Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, January 01, 1916, Page 3, Image 3

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Bishop Cranston Will Preside
at Sessions of Central
Penna. Organization
The forty-eighth annual session of
the Central Pennsylvania conference
•of the Methodist Episcopal Church
■will be held in the Eighth Avenue
Methodist Episcopal Church, Alloona,
beginning March 13.
Three important amendments to
the constitution and the election of
fix lay delegates and six ministerial
representatives to the general confer
ence of the denomination, which will
be held next May at .Saratoga, N. Y.,
"will be features of the sessions of the
Bishop Karl Cranston, of Washing
ton, will preside. The Rev. Wilford
1\ Shriner, pastor of the congregation
entertaining the conference, is plan
ning to have some of the most promi
nent speakers, both laymen and,
clergymen, in the denomination, to
address the confernce.
The sessions next March are re
garded as the most important to
held in recent years by the Central
Pennsylvania conference. The year
1916 is known as general conference j
jear, and the district conferences dur
ing general conference year have a
greater amount of work to transact,
together with electing delegates to the
general conference sessions.
Bach church in the Central Penn-f
eylvarjia conference will be represent
ed at the March sessions by its pas
tor and one lay delegate. The ap
pointments for 1916 will be made dur
ing the conference sessions by Bishop
Cranston and committees named dur
ing the week.
Boyd Memorial to Be
Dedicated January 11
The dedication of the John Y.
Koyd Afemorlal Building for the men
find boys of Pine Street Presbyterian
Church will be held on Tuesday evert
ing, January it. The speakers will lie
the Rev. Marcus A. Brownson and the
Rev. John Timothy Stone. D. li).
Further details of the program will lie
announced in the near future. Tile
anniversary service of the Sunday
school is announced for Sunday, Janu
ary 30.
Pine Street church will mark the in
coming of the New Year with special
sermons and special music at both
services to-morrow. The pastor, the
Itev. Dr. Mudge will be the preacher.
At the morning service the topic will
Vie "The Philosophy of Forgetting"
nnd in the evening "The Changrelo"?
Christ." The thought of the New Yt ; ■
v. ill be continued at the midweek se;
a ice on Wednesday evening when tl
• heme for consideration will be "Lai
Thoughts of God for the New Year."
On Monday evening the Woman s
Society will hold tin
anonlhly meeting nnd on Tuesday even
ing the Servants of the King will me<»
Special music will be sung at Mi-.s
--n ah Lutheran church Sunday evening
The choir of thirty voices and the. fol
lowing specially engaged soloists will
ping H. Alexander Matthew's cantata
''The Story of Christmas," Sunday
p vening at 7.30. Miss Catherine
Jleicher, soprano: Mrs. William With
trow, contralto; and Augustus Shanu
nnd Dr. B. S. Behney, tenors. Miss
Emma Hoffman will preside at the or
pan and Director liartman will aire
Ihe solos for bass.
Morning Prelude, "Morning,'
from"Peer Gynt Suits." Grieg; anthem.
"Brightest and Best," Buck; offertory.
"Melody." Wely: anthem, "Jesus Christ
To-day Is Born," (by request), Mnrzo;
jiostlude, "Festival Postlude " Whit-
Evening Prelude,
Parker; quartet, "Sleepers Wake,"
Bchnecker; offertory, "Reverie," F) g-
Jer; cantata, "The Story of Christm;
Matthews; postlude, "Recession
Morning Prelude, Largo, HandC
offertory, Paradisium, Dubois; post
lude. March in F Major, Guilmant
Evening Prelude, Caprice, Medi
tation. William Macfarlane; sop an
eolo, sung by Airs. O. 15. Goad, "JJj
God, My Father, While I StrayJßAlars
ton; offertory, Madrigale, flkers;
postlude, Minuetto from 4th sSkati
First Church of Christ, Scientist -
®oard of Trade Hall. Sunday) 11
a. m. and 7.30 p. in. Testimonial
meeting, Wednesday. S p. m. Free
Reading Rooms, Kunkel Building,
3 2.30 to 4.30 p. m. daily, also Monday
fcnd Saturday evenings.—Adv. j
t- r : - r-^Ti
I■?>.«'• •* AC*.>"i s £"'- \f7~" T:r 7 v vt - '&&•'
W Wr 1>
r 1
sBHHPP' vWfll
Sunday, January 2
Preacher, Rev. L. S. Mudge, D. D., Pastor.
