Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, December 04, 1915, Page 4, Image 4

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The Rev. and Mrs. J. M. Walters
Give Pleasant Affair For
Young Folks
Ephrata Odd Fellows Prepar
ing to Receive Delegation
From Lebanon
By Special Correspondence
Lplirata, Pa., Dec. 4. —George A.
Rpotts of Ml'tway. near Ephrata. and
Miss Anna M. Foltz, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Ephriam Foltz, of Barevllle,
were united in marriage on Thanks
giving Day by the Rev. Luther Welbel
at the Lutheran parsonage in Ale
chanicsburg (Leacock P. O.), Lancas
ter county. Paul D. Sherrlck and
Miss Esther Copeiand, botli of Mount
vilie. Somerset county, were married
by the Rev. J. ML Walters at the
United Brethren parsonage here on
Saturday. Miss Minnie R. Dissler
and Mr. Martin Endihunst, the latter
of Ephrata, were married on Saturday
evening at the home of the bride's par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Dissler at
Hopeland, by the Rev. W. E. Shoop,
pastor of the Hopeland United Breth
ren church. The newly-married
couple will live in Ephrata. On
Saturday evening last, the Rev. and
Mrs. J. M. Walters entertained a num
ber of young people at the United
Brethren parsonage, including mem
bers of Mrs. Walter's Sunday school
class of young women. Part of the
evening was devoted to music, in
cluding; vocal solos by Miss Marie
Wlegard, of Lancaster; William E.
Daniels, of Akron, and Miss Marie
Richwine. and Leroy and Karl Wal
lers, of this borough. Refreshments
were served and a most delightful
evening enjoyed. On Monday eve
■ling next more than sixty members of j
Lebanon Lodge of Odd Fellows will j
pay a fraternal visit to Ephrata Lodge
N'o. 406. I. O. O. F.; a big time is be-I
ng arranged by the Ephrata lodge to !
■ntertain the visiting brethren. Miss I
Mamie C. Bohner left on Tuesday for
Miami. Florida, where she has se
-ured a position as head nurse in one
af the leading hospitals of the city,
s'ext summer she will be added to the
'orce of nurses at Galen Hall, Wern
•rsvllle, Pa.
Absolutely Removes
Indigestion. One package
proves it. 25c at all druggists.
School of Commerce
Troup Building IS So. Market Sq,
Day and Night School
22(1 Year
Commercial and Stenographic Courses !
Bell Plione 1946-J
Harrisburg Business College
Day and Night School
Sept. 7, 1915
Business Shorthand and Civil Service,
30tli year.
Kaufman Bldg. 4 S. Market Sq. 1
Training That Secures
Salary Increasing Positions
In the Office
Call or send to-day for Interesting
booklet. Bell phone 694-R.
Never Mind How Strong You Are—
What d'ye Know?
That's,the point—"What d'ye KNOW?"
To-day it's a battle of wits—and brains win
Muscle and brawn don't count so much as they used to.
In the fight for good jobs and big salaries it's brains
—not brawn—that win "What d'ye KNOW?" is the
one great question that draws the line between defeat
and victory between "wages" and "salary" between
you and the Boss.
What do YOU know? Are YOU so expert in some
line of work that you can "make good" as a foreman,
superintendent, or manager? If not, why don't you mark
and mail the attached coupon and permit the Interna
tional Correspondence Schools to show you how you
CAN "make good"'on a big job?
For 28 years the I. C. 8. have been showing men how to
do better work.and earn bigger salaries. Every month over 400
students write *>f promotions or salary Increases through I. C.
8. training. What the I. C. 8. are doing for these men thev can
do for YOU.
No matter where you llva, how old you are, what hours
you work, or how limited your education—lf you can read and
write and are ambitions to learn the I. C. 8. can train you In
your own l>ine, during your spare time, for a more Important
and better-paying position.
Mark and mail the attached coupon—lt won't obligate
you in the least—and the I. C. 8. will show you how you can
acquire this salary-raising ability by their ;lmple aiid easy
f methods.
It will cost you nothing to Investigate—lt may cost a life
time of remorse if you don't Mark and Mull the CouDon
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£ Please explain without any obligation to me how I can qua)-
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J Structural Engineer Hallvrny Mall Clerk Poultry Farming •'
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Mechanical Engineer Window Trimming Automobile Running
*i Name
jj St. and No _ «j
1 City . State |!
jj Present Occupation ...ma J
Lewistown Letter Carrier
Has Served Fifteen/Years
Mv" 1 wBH
By Special Correspondence
Ltwhlonn, Pa.. Dec. 4. —Charles R.
