Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, December 07, 1915, Page 5, Image 5
!A(V)UeSeM6DT6I SPLENDID ACTING IN 'THE OUTCAST' .Jeanne Eagels in Leading Kolc, ii ntl Capable Cast Please Orpheum Patrons '•There's no true woman's life to be found outside of marriage." So said Jpanne Easels, who played the leading i;ole in thr "Outcast" before a small, but appreciative audience at the Orpheum last evening:. As Miriam, the isrlrl who lintl once been cultured and retined, a happy and devoted young mother, driven through desertion to the basest depths, AHSM Kagels was superb. Frojn ihe minute she appeared on the stage in the tlrsi act, the audience was with her and were carried along through out the entire performance by her win .-ome portrayal of the part. Her emo tion. never exceeding moderate bounds, but tense in its fulness of self-expres sion. lent an enchantment to a rather sordid part that by her acting was lift ■ d f:>r above tlie least taint of sordid iKts. By tho very nature of the play, it could have been so acted as to be re volt ing but Miss Kagels and Harold \Yc»t. as Geoffrey, her lover, supported l'\ a capable cast, left no possible open ins for criticism from the most fastidi ous. The pathos of the leading lady's l po sition, so realistically expressed that it made it rather hard for some of the audience to maintain their composure, intermingled with the love strain which colored every bit of the actiiiK of the two leading characters, kept the audi ence on edge for tho beginning of each succeeding: act. Uarrishurg lias not for a long time enjoyed a more finished ietress than Miss Kagels, whose efforts last evening, if not adequately recog nized, at least won the hearts of the fprtunate ones who elected to break away from the movies for an evening. MAX ROBERTSON. ANDREW MACK Andrew Mack, the famous Irish comedian singer, will present his new liluy, "The Irish Dragoon," at the Or pheum next Saturday, matinee and night,—Advertisement. OHPHEHI Thursday, matinee ami night. Decem ber o—"Follies of Pleasure." i Bur lesque). Friday night, December 10—Wrestling Matches. Saturday, matinee and night, December 11—Andrew Mack in "The lrisii 1 >ragoon." Wednesday night. December 15—Ruth St. Denis, assisted by. Ted Shawn and a company of American and East Hindu Dancers. W HESTMM; MATCHES .lack Ozar, the middleweight cham pion wr. .-th r of the I'nited States, who next Friday evening meets Mort Hen derson at the OrpheUm Theater for the liest out of three falls, claims the repu tation of never having been thrown by any man. Ozar never yet lias met such .'i man as Henderson, however, and the claim of Henderson, that he will throw ozar twice in one hour, may be sub stantiated.—Advertisement. AT THE MAJESTIC No one who attended the Majestic Theater yesterday afternoon could he convinced that this country is going to suffer from a famine In toys. Loads of pretty toys were in evidence, some of them live toys, but most of them nice playthings that these human toys distributed to the little Majestic pa trons. The toys are given out to Young Harrlsburg at each matinee during the tirst three days of the week by the Ut ile members of the company that c.om prise Jesse It Easky's "Toylanders." •lames Reynolds, a popular singing comedian, has a line of clever and bright gags; Gertrude Dong, a winsome singing comedienne, presents a vocal turn that is easily the most novel of !he season. Frank Carmen lias some thing new each time around as an ex pert hooo roller, and then there's one or two others of almost equal import ance that complete the bill.