Jb 10:30 A. M. ;j
•fjk XEW JI \lt KKKMOX
JR; "The Philosophy of Forgetting" i
''l'i.llpplaiw 3: l| :0
s|fc,-' I In* I'urt of tlii' l'ii-.t Wo should I''orget.
What? vviij ? When? '|
r '® 130 P. M. 1 40 p. M.
tjj> Graded Sunday School Adult Bible Classes
■ ' • ":30 P. M. I
"The Changeless Christ" T
Hebrews l*
"Jesus Christ, the SunH- Yesterday. To-day and Forever."
At tlie Door — In tin I'ru—Before the Pulpit. r;
School of Civic pfmiyelisin Plans to Teach Men lo Cover
TownmXhead of Revival Campaigns
Chicago, Jan. I.—i'lans for the
; raining »f "Chrlsfan detectives"
si hose duty it will he §' uncover moral
conditions of a corlmunity in ad
ve <>f revival caml.iigns, were an
noniv .il here to-da\l by the School
[„r i'i\lc Evangeltsm ivhich has been
Iholding services at tie Moody Insti
jtute. • '
Urge Members qf All
Churches to Espouse
World-Wide Peace
v< ial li) t/iel Telegraph
Philadelphia, JanJ I.—A campaign I
ast through Jajiuary, in which ]
! church members of lull denominations
io he urged to rspouse the cause
jof world-peace, to b brought about at
' iln end of thepreient war, will be
, , i,er ;o-morrov under the aus
jj;;:,rs of the Came tie Church Peace
Jjliilon. ..
'J'he ('lurch Peac? Lnion is the or
k nidation founded by Andrew Carne
f'stie iti February, 1914, with an en
dowment "f $2,00(|.000 for the fur-
It Iterance ot the cause of international
1 peace through religious organizations
lef all denominations. The campaign
!i s for tin' purpose of calling to the
I attention of churchgoers the follow
'ing program for a world-peace: An
11 tcrnational League of Peace, and a
~ ild supreme court, requiring the
submission of a" international dis
' put s to the world supreme court, or
hoards of arbitration, before re
sort to war: national legislation pro
v ling for federal protection of aliens
t ! America, a more adequate oriental
J„ilicv, comprehensive immigration
legislation: a general educational
movement looking to the organiza
. t n of a peace makers' committee in
every local church; church study of
~ur international responsibilities.
Morning Organ, Prayer E flat,
Uevred; anthem. Ring Out Wild Bell,
iSllchrlst-Oounod; organ. Epithalam
'ium. Ashmall: quartet, Jcsu, Word of
]God Incarnate, Mozart; organ,, choral,
>"llerr, Wie du Wilst. So Schicks Mit
1 Mir," Stiller.
I Evening—Organ recital at 7.20; or
igan. <a) Salut D'Amour. Elgar: (b)
Processional in D, Dubois; <cc) Adagio
in A Hat, Vretblad: quartet, Tarry
With Me. O My Saviour, Baldwin;
i anthem, Saviour, Thy Children Keep,
Sullivan; organ. Evening Song, Arm
strong: quartet, O Had 1 My Saviour,
I Havens; organ, Offertoire in D Minor,
j Batiste.
The following musical program will
l,c rendered at the Second Reformed
■ 'liurch:
Morning Prelude. Pastorale Op.
26. No. 2. Claussmann; anthem, Deus
vlisereatnr, Manmiett; postlude, Can
on in "C." Kroeuer.
i Evening Prelude, Allgretto. Wol
stenholme; baritone solo. O Jesus,
rhou Art Standing, Geibel, Leroy Mar
!;le: anthem. Remember Thy Tender
i Mercies, Farmer, obllgato solo by Mrs.
i Ada Gulp Bowman: postlude, March
jin C Carroll.
ni:riiu:HK>i MI sic
Bethlehem musical program for
•Sunday is as follows:
Morning Organ prelude. Tours;
| anthem, "Hail to the Lord's Anointed,"
Andrews: offertory, "Berceuse," Del
buck ; quartet, "Sing Allelulia Forth,"
Buck: postlude. "Marcht" Salome.
