Last JLap of Christmas ( | INTEREST GROWS IN ORGANIZATION Property Owners, Businessmen and Residents Booming Up town Merchant's Association Interest In the formation of an Up town Merchants' Association is in creasing on all sides, as the business men, property owners and residents | ' ( T*K ALU RI6HTI IS I - ■ JK I 9ID I T? Cj Belt Sets 250 to SI.OO : for v*• w U IT PAYS TO BUY UPTOWN CHOSKN HEAD NURSE Special to The Telegraph Columbia, Pa., Dec. 17. —Miss Rosa Witt has been chosen as head nurse of the hospital. She is a graduate of the training school of the hospital and was until recently a nurse in the hospital at Great Bend, Kan. DECEMBER 17, 1915. JUDGE'S NEW COMMISSION Special to The Telegraph Waynesboro, Pa., Deo. 17. Judge GUlan's commission for his second term of ten years, beginning the first Monday in January, arrived yester day from the State Department. 23 Masquerade Dance For Keystone Motorcyclists The annual masquerade dance o) the Keystone Motorcycle Club, held last night was a big success. The members and guests fllled the hall at Third and Cumberland streets. Prizes were awarded to Charles Sellers, Mrs. Vincent, Miss Elizabeth King and Harry Beisel. Refreshments were served during the intermission. Among those present were: Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Urich and daughter; Mr. and Mrs. James Harbolt, F. Sene seme, Edward Vincent and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Uhler, T. Cless, Mrs. Ritter, V. Zimmerman, Elmer Yost, H. C. Hummel, M. Ritchey, Walter Holt, Miss Ruth Seiner, Miss Anna Parson, Mr. and Mrs. Ike Shriver, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Nowell, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Ryan, M. Campbell, James Don eley, Claude Baskins, Charles Earlv, Earl King, Miss Bertha Bertsfleld, Marlin Miller, Lester Miller, Albert Noffsinger, Miss Vera Hustler, R. V. r . Heagy, Maurice Smtley, Miss McGar rey. BAKER-SHANK WEDDING Waynesboro, Pa., Dec. 17. Ralph E. Baker, living along the Leiters burg pike, south of town, and Miss Rlioda M. Shank, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Simon Shank, near Sal«m church, were united in marriage yes terday afternoon at Trinity Reformed parsonage. The bride's pastor, the Rev. Dr. P. F. Bahner, officiated. J % The Gift For One Enjoyed By All THE prevailing spirit of Christmas giving this sea soil seems to be, not of useless trinkets, but rather of tliat which is best adapted to convey the message of good cheer and well wishes. What, then, is more appropriate for the very dear relative or intimate friend tliiin something which instead of being used for a day and cast aside, is brought Into daily use and with it, the com fort and pleasure of the properly furnished home? Below we've mentioned just a Tew of the many Holiday Furni ture Specials to be found in our showrooms—all good seasonable pieces especially appropriate as gifts. And the fact that we are located away from the high-rent district enables us to save you considerable on your Christmas purchases. On the other hand. If there's any question of finances, our slogan "Cash or Credit— ji Pay the Handler Way" opens the door tc a ilqppicr Christinas for you and those near and dear to you. LADIES' WRITING DESKS— Beautiful designs in Goldcu Oak, Mahogany or Fumed Ouk. Per haps a writing desk is exactly what she wants, most of all. The accompanying illustration shows one or two or the models, but naturally, the delightful fin ish and grain effects are lost In engraving. We've a large as sortment from which ro choose and if you've the slightest doubt as to wliat she'd appreciate most, then by all means consider a writing desk. We have them priced at .$5 and up HAHOGANY MUSIC CABINETS —Just the thing for that vacant place In-side the piano. The music racks are so arranged tliat the music is always easily accessible. Above Illustration shows Cabinet with door O|K>H — a most handsome and service able addition to any musical liome. Wo have them, priced from / $lO up to S2O DRESSING TABLES—in Oak, Mahogany or Bird's-eye Maple, al! with large French plate, l»evel edge, oval mirors. A use ful and extremelj omi«"-o"Md piece of furniture that will add distinction to most any bedroom —a gift of which you may justlj feel proud. Permit us to show them to you—you'll agree with what we've said. Priced at $7.75 and up Tpß-HANDLERIj 1 FURNITURE jj?I2N.THiRD STREET] j *