— Advertise ment. AT THE COI.OMAI. A story of love and war eharacterlz < a by the quaint German atmosphere f university, court and palace was pre sented for the tirst time at the Colonial Theater yesterday, and it is only fair to say that no Trjangle play has been • xhibited there that surpassed, if ••lualed, this newest, of Mr. Griffith's triumphs. "Old Heidelberg" is its title tin its beautiful narrative is told b.v a list inguished cast beaded by Dorothy t.ish, Wallare Reld. Karl Formes, Ray mond Wells, J. W. McDermott and Eric von StroKlem. Among the striking Deafness Cannot bj local application*, m thoj* cannot ; •tlsruH'd portion of tbo ''a:-. There Is o:il.. w II y to cure dvnfij»v»n. mid thai Is by coiittiiiu • 1 remedies Deafnettft i# caused by LII iuflai « .million ' f the ißucotti lining of the Kuatachi Tube. When thin tube 1h Inflamed you linre r-imbllug sound t.r Imperfect hearing, and wt' It 1* entirely .closed lieafntaa U the result, pi unless tho tnflanimation run b*» taken out au this tnb« restored to Its normal condition, heai lug will be destroyed forever: nine cam out o it'W are caused h/ t'atarrh. which Is nothing but an Inflamed condition of the mneona surfaces. V'e will Rive tine Hundred Dollars for any case of I>enfnos>« (caused by catarrh) that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for clrca . >r9, free. F. J. "CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. Fold by Druggists. 7S*\ Take Halls Fa mil*" conatlnutlon. TELEGRAPH WANT AD WILL SELL THAT AUTO * TUESDAY EVENING, i Thousands Saving Money at Kaufmans Xmas Economy Carnival The Gift he —HI v -3: u !i Like ,..' «I u :r;«rr~« ; Christmas Gift. Purchases I wT • LAkNIVAL \V Hprft Dl?Mon6Y* a Suspender Set 21c «i» amounting to a dollar here a' jfit *• " Eg v O J A Combination Set.. .2lc to «8c | WtfmWwfL Saving Inducements For Wednesday choppers ' I BBBIX fj:Z, v. A Suit of Pajamas. .»8f to $1.48 ' 1 month Absolutely"sure Varieties and assortments of practical safe gift suggestions were never better. Prices never lower A Flannelette Night Robe. ."3<i before chrlstmaw. A ' n an y holiday season. Bring your Christmas list to this store to-morrow and save dollars where you An Attractive New Shirt.. »8e up | 'I 'l' 11 1111 II I M"l"l"l 'I i|"|"| I|l |nl |H 1 1 1 1 l"l Wlf 11 1111 II I ttttttt*' • A Good Sweater 91.35 up , A Real Live SANTA CLAUSi: i| TheGreai Eccnc my ( ainival E rings Ikheaidof Bargains | ; Welcomes You to TOYLAND in the;;]; I n Women's and Misses' Winter Suits and Coats || ■ua.Aga.AAi. *»**»»*'*****•"' ~ Iwery new worth-while style produced for this seasons wear at a price you never dreamed <; A shaving Set 49c up I Where thousands of the finest games, dolls and toys are be- ;; j, possible for such beautiful qualities. By all means if you want a suit or coat bargain, come at ;! A $6.00 House Coat f0r...93.»0 I ing sold at the famous Kaufman Underselling Prices. Come, <> .; once. !> Mens Bath Robes sa.»o bring the kiddies with you, let them tell Santa of all their de- ~;; WOMBN>s JIISSKS , „, IART / nt/ nSSSmsrm S2*gS * 2ST'f sires and hopes for Christmas. .. |! Slew »,.yo„ s.itk: «8 75 / ff... 56.75 j KiSU SS, - sL'if Z ' T r t JBI .>.» H_:_ flnrces 48<f' to #9.90 .• ! Christmas Carnival lYirp... ' l>o, ' ° All the newest, most attractive mod- I' Men s Work «,lo\es. «lc and 48«, t Toy Tables from 246 to g1.23 Hair Horses .. 4»jp to jw.wu (> Xl . west colora and sizes f els: a „ sUes . ;! Men's Work Shirts soc , * Dnll Houses to $3.98 Air Rifles ... 4U? to tflw* .. j, / !| Men'a Silk Stripe Shirts.. .91.45 J Pianos 49< to #I.OB Swinging Horses • Wj t 1| gTSS ! *' I Meccano Toys .... #1 to sls #rw..>H to iM.-Hj ;, Carnival Prlc*» SI 1.50 1 i Christmas Carnival Price... w"»OU ~ Mn s Auto Gauntlets. 91.25 up | +ia i i t i«»e tr. «*4 OS Friction Toys .. 49<*t0#1.9.