4 CHRISTMS ii ! @1 ECONOAtf C\RNIVAL ,IP> desire _TLI i^.„.Ye's,r;i/iu^Kr,■'£'«.». Starts Tomorrow (December 4th) and Continues Every Day Until Christmas' Store o pe » s Ba. m I of cost —siiuulv purchase one dollar's \ / r ' I ipIMHSHI The Most Amaz ng Money-Saving Holiday Sale Ever Inaugurated. , clos " Satur A Saturday Sale of Men's CORDU- jj yX Men's and Young Men's Men 5 and Young Men 5 ?°.L!: ANTS: va,ues $1.95 M" fVI _ _ Suits and Overcoats 0 * J li "i 1 WIT* i V Jr Lined throughout or made with cuffs.fU V ■ M illlCt ljUllS Ot rfl 1 A '7 C witltout lining: four different shades. 1 Overcoats «pi 4. IJ 500 Pairs of MEN'S PANTS: If ill I You will remember the pual- Offered Elsewhere tO Values to $3.00, "1 yl Q l| lty of these Suits and Overcoats . for 1 ("ij/ i 1 1 long after you have forgotten 5j>22.5U I I 1 SK 7% VON , 1,1 ,IIAM . Handsome Cassimeres and Worsteds, IN. S3 the Siß. io you paid for them. Every new Balmaroon and . », f „ \U/* | You will remember the tine tal- Overcoat. In mixed "" |WM W&k loring the good linings, the oxr<)rd „ r , )lacU . Tl,c newest WM lIM shapely models. models In hand tailored Suits. TWO hundred $lO and sl2 IMH limpS And the price. is what perfect fitting garments. f I t|kdl yott win pay for garments that ———J Overcoats for Young Men and I li&la are sold to 513..">0 in all other t I Si«^i SATURDAY SPECIAL Men wUI be offered Saturday at |g| |g Specia. For Saturday * $6.75 ■ il Men's Heavy Winter Reefer r AIN 1 O i\)C W w ** W gp Coats with d* O A Heavy Ribbed Corduroy Men's .Made in the newest model Ralmaroous. Storm Collar, It)j t 4y B 'oidy BlM * 40 " perfect fitting; over 25 different styles to L__ I »■ ' / select from. Hab arrcT s r ' n S Boys===Try on These Handsome Suits & Overcoats 75c S Quaiitj {S/'~' and You'll Buy Them at Prices That Will Astonish You. 49c \V Vou Will Save Money-=» Read Every Item. - coI?s su v"u s e , ?°^' n B T a r i ? aroon overcoats C 7 cift to $4.50 Spo.UU a $lO Value tpi.OUI The Suits come in Norfolk model, FOR BOYS 10 to 17 YEARS 1 sizes 6to 17 years. The Overcoats stv ]iX c^t« t8 "" nu " le for the '" Bh s< ' h ° ol b °s' s . '>oys who want nifty, I made Polo style, button-to-tlie- mmm s I ) f [JJJ 3 8 ?o io , vea i r llar: be ' t baCk; BOYS' RAINCOAT with Hat BOYS' RAIN- -l A Q W and School $2 90 COATS ' at •• • * rrC ▼ Boys' Norfolk Made of good double texturel "** ' oa ' f ' I I -/ JL \ \ (L i \ cloth; coats button-to-the-neck; ° r to-morrow; I SuitS ' ° VerCOat# and yrnr " sizes n to " y". y|g -bi*. A . BOYS' CORDUROY Fifty dozen of Roys' r 1 KNICKERS, selling etee- . BOYS' POLO OVER- QA where at $1.50, will be 45/ C COATS; a O C «fll offered Saturday at , f m* S3 50 value a) 1 ft/J T >'ade of good mixed kJHL~at Vdluc .. V * - cassimcre; all seams These Overcoats are e.vtraor- VALVES TO 57.50 | J||| taped; sizes 6to 17 yrs. y riinary values, not mado of cot- Evcrv new model, handsome new I I 111 . . t I H^-rA ton, but of good wool material; . ~ , (1/ It V V Newest Indian and m,MT the models come button-to-tlie. material; Polo Overcoats or Hal- T Cowltoy Play Suits for I jjj neck; belt back: sizes 3to 10 maroons. The Suits in the newest Two shades; sizes 6to girls. jMf years. Kllr* • , n T . „ „ I LOWS PUMPS generate the $2.50 Card Tables, 01 CQ 36 * 7 ' 2 ln " * e^h ' 97c i strong continuous suction. mahogany finish JM.OU -7Z inches, each I SWEEPER PANS open wide $2.50 Mahogany d»1 OQ t0 ,V' 0 , 0 i ßrmv . n 25C permitting conteuts to drop out English Tea Trays wInOSJ uamboo Itaskets I freely—close automatically. $1.25 Brass OQ $1.25 Sweet Grass OQ _ IMPROVED NOISELESS Jardineres OI7C Baskets, flat shape OiJC U./OJFIBER BEARlNGS—practically $1.5*0 Cut Glass Relish .. Q7- SI.OO Ail Linen Cluny PQ I ft Indestructible never retjuiro Dishes; boxed 57 / C Lace Scarfs . "5/C oihng. $1.50 Cut Glass Sugar Q"7 _ $1.25 Renaissance (I*7** i BOX SHAPED DUST RE- and Cream; boxed vf C Bureau Scarfs v>#C Jl(g& CEIVER sanitary eon veil- $1.50 Initial Turkish Q7„ Initial Correspondence Cards iently emptied. Towel Sets; boxed I C with envelopes, OK A sensible Christmas present DETACHABLE BRUSH for J,;, 60 Hemstitched Mercerized box 4DC , f , , , . . . . r convenient and thorough re- /.."i Q/C Initial Turkish Bath OC. for a husband to Rive to his wife movaL or wrannin«. A, cloths * 1 c To« e i s , fa «t colors- each is one she can use every day. »'»!"■, mo. si.oo wool BLANKETS —in s „ 50 WIIITK , „ TT,.X 81/AXKETS Gray and white, full 66x80 inches, , ' " 1 07 S5 HANDSOME WOOL PLAID P'nk and blue borders—size 70x80 I colored borders, Q7- 1 i', rV W.'.V. '' * ' .1! BLANKETS— In pink, blue, tan'lnches; special, tfO QC pair 57/ C $3.50 I-ancy Plaid; djo | Q'and sray, full 11-4 #4 Ag P&lr «0.57«} ' * Ay ,Bize; special 3>0.95j (About ten pairs in the lot) 1 Try Telegraph Want Ads Try Telegraph Want Ads Try Telegraph Want Ads Try Telegraph Want Ads FRIDAY EVENING x HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH DECEMBER 3, 1915 I Men's Newest Holiday Fixings With Special Lowered j Prices For This Big Economy Carnival ||| j Automobile Gloves; special r^\| HundTeds of New J TIES For Men ( spe<'ial 48 c ZrS*' Attractive styles of every ■ Suspenders:; Special 4Rr I J C 2 ol 2°5 r8 Econ!Jml e, i O W °#« « Madras and Percale SHIRTS, in Eeonomy Pr,cc ► Carnival Price 48c $1.48 very attractive ne-w stripes; worth LISLE SUSPENDERS, in holi- I , Pleated or' Plain Coat Style $1.45 Pay boxes; 24 C U SHIRTS; worth 75c; new patterns. Carnhal Piice special at w / all sizes; Economy AAf Pretty Silk Striped SHIRTS: i Carnival Price *tOC worth $3.00; all sises: tfJI QC Km nmVFs Foit mj'V Fine Percale SHIRTS, with Economy Carnival Price • 1 Wn , i L L Mi French laundered euiTs; worth „ , „... „ OKII? „v in U 5 ,50; aU sUeB a " d 1 $1.25; Economy qp„ ~M ens Fine Silk HOSIERY, in wanted colors; Economy QC„ I Carnival Price 95C blacked colors; worth 75c; Econ- pHre ySC |j| * ZTZ' ZTu/ > PrU ' e ' !>Ulr C DRESS GLOVES FOR MEN I mens ana Women s Silk and Lisle STOCKINGS For Fine quality kid, in different I Silk UMBRELLAS? Ee e onomy C Caridva? !orß: WorU j,^ 9c; shades of tan and black; also I A big variety of different Price pair Gray Mocha Gloves; all sizes, I . Prices handlCß: Econom y s »>e Men's Lisle IIOSE, in 'black and lined or unlined; worth $2.00 to , ihn Am* An i« a , _ colors: worth 15c; Economy Car- $3.00 pair: Economy Carnival SZ.4O» $0.45> 2)4.95 nival Price, 12 1 /2 C Prices Those at $4.95 have sterling l )air •' JQ and «»1 QO silver and ebony handles (All Stockings boxed for gift giving, dJX.'rO 1 .C7O j v——lf desired) ||| Thousands of the Daintiest Gift Handkerchiefs For j Men, Women and Children. Priced Very Low in This | Great Xmas ' I Carnival' , lI | iI in Idol's Worth BntUmhMl, | ' \i if \v iftiiilll ilftlll V Endless variety of with colored I A 111 llllllM Blifferent styles, hem- plain white with em ' and corded broidered corner edge effects, in colors; signs, in plain white or ~ K both crepe and lawn, •colors; other styles, six Fine HANDKERCHIEFS For i Irish lland Euib. Handkerchiefs Three Embroidered White | Women, in Pretty Burnt Wood For Women: Worth 20c: 1C _ Hemstitched HANDKERCHIEFS Boxes: Worth 65c: Economy /|Q r Economy Carnival Price ... lu For Women, boxed; worth :!9c; Carnival Price, Box Hemstitched or with the new Economy Carnival 2*sc Fine White Handkerchiefs, with ™ lt J r , < ' cl corded edge. Price, box | dainty embroidered designs, In cor- All Linen Embroidered Hemstitched j Jox ((f W'hite Hemstitched I ner hemsJtclied. HANDKERCHIEFS For Women; HANDKERCHIEFS For Women; , Six Initial HANDKERCHIEFS. Worth 15c; Economy \2 1 /? C Worth 75c; Economy 4Q r I in a Neat Holiday Box: Worth 3.» c; Carnival Price x " / Carnivul Price Economy Carnival 29 C W 6 ° C lilies' Elaborately Embroidered I Price, box v l,; geß :. HANDKERCHIEFS, Worth SI.OO; I Initials are in a variety of differ- Tlie Newest Irepe do Clime Silk Economy Carnival "7El** I ent colors. and Pussy Willow Silk 24 C Price, box ' , < Ilaiidkerchicis For Women. I . Four Embroidered Hemstitched in a variety of delicate pastel Children's HANDKERCHIEFS; 1 Women's HANDKERCHIEFS, In a j shades: some plain hemstitched; Three in a Gift Box; Worth 20c I box; worth 50c; Economy OQ. some with dainty lace picoj. edge; Box; Economy Carnival "| C _ I Carnival Price, box some scalloped. Price, box X*JC I Men's Japonette In- Men's Hemstitched Men's Pure Linen Men's Hemstitched / itial Handkerchiefs. Initial Handkerchiefs; jn\ box; Handkerchiefs; 1 Economy