■r j ippetite will # >it b Sealdsweet kind, gd I Jr Persons with deli ! \ \f cate stomachs will ' ' find this food-drink fruit pleasing \J strength-giving. j i ! I Grapefruit is [ Tl Good for the \ Brain-Worker \ Sealdsweet grapefruit V j/r supply energy for both KZ/[ young and old. The juice [J m a one is in } itself a breakfast for a jj ixf jrnji i illljl brain-worker. Tree-ripened Hll I'lil g ra P e fruit are a delicious tonic for jaded nerves; they i*< UF ••"' •' are both meat and drink; they keep the muscles tingling and the eyes gleaming. The Choicest from Florida's Citrus Groves Sealdsweet oranges are the choicest The Sealdsweet brand is on the and most select grown in Florida's boxes and wrappers. Your dealer famous groves. Sealdsweet is the can supply you if you urge him. trademark of and grape- Booklet telling how to serve oranges fruit produced and shipped by the and grapefruit and containing Florida Citrus Exchange. recipes mailed to any address free. Florida Citrus Exchange 628 Ciikens Bank Bidg., Tampa, Fia. Bfr/ / mSmi I lM I Intkeßnlmy San Antonio. Southwest """Texas Winter vacations spent in the resorts of LOUISIANA and TEXAS pay dividends in health, strength, pleasure, and renewed vitality. Splendid opportunities for the homeseeker and investor. , . , ... lour logical route is via Southern Pacific-Sunset Route The Way of the Sunset Limited NEW ORLEANS LOS ANGELES SAN DIECO SAN FRANCISCO Stop-ow privDeges in New Orleans and citie* of Southwest. lu-ni.ial Street I'luiur Walnut. 131 INiilinlrlpliia. I'n. JEmLRY olis AT OINE-THIRD LESS FOR over forty years this store lias been patron ized by those who have sought expert jewelry -crviee and the lowest possible prices in Watches. Diamonds, Rings, Silverware and Jewelry of reliable quality. Our many years of experience qualifies us to select the best values and our location "around the corner from the high-rent district" permits us to sell them for less than would be possible other wise. Our assortment is large and our guarantee goes with every article. It means money in your pocket and the satisfaction of knowing that your gift will meet with approval, regardless of whether you select the modest or more elaborate. Open Every Evening Until Christmas Wm. Plack EXPERT IN JEWELRY 23 S. Second St. Try Telegraph Want Ads ~ ***** 4-« ■ ■ -- * -•• - ■ ■- • • • . ' •• -•- - • # • ■ ■ . '< • +l'**.: '': : . ; - . FRIDAY EVENING, HARRISBURG *&&&& TELEGRAPH DECEMBER 10, 1915 "Their Married Life Co»»vrlght by International Xcws Sfrrica Helen dressed with unusual core and tied on her face veil with a glance of approval In the mirror. She was going down to Warren's office, her mind was made up on that score, and although she had no of what she was going to do and how she was going to act, she had determined to meet Miss Evans face to face. She had her excuse safely tucked away In her head. Warren had for gotten to leave her money to pay her bills. Whether Warren liked It or not, the best cards were in her own hands, and she would use them to the best ad vantage. She hurried along after leaving the subway and entered the office build ing. The elevator left her at AVar ron's floor and she opened the door of his office. Warren looked up from his desk. A Monde young woman sat at the typwrlter and she looked up also as Helen entered. Warren rose hur riedly. "Don't get up, dear." said Helen, breezily conscious that she looked her best, and then quite audibly. "Did you forget to leave my money?" "Guess I must have. Did you need it to-day?" "Why, surely, because I came down for it." She paused and looked side ways at the stehographer. "Do you want bills?" queried War ren. "Ves. please; 1 am going shopping this morning." Warren was about to walk over to the safe when Helen said sweely: •Js this Miss Evans, dear?" There was silence for a moment, and the girl looked up from her work, let- cheeks were flushed, a simple lit t e blue dress open at the throat, her wonderful hair gathered up on top of her head. She was too artificial looking, but then men never discrimi nated, thought Helen to herself. Helen Takes the War to the Enemy's Camp "Are you a