Not Sold by Weight When you buy Shredded Wheat you are paying something for the patented pro cess by which the whole wheat is made digestible in the human stomach. We dre not selling raw wheat. It is what you digest not what you eat, that builds muscle, bone and brain. Shredded Wheat is the whole wheat made digestible by steam-cooking, shredding and baking. The filmy, porous shreds are quickly per meated by the digestive juices, enabling the body to take up every particle of nu triment stored in the whole wheat grain. Two Shredded Wheat Biscuits, heated in the oven to restore crispness, served with hot milk or cream, make a com plete, nourishing, satisfying meal at a total cost of five or six cents. Also' delicious with fruits. Made only by The Shredded Wheat Co., Niagara Falls, N.Y. ll I 11 Whafs Worth Doing Is Worth Doing Well That's the idea of everybody who gives Cigars at Christmas. King Oscar 5c Cigars best express this sentiment because they have been Regularly Good For 24 Years Box of 25, $1.15 Box of 50, $2.25 Box of 100, $4.50 The New Labor Law The new Workmen's Compensation Act goes into effect January Ist, next. If you are an employer of labor you should be familiar with every phase of this most im portant piece of legislation. We are prepared to supply this act in pamphlet form with side headings for easy reference. Single copies 25c with very special prices on larger quantities. The Telegraph Printing Co. PRINTING—BINDING—DESIGNING PHOTO-ENGRAVING HARRISBURG, PENNA. Bringing Dp Father (0) (joi) # (H) <$ # By McManus f HURRY -WE MObT <ET 1 f DON'T TALK SO 1 Vt JOiT thought ") NOT AT ALU I T" ZZH WE'VE 40T •. M* AND MRS MUCH: we MUSTN'T WE D DROP >N AND l ' HEAD - V/E WERE. THANK / ) MR-HEAD ON TO<ET N T HEAD Jut>T PHONED LET THEM TH\NK L SMHELLO - HGPfc WISHING !>OME ONE * I MI4HTT THE PHONE DRESbED ( SAID THEN" V/ERE , WE JObT DRE'bSED j WE DIDN'T DISTURB ! WOULD CALL WHEN THE""* ARE NEAR CHOKED ACA»N -HE bAXt> A<tA)N! I CIOIN<i TO CALL ! I X 5 A V ' I THEIR ACCOUNT'. I ) YOU ■ R~N ' PHONED'. CONE -J TO DEATH IN HE FORGOT I J CANE A^^HE 'S MONDAY EVENING, SHOW MANY USES OF ELECTRICITY Local Company Plans Demon strations of Domestic Articles -Some of the many domestic uses to which electricity may be applied will be demonstrated this week by the Har risburg Light and Power Company in' connection with the celebration throughout the country of "electrical prosperity week." The use of electric household devices including iron*. | sewing chafing dishes, ] w ringers, toasters, vacuum cleaners, j coffee percolators—these w ill be a few .of the little thing*, operated electrical-j j l.v that can be seen in action most any | day this week i While tho local company has plan j netl to observe the week more or less! | modestly, in some parts of the country! ; elaborate demonstrations have been | | arranged. Some of the "big men" ofi the age have talked on lhe subject.! Among these is James J. Hill, premier! railroad organiser and financier, who I paid a glowing tribute to electricity in! discussing "electrical prosperity] week." "Electric energy," said Mr. Hill.' "ian be carried anywhere. It has. I therefore, taken the place of millions] of human hands. Nor is there any ascertained limit to which its uses may be put. A great transformation has been wrought in the lifetime of a sin gle generation. "Railroad engines, street cars, eleva tors. all sorts of light power machin ery, are now fitted with electric mot-i j ors. The mysterious force is i 'about our houses, lighting, sweeping.] j washing, cooking, heating and per-] forming deftly and quietly scores of I | lesser tasks. The country calls for it.) Much of the manual labor about the! I farms might be performed by this sub- I tie agent that already knows how to I | milk a cow." Tramp Colony Prepares For Big Xmas Celebration i Gloucester City, N. J.. Nov. 29. Fori [several months a tramp camp has been I I located In the northern section of the I city, between the tracks of the West i .Jersey and Seashore Railroad and the ' Atlantic City Railroad, i Here the turnpike sailors from all I around this section congregate, and it has become so thickly populated that it has been styled "Wedgevillc." One of i their members has been selected as I "Mayor," and all disputes are referred ; to him. They have erected several shacks. A j tire is kept burning constantly. Re jciults are required to gather the wood !'and do the work. They have a general mess, and plans are already under way for their Christmas celebration. A young pig will be the chief part of the feast. I.IVES FOR WKKK ON APPLES i Was l.ooketi In Boxcar: Discovered Wliile Cutting: Way Out I Kansas City. Mo., Nov. 29.