. Pa.
r *
This is a feature of the
Michigan White Pine
lumber we are handling.
This kind of wood
makes possible a "job" of
perfect satisfaction.
There are many other
good qualities of this lum
Stop in our yard and
look at the grade of lum
ber we handle.
United Ice & Coal Co.
Foriter and Condea Sta.
Midway, Prize Christmas Tree
and Parade Are Features
of Big Event
Week of Prayer Services Will
Begin Next Tuesday
Newville, Pa., Jan. J.—Samuel W.
Davidson has gone to Petersburg?,
Florida, to spend some time. Mrs.
Belle McK. Swope and sister. Miss
Jane Hayes have returned from a ti'lp
to Atlantic City, N. J. Miss Mary
Thompson of Passaic, N. J.. Is .spend
ing the holidays with her mother.
Mrs. Belle Thompson. Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Failor and children of Harris
burg; Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Myers
and child, of New York City, and Mr.
and Mrs. John Sheldon of Pittsburgh
spent Christmas with their parents,
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Harlan. Mr.
and Mrs. John Wheeler of Harrisburg
spent Christmas with the former's
sisters, Miss Annie Wheeler and Mrs.
I-aura Vanasdlew. Mr. and Mrs. S.
Coyle Rea, of Shamokin, spent a few
days with the hitter's parents, Mr.
and Mrs. T. A Derlck. Mr. and
• Mrs. Joseph Woodburn, of Baltimore.
I and Miss Catharine Woodburn, of
I Philadelphia, spent Christmas with
their parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. C.
Woodburn. Mr. and Mrs. M. U.
Fitez and son of Hagerstown, Md„
are visiting the latter's parents, Mr.
and Mrs. William Killlan. Ralph
Zook of Kane, Pa., and John Zook,
of Harrisburg, and Joseph and John
Hursh of Steelton, attended the fu
neral of their friend, Charles Wheeler
on Monday. Miss Jane Ahl of
New York City, is spending the week
with her mother, Mrs. Mary Ahl.
Prof. Ed. Bdwman, principal of the
schools at Ellsworth, Pa., is spending
his vacation with his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. J. Van Bowman. Dr. and
Mrs. W. Perry McLaughlin have re
turned from Norristown, Pa., where
they spent Christmas with the lat
ter's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Harry
Fry, of Paxtang, spent the wtfek-end
with the former's mother and sis
ters. The first entertainment in the
Lyceum course, under the auspices
of the civic club, was held on Tues
day evening with the Htnton-Verdi
Co., as the entertainers. Week of
Prayer services will begin on Sunday
evening, with a union service in Zlon
Lutheran church. At all ot' the serv
ices, the Rev. J. A. Davidson, D. D.,
of Pittsburgh, will preach. Tues
day evening the local fire company
opened their bazar In the Trolley
Statlonroom. Last night a mum
mers' parade was the big event. A
midway, fortune teller's booth and
prize Christmas tree are features of
the fair.
Out-of-Town Folks Attend
Banquet of Halifax Camp
By Special Correspondence
Halifax, Pa., Jan. I.—Mr. and Mrs.
N. A. Steffen and children spent Sun
day at Herndon. Mr. and Mrs.
Calvin Scholl, of Halifax township, at
tended the funeral of Mrs. Winey at
Richfield, Juniata county. Mr. and
Mrs. Horace Wagner, of Harrisburg,
were in attendance at the P. O. S.
of A. banquet on Saturday. Mrs.
Francis Powley spent Saturday at
Hummelstown, the guest of Mrs.
Clyde Stroman. Mr. and Mrs. Harry
Bottomstone and Mr. and Mrs. Elmer
Biever, of Watsontown, took in the
P. O. S. of A. banquet on Saturday.—•
Charles Manning, employed as a
brakeman on the Northern Central
railroad at Sunbury, spent Sunday at
home with his family. The Rev.
S. B. Hoffman, of Halifax township!
this week killed a porker 28 months
old, which weighed ti34 pounds. The
hog turned out five cans of lard.
Miss Winifred Smith, who attends
school at Lititz, is spending the holi
days at home with her parents, Mr
and Mrs. A M. Smith. Miss Emma
Moore, of Lykens, was the guest of
Miss Carrie Shoop Sunday. Mrs.
Elizabeth Enterllne and daughter
e ® n t cr "ne, of Harrisburg, and
Tobi " 8 . of Lyons. Kansas.
« la » at the hom « of the
Rev. s. B. Hoffman in Halifax town
shi p. Mrs. Oliver J. Coover is ill
with pneumonia at lier home in Arm
strong street. Frank Shoop, of Ok
lahoma, is visiting his daughters, the
Misses Carrie and Virginia Shoop.—
The Rev. J c. Pease is confined to his
home in Fourth street by illness.
Harry Lebo, of Waynesville, was in
town on business on Saturday Her
bert Clouser, who had been working
during the summer at Buda, 111 came
home Tuesday to spend the winter
with his mother, Mrs. Raymond
Reading Room Opened
in Basement of Church j
By Special Correspondence
l.enlntoivn, Pa., Jan. 1. Mr and
Mrs. Herman Riddle, of Detroit, Mich .
are visiting at the H. D. Riddle home
in \Vest rhlrd street.
employed in Toledo. Ohio, is visiting
friends here.— Charles Humphrey went
to Toledo, Ohio, to visit friends .
Harry Sherman, of this place, has'left
for a visit to Florida. Miss Deah
Hoffman is visiting Harrisburg friends
—There are many cases of grip in this
section and the doctors are very busy
—Ed Price and family, of Johnstown!
have been calling on friends here.
Miss Jennie Nighthart, of Philadelphia,
has been calling on friends here.
Grant Arnold, a student at an Agricul
tural school at Ames, lowa, is calling
on friends here. Chiles H. Smith a
truck farmer of Mifflin county, has
been attending the meet at State Col
lege. Theodore Kratzer, of Chicago
111., is calling on frieids here. John
Gantz, of this plaie. the 91-year-old
Jll., Is calling on friends here. John
town has had eight snows to date and
all of them small ones. A reading
room for the public has been establish
ed In the basement of the Methodist
By Special Correspondence
Slilppensbui-g, Pa., Jan. I.—Walter
Snoke Is spending the week In New
ville.—A fire occurred early Christmas
morning in which a large corn shock
owned by A. B. Cressler was burned.—
Miss Miriam Oyer, of Lebanon Valley
College, spent a few weeks at home.—
J. A. Brown, Y. M. C. A. secretary, Is
improving.—The various Christmas
entertainments were well attended.—
The annual offering for orphanage and
home taken by the Messiah United
Brethren Church amounted to sl7. —■
Miss Rhoda Dohner, of Conemaugh,
spent Christmas at home.—Ethel Pow
ell, of Lewistown. Is home for a week.
—Blaine Harnlsh spent Christmas in
Greencastle. Charles E. Hoke and
family spent Christmas at Waynes
i boro.
Powder Works Is Paying Bonus of 50 lv r Cent, to Em- |
ployes; Other News Notes I
By Special Correspondence
Mt. V nlon, Pa., Jan. I.—Mr. and Mrs.
Thomas Stratford entertained a num
ber of guests at a dinner party Wed
nesday evening. The party was held in
honor of Misses Kttie Hollenbaugh,
Holley Stratford, Pearl Shearer, and
Messrs. Robert Lincoln, Walter Rom- ,
berger and J. Donald Appleby, whose
engagements were announced during
the Christmas festivities. Owing to
the great increase in population in
town the school board will open two
new schoolrooms, Mondav, making
room for eighty additional pupils. It
Is feared that this will not accommo
date the overflow as many first-year
pupils always coine in after the holi
— That the town is badly In need
or the new lockup now under construc
tion was easily proven when it is an
Society Busy During
Xmas Holiday Season
By Special Correspondence
Waynmboro. Pa., Jan. 1. —The an
nual holiday dance was given last even
by the young men in the Warner
building 1 , South Potomac avenue. There
were fifty guests present. The rooms
were very pretty in their decoration.
Shenrnenn's orchestra furnished the
music. Refreshments were served at
the Hotel Iceland. The chaperones
were Mr. and Mrs. Francis L>. Bowers,
and Mr. and Mrs. D. R Riddlesburger.
The out-of-town guests were the
Misses Helen Wolf and Edna Hainsher,
Chambersburg; Helen Ott, Mercersburg,
j and Messrs. Harry Wolf. Robert Etter
and William 11. Thrush, Chambersburg.
Mr. and Mrs. 11. S. Morgenthall en
tertained several of their friends yes
terday evening In honor of their guests,
Mr. and Mrs. Charles .1. Butler, of
Md. Those present were Mr.
and Mrs. Alvln A. Morgenthall, Green
castle; Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Butler,
Easton, Md.: Mr. and Mrs. Walter T.
I odd. Miss Isabel Todd, A. D. Morgan
thai 1, Jr., and Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Mor
gan thai 1. Mr. and Mrs. Robert D.
befton entertained a number of friends
Gnj'd*. Tuesday evening. Misses
Elizabeth and Lillian Shircly, "The
Inn, entertained at bridge yesterday
afternoon. There were four tables.
Benner Kelly, son of the Rev. A. A.
Kelly; in spending the holidays with
friends in Harrisburg. John H. Zlnk,
general manager of the United States
Asphalt Refining Company, spenti
Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Walter l
r. Todd. Miss Lois Edgell, Baltl-1
more, who has been spending the holi
days with her grandmother. Mrs. Abbie
i>atshaw, has returned to her home.
Dr Joseph Ennlss and Mrs. Ennlss en
tertained at a turkey dinner, Sunday,!
a number of their friends. ;
June Pigs, Cleaned, Tip
Scales at 200 Pounds
By Special Correspondence
New Urrmnntonn, Pa., Jan. 1. Ed- !
ward F. Middleton and Roscoe Morrow i
were in lllaln on Monday afternoon.— :
superintendent. Professor D. A. •
Kline, visited the schools of Toboyne j
township, last week. James A. Noel
bought two Spring calves from Henrv
Kby for »26. William F. Rhea, of,
lowa, is visiting his former home. He '
also visited friends in Lancaster county !
where lie farmed several years.
1 James O Donel killed three 'June pigs
nKw c,c '« lne <i 200 pounds each. airs.
| I hlllp Sheaffer is doing the housework
| for her daughter, Mrs. Julia Dolby, of
i, V w "° scalded her hand last week.
husl)a nd and son, Abraham, spent
| Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Dolbv.
I Mr. and Mrs. George W. Gutshal'l, of
| Blaln, were the guests of the former's
sister, Mrs. Jane Tressler. Thomas
Anderson and friend, Mr. Fisher, of
Windon, 111., are visiting the former's
| mother, Mrs. James Anderson. Miss
Hollenbaugh, of Newport, also
visited Mrs. Anderson. Mrs. Howard,
of Apollo, Pa., is visiting her mother
Mrs. Lizzie Sheriff. George W. Tress-
T ' °. ~ Curl , en ' I°wa, and brother,
Joseph Tressler, of Utah Springs, Utah
are visiting their mother, Mrs. Jane
Tressler, their brother, Charles F
Tressler, and their sister. Mrs. Oliver
o. Bistlinc.
Items of Interest About
Residents of Dauphin
By Special Correspondence
Dauphin. Pa., Jan. 1. Miss Mrs.
Margaret Robinson returned home on
Tuesday from an extended visit to
New Brunswick, N. J.—Miss Mildred
Florence Lybarger of Reading, was a
recent guest of Miss Sabra Clark.—
Mr. and Mrs. Milan Flshbaugh and
daughter, Miss Grace Fishbaugh, of
York, spent several days with Mrs.
Fishbaugh's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
William Ege.—Miss Carrie Hoffman,
of Middletown, and Miss Goldie Doug
lass, of Harrisburg, were recent
guests of Mrs. Frank E. Williams. —
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hawthorn of
Uniontown, and Thomas Hawthorne,
of New York city, spent the Christ
mas holidays with their mother, Mrs.
J. W. Hawthorne.—Mrs. Elizabeth
Gerberich, who was visiting relatives
at Hanover, returned to her homo
here.—Mr. and Mrs. William B. Clark,
Philadelphia, returned home on Mon
day after spending several days with
Dr. and Mrs. William Clark. — Mrs.
Marian Bickel, of Philadelphia, spent
several days in town.—Miss Etta Mc-
Neely spent several days with rela
tives at Miliersburg.— Miss ICleanor
Emmert is spending the Christmas va
cation with her parents at York
Springs.—Miss Alwilda Potts, M. A. I
Potts, Mr. and Mrs. George Potts and
children, Mary, Milton and Owen, of
Harrisburg; Mr. and Mrs. Ashmer
Owen, and daughter, Kathryn, of
York, spent Christmas day with Mr.
and Mrs. George Landis.
Grand Prize, Panama-Pacific Exposition, San Francisco, 1915
Grand Prize, Panama-California Exposition, San Diego, 1915
Baker's Breakfast Cocoa
tThe Food Drink Without a Fault
Made of high-grade cocoa beans, skilfully blended and
manufactured by a perfect mechanical process, without
the use of chemicals; it is absolutely pure and whole- 1
some, and its flavor is delicious, the natural flavor of the
cocoa bean.
The genuine bears this trade-mar and is made only by
Walter Baker & Co. Ltd.
u *' PAT °"' Established 1780 DORCHESTER, MASS.
■ . i .. ■■ J L . ■ i .
ARY 1, 1916. |
nounced that di ring Christmas Day
and Sunday twei ty-one prisoners were
held to appear b ;fore the mayor, Mon
day, a number < qualing that of some
cities. Mrs. M Hie Thompson, one of
the town's olde! t residents, who has
been 111 for soni ■ time, WHS taken to
a Philadelphia ho spltal Tuesday, where
she will undergo an operation. The
boys of the high chool are lilghtly elat
ed over the fact hat they are getting
a gymnasium. ,A Ithough the building
Is not completed they will he able to
practice basketball. No home games,
however, can he I played for several
months. Bills tvere posted to-day
throughout the Al'tna Powder Works
that the company! will pay, beginning
now, a bonus of 5V per cent, to all em
ployes engaged ir.l the making of ex
50th Anniversary Dinner
Is Held at Selinsgrove
By Special Correspondence
I Sellu>tKT"vr. Vs., Jan. 1. William
1 Noetllng, A. M„ Ph. D„ of this place,
who for over twenty-five years held the
chair of Pedagogy in the State Normal
School at Bloomsburg, Pa., to-day
(January 1, 1916), held a family dinner
to celebrate the tl'ftleth anniversary of
his marriage. At the gathering: three
I generations were represented.
; Professor Noetling is 86 years of age,
t but despite his years is hale and hearty.
I Since his retirement from active work
in the classroom, live years ago. Pro
! fessor Noetling has been living retired
j here. He attributes his long life to
| clean living. He never tasted liquor in
] his life and besides never used tobacco
In any form.
Florin Couple Wedded
by Mount Joy Pastor
By Special Correspondence
[ Mount Joy, Pa., Jan. X. - Walter
Ebfirsole, of Wilmington, Del., and Mr.
and Mrs. Harry Latidis, of Harrisburg,
arc the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Eli
Ebersole. Herman Hartman spent a
few days at Lebanon. Miss Alice
! Klugli. of Harrisburg, was in town
several days with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Harry E. Klugli. Mrs. Simon
Snyder is spending the holidays in
Pittsburgh with her son, Frank Sny
der. J. R. Missemer, attended- the
lecture given by Philip Sldersly, of
Baltimore, In the Market House Hall,
at Klizabethtown. on Monday evening.
—Miss Bertha M.ssemer, after spend
ing five days in Harrisburg with her
brother, Benjamin L. Messemer, and
sister, Mrs. Harry C. Knouse, arrived
home on Tuesday. Miss E. Pearl
Chandler and her sister, Mrs. Paul
Smith and son, Orren, spent Euesday
in Hershey. Benjamin llsisler Robin
son and Miss Anna Matilda McKinley,
of Florin, were united in nimrriage on
Christmas afternoon, by the Mev. Louts
Chester Morrison, in the Episcopal
Church, of Mount Joy. * ,
Miss Mary Bishop Home
From Jefferson Hospital
By Special Correspondence
ThompNonfnmi. Pa., Jan. 1. Miss
May Leonard left Wednesday evening
for Florida where she expects to re
main for several months. Mrs. H. C.
Heist, of Philadelphia, spent Christmas
with her sister, Miss Jennie Spicher.—-
Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Cameron are spend
ing the holidays with their son, K. D.
Cameron, in Philadelphia. Mr. and
Mrs. Lloyd R. Shuman entertained C.
C. Zeige's Sunday School class of
young men, at "Green Dale," Friday
evening. Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Heller
and Park Heller spent the week-end
with Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Davis, at Al
toona. Miss Mary Bishop returned
from the Jefferson Hispital, Philadel
phia, last Thursday. Mr. and Mrs.
Clayton Benner and little son, of s-wiss
ville, art! visiting Mr. and Mrs. M. E.
Heller. Mrs. D. Samuel Leonard and
son, Dewey, returned from Philadel
phia, Monday. Mrs. Israel Tennis and
Mrs. D. 11. Spotts spent the week-end
with Mr. and Mrs. J. Frank Patterson,
in Mifflintown. W. H. Brubaker
spent Christmas with his mother in
Lewistown. W. 11. Nelson and James
Nelson, of Mifflintown, attended the
funeral of Mrs. George Nelson, in Ilal-
I ifax, this week. Miss Katharine
Smee, of Harrisburg, spent ttie week
end with Mr. and Mrs. VV. R. Long.
Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Keagle attended a
family reunion in Columbia over the
week-end. Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Dennis,
of Philadelphia, are visiting Mrs. Mary
Former Residents Return to
Spend Season With Rela
tives and Friends
Mrs. Samuel Mumma, South
Market Street, Celebrates
75th Birthday
Special Correspondent
Mechanlcsburg, Pa., Jan. 1. The
Standard Bearers, a missionary BO
clety of the Methodist Episcopal
< nurch, were entertained at the home
of Miss Olive Taylor, East Main street,
on Thursday evening. A business ses
sion was held, after which the time
was spent socially and refreshments
jvero served. Miss Adda Long, who
teaches school in We.stfleld, N. ,T., spent
|»er Christmas vacation with her par
[ nts, Dr. and Mrs. R. p. Ixing, South
Jlarket street. - Mr. and Mrs. S. Car
-1 oil Miller, of Glenslde, and Chester
5* troiningrer, of Lewistown, are holiday
A laitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
J'.'* South Market street.
-r-Miss Uee Zug, West Main street, at
tended the convention of the American
♦ I I BSoc^at l° n tn Washington. D. C.,
this week. Mrs. Samuel Mumma.
gouth Market street, quietly celebrated
h,er seventy-fifth birthday on Christ
mas. Mrs. Alice S. Hauck, Mr. and
Mrs. Starr Hauck, of Waynesboro; Mr.
onu Mrs. George Hauck, of Leraysville,
were in Harrisburg on Tuesday, at
tending the twenty-eighth wedding an
niversary of Mr. and Mrs. Charles King.
-—Mr. and Mrs. S. S. Brenner were vis
itors to relatives in York several days
this week. Miss Martha Schafhirt,
win) teaches school in Myerstown, spent
Christmas vacation with her mother,
Mrs. A. F. Schafhirt. Dr. Richard
Spahr, of Philadelphia, was the guest
of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. 11.
Spahr, South Market street. John H.
Bowman has returned to Perth Amboy,
N J., where he holds a position as me
chanical engineer, after spending his
holidays at his home in South Market
street. Wilbur 15. Harnish. of Strea
tOT, 111.; Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Harnish, of
Ahnville, and Miss Ora Harnish, of
Philadelphia, were visitors at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Harnish. East
Mfiin street. Revere Hertzler, of In
dianapolis, Ind., spent Christmas with
his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hertz
ler, West Locust street.
Christmas Program Will
Be Carried Out Tomorrow
By Special Correspondence
Linglestown, Pa., Jan. 1. —On ac
count of the inclement weather the
Christmas service will be held in the
United Brethren church on Sunday
evening. The Christmas service
will be held in Wenrich's church this
evening at 7:30 p. m. Church serv
ices will be held in the Church of
God Sunday morning by the pastor,
the Rev. Mr. Whittaker. Mr. and
Mis. Cloyd Holland of Harrlsburg
were the week-end guests of Mr. and
Mrs. J. F. Hicks. Mr. and Mrs.
J. H. Benhardt and daughter, Miss
Anna, of Harrlsburg, were guests ot
Mr. C. B. Care and family on Satur
day. Miss Myrna Speas and Harry
Hicks of Penbrook on Friday were
the guests of Miss Marion Smith.
Mr. and Mrs. George Thompson, of
Harrisburg were the week-end guests
of Miis Eliza Buck. Mr. and Mrs.
Adam Moyer and daughter. Myrtle of
Lucknow, spent Sunday as the guests
of Mr. and Mrs. John Sliepler. Mr.
and Mrs. S. D. Walker and son, Rob
ert, of Harrisburg, on Saturday were
the guests of Mr. and Mrs. William
Lutz. Mrs. Mary Farling spent
ChfJstmas as the guest of Mr. and
Mr.i. Chester Johnson at Steelton.
Joseph Ball of Baltimore, Is spend
ingf the Christmas holidays with his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Ball.
Mr. and Jilrs. Ross Hepford of
Duncannon were the week-end guests
of Mr. and Mrs. E. O. Hassler.
Mrs. Kane of Camden, N. J., is spend
ing some time with her sister, Mrs.
Mary Simon. James Foltz of Al
toona, spent several days as the guest
of Edward Buck. - Mr. and Mrs.
Russet Shoop of Jlummelstown spent
Saturday and Sunday with Mr. anil
Mrs. Harvey Bolton. The funeral
services of Mrs. Elizabeth Heckert
Who died at the home of Amos Cruni
at Paxtonla on Monday afternoon was
held on Thursday afternoon. The
United Brethren church and Sunday
school presented their pianist and as
sistant, the Misses Marion Smith and
Anna Feeser with a purse containing
a sum of money on Sunday morning.
College Student 111
at Millersburg Home
By Special Correspondence
Ml lerslxirg, Pa.. .lan. 1. Ralph
Spon?. who underwent an operation
for i ppemlicitis in the Harrlsburg Hos
pital two weeks ago, Is now at his
homo and able to bo about. William
K Fl-ldt a Franklin and Marshall stu
dent! son of Mr. and Mrs. George 11.
Feldt. residing east of Mlllersbiirg. is
111 with typhoid fever at the home of
his parents. John B. Shaffer, resid
ing east of Mlllersburg, who suffered a
stroke "f paralysis ten days ago is not
much i "proved. Scott Stewart moved
bis family nnd household goods to Mid
dletown tills week where be lias se
cured employment in a shoe factory at
that place. Miss Martha Johnson, ot
Reading, Is the guest of her friend,
Miss Velnia Campbell. Kdward F.
Miller, of Shamokin, was a visitor at
his old homo this week.