I Evening Organ prelude. "Pray
i or," Bocllman; anthem, "Saviour Like
! a Shepherd Lead Us," Neidlinger; of
• fertor. "Elegy," Lemare: solo, "Now
ithe Day Is Over," Speaks; postlude,
1 Tlu .Mei/s Club of the Stevens Me
, tnorial M/tliodist Episcopal Church,
i Thirteenth and Vernon streets, will
I have charge of the Sunday evening
I' at 7.30 o'clock. James
jW. Baker is to preside. The male
• horus and Masters Gerald Moyer and
j William 'Webster, leading boy sopranos
of Old St. Paul's Protestant Episcopal
j Church choir, Baltimore, Md., will
sing. Dr. Clayton Albert Smucker is
J to give a short New Year talk.
I St. Paul's—At S, holy communion;
I 10.30, morning prayer; 11, lioly com
-1 mi union; 2.30, Sunday school; 3, chll-
J iien s service; 7.30, "New Year."
St. Augustine's—Archdeacon E. L.
Henderson. It, morning prayer; 12.30,
Sundcy school.
St. Stephen's—The Rev. Rollin A.
Sawyer. 8, holy communion; 10,
Sunday school; 11, holy communion;
4, O'nistmap cantata, "The Message
of U Star."
"The detectives," will be trained by
a committee headed by Rev. Wil
burs P. Crafls of Washington, super
intendent of the International Reform
Bureau and furnished on application.
They will be expected to uncover the
individual and social interests of a
To Sing Good Program
at Covenant Church
The music that will delight the
Covenant Presbyterian congregation
to-morrow morning and evening was
postponed from last Sunday, when a
number of the choir were ill.
Mrs. R. McGann. choir leader, an
nounces a splendid program which in
cludes a nolo nt the morning service,
"They Were Shepherds," Lyons, sung
by Mrs. S. It. Harris, and the follow
ing selections in the evening. Mrs.
Bird, the organist of the church, will
give a tifteen-minute organ recital be
fore the service begins and the choir
will later sing two pleasing anthems,
"The Star of the East" and "Hark!
What Means Those Holy Voices?" and
Mrs. S. It. Harris and Mrs. Cloyde
Holland will sing the duct, "O, Little
Town of Bethlehem." by Geibel.
Pine Street. The Rev. Lewis Sey
mour Sludge, D. D., and the Rev. J.
S. Annentrout, assistant: 10:30. ser
mon, "The Philosophy of Forgetting";
7:30, "The Changeless Christ"; 1:30,
.Sunday school: 1:40, Advanced Bible
classes: 6:30, Sr. C. E.
Bethany. The Rev . John M.
Warden. 7:30, "A Message For the
New Year"; Sunday school, 9; C. E.,
Market f.Juare. The Rev. Geo.
Edward Hawes, D. D., 11, communion
service, "Behold, the Man!" 7:30, New
Year's service, "The Good Ship 1916"
Sunday school at 9:45; C. E., 6:30;-
installation of officers.
Covenant. The Rev. Harvey
Klaer, 10:30, "The Ministry of Recon
ciliation"; 7:30 "The Church's Pro
gram": Sunday school, 2; Y. P. S. C.
E., 6:30; Men's prayermeeting, 7.
Calvary. The Rev. Frank P.
MacKenzie, 10:15, "The Security of
the Church"; 7:30, Lord's Supper;
Sunday school, 9; Christian Endeavor
at 6:30.
Westminster. The Rev. K. E.
Curtis. 10:30, communion service:
Sunday school, 1 :45; C. E., 6:30: 7:30
"The Sin of Forgetfulness."
Capital Street. - The Rev. B. M.
Ward, 10:45 and 7:30: Sunday school,
12:15; C. E.. 7.