Hoffman, letter carrier, of Lewistown,
lias Just donned his winter suit and on
the sleeve is a little red star showing
that lie lias served fifteen years. Mr.
Hoffman took up the position of mail
carrier when the free delivery was first
established in town.
William B. Hart Shot
Wild Turkey and Gray Fox
By Special Correspondence
Duiieannon, Pa., Dec. 4. Mrs.
Harvey Wolpert and children have re
turned to their home at West. Fairvtew
after a visit to relatives here. Mrs.
George Young and son and daughter
have returned from a visit to Mr. and
Mrs. Thomas Singleton at New Cum
berland. Miss Ida Long, lias return
ed to her home at Dauphin, after a
visit to her aunt, Miss Ida Lerfing.—
Mrs. John Ashton of Roanoke,< Va., is
spending some time as the guest 'of
Miss Sue Stewart. William and Ross
Jennings and William Brown, of this
place, and Ralph Mamer of Harris
burg. spent the week-end in camp
at Lush's run. Through the efforts
of Miss Carrie Reutter, two hundred
glasses of jelly and a half dozen bot
tles of catsup were sent to the Har
risburg hospital last week as a dona
tion from the residents of this place
and vicinity. Mrs. Harold Moffat of
Steelton was the guest of the sewing
circle entertained by Miss Anna Dun
can Wills Wednesday afternoon.—Mrs.
J. W. Young is spending several days
with her daughter, Mrs. John Sheck.
—Mrs. J. A. Hess, of Harrisburg, is
spending some time with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. George E. Boyer.—Mr.
and Mrs. Howard Probst have return
ed to their home at Altoona after a
visit to Air. and Mrs. I. N. Brown.—
Hugh Boyd has returned to Pittsburgh
after a visit to his parents. Air. and
Mrs. David Boyd. - Miss Ida Bow
man has returned to her home at
Newport after a pleasant visit as the
guest of William Zcll's family.—Mr.
and Mrs. John T. Glass have returned
from a visit to their daughter, Mrs.
George Holland at Harrisburg. Ray
I-lench of Newport has succeeded
Emanuel Jenkyns, Jr., as agent for
the Susquehanna River and Western
railroad here. William B. Hart was
among the few nlmrods who was for
tunate in killing a wild turkey during
the season. He also shot a fine speci
men of gray fox, which he is having
mounted by a Harrisburg iaximerist.
To all knowing sufferers of rheumatism,
whether muscular or of the joints, sciatica,
lumbagos, backache, pains in the kidneys or
neuralgia pains, to write to her for a homo
treatment which has repeatedly cured all of
these tortures. She feels it her duty to send
it to all sufferers FRKB. You cure yourself
at home as thousands will testify—no changt
of climate being necessary. This simpia
| uiscovery banishes urio acid from the blood.
I loosens the stiffened joints, purifies the blooa
j and brightens the eyes, giving elasticity and
tone to the whole system. If the above
interest* you, for proof address Mrs. tL
gammers, Bos H, Notre Dame. Ind.
Men's Chorus to Sing
at Senior League Service
By Special Correspondence
I.ewlslierry, Dec. 4. This evening
the Ladles' Aid Society of the Metho
dist Episcopal Church will hold a ba
zar in the town hall. Cushions, aprons,
dust cap 3 and the like will be for sale,
also oysters, fried and stewed; bean
soup candies, etc. Miss Mary Franke
berger is president of the society.
Miss Edith Cline, the first vice-presi
dent, will lead the Senior League ser
vice in the Alethodlst Episcopal
Church on Sunday evening. A feature
of the service will s>e four selections of
music rendered by the men's chorus.
The topic to be discussed will be, "A
j Nameless Prophet Who Kept Fresh
God's Name."—Augustus Halo, Mrs.
Lichtenberger is spending the week
with relatives here. i\lrs. Edward
Jackson and son Charles are spend
ing the week with relatives at Stew
artstown.—The Rev. Edward Jackson
was a York visitor on Saturday.—Miss
Lorena Kilmore of Mechanicsburg is
spending the week with her grand
mother, Mrs. Annie I.aird. Miss
Bessie Kunkel is a guest of her sister
and family in York. • Mrs. Joseph
F. Sutton and children, Robert and
Anna, returned home from a vltt with
her sistpr, Mrs. George D. Coover. at
Lemoyne. Frank D. Bratten. of
Harrisburg, spent Sunday with his sis
ter, Miss Clarissa Bratten. Mrs. El
lis Hammond returned home from a
visit with her daughter. Miss Jennie
K. Hammond and her brother, James
G. Glessner and family of York. —Miss
I Julia Sutton spent several weeks at
York. Mrs. J. H. Shettel returned
j from a visit with her sisters, the
| Misses Bratten at Harrisburg. Mr.
and Mrs. Morris Downs, of Fishing
Creek Valley, spent Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs. Frank Downs. Mrs. Laura
Kline and her daughter, Mrs. J. W.