stranger here in the city?" she continued. "Ves. I am," the girl said, after a minute's pause. "Well, it doesn't take long to make friends, does it? Didn't I see you at, the Giltmore having tea last week? II knftw Mr. funis recognised you* Where is you home, Miss Evans?" The girl hesitated. "We did come, from the South," she said, finally. "But we are scattered all around now." I "My husband has told be all about I you, and you must let me do anything TESTING WOl I.D-KK SEVGERS A device has just been perfected in the psychological laboratories of the University of lowa by which any as-1 pirant for musical honors may deter mine the extent of his powers with scientific exactitude. The device consists of a delicate tuning fork and a miniature tele phone. The full musical note is di-j vided into fifty-two parts, and by; means of the telephone, the director of j tile department can ascertain just how! susceptible the pupil is to minute I graduations of sound. The test does j not require, singing of * note, or; the use of any musical instrument. \ but it makes possible the filling out of; a chart which indicates absolutely the i musical susceptibility of the student. | bad complexion your handicap? Many an otherwise attractive girl is a social failure because of a poor complexion. If your skin is not naturally fresh, smooth and glow ing, or has suffered from an unwise use of cosmetics, Resinol Soap will clear it easily, in a normal, healthy way. Simply use Resinol Soap regu larly once or twice a day, and you will be astonished how quickly the j healing, antiseptic Resinol medica- I tion soothes and cleanses the pores, removes pimples and blackheads, I and leaves the complexion clear, | fresh and velvety. When the skin is in a very neglected condi tion, spread on just a little Resinol Ointment for ten or fifteen minutes before using Resinol Soap. Resinol Soap is sold by all druggist*. For a trial size cake, write to l)ept. 9-I', Res- ! inol, Baltimore, Md. When Itching Stops There is one safe, dependable treat ment that relieves itching torture in-i stantly and that cleanses and soothes the skin. Ask any druggist for a 25c bottle of zemo and apply it as directed. Soon you will find that pimples, black heads, eczema, ringworm and similar skin troubles will disappear. A little zcmoi the pentrating, satis fying liquid, is all that is needed, for it banishes all skin eruptions and makes the skin soft, smooth and healthy: . Zemo, Cleveland. LEG SUPPORTS # VARICOSK VEINS. ILCKRS, W«mk Ankle*. Swollen Le««. «*». are etemli supported / b5 ? \ BT THBI ÜBr of the j *] Corliu Laced Stacking S h F f SANITART .. th.y mar b. » I ■ ffl waahed or boned. • \H / ? V 5/ tr l!.:/ °r two for the itm limb, »5, I !| poatpald. Call and be nirss- S( I M nr«l fre*. or write for aelf ■ i 'it >r.«a»urenient Bluk No 34. Aft L Honrs Sto 5 dallr. »to «. ' / ?<*■*• Cwliss Uak Specialty C*. Hred Bids.. Fhoiw.Wal. Ml " JJII-tS-l* Filbert St.,rt>lta.,l'», I can to help you. I was talking of your case only yesterday to a friend. Do you like your present work?" "Yes. I do." said the girl. The girl sat silent, and Helen turn ed again to Warren. "Well, dear. I am waiting for the money. Oh, Miss Evans." she said, turning as though it had just occurred to her, "you mustn't let that affair of the other evening make you unhappy. I hope you found your mother better?" she asked sweetly. Warren was at the safe and turned as though to expostulate with Helen. Helen did not see him, however. "Wasn't it your mother? Oh. my mistake. Of course, Mr. Curtis was glad to do what he could for you. and so was I. You must help 'me to cor rect any unpleasant rumors that you happen to hear. You know how they will spread." "Here's your money," said Warren, coming over and interrupting the con versation. His brow was as black as a thunder cloud, and he handed the bills out with a shaking hand. Helen felt inwardly exalted, and her usual timidity seemed underneath for the time. She Follows l'p Her Advantage. "Warren," she said playfully, touch ing him on the arm with the tips of her gloved fingers, "you must do everything you can for Miss Evans. She is in a