Paxton—The Rev. Harry B. King.
11 and 7.30: Sunday school, 10; Chris
tian Endeavor, 7.
Olivet—The Rev. William O. Yates.
The Rev. Dr. William McNally, of
Philadelphia will speak at 10.30 and
Immanuel —The Rev. 11. Everett
Hallman. 10. Lord's supper; Sun
day school, 11.15; Y. P. S. C. 13., 6.30;
evening worship, 7.30.
Stevens Memorial—The Rev. Clay
ton Albert SmucUer, D. D. Early
morning class, 9.30; 10.30. communion;
Sunday school. 2: Epworth League,
6.30; 7.30, Gerald Moyer and William
Webster, of Old St. Paul's Protestant
Episcopal Church choir, Baltimore,
Mdf, will sing.
Asbury The Rev. W. H. Gaines.
11, "A New Year's Warning;" S, "Re
jected Guides;" Sunday school, 2; Ep
worth League, 7.
Fifth Street—The Rev. Edwin A.
Pyles. 10.30, "The Soul's Raiment;"
7.30. "Early Home Memories;" class
meeting, 9.30; Sunday school, 2; Ep
worth League, 6.30.
Grace—The Rev. J. D. Fox, D. D.
9.30, class meeting; 10.30, reception of
members and the sacraments; 1.45,
Sunday school and men's Bible class;
6.4 5. Epworth League; 7.30, "Retro
spect and Prospecl."
Camp Curtin Memorial—The Rev.
A. S. Williams. 10.30, "New Year's
Meditation;" 7.30, a New Year's ser
mon; 2, Sunday school; 9.30, class
meeting; 9.45, junior league; 6.30, Ep
worth League.
Ridge Avenue The Rev. William
W. Hart man. 10.30 and 7.30, sermon
by the Rev. J. C. Patty; Sunday school,
2; class meeting, 9.30; Epworth
League, 6.30.
St. Paul's—The Rev. Robert W.
Run.van. 10.30. "The Ascension of
Our Divine Lord"; 7.30, "One Hearted
Men"; Sunday school, 1.45; Epworth
League, 6.30.
St. Paul's, Wormleysburg—The Rev.
G. B. Renshaw. 10.45 and 7.30; Sun
day school, 9.30: senior Christian En
deavor, 6.30; junior Christian En-,
i deavor, 5.45.
State Street —The Rev. E. A. G.
Bossier. 10.4.">, "Redeeming the
Time;" 7.30. "God Is Love;" Sunday i
school, 9.30: junior Christian En
deavor, 6; senior Christian Endeavor,
First The Rev. Charles Edwin
Roughter. 10.30, Lord's Supper; 6.45,
Christian Endeavor; 1.4 5, Sunday
Otterbein —The Rev. S. Edwin Rupp,
D. D. Communion at 10.30 and 7.30;
subject of evening sermon, "Thoughts
for the New Year:" Sunday school,
2: Christian Endeavor, 6.30.
Sixth Street—The Rev. Joseph
i Daugherty. 9.45, praise serv ice: 10.30,
I "Lengthen the Cords and Strengthen
'the Stakes'-; 7.30, "The Gift of God":
1.45, Sunday school; 5.45, Jr. C. E.;
6.30, Sr. C. E.
Pleasant View. The Rev. Geo. W.
Harper, pastor; Sunday school, 9;45;
10:45 "New Year's Resolution," Jr.
C. E„ 3: Sr. C. E., 6:45: 7:30, "The
To-day in the Acceptance of Salva
Enola. The Rev. O. J. Failing,
10:30 and 7:30; Sunday school, 2;
Jr. C. E„ 3: Sr. C. E„ 7.
Green Street. The Rev. C. W.
Grove at 10:30. "Ye Shall Receive
Power"; 7:30, "Joy Over Returning
Sinners"; Sunday school at 2: Jr. C.
E.. 3.
Nagle Street. —The Rev. Albert L.
Kriner, 10:30, "First!" 7:30, Ordi
nance meeting, "Washing Saints'
Feet," communion: Sunday school,
1:30; Y. P. S. C. E„ 6:45.
The First. New Cumberland: the
Rev. J. W. Deshoti". 10:30, "Is ll Well
With Thee?": 7, "The Past. Year's
{ Experiences"; Sunday school. 9:15.
Mat-lay Street —The Rev. F. 1. M.
Thomas. 11, "Retrospection and
Prospection;" 7.30, "Regeneration;"
Sunday sc hool. 9.45.
Bethel The Rev. U. (I. Ueoper.
10.30, "Pressing Forward"; 7.30, "The
Sower"; Sunday school, 12.30; A. C. E.
L.. fi 30.
Harris The Rev. J. A. James. 11,
"Weighed 111 the Balance and l-'ound
Wanting"; S, Bishop J. S. Caldwell,
D. D., of the California conference
will preach.
Wesley Union The Rev. W. A.
Ray. 10.45 preaching liishop J. S.
Caldwell. D. D.; 7.30. by the pastor.
Believed Record Number Will
Come Here For 1916
Chairman Badge Committee.
Pennsylvania Endeavorers are plan
ning and hustling for large delegations
to attend the twenty-second annual
and eighth biennial State convention
to be held in the Capital City, July
"Coming Convention Clubs" are be
ing organized and boosted in many
sections of the State. It has been esti
mated by the State officers that fully
3,000 delegates will be in attendance
at the sessions. Among the counties
that are planning to send large dele
gations and make Christian Endeavor
lively on the way to Harrisburg are
the following: Luzerne, Allegheny,
Philadelphia, Adams, Berks, North
ampton, Chester, Lehigh, Lebanon,
Northumberland, Perry, Schuylkill,
Union, Cumberland, Venango and
The convention committee is mak
ing great preparations and promises a
royal welcome to all of the delegates.
Special features are being planned.
In all probability the delegates at
tending the convention will be
"tagged" with an attractive badge,
which will be provided by the badge
Miss Ida M. Sowers, chairman of
the badge committee, has been an
active and faithful Christian Endeavor
worker for several years. She has
served as secretary of the Harrisburg
Christian Endeavor Union during the
terms of 1907-10 and 1912-1913. She
has been (he successful president and
also served as secretary of the Second
Reformed Christian Endeavor Society,
of which she is a member. She is a
prominent member of the Christian
Endeavor Choral Union. During the
State convention held in this city in
.1898 she was a member of the conven
tion chorus and reception committee.
The Rev. Stanley C, Ramsden, chap
lain of the Twenty-eighth United
States Infantry, for seven years on
duty at Matanzas, Cuba, Fort. Snelling,
Minn., San Antonio, Texas, Vera Cruz,
Mexico, and Galveston, Texas, a thor
oughly trained and lifelong Christian
Endeavorer, has been elected superin- '
tendent of the United Society for army
and navy work.
The Sixth Street United Brethren
society is assisting the Rev. Joseph
Dauglierty, the pastor, in the revival
services, begun last evening.
The general convention committee
will hold a meeting at. Christian En
deavor headquarters, Harrisburg. Na
tional Bank building, room 21, Monday
evening from 5.45 to 8 o'clock. The
Westminster Presbyterian Christian
Endeavor Society will serve the
State Secretary H. B. Macrory, the
"C. E. booster," has addressed meet
ings in Ihe following counties recently:
Blair, Berks, Montgomery, Philadel
phia, Franklin, Juniata, Huntingdon,
Mifflin, Butler and Allegheny. During
the month of January he will be in
Huntingdon, Philadelphia, Northamp
ton, Luzerne, Lackawanna, Berks, Ad
ams, Fayette, Washington, Franklin
and Allegheny counties ofr meetings.
"What Is Consecration?" one of the
important topics in Christian Endeavor
work, will be discussed by Endeavor
ers at the society meetings tomorrow
Roy Shenk has been elected presi
dent of the Sixth Street United Breth
ren society, B. B. Drum, the former
president, having resigned.
At the Immanuel Presbyterian so
ciety to-morrow evening the meeting
will be conducted by William Boyson.
The Keystone League of Christian
Endeavor services at Park Street
United Evangelical Church will be in
charge of Mrs. John Wonders and
Margaret Lehigh.