Armstrong, were recent guests of rela
tive# at Harrisburg.
Auto Speed Fiends Are
"Flirting With Death"
By Special Correspondence
Lewistown, Pa., Dec. 4.—Mrs. John
Chilcote and daughter, Francis, have
returned homo from a trip to the
western part of the State. Helen
Smith has returned home after spend
ing some months at Pittsburgh.
Jon Garrett, retired employe of the]
Pennsylvania Railroad is improving
from a serious illness. Last winter
the corners of the town were stand
ing full of idle men unable to get em-
I ployment. This year every man who
wants work can get it. Miss
Bertha Krentzman of Harrisburg, lias
| been calling on friends here. The
, new auto hose truck of the Brooklyn
Fire Company cost $4,000. The
Sunshine Club is getting things in
shape to make poor hearts glad at
Christmas time.
Stalls in Mt. Joy Market
to Be Sold December 18
By Special Correspondence
Mount Joy, Pa., Dec. 4. J. R. Mis
semer, Edgar R. Missemer, Charles S.
Frank, Harry Getz, Reuben Shellen
berger, John Grosh, Daniel Miller,
Frank Yost and Mary McGinnes, ac
companied the excursion to Washing
ton last Sunday. The Ladies' Aid
Society of the Lutheran church will
hold a social next Thursday evening
at the home of Mrs. Harry C. Schock.
The Willing Workers Sewing Circle
of the Church of God, will hold a
chicken waffle supper in Mount Joy
Hall this evening.—Mrs. Benjamin F.
Missemer. daughter, Florence and son,
George, of Harrisburg, have returned
home after spending several days with
the family of J. R. Misemer. Mr.
and Mrs. Harry Laskewitz, and chil
dren returned home on Tuesday after
spending several days with friends at
Philadelphia. The Mary Hcrr prop
erty, consisting of a large brick house,
in West Main street, was sold at pub
lic sale on Tuesday to Amos W. New
; comer, for $4,581. The Mount .Toy
! Market stall will be sold Saturday,
I December 18. The first, meeting of
| the newly-formed Women's Auxiliary
|of St. Luke's parish was held on
| Thursday evening at the home of Mrs.
j Margaret Dell. J. R. Missemer at
tended the Moose parade at Lancaster
| on Saturday. * i
Assisted when necessary by Cuticurs Oint
ment. They keep the skin fresh and cloar.
Samples Free by Mall
1 Cutlcura Soap and Ointment sold everywhere,
i.tboral (lam pit of each mallml I roe with 32-p. book.
Address poit-caM "Cutloura." Dept. 6Q, Bostoa.
Blood and Nerve Tablets
Fill the shriveled arteries with pure, riclj
blood. ineroaßC the weight in solid flesh and
tnuscle that give you strength, the brain and
nerves with fresh vital fluid that force novr
life and vigor into every part of the boar.
Price GO centir. Special Strength 75 cents.
I Dr. Chase Co., 224 N. 10th 81, Philadelphia. Pa.
Are You Weak, Nervous,
I Don't feel like working, everything go
, ing wrong? Digestion poor, blood Im
| povcrished, cannot sleep?
Dr. Emerick's Body Builder
I a Reconstructive Tonic, Is pi-escrilied
by tJic famous Dr. KMERICK for these
contlitions. Valuable after a severe
| sickness. Price Sl.Oil, prepared by tile
! Dr. M. li. Kmcrlek Co.. Itldgway. I 'a.
! Sold in Ilarrisbnrg at Gorgas' Drug
! .Store.
Notice to Telegraph
ChrisiniHs I>a.v falling on Satur
day this year necessitates the prim
ing of Central l*eim.sji\aula news
in the Telegraph on Friday even
ing, December 24. and to Insure
publication all letters from corre
spondents must lx- In the Telegraph
editorial rooms one day earlier.
They should be mailed so as to
reach the office not later than noon
on Wednesday.
Break of Elevator Rope
Injures Newville Workman
By Special Correspondence
Newville. Pa.. Dec. 4. —Ed. W.