—T0 be j locked for nearly a week in total ] darkness in a boxcar loaded with j apples: to survive wholly on the fruit • during that time, and then arrested I while trying to cut his way to free dom. was the experience which James McMahon, a laborer, has just passed through. Jerome Hodson, a special officer was passing a closed car in the C. & A. yards when a queer, scraping sound ! inside attracted him. Telling an in quiry, Hodson received a reply, seem ingly whispered. Hodson unlocked fhe door, and Me- ! Mali on. weakened and emaciated, lay ; in the center of a pile of cores on the inside, a razor in his hands. With 1 the blade he had attempted to cut a hole through the thick door. He | boarded the train at Herington, Kas. ; HOW TO CAIN FLESH ! | ! Remarkable Statement of a Wo man who was Nothing But Skin and Bones Laugh and grow fat is a homely saying, but Mrs. Elizabeth L. Morris |of Hammond. La., tells of a more re liable method. She says:— "I cannot say enough in praise of I Vinol, for it saved my life. I was weak, nervous, run-down, could not sleep, was unfit for work and was | nothing but skin and bones. Three | doctors had all failed to help me. One | day I saw Vinol advertised, took cour tage and bought a bottle, and it soon I made me'feel better. T continued its ! use and such a change! I have re ! gained my strength, flesh and health, j ani perfectly well, and the doctor was 'surprised to see such a change in me in such a short, time." Elizabeth Mor ris. Hammond, I.a. The reason Vinol proved such' a wonderful strength creator in Mrs. i Morris' case was because of the pep-; tonate of iron, beef peptone and the, extractives of fresh cod livers, witli-i out oil, combined in a pure native! tonic wine, which makes Vinol a most 1 wonderful tonic. George A. Gorgas, Druggist, Ken- j nedy's Medicine Store, 321 Market St., j I ('. F. Kramer. Third and Broad Sts.* i ! Kitzmiller's Pharmacy, 1325 Derryi JSt., Harrisburg, Pa. I P. S. In your own town, wherever' i you live, there is a Vinol Drug Store, j j Look for the sign.—Advertisement. HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH hrrf not MIOTIC hrcßunr prlcr* HIT lower, but bcraimr qualltlm nrr To-morrow f 5c I - ( 5c J ANOTHER BIG TJTTN E Y SATT> -J Move quickly—the jitney way—that's the order that is issued to seasonable merchandise in our second big Jitney Sale for to-morrow only. Choose from these ' t items, worth two to five jitneys each, to-morrow, for WOJ A JITNEY—S Cents—A JITNEY 7c Striped Outing Cloth: Jitney Sale, 5c 7c Bleached Shaker Flannel; Jitney Sale, 5C 10c Figured Curtain Drapery; Jitney Sale 5c 7c Dress Ginghams: Jitney Sale .... 5C 25c Fancy Plaid Ratines; Jitney Sale, 5C 25c Dark Colored Figured Voiles; Jitney Sale 5c 25c Striped and Plaid Belgian Cloth; Jitney Sale, half yard 5p 5c Bleached Roller Crash: Jitney Sale, 2 yards for 5C 7c to 10c 36-inch Bleached and Unbleach ed Muslin Remnants: Jitney Sale, 5(• 25c Figured Crepe and Fancy Voiles: Jitney Sale, half yard 5c 3c John J. Clark's Spool Cotton; Jitney Sale, 3 spools for 5 c 3c Mourning Pins; Jitney Sale, 3 boxes for 5c 10c Barretts; Jitney Sale 2 for 5c 3c Shoe Laces; Jitney Sale, 12 pairs for 5c Corset Laces; Jitney Sale, 3 for . . 3c 10c Dress Shields; Jitney Sale 3c 10c Collar Foundations; Jitney Sale, 6 for Lot of 10c Fancy Belts; Jitney Sale, 3c Lot of 25c Men's Neckwear; Jitney Sale, 10c Men's Garters; Jitney Sale 3c 10c Heavy Mixed Hose: Jitney Sale, 3c 10c Striped Ecru and White Curtain Scrims; Jitney Sale 3<* oSoutter's lc to 25c Department Store r WHERE EVERY DAY IS BARGAIN DAY 215 Market Street Opposite Courthouse Nuns in Mexico Are Safe Tumulty Declares Special to The Telegraph Washington, D. C., Nov. 29. The administration's reply to those who criticise the recognition of the Car ranza government in Mexico because of charges of outrajres upon priests anil nuns of the Catholic Church was made public here last night in a letter by Secretary Tumulty to Dr. James J. Mc- Guire, of Trenton. N. J., who recently wrote to the White House asking an explanation of what he characterized as "widespread criticism." Secretary Tumulty advised Dr. Mc- Guire that the files of the State De partment failed to disclose any official record of a single proven case of out rages upon nuns, and he included in his letter a statement by the Catholic Vicar General at Mexico City, which, while disclosing the shooting or priests, and the expulsion and im prisonment of others, declured there had been no violations of nuns in that district. Secretary Tumulty said that in all wars the horrors of the conflict have been kept alive by those on the losing side, but that it should be the duty of all citizens of both the United (States and Mexico to contribute in every man ner to the early rehabilitation of the nation so long torn by civil strife and to avoid keeping open the wounds. "Counsel and sympathy are needed and would be merciful now, because they would be of wonderful efficiency in uniting the people of Mexico In the work of reconstruction." wrote Mr. Tumulty. "Efforts to arouse rancorous feelings among them will have the ef fect of opening anew the wounds which should be healed, and of creating an open sore to torture that poor people as long as their minds are kept inflam ed against their brethren." 