rather questionable posi tion just at present. And don't let 'any of those horrid men make her un comfortable. That is the penalty for being so pretty, Miss Evans," she said, turning back to the girl. "If you get tired of office work, why don't you try moving pictures?" The girl looked up as though to say something, but her eyes fell before Helen's. Helen felt as though she could not humiliate her enough before Warren. She turned her gaze on Warren and the words on his lips died away. I "Where shall 1 meet you, dear, at j Mauley's? All right, 12.50 sharp, trood-by," and Helen reached up and planted a kiss on the tip of his nose. Then she swept out with a nod to Miss Evans. Her cheeks were on fire and she quaked inwardly, but she hadn't been so happy in four days. Warren would see that she had some pride, even if he happened to be furious at what she had done. (Tlic next instalment of this inlcr esting narrative will appear here soon.) A FASHIONABLE COAT OF CORDUROY The Pattern for this Design Be sides Allowing for All Seams, Gives the True Basting Line and shows Diagrams for Cutti.* a ' and Making. By MAY MANTON 8865 (With Basting Lint and Added Seam Allowance) Girl's Coat, 8 to 14 Corduroy is being much used for girls' coats this season. It is always an at tractive material and just now, it is shown in some very beautiful two-toned effects as well as in the plain colors. This model is such a simple one that any mother can undertake it without hesi tancy, yet the lines are the smartest possible. The yoke fits smoothly, below the voke the coat is plaited, while the belt holds it in place. Here, the collar is fur and fur seems to be the accepted finish, but there are other possible materials. On the corduroy, broadcloth would be handsome and if the coat were made of broadcloth, velvet would make a handsome trimming and the list of avail able _ cloaking materials for the girls' use is a very long one. Velveteen is being much used and velvet is of course desirable for the handsomer coat and the satin cloths are very lovely and all the velvet finishfed\ wools are in vogue. The pattern gives both the seants and the basting line, therefore, it is impos sible to lose the outline, and it is the easiest thing in the world to cut out and to sew up. For the 12 year size will be needed, ♦ yds. of material 36 in. wide, 3% yds. 44, 3 yds. 54 in. wide. The pattern 8865 is cut in sizes from 8 to 14 years of age. It will be mailed to any address by the Fashion Department •f this paper, on receipt of ten cents. AGENCY. BESSIE E. POORMAN, 222 Locust Street. ENDEAVOR SOCIETY ELECTS New Cumberland, Pa., Dec. 10. The Senior Christian Endeavor So ciety or Trinity United Brethren church held an election of officers at the home of W. W. Zimmerman on Geary avenue, with this result: Presi dent, Harry B. Prowell; vice-presi dent, W. B. Perigo: secretary, Miss Helen I>echthaler; corresponding sec retary, W. w. Zimmerman; treasurer, E. D. Mathias; pianist, Elizabeth Smaling; chorister, Mrs. W. A. Cooii erly; Junior Christian Endeavor su perintendent*, C. E. Pertgor, Marcella Urich and Mrs. Kate Snyder. I JWJHT jMi l L. I I QaSIQID f I WJJK " , IJ r OU ought to try our plan—it's the one sure way. I J[ to have the clothes you need, and it's the "EASY WAY" to be dressed in stylish clothes. You ought to open an account here; it enables you to have the clothes when you want them and when (rjßr they will do you the most good. :: :: M \ A Little Each Pay Day Pays the Bill / I \ Let us show you our wonderful assortment of Coats from the / | I \ leading New York Coat Makers. All the newest / | I \ materials and styles, with fur trimming. UjJ SIO.OO to $40.00 I fJffIWBM y° u a Suit wo will show you some excellent | values. Latest styles, newest materials, fur trimmed. TTT $12.50 to $35.00 1 v WAISTS SKIRTS MILLINERY Stylish Ciothes-Rightly Priced I Frankly, we do not remember having gathered r so smart an exhibit before as this great Fall and 4^ Winter line represents and after you see it you itlX will agree with us. Our clothes are different from the ordinary run—here you can select the JKwswh model most suited to your personality, you /J; I can keep withih the limits of your purse, yet ,f& \ i secure garments that are tip-top in fashion and \t IJ&ZM service. Come in and prove it. :: :: yffl Men's Suits SIO.OO to $25.00 JJ fflla fjdjjjj Men's Overcoats 8.00 to 20.00 tf J Men's Hats 1.50 to 2.00 mi j ■t jlk\ Men's Trousers 3.00 to 4.00 MSI Boys' Suits 3.00 to 6.00 H ijjj| / ■ Boys' Overcoats 2.50 to 6.00' jj 36 N. Second st. Cor. Wainut Harrisburg, Pa. DR. XEAIUNC; TO I.EOTIHI Special to The Telegraph Meclianicsburg, Pa., Dec. 10.