> •» ]j nenutlfni mnHfi. „ oa fi.. n„i u i,„ i V.L/***£}& S Fascinating new models and mate- J, Mens Mocha Gloves, »Bc, 81.18 Tov Store ... 98* to #.1.49 :: i • al»^rrinT^ neatb \ riais, in a wide variety; ail colors and Jj Men's Flannel Shirts. «c t 81.15 , t Building Blocks, «4* to lo.i . tore oV tn oa,. „ /JcTt/A I I \V®Hik 11 Men's Silk Four-in-Hand Ties I Med ' a " ki " T °?% u to *,.98 WheeSrow,; Wt» «.«« •• j Wff X\ I " l I Hobby Horses. ft i°o keo Iron Toys . .4, to •!.£ jj <— I\\ TX'XZ | f r rov Tea Sets, 24* to #2.98 Soldiers Sets, 24* to »!.»»., the latest models; extra sizes 37 to 5 sJM f \ \ \ AK X r |! ' LA. T-T' . T i ♦ Good Drums .. 24* to #1.23 Toy Books 10* to 49* "j. WOVFVs r, n , NVR , A- \ X v WOMEN'S AND MISSI;S- NKWKST 11 VJltt llints lO I Teddv Bears .. 40<» to #3.98 Paint Boxes 24* to 98* ;; , 9.0 srn \i A 4i Ilk, ?T' V "? ""7™ ™* TS; $17.50 *\ D 1 1-J i The Best Sleds, 49* to #2.98 Erector Toys. #I.OO to #25 .. !j Christmas Carnival W\\^W„* ■ novJK ii Please Her ( a It „ e j .' Broadcloths and Poplins Jt lAT7\ |\ mixtures with bl»? fur collar. Splendid 1 ! , ~ I Tit i m..1nl ili.l..|ii|..|'|--» | l"M l l"l"l"l"l"l"l"l"l"l">"*"H" t "^" t '*'' , " > ' I "''' t TTtTTiTTTf fur and braid trimmed models, in all /I\VO A > variety of newest colors, in this sea- !> Leatherette Washable Gloves I '» * latest styles, colors and sizes. \ JJ son's choicest new models; all sizes. 69c to 91.00 K 11 Kid Gloves, all colors 9 Men! Save a Five Spot and More on a i; More of Those Magnificent Plush Coat Values at j! Boudoir c *p» °f "" # Stvlish New SUIT OR OVERCOAT | Astonishingly Low Economy Carnival Prices 111 o.iTch I Ruff8 ol ! a^.'. a;l< ' 's.v'up I ( " . . . » |> These ultra-fashionable bl« wide full flare Mts and semi-belt effects so popular this season. .Made '! Marabou Chin Chin Collar f The Great Christmas Carnival brings (> of genuine Salt's Sealette and Plush with Chin Chin fur collar: all sizes. !> l» c to $-1.05 % 'l vou that opportunity. Why pay more j! SALT'S KSQUIMETTE PLUSH . SALT'S ESQCIMKTTK AXI> . SALT'S Guaranteed SEALETTE j! New Wool Scarfs .. 18c to 91.45 C y , . ~ |! COATS, worth 922.50; Christmas I SEALETTE PLUSH COATS, I I'LUSH COATS, worth to 935 00 • 1 ! Pretty Silk Scarfs . ,98c to 91.05 J elsewhere when we actually save you ~ Carnival I worth to 925.00; 41Q 7K I Christinas ikOA *7IS >' Beautiful Silk Underwear K that much and more on this season's ;[ IVI.-.- 0)10,30 1 Camlval Price.... I Carnival Price jj ®Bc to 92.25 J N » A Pair of Kayser Silk Tlosiery I f \\ 7 newest Styles. See them at once. >Of* lllulUUiH S 95c to $1.15 f ■' • \\" tf>Q *7 r For Actual $13.50 Suits / Lovely New Style s J j , 1 k 9 ® l t ° u »® a 9 . j / *PvS* ■ and Overcoats toi Men and , , - _ g~y. 1T 1 rj a IJ\r Lace or Embroidered Corset ■ /J/ W Young Men A wealth of Good Christmas BABY overs 23c up ) I Efe i r i . a crepe de Chine Corset Covers C Mf M The latest styles of the season perlect- Cilff H tits WITH ONE OF H9 '' »p / I \Vtl if b' tailored and made of materials you 11 VJIIL J. X Ill2> THCCP PTUT UTXTTC Fine Muslin Night Gowns I fan vzt* sca,ring tur tl,c 5,,, a" " rkc SnfotiaraamQwement J 11 \\ (11 7 e For Actual SIB.OO Val- [j SS=S=S= V SBSSSOSSSSm 'kZ it Z I^ome h smfKlmVno' 0 s:s " 9s I ll- *p 11. / o ues in Mens and Young Finr liambWoo , COMKOHTS. S;:.OO LIXEN XAPKIXS. in a lot v • ® sc -P Set of Finp Klir , ,289 to J<s ' 9s S | V \ Men's Winter Suits and Overcoats. covered with^ pretty $ 4 . 9 5 " {o'S ,■, ' v *« »'♦ "P ' 'M 75 up to 940.00 ( [U |\ Buy one for Christmas. All the sea- " 1 ' a dozen 52.00 Kascinatinp Baby S c'aD<« sl «4? UK Box of Fino Handkerchiefs F il l>j srm's latest stvles of best all-wool fabric. MADEIRA EMIIROIDERED FINK ALL LINEN TABLE Knitted Toques .. . .'l9c aiid t«r AO .Qm t* 25c up I ? - Baby Rattle ' file nn 81.95 lo 94.