10c Children's Drawers; Jitney Sale. 2 pairs for / 5C Lot of Ladies' 25c Neckwear; Jitney Sale 5C 10c Tooth Brushes; Titney Sale 5C 10c Powder Puffs: Titney Sale 5C JOc Nail Brushes: Titney Sale 5C Lot of 25c Colored Ribbons: Jitney Sale, half yard • "C 10c Dress Combs; Titney Sale 5c 10c Hair Brushes: Jitney Sale 5C 10c 24-yard Cotton Tape: Titney Sale. 5c Lot of 10c Music; Jitney Sale. 2 pieces for 5c Lot of 25c Infants' Hair Brushes; Titney Sale 5C 5c Dust Cans; Jitnev Sale. 2 for 5c v ?5c Soiled Wash Skirts; Jitnev Sale, 5c 10c Soiled Bootees: Jitney Sale .... 5c 10c Oinpham Aorons; Titney Sale ... 5C 25c Children's Velvet Caps; Jitney Sale. • 3C 25c Children's Wool Tooues; Jitney Sale. 3C Point de Paris Laces; Jitney Sale, 3c 5c Val. Laces; Jitney Sale, 2 vards for 3c 8c Linen and Cotton Torchon Laces: Jitney Sale 3C lZyjc Oriental Laces; Jitney Sale ... 3c 15c 18-inch Cambric Embroidery; Jitney Sale, half yard 3C 10c Lace Pins, 2 on card; Jitney Sale, 3c 5c Ladies' Hat Pins; Jitney Sale 2 on a card 3^ Mummers to Hold Open Meeting to Boost Parade An open meeting in the interest of j I | the Mummer's parade on New Year's j day, will be held at the Mayor's office j | Wednesday night. To-day Clarence; !O. Backenstoss, corresponding secre- | j tary and chairman of the publicity j I committee sent out the following let | ter. | "The success of the Mummer's pa- | i rade depends largeiy upon the efforts j of the members of the association. a.s I ! well as the citizens in general, and j j it is therefore important that you at | tend the meeting to be held at the ' Mayor's office on Wednesday night, | | Don't Forg'et— i tha 1 ; when constipation, biliousness or { indigestion is neglected, it may cause a serious illness. Act upon the first symptom—keep your digestive organs in good order bv the timely use of i BEECH AMIS ; PILLS : f«ar*e»» Sale of Any Medicine in the WorU, Sold everywhere. In boxw, 10c., 25c. NOVEMBER 20. 1915 | December 1. at 8 o'clock. I This meeting; is open to all inter -1 ester] in the Mummers. Organizations will be required to pay an entrance fee and membership dues and will be j allowed three representatives to at- Coal Car Shortage Wholesale coal shippers are complaining bitterly because they are not getting cars enough. The weather has not yet gotten cold. What will the condition be when real winter begins? Coal operators are worried sick about the short age of labor—and now they cannot get enough cars to mine the coal that i«s prepared. Besides farmers have delayed the movement of grain owing to the wet weather. These shipments have now started further complicating the matter. Well prepared coal can be had at the present time. If your bins are not filled we advise you to delay no longer. United Ice & Coal Co. v VI/ / Fornter A Cawdtn \. \ . / / Third A- Roin 15th A Chestnut Mulberry Hummel /COAL Also Steelton,'Pa. 25c Enamel Bar and Beauty Pins; Titney Sale 5C 5c Beauty Pins. 2 on card: Jitney Sale, 5 cards for ' ,»C Lot of 25c Millinery Fancies: Jitney Sale, 5c Lot of 10c Paint Books; Jitney Sale, 5c 10c Egg Cups; Jitney Sale 5C 10c Salt and Pepper Sets; Jitney Sale, 5C 10c Nut Bowls; Jitney Sale 5c 10c Cream Pitchers; Jitney Sale 5C 10c Sugar Bowls; Jitney 25c Stamped Linen Collars: Jitney Sale, 25c Stamped Bags; Jitney Sale .... 5C 10c and Stamped Towels, Huck and Turkish; Jitney Sale 5£ 25c Stamped Cushion Tops; Jitney Sale. 5 c 12' 2 c and 25c Instruction Books; Jitney Sale Muslin Pin Cushion Forms, all sizes; Jit ney Sale ."><?* 10c Jap Sandwich and Fruit Baskets; Jit ney Sale ,><* 10c and 25c Renaissance and Drawn Work Squares; Jitney Sale «"»<• 25c Stamped Waists; Jitney Sale ... ."if 12J.2C Felt Squares; Jitney Sale .... ."if* 25c Children's Stamped Crepe Kimonos; Jitney Sale Jif 10c Workbag Bottoms: Jitney Sale .. 7tc 10c Cushion Cords; Jitney Sale tend and take part in the meeting The entrance fee and membership dues for individuals is $1.25 and all members who have not paid this amount will be required to do so ats this meeting." 7
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers