Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, December 21, 1915, Page 13, Image 13
CASTORIA For Infanta and Children. iiIPASiKHi Mothers Know That II | HI Genuine Castoria alc °HOL 3 PEH oentT! m . Bill Awgejable Preparation forA* ' A 1 WfITTQ # illl sfmUatfn§ (he Foodantlßeguia AlWayS f % Rliir tm 6 Ulc Siomaciis -p ~ /(y «!• 11 finxxuumw eara thQ /AXT Ijsv Promotes DigesltonJCherfiJ- Siff HBttUTO f 1f |a> 1 ncssandßest.Contalns nciltor /(\ *V If 's°s Opimu.Morphiae norMiaeral nf / V\. IT wot Narcotic. Jl |LM y ||S StaffofOhlDrswmmvm I I A^T Mil: % \ ly I U 3 7 - Is II > Win \I ! A- He Suits- I m ■ isl. > (v . jfv In Hi > jL r • ii A a rfl Aperfectßemedy forConsftpt; A\f Alt (I £ H iSfafl!: tlon.SourStoraach.Dlarrtaa f U D* W 5i Jp&V Worms .Convulsions.Feverish- I _ i-Mol nggs and Loss OF SLEEP. \ J| LftH fly Of fop% i DscSiniile Signature of ;\J IUI UV UI ill /TaAffl&fa ft |■ . ff _ Hi I nifty Years BgCttW Exact Copy of Wrapper. THC otwTAU „ eol( „ NT . H(w cry. FIRST NATIONAL BANK ] 224 Market St., Harrisburg, Pa. Has now on hand a supply of new coin and currency, j Checks are always cashed with new, crisp bills and j gold pieces of 1915 coinage. j Why don't you open an account with us, and J thus avoid the worry of caring for your Christmas | receipts? j ii ii rwnr'><vno<^ Buy 000 D Coal & LESS Coali The better the coal you buy—the less you have to buy—and the M leas you have to buy, the lower becomes your aggregate coal expend!- I ture. Since all coal —good, better and best—costs the same per ton, don't I 1 you thluk It the part of wisdom to get the best for your money, and the total expenditure down? I Buy Montgomery Coal —Its quality has been kliown for years— I there Is none better. I J. B. MONTGOMERY | Both Phones Third and Chestnut Streets l , l| Watches Diamonds I If Buy Your n ■• < .<. x Pay Us 1: II Xmas Jewelry l\Gll9ulilty Next * II Now Year |> IS We cordially invite you to our store to inspect our new stocks of J 1 111 Christmas Jewelry. We carry a complete line of Railroad Watches, 3; 1? Ladies' Watches, Diamond Rings, Bracelets, Lavallieres, Brooches, i l| Lockets, Mesh Bags, Vanity Sets, Toilet Sets, Table Silverware, jj i K TO SIOO sls TO $l5O j I National Watch and Diamond Co. | Berper Building, Third and Market Streets f B Room 205, Entrance, 4 North Third Street ? Open Evenings, Phone For Representative. 446R M ■Vy Telegraph Want Ads Try Telegraph Want Ads Try Telegraph Want Ads TUESDAY EVENING, 1 \X2oivien .gJnteß&s "Their Married Life Cor»vright by International News ScrvSco . J "A friend of yours Is coming down," said Mrs. Bell as she perched on an edge of the snowy bed and watched Helen take off her things. "A friend of mine. Do tell me who It is." "Miss Knowles," announced Mrs. Bell. "Frances. Why, how lovely. I didn't know you had met her." "Oh, yes. You see Mr. Bell has known her for some time; they are on the same paper, but we have both met her in a social way of late through Avery Atwood." "Another surprise. I didn't know that you knew Frances' editor." "Mr. Bell and he used to work to gether before 'Carp,' as we call him. deserted us for the Scroll." "Why do you call him Carp?" asked Helen, genuinely interested. "Carpenter Is his middle name and we must nickname him in some way." "Is he coming to-night?" "He was, but.* something hap pened to prevent his coming at the last moment. We were all so dis appointed. Are you nearly ready? I want to show you the rathskel ler before dinner." Helen followed Mrs. Bell Into the kitchen and then downstairs into the cellar. Then she gave a de lightful little gasp. The entire place had been strung with Autumn leaves. A piano stood across the end of the room, which was large and square, and a screen hid the furnace. There were several side shows arranged, and places for a band. "You see, Mr. Garnett, who lives across the street, plays the violin, and wo have a cornetist, and Tom plays the drum and I am going to accompany them. Then we have arranged theatricals. You will simply die when you se« them, and Mrs. Coleman has this little stage where she is going to run off a side show of her own. Oh, yes, and the twins are going to have a little dance. Walt till you see that." Helen exclaimed over everything. "Tell me who else is going to be here." she said. "We are having tlie guests from among three families," Mrs. Bell ex plained. "You and Mr. Curtis and Miss Knowles are our only guests. Of course, we expected 'Carp,' but he isn't