-15 % itfk. R S , | Christmas boxes; Carnival Price mas Carnival <JI flfl Infants' Mittens'."' isp „5 A Box Writing Paper 25c UD i 'jpL B: : ; 0 (I*l/1 7C For Actual $ 22 - 50 Val- $1.69 al,d $2.95 Prioe Infants' Drawer knit' LeKßlntts A Silk Petticoat. .91.05 to 91.89 % iMflk Ijft® 3) 1 / O ues in Men's and Young fo? f y'a |I = Men's Winter Suits and Overcoats. Mcrcertwd TABLE OAMASKS urlnKs; Christmas 1 *7 c In^ a " t «' Embroidered Ktannel , / \m K , in a variety of lovely designs, finf n „,, 1p1 ,, II C Skirts ■„ „„ K. - quality, 64 inches wide; boxed free. — — ting, ill a host of the smartest styles of ■' OQ to cq _ in neat designs and a good quality infants' Kimonos st'f- " P »D 1 ' C T> the season. 29c 59c «rS,' ; SSST.: 'Practical Gifts I . . _ "rice vVrd 1Z /2 C tntants' Flannelette Nighties _ ( t Economy Carnival Brings Prices Way Down Just Arrived —A Lot of ii**!' FINE STRIPE PERCALE v 180 Dp C /-v ri 1 iir* • c •• 1 ». _ for skirts, boys' waists and dresses, ~i' $ Un Boys Winter OUItS and Pretty Cretonne leal designs; Caruival 10 c / N Pair of Good Gloves. 2.-, C and 50c See These For Corking Big Bargains BOUDOIR BOXES 50c Bleached TVRKISII BATH Beautiful Passy Willow Boys'cost^!!^...... 92*50 up C f Boys' WINTER SUITS AND Boys' WINTER SUITS AND (insisting of Glove. Handker- coi red border .ie- ■ siZft Taffeta Blouses, at II B ys' Suit B:j.on I # > OVERCOATS; Aft OVERC OAT S : Worth &'I?£SfTZUrISZ: JUl'-rt..' 39c _ ' K'SSnr | J Worth $4.50.... !t>O.UU up ,0 $6.00. tO QQ «""" """ $2.95 !«.S I % Thr NCUEM KIISMIU «<>le unii at Vcl• O%J la , ~ bath towels and two wash cloths " r w One ol* the New Scarfs 48r ui» R I sars.sss i»e, _.»e. .»oe, -•>< worth up to $4.00. »««<.•,„ i > to 97c a rca i B io..se vaine, A' ?!.Tsu;tV.v.m" s; 1 Newest Hand Tailored NOR- M *" a *° 18 y " r *' " _ If p j? F riftc 0111 of tllc ordinar y for Set of Furs 91.95 to 83.95 1 I FOLK SUITS FOR BOYS; p ea i FRENCH TAMS For More of Those $7.00 rtag ror VJIIXS beauty, style and quality. Boys' Corduroy Pants 19c 1 ( J Worth up QPI Boys and Girls; Vacuum Cleaners for Extraordinary Qualities .AH the latest pastel shades ; I 1 to $12.00 Worth $1 00 4%J C n.o t8x»o Indies 25c and sizes Also a new lot ot f v ( L' Another 10. „t Ivan 1 runk & torn- .>*.9o 25x3« inches 38c Ciepe de Clline. { I I «"?„ r 39c WINTER CAPS r\ a J a sreat gift for your wife; inch" ::::::::::: 86c Crepe, Lace and Net effects Store Opens 8A M 1| iirN up to si'j.oo. wonderful p or Bovs m jtC I ,at ' ;st improvements. :'.«x72 inches 97c All sizes and tlie newest of Closes at 5.30 P. IW, f P w" 1 ""- ' •• v I > —J V i / new stvlves. J'WOMEN'S KID GLOVES q<| ' i 2 p AIR 0 F WOMEN'S /v m* 'I I Fully Worth $1.25 and Up X*l P j WA /^XIl IF,NE SILK HOSIERY II \ r >/nfir if» f\r nnn r<- i,ni r~ nn h./i r inirif rftnnrviw^ —>rr —< — scenes are those showing the turmoil when war is about to be declared, the assemblage of the mobs, the fight be tween angry citizens and troops and in a "cutback" war itself, Impllcable and terrible. Those who admire Griffith's wonderful battle pi 'tures in "The Birth of a Nation" will lind here the same pictorial beauty and dramatic, effective ness.