Shulenberger is on a trip to Philadel
| phia. Airs. John Wright and two
sons have returned to their home at
[ Mt. Holly, X. J., after spending two
1 weeks with Mrs. Wright's mother,
Mrs. Maxwell. Miss Gertrude Reed
is spending several days at New York.
Joseph and Frank Wheeler, of
Steelton, spent the week-end with
their parents, the Rev. and Mrs.
Wheeler. Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Ken
dig and daughter spent several days
with Mr. Kcndlg's mother, Mrs. Lizzie
Kendig. Thomas McK. Hays has
returned to Huntingdon. W. Va., after
spending several days with his par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Ilays. Mrs.
Harry Thorpe, of Philadelphia, is
spending some time witli her mother,
Mrs. Maxwell, who is ill. Mr. and
Mrs. C. B. Eby and daughter and Mr.
and Mrs. C. G. Huntsherger autoed to
Highspire on Sunday to visit the Rev.
and Mrs. Frank Moyer. Mr. and
Mrs. M. W. Fitez and son have re
turned to their home in Hagerstown
after a visit with Mrs. Fitez's parents,
Mr. and Mrs. William Kllllan. Mrs.
J. Edgar Skillington and daughter, of
Hazleton, are visiting the former's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Hartzell.
Mr. and Mrs. U. Grant Fry and
daughter, of Camp Hill and Mr. and
Mrs. Harry Fry, of Paxtang, spent
Thanksgiving Day with their mother
and sisters here. Mrs. Belle Swope
and sisters, Misses Lucy and Jane
Hays, spent a day at Cliambersburg.—
Mrs. John Zeigler and Mrs. Baron, of
Sioux City, lowa, are visiting Mr. and
Mrs. Samuel Zeigler at their home, a
few miles north of town. Mr. and
Airs. C. G. Huntsberger announce the
engagement of their daughter. Doro
thy Huntsberger, to Raymond Shulen
berger, son of Ed. W. Shulenberger,
of this place. While engaged at
work on the new school auditorium
here on Wednesday. WSlter Bigler was
seriously injured: in taking bricks to
the second floor the rope of the
elevator on which he was riding
broke, allowing it to drop a distance
of about twelve feet. It is feared he
is internally injured.
Barrel of Christmas Gifts
For North Carolina Home
By Special Correspondence
lliiramelMtimn, Pa., Deo. 4, Car
roll Hummel lias returned to Lehigh
University after visiting his father,
Edgar,. C. Hummel, for several days.
Attorney and Mrs. F. J. Schaffner en
tertained ills brother, Alfred Schaffner
of Myersdale. for several days. Miss I
Katharine Rohrer, of Dubois, spent :
several days with her parents. Mr. and
Mrs. B. F. Rohrer. - Miss Katharine
Nissley, of Smith College, spent sev
eral days with her mother. Mrs. Paul
Nissley. A barrel of Christmas gifts j
for the Nazareth Orphans' Home of the
Reformed Church, at Crescent, N. C. !
was packed and shipped during the !
week by the ladies of the Mite Society. !
—Mr. and Mrs. Philip Deimper and
son, Landis. visited Philadelphia dur- !
ing the week. Mr. and Mrs. Morris
Wagner entertained Mrs. Adams and
children, of Reading. Karl Brightbill,
of the University of Pennsylvania,
spent several days with his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Brightbill. Mr.
and Mrs. Balrd Potts and children, of
Harrisburg, were Sunday guests of Mrs
Potts' parents, Mr. and Mrs. George
Pox. Goorge H. Greenawalt is home
from the Lebanon Hospital greatly im
proved by the treatment which he un
derwent for rheumatism. Mr and
Mrs. John H. Gay, of Philadelphia,
spent Sunday with Mrs. Gay's sisters,
Misses Mary and Elizabeth Pox. The
punlls and teacher of the eighth grade
held a surprise party for Ammon Pat
rick on Wednesday evening. A pleasant
evening was spent playing games, and
refreshments were served. C. P
Haenhnlen was called to Converse, Tnd i
by the death or his brother. Jacob
liaehnlen. Mrs. Susan Hummel, of
Port Carbon, is the guest of her daugh
ter. Mrs. Emery Fetterman. Mr. and
Mrs. William H. Garrett entertained
Mrs. IT. K. Garrett, of Danville, 111., last
week. Miss Helen Zerfoss, of Cape
May, N. J., visited home folks over j
Thanksgiving and observed work in
the public schools of the borough on 1
Monday. Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Suuey I
are entertaining their son. Mead, of De- 1
troit. Mich. Arthur Holler, of Lafay
ette College. Enston, spent several days
with his parents, Mr and Mrs. Henry F.
Holler. Miss Annie Burkholder has
returned to Indiana. Pa., after sepnd
ing several days with her parents, Mr*
and Mrs. Joseph Burkholder. Miss
Ethel Smith won the gold watch in the
contest at the firemen's fair last week.
She is a sophomore In the high school
and collected the largest amount In the 1
contest. The banquet tendered the
Ladies' Bible Class by the Men's Bible
Class, of the Zion Lutheran Sunday
school, was held on Thursday evening
in the parish house. The Rev. Mr.
Menges, of Harrisburg, was the speak
er. Misses Elizabeth Price and Sara
Muth visited schools in Steelton and
Harrisburg on Tuesday and observed
methods in the primary grades. Wil
liam 11. Gaus paid a visit to his mother,
in Wllliamsport, during the past week.
Miss Anna Fishburn Chosen
President of Aid Society
By Special Correspondence
I'enlirook, Pa., Dec. 4. Miss Anna
Fishburn, of near Linglcstown, was
elected president of the Women's Mis
sionary Society of the Reformed
Church, here. Ciass No. 7. of the
Church of God, was entertained by
Mrs. Goorge Mumma. Among the
guests werel: Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Zeigler,
Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Koons, Miss Stella
Runkle, Miss Anna Sellers. Miss Alice
Daniels, Miss Barnhart, Mrs. Llppard,
Mrs. William Campbell, Irvell Koons,
Wilson Mumma, Mr. and Mrs. George
Mumma, Joseph Mumma and Ruth
Mumma. Next Wednesday evening
I the Ladies' Aid Society, of the United
Brethren Church, will hold a bazar In
i the town hall. Carson Schultz is vls
; iting Thomas Lenlter at Rife. Mrs.
■ .1. C. Forncrook visited her daughter,
at Mechanicsburg, this week. Mrs.
I J. W. McGarvey und Miss Mary McGar
' vey visited in Oberlin.—Miss Lulu Dut-
I row, of Blue Ridge Summit, is visiting
Mrs. E. B. Izer.
By Special Correspondence
Endera, Pa.. Dec. 4.—Mrs. Mary Bow
man, who died at Steelton, at the ago
of 80 years, was burled in the Fall-
View Cemetery on Monday. Professor
C. A. Bowman, dean of Albright Col
lege. Myerstown. and two daughters
are the surviving children. Jacob
Enders is slowly recovering from a re
cent illness. Milliard F. Enders, who
spent several weeks at the home of his
garents, has returned to Hamburg,
erks county. Miss Llllie Thompson,
teacher -of the local school, handed in
her resignation to the school board, to
take effect December 8. The United
Brethren Sunday school is rehearsing
for a Christmas entertainment. Lulu
Enders. of Harrisburg; is the guest of
her grundparents Mrs. Ilenry Wil
bert returned to her home. In Progress,
after a week's visit at the home of
George Wilbert. Mr. and Mrs. Harry
Enders left for Portland, Oregon, on
'Saturday, where they will live.
Grace United Evangelical Church at South Enola
I '
r.noln. Pa., Dec. 4.—Grace United Evangelical Church building at South
I.iioiu, which was dedicated last Sunday with impressive ceremonies. The con
gregation was one of the first to establish a church at Unola. services being
held in a large tent. The church lias made great progress under tiie present
pastor, the Rev. B. L. Moore.
"Humbugs and Mossbacks"
Star Course Entertainment
By Special' Correspondence
Elizabeth vlllo. Pa., Dec. 4. Mr. A.
1.. Herbert and son, of Philadelphia,
spent a week here with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Matter. Russell
Rhoads returned to Annvllle College on
Tuesday morning. Arthur Golih re
signed as chief wireman for the Wico
nisco Telephone Company and lias ac
cepted a position at Harrisburg.
Joseph Stine returned to Franklin and
Marshall College after a week's vaca
tion. Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Lewis spent
several days with Mr. and Mrs. O. N.
Helsey, at Elizabethtown. A. E.
Grove, Blair Mattis, J. H. Lyter, A. W.