— Dr. Scott Nearing will deliver a lecture to morrow in Columbia Hall, Irving Col lege, under the auspices ol' the Maga zine Club of the institution, entitled, "The Kingdom of Man." Dr. Kearing was formerly an instructor in the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania, and recently has been elected teacher of social science in the Toledo University. He is a mem ber of the Chautauqua Summer School at Chautauqua, N. Y„ and a lecturer of note. ' S KEGULATING THE PHONOG R API I S VOICT An instrument has recently been patented which is remarkably efficient in clarifying the tone and increasing the volume of sound of the phono graph. It consists of a thin celluloid icomposition disc which is attached to the needle. It not only increases the volume ten-fold, bjt preserves the purity of tone by its vibratory action. The disc does not. touch the record, but rides about a quarter of an inch above it, with the needle inserted through a central hole. Although de signed lirst for the steel needle, the dis<- can also be used with the fiber needle, and patents arc applied for, covering its means of adjustment to j several classes of phonographs. Offer to One Person in Each Family Enclose 10<* in stamps or coin, to I y cost of packing- anil mailing, and wc will send you a regular 25c bottle of Linoniiie to try. Write name and street number distinctly and address, Kerr Chemical Co., Daubury, Conn. \ Hacking Coughs Bronchitis And all forms of throat and lung complaints yieltj to Lino nine, which is MUCH more than a mere cure for colds—it goes deep and does great good to the entire system, building up the body in strength and restoring vitality. Linonine takes effect at once, removing the cause, bring ing health to replace disease All druKK'iate or by mail—26c, 50c, fl. 6Pairsfor I 4Paitsforfl Guaranteed I - Pure Jap'-JB 6 Months s|| | aneseSitk I QOCKS that give HS | QILK hose add satisfaction— \m 14 D the fina i touch long wearing MBI , . tothe well-dressed M snug fitting and 4SS& vf man . Wove n of smart looking. / ; rich, lustrous J apa- An economy to J ; nese s iJk. Manhattan buy-and the longer you / Socks are exceedingly wear then:, the mote you I ;rtyliah - n nd they give excel real ize tlx; wisdom of your . , Wl service. Why pay 50c. purchase. If you wear a (A t a pair for rilk ho^when ssmascj 34 and get new ones for oOc. quality m these Man them absolutely free. v-X— vj hattan hose for 25c. a pair. It's usually difficult to select a Christmas present for a man— Remember that socks are always acceptable—and a useful gift too. Sold exclusively in Newark Shoe Stores everywhere— NEWARK SHOF. STORES COMPANY lIARRISBURG STORE 315 MARKET STREET, Near Dewberry Other \eunrk Stores >earl>jr s York, Reading:, Altoona, It ultimo re, Laucaiter. "Open Saturday niftlits nntll 10.30 o'clock to accommodate oar diatonic™." Mail Order* Filled hy Parcels Post. 157 Stores in 97 Cities CLIP THIS COUPON FOR The American Government AND The Panama Canal BT FREDERIC J. HA9KIK The Books That Show Uncle Sam at Work. The Harrisburg Telegraph HOW TO QET THESE TWO BOOKS FOR iS CENTS—Out out this coupon, present It at. our office with 98 cents, to cover the cost of production and distribution, and the eet is yours. Fif teen cents extra by mall. SOME FACTS ABOUT THESE BOOKS—Both are the same ■lie and bound exactly alike In heavy cloth. Each has about 400 pages printed on fine book paper. Both are profusely Illus trated wltn official etchings, drawings and maps. OUR GUARANTEE—This la not a money-making propo sition. We are distributing these patriotic books at cost solely because of their educational merit. 21