—Advertisement. "A GIRI, or YESTERDAY" TODAY AT THE REGENT Mary Pickford, in "A Girl of Yester day." received the approval of a crowd ed house, yesterday, and the some pro duction will be shown to-day at the Kegent on the Paramount Program. Not only does "Little Mary" make her ' first appearance on the screen as an i aviatrlx. hut this production has the added distinction of introducing to the motion picture public the world-famed aviator, Glenn Martin, who makes his theoretical bow as motion picture player. To-morrow and Thursday Marie Doro. the popular Duncannon girl, who made her 'first appearance in the: movies in "The Morals of Marcus," re turns to the screen in a fanciful ro mance of the Orient, "The White | Pearl," by Edith Barnard Delano, au- ] thor of the recent screen success, ' "flags," in which Mary Pickford ! starred. The love interest of the story | develops from the ties between a young | American of rich parents, who falls in ' love with Nancy, daughter of a skip- I per. Tf you wish to see a truly charm ing and utterly captivating film pro duction, "The white Pearl will pro- BELL-ANS Absolutely Removes Indigestion. One package proves it 25c at all druggists. vide it. Paramount Travel Series will | also be shown on these two days.—Ad vertisement. WARY WILES WINTER IN "F.JIWY OF STORK'S .VEST." AT THE VICTORIA TOO At Our presentation to-day and yester day of this remarkable photoplay taken from the novel of the same name, by J. Breckenridge Ellis, is but another evi dence that this popular theater shows only the highest class of pictures ob tainable. All the pictures lor the Vic toria are now booked by the Stanley Booking Company, who also supply the features for forty-nine other high class theaters throughout the country. I Every Wednesday and Thursday are | Fox feature days at the Victoria, and only first run Fox features are shown. "Emmy of Stork's Nest," a live part photodraraa, unfolds a gripping story of the mountains. Mary Miles Minter, the youthful, captivating young actress, who although not quite 16 years old, already has won laurels enough to satisfy one twice her age, has substan • tially added to them In her charming I portrayal of the very human mountain girl, who is the heroine of the piece. Not since she met with such sweeping success in the title role of "The Littlest i Rebel." in which she starred with Wil ■ 11am and Dustln Farnum, has she had a part so well fitted for her bewitching and entrancing personality. Although t ! this is only the second screen produc tion In which Miss Minter has appear- ) ed under Metro auspices—"Always In the Way" being the first—she has dem- I onstrated that she possesses the rare gift of capturing the hearts of her audience Immediately upon her appear- I ante on the screen.—Advertisement. International Trade Speakers Suggest Credit System For Foreigners By .Associated Press New Vork. Dec. 7. Treaties be- I Awcen the United States and European I HAKRISBURG OflS& TELEGRAPH belligerents after the establishment in i America of a credit system for foreign buyers and tlye popualrization for for eign investments throughout the coun try were suggested to-day by speakers at the international Trade Conference. The conference is hekl under tiie au Paul's Shoe Store 11 N. 4th St. WE ALWAYS have \ *iw a com^ort shoe for the woman I *! u who says, " I place comfort \\ / *\l above everything," but she gets \\ ( \ style just the same—and it doesn't \ \ seem to hurt a bit. I , Our flexible-sole La France jj shoe does it. jj spices of the Notional Association of Manufacturers. John Bassctt Moore, formerly cousel lor of the State Department, said it is probable that after the war, the United States will find it necessary to revise or supplement its commercial treaties with belligerent European nations. DECEMBER 7, 1915. >S<VVWV*N*<VV**V¥>*/VVV\*»N>VV*VVVVVVVVVVVV**VVVWWV»V»V\. For 24 Years | The Pre-Eminent i; ij Nickel Gift Smoke- :• KingoscarscCigars ny woman can give this <| brand to the most particu- «► lar smoker with the assur- < ~Wm ance that these cigars will <> ;► be smoked and enjoyed. <1 <; Box of 25, $1.15 Box of 50, $2.25 )► 3; Box of 100, $4.50 ;► jj; REGULARLY GOOD FOR 24 YEARS ;! 5