The following officers have been
elected of the Second Reformed Chris
tian Endeavor Society: President, J.
Paul Selsam; vice-president, George T.
Burtnett; recording, •secretary. Miss
Mabel Dewalt; corresponding secre
tary, W. >l. Cocklin; treasurer. Miss
Elizabeth Koons; organist. Miss Mar
garet O'Leary; assistant organist. Miss
Emily Watts; music director, Miss Ida
M. Sowers. The committee chairmen
are! Lookout, Miss Mabel Dewalt;
prayer meeting, Miss Esther Selsam;
social. Miss Marie Yount; music., Miss
Ida Ivl. Sowers; temperance, H. M.
Yingst; Sunday school, Miss Emily
Watts; missionary. Miss Anna Dimm;
flower. Miss Kathleen Kennedy; infor
mation, Harry Orr; good literature,.
Samuel Hartman. '
Philadelphia Christian Endeavor
Union reports that nine new Christian
Endeavor experts have been added to
the expert roll ol' honor.
Miss Esther Yingst will conduct the
prayer services to-morrow evening at
the Second Reformed society.
Frank M. Lowe, Jr.. of Kansas City.
Mo., late president of the Missouri
Christian Endeavor Union, Ims been
i elected national field secretary of
I Christian Endeavor for the Disciples]
]of Christ. He will assume his duties j
beginning with to-day.
The Rev. F. B. Meyer lias again be
come pastor of Christ Church, West
minster Bridge road, one of the great
est churches of London, and during
liis former pastorate was one of the
leading Christian Endeavor churches
!of the world. Dr. Meyer took another
i pastorate and his successor did not be-
I lieve in Christian Endeavor. Then the
i young people disbanded their society.
| Dr. Meyer is taking a keen interest in
the reorganized society and Intends
conducting the consecration meetings
I himself as far as possible.
TO receivk new members
! New members will be received into
| Grace Jlethodlfit Church to-morrow
I morning by the Rev. Dr. J. D. Fox, pas
| tor, who will conduct baptismal serv-
I ires. In the evening he will speak on
j "Ri'troprospi ct vs. Prospect." Services
I will be held each uvenins next week.
This Year of 1916
A n«w* year lias unfo Med to the world.
A period of time which men are going to use in a
variety of ways. Each man is going to use this year
as he thinks hest hefits his purp9se.
And you?
The churches of Harrisburg—all of them—at the open
ing of this year ash you throughout it to incorporate
in your life more of the spiritual; a seeking of the
higher and better things of life.
Your life is net going to he the sole beneficiary there by,
for that wich you accept will he by you given to the
world, and relieve and overcome, in some measure,
some of its sorrows.
Do you know of any work more worthy?
The first step in accomplishing such work is that
regularly during 1916 you
This advertisement has been authorized and 18 being paid for by the Associated Churches of Harrisburg.
Bethlehem The Rev. J. Bradley
Markward, D. D. 10.30, "Suffering as
Christians"; 7-30, "What We Learn
From Experience"; Sunday school,
1.45; C. E.. 6.30.
Augsburg The Rev. A. M. Sta
mets. 10.30, "A Wish For the New
Year"; 7.30, "Why Christ Came";
Sunday school, 2; C. E.. 6.30.
Trinity, Camp Hill The Rev. E.
D.Weigle.D.D. 10.30, "The Right Use of
Time": 7.30, "Grieving the Holy
Spirit"; Sunday school, 9.15.
Trinity The Rev. R. L. Meisen
helder. 10.30, "The Mistake of the
Past"; 7.30, "The Opportunity of the
New Year"; Sunday school, 2; C. E.,
Zion, Enola—The Rev. >l. S. Sharp.
10.30 and 7.30; Sunday school, 9.30;
Christian Endeavor, 6.45.
Calvary The Rev. Edward H.
Paar. 11, "A Now Year's Gift of
God;" 7.30, "A Motto for the New
Year;" Sunday school, 10.
Holy Communion —The Rev. John
Henry Miller. 10.45, "The Name
Jesus;" 7.30, "New Year;" Sunday
school. 9.30; Luther League. 6.
Memorial—The Rev. L. C. Manges,
D. D. Men's prayer meeting, 10; holy
communion, 10.30; holy communion,
7.30, sermon by the Rev. Edmund
Manges of York, Pa.; Sunday school,
2; Jr. Luther League, 5.30; Sr. Luther
League, 6.30.
Redeemer —The Rev. E. Victor Ro
land. Holy communion, 10.30 and
7.30; Sunday school, 9.30; baptism of
children at 2; C. E., 6.30. ,
Trinity, Lemoyne.—The Rev. Ed
mund L. Manges. 10.45, the Rev. W.
H. Gotwald, D. D., will preach; 7.30,
"The Acceptable Year of the Lord";
Sunday school, 9.30; Jr. and Sr. C. E.,
G. 30.
Christ—The Rev. Thomas Reiscli,
D. D. 10.30, "The Joy of Suffering
With Christ"; 7.30, "A Well-Lighted
Walk"; C. E.. 6.30; Sunday school,
2; men's Bible class, 2, in Fackler's
First—The Rev. W. S. Booth. 10,
Lord's Supper; 11. Sunday school,;
6.30, Christian Endeavor; 7.30, "The
Golden Age."
Second—The Rev. Albert J. Greene,
D. D. 10 and 7.30; Sunday school, 12;
B. Y. P. U., 6.30.
St. Paul's —The Rev. E. Luther
Cunningham. 10.30, "With Us, All
the Days"; 7.30, covenant meeting;
Sunday school, 12.30; B. Y. P. IT., 6.30;
3.30, union evangelistic services by the
ministers' conference, Dr. IT. G. Leep
er will speak.
Tabernacle —The Rev. Calvin A.
Hare, D. D. 10.30, communion; 7.30,
"What Will 1916 Bring?" Bibles
school, 11.30; B. Y. P. U., 6.4 5; at
Herr street branch preaching in both
Rumanian and Hungarian at 10.30
and 7.30, communion at 3.
Associated Bible Students The
regular Sunday services will lie held
at 3 o'clock at Cameron Hall, 105
North Second street; Berean study at
Religious Society of Friends will
meet at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W.
R. McCord, 2208 Chestnut street,
Bellevue Park, at 3 o'clock.
r ~ ' "
The Male Chorus of the Stevens Memorial Church
YSff*!/'Jr k ' s*' * • s SKm."
H**- *■ ILi ? T-' „W Pip*-
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HEAR the male chorus sing Sunday evening, at 7.30 o'clock, in the Stevens Me
morial Church, Thirteenth and Vernon streets. The chorus will be assisted by
Masters Gerald Moyer and William Webster, leading boy sopranos of Old St. Paul's .
Church, Baltimore. Dr. Clayton Albert Smucker is to give a short New Year talk.
James W. Barker will be in charge of the service. It is men's club night.
\ _——__- i i
JANUARY 1, 1916.
Evangelistic Campaigns Will
Feature Activities of First
Month of 191G
Evangelistic services and revivals in
many of the churches of the city and
vicinity will bo the feature of the
religious side of I-larrisburg for the
Several congregations began these
meetings last night, while others will
open the series at. the regular services
to-morrow evening. Elaborate pro
grams of services and announcements
of live wire subjects for the campaigns
have a roused interest among the
churchgoers of the city.
night at I he Park Street United
Evangelical Church the Rev. A. E.
1-langen began his series of services
which will continue indefinitely. Dur
ing the coming week he will preach
sermons on "Bible Revivals," as fol
lows: To-morrow. ."A Revival that
Didn't Last;" Monday, "An Open-Air
Revival;" Tuesday, "A One-Convert
Revival;" Wednesday, "A Thousand-
Convert Revival;" Thursday, "A God-
Sent Revival;" Friday, '"A 'Revival'
in Hell."
At t he Green Street Church of God
the services during the week will be
conducted by laymen, as follows:
Monday. Ira P. Dean; Tuesday, Har
vey Buck; Wednesday, W. G. Hean;
Thursday, Harry L. Carl, and Friday,
Fred Kelker.