price, each, % dozen in a box; box, » <■« —"i Economy" price," I 5c 75c 75c 48c | REVIVAL OF OLD i CUSTOM ENDORSED [Continued From First Page.] I the idea. In the ancient days of Ens land and Ireland the lighting of I candles on the eve of the Birthday was a general custom. Because of the I comparatively modest cost of the tapers, the observance is well within | the reach of most everybody. Delightful Sentiment ' Here are some of the expressions on the Telegraph's suggestion as voiced by some of the clergy: The suggestion is just fine and I I hope it will be carried out gen erally. It Is a beautiful sentiment I and the cost is so small that it makes it possible for most every body »o participate. The old He brew custom, you know, is to light tapers for each member of the 1 family from the beginning until the end of the Sabbath. Our | people could well follow out the plan of lighting a candle for each member of the family.—ltt. Kev. James Henry Darlington, bishop I of the Episcopal diocese of Har -1 rlsburg. The whole Idea is a delightful I one and I would surely suggest that everybody follow it. The ' Rev. Dr. George Edward Hawes, 1 pastor of Market Squure PVesby terlan Church. » The suggestion, to my mind, is a very timely one, especially in these material times. The senti ment Is beautiful. —The Kev. S. Winfield Herman, pastor of Zion Lutheran Church. Why, I'm surely pleased to see that this beautiful custom is to be revived in Harrisburg. It is done in Ireland, you know. I remem ber this as a boy. I hope every body observes the custom in this city.—Mgr. M. M. Hassett, rector of St. Patrick's Cathedral. It's a fine suggestion and well worth carrying out because of the pretty sentiment and the effect it will have in spreading the true Christmas spirit.—The Rev. Clay toh Albert Sniucker, pastor Stev ens Memorial Methodist Church. I think it is a very delightful old custom and I heartily favor its general endorsement throughout the city. The Rev. Dr. J. A. Lyter, pastor of Derry Street United Brethren Church. General Manager Kaltwasser, of the electric light company, heartily ap proved of the plan. "To my mind this is a sentiment that will help spread the spirit of the season—just iu the way they observed Christmas in the old days. Tf the switching off of the lights In the business section for a minute or two would help to heighten the effect of the burning candles in the windows, the company will be glad to do so. The question of -whether people in the homes would wish to switch off their electrics when they 1 light the candles remains optional \vith them, of course. T don't know whether the merchants would agree to switch ' out their window lights and burn ' tapers for a few minutes or not, but 1 the effectiveness of the lighted candles ! would certainly be heightened by the sudden darkness. One minute is all : that would be necessary. At any rate, 1 the company will do all it can to co operate." NERVOUS BREAKDOWN Stamford, Conn., Nurse Tells How She Found Health Stamford, Conn.—"l am a nurse and suffered from a nervous break down. I hud no appetite and could not sleep at night, and nothing seemed to help me By chance I heard of Vl nol, and after taking the first bottle I noticed an Improvement, and four bot tles made me well and strong, It gavo me a hearty appetite, so I can sleep soundly night or day. I consider Vi nol a wonderful tonic." Kdlth *»,; Forbes, Stamford, Conn. ' ™ The reason Vinol Is so successful} in overcoming such conditions is b"0« cause It Is a constitutional remed.* and goes to the seat of the trouble. It is the greatest strength creator we know —due to the extractive medici nal elements of fresh eod livers with out oil, combined with peptonate of t Iron and beef peptone, all dissolved in a pure me'lic'nal wine. We have seen so many wonderful recoveries like this right here In Harrisburg caused by Vinol, that we feel perfectly safe in offering: to re turn money in every such caso where Vinol fails to benefit. George A. Gorgas, Druggist, Ken nedy's Medicine Store, 321 Market St., C. F. Kramer, Third and Broad Sts., Kitzmiller's Pharmacy, 1325 Derry St., Harrisburg, Pa. P. S. In your own town, wherever you live, there Is a Vinol Drug Store. Look for the sign.—Advertisement.