Hoke and J. M. Harman are hunting
bear and deer in the northern counties
this week. Miss Alice Schreffler
spent several days at Harrisburg.—The
iirst number of the star course of en
tertainments for tills season will bo
given this evening wnen Dr. Alexander
Cairns will give his popular lecture
entitled, "Humbugs and Mossbacks." —
Revival services .lave been started by
the Rev. James E. Beam in the Evan
gelical Church. A young son of
Samuel Sadewitz was struck by a two
horse team of Aaron Miller, the wheels
going over the child's body. Pro
fessor David Kessler. of Stat'* College,
spent several days with his sister, Miss
Sara Kessler. The Swab Wagon
Company has received a consignment
of btudebaker automobiles, .of which
they have taken the local agency.
Fred Zeigler and family spent sev
eral days with his brother, Charles
Zeigler, at Palmyra. Mrs. Allen Swab
and Miss Margaret Barr are guests of
Isaac W. Matter, at West Fail-view.
Charles Gansel spent several days at
Middletown where liis mother is 111.
"Two Snakes in Eden"
Subject of Blaiu Lecture
By Special Correspondence
Wain. Pa., Dec. 4.—Mrs. C. M.
Bower was best speller at a spelling
bee held at the Adams Grove school.
Her son. Miles Bowor, is teacher of
the school. Walter Fry, millwright,
went to Grafton. W. Va. H. J.
Hench and son, Edwin Heneh, of
Britt, la., are here on account of the
serious Illness of the former's father,
O. L. Hench. These guests were
entertained at the home of W. I.
Stokes on Thanksgiving: The Rev.
and Mrs. J. W. Keener, Mr. and Mrs.
Henry Bistline. Mr. and Mrs. J. IT.
Bistline and children. Miss Nellie and
Loy ißistline. Miss Nell E. Stine,
of Harrisburg. is the guest of her
mother,- Mrs. Elizabeth Stine, at Blx
lor. Dr. Stanley LeFevre Krebs
gave a lecture in the town hall oi.
the subject, "Two Snakes in Eden."—
W. H. Rife and son, of Harrisburg,
visited F. W. Dimm. Frank E.
Kochenderfer, of Ickesburg, and Miss
Leona Kerr, of Donnally's Mills, were
married on Thanksgiving Day at the
Reformed parsonage by the Rev. J.
W. Keener. Miss Hazel G. Hench
has resigned as teacher of the Hull
Run school. W. C. T. U. will hold
its meeting next Monday evening at
the home of Mrs. C. R. Hench, the
president. Miss Grace Hostetter Is
ill at her home. The Rev. R. W.
Woods, of Pittsburgh, visited his
father, W. W. Woods, who suffered a
slight paralytic stroke. Miss Chr's
tina Kern, Mrs. Olevia Averlll and
daughter, Caroline; Mrs. F. A. Kern
and son, Lester, are visiting at Har
Rll'c. Pa., Dec. 4.—Ditty Bros, are
shredding fodder for the farmers in
this section.—Evan Landis, a small
boy, had one of his fingers badly lace
rated in a cogwheel last week.—Jerry
Klinger is ill.—Ralph luandis made a
trip to Armstrong Valley in search of
cows. Mr. Novinger, of Missouri,
called on friends here.—Mr. and Mrs.
Fred Leitzel called at JTriah Lenker's
on Sunday.—Oliver Lebo and S. A.
Holtzman were at Elizabethvilie on
Sunday. - Montgomery Phillips and
William Stroup were at Millersburg on
Wednesday.—Nicholas Lenker called
at Levi Shafer's on Sunday.—Mary
Lon«aba<jh, who was employed at
Hickory Corners, was brought to
Aaron Longabach's home ill.
Grand Prize, Panama-Pacific Exposition, San Francisco, 1915
Grand Prize, Panama-California Exposition, San Diego, 1915
Baker's Breakfast Cocoa
tThe Food Drink Without a Fault
Made of high-grade cocoa beans, skilfully blended and
manufactured by a perfect mechanical process, without
the use of chemicals; it is absolutely pure and whole
some, and its flavor is delicious, the natural flavor of the
cocoa bean.
The genuine bears this trade-marland is made only by
Walter Baker & Co. Ltd.
K.O. u 8 PAT orF Established 1780 DORCHESTER, MASS:
DECEMBER 4, 1?15.
Wins Cup by Running Two
Miles in Twelve Minutes
By Special Correspondence
Jnnoßion n, Pa.. Den. 4.—Miss Clara
Nissley and Mrs. Edward Slabach, of
Harrisburg, who Bpent several days
here with relatives, have returned
home.— .lohn A. lOsele and family, who
spent several days here with their par
ents, returned to their home at Harris
bursr. G. O. Runyeon's mother-in
law and sister-in-law, of Reading',
spent several days here. Miss Mary
E. Gilbert, who spent several weeks
with her aunt, Mrs. Amanda R. Swartz,
has returned to her home at Philadel
phia. Lieutenant W. Lesher, accom
panied by Thomas .1. Rank and Thomas
M. Ross, made a trip to New York to
witness the Army-Navy football name.