At Christ Lutheran Church the Rev.
Thomas Reisch, pastor, announces that
special services and music will be the
featuro each evening next week at the
annual week of prayer observance.
An evangelistic campaign of one
month opens to-morrow evening in the
Ridge Avenue Methodist Church, of
which llie Rev. W. W. Hartman is pas
tor. The Rev. John C. Patty, of Mor
ristown, Tenn., will conduct the serv
ices during the month. A large choir
will be directed by Oliver W. Staple
ton. of Atlanta, Ga.
Both the Rev. Mr. .Patty and Mr.
Stapleton have had wide experience in
conducting campaigns in the southern
states recently. The meetings will be
I held each evening at 7.45 o'clock, ex
cept Saturday.
Other churches to have campaigns
follow: Fourth Street Church of God,
Sixth Street United Brethren, First
United Brethren and Otterbein United
Brethren. Special musical programs
are being arranged for the services.
Lemoyne The Rev. Melvin
Menges. Sunday school, 9.30: preach
ing, 10.30 and 7.30; C. E„ 6.30.
Hummel Street The Rev. Adam
M. Hollinger. Preaching, 11 and 7.30;
Sunday school, 10; Christian Work
ers, 6.45.
Cathedral Mgr. M. M. Hassett.
Low mass, 7; children's mass, 9; high
mass, 10.30; Sunday school, 2.30; ves
pers and benediction, 7.30.
St. Lawrence The Rev. P. D.
Huegel. High mass, 10; low mass, 8;
Sunday school, 2.30; vespers and bene
diction, 3.
St. Francis—The Rev. D. J. Carey.
Low mass, 8 and 10; Sunday school,
2.30; vespers and benediction, 7.30.
Sacred Heart The Rev. George
Rice. Low mass, 8; high mass, 10;
Sunday school, 2; vespers and bene
diction, 2.30.
St. Mary's—The Rev. William V.
Dailey. Low mass, 8: high mass, 10.30;
Sunday school, 2; vespers and bene
diction, 7.30.
Salem—The Rev. Ellis N'. Kremer.
10.30 and 7.30: Sunday school, 1.30.
Second The Rev. Harry Nelson
Bassler. 10.30 and 7.30; Sunday
school. Lls; Bible class, 1.50; Y. P.
S. C. E.. 6.30.
Fourth The Rev. Homer Skyles
May. 10.45 and 7.30: Sunday school,
9.30; Heidelberg Christian Endeavor,
St. John's —The Rev. G. W. Hart
man. Services at 11 and 7.30,
"Watchwords For the New Year."
"Pressing On"; Sunday school, 9.4 5;
Y. P. S. C. E., 6.30.
Harris Street The Rev. George F.
Schaum. 10, Men's prayer meeins:
10.30. "The Church' in Thy House";
2, Snday school: 3.30, Mission Band;
6.40 K. L. C. E.; 7.30.. choir will re
peat the Christmas cantata, "The Light
Park Street. The Rev. A. E. Han
gen. Sunday school, 9.30; 10.45, "A
Self-Propagating Church"; Jr. C. E.,
5:45; Sr. C. E., 6.30; 7.30, "A Revival
That Did Not Last."
The annual congregational meeting'
of the Holy Communion Lutheran
Church will he held Tuesday evening
at 8 o'clock in the church.
The Rev. C. W. Cams will have
charge of services to-morrow morning'
in the Marysville Methodist Church' as
sisting the Rev. S. B. Illdlack, and will
speak in the evening at the West Fair
view Church.
The Rev. Dr. George Edward Hawes.
pastor of Market Square Presbyterian
Church, will conduct communion serv
ices in the morning at 11 o'clock. In
the evening he will preach on "The
Good Ship, 1916," a New Year's ser
By Associated Press
London, Jan. I.—The London pa
pers are not yet In possession of the
full text of the latest note from Aus
tria-Hungary to the United States re
garding the sinking of the steamer
Ancona, but. all publish the summary
received yesterday with headlines in
which the words "evasion" and "re
paration" are the most important.