coming." "I just love the way you do things," aaid Helen enthusiasti cally. "Well, I always think that the secret of a good time Is not. fussing ] too much with entertaining. Now, we haven't a thing regularly planned: most, of K. we make up on I the spur of the moment. And as PLAN IX>U BIG DEBATE Plans are maturing for the big in ' terscholastic debate that take place some time in the early Spring between all the high schools in this and other parts of the state. The Chamber of Commerce has appointed a committee, of which William H. Bennetlium, Jr., Is chairman, to take action, and this committee will shortly report on the matter. TO OBSERVE ST. JOHN'S BAY The annual celebration and observ ance of St.'John's day will talte place among the members of the Masonic orc'or in this city on the 2 7th of this month, next Monday. The program will be announced later In the week. HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH for the refreshments, they are very simple just sandwiches, and hot coffee, and cider, and nuts, and pumpkin pie, and candles. We de pend upon our own selves for the fun we get. "That's just It, and you always have the fun," said Helen. "I do want Mr. Curtis to see this place. Where Is he?" "He went with Tom to meet Miss Knowles. We have an awfully nice boy coming down on the same train with her; perhaps Tom will bring him up, too." "We ought to have a wonderful time." "And we will. I wonder . where Grace is all this time. I'll bet you she is up in the kitchen making sandwiches. She has worked much harder than I have." "What a fib," called a laughing voice as Helen and Mrs. Bell emerged from the basement. "I fooled you, too: the sandwiches are all made, and I am trying to start a fire." "Jjet me help," said Helen eagerly, and they all went to work and soon had the logs cracking gaily. "I should love to live down here near you all," said Helen wistfully. "Why don't you come and take the bungalow next door?" said Mrs. Bell. "It's fbr sale." "I wish we could, but Mr. Curtis would never commute, he simply hates the Idea." An auto appeared and several new arrivals jumped gaily out, among them Frances, who ran Into the house and threw her arms around Helen. "It seems so good to see you, dear," she, said excitedly, and then, "O, Bab, you had better go out and speak to Mr. Parmelee; ne came up in the machine with me." "I'm crazy about your story, dear," said Helen, holding her off proudly. "Louise and I both take the Scroll faithfully. And I was so sorry to hear from Bab that 'Carp' isn't com ing down. Frances laughed lightly. "Yes, it was a shame; I never knew until Mr. Bell told me coming up in the car." "I wanted to know him better. Really, Frances, I believe you care for him." "All the women do," said Frances gaily. "And then, Helen, you know me of old. I am frightfully fickle, you know. You'd better not try to make any matches for me; they're sure to fall through." Frances spoke with a hard little note in her voice that did not de ceive Helen. The girl was more dis appointed than she cared to admit. (Another incident in tills interesting series will api>cnr here .soon.) SAILORCOSTUME FOR YOUNG BOYS Flannels or Serge in a Com bination of Blue and White Preferred By MAY MANTON 8801 (With Busting Line and Added Seam Allowance ) Boy's Sailor Suit, 6 to 12 years. Boys always like the costume that sug gests the sailor. Here is a suit made after the genuine model, with trousers that com bine a close fitting body portion with legs that widen at the ankles and with a blouse ! that can be worn either over or under the trousers. The blouse also can be made §lain or overfaced to give a yoke effect, uits of this kind are much liked made j of white flannel and white serge and of blue flannel and blue serge for the cool weather and of white and blue washable materials for the warmer weather and for I the younger children. The pattern gives both the casting line and seams and the directions are so simplified that the home maker will find no possible difficulties. The trousers are closed at the sides and are laced together over an inserted piece . or puff, at the back, after the manner of' the real middy costumes. The blouse is drawn on over the head and there is a slight opening beneath the tie. The shield when used, is buttoned into place beneath the collar. The sleeves are tucked at their lower edges and are finished with overfacings. For the 8 year size will be needed, 4H ydß. of material 27 in. wide, fix yds. 36, 3% yds. 44, with bj yd. 27 in. wide for the collar and H yd. for the shield arid front facings, 4 yds. of white braid. The pattern No. 8801 is cut in sizes from 6to 12 years. It will be mailed to any address by the Fashion Department ei Jus paper, oa receipt of ten cents. AGENCY. BESSIE E. POORMAN. 