—Jonas Yordy left for Fort Lodon
with a party of friends where they will
spent some time hunting' deer. Mrs.
William IJaeshore and daughter, Miss
Es telle V. Grossman, spent several
days at Mount Gretna. The large
chrysanthemums in the window at Miss
Lily Gilbert's home are a finer variety
than usual in this section and are ad
mired by many. The Episcopal
Church Home was agreeably remember
ed by its many frienjs on Thanksgiv
ing Day. Dr. and Mrs. .Samuel T.
Gilbert are visiting th®ir niece, Mrs.
Paul Schott, at Lebanon. ll. Frank
lin Souillard prized very highly the
silver loving cup that he won by win-,
ning' the "Woodblock" marathon on
thanksgiving afternoon by running
two niiles In twelve minutes.
Pastor and Members of
Church Go to Steelton
Wornileystwrg. PH., Dee. 4.—The
Rev. Mr. Vance preached in the
Church of God at Steelton on Mon
day evening and about twenty of the
members of his church accompanied
him. Refreshments were served by
the Rev. and Mrs. Gotz at the par
sonage. Mrs. AVesley Geiger and
son. Carl Geiger, are spending the
week with relatives at Philadelphia,
Geigertown and Reading. Mr. and
Mrs. Howard Quigley entertained at
dinner on Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Ruth
erford and their sister. Miss Maud
Arney, of Lancaster. The Ladies'
Aid Society ol' the United Brethren
church held a meeting on Tuesday
evening at the home of Mrs. Charles
Raker. The Rev. and Mrs. G. B.
Renshaw were guests of the Rev. and
Mrs. Getz, of Steelton, on Thursday
for tea. Mr. Renshaw preached iii
the Church of God in the evening.—
The Rev. Mr. Oyer, of West Fairview,
was a caller at the United Brethren
parsonage Tuesday and the Rev. Paul
Koontz, of Lemoyne, in the afternoon.
—-Mr. and Mrs. Rolio Sparrow visited
Calvin Erb at Middletown on Satur
Address or "Personality"
at Hershey Central Theater
Hcrshej', Pa.. Dec. 4.—■Tno Rev. C.
A. Suavely, pastor of the Thir<l United i
Brethren Church, Philadelphia, visiucl I
friends in this vicinity. While here i
he preached in the United Brethren
Church. —Mrs. E. E. Binner, of Leb
anon. was the guest of her son, Ed.
Field.—Mr. and Mrs. John H. Gordon
visited friends at Lebanon.—Mr. and
Mrs. Paul Funck, of Harrisburg, vis
ited friends here.—Mr. and Mrs. E. M.
Hershey and son Edwin visited rela
tives at Oberlin.—C. V. Glynn has
been confined to his home with ill
ness.—George Frederick, of Royors
ford, was a Hershey visitor. Mrs. j
Lawrence Drake, of Wlllimsport, was ]
the guest of Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Baker.
—Mrs. C. F. Sternberger, of Sher
mansdale, Perry county, was the guest
of her son. Hoy K. Sternberger.—Miss
Dorothy Feeser visited friends at Har
risburg.—lvan Mease visited at his
home at Roseville, Lancaster county.—
On Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock
Montavillc Flowers, of Monravia, Cat.,
will deliver an address on "Person
ality" at the Hershey Central Theater.
—Mrs. E. M. Uhler and daughter Sal
lie, of Lebanon, were the guests of
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Phillips.—l. B.
Sneath visited relatives at Harrisburg
and Duncannon.
Better Building to Take Place
of One Destroyed by Fire
in October
Women's Christian Temper
ance Union Holds Meeting at
Home of Mrs. Alice Hauck
By Special Correspondence
MrcUnnifNkurlt. Pa., Dec. 4. On
Thursday evening the Women's Chris
tion Temperance Union held a meeting
at the home of Mrs. Alice S. Hauck.
Holy communion (services will be held
in the Presbyterian Church to-morrow.
Preparatory services were held last
evening. The Bible and Tract Ho-
I V'f ,v . mct a * the home of Miss Anna
j r'y. on Thursday evening. Mr.
■ and Mrs. Clarence .Stein have returned
I from their honeymoon trip and after
spending several days with Dr. ami
Mrs. I.ong, left for their home in Cum
berland, Md. Miss Klla Howe left
on Tuesday to take up her duties as a
nurse In a hospital, near Pittsburgh.—
Oscar Sonder and Fred O. Burtner, of
Allen, returned from a two months'
trip to the Panama Exposition. Mrs.
U J'" ll '("stone was hostess at dinner
" n Tuesday at her home. In South
I'redo rick street, for the members of
i V 1 * Shakespeare Club. Mrs . .1.
Arthur Underwood, of Harrisburg,. wus
?n V » *1 on Miss Margaret
Hlestand,* of Ijancaster, spent a week
with her aunt. Mrs. Annie Boss.
A lockup is in course of construction,
to replace the one recently destrnv
ed by fire. It Is being built on a new
site In the vicinity of West Factorv
street, and in every way will b.' ai>
improvement on the old one. l.evi
Bricker, who sustained a stroke of
paralysis recently is slowly recovering.
rT.vt i' • r>ice and daughter.
Catharine, spent a week with relatives
in fenyder county. Miss I>orena Kil
more visited at I.ewisberry this week.
—Mr. and Mrs. Scott Green, of Clarks
sverl S" e sts of the lattei
vi' i ' , and Mrs ' H - <'■ Singisei.
J'f a. ' v 1", f lreot ' The Aid Societv
m„r.V„ Mark S mP uth ? ran f'hurch, hold a
Thursday evening at the
home of Mrs. H. Smith. MISH
Florence Underwood, of Jersey City N
' several days at her home, lit
V\est Main street. Mrs. .lohn Free
burn and daughters, of WilWamstown.
weie guests at the home of the form
ers parents, Mr. and Mrs. W M.
Dillsburg Mar. Hurt by
Falling Into Church Cellar
By Special Correspondence
Dillslnirg, pa.. Dec. 4.—Rovd C
Baker has accepted the position as
telegraph operator for the Cumber
land Valley railroad at Carlisle The
» OI J?, 1Uon of Dr - J - H - Graff of North
Baltimore street, who has been crit
ically ill from a carbuncle on his neck,
has improved so that he is able to
be about his room. Miss Martha L„
Bailey, a student at the Women's
ieal College, Philadelphia, visited* her
mother, Mrs. Josephine Bailey, over
Sunday. Daniel Smith has returned
to the home of his brother. J. (i.
Smith, after spending several weeks
with relatives in Maryland. Austin
Lerew. a student at Lebanon Vallev
( ollege, Annville, visited his mother.
Mrs. M. J. Lerew, over Sunday
Adam Anthony, of Harrisburg. was
the guest of his mother, Mrs. Kathe
rine Anthony, this week. A special
rally day exercise will be held in the
Melhodist church to-morrow morning.
—William Anderson, of Rochester.
Pa., is visiting his mother, Mrs. Wil
liam Anderson. Willis Dick, or
Warrington township, who for nina
weeks has been seriously ill with ty
phoid fever, is now improving. —»
Robert S. Clark was seriously injured
by falling into an open cellarway at.
the Presbyterian church on Monday
Millersburg Hunters Out
in Mountains For Deer
By Special Correspondence
Millersburg. Pa., Dec. 4.—Millers
burg and vicinity is well represented
in the northern counties by deer hunt
ers this week. C. C. Hummel] and
County Commissioner Isaac Hoffman
•yHt their headquarters in a cabin
near WotxCrvard. Center county; E. E.
Koppenhaver, i-J.I Veager and H. M.
Bonawitz are in CiintwA counts; John
Messner. Claude Polk. Charles Snyder
and Thomas Hart man have a shack in
the Paddy Mountain region of Center
county: Guy L. Heckert, Cameron
Campbell and James Bowman are also
in Center county, and H. H. Walborn
and sons, Oscar and Mark, are in tha
South Mountains with headquarters at
Fayetteville. Mr. and Mrs. J. O.
Sehreffler and sister will leave De
cember 11 for Orlando, Fla., where
they will remain during the winter.
Thoy will make the entire trip In Mr.
Schrefller's automobile and expect to
reach the end of their journey in about
twelve days.—Mr. and Mrs. Thomas
Beatty and daughter, of Shamokln,
were (he guests of Beatty's mother,
Mrs. Mary Heckert. on Sunday.—Mrs.
Raymond E. Margerum, of Trenton,
N. J.. is the guest of her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. N. M. Freck.—Miss Bertha
Fitch, of Philadelphia, was the guest,
of her sister, Mrs. Robert J. Day, on