222 I»cust Street. WOMAN FRACTURES ARM Special to The Telegraph Dillsburgr. Pa., Dec. 2. —Miss Eliza Zinn. who lives with Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Gross, of Gettysburß street, on Sat urday fell and broke her left arm two inches above the wrist. Red Cross Christmas Seals pay car fare to the sanitoria for those too i>oor to pay their own way.—Adver tisement. THE STORE I | Thousand Practical, Useful Christmas Gifts | ? PAST aside your thoughts of unpractical Gifts th J s season—resolve to buy *• \ those things which you actually need. Let us make this wise suggestion .« (• —Clothe yourself, your wife or your family! They will be happier and better '# f. enjoy the Christmas Holidays. People who actually need their savings for .% £ Christmas will appreciate our liberal and broad plan for getting clothes a'# f. small payment down and the remainder after January 1, in small payments will .« ► give you everything you want. Come in today and let us talk it over. I Xmas Xmas 3 | Suit jfc Coats K FUR TRIMMED I \ jrl I In plush, velvet, plaids, 5 E \\ mixtures, Zibeline, chin- S \ FUR TRIMMED chilla, corduroy, the larg- J k / Jffl I ■ est selection in the city. M | Especially for the J / ffl \\ a si a a £. Xmas shoppers, Suits in YJ y I \ AA A % | all sizes and colors. Don't //j i |f|f « I miss this opportunity. /// / I V*"®"" M \m*y{ dm I K Say Charge it. Pay liater * Open a Charge Account A' I Xmas Girls' Xmas f \ FURS new e Su h U B O y ver- COATS t I 1 UIVU coat or Mackinaw r\ A U % » Give furs for Xmas. f or Xmas Big Don't neglect the little # j?. We have the new melon stock to select girls, give them a pretty A I' shape muff in FOX, from. Prices, coat for Xmas. The one & 9 COON,MINK, SKUNK, best gift of all - % \ Srn $4.00t0510.001 \ New Skirts, Dresses, Waists, Sweaters, Etc. 1 | Men's and Young Men's J | Suits <§> Overcoats | | Give to grandfather, From the W ° rd B°r 8 ° r *'' I father or son, a stylish /|i p•/ L \ we are always in the \ \ suit for Xnm. f\ 1 front with the lar B est i'' I __ , , f and best overcoat :] t We have them- IAV selection in the city.,, I hand tailored in Eilg- / ¥ j" lish double breasted or Loose fitting, form ?: conservative styles. fitting or conservative : Jf. f You must be com- * J3f A\ 1 st V les ' also a complete a fortably dressed to mm selection of Mackinaw # j? enjoy a merry Xmas. B| \ Coats. m | $lO, sls, $lO, sls,| I sl7, S2O, 'V I sl7, S2O, | I $22.50,525 M $22.50,525 j H A Charge Account Here Will Give You the Happiest Christmas | You no doubt have many small articles to buy for Xmas and also want something nice I j * in clothing for yourself or some member of your family. » ' f. A charge account here will make it possible for you to remember all of your friends. « If Use your money for the small articles, buy your clothes here and pay after Xmas. g f Make your selection here today, Say—Charge it, pay SI.OO A WEEK OR $4.00 A & i MONTH. % We will credit you for any amount. i COLLINS CO. I i ,he Bi " 29 N. St ♦4lll ♦♦«»♦♦♦»♦♦♦♦♦♦ »»»♦♦♦<♦»< IHIIII «♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦»♦♦♦»« Pretty Teeth Add to tlie Natural Beauty of All Faces EEBWP~C If your teeth are in want of any attention, call and hare them ex- •> • < >< 1 amlned, which Is FREE OF CHARGE. • • T 111 1 |A I guarantee BIT work to be of the rery beat, both In material and '' T 1 " ' Hip workmanship, which It is possible to give my patients. My 18 years of 11 !!! ' £ * constant practice and study have given me the experience which each and ~ JL ; f "#Y WWrir every dentist must have In order to do satisfactory work. Ido my work • >4- <" 1 fitfßvi absolutely painless. My anlntwits are dentists, who have had a vast 11 T '" ■ fnßSi' J' - tBMr amount of experience, and therefore are able to render the very best of '' J <"> Wsr services. My office is equipped with all the modern appliances In order to J J ; || | do painless dentistry* < > X < •• • Office open daily 8:80 a. m. to • p. BUS Men., Wed. and Sat. tUI • | ]|| | i|p * p. m. Closed on Sundays. Bell phone, 8822-R. ~j. DR PHILLIPS, P«al« M Dentist i;i :::: 33C Market Street, jf "